Well      06/23/2020

The maximum temperature in the apartment is normal. What temperature should be in the apartment in winter? When the heating is turned on

Reading time: 5 minutes

The cost of heating is constantly growing, but the desired heat in the apartment is often not. Especially it begins to disturb the tenants with the onset of cold weather. Although they receive huge receipts, apartment thermometers show disappointing numbers. To protect their interests, each consumer of the central heating service must know the temperature norms in the apartment in heating season.

Official heating season

With the onset of autumn and the temperature drop in the apartments, it is getting colder, so the residents are looking forward to the start of the heating season. However, not everyone knows the official dates in which the supply of heat to the apartment must begin and end according to the law.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated May 6, 2011 clearly regulates the factors that affect the start and stop of the supply of heat to residential buildings. The document specifies the temperature indicators of the air on the street, at which the supply begins hot water in batteries autumn period and ends in the spring.

It is worth knowing at what temperature they turn on heating in apartments legally. The main condition for the beginning of the heating season is the decrease in the average daily air temperature to +8 °C and the preservation of this indicator for five consecutive days.

Turn off the heat supply to the heating systems as soon as the outdoor air temperature rises to +8 ° C and remains at this level for a similar period of time.

These deadlines are for centralized system heating. When they should give heat to apartments with an autonomous circuit, the residents themselves determine.

As practice shows, the heating season usually begins in mid-October and lasts until early April.

What determines the temperature in the apartment

There can be many reasons why the temperature in the apartment does not reach comfortable values. Sometimes heating networks are to blame for this, which lower the temperature of the water supplied to the apartments.

Residents can make claims to them if the parameters of the input heat carrier (pressure and water temperature) in the building where central heating is provided apartment building do not meet the established minimum.

There are other reasons for the cold in residential premises:

  • poor permeability of the coolant, which occurs due to the formation of an air lock or clogging of the pipe with rust;
  • differences in SNiPs. Since the housing stock of Russia mainly appeared in the last century, different rules and regulations were in force at different periods of construction.

Thus, even if two houses are nearby and have serviceable batteries and pipes, the SanPiN requirements for heating residential premises can be observed in one, and the temperature below the established standards is invariably recorded in the other.

Heating utilities: consumption rates

In the Rules for establishing and determining consumption standards utilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 306 “On Approval of the Rules for Establishing and Determining the Standards for the Consumption of Utilities” (with additions and changes), the standard for the consumption of utility services for heating in 2020 is mentioned.

Guided by the provisions of this document, self-government bodies in the regions determine such standards for a particular locality and post them on their official website.

The calculations take into account:

  • number of storeys of MKD;
  • year of construction of the building (before 1999 or after);
  • the presence or absence in the composition of the common property of premises for domestic and sanitary purposes.

Norms of heat supply in apartment building are indicated in Gcal per 1 m2 of the total area of ​​all premises.

Separately, standards are set, taking into account the multiplying factor for residential buildings, in which there is a technical possibility of installing common house metering devices.

Temperature norms in the apartment during the heating season

The defining and regulating document for temperature standards in residential premises is GOST 30494-2011 "Indoor microclimate parameters". Sanitary norm temperature in an apartment in winter in Russia is also set in accordance with the provisions of this document.

The basic principle of determining the norms is the comfort of those living in the apartment. According to experts, for most people the acceptable temperature range is between 18-24 degrees Celsius. Therefore, the permissible temperature minimum established for residential premises in MKD apartments starts from +18 degrees.

Such temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season suggest that residents can long time stay in a home without outerwear without fear of getting sick.

Temperature regimes in various rooms and their norms

Although the standards for apartments in MKD are determined by regulatory documents, they differ somewhat depending on the location of the dwelling in the construction of the house. Thus, the norm of heat in a corner apartment in winter, which is exposed to frost and wind more than other rooms, is from +20 °C.

Inside the apartment different rooms also operate various temperature standards depending on their purpose. So, GOST establishes the following acceptable and optimal values ​​for:

  • living rooms- 18°C ​​(20-22);
  • kitchens - 20°C (22-23);
  • combined bathrooms and bathrooms - 18 ° C (24-26);
  • toilets - 18 ° C (19-21);
  • rooms for training and recreation - 18 ° C (20-22);
  • pantries - 14 ° C (16-18);
  • inter-apartment corridors - 16 ° C (18-20);
  • stairwells, lobbies -12°C (16-18).

According to the same GOST, from 24:00 to 05:00 in residential premises the temperature can be reduced by 3°C.

