Toilet      04/06/2019

When is the right time to plant perennial lavatera when grown from seeds? Lavatera - abundant wild rose bloom

Lavatera is popularly called khatma or wild rose. The birthplace of this beautiful ornamental plant is Central Asia. Gardeners in North America, Australia and Europe actively cultivate lavatera, admiring its unusually beautiful flowering. Growing in Russia wild rose from seeds has also become very popular.

Lavatera annual - planting and care

Wild rose prefers warm climates, however, it feels great in middle lane Russia, where it can grow even on poor rocky soil. The shrub is not afraid of the hot sun, drought, frost and winds; moreover, lavatera is completely undemanding to the composition of the soil.

Suitable for planting wild roses soil with any composition. But it should be borne in mind that a more ornamental plant will grow on fertile soil.

The ideal option for growing lavatera is light, well-drained soil. Tall varieties require the construction of additional trellises and supports.

Regarding the choice of planting site, preference should be given to good illuminated sunny areas. This is explained by the fact that in partial shade and shade the flowers do not fully open and do not bloom beautifully.

Description of lavatera, photo

Lavatera is a representative of the Malvaceae family, according to appearance looks like bushes with small bells. The plant is compact and practically completely covered with flowers. North Africa and Southern Europe are considered the birthplace of the wild rose.

Today it's a shame has become widespread worldwide, including temperate regions. Growing a plant from seeds is not a very complicated process, and given that wild roses reproduce by self-seeding, you don’t have to worry about further planting at all. All that remains is to adjust the borders of the flower bed.

Plant care involves timely watering, fertilizing, crown formation and weeding. Perennial varieties require preparation for winter, annual varieties require cleaning of dried and faded plants. Khatma can be grown on a balcony or windowsill.

Types of lavatera: annual and perennial varieties

An annual wild rose, when planted in a well-lit area, forms spherical bush. The height of the plant is 0.6−1.2 m. A huge number of buds in varying degrees of maturation ensure continuous flowering of the lavatera from the moment the first flowers open until frost.

The nature of the location, shape and color of the inflorescences depends on the variety. Experienced flower growers they grow several types of lavatera on their site at once, thereby creating a voluminous flower garden with bushes different sizes and colors.

Popular varieties of annual wild roses include the following:

  1. Tangara is a small bush (up to 0.5 m). The buds are funnel-shaped, deep red in color.
  2. Mont Blanc. An annual bush up to 60 cm high, the inflorescences are large and white.
  3. Silver cap is an annual with flowers of lilac, silver or hot pink. Plant height - up to 60 cm. Flowering - from July to October.
  4. Beauty - blooming profusely annual variety, bush height - up to 60 cm. Flowers are red, dark pink, pink and white.
  5. Three-month lavatera. Plant height - up to one m. Flowers are white and pink.
  6. Ruby carpet is an original plant with ruby ​​flowers.

Of the perennials, the variety should be noted Lavatera Thuringian. It is a perennial, up to 2 m high, with large inflorescences (more than 5 cm) of purple or pastel shade. Flowering continues until October.

Dwarf perennial varieties:

  • Bayt Sherub. Even when creating ideal growing conditions, the height of the plant does not exceed 35 cm. The flowers are funnel-shaped and white.
  • Pink beauty. The maximum height of the plant is 40 cm. The buds are deep pink with dark veins characteristic of this species.
  • Novella. It is characterized by early flowering and is perfect for growing as a potted crop, since in a limited space the height of the bush is no more than 20 cm.

In addition, there are other varieties of wild roses, differing in inflorescence shape, flowering time, bush size and color shades.

Lavatera propagation methods

Perennial and annual wild rose grown from seeds. Sowing is done in the spring after the end of frost. If you want to please yourself with the early flowering of wild roses, then the seeds must be sown for seedlings in late February or early March.

Optimal timing for planting lavatera in the ground:

  • End of February-March. Seeds are sown in indoor boxes for seedlings.
  • March, April. In regions with warm climates, seeds are sown in open ground.
  • End of April-May. Seedlings are planted and seeds are sown in the ground.

Growing from seeds

Planting material can be purchased at a specialized flower shop or you can use your own seeds collected on the site in the fall.

Quality lavatera seed has a grayish or light brown shade and fan-shaped.

Site selection and soil preparation. Since the wild rose is a light-loving plant, it should be placed in such a way that future bushes are not shaded by taller neighbors growing nearby, as well as by fences and walls of buildings.

Soil preparation:

  • add prepared rotted manure;
  • dig up the area;
  • evenly distribute the mineral fertilizer, which includes nitroammophoska, potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate, all components are taken in 1 tsp;
  • Level the soil with a rake.

Planting lavatera seeds in open ground

IN open seeds sowed as follows:

To ensure good germination, the area with the planted seeds should be cover with transparent film. When the hatma sprouts and reaches a length of 5-6 cm, the shelter can be removed.

After this, the first loosening of the soil should be carried out, followed by light hilling of the seedlings. At the same time you can fertilize mineral fertilizers. Further care Maintenance of plants consists of regular watering, which should be carried out as the soil dries (to a depth of 5 cm).

The stems of tall varieties of wild roses must be tied up. If poor quality of the seed is suspected, more frequent seeding is allowed. If the seeds have sprouted thickly, thinning should be done.

