Toilet      04/11/2019

What should the hot water temperature be? Hot water temperature standard

Hot water is an integral part of life, something that any person needs and it does not matter his age, status, area in which he lives and at what time of year. Availability hot water in the water supply not only ensures a comfortable existence, but also allows you to observe the rules of personal hygiene and maintain an atmosphere in your home that is favorable for health and comfortable living.

Standard hot water temperature in an apartment building

There are rules and regulations for the provision of hot water supply utilities, established by SanPiN, the temperature is conciliatory to them warm water in the tap must rely on the prescribed marks.


  1. Open system - it is not permissible to lower the temperature threshold below 60 °C.
  2. Closed system - the temperature corresponds to the norm and should not fall below 50 °C.
  3. The permissible maximum threshold for both systems is 75 °C.

Maintaining a certain temperature of hot water in the tap of residential buildings is very important point, aimed at preventing the appearance of various infections and harmful bacteria in water. After all, if the level falls below the established norm, a favorable environment is created for the existence and reproduction of various very dangerous viral pathogens. This may lead to serious, irreversible consequences affecting human health and even life.

Permissible cold water temperature

Regarding temperature cold water, then there are no normatively regulated indicators in relation to it. There are reasons why cold water supplies may vary in temperature. You can come to the housing and communal services office in person for an appointment or just make a call from home. Calling is the best option. There is no need to go and stand in line; besides, when you call, the dispatcher on duty, before accepting the complaint, will be able to check the situation for the presence of an accident, or repair work.

If this is the reason, then when you call you will know when the situation will be corrected and resolved. Otherwise, in the absence of real reasons, the duty officer will file a complaint.

You need to record the day, time of submission of the application and the number under which it was indicated. Then you need to wait for a visit from a specialist who can document the problem and draw up a report based on the examination.


  1. Time of year, since water is taken from reservoirs in which the water temperature differs in summer and winter.
  2. The air temperature at the water intake sites also matters).
  3. Features of installation and design of the pipeline (cold drinking water must be supplied through pipelines that are made of materials that meet sanitary and hygienic standards.

According to modern indicators, metal-plastic and polypropylene structures are used). However, utility service organizations provide certain parameters, according to which the cold water temperature in central water supply must adhere to approximately 4-20 ᵒC.

Limit temperature of hot water in the tap

If the hot water from the tap is not hot enough, you need to contact the management company. And, in order not to be unfounded, you can present evidence. How to get them? It’s easy to measure the water temperature. The procedure does not require special skills, knowledge or laboratory conditions; it can be easily performed by the most ordinary person.

It is extremely important to observe the temperature regime. This parameter affects many aspects of life:

  1. The water is warm – i.e. the temperature is below the established standards, even to a small extent, the liquid becomes contaminated.
  2. Water that is too hot is dangerous for human health, since you can easily get a burn to the skin and mucous membranes. That is why residents of houses connected to a central water supply are advised to mix hot water from the tap with cold water, to obtain a favorable temperature.
  3. Excessively hot water can lead to damage and malfunction of water supply components, since modern houses structures are made mainly of plastic.

Each person should know his rights and obligations, for which in the incoming invoice, under the FGP item, he pays his cash. After all, there is often not always a guarantee of compliance with sanitary and technical standards.

However, some deviations from established standards are allowed. It is allowed to reduce the temperature during the day to 57 °C and at night to 55 °C.

Stop hot water supply completely Management Company may for 2 reasons: either, if an accident occurs or scheduled repair or maintenance work is being carried out, about which residents of the houses are required to be warned in advance. At the same time, it is prohibited to suspend water supply for more than 4 hours, even in the case of planned maintenance work.

Standard hot water temperature in the apartment

We must not forget that the reason for filing a claim may be not only water temperature that does not meet the standards, but also its quality. If the water has any unnatural color or smell, this is also a reason to sound the alarm. The temperature of hot water at water points should vary from 60-75°C.

To take measurements correctly, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Open the tap and allow the stagnant water to drain. Wait until the water drains for about 3 minutes.
  2. Fill the glass with water so that it overflows for some time over the boundaries of the dish, otherwise by the time you bring the glass to the place where the process of measuring the temperature will be carried out, the water will simply cool down.
  3. Place a thermometer with a scale of 100° in a glass, in the very middle of the dish.
  4. Record the result.