How is room temperature measured?

If residents are aware of the standards that are set for the heating season for residential premises, and their apartment thermometers show temperatures below acceptable limits, they should write an application for measuring the temperature in the apartment or send it by e-mail.

On the basis of the received application, the Criminal Code creates a commission and, with the participation of the applicant, measures the temperature with a measuring device, which:

  • has an appropriate certificate;
  • passed registration and state verification;
  • has a measurement range from 5 to 40 °C and an allowable error of not more than 0.1 °C in the manner and to the extent that are established by GOST 30494-96 (clause 4 "Control methods").

To establish the causes of poor-quality heating at home, the management company conducts instrumental control of the technical condition of the heating system in accordance with VSN 57-88 (r) "Regulations on the technical inspection of residential buildings."

How to determine the temperature of the coolant in batteries

When it gets cold in the apartment in winter, and the radiators still do not heat up, the question arises of how to measure the temperature of the batteries and whether there are any standards for this equipment.

The easiest way to check is to open the valve, drain the hot water and measure the temperature.

If this is not possible, you need to attach a regular thermometer to the radiator and add a couple of degrees of error to the result. An infrared pyrometer can also be used for this purpose.

The indicators should not be less than 35-40 ° C or exceed 95 degrees of heating of the coolant.

If utilities violate the rules

If the measurement of temperature indicators revealed a discrepancy with the mentioned standards, the tenant has the right to demand a reduction in the payment for heat by 0.15% for each hour of non-compliance by the utilities of the Criminal Code with the established temperature standards.

Financial losses for the UK will be very tangible. In just 4 weeks of poor-quality heating supply to the apartment, the amount of payment will decrease by more than 90%.

Most often, such issues are resolved, and arbitrage practice indicates that it is quite realistic to defend your rights and receive impressive compensation. This is clearly demonstrated by the example of 2014, when a resident of the Perm Territory collected judgment 136 thousand rubles from utilities for non-compliance with their obligations to supply heat to her house.


After reviewing the terms of the heating season established by law and finding out how many degrees of heat should be in the apartment during this period, residents can control the quality of the services provided by utilities. In case of violation of the standards and failure to take measures to eliminate emergencies in heating networks, consumers have the right to sue the service provider and demand recalculation for non-fulfillment of contractual obligations.

Lawyer. Member of the Chamber of Advocates of St. Petersburg. Experience more than 10 years. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in civil, family, housing, land law.

According to GOST 30494-96, which determines the parameters of the microclimate in residential and public premises, in the cold season, the optimal values ​​​​of air temperature in the kitchen and toilet are 19-21 ° C, in the bathroom and combined bathroom - 24-26 ° C, in the bedroom and other living rooms intended for recreation and training - 20-22°C, in the lobby and storerooms - 16-18°C. At the same time, in areas with low temperatures reaching -31°C and below, heating of rooms up to 21-23°C is provided. Permissible standards for a comfortable stay in living rooms, values ​​\u200b\u200bare considered within 18-24 ° C, for the kitchen, toilet and bathroom this indicator varies in the range equal to 18-26 ° C, for the pantry - 12-22 ° C. And in areas with low temperatures, heating of residential premises up to 20-24 ° C is allowed.

In the warm season, the optimal air temperature for living rooms and rest rooms is considered to be a range of values ​​​​equal to 22-25 ° C, but fluctuations within 20-28 ° C are also acceptable. At night, the temperature difference can be no more than 3 degrees.

The optimum temperature for a child's room is 23°C. It is advisable to keep the air temperature at the same level all the time with the help of heaters, so that during dressing and sleeping the baby does not get cold. It is recommended to maintain a high humid air with the help of special humidifiers.

What to do if the apartment is too cold

The beginning of the heating season in apartment buildings occurs when the outside air temperature drops below +8°C. Utilities compare daily average temperatures over five days. Apartments must be heated. The law allows minor interruptions in heating for 24 hours, while a one-time shutdown of heating cannot exceed 16 hours if the air temperature in residential premises is between 12 and 22 degrees.

If the apartment is too cold or too hot, tenants have the right to file a written complaint and send it to the emergency dispatch service. The document is assigned registration number. Further, utilities are required to inspect the premises and draw up an act on the basis of which it is possible to recalculate utility bills. If gross violations are detected by technical supervisors, utilities are obliged to correct the situation within 2-7 days, otherwise, utility bills are recalculated per apartment according to the footage of apartments.

Standards for heat supply in apartment buildings are set by the state. The documentation indicates the climatic conditions that should be in the cold season.

