In a private house      06/26/2020

Sewer pipe system in a private house. How to develop a sewerage scheme in a private house with your own hands. Do-it-yourself sewerage scheme inside a country house

Modern man spoiled by civilization. Sewerage, which not so long ago seemed to be a component of elite housing, today has become an integral part of almost any apartment. Those who live in multi-storey comfortable houses do not have to think about the design and installation of this system, but the owners of individual buildings have a harder time. Internal sewerage - enough a complex system. The efficiency and reliability of its operation directly depends on the design and installation of the structure. How to avoid errors in the process of arranging the system? Let's figure it out.

Where to start construction work?

Arrangement internal sewerage involves the installation of risers of fan pipes and the installation of piping in the premises. It is best to take care of the drainage system at the design stage of the building and place all the "wet" rooms at a minimum distance from each other. Ideally, make them adjacent, so you can significantly simplify the arrangement of internal sewage. It is also important to correctly determine the location collector pipe to which all pipelines will converge.

Now you can begin to develop a scheme for future sewage:

  • Observing the scale, we draw a plan of the building.
  • We mark on it the location of the risers.
  • We put on the diagram all the plumbing fixtures that are planned to be installed. We note for ourselves the features of their connection.
  • We draw pipelines that will connect risers and plumbing equipment. We mark all the necessary turns, joints, etc. Be sure to indicate connecting elements, which will be required for the installation of tees, bends, etc.
  • We determine the parameters of the riser and the fan pipe.

In accordance with the scheme, the installation of the system will subsequently be carried out, in addition, it will help determine the amount of materials needed.

Internal sewerage includes risers of fan pipes and piping in all indoor areas private house

Now you need to choose a pipe laying method. There can be two of them: hidden and open. In the second case, the trunk is mounted on a wall or floor. The first is more time-consuming and involves the execution of strobes in structures into which pipes are subsequently laid. When choosing this option, experts advise laying internal water and sewer pipes in one gate. Plumbing is on top and sewage is on the bottom. This is very convenient as it reduces the time required for installation work, and their volume. In addition, much less material is required to seal the strobe.

Here is an example of such work:

Important points when designing a system

When designing internal sewerage, the following aspects must be taken into account:

  • For a gravity system, and internal sewage is such, it must be maintained. For pipes with a diameter of 50 to 80 mm, it is 2 cm per meter; for products with a diameter of 80-100 mm, the slope increases to 3 cm per meter.
  • Drain pipes dishwasher And kitchen sink must be equipped with grease traps.
  • The toilet must be connected to the riser only by a pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm.
  • For a house with several floors, the diameter of the riser should be 100-110 mm. It must be equipped with hatches for cleaning.
  • It is best if there is only one in the house sewer riser. All branches of the internal sewer system will approach it.
  • The location of the outlet of the pipeline is determined by the location of the collection well, which must be installed at the lowest point of the site. The outlet is located in the wall closest to the well.

By following these simple rules you will avoid many problems.

Internal sewerage can be laid hidden or open way. The first option involves the implementation of strobes in which pipes are laid, which makes it quite difficult to arrange. The second one is much simpler in execution, but less aesthetically pleasing.

Choosing parts for the pipeline

First of all, we determine the material from which the elements are made.

Option #1 - cast iron pipes

Some time ago, there was simply no alternative to such details. Their advantages include durability, such pipes serve more than half a century, high strength and fire resistance. At the same time, cast iron is not sufficiently resistant to impact point loads, from which it must be protected as far as possible. The disadvantages of the material include a very large weight, high cost and difficult installation. In addition, the inner surface of such pipes is rough, which contributes to the deposition of layers, which, after time, can completely block the path of sewage.

Option #2 - polypropylene products

The advantages of such elements are resistance to all types of corrosion and solutions of salts, alkalis and acids, durability, high heat resistance. The latter quality allows the details to easily endure both low and high temperatures which makes it possible to lay them in almost any conditions.