The point is not only that there is an overpayment for a poorly provided service, the most important thing is that all these violations can harm the health and life of all family members. With the result of measuring the water temperature, if according to any criteria it deviates from the established parameters, you should contact the housing and communal services.

As a rule, a specialist’s visit should take place on the day the application is submitted, within the next few hours.

With the act in hand, you can safely demand a recalculation for payment to FGPs if the norms have been violated. It is necessary to request a recalculation for a precise period: from submitting an application to the dispatcher until eliminating the malfunction. If no action has been taken by the management company, then this period is considered unfinished.

Hot water temperature standard (video)

What should the consumer be aware of and what should the consumer present? If another one has not been carried out recheck and hot water never appeared, and housing and communal services refuse to recalculate for the service provided of inadequate quality, which means you need to boldly go to court and defend your rights.

Hot water should provide residents with comfort and safety of plumbing use of water resources in accordance with all sanitary standards hot water temperature apartment building. Equipment for supplying and distributing resources to points of consumption throughout the building system is installed in accordance with standards. Such services must be safe, reliable and inexpensive.

DHW temperature

A little about what temperature the water should be. The temperature range of hot water is from 60 to 75 degrees Celsius. Such values ​​were chosen for a reason. When the water temperature in the tap is higher than the recommended limits, burns are possible, especially to the sensitive skin of a child. Therefore, the standard must be strictly observed in children's institutions and healthcare organizations.

Many tenants are interested in why this temperature value is specific. When was it determined temperature regime supply of hot water, then proceeded from such a phenomenon as the proliferation of pathological microorganisms. The risk of burn injuries was also taken into account.

The difference in temperature of hot water should be such that harmful bacteria cease to exist, and burns do not occur. Warm fresh liquid is an excellent habitat for Legionella, which is extremely dangerous and multiplies in central water supplies (sewage, heating). For example, not so long ago in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, due to this bacterium, which entered apartments through the water supply, 160 city residents had epidemiological forms of pneumonia, and five people died in the hospital.

As a result, there is no need to provide employees of the management organization with excuses to blame all these issues on the residents of the building, because sanitary standards for the temperature of hot water in apartments are enshrined in the laws, and the causal connections between the owners and tenants of apartments do not concern them. The main thing that residents need is to be aware of who to write an application for recalculation of payments for housing and communal services that were provided poorly.

IMPORTANT! Research that determines the standard temperature of hot water in an apartment should be entrusted to an accredited company that has license certificates authorizing such activities.

Hot water does not meet standards

After temperature measurements have been taken and the temperature standard for hot water supplied to the living space is not met, you should complain to the relevant organization. In addition to deviations in temperature readings, there may be the following anomalies:

  • it happens that after turning on the tap, the water flows out lukewarm, and sometimes cold, which is unacceptable;
  • It also happens that the water from the tap comes out of a non-standard color and does not smell very pleasant;
  • no hot water at all.

Unfortunately, the quality of services provided by companies is sometimes inadequate, for which the culprits must answer. When real estate owners are affected by such problems, they need to call the employees of the management organization or to find out and eliminate the causes of violations.

It should be borne in mind that all apartment owners have the right to demand not only the elimination of the preconditions, and in the shortest possible time, but also to pay for hot water, and when there is no water in the water supply, then not even pay for this service.

But it is often difficult for company employees to independently prove violations occurring among residents; they are in no hurry to assign responsibility to themselves. In such situations, it is necessary to contact other licensed organizations that conduct an independent examination.

Where to contact

If hot water deviates from current standards, and the quality of the services provided is low, then apartment owners write. You need to add an appendix to it in the form of a copy of the examination conducted by an independent organization. After this, all that remains is to wait for the management company to solve this problem, which will take time.

When the management company does nothing or only unsubscribes come in response, then the answer to the question of what to do in case of deviations is that you should move on. To the housing inspection or prosecutor's office. In reality, many tenants often encounter similar situations when the management company does not want to eliminate its shortcomings, but only nods at supposedly objective circumstances.

They often say that they are not authorized to resolve such issues, they are not within their competence, and the management companies are not responsible for the operation of the pipelines. You can also find out that they are not at all aware of what temperature the hot water supply should be at the outlet of the water point, so the management company is not going to do anything to resolve this issue.

