Toilet      07.03.2020

Hanging sofa swing: complete relaxation on the veranda. Do-it-yourself garden swing: how to make a reliable, high-quality and beautiful swing? (90 photos) Sofa swing from an old sofa

Do you want to take a vacation suburban area more comfortable and enjoyable? Install a garden swing. They help you relax and recharge. positive energy. Yes, and you don’t have to spend money - everything can be made on your own and without the involvement of third-party specialists. It is enough to determine in advance the dimensions and drawings of the garden swing. Consider the main nuances.

Choose a place

A swing is not an ordinary bench or table. They can be considered a capital object on the site. For this reason, the choice of a place for installation must be approached responsibly. We take into account the following design features:

Stationarity. The swing consists of several elements. The base frame is the most important. Its racks are buried in the ground (to a depth of 80-90 centimeters) and poured with concrete.

Mobility. The swing has a moving part that performs oscillatory movements. It resembles an ordinary pendulum.

Thus, when creating a swing, it is necessary to determine the maximum swing of the pendulum in all directions. Make sure that there are no obstacles in its path: trees, flowers, garden interior details, etc.

Masters who want to figure out how to make a garden swing with their own hands should pay increased attention to the quality of the site.

If you have seen similar structures, then you probably noticed puddles and dirt under them. They appear due to the fact that the ground under the seat is erased by the feet when braking. A small depression is formed in which moisture and dirt accumulate. To prevent this problem, it is recommended to lay tiles or pour concrete screed.

What material is better?

Much depends on what material is used to create a garden swing: the reliability and durability of the structure, cost, safety. Often, home craftsmen use natural wood and metal (individually or in combination with each other). Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Garden swing metal are considered strong and durable. If we evaluate the service life, then they are significantly superior to wooden models.

But there are also disadvantages. Metal is susceptible negative influence corrosion. Therefore, all structural elements must undergo appropriate processing.

Forged swing is a complex object. Only one can cope with their creation experienced master. If you use ordinary pipes or metal corners, then you end up with a primitive design that can spoil all the attractiveness and atmosphere of a suburban area.

Garden swings made of wood will cost much less. Their durability depends on the type of wood and processing. It is primed and covered with a protective paint.

Wood products harmoniously look in the garden. That is why many owners prefer to install them. It is also important what to process wooden details much easier. If you do everything on your own, then you only need an ax, a hacksaw and a grinder.

Features of the manufacture of garden swings

Consider the process of creating a simple swing. First of all, you need to decide on a work plan and prepare a drawing. You can make it yourself or find ready-made options in the Internet. The second option is preferable, since you can see not only the drawings, but also photos of the garden swing made from them.

So we need four wooden beams 10 x 10 centimeters. Their length should not exceed three meters. We create a pair of L-shaped structures that come together at an angle of fifty degrees. For fastening, ordinary furniture bolts are suitable.

We count sixty centimeters from the bottom of the support and conditionally divide it into three equal parts. At the junction of 1 and 2 we install puffs. We fix everything with bolts.

Then we combine the finished frames. A wooden crossbar (10 x 10 centimeters) is suitable for this. We dig supports to a depth of eighty centimeters. Approximately 10 centimeters are allocated to a powder of sand and stone. Then fill the holes with mortar. We install the structure according to the level to make sure that everything is located evenly and without distortions.

We create a couple wooden frames(2 x 0.5 meters for the seat and 2 x 0.65 meters for the back). They join at an angle of 130 degrees. At the bottom, along the entire perimeter, the structure is fixed with a metal strip.

The frames can be sewn up with a board (size - 26 x 46 millimeters). To extend the life of the structure, it is recommended that the supports immersed in concrete be treated with bituminous mastic.

The considered option is not the only possible one. Find photos of homemade garden swings on the Internet, look for drawings and experiment.

DIY garden swing photo

You can make a swing sofa for a summer residence with your own hands. It is necessary to think over its shape, the material from which it will be made, and also choose a place for its direct placement.

A swing for a summer residence is a great opportunity for comfortable rest outdoors for the whole family. You can sit and lie down on them, which will undoubtedly please both adults and children.