Another advantage is increased fire resistance. Polypropylene is capable of quite long time withstand exposure to fire and do not emit toxic substances. Attractive and affordable price. Some difficulty is the installation of parts, which requires special equipment.

The most popular are plastic pipes for sewerage. They are lightweight, easy to install and smooth. inner surface, which prevents the appearance of build-up on the inner walls of parts

Option #3 - PVC parts

They can be made from non-plasticized or plasticized PVC. The characteristics of products made from these materials are similar. The advantages of PVC pipes include a low coefficient of thermal expansion, which allows products not to increase or sag when heated, as well as resistance to UV radiation. In addition, a very large assortment of shaped elements is produced, which makes it possible to assemble a pipeline of any configuration.

The disadvantages of products include fragility at low temperatures, low resistance to fire and the release of toxic substances during combustion, as well as sensitivity to certain chemicals.

General installation rules

Internal sewerage in a private house is equipped with a number of rules:

  • Riser elements with a 90° turn are assembled from two plastic elbows rotated by 45°. If a cast-iron pipeline is installed, two 135 ° bends are used.
  • In order to be able to eliminate possible blockages in pipeline sections, an oblique plastic or cast iron tee at 45 ° with a plug and one elbow or a cast-iron bend. The cast-iron style differs from the plastic one in names and gradations. For example, a 45° plastic elbow will fully match a 135° cast iron elbow.
  • Branch pipelines, which are located in the basements, under the ceiling of the premises, are connected to the risers using crosses or oblique tees.
  • The height from the lower section of the horizontal socket of the tee or straight cross to the floor should be no more than 20 mm.
  • The length of the pipeline from the toilet to the riser should not be more than 1 m. For other plumbing fixtures - no more than 3.5 m.
  • 90° crosses or straight tees can be used to make turns on risers or transitions to horizontal runs.
  • To prevent the appearance of odors from the sewer in the room, an exhaust hood must be equipped. The so-called fan pipe is brought out through the roof to a height of about 0.7 m. It is unacceptable to connect it to a chimney or ventilation.
  • If not possible, a special air valve for sewerage is mounted.
  • The diameter of the riser must be equal to the diameter of the exhaust part. With one hood, you can combine two or even more risers on the top floor or in the attic. The horizontal sections of such a pipeline are fixed hanging brackets or just wire to the rafters.
  • On risers that do not have indents in the upper and lower floors, revisions for the sewer are installed. standard height revision arrangement - 1000 mm from the floor level. If the part has to be installed in the corner of the room, it should be turned at an angle of 45 ° relative to the walls.
  • When installing an internal sewage system, all plastic pipes passing through the floors are installed in special metal sleeves. The height of the element depends on the width of the overlap. The top of the part should protrude 20 mm from the floor level, and the bottom should be flush with the ceiling.
  • The riser is installed with a sleeve on. In order for it not to fall from the pipe, it is tied with a thin wire to the superior socket of the cross or tee, or bursting with pieces of foam.
  • If it is assumed that a toilet bowl and other plumbing fixtures will be connected in series on a horizontal section, a sewer adapter must be installed between them. Plastic parts can't turn too high. This threatens with problems with the subsequent connection of equipment, especially with a shower or bath. On average, the turn should be carried out at half the socket of the tee in height with a direction towards the wall.
  • Clamps are used to secure the sewer. plastic pipes fasten on horizontal sections as necessary, so that no fractures occur. On average, one clamp is installed per half meter - a meter of the length of the line.
  • Cast iron pipes are mounted on steel brackets with a bend at the end, which prevent the pipeline from moving. Fasteners are installed under each pipe near the socket.
  • The risers are fixed to the side walls with 1-2 clamps per floor. Fasteners are installed under the sockets.

It is important to note that at the end of the installation work, tests for tightness are mandatory.