It is necessary to firmly defend your own rights, because only management companies are entrusted with the mission of public services. The DHW temperature at a rate of 60 to 75 degrees must be provided by management companies. It is their direct duty to respond to all complaints and eliminate problems. If this is not done, then the owners have the right to file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office and Rospotrebnadzor.

Supervisory authorities

When deviations from hot water standards are detected, the management company negotiates with, and in some situations repairs the engineering and communication system on its own. It often happens that in order to save money on users, some careless contractors shy away from carrying out pipeline repair work that they are simply obliged to carry out. In this case, you should feel free to complain to the prosecutor’s office or Rospotrebnadzor.

Moreover, you don’t have to forward the complaint to supervisory authorities, as tenants often do. Know that you can always reach an agreement with the management company and recalculate hot water in an amicable way. In practice, many management organizations themselves become hostages of such situations, when literally nothing depends on them.

Before you write an application for recalculation of payment for utility costs due to services provided poorly, you should find out all the intricacies of this issue and study the pitfalls. This must be done in order to avoid getting into various unpleasant situations. Everything can be resolved in a civilized manner and according to the law.

But when all the attempts made have not led to any result, then the owners of residential premises should contact the supervisory structures. Then things will go much faster, and when there is actually a problem situation, it will be solved in a fairly short time.

Cold water temperature

The quality of water supplied to apartments for drinking and household purposes must comply with GOST and SanPin. The temperature range of cold water is not regulated by any standards, but you should know that the indicators depend on the season. This corresponds to the values ​​in the water intake sources and the temperature of the ground where the pipeline is laid.

IN main pipes the temperature reaches almost minus readings due to the fact that when high pressure liquid freezes more slowly. The temperature of cold water in the tap is not regulated by regulations, but regional control bodies recommend a range from 4 to 20 degrees Celsius. In winter, some rooms can be very hot, while others, on the contrary, can be cold. This is uncomfortable, even if the standards are met, so during the heating season they are regulated by the management company.

Accidents affecting performance

Warming of cold water often occurs due to mixing at water points during central hot water supply. This occurs due to uneven pressure in the pipes and an unregulated mixer, which is located on the distribution riser. Sometimes mixing occurs when carrying out sanitary and technological work in a technical underground.

You need to know that the management company is obliged to eliminate all problems when the temperature of the cold water in the tap rises as soon as possible. Otherwise, road damage may occur. household appliances, washing and dishwashers, which operate on cold water from water pipes.

To prevent this from happening, when operating any water heating devices, it is necessary to promptly cut off the hot water supply circuits when operating the heating element, and also cut off the boilers when taking water from the common riser. With open double-circuit technology, hot and cold water are often mixed, which leads to high pressure and then breakdown of plumbing equipment.

Hot water is what every person needs, regardless of the time of year and the temperature outside, whether he lives in Moscow or in a village in Siberia. The availability of hot water in the pipes determines the likelihood of timely elimination of outbreaks of various viruses and infections, as well as the likelihood of the development of pandemics and epidemics. Well, and, among other things, this is a mandatory rule that allows you to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards in the house, maintain cleanliness, live in comfort and not feel constrained by difficult life circumstances.

Basic temperature standards for hot water

According to the standards approved by SanPiN, the temperature of hot water should be approximately within the following limits:

  • not lower than sixty degrees - in open systems heat supply;
  • not lower than fifty degrees - in closed heating systems;
  • no higher than seventy-five degrees - for both systems.

It is this temperature threshold that meets sanitary standards and is necessary to ensure that all the harmful bacteria and viruses that are abundant in tap water, were doomed to death. On the other hand, when supplying water hotter than fifty-five degrees, there is a risk of getting a burn. Therefore, the use of hot water is recommended while turning on cold water. Temperatures above seventy-five degrees may well cause rapid breakdown of the plastic part of the water supply, which is found in most modern apartments.

A deviation is already considered fifty-nine or seventy-six degrees. Minimum temperature hot water must be provided, regardless of the state of communications and heating equipment. All rules and conditions must be specified in the cooperation agreement between the client and the service provider.

For what reasons do they have the right to reduce the water temperature?

We all understand that some rules are immutable, especially when they directly relate to a person’s health and are paid by him out of his own pocket. On the other hand, there is whole line reasons why the temperature of hot water may be reduced below normal, simply because it is simply impossible to do otherwise in the current situation. What are these cases?