There are many garden swing designs available at garden supply stores. But here you can be smart and build an original swing for a summer residence with your own hands.

Garden swing options:

  • swing bench;

  • swing sofa;

  • swing for children;

  • swing for adults;

  • single;

  • multi-seat;

  • folding;

  • whole;

  • swing with different seats;

  • on-off;
  • adjustable (the back in such a swing is adjustable);

A swing for a summer residence can be made from different material. The most popular are metal and wood swings.

  1. Metal swing.

Advantages of a metal swing:

  • have great strength (practically do not break and do not deform);
  • will last more than one year (they are not affected by natural phenomena such as rain, snow, etc.);
  • look good, great variety.


  • a metal structure is more difficult to process and build than a wooden one;
  • hitting metal can cause serious injury.
  1. Wooden swing.


  • Inferior to metal in reliability;
  • can break, become unusable from the weather;
  • for the winter period it is better to remove them, as they can be deformed.


  • they are easier to build and process, when working on them are not needed complex tools(like welding machine and etc.)
  • wood - environmentally friendly natural material, the presence of chemicals in its composition is excluded;
  • safe for health, mild, the risk of serious injury is small;
  • wooden swing look more harmonious against the backdrop of nature.

Where to put a sofa swing

It is better to put a swing sofa where there is enough free space. The design of the swing involves swinging, so you should not place them near buildings or walls. To do this, it is better to choose more free space.

If the territory of the site is small, there is not much free space, then you need to reconsider the design of the planned building. And instead of a multi-seat sofa, build a single swing.

Also, the place for the swing should be even, the location on a hill can lead to their deformation and breakage.

How to make a wooden swing sofa for a summer residence

Do-it-yourself wooden swing for giving with your own hands do this:

  1. To begin with, the dimensions and design (boom or frame) are determined, a scheme of the future structure is being prepared. For fidelity, you can find and see ready-made drawings and diagrams.
  2. We select the bars (smooth, well-planed) for the racks. As a material for them, pine birch, cedar are perfect. Best Choice- oak.
  3. The form for racks can be A-shaped or U-shaped. Depending on which form for the swing is chosen, we fasten the racks, for strength we fasten the side struts. We install the crossbar, connect it to the racks with metal corners. For fastening when building from wood, it is better to use self-tapping screws. They hold tighter, loosen less, which means that the swing will be more reliable and durable.
  4. We prepare recesses for racks (80 cm). We fill the 20 cm hole with rubble, install racks, and concrete.
  5. Assemble the swing seat. We are preparing 2 frames: 200 by 50 cm (seat), 65 by 200 cm (back). We connect the frames together and sheathe them with a board (you can use one-piece or planks). It is better if the base under the seat will have a rounded shape. We cut the planks in the shape of the base - in a semicircle. So, swing without sharp corners will be more comfortable and safer.
  6. We supplement the design with armrests. To do this, we connect two beams perpendicular to each other, then we attach the resulting armrest to the back with one side, and to the seat with the other.
  7. We hang the finished swing to the crossbar. To do this, it is better to use a metal chain. It is durable and will last a long time. The thickness of the fastening must correspond to the expected load. Its diameter is 3 or more cm.
  8. You should put a mattress or foam rubber on the swing (so they will become softer and more comfortable), cover with a fabric cover, add pillows (so the swing will be more comfortable)
  9. Swing sofas are perfectly complemented by canopies from the sun and rain.

We make a metal swing sofa

How to make a metal swing sofa?

It is assembled in a similar way. The only replacement for the beams here is metal pipes (pipe diameter -150 mm.). In the same sequence, pipes of different lengths are fastened together by welding. A frame is made, attached to the crossbar. The seat and back are covered with fabric, decorated.

Metal elements for the frame can be made by yourself, or can be purchased at the store.

What are the advantages of a do-it-yourself swing sofa

Building a swing sofa with your own hands is quite simple.

Their advantages over store counterparts is that:

  • homemade swings will cost much cheaper, you will always find the right materials at hand;
  • work on the swing will not take much time, almost everyone can cope with it;
  • it is possible to create original exclusive models;
  • once having assembled the swing with your own hands, in the future you can create other garden interior items.