Based on this, the cost of utilities is determined. It is important for citizens to know the norms, because no one will deceive them.

The level of heating in apartments is regulated by the following documentation:

  • GOST 30494-96. It records microclimate levels in residential buildings. It determines the optimal and acceptable levels;
  • SP 23-101-2004. The document specifies the rules that builders must take into account when building a house. This allows you to create an optimal microclimate in housing;
  • SNiP 23-01-99. Defines hygiene rules;
  • SNiP 31-01-2003. Sets the internal temperature level.

Based on this documentation, different types premises.

Residential buildings belong to the first category. Temperature and humidity are optimal only if they create the conditions for normal human life.

There are parameters that cause discomfort, but they are considered acceptable. The air temperature should be equal to +20 degrees and above, and the humidity should not exceed 80%.

Cold in the apartment

Although the heating norms are clearly stated in the law, nevertheless, in the cold season, many residents complain about the cold. What is the reason?

This may be due to wear and tear. engineering communications. The equipment is out of order and no longer performs its former functions. In many rooms it is not changed, but simply repaired.

In this case, doing overhaul central heating systems. But residents do not address these issues.

There is another way to fix the problem - the inclusion of additional sources in an apartment building. The latest development is heating gas boilers and underfloor heating system.

What is in the regulations

In relation to heating, the following data is indicated in the legislation:

  • The heating season begins with a decrease in the average daily street temperature to +8 degrees. If this is observed for about 5 days, then space heating is necessary. The heating season ends with an increase in temperature to +8;
  • The minimum temperature is set according to the type of room. Its definition must be carried out in every room. The thermometer is located 1 meter from the walls and 1.5 meters from the floor;
  • Hot water should be supplied to the house during the year, and its temperature should be from +50 to +70. Deviations are only possible by 4 degrees. If these rules are violated, then tenants are entitled to a reduction in utility bills by 0.15%.

Citizens need to write a statement about lowering the temperature of water or heating. It is submitted to the controlling organization. Upon verification, an act is drawn up. Violations must be corrected within 7 days.

The legislation prescribes the obligation of companies to supply heat during the heating season. The accident cannot last more than 16 hours. At this time, the temperature should be normal.

Standards principles

Laws establish norms that must be observed by public utilities. Regional leaders can make changes based on the climate. This is established by the local authorities with the help of relevant documents.

What to do if the standards are not met in an apartment building? Residents have the right to contact regulatory authorities.

A draft law is currently in force, according to which the maximum tariff indices are determined. This is determined by various factors, including local conditions.


There are standards not only for heating in the house but also for humidity. This indicator can change in the apartment due to various factors, for example, due to a malfunction of the ventilation. The problem should be solved by communal institutions.

IN winter time humidity should be in the range of 30-45%, but 60% is acceptable. And the temperature norms are +18+24 degrees. There are no standards for humidity in the kitchen and bathroom, since these rooms have operational features.

Heat calculation

Knowing the principles of calculation, you can determine the cost of heating in the house. The rules are established by the administration of the settlement on the basis of standards. They are used to determine the amount of payment.

Regulations are usually in effect for about 3 years. If there is an increase, then it will definitely justify. The municipal service appeals to the administration about the increase in the cost of heating. If the offer corresponds to reality, then the tariffs increase.

Heat supply rules are set in gigacalories. The calculation takes into account:

  • Climate;
  • Average temperature parameters;
  • Type of premises;
  • materials;
  • The quality of engineering structures.

If earlier the payment from tenants was taken only for the resources spent, now there are general house needs. T Now you have to pay for heating entrances, basements. Payments are mandatory for everyone.

Every tenant has the right to reduce costs. To do this, you need to insulate the apartment and install your own meter. In this case, the payment will be charged only for the resources personally spent.

Equipment can be installed by those organizations that have a license for this type of work. The device is sealed by controlling companies.

Heat carrier temperature measurement

The heating system is powered by hot water. It is she who is considered a coolant. To independently measure the temperature in a glass, you need to collect hot water and place a thermometer in it. The temperature should be in the range of 50-70 degrees.

There are other methods for measuring heat. Temperature detection is carried out near pipes or radiators.

For this, an infrared thermometer-pyrometer is used. An alcohol thermometer is suitable, which must be put on the pipe and covered with insulation.

There is more sophisticated equipment - an electric thermometer. It is applied to the pipe, fixed and measured. Each device has a scale of deviations.