Growing seedlings and care

The seedling method of growing wild roses is mainly used by large agricultural enterprises, but this method is also used quite often on individual farms.

The date of planting seeds in closed greenhouses is determined by the planned date of planting the seedlings in the flower bed. That is, if you want to plant lavatera in open ground in May, the seedlings need to be sown in March.

Seeds are sown in seedling boxes, or better yet, in special garden cassettes. If you place a seed in each cassette, in the future you will not have to plant the seedlings in separate containers, which means that you will be able to avoid damaging the plants during transplantation, the bush will grow stronger and bloom earlier.

If the soil is warmed to +15 °C before planting seeds, seedlings will appear within 10-12 days. Small sprouts cannot be watered; they should only be spray gently.

After sowing the seeds, the planting containers should be covered with film and placed in a well-lit place. If the temperature and light conditions are observed, seedlings will appear within 14 days.

Now the film can be removed. Further care for lavatera sprouts consists of periodic watering and turning the pots around their axis towards the light. As soon as the threat of night frosts has passed, the seedlings can be planted in open ground.

Correct selection of a place for planting wild roses, as well as security optimal conditions for its growth and development and timely care will allow you to create a chic flower garden of powerful and beautiful plants.

Planting and caring for annual lavatera is simple, so you can plant it in clay soil, where you add humus and sand. The seeds are not soaked - they can be sown immediately dry in the ground to a depth of no more than 1 cm. If you want Lavatera to bloom earlier, then it is advisable to plant it through seedlings. To make the plant grow more luxuriantly, the bushes are planted in lighted areas, watering once a week as the soil dries. By regularly feeding the plant, you can significantly improve its flowering and promote faster bud formation.

...or seedlings

To quickly get seedlings, you can plant them in a greenhouse or directly into the ground, but cover them with film. This should be done towards the end of April. The soil is prepared in advance - it is mineralized with fertilizers based on phosphates and potassium, humus or urea. Then the soil is lightly watered with warm water, and the seeds are sown to a depth of about 1 cm. The top of the planting is mulched and covered with peat. After 1.5 weeks, the first shoots appear, and already in May the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. It is noteworthy that the annual lavatera, the planting and care of which is so simple, can transform any garden in a short time.


Lavatera self-sows in the fall, so next spring you will be provided with seeds of this bright, beautiful plant. Lavatera blooms for almost a month, after which the formation of the seed capsule begins. The seeds are formed in a green box at the place where the flower dies. They can be collected after the box is completely dry - this means that the seeds are completely ready for collection. If suddenly the seeds turn out to be wet, they should be dried and stored in a paper bag until the next planting.

For bouquets and more

Many gardeners believe that lavatera is a plant for those who do not want to worry too much about the condition of their suburban area. Firstly, it grows on any soil. Secondly, the flowers do not require close attention - it is enough to water them as the soil dries. Thirdly, they can be planted on the sunny side of the site. This beautiful plant can be used to create a single planting or group compositions, especially when there are tall trees or shrubs nearby. A special effect is achieved when combining lavatera with other colors of the same palette - your flowerbed will simply sparkle with bright colors! Floral compositions based on lavatera look very interesting.

Which variety should I choose?

As we have already said, Lavatera is represented by more than 25 varieties that are equally loved by gardeners. With the right choice, plant care will be simple, they will be distinguished by lush and, most importantly, long-lasting flowering. Three varieties are considered the most popular due to their spectacular appearance: Silver Cap, Mont Blanc, and Beauty. The first plants are distinguished by bright pink flowers, the second ones are pure white, and the third ones immediately attract attention with huge inflorescences. The most beautiful, cold-resistant variety is rightfully the “Krasotka” variety, which pleases with its rapid growth, bright and lush flowering. It is better to grow it as seedlings.

Lavatera "Barnsley" is a mixture of colors and bud shapes, when buds of different sizes and shapes appear on one plant. Many people love the Khatma variety, which allows you to grow an entire bush more than a meter high, with powerful roots and branching. The beautiful leaves look like hearts, and the flowers look like funnels, sometimes up to 10 cm in diameter. Another interesting arsthenia is the Thuringian lavatera, which is also called dog rose. It is a perennial plant that can grow up to 2 m tall. The inflorescence resembles a spike, strewn with flowers 5 cm in diameter, white or dark pink.

The “Tanagra” variety allows you to grow low-growing flowers, which are relevant when decorating borders. They grow up to 0.5 m in height with a bud diameter of 5 cm. Traditionally, the plants turn out to be a rich red color. Whatever variety of lavatera you choose, you have a great opportunity to transform the landscape of your suburban area and give it an original and bright look. Lavatera is a truly resilient plant that can withstand frost and is practically unaffected by pests.

And worries. There are great plants that require minimal care. These species include lavatera (khatma) flowers, which are grown as annuals and perennial crops. There are a lot of different varieties on sale, which may differ in stem height and bud color.

Botanical description

Lavatera is a flowering plant that has been recognized by gardeners for its beautiful appearance, constant lush flowering, variety of varieties, easy care and unpretentiousness.

Abundantly flowering bushes of various colors will decorate any garden or flower bed for a long time.