The purpose of the swing

Garden swings serve mainly for recreation. They can be designed for one person or for several. They are nice to sit and talk or just think in silence.

Garden swings are a great addition garden plot, create its coziness and attractiveness. And decorative copies of the swing are also its decoration.

Today, swing sofas are again in our everyday life, while in the most non-standard solutions and design ideas. Often, when decorating a room for their child, most parents order the manufacture of a unique hanging sofa that is attached to the ceiling. Such a mini-sofa, which smoothly swings, delivers a lot of joy and pleasure, both to your child and to an adult. If you remember, then all children subconsciously get used to rocking while still in their mother's womb - this calms them and gives them peace.

Where swing sofas are appropriate

Not only children, but also adults cannot deny themselves the pleasure of sitting on a swing sofa, which is located in the garden, under the crown of an old oak or lush birch. Oriental, colonial or modern style such a swing can make the children's room more functional and attractive.

How to make a garden swing sofa

The most popular type is the garden swing, which fits seamlessly into any garden interior. They can be built independently, you just need to choose the right materials.

To make a garden-type swing sofa, you will need a massive strong beam, a set of screws and self-tapping screws to fasten the entire structure, as well as plywood sheets and bars for the armrests and backrest. You will definitely need to choose a reliable cable that will be made of metal or another synthetic fiber, or you can simply use a chain with large links.

Initially assembled supporting structure sofa swing, then all the details are attached and fixed with screws. A variety of pillows are suitable for decorating such a garden swing. different sizes and flowers - it all depends on your desire. A light mattress and blanket can complement the design of the swing and are indispensable items if you decide to spend the night outdoors.

No less popular are hanging swing sofas, which are mounted under the ceiling in the house. You can optionally order the production of a hanging swing bed for the bedroom - This bed will give you a comfortable sleep. This option will give your bedroom a special chic.

How to choose a swing sofa

The design must be as reliable as possible. Every detail is of high quality and durable, and the installation can only be trusted by professionals.

By purchasing pendant model sofa swings, opt for a model that suits your style. The swing can be fixed in one place or later moved if desired. When choosing a color, keep in mind that the most easily soiled are light and dark tones.

Be sure to take into account the maximum allowable weight for swings. If several people will ride at once, then the design should be highly stable and roomy.

Pillows with removable covers are suitable as decor, which are easy to remove and wash. The frame material is also important. It is better to choose a noble tree so as not to worry about the purity and safety of the product.

Sofa swing: photo

Being engaged in the arrangement of your home, do not be afraid to move away from the standards, use bold design solutions!

Build wooden structure much simpler than metal, and it fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape, which is especially important in design suburban area. Such sofa - swing installed under blossoming tree, will be very conducive to a romantic getaway with your other half. In addition, for a wooden swing sofa, you will need ordinary boards and timber, which can be purchased at any store, in the market or found anywhere.

¢ Dimensions sofa swing: Height - 2300 mm. Length - 2800 mm. Width - 1800 mm.

¢ Details for making a sofa swing: Sofa seat and back boards - 12 pieces (length - 2000 mm, width - 50 mm, thickness - 25 mm); boards for the seat frame - 2 pieces (length - 2000 mm, width 50 mm, thickness - 25 mm); boards for the seat frame - 2 pieces (length - 500 mm, width - 50 mm, thickness - 25 mm); boards for the back frame - 2 pieces (length - 2000 mm, width - 50 mm, thickness - 25 mm); boards for the back frame - 2 pieces (length - 700 mm, width - 50 mm, thickness - 25 mm); seat side edging boards - 2 pieces (length - 500 mm, width - 50 mm, thickness - 25 mm); swing support bars - 4 pieces (length - 2500 mm, width - 100 mm, thickness - 50 mm); bars of the lower crossbars - 2 pieces (length - 2000 mm, width - 50 mm, thickness - 25 mm); bars of the lower crossbars - 2 pieces (length - 1750 mm, width - 50 mm, thickness - 25 mm); upper crossbar - 1 piece (length - 2900 mm, section - 100 × 100 mm); corners for fastening frames for the seat and back - 2 pieces; corners for attaching the upper crossbar to the supports - 4 pieces; chains - 2 pieces (length - 1700 mm); fasteners for hanging chains - 6 pieces; screws - 78 pieces.