  1. Emergence emergency situation on the supply line, pumping station or breakdown of housing communications in your home.
  2. Carrying out scheduled and preventive maintenance work on network communications.

During these events, the supply of hot water may be interrupted, but this should not affect the quality of life of residents. That is why there are standards that, in turn, limit the possibility of a prolonged interruption in the supply of hot water in an apartment building:

  • eight hours in one month, total;
  • no more than four hours in a row;
  • no more than one day (when it comes to an accident).

If these deadlines have been exceeded, then you have the right to recalculate your tariff plan. The latter should be reduced by fifteen hundredths of a percent during the shutdown of hot water (lowering its temperature).

How to check the norm and where to contact in case of deviations from it

Measuring the temperature of hot water cannot be done as the inspector immediately wants. There is a clear algorithm that must be followed, and only then the result will be recognized as true. In all other cases, measurements are considered incorrect and invalid.

  1. The tap opens with hot water, and the water flows freely for two to three minutes. In this way, the water that has stagnated in the pipeline and cooled down is released, the temperature of which does not interest us.
  1. A special glass is placed under the stream of hot water, after its temperature has been equalized to a uniform temperature.
  1. When the glass is full, it is removed, the tap is closed, and a sensitive thermometer with a scale of up to one hundred degrees Celsius (no less) is immersed in the glass.
  1. Wait a while until the thermometer heats up, and then take readings from it.

Despite the fact that in general a fairly wide range is given for the temperature of hot water, small deviations from it in any direction are allowed.

During the daytime, from five in the morning to midnight, there are fluctuations of three degrees Celsius, and at night (from midnight to five in the morning) there are fluctuations of up to five degrees Celsius.

It must be said that every three degrees of deviation reduces the tariff by one tenth of a percent, but only for the current date.

If you find deviations in the temperature of hot water from the norm in your apartment, you should first contact the housing and communal services. If these problems are caused by an accident and unscheduled repairs, then the dispatcher you contact is obliged to notify you about this, informing you of the estimated time frame for eliminating the problem. In the event that there are no reasons for a decrease in temperature at your site, your application should be accepted and reviewed as soon as possible.

To be sure that the application will not be shelved, as is often the case in institutions of this kind, be sure to write down the application number, the time you called the housing and communal services department, and the name of the person who accepted the application. After this, it will be examined for sure, and you can be sure that in the near future the temperature of the hot water in your home will rise to normal limits or some other measures will be taken.

What should the temperature of the hot water in the tap be? Standards, maximum and minimum values ​​as well as permissible deviations are prescribed in SanPiN In this article we will tell you where to file a complaint if the water temperature is below normal.

Resource supply organizations are required to comply with the rules for providing the population with public services. In the case of hot water, they relate to its pressure, composition and temperature. Responsible organizations are well aware of these criteria. Citizens are not always aware of them, although they also need this to defend their rights.

What should the normal temperature be?

The standard temperature of hot water in an apartment building is determined in clause 2.4 of SanPiN This range is +60…+75ºС and remains unchanged for many years. It does not require changes, since it is based on the characteristics of human physiology and accompanying microflora.

The lower threshold of +60ºС is determined, first of all, by the survival of some dangerous pathogens infectious diseases. For example, this includes the bacteria that causes legionellosis. They reproduce well in a warm environment, and die when the temperature rises. To completely disinfect hot water from a tap, you need to heat it to +70…+80ºС.

If the temperature drops to +40ºС, then the most favorable conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms dangerous to humans. This is easy to explain. The temperature of +40ºС is very close to the natural temperature of the human body and all the fluids circulating in it.

Heating above +60ºС is set for water in open systems. This is where water pipes installed in multi-storey buildings belong. However, there are also closed systems water supplies, for example, that do not go beyond individual buildings. They have a significantly reduced risk of microorganisms, which is why the minimum water temperature threshold is +50ºС.

The upper value of the hot water temperature in the tap according to the standard (+75ºС) was chosen for safety reasons. With its further increase, the risk of burns increases significantly. Children, elderly citizens and people with disabilities are thus insured against dangerous injuries at home.

The norms prescribed in SanPiN are supplemented by government decree No. 354. It indicates the deviations that are allowed for the hot water temperature:

  • from midnight to 5 o'clock in the morning they are 5ºС;
  • the rest of the time (it is considered daytime) - no more than 3ºС.