In height, depending on the species, the plant grows from 30 cm to 3 meters. The root system is strong and has many branches. Shoots are upright, covered with rough bark Green colour. The leaves are usually dark green with veins, ranging in size from 15 to 30 cm, covering the entire branch, increasing closer to the root.

Khatma blooms throughout the summer season until the end of autumn. The flowers have a pleasant aroma with notes of spice. After pollination, the seeds ripen in seed pods.

Types and varieties

Lavatera belongs to the Malvaceae family. The first description of Lavatera was given by doctors with the surname Lavatera - two brothers who were fond of methods traditional medicine and studied the medicinal properties various plants. They discovered the culture in the wild on the European continent, not far from Zurich. However, later biologists found similar flowers in North America and on the coast of Australia.

Lavatera has 25 species, which, in turn, are divided into annual and perennial.

The most popular in gardening are 3 types:

  1. Annual (Lavatera trimestris).
  2. Perennial (Lavatera thuringiaca) or dog rose, Thuringian's robe.
  3. Biennial (Lavatera arborea) or tree-like.

The annual is a lush bush with large single flowers (up to 80 mm in diameter) in the shape of gramophones. In appearance it resembles a hibiscus flower and is white, red, purple or pink in different shades.

The green mass is thick, the lower leaves are in the shape of hearts, the upper ones look like elongated triangles.

Flowering is very active, starting in mid-June and continuing until late autumn.

Popular varieties of annual lavatera:

Mont BlancLarge white inflorescences cover the bush, up to 1 meter high.
Silver CupHeight – up to 70 cm, pink flowers with dark veins.
BarnsleyDistinguished by the presence of flowers on one bush different stages opening - from buds to a full-fledged gramophone.
Twins Hot PinkHeight – up to 40 cm, petal color – rich pink. Used to decorate park borders.
GorgeousThe bush grows up to 60 cm. It blooms in pink shades.
tanagerGrows up to 50 cm in height, with bright red large flowers.
NovellaThe shortest representative of the variety is up to 20 cm, the flowers are large and pink.

One-year-old Lavatera in the photo:

Perennial khatma looks a little simpler and is similar to mallow. A plant of this species can reach a height of up to 2.5 meters. The flowers are collected in small inflorescences and are smaller in size. The density of the bush is significantly inferior to the annual species; the leaves are smaller, light in color, and practically absent at the top of the bush.

Although the dog rose (the second name of the species) is inferior to its annual relative in beauty, it has other advantages: it reproduces by self-sowing, has healing properties. A medicine is prepared from its flowers to relieve stomach pain, and from its leaves - compresses for boils, abscesses, and purulent wounds. Decoctions of Lavatera roots are used to treat coughs, colds, joint diseases, and rheumatism.

Varieties of Lavatera thuringiaca differ in flower color:

  • Ai Ketcher - pink flowers, brighter in the middle, lighter at the edges of the petals;
  • Mystic Merlin is a very bright, popular variety with flowers from lilac-raspberry to purple shades;
  • Lilac Lady – lilac flowers different saturation;
  • Barnsley Baby is light pink with a brighter center.

Perennial lavatera in the photo:

Two-year-old lavatera – rare view, more common in Mediterranean countries. The plant is large, powerful (up to 3 m in height), the leaves are large (15 - 22 cm), the trunk is tree-like. Flowers can be arranged singly or collected in bunches of 3–7 pieces, 4–5 cm in diameter. The petals are colored purple, crimson, and pink.

Varieties of tree lavatera:

  • Rosea - flowers of coral or rich salmon color;
  • Mallow Linnaea - the stems of the plant are strewn with pink or purple single flowers;
  • Candy Floss - flowers with light pink petals;
  • Mauritanian - purple inflorescences.

Tree-like lavatera in the photo:

Each type of lavatera has its own individuality and peculiarity, but they all have a unique quality for plants - ease of care and resistance to diseases.

Growing lavatera from seeds at home

All varieties of khatma are capable of propagation by seeds; in addition, in open ground they are actively sown on their own. It is enough to plant a plant on the site once and you will not have to worry about its reproduction in all subsequent years.

When you can plant lavatera seeds at home is determined depending on the climate. If you plan to plant in a flowerbed in May, the material is sown in March. In colder climates and transplanting to the site in early summer, the seeds are sown in April.

Wooden or special plastic trays are chosen as containers for planting, separately for each variety. Use purchased universal soil or prepare it yourself by mixing soil with compost and nitrogen fertilizers. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the containers - expanded clay or crushed tree bark, prepared soil is poured on top and it is well moistened.

On the surface of the soil, grooves are made 1 cm deep at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Dry seeds are placed at the bottom of the groove, covered with soil and the trays are covered with film or glass, creating a greenhouse effect.

The first shoots appear 8 – 12 days after sowing. The shelter is removed for a short time, providing the sprouts with access to fresh air, then the trays are covered again. When the seedlings are strong enough, the film is removed.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the soil moisture, water it with slightly warm, settled water from a sprayer so as not to damage the delicate sprouts.

If sunlight hits the box with seedlings only from one side, it must be periodically turned over to the light with the other side. In case of insufficient lighting or cloudy weather, additional lighting is installed next to the tray, placing it at a distance of at least 30 cm from the seedlings.