The fan pipe can be brought to the roof different ways. The diagram shows three possible options designs

For the arrangement of internal sewage, various connecting elements are used. It should be borne in mind that the same cast iron and plastic elements may differ in names and markings

Sewerage - necessary element any well-maintained home. Its arrangement does not require special special knowledge, but, at the same time, and a simple matter it cannot be named. There are many nuances and features of the arrangement of the system. You should start with the development of a pipeline laying scheme, which will become the basis for subsequent work and help you correctly calculate the amount of materials needed. Already at this stage, you can evaluate your strengths and understand whether you will be able to cope with the work on your own or you will need to look for assistants. Many companies specialize in providing plumbing services. Professionals will quickly and competently carry out the installation of a sewer system of any complexity.

Any a private house without connection to central water supply and drainage, does not allow you to enjoy such benefits of civilization as a bath, shower, sink in the kitchen, washing machine and much more.

Sewerage in a private house can be equipped in different ways. This will be discussed in this article.

Owners of private houses without sewerage are forced to lay it on their own. If the system was originally incorporated into the project, then there will be no problems.

It is much more difficult to include a circuit in a finished house.

The easiest option is if the sink and shower are in the house, and the toilet is in the adjacent area. In this case, you only need to bring the pipes to the drain pit.

When the toilet is located inside, the technology should be observed. Even a slight violation of it can lead to contamination of the site and water. Septic tanks are required in this option.

Make utility rooms nearby (bathroom, toilet, kitchen). It will greatly facilitate the organization of sewerage.

How to choose a sewerage scheme

To create a diagram, you need to answer a few questions.

  1. Permanent or temporary residence?
  2. At what level are ground water?
  3. How many people live in the house?
  4. The amount of water consumed?
  5. Climate?
  6. Land area?
  7. Soil features?
  8. SNiP (building norms and rules)?

Sewers are divided into two types:

  • accumulative;
  • cleansing.

The cesspool is rarely used in construction. It is used for houses with temporary residence, where there is no large flow of water.

Groundwater should lie no higher than a meter from the bottom of the pit. Otherwise, pollution is guaranteed.

The storage system is used in private houses with high level ground water. Due to the tightness of the structure, there is no risk of contamination of the site and water.

disadvantages of this system. Calling vacuum trucks and you will have to allocate a place for the entrance of equipment to the site.

Types of sewerage in a private house. Features of septic tanks

Single chamber septic tanks functionally similar to a cesspool.

This option is well suited where groundwater is not high.

If the house is permanently inhabited and a lot of water is used, it is not recommended to install a single-chamber septic tank.

In order for a two-chamber septic tank to function properly, it is necessary to change the natural filter (crushed stone and sand) every 5 years.

In houses with permanent residence the best system sewers are considered septic tanks with biological filters. They use microorganisms that contribute to the processing of waste products. Usually, these organisms are simply poured into the toilet.

The type of this sewer requires connection to the electrical network.

Biological and soil cleaning is carried out septic tanks with filtration field. Such a sewerage system can only be installed if the groundwater is deeper than three meters.

Installation will require a lot of space. The distance to the nearest water source is at least 30 meters.

Systems with forced air supply (aerotanks) have significant advantages and fully justify the costs.

After installation, it is necessary to connect to the mains and constant supervision of a person.

How to make a sewer with your own hands

Construction must take place according to the approved project. The project must have a scheme of internal and external sewerage wiring.

The internal sewerage system consists of risers, a line and a plumbing connection area (bath, sink, toilet, shower).

This system ends at the level of the foundation in the form of an outlet pipe.

Arrangement outdoor sewerage do-it-yourself, implies a diagram of a site with an external pipeline, storage or cleaning equipment.

After the approval of the project, you should proceed to the acquisition of the necessary equipment and select a sewer.

During construction, rely on SNiP - this will help to avoid mistakes and properly sewer into a private house.

Location selection

An important issue in the construction of sewerage is the choice of a place for a septic tank. Its location depends on:

The soil with a large amount of sand is loose, easily passes moisture, and there is a high probability of contamination of groundwater.

When installing septic tanks, it is necessary to comply with the norms.

  1. Distance from home from 5 meters
  2. Distance from the water source from 30 meters
  3. Distance from green spaces from 3 meters.

It is necessary to leave an entrance for sewage equipment.