If the standard hot water temperature in an apartment building is not met, then residents have the right to recalculate the fee for this service. Every three degrees of deviation will reduce the payment by 0.1 percent per hour of non-compliance.

When the temperature of hot water drops to +40ºС or less, it is paid at the rates of cold water supply. Such recalculation is made on the basis of an act confirming officially taken measurements.

Existing standards and amendments to them make it possible to calculate the minimum permissible temperature hot water. During the daytime it is +57ºС, at night - +55ºС.

Methods for measuring temperature

If you suspect a discrepancy in the temperature of the hot water in the tap existing standards, then you need to take measurements. It is better for residents to do this on their own first. This way they will be able to verify the validity of the accusations against the resource supply organization. After this, you can safely send a request for measurements by specialists with the drawing up of an official report.

For self-measurement You will need a medium-sized container and a household thermometer that allows you to measure the temperature to at least +100ºС. We will describe further actions step by step. The procedure takes only a few minutes, so to be convincing, you can take a photo or video of it.

1. The tap opens and water flows freely into the drain within 2-3 minutes. This is enough to drain stagnant water in the pipes inside the house, which has already cooled down a little.

2. The container is placed under the stream and positioned in such a way that water can flow freely over its edges. Pour water into a pan, take it to the table and you cannot immerse the thermometer there. While all these manipulations are being performed, the liquid in the container gradually cools down, and the measurements turn out to be unreliable.

3. The thermometer is lowered into the water in the central part of the container. At the edges, the water, again, has time to cool a little.

4. When the bar on the thermometer stops rising, you can record the results. If they differ from the values ​​​​established in the standards, then you should contact the management organization.

Reasons for decreasing hot water temperature

Despite the existence of hot water temperature standards, in some cases it may decrease, and this is not considered a violation, although residents apartment building and feel inconvenienced. This usually happens when:

  • accidents occur on equipment that heats water and on the networks through which it is transported;
  • The resource supplying organization carries out planned maintenance or repairs.

To protect the rights of the population to high-quality provision of utility resources, deadlines for turning off hot water supply have been established:

  • up to 4 hours in a row;
  • up to 8 hours in total during the month;
  • up to 1 day in an emergency.

Where to file a complaint

If the temperature of the hot water in the tap actually differs from that set according to the standard, then you need to call representatives of the management or resource supply organization and find out the reasons. It is quite possible that work is already underway and the problems will soon be eliminated.

If the violation is repeated more than once and is persistent, then asserting your rights should be approached with all seriousness. First of all, a complaint is written. It must be a competent and well-written document that the responsible organization cannot ignore.

The name of the organization to which the complaint is being sent is indicated at the top of the sheet. The addressee may also be a specific responsible person. After this, the applicant indicates information about himself: full name, address and number of the apartment in which the violation was recorded, contact telephone numbers.

1. Heading. It should be something like this: “Statement of violation of standards for the provision of public services to the population.” The title must be clear and written in a language understandable to officials.

2. Description of the essence of the problem. 1-2 sentences are enough here, without sharp and emotional turns, and also without unnecessary information. It is mandatory to mention the measurement carried out and provide information from the drawn up report:

  • temperature readings;
  • information about the specialist who carried out the measurements;
  • date of measurement.

3. Requirements. Even if it seems logically clear what a citizen wants to get if the hot water temperature standards in an apartment building are violated, this information should be written down. Otherwise, the actions of responsible individuals and organizations may be protracted, minimal and incomplete. Typically the following requirements are specified:

  • eliminate the causes of interruptions in hot water supply;
  • recalculate;
  • inform the applicant about the work performed.

You can add other items. The recipient will have to consider and implement each of them, or, if execution is impossible, justify it.

4. Date of writing the complaint and signature of the person filing it.

The complaint is drawn up in two copies. First of all, it must be taken to the management company or homeowners association, even if they have previously ignored signals about poor quality service. To go further, you need a refusal to solve the problem or accept the complaint. If a citizen becomes convinced that the management organization is ignoring him, then he can go:

  • to the State Housing Inspectorate;
  • to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • to the local administration;
  • to the prosecutor's office.