After the formation of 4 true leaves, the lavatera needs to be pruned. Each sprout is transplanted into a separate glass or seedling form. If picking is carried out into a mold, the distance between the sprouts should be 25 cm.

The soil is poured on top of the drainage, then a plant is placed in it, the root of which is pinched by 1/3, and watered.

Many gardeners prefer not to pick, but to thin out the seedlings directly in the box and plant directly from it into flower beds.

Planting lavatera in open ground and care

When transplanting a garden rose (as lavatera is sometimes called) into flower beds, carry out the necessary preparation:

  • dig up the ground to a depth of 25–30 cm;
  • fertilize the soil - for each square meter add ½ bucket of humus or other organic fertilizer;
  • a mineral mixture of urea, potassium sulfate, nitrophoska and superphosphate is scattered on the surface;
  • the soil is well loosened and watered.

Lavatera seedlings are planted at the rate of 4 pieces per 1 square meter. It is recommended to carry out the first fertilizing a week after planting in the ground with the addition of a composition based on potassium and phosphorus. The plant begins to bloom 2.5 - 3 months after the seeds germinate.

Throughout the season, the hutma is fed 2–3 times. Before flowering, during the growth of the crown, nitrogen- and potassium-containing fertilizers are useful; during the period of bud release and flower blooming, it is necessary to add phosphorus mixtures to the soil.

Young roses are regularly weeded, weeds are removed near them, and the soil is loosened to provide oxygen to the roots.

Important for Lavatera proper watering- It is necessary to ensure that the plant is sufficiently moistened. In hot summer weather, it is enough to water the plant once every 4-6 days, directing a stream of water to the root. Moisture deficiency reduces the number of buds on a rose and leads to wilting of the leaves.

Choose a place for the flower garden that is well-lit and windless. Such conditions ensure active and full flowering of lavatera. It is recommended to trim off faded buds; such actions increase the number of new flower buds on the shoots.

The lavatera bush has a neat, beautiful shape, so it does not need pruning or crown shaping.

Ripe seeds are sown in the soil on their own, overwinter in it and germinate in April - May after it has warmed up sufficiently.

To collect seeds for seedlings, they are collected in the fall from faded buds and stored at room temperature in a place protected from light.

At the end of autumn, before the onset of cold weather, perennial lavatera preparing for the winter period. Before covering, dry branches and remnants of flower stalks are removed from it. The shoots are carefully bent to the ground, secured and covered with straw, pine branches, dry leaves or covered with peat. In this form, the plant is protected from frost and wind. In spring, the covering material is removed and damaged branches are pruned.

Annual varieties of rose bushes are cut off before winter and the soil is dug up.

Video from the series “Marina Flowers”:

Diseases and pests

One of the advantages of khatma is its resistance to diseases and garden pests.

If the damage to the rose bush is extensive, it is better to get rid of the plant - dig it up and burn it, and treat the ground with a disinfectant solution of potassium permanganate.

Lavatera is an ornamental plant; it is rarely combined in a flower garden with other types of flowers. Tall varieties look beautiful alone; low rose bushes are planted to decorate park paths, flower beds, gardens or other areas. Lavatera looks especially beautiful in group plantings of garden flowers, selected by color.

Lavatera or wild rose, among the abundance of cultivated flowering plants, manifests itself as a modest and lovely flower. Lavatera belongs to the Malvaceae family. A huge number of Lavatera varieties demonstrate the richness and brightness of colors. The different heights of the stems allow it to be grown on either garden plot, and in room conditions. Brilliant, delicate, marvelous flowers are used to create spectacular garden compositions.

Lavatera is a perennial or annual plant that grows throughout southern Europe and the African continent. Besides basic types cultivate a huge number of wonderful varieties of Lavatera from the very different colors petals. A completely undemanding plant forms dense thickets, densely sprinkled with voluminous flowers reminiscent of gramophones. The popular name of Lavatera is “khatma” or “wild rose”. Lavatera bushes look amazing and natural in the garden plot and in the home greenhouse on the windowsill.

Lavatera is distinguished by a powerful branched rhizome. The shoots are straight, spreading, up to 150 cm high, lined with velvety dark olive bark. Large branches are dotted with lobed leaves. Between the veins, the dark olive leaf blade is quite soft, rough or covered with tiny hairs. The upper leaves are much smaller than the basal leaves and grow opposite each other along the entire length of the stem.

Lavatera is popular due to its long, generous, marvelous flowering, which lasts from June to October. The corolla, shaped like a funnel, up to 10 cm long, is formed by five voluminous petals. The petals are painted either one color or are endowed with smooth transition colors from one shade to another. The petal becomes narrower closer to the center and has a grooved surface. Bisexual flowers, in the axils of the leaves and at the top of the stem, are collected in fleshy inflorescences, shaped like brushes. The inflorescences bloom in several copies and successively replace each other. In the center of the flower there is a short, rather dense column covered with long thread-like stamens and an ovary. Accompanying flowering is a sweet, tart aroma that attracts insects. Lavatera flower is an excellent honey plant.

After pollen is transferred from the stamens of the flower to the stigma of the pistil, fertilization occurs, then flat, cylinder-like seed pods ripen. Inside are elongated gray-resin seeds, which, when shaken, rattle, hitting the walls of the box. Ripe seeds have a gray-brown color; they do not stick to the walls of the box, but are easily shaken out of it. The time for wild rose seeds to ripen is at the beginning of autumn.