Internal sewerage

On the internal sewerage scheme, it is necessary to select all points of the system.

If 90-degree turns are inevitable, build it from two 45-degree corners.

Preparing for installation

Installation of external sewerage

The sump should be cleaned every 2-3 years.

How to lay pipes correctly

From the sewer pipe that comes out of the foundation to the septic tank, a highway is laid. The installation of the pipeline is done under a mandatory slope, which will ensure the gravity flow of the liquid. The standard angle is 2 degrees.

The wider the pipe in diameter, the smaller the angle of inclination.

The depth of sewerage installation in a private house is determined by the soil freezing index. The average is 1 meter. In colder regions, the depth should be increased to 1.5m. The bottom of the trench before installation is filled with sand and it is well tamped. This will help protect the line from destruction when the soil shifts.

The ideal option is a direct pipeline from the house to the collector. For external sewage, pipes made of cast iron or plastic with a diameter of 110 mm are suitable.

Joints must be sealed. The trench with the pipeline is covered with sand, and then with soil.

Sewerage without pumping

Usually this system consists of three sections. Two of which are completely sealed (the first and second sections). In the first section, heavy waste is deposited. In the second, light particles settle. In the third, the water is completely purified and enters the drainage well.

Such a system needs to be pumped out, but much less frequently than a conventional septic tank. Cleaning is carried out with a special pump for sewage.

When the sludge reaches the overflow point, cleaning is required.

In order to optimally choose the volume of a septic tank without pumping out, the formula is applied:

Multiply 200l by the number of people, add 20% to the result.

It is difficult for you to imagine your private house or cottage without autonomous water supply and sewers? Agree that a well-maintained household is many times more comfortable for living than a building devoid of all amenities. But you do not know where to start and how to implement your plan?

We will help you deal with this issue - the article highlights popular schemes and options for arranging a sewer system. The stage of planning, selection of a treatment plant and the procedure for performing work are considered in detail.

Contrary to popular belief, sewer country house with their own hands can also be perfectly equipped. If you correctly design and build a system, then it will serve no worse than a professional one. For a better understanding of the material, we have selected diagrams, thematic photos and videos with expert advice.

"Comfort in the yard" can satisfy only if it is about suburban area without running water, where the owners appear occasionally and briefly.

Work on the improvement of a residential building primarily involves the installation of water supply and sewerage. They are designed at the same time. If the water is already connected, then the sewage system is “customized” to the existing network.

When choosing a sewerage scheme for a residential building, there should be no mistakes. An incorrectly assembled network will not work or problems will arise during its operation (+)

Experts remind you that the work on laying external sewer pipes starts from the tie-in point into the centralized sewer or from the septic tank and moves towards the house.

Installation includes several stages:

  1. A trench of a pre-calculated depth is dug. It is advisable to immediately maintain the desired slope. Pouring a finished trench is impractical. This is quite laborious, given the need for additional tamping of the bottom.
  2. A pillow of sand is poured. The height of the structure is 0.1-0.15 m. The sand is well shed with water, after which it is carefully rammed.
  3. Pipes are laid on the prepared base. The presence of a given slope is checked.
  4. A layer of sand with a height of about 0.1 m is filled up. The backfill is again spilled and compacted.
  5. The soil is backfilled.

During the laying of external sewage, it is necessary to remember the need to equip manholes. They are placed at all turns and in areas where there are differences in depth. In addition, such structures are also installed on straight sections every 25 m.

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Have own house is the dream of many people. There is nothing better than your own corner, provided with all amenities. However, everyone wants to surround themselves with comfort, and outdoor toilet, along with the need to carry water from the well, are a thing of the past. In this regard, the question became relevant: “How is a sewerage scheme created in a private house with your own hands?”.

Creating a sewer for a private house is not as difficult as it seems

Before starting construction, it is necessary to determine the type of sewerage scheme in a private house. With your own hands, you can create several varieties that will have their pros and cons.