¢ Manufacturing process of sofa swing: It is most convenient to hang the swing by the chains, since it is possible to change the height of the swing by simply throwing the links of the chains. The seat should be at such a height that the person sitting on it, stretching out his leg, can reach the ground with his toe. All parts must be carefully planed, especially the seat and back boards. Two frames are assembled from them. The backrest frame must be wider than the seat frame. Then the frames are fastened together with corners screwed from the ends in the corners. One end of the corner is attached to the seat frame, the other to the back frame.

The angle of the backrest depends on the corner, but you should not get carried away with the tilt of the back, because an excessive tilt can make the entire structure of the swing unstable and it will tip back. It must be remembered that the greater the inclination of the backrest, the further you need to move the rear pillars of the structure. The seat and back boards are attached to the back and seat frames with screws. Fasteners are screwed to the top of the back frame and in front on the sides of the seat at the corners, for which chains are hung. On upper crossbar screw the same fasteners (Fig. 1).

Drawing. 1 Attachments for chains.

In order to make the seat soft and look like a sofa, you can upholster it with a fabric with foam rubber laid under it or throw pillows. In the presented model of the swing sofa, classic version implementation of supports - triangular in the form of the letter "A". At the top there is a crossbar attached to the supports with corners (Fig. 2).

Drawing. 2. Attaching the crossbar.

From below, the legs of the supports should be fixed relative to each other with horizontal crossbars. In any case, the wood should be carefully treated with glazing antiseptics, which will penetrate deep into its massif and protect it from the effects of precipitation. As a result, the following construction will be obtained (Fig. 3).

Drawing. 3. Sofa - swing for giving, general form

If you still don’t know what complete relaxation is, then for sure there are not enough swings on your yard, and not simple ones.What helps a person to relax? That's right, a comfortable sofa. What about sofa swings in the yard?they certainly won't be redundant.

Types of hanging sofa swings

Note that there is an adult sofa swing and a swing designed only for children, so when choosing specific model, specify the weight that the structure can withstand.

In addition, sofa swings differ in the type of material, namely, the frame and base can be either wood or metal. Again, you can buy plastic swings for children, but as a rule, plastic for such structures turns out to be very fragile and after a couple of years, the child will probably break them.

When it comes to design, there are no limits. There are also models that resemble a full-fledged sofa, only without legs, floating in the air on chains. There are more modest options, more like a bench with soft seats than real sofas. There are also swing gazebos, which are independent design with a canopy that will protect you from rain or sun.

So, if you have chosen a wooden swing, then it is best to cover wooden frame varnish, and this must be done before installation.

So, if you are hanging a sofa, in the truest sense of the word, then you should not worry about how to make the seats soft.In general, for the "swing" there are special lightweight sofas, inside of which there is a tree and a synthetic winterizer. This material is very soft and will last a long time. For other options, such as a bench, a bunch of soft pillows will be required.

Place of installation of a sofa swing

As we have already said, a swing sofa can be both part of the interior and its completely independent element, as, for example, in the case of a structure under a canopy. Most often, a swing sofa is installed outdoors in tracks, on patios.

But, modern tendencies are increasingly including sofa swings as a piece of furniture closed rooms such as nursery or living room. Agree that it looks very impressive, but, unfortunately, not in every room you can hang a sofa in the ceiling.

A sofa floating in the air can often be found on the front lawn, however, in case of bad weather, you will have to take care in time to protect the sofa from moisture.

We make a swing sofa with our own hands

Yes, it’s real, and it’s easy to do it from improvised materials, in fact, you only need to buy fasteners and wooden beams. Of these, a rack or support is made, as well as the seat itself.

The frame is built according to the type of U-shaped or A-shaped frames, which must be fixed on the foundation. This foundation can be earth, or concrete base, any other soil. Accordingly, the more massive the swing, the stronger the foundation should be. Most often, the sofa is hung with chains at four side points from below and two from above - along the back. All that remains for you is to sew a soft mattress or buy more pillows so that the whole family can comfortably fit on the swing.

Photo hanging sofa swing