In order to collect lavatera seeds, you need to carefully cut off the capsules, scatter the seeds on a surface covered with paper, then dry them in a well-ventilated room. Store lavatera seeds in a canvas bag or paper bag.

Wild rose is used to decorate illuminated and shaded garden areas. Miniature lavatera bushes look very picturesque together with tall plants, for example, gladioli or park roses.

Types and varieties

The genus includes 25 plant species; in culture - two types. The most widespread is the three-month-old lavatera, another frequently used species is the perennial lavatera (Thuringian).

Perennial Lavatera actively develops its root system in the first year of life. It blooms in the second year - in spring or early summer. Pleases with enchanting flowers until late autumn. To preserve decorativeness, faded buds are cut off.

Annual varieties are completely removed in the fall and the soil is dug up. Next year in the spring, self-seeding seedlings will appear in this place, which, after thinning, will form a new flowerbed. Perennial varieties are covered with spruce branches for successful overwintering. The stems are carefully pressed to the soil and pinned.

Lavatera varieties are distinguished by a riot of colors: everyone will find a variety that suits them in everything. Also, many gardeners create a mixture of lavatera species and varieties in their flowerbeds.

Three-month-old Lavatera: varieties

Three-month-old Lavatera is a plant with luxurious bushes up to 120 cm high. Lobed light turquoise leaves are located along the entire length of the shoots, becoming smaller and smaller closer to the top. In July, single flowers up to 10 cm in diameter, shaped like small gramophones, bloom in the leaf axils. Flowering is quite long and generous.

Lavatera "Pretty Woman"

Lavatera "Pretty Woman"

Lavatera beauty red is a variety that is a tall, spreading bush with large bright crimson, snow-white, pearlescent flowers.

Lavatera "Silver Cup"

Lavatera "Silver Cup"

Lavatera Silver Cup is a bush up to 70 cm high, covered with silver-crimson flowers with scarlet stripes. The flowers are large, funnel-shaped, open, approximately 10 cm in diameter. Representatives of this variety are cold-resistant and drought-resistant.

Lavatera Melange

Lavatera Melange

The plant is strong, highly branched, reaches a height of 90 cm. The diameter of the flowers varies from 6 to 9 cm, their shape is funnel-shaped, the color is snow-white, scarlet, and the color of strawberry. The buds appear in mid-summer and fade with the onset of cold weather. Lavatera melange is a cold-resistant variety that tolerates heat well and grows in almost any type of soil.

Lavatera Silver Cap

Lavatera Silver Cap

A plant with lush bushes. Lavatera Silver Cap is distinguished by salmon-colored flowers.

Lavatera "Mont Blanc"

Lavatera "Mont Blanc"

The bush is medium, up to 75 cm, densely leafy. Lavatera Mont Blanc is distinguished by numerous voluminous snow-white flowers without veins. Plant experts use this variety in group plantings to create hedges. Representatives of this variety do not require a garter.

Lavatera ruby ​​queen

Lavatera ruby ​​queen

Lavatera ruby ​​is a variety characterized by scarlet colored flowers.

Lavatera New World

Lavatera New World

Lavatera new light - strong, branched, unpretentious plant, up to 120 cm high. It blooms for a long time, abundantly and brightly, from the end of June until late frosts. The flowers are funnel-shaped, large, up to 10 cm in diameter. The shades of the flowers are snow-white, pale salmon and crimson. The plant is cold-resistant, light-loving and drought-resistant; there are no soil requirements. Grow by direct sowing in the ground or by seedlings. Representatives of the variety are attracted for planting in groups, rose gardens, and flower beds.

Lavatera "Novella"

Lavatera "Novella"

Annual. The first flowers appear on the plant when it grows to only 20 cm. During this period of time, the flower is excellent for pots, patios, and flowerpots. Lavatera novella is distinguished by voluminous flowers with a diameter of up to 10 cm, which retain their freshness for a long time, regardless of weather conditions. The plant has different heights depending on the place of cultivation: 20 cm - in pots, 60 cm - in open ground.

Lavatera Girlfriend

Lavatera girlfriend is a branched plant, 80-100 cm high. A variety with funnel-shaped, expressive, extraordinary flowers up to 10 cm in diameter, snow-white, salmon and pearlescent in color. Used for flower beds and cuttings, they look wonderful in row plantings.

Lavatera Thuringian

Lavatera Thuringian

Lavatera Thuringiana is a shrub up to 2 m high. Lavatera perennial (Thuringiana) is a species with straight, spreading shoots covered with leaves shaped like a round heart. Lavatera is a perennial plant with leaves and stems covered with hard, smoky hairs. Fleshy racemose inflorescences bloom by mid-June. The leaves of this species have healing properties.


  • Mystic Marilyn - a bush up to 180 cm high, covered with scarlet or purple flowers;
  • Bregon springs - pearlescent flowers with strawberry-colored stripes bloom on large shoots 1.3 m high;
  • Barnsley Baby - a bush of medium height, covered with mother-of-pearl buds;
  • Lilac Lady - has purple flowers;
  • Bregon Springs - with salmon-colored buds;
  • Burgundy Vine - blooms with pale pink flowers;
  • Eye Catcher is a variety with crimson-pink flowers.