The most popular are the following varieties:

  • Drain well. Simply put, an ordinary pit that accumulates all waste and sewage. Such a structure is inexpensive, does not take much time during construction. The sequence of actions is simple - dig a hole at a distance of twenty meters from the house. The calculation of its volume is based on indicators of 0.7 cubic meters per person. To strengthen the walls, it is recommended to use brickwork or concrete rings. After that, for additional sealing, the seams are coated with bitumen. The bottom of the pit can be filled with concrete so that the wastewater does not poison the soil. Upon completion of construction, install a hatch for the subsequent removal of liquid. This the simplest circuit sewers in private houses, created by the owner with his own hands. However, such an arrangement is relevant, rather, for country houses than for a full-fledged living space;
  • An equally well-known method is the instillation of a closed container. This structure operates on the same principle as drain hole. A special tank is buried in the ground, the volume of which is calculated according to the number of people living. The main waste lines are brought to the hatch of the tank. Drain water accumulates in the tank without polluting the surrounding area. A significant disadvantage of this method can be considered the need for constant cleaning.

  • A septic tank is difficult to build, but at the same time the most reliable sewage system in a private house, the scheme, laying depth and components of which can guarantee efficient work for many years. During construction, you must choose appropriate place future well. Distance from the house should not be less than twenty meters. Further, the walls of the pit are securely reinforced with bricks, the recommended thickness of the masonry is twenty-five centimeters. We carefully concrete the bottom, after which we proceed to laying the drain. Position it above the water. Do not forget to provide a hole through which the liquid will be removed.

Helpful information! Deciding which option to choose should be based on the funds that you expect to spend during construction. The above examples differ both in the high cost of the elements and in the time costs.

In addition, do-it-yourself sewerage in a private house depends on the layout of the dwelling and the number of people who regularly live in it. Experts recommend placing rooms such as a kitchen, bathroom and toilet nearby. This configuration allows you to assign a single collector for their service, through which the waste liquid will flow into a septic tank or sewage pit.

If the house turns out to be too large, and its layout provides for a significant removal of the kitchen from other rooms with drainage, it will be required. It is necessary to take care of separate drainage, as well as provide for the possibility for pumping out drain water. Owners should take care to install risers to provide water to the upper rooms.

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In the article, we will consider options for a drainage device, how to make a reliable system with your own hands, the average cost of the work of specialists.

The components that make up the sewer for private houses with their own hands

The drainage system consists of basic elements, each of which performs its own functions. The first place in the list is occupied by the communications of the premises. Pipes and hoses located in rooms and performing the function of drainage. Laid in rooms with plumbing, at the exit they are combined by a collector, through which the waste liquid leaves.

Further, the main functions are taken over by external communications. The pipeline installed on the street is most often dug into the ground or protected by a casing. Separate drains from utility rooms can be connected to it, for example,. The main task of this node is the delivery of wastewater to the receiving device.

The final stage in the chain is the storage tank, the main function of which is to store water and other waste. Depending on the complexity of the system, the receiving device can either simply be filled with water or filter sewage.

Do-it-yourself sewerage laying in private houses: video tips and more

At the first stage, the soil layer should be carefully examined for special characteristics. When looking for a site for a drain well, you need to pay attention to:

  • Slopes, potholes and other natural depressions on your site;
  • Free access to vehicles for cleaning the storage tank;
  • Remoteness from economic constructions and fences.

In most cases country houses used seasonally and do not live there regularly. Therefore, do-it-yourself sewerage in private houses can do with a small receiving capacity.

Helpful information! If you adhere to sanitary and building codes, the sewage pit must be located at a distance of at least five meters from other buildings. Experienced Builders It is recommended to increase this distance as much as possible to isolate the house from unpleasant odors.

It is best to dig the hole in a low-lying area to provide a natural slope for runoff. Try to avoid such an arrangement in order to prevent accidents.

This video will help you understand how to draw up a diagram and plan for a drainage system:

Selection of parts and fittings for sewerage

The next step in construction is the selection of components. The quality of the fittings and other parts you choose will determine the durability and quality of the entire system.