In most cases, the intervention of home inspectors or prosecutors is sufficient. They actively protect consumer rights. If violations are confirmed, the organization is usually fined and also obligated to eliminate the problems and recalculate. Compliance with this order is monitored by the representatives of the regulatory authorities who issued them.

In the most difficult cases, a citizen has to go to court on his own and seek support in the local media. This happens when the same employees of the State Housing Inspectorate and the Prosecutor’s Office do not carry out their duties carefully enough.

What is the temperature of the cold water in the tap?

    It depends on the time of year, since the temperature of the water in the pipes is determined by the temperature of the water in the reservoir from which the water is drawn, and the temperature of the soil at the depth of the water pipelines. As a result, in summer it is 16-20 degrees, in winter 4-5. The fact is that at +4 degrees the water has a maximum density (it sinks to the bottom), so in winter the water temperature in reservoirs is exactly that.

    In general, the water temperature in the main pipes in winter can even be negative. The fact is that with increasing pressure, the freezing point of a liquid decreases - for water by about 1 degree for each atmosphere. Therefore, in winter, during severe frosts, the pressure is noticeably increased (up to 10 atm instead of the usual 3-5), such water will remain liquid down to -10 degrees.

    Of course, the temperature of cold water in the tap depends on the time of year, but not as much as my colleagues wrote. The average water temperature is about 10-12 degrees and can also vary by 1-2 degrees depending on the time of year. Namely, this temperature is determined by the temperature of the earth at a level of 1.5 meters underground, which is approximately the same in winter and summer. Remember ordinary village wells, in which the water is approximately equally cold in winter and summer, although the wells are somewhat more dependent on the time of year. By the way, this temperature underground remains to a depth of several hundred meters, and then it begins to rise

    It is impossible to give an exact figure for the temperature of the cold water flowing from our tap; it all depends on the time of year. In winter, the water temperature in the water supply ranges from 4 to 8 degrees, while in summer it can vary from 16 to 20.

    There can be no clear answer to this question. The temperature of cold water in the tap can vary from approximately +10C to +20-25C.

    The water temperature depends on the depth of the well, the time of year, and how strong the water flow is. Typically, the water that flows as soon as we open the tap is slightly below room temperature, and the more water that flows, the colder it will be.

    In different ways, there is no standard for it, unlike hot water. You understand that everything depends on the time of year and the ambient temperature - in the summer, sometimes you can take a shower with barely a tap with cold water

    What is the temperature of cold water in the tap? It's hard to say.

    For example, at our work, cold water from the tap comes out of the tap in winter (36 -37 degrees), since the pipes run next to the heating pipes.

    And at home, the temperature of cold water from the tap is 10 degrees (underground well).

    In comfortable apartments in big cities, cold water from the tap flows 15 - 20 degrees.

    Indeed, there are no standards for the temperature of cold water, at least I haven’t found any; there are local recommendations for service organizations that the temperature of cold water in the tap should correspond to the range from +4 to +20 degrees. Probably the lower limit is valid for the winter season, and the upper limit for the summer. Of course, when taking water from open sources, its temperature will depend on the air temperature and will warm up in the summer and cool down in the winter. But there are also such things as a malfunction of the mixer, when somewhere neighbors do not have a meter and check valve hot water mixes with cold. My friend at one time had cold water running at a temperature of +25, and this is obvious overheating.

    I myself even wondered, what is the actual temperature of the cold water in the tap? so I took a thermometer and measured the temperature of the cold water, the thermometer showed +11 degrees Celsius, and it seemed to me that the water temperature was a little lower, but I was wrong, well, what happens.

    Well, I just can’t agree with the answers above. It's probably just a given standard.

    No one can tell what the temperature of the water is. Not all and not everywhere water comes from reservoirs (ground). There are wells and the water from them is colder; the longer it flows, the colder it becomes.

    In the village at my grandmother’s, even in 40 degree frost, it leaks if the faucet is not closed all the way. And the pipe runs along the top of the earth.

    As long as the water flows and does not freeze, our springs flow all year round.

    Therefore, I think it’s difficult to say which one, it’s different everywhere. Although the springs probably have the same temperature.

    The temperature of the tap water will depend on the time of year. this moment. In summer the water will be warmer for obvious reasons, in winter it will be colder.

    Approximate t water temperature in winter is 4-6 degrees, in summer 18-20.

    In spring or early autumn, the temperature of cold water in the tap is around 10-14 degrees.