Exists biennial or tree-like lavatera. It grows up to two meters high and has a graceful stem with scarlet flowers, shaped like hibiscus inflorescences.

Tree lavatera


  • Candy Floss - has flowers of a light ruddy hue;
  • Rosea - distinguished by beautiful pale crimson flowers.

Lavatera care

Sometimes beautiful summer flowers do not please the eye with the beauty that was expected. The error most likely lies in improper care. With insufficient nutrition, the beauty of flowers soon disappears, so care must be taken to provide sufficient fertilizer. Lack of water, pests and diseases can also cause poor flowering. That's why it's so important to pay attention to proper care for plants.

Rules for planting and caring for lavatera quite simple.

  • Periodic watering: the soil should not dry out completely, otherwise the seedlings may die.
  • Providing lighting: due to lack of light, seedlings stretch out and their stems become weak. To obtain a sufficient amount of light, containers with seedlings are periodically turned towards the sun.
  • Hardening: a couple of weeks before the expected date of planting the seedlings on permanent place, the seedlings begin to be taken outside. First, the containers are left in shaded areas so that they do not burn in the sun, and then they are placed in a lighted area, constantly increasing the time the seedlings spend outside.
  • Weed the lavatera if necessary. To avoid this unpleasant procedure, the soil between the lavatera bushes can be covered with a layer of mulching material.
  • Mulching (or covering the soil) protects the soil surface from drying out, cracking, washing away, reduces the impact of wind, sun rays and extreme temperatures.


Water supply to plants in the garden is necessary for the full development of the crop. Proper watering determines whether plants will sufficiently receive and absorb nutrients. However, if there is too much water, nutrients can be washed out of the soil. With superficial and insufficient watering, water will not be able to reach the roots. The consequence of this will be a delay in plant growth, since the water will evaporate already on the surface. With constant insufficient watering, plants will try to raise their roots closer to the surface, as a result of which they may suffer in dry weather or severe drought.

Important factors for determining the intensity of irrigation are the quality of the soil and the degree of its cultivation. Lavatera should be watered regularly, but even on hot days, one watering every seven days is enough. The top layer of soil must be allowed to dry out between waterings. You can water with a simple watering can: it is much more economical than using a hose. From the watering can, water flows specifically to the places where it is needed, and in the right quantity.

Top dressing

Wild roses can grow in poor soils, but it is better to enrich the soil different types fertilizers This will allow the flowers to remain beautiful and the plant to remain strong. Flowers grown in rich soils produce more buds than those grown in poor soil. Typically, lavaters use organic additives to fertilize them, but on poor soils, mineral fertilizers can also be added to the soil. Crops are fed once a month. Use urea and nitroammophoska, dissolving them in water for irrigation. For abundant flowering, preparations with potassium and phosphorus are used.

Wild rose leaves are a dark olive hue, so as soon as they lighten, it becomes clear that the soil needs nitrogen and phosphorus. Fertilization is only necessary for extremely poor soils. As a rule, the nutrients added when planting flowers are enough for the plant to last for the entire period of flowering and growth. In the case when no fertilizer was applied when planting a wild rose, complex fertilizers added when watering.

Diseases and pests

Lavatera Thuringian

Adult representatives of wild roses are extremely rarely affected by fungal or bacterial diseases. Sometimes wild rose plantings can become infected with rust. For healing, the affected leaves are removed, burned, and the bush is treated with fungicides. If the plant is affected by more than 60%, then it is better to remove it from the site and burn it.

Wild roses are also rarely damaged by pests, but aphid attacks are possible. In case of plant diseases or pests, use chemicals or folk remedies. For example, to kill aphids, many flower lovers use a mixture of soapy water and hot pepper.

When to plant lavatera?

Lavatera in the garden is an amazing and charming plant that becomes more beautiful every day and blooms luxuriantly. Lavatera is planted with seeds or seedlings. The time to plant garden roses is at the end of April. Any loose soil structure is suitable for the crop. The premature joy of a compact and lush flower bed fades due to too close planting. Garden roses need a fairly light and warm place and should not be too close to each other when planted.


Planting lavatera does not require much effort. Any site for planting wild roses is suitable, the main thing is that after heavy rains, water does not stagnate in this place. Due to excess moisture, the root system of the lavatera will rot. Sunny places are preferable; at least several hours a day, the place should be in direct sunlight and also be well ventilated.

The soil for rapid and long-lasting flowering of wild roses is best suited to be light and fertilized. Important good ventilation root area of ​​the plant with at the same time sufficient capacity to retain water - this is a condition that almost any well-kept garden soil fulfills.

Before planting flowers, it is advisable to dig up the soil, add humus, sand, ash and a complex of nutrients. Humus must be added at 2–3 liters per square meter, sand and ash are added in equal parts, depending on the type of soil. Mineral fertilizers for flowers, apply according to the instructions. When plants become crowded, thinning is required.

How to grow lavatera?

Lavatera is grown by planting seeds in open ground or seedlings. Flowers grown from seedlings bloom much earlier.

Growing lavatera from seeds: how and when to sow lavatera?

Fresh lavatera seeds have excellent germination, and the growing process is quite simple. Any novice gardener can master growing lavatera from seeds. Wild rose seeds can be sown directly into the ground or grown through seedlings. Sowing seeds in open ground occurs at the end of April, when the soil temperature reaches 18 degrees. Holes are made in the soil up to 4 cm deep, the distance between them is 25 cm. One or two lavatera seeds are sown in each hole, and after germination one of the strongest flowers is left.

After 14 days, the first seedlings, sensitive to low temperatures, appear. At night, to protect from freezing, the sprouts must be covered. When sowing wild rose seeds, you need to remember that they quickly lose their ability to germinate, so seeds that are more than three years old are unlikely to sprout successfully.

In order for the plant to produce buds before mid-summer, plant experts grow seedlings from seeds in mid-March. Prepare containers with drainage holes. Pots and cups are first doused with boiling water or water with the addition of manganese to disinfect them, then they are washed and dried. Pour drainage into the pots, then a mixture of deciduous soil and peat, water. Next, the seeds are planted, immersing them 1 cm into the soil. In general, the depth and frequency of sowing are very important. In too dense plantings, due to lack of air and light, fungal diseases develop especially intensively.

Before emergence, containers are covered with glass or transparent film to maintain a constant microclimate. Periodically, condensate is removed from the surface of the coating material. The first shoots may hatch in 10-12 days. As soon as they rise by 1-2 cm, the covering material is removed.

If some specimens of lavatera seeds take too long to germinate or the sprouts are weak, then such seedlings are thrown away; they will no longer please with abundant flowering. For full development, wild rose seedlings need a lot sunlight. The air temperature should be about 20 degrees.

A month after emergence, if there is no threat of frost, the seedlings can be planted in open ground.


Lavatera tolerates replanting well before flowering.


Wild roses reproduce well by seeds; a few pieces are enough for planting. The seeds germinate quickly in the future, when correct sowing and care, provide good seed material. In subsequent years, you can plant your own seeds on the site. Lavatera can be grown either by direct sowing in open ground or by seedlings.

Some secrets of growing lavatera

Wild rose is not capricious, but, nevertheless, it is advisable to take into account some nuances of care. In the process of planting young specimens of the lavatera flower in open ground, you need to remember the need to leave a distance of about 30 cm between plants. The more magnificent the perennial grows in the future, the more space it will need.

For June flowering of wild roses, seeds should be planted on seedlings in March-April. If you plant the seeds in the ground at the beginning of May, you will be able to admire the buds in 2.5 months. To prolong flowering, lavaters periodically collect ripe, undried seeds. The process of collecting seeds is not a troublesome task: the buds fade and seed boxes appear in their place. It is recommended to remove the boxes from the bush when they acquire a brown tint, and when tapped, the seeds spill out. Store the seeds in a dry place, this will extend their germination up to 5 years.

Lavatera in landscape design

It is very important what flowers grow on the site, because the garden also reflects the personality of the owner, just like his house. Nothing has the power to change the appearance of a home like a green, blooming environment. The variety of lavatera varieties allows connoisseurs of these beautiful flowers select and plant specimens to suit your taste in the flowerbed. Lavatera in landscape design used as a luxurious decoration for borders, flower beds, garden gazebo. Wild rose goes amazingly with irises, sage, verbena, phlox, and dahlias.

Application in medicine

Traditional healers actively use beneficial properties wild rose, which helps against many ailments. The medicinal raw materials are leaves, roots and flowers. The leaves are collected at the budding stage of the plant. Dry on outdoors under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area. The roots are dug up in the fall. Dry in an oven or dryer at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Leaves and flowers are stored for 2 years in a closed container. glass containers, and the roots are in boxes or bags.

Lavatera leaves contain vitamin C and are used to treat skin diseases and rashes. A decoction of lavatera roots helps patients with lung diseases, relieves cold symptoms, and helps solve problems of the digestive system. An ointment prepared using dry lavatera leaves relieves sharp pain for diseases of the joints and muscles or damage to peripheral nerves.

If you want to decorate your garden with original and unpretentious flowers, then information about what lavatera is, planting and caring for it and other growing secrets will be useful and interesting. Gardeners give good advice, which will help spread the plant to almost any area.

Lavatera in landscape design

If you want to decorate your territory and create an original composition, experts advise choosing lavatera, which looks good on its own and goes well with other crops. Many people are interested in how lavatera blooms, so there are many shades and the most common are white, pink, violet and purple. The flowering process is long and begins in summer and ends after the first frost. It is recommended to combine this flower crop with irises, verbena, sage, delphinium and other plants.

Lavatera, planting and caring for which includes several mandatory procedures, looks great near spreading bushes and near large trees. These flowers are also planted on grassy lawns. Tall varieties are suitable for forming hedges and for decorating various buildings. Several varieties of lavatera look great in group plantings. If they have different heights, you can get an amazing composition. It is important to consider the color combination.

Lavatera - varieties

On your site, you can plant three types of lavatera: annual, perennial and biennial, which is represented by a tree-like bush. The first two types will be discussed further, but as for the third type, you need to find out what lavatera looks like, this plant has a straight and slender stem that reaches a height of up to two meters. Its leaves are oval and its flowers are red-purple. Flowering is observed from July to mid-September. The main varieties of tree-like lavatera, planting and caring for which do not differ from other types: “Rosea” and “Candy Floss”.