Types of radiators

Often, radiators need to be replaced to improve the heating system. When buying, you must consider the following nuances:

Heating systems are replaced by competent organizations. Before choosing equipment, you need to consult about what is suitable for your home.

After that, a system health check is performed. During a major overhaul, meters can be installed immediately. This will help control utility bills.

In our apartments, the microclimate is formed by several factors and room temperature is the most important part of it. The temperature comfort of households is individual, depending on their gender and age. However, the difference in heat needs among members of the same family is small and amounts to 2-3 ° C, allowed by SanPiN standards.

We will tell you how to determine the optimal temperature, how excessive cooling or overheating affects people's well-being. In addition, we denote the parameters of a comfortable microclimate, and also give effective ways maintaining normal temperature regime in room.

The temperature regimes that ensure the comfort of households depend on the climatic location of the housing. In the southern regions and in the northern areas, as well as in the western and eastern latitudes, the norm of house temperature will be different.

As for the countries, their climate is also not the same. And since the climate components, in addition to temperature, are atmospheric pressure together with air humidity, the acceptable thermal range is set by them together.

It is not difficult to control the temperature regimes of the "warm floor" heating complex. Liquid systems are equipped with a thermostatic valve or an automatic pumping and mixing group, equally capable of controlling the temperature of the coolant circulating through the circuit built into the floor.

In infrared and temperature control is carried out by digital, programmable or electromechanical thermostats. By constantly checking temperature changes against preset thresholds, they turn the system off or on.

Classical apartment heating systems, based on the circulation of hot water through pipes to radiators, also allow temperature control.

It will be necessary to equip the pipe at the coolant inlet to the radiator with an automatic (thermostat) that controls the intensity of hot water supply according to a given parameter.

Note that it is easier to complete the circulation-radiator heating system battery thermostats with its two-pipe design

The need to establish and maintain optimal temperature regimes in living rooms is important, since the microclimate of an apartment significantly affects the health of households.

The temperature imbalance exacerbates chronic diseases and contributes to the acquisition of new ones, and the normalization of the atmosphere in terms of temperature, on the contrary, will strengthen the body.

Share with readers your personal observations regarding the parameters of a comfortable temperature at home. Tell us about ways to normalize the temperature regime. Please leave comments on the article, ask questions and participate in discussions. The contact form is located below.

In a previous article, we talked about , which is used for one purpose only: to reduce heat loss. Today we will answer the question of how many degrees should be in the apartment according to regulations. This value is regulated by two legal documents: GOST and SNIP. Values ​​are set separately for each room of the apartment. These requirements must be met taking into account the error up or down. Unfortunately, both the lower and upper possible limits are outside the comfortable room temperature range.

What air temperature should be in the apartment - norms

In winter, the thermometer should show at least 18 degrees (+/- error).

In the question of how many degrees should be in the apartment, everything is somewhat more complicated than it seems at first glance. Everyone has heard the average value of at least 18 degrees for the entire living area. In fact, the air temperature value is set separately for each room, depending on its purpose.

The state documents clearly state what the temperature in the apartment should be in winter. The norm is determined by two regulations:

  • GOST R-51617-2000;
  • SanPiN

These documents have two classifications: what should be the temperature in the apartment in winter according to the norm, and what should be in summer. In addition, the documents give the value of the optimal and permissible temperature. Naturally, service companies take as a basis the allowable limits, acting within the framework of the law. If even these minimum indicators are not met, it is necessary to contact the relevant authorities so that they take action.

Often comfortable temperature in an apartment for any individual does not coincide with the requirements of legal acts. If you are cold, please buy . If it is too hot, then you can adjust the temperature of the radiators using a thermal head, but you will still pay in full. To pay only for the heat that you used, you need to install .

Let's figure out what a comfortable temperature in the apartment, according to the state regulatory documentation, should be in different rooms:

  • room - allowable 18-24 degrees, optimal 20-22 degrees. At -30 degrees overboard for five days minimum temperature should be 20 degrees;
  • kitchen and toilet - optimal 19-21 degrees, permissible 18-26 degrees;
  • bathroom or combined bathroom - optimal 24-26 degrees, permissible 18-26 degrees.

The air temperature in the apartment during the heating season, established by norms and standards, may vary by an allowable error. At night, a decrease of no more than 3 degrees is allowed, as well as an increase of a maximum of 4 degrees at any time of the day.

The decrease in temperature is associated with heat loss through cold bridges.