Going to a specialized store, you need to know that the pipeline is divided into external and internal. The first combines high conductivity, resistance to high and low temperatures, as well as chemical and biological substances. These communications must freely pass water and be hermetically connected to the outlet manifold.

The external pipeline has the same qualities, with the addition of specific features. Its surface can withstand the load of the earth, because such communications are buried to a depth of two meters. In addition, these pipes are absolutely hermetic and pass according to international technical parameters.

When choosing communications, pay attention to the material from which they are made. There are the following types:

  • cast iron;

  • steel;

  • Copper;

  • Reinforced concrete;

  • Asbestos-cement;

  • Ceramic;

  • Plastic.

Each material has specific features suitable for certain conditions.

In addition to the main "arteries", fittings are important. These parts are used to connect the laid pipes to the drainage system.

To perform various functions, such varieties are provided as:

  • Couplings - used to connect pipe segments;

  • Reductions - for connecting ends of various diameters;

  • Revisions - to remove blockages and dirt;

  • Tees - to create branches;

In order to stay in country house was as comfortable as possible, the main communications in the form of sewerage and water supply must be carried out.

Of course, sewerage in a private house with your own hands is possible without any problems.

If you do not live in a house outside the city on a permanent basis, then there is no need to purchase expensive equipment. It is quite easy to get by with a septic tank.

The Importance of Sewerage

Very often, in practice, the function of collecting wastewater is assigned to cesspool. In the event that the house does not have a plumbing system, the use this option quite logical, however, in the case of a large volume of drained water and the installation of various plumbing fixtures, of course, this will not be enough.

In principle, absolutely anyone can sewer into a house, and it is only important to follow the project at all stages, which was developed in advance, and included various schemes for internal and external piping.

Do-it-yourself sewerage scheme inside a country house

First of all, these are all places where plumbing fixtures are connected, such as a sink, toilet, as well as a bath or shower.

The external network is all the pipes that divert drains from the house and storage or treatment plant. Certainly the device proper sewerage- this is the correct implementation of a huge number of various nuances.

After the project is prepared, you can proceed to the calculation of the size of the pipes, the number required material, which may be needed for work, as well as the choice of a sewer.

As soon as you have a diagram on hand, how each point from the system will be located, it is allowed to purchase material that will be needed in the future and proceed to the installation.

First of all, if you do not know how to make a sewer, then the main riser must be installed. For the obligatory removal of all gases, a small part from above is slightly noticeable above the existing level at the roof, or the second option is brought up at the end of the work.

Types of pipes

Made of PVC material. The main advantage of this type of pipe is that the material is absolutely not subject to, in principle, either overgrowth or unwanted corrosion.

Their inner surface is quite smooth, which allows the unhindered passage of drains. Installation is carried out most often by a bell-shaped method. The price of such pipes allows everyone to purchase them.

Cast iron pipes are a durable and always reliable option, however, due to their rather large weight, their installation is quite difficult. Also, the price of such pipes is much higher than for ordinary plastic ones, to which, in fact, everyone is almost used to.

You can look at the photo of the sewer in the country, and you will see that, in principle outward difference there is practically nothing between these two options. Then why overpay?

Ceramic pipes stand out from the rest with their amazing characteristics, but not everyone can afford their cost, so they are chosen less and less every year.

After the installation of the main riser is completed, the next step is the laying of horizontal pipelines. During installation, it is very important to avoid various 90-degree turns, as this only interferes with the movement of drains.

If you are interested in sewerage from concrete rings, then keep in mind that this is not only a fairly expensive option, but also extremely difficult to install directly.

It will be enough that all plumbing fixtures in their kit have siphons with an additional water seal. This will act as an obstacle to the penetration of various unwanted odors into the room.


An important condition when connecting a pipe from the toilet is that the pipe in diameter should not be less than 10 cm.

A septic tank made of concrete goods has a lot of rings various virtues. For example, this option is one of the most affordable, but it is completely unpretentious during use.

However, speaking of the minuses, it should be noted that the mandatory cleaning of the chamber from solid waste using sewage equipment.

DIY sewer photo