Lavatera annual

Plants of this group are three-month-old and are characterized by lush bushes, with a height of 50 to 120 cm. The leaves are lobed and their color is light green. They are located along the entire length of the shoots and become smaller towards the top. The description of Lavatera states that in July, single flowers appear in the axils of the leaves, which have a funnel shape. Their diameter is 10 cm. Flowering is abundant and lasts for a long time. The main varieties are “Pretty Woman”, “White Sherub”, “Silver Bowl” and “Tanagra”.

Lavatera perennial

Plants included in this group are called “Thuringian”. The height of the bushes reaches 2 m. The shoots are erect and branched. They are covered with heart-shaped or round-shaped leaves. When figuring out what a lavatera flower looks like, it is worth noting that there is hard hair on the leaves and stems gray. The inflorescences are racemose, and the axillary inflorescences bloom in mid-June. Main varieties: Mystic Marilyn, Bregon Springs and Barnsley Baby.

Lavatera - landing

You can collect the seeds yourself or purchase them at the store. If they are of high quality, they will have a fan-shaped shape and a light brown or grayish color. The instructions on how to plant lavatera emphasize the need to choose good plot and prepare the ground.

  1. The territory should not be in the shade, since the culture is light-loving.
  2. The pre-selected land must be fertilized with rotted manure, and then it is dug up according to the standard scheme.
  3. After this, the mineral fertilizer is evenly distributed, which should include 1 teaspoon each of superphosphate, urea, potassium sulfate and nitroammophosphate.
  4. The final stage of site preparation involves leveling the ground with a rake.

How to plant lavatera in the ground?

To grow this flower crop on your territory, you can use two planting methods:

When to plant lavatera in open ground?

Planting should be carried out at a time when warm weather has already established itself, and there is no need to be afraid of frost. If you want to get early flowering, sow seeds for seedlings in boxes at the end of February/March. Planting lavatera in open ground and planting seedlings should occur at the end of April - beginning of May. For warm regions, it is acceptable to sow seeds outside in March-April.

How to grow lavatera?

There are certain rules regarding the cultivation of the presented flower crop. In order for lavatera to develop and bloom in the garden and other areas, it is not enough just to plant a flower, you need to properly care for it. Of great importance proper feeding and watering, and there are also a number of recommendations regarding the care of this flower crop.

Lavatera in the flowerbed - watering

Correct development and abundant flowering It is impossible to imagine without good irrigation, which is carried out once a week, but keep in mind that the earth must dry well; if it rains, then the procedure should be rescheduled. During dry summers, it is recommended to irrigate twice a week, pouring up to 20 liters of water under the bush. During intense and prolonged heat, lavatera garden flowers experienced gardeners It is advised to spray, but make sure that water does not get into the buds, as they will deteriorate. To preserve moisture, you can use.

Lavatera - care

  1. In order for the lavatera to grow well, planting and care include loosening the soil and the procedure must be carried out once a week until the height of the bush reaches 1 m. After this, loosening should be stopped, since there is a risk of damaging the roots.
  2. While the flower is small, be sure to remove weeds, but this procedure will disappear on its own, since they will not grow with adult plants.
  3. When growing perennial varieties They are not pruned, but simply the already faded inflorescences are picked off. After the rain has passed, it is recommended to remove flowers that have wilted, since they will convert moisture into mucus due to water, and this is dangerous for the leaves, as it will burn them.
  4. Many people are interested in whether Lavatera is afraid of frost or not, so there is no need to completely dig up the flower, but some protective procedures are still mandatory. The bushes should be bent to the ground, secured with staples and sprinkled with leaves or spruce paws.
  5. Plants large varieties need additional support.

Lavatera garden - fertilizing

For proper development, loose, light and nutritious soil is required. The instructions on how to grow lavatera indicate that fertilizing should be carried out twice before the formation of buds and after that.

  1. If fertilizers were not applied before planting, then care involves fertilizing 20 days after planting. For this you need to use a solution, for the preparation of which you take 1 tbsp per bucket of water. spoon and the same amount.
  2. If fertilizers have been applied, then during the formation of buds, lavatory, planting and care will include the use of the following fertilizer: take 1 tbsp per bucket of water. spoon of sodium and potassium sulfate.

How to propagate a lavatera plant?

To increase the number of plantings, there is no need to carry out special procedures, since reproduction occurs by self-sowing. It is worth noting that Lavatera in the garden does not lose the characteristics of its variety and bright color. If, as a result of self-sowing, the flowers have spread to areas not intended for its propagation, then you will have to wait until the seedlings grow up to transplant. You can collect the seeds yourself and do this in the fall. Remove whole bolls without gutting them. In spring, plant them in a new flower garden. Lavatera survival rate is 100%.

Lavatera in a flowerbed - diseases and pests

The plant is resistant to various diseases and pests. In rare cases, some problems may occur:

  1. The lavatera flower, which must be planted and cared for according to the rules, can be affected by aphids. To deal with insects, you need to wash them off soap solution or you can spray with a systemic drug.
  2. Another one possible problem- rust ( fungal disease). It appears as pustules of yellow or orange color, which are located on the leaves on the underside. When they mature, they crack and spores emerge from them, infecting healthy plants. To cope with the problem, remove the affected parts, and then spray, for example, with Topaz or.