Separately, there are norms for a common corridor, landing and storerooms. There the thermometer should show at least 15 degrees. Normally, the comfortable temperature in the apartment is closely related to the volume of air exchange. For living rooms, this value is set at 3 cubic meters per hour for each square meter of the room. In the kitchen, the norm is set regardless of its area and is 60 cubic meters per hour, no less. In a bathroom with a separate toilet, the amount of supply air and, accordingly, exhaust air should be 25 cubic meters per hour. If the bathroom is combined, then the values ​​\u200b\u200bare summed up.

The regulatory documents establish norms not only for what temperature should be in the house in winter, but also in summer. In this case, the maximum is set, which is 28 degrees. But, even if this value is exceeded, no one can help you, only you yourself. The temperature norm in an apartment in winter according to SanPiN is determined in tandem with the value of air humidity and the speed of air flow. This applies only to living rooms in which the humidity should not exceed 60%, optimal value 30-45%. For other premises, this indicator is not standardized. The movement of air flows should not exceed 2 m/s.

Factors that affect the temperature regime

Adjustment of heating of a radiator by means of a thermal head.

We have already figured out what air temperature should be in the apartment and found out the value of the error up or down. Now let's figure out what this error can be caused by, that is, a decrease or increase in temperature. Knowing the reasons, we will be able to answer the question of how to increase the temperature in the apartment or lower it, based on our own preferences. What determines the readings of the internal thermometer:

  • the amount of heat loss;
  • battery capacity;
  • coolant speed in the heating system;
  • wiring of the heating system.

No matter how comfortable the temperature in the apartment is, there will still be someone who is too cold or too hot. Well, even in an apartment with central heating, it is possible to regulate the degree of air heating.

Even if utility companies comply with all the conditions of GOST, it can still be cold in your home due to high heat losses.

So, you need to exclude them as much as possible so that the temperature in the apartment in the winter is within normal limits. You have probably noticed how many people now insulate the outer walls with foam plastic, thereby reducing heat loss. By the way, the first step should be to replace old windows with modern energy-saving double-glazed windows.

The type of radiators and their volume also largely determine what (optimal or not) the temperature in the apartment will be. Naturally, the larger the battery, the warmer. At the same time, it is impossible to arbitrarily increase the number of sections, since the stability of the entire system depends on this. An increase in the volume of heat exchangers can lead to a decrease in the speed of the coolant. What is the risk? When the pressure drops, the batteries can heat up only partially, or they can be completely cold. In this case, it will not work to achieve the optimal air temperature in the apartment.

The decrease in pressure entails a drop in the speed of the coolant. The slower it moves, the more time to lose heat before it reaches you. Accordingly, one can only dream about the optimal temperature in the apartment in winter, as is the case with incorrect circuit wiring. Not only can errors be made in as well as their assembly, it is also possible to connect the batteries incorrectly. Resulting in and the bottom is hot.

How to raise or lower the temperature in the apartment

The ball valve is closed on the supply.

How many degrees should be in the house? According to GOST in the room, the lower limit, taking into account the night error, is 15 degrees. You wouldn't wish that kind of comfort on your enemy. Naturally, it is useless to complain in this case, because the requirements of the standard are met, so people begin to independently regulate the temperatures in their homes. When it's cold, everyone actively insulates, changes windows and closes cracks. IN last resort, you can enable

But what to do if normal temperature in the apartment in winter is 28 degrees, which is quite real. The maximum allowable value is 24 degrees plus the error of 4 degrees prescribed in GOST.

If the batteries have thermal heads, then there is no problem, you just need to set the required value and that's it.

And what if they are not? Living with an open window is not comfortable, because cold air pulls hard on the floor. If there are children, then this option is excluded, and for adults this state of affairs is clearly not healthy.

What other options:

  • slightly turn off the tap in front of the battery;
  • install .

By closing the ball valve in front of the radiator, you will reduce the amount of water supplied. It is not recommended to do this, but when you really need it, you have to. Just keep in mind that in this mode shut-off valves will last much less. The air recuperator allows you to create the necessary air circulation, while the supply air enters the room already heated.

Comfortable temperature in the apartment in winter

We found out that optimum temperature in the house in winter according to GOST and SNIP is 20-22 degrees. At the same time, the permissible framework is from 18 to 26 degrees, depending on the intended purpose of the room. For the kitchen, bathroom and room, the norms are different. The deviation from the table values ​​is 3 degrees down and 4 degrees up. Regrettably, but according to the law, if your house is only 15 degrees Celsius, then there can be no claims against the utility company on your part. The same is true if you have an apartment in winter, as in Tashkent on the street in summer (+30). The salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves.