Shower      03/27/2019

Money tree flowers. How the money tree blooms: photo. Secrets of caring for Crassula at home

Among indoor plants, a special place is occupied by the Crassula, which is popularly called the “money tree”. Homeland of the plant - South Africa. From the arid African tropics, the crassula spread to the west of the mainland, to the island of Madagascar and southern Arabia. Let's take a closer look at this interesting species.

"Money Tree". Homeland of the plant and description of the species

There are about 350 species of plants in the genus of succulent plants (family Crassulaceae). One of the types is decorative deciduous indoor plant Crassula, or Crassula. Other names are “good luck” or the homeland of the plant, as already mentioned, is South Africa. It is an evergreen perennial small tree with a short thick trunk. It can reach 1-1.5 m in height. The fleshy thick leaves of Crassula have a rounded shape. They are 4 long -7 cm, flat, often fused together at the base. They have a light gray or green color with a blue waxy coating. An interesting pattern is that each pair of leaves is located at right angles to the previous one.

Crassula flowers are large, pale pink or white. As a rule, they are collected in a half-umbrella. The “money tree” practically never has single flowers. Crassula blooms very rarely, not earlier than 7-10 years of the plant’s life, while emitting a strong sweet aroma.

Caring for a plant indoors

Gardeners love the money tree houseplant. His homeland endowed him with endurance and unpretentiousness. The plant grows on its own and very rarely dies even without proper care.

It is best to place a pot of Crassula on a windowsill behind a curtain. Because the "money tree" loves daylight, but not direct sunlight. The fat woman loves fresh air very much. Therefore, in the spring and summer, it should be placed on the balcony more often, shading it from the burning rays of the sun.

It is enough to water the tree once a week. The homeland of the “money tree” (crassula) is South Africa, where the climate is predominantly arid. Therefore, the soil should not be allowed to become waterlogged. From September to February, it is better to place the tree in a cool place and water it no more than once a month. It is very good to wipe the leaves from dust every month with a damp cloth.

Transplant the plant into a larger pot every 3-5 years as needed.

Crassula is propagated by shoots or cuttings.


It is rare that anyone is lucky enough to see a blooming money tree. The plant's homeland with a harsh climate determined the flowering of only mature trees. In order to room conditions To increase the chances of Crassula flowering, you need to comply with a number of conditions:

  • do not flood the plant with water,
  • In the summer at night, take it out into the cool air,
  • in winter, ensure the temperature does not exceed 10 degrees and reduce watering to once a month,
  • do not feed the plant with fertilizers,
  • Do not replant often so that the fat plant becomes a little cramped in the pot.

Legends about the Crassula

According to Feng Shui, the “money tree” brings good luck and financial well-being to its owners. The more the tree grows, the more positive energy accumulates in its leaves and trunk, and the more happiness it attracts into the house.

Flower growers claim that the fat woman is capable of becoming attached to the one who takes care of her all the time. If the owner gets sick, the Crassula gets sick along with him and may even die.

This article will focus on Crassula. I bet you haven't heard of such a plant before. But if I say fat woman or money tree, you will immediately understand who I’m talking about.

Crassula is a plant with a thick trunk and evergreen leaves. The height of an adult money tree can reach 1.5 meters. The leaves are thick, fleshy, rounded with a grayish-green coating. Money Tree looks very original.

For some reason I like legends, and so, one Chinese legend says: “there is an unusual tree in the world with leaves, but not simple ones, but in the form of gold coins. If you shake it well, the leaves—coins—fall to the ground like drops of rain.” According to this wonderful story, everyone came to the conclusion that the Crassula was the same magical tree that everyone, of course, dreamed of finding.

Crassula belongs to the Crassula family. Motherland money plant South Africa, Madagascar, Australia. The money tree blooms with flowers collected in a brush of delicate white and pink shades. Beautiful inflorescences appear in adult plants at the ends of the stems. The genus name of this plant is translated from Latin language like krassus - thick and indicates the fleshy structure of the leaves and stems.

Crassula has long been popular in post-Soviet countries. This evergreen can decorate and complement any interior; moreover, the money tree requires minimal care. Any beginner, as well as a gardener who is limited in time, can handle it. The money tree propagates and grows easily.

When choosing a place for a fat woman, give preference to a south-east window. Then the money tree will attract success and financial well-being to your home. It is believed that larger size plants, the greater its impact. Crassula is a good talisman that activates the energy of money in the wealth sector according to Feng Shui.

Crassula arborescens- this is a shrub or tree, in natural conditions it grows to a height of 2 meters with stems measuring up to 15-20 cm in diameter. The color of the leaves is gray-green with a reddish edging, about 6-7 cm long and 2-3 cm wide. Crassula arborescens blooms with small whitish or cream pink flowers. Unfortunately, it blooms very rarely at home.

Only adult Crassulas (5 - 10 years) are capable of flowering. To stimulate flowering, from June to August the money tree is taken out onto the balcony or garden, and in winter it should be kept in a cool room, only occasionally moistening the soil.

Money tree care: watering, lighting, replanting

Crassula is very easy to care for. In spring and summer, he loves warmth, fresh air, sunbathing, and in winter it prefers a temperature no higher than + 15 degrees, and preferably +10. In summer, it is best to take the money tree out onto the balcony or garden. Can survive short-term temperature drops of even -2 degrees. Does not like to grow near heating radiators.

The money tree's dormant period lasts from September to February. It has a beneficial effect on the fat woman’s well-being and accelerates growth. During rest, the plant is placed in conditions with a temperature of +10 - +15 degrees with good lighting, and is rarely watered.

If the money tree is not given a period of rest, it will begin to stretch out its shoots and the leaves will begin to fall off.

In spring and summer, water generously, but allow the soil to dry well (1/3 or even half the pot). It all depends on the composition; the more moisture-retaining parts the soil contains, the greater the drying height.

In autumn and winter, water the money tree moderately and allow the soil to dry completely. Select the watering interval by looking at the leaves. They should not fade or wrinkle. Overwatering leads to rotting of the roots - this is their weak point.

Crassulas are not demanding when it comes to air humidity; they don’t need to be sprayed at all. But still, the plant will be pleased if you wipe the leaves with a cloth and remove the accumulated dust.

The money tree is replanted as it grows. It is better to buy bowls, since the roots of Crassula are shallow. The soil for replanting consists of leaf, turf soil, sand, humus (1: 3: 1: 1). You can buy ready-made ones for cacti or succulents.

Fertilize the plant from April to September once a month. You can use an all-purpose fertilizer or one specifically for succulents or cacti.

The money tree makes good friends with those who have never grown flowers before. This happens not only because as the fat plant grows, the financial income of the beginning gardener increases. Crassula is absolutely not whimsical, responsive, and also beautiful.

To plant, you need to buy soil for cacti or any other nutritious soil, but it must be loose, light, and does not retain moisture.

Crassula is a coin tree that loves all banks and accounting departments. The classic coin tree, Crassula Ovata, grows quite large. Based on the classic green Ovata, breeders have created many colored varieties with interesting leaves.

For example, the money tree Sunset (sunset). The plant has an interesting yellowish-pink color. Moreover, the closer the plant is to good lighting, the brighter the color, and if you move it to the middle of the room, the color quickly begins to fade.

Or another very interesting variety of money tree, HornTree (horse). Some people think that the name has a meaning; the leaves of the crassula look like a horse’s mane. As this money tree grows, it forms more and more new branches, the plant becomes like a bonsai.

Caring for a variegated money tree

Crassulas are variegated (blue, white, yellow) and have the same requirements. Green representatives are less whimsical. In order for a colored money tree to feel good, the most important thing is not to overwater it. Crassula is afraid of water and absolutely cannot stand bays.

The fat woman loves bright sun very much. It is usually written that it should not be exposed to direct sunlight in the summer, but this does not apply to the money tree. Only, of course, everything should happen in moderation, that is, gradually. Even cacti cannot be exposed sharply. The money tree needs to be gradually accustomed to bright lighting. This also applies in winter - spring period. After a long cloudy winter, the sun is gradually transferred to spring.

If it happens that you overwatered the fat plant, you need to urgently remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots. If they are not alive (brown, black, etc.) they need to be dried and replanted. You shouldn’t water the soil right away; you should also give it time to dry out a little. When transplanting a money tree, do not skimp on expanded clay; more drainage can be used.

Money tree care: propagation

Crassula is propagated by cuttings from leaves or stems. Best time March - April, but you can do it all year round, only in winter the survival rate is worse and you need to use additional lighting. Planting material carefully cut with a blade or knife. It is advisable to treat a fresh cut or wound with crushed activated carbon and allow it to dry for 2-3 days. After this, the cuttings are ready for planting; it is better to use a mixture of sand and leaf soil. You can put the cuttings in water to take root, but add activated carbon for disinfection. After the cuttings take root, I transplant them into 5-7 cm cups.

A longer and more labor-intensive way to propagate a money tree is by seeds. It is usually used by flower growers who like to tinker with seeds. Seedlings emerge easily. After you have scattered the seeds, cover the plantings with glass or plastic film. Spray well. Shoots will appear in 10 - 14 days. It is better to thin out the excess seedlings so that they are not crowded. Grown at good lighting. When the seedlings grow up, they can be picked one at a time permanent place. Carry on as usual.

Positive energy of the money tree

If you are unable to concentrate on work, Crassula will help you become more hardworking. In addition, it will relieve sad thoughts. Where the money tree grows it becomes good and comfortable.

Crassula is a “succulent” plant; its leaves are kind of storage vessels. Thanks to its physiology, the money tree is capable of absorbing negativity from harmful thoughts, feelings, words, in a word, everything related to the material needs of a person. This plant is recommended for people who spend a lot of time with money (cashiers, accountants) to relieve unnecessary stress.

Crassula is sensitive to the people with whom it grows. It has been noticed more than once that if someone in the family’s health deteriorates, she also drops some of the leaves. With the improvement of human health, the fat woman also begins to return to normal.

The money tree is a very popular indoor plant, but not everyone is aware that it has an antiviral, antimicrobial effect and is not inferior to aloe juice. Just do not overuse it internally, since the juice of the fatty acid contains a concentration of arsenic.

Crassula leaves are useful for sore throat. And if you crush them into a paste and then apply them to a wound or cut, everything will heal instantly. For herpes, you can apply a cotton swab dipped in juice, fix it with a band-aid or lubricate the affected area every 40 minutes.

Money tree Buddha Temple (cultivar)

The Buddha's Temple Crassula variety is something with something. The plant is so unusual - beautiful with an unforgettable “appearance” that I wanted to introduce you to it.

This variety was created back in 1958 by crossing the Crassula Perfoliata with Pyramidalnaya. This miracle was created by Miron Kimnach. Therefore, sometimes when selling you can find the name Crassula or Kimnachi money tree.

In its appearance, the succulent resembles an architectural building - a Buddhist temple. This fat woman has an interesting physiological feature. Reaching a threshold of 15 cm in height, the plant may collapse from its own weight, as if unable to bear it.

Buddha Temple refers to the "herbaceous" Crassula, not the "sapling". In terms of care, they are more capricious and easier to refill. From the bright sun, the plant can “tan” and acquire a brownish tint.

Hello, dear flower growers. Already have a home money tree? Do you want to take proper care of it so that there is money in the house? Experienced flower growers give a lot valuable advice which will be presented in this article.

Varieties of Crassula

Crassula or Crassula has a large number of the most different types. But the most famous species are tree-like or oval, which is called the “money tree,” creeping. Flowering plant will serve as an elegant decoration for any interior, take note of this.

Caring for them is not difficult, but these plants can be very capricious.

If you are looking for a flower, then at home he will give you such wonderful flowers.

And this is a flowering tree-like crassula with white stars.

Attractive oval appearance with yellow flowers.

The tree-like Crassula with lilac stars looks beautiful.

You can grow a bonsai plant with bright buds.

You can’t take your eyes off the purslane-shaped crassula with milky pink stars.

The oval appearance of the Crassula with fiery buds is amazing.

Woody appearance with cream buds.

Look at more photos of money tree varieties.

  1. A common crassula whose leaves look like coins, which is why it is often called the “money tree.”
  2. Crassula is original.
  3. Crassula ovata Hobbit.
  4. Dark Ova Minor.
  5. A rare species of Ovata Minor.
  6. Silver Crassula.
  7. Moss-shaped light.
  8. Tree-like - bonsai.
  9. Exquisite Crassula bonsai with coins.

Crassula - a useful flower

did you see different kinds Crassula, and you have a desire to plant it. You should know that in addition to beauty, a green pet fills the air of the apartment useful substances.

How to plant a home tree?

They say it's better to steal it than to buy it. From someone you know, discreetly tear off a small twig, then place it in a container of water so that roots appear.

Then start planting.

How to properly plant a seedling with roots?

  1. Place any coins with the heads facing up at the bottom of the pot.
  2. Place drainage.
  3. Add soil.
  4. Make a hole 3 cm deep.
  5. Plant a seedling.
  6. Tie a red thread to a branch to attract money.
  7. Don't place it next to a cactus. The cactus will repel the energy of money.

When the first leaves begin to unfurl, add water to the pan. When the tree begins to grow normally, water it like all flowers.

Money tree care

The most important component for good growth- this is the soil. Crassula prefers light, well-drained soil; a mixture for cacti is suitable. Loves a lot of light, but does not tolerate overheating. Place the flower in the south-eastern part of the apartment, where it will be comfortable.

How to care for it in order to have a beautiful tree? Feed once a month complex fertilizer, best designed for cacti. The first feeding when the seedling begins to grow. From time to time, add sand, ash, and charcoal to the soil. In summer, the plant must be darkened.

To form beautiful bush, turn the plant with different sides to the sun.

Important to her proper watering: in summer 2 times a week, in winter – 1 time in 2 weeks. Make sure that the soil does not become waterlogged, but do not allow it to dry out too much. Loves being sprayed with water.

In indoor conditions, you may not be able to wait for your pet to bloom. It begins to bloom from the age of 10, most often in the spring. The main condition for flowering is lengthening the daylight hours.

Crassula in folk medicine

It turns out that pet juice has medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory.
  • antibacterial.
  • antifungal.

For treatment, knead the leaf of the tree, apply the juice to gauze, and apply it to the affected area. Its medicinal properties are used to treat bruises, lichen, eczema, but especially allergies. If a rash appears, lubricate the affected areas with pure plant juice.

Tie the pulp from the leaf to the callus, it will heal quickly. You can apply pure juice to the hemorrhoids and keep it for no more than 20 minutes.

Crassula transplant

Over time the tree grows, old pot becomes small. It is worth transplanting the plant into a new container, the diameter of which should be equal to the diameter of the plant’s crown. He will feel uncomfortable in a pot that is too spacious.

Transplant rules:

  • Can buy universal primer, to which sand is added 1:4.
  • You can prepare the soil yourself: mix sand, turf soil, and ¼ humus in equal parts.
  • Place drainage -2 cm at the bottom of the container.
  • When you remove the tree from the old pot, do not remove the soil from the roots.
  • Place the flower with a lump of soil in a new container.
  • Then fill the entire void with new soil.
  • Leave the root collar at the same ground level, otherwise the green pet will not grow well and will soon die.
  • To adapt, place the flower in a dark place and reduce watering. It is better to spray with warm water.

A reliable way is cuttings

Propagation by cuttings is the most reliable way. Using a disinfected knife, cut off the shoots from an adult specimen. How to trim? When the plant is 3 years old from the date of planting, you can cut cuttings 10 cm long and place them in water or directly in the soil.

To make the shoots take root better, lubricate them with Kornevin’s solution (on the tip of a knife) and succinic acid(1 tablet per 250 ml of water). Next, prepare the pot and soil as described above.

Place the cut stalk for 2 hours to dry, treat the cut with turmeric. Plant it.

How to grow with leaves? You can stick the leaves into the sand nearby at a slightly inclined angle. They also need to be treated with turmeric and allowed to sit in the air for a while to dry.

For the first 8 months, do not feed the seedlings, then once a month, reducing the dose indicated in the instructions by 1 or 3 times.

So that Crassula grows healthy

Have you noticed that the plant leaves turn red. Keep it out of the sun and do not fill it with water. You can feed it with Agricola fertilizer.

If the foliage turns yellow, then he lacks light. Add artificial lighting. If the leaves become soft, adjust the watering.

The most unpleasant thing is when leaves are falling. Pay attention to watering. Most likely, the plant experienced a long drought or was watered with tap water. Overfeeding with fertilizers and little light can also cause leaves to fall.

What does Feng Shui say?

If a tree sheds its leaves, then there is such a sign that you will lose money. If you believe in omens, then monitor your pet’s condition more closely.

But if the plant has large, fleshy leaves, then the family’s financial situation goes uphill. It is in the foliage that the positive energy accumulates, which attracts good luck and money to the house. Make sure that the trunk goes up, is straight, and the crown is neat and round.

Cover the soil near the trunk with coins and gems. Keep a single copy of the money tree in your house.

Caring for the money tree at home: video

A plant that is loved by plant growers and connoisseurs of all things beautiful is the money tree. For many centuries it has been believed that the flower is capable of bringing wealth and prosperity to the home.

Africa is recognized as the native land of the plant. It belongs to the Crassula genus of the Crassula family; the flower is popularly called Crassula or Crassula. Some plant species have leaves that look like coins, which is why the flower is called a money flower.

A little about the money tree

In nature, Crassula is represented by shrubs and aquatic herbaceous plants. More than 300 subspecies of the money tree are known. Some of them prefer hot climates, while others prefer humid environments.

External signs of Crassula:

  • An uneven powerful trunk covered with dense bark, from which branches extend. Height - 1-2 meters, diameter - up to 3 centimeters.
  • Thick leaves are green or dark green. Sometimes they are covered with red spots or framed by a dark red border. The leaves are 2 - 3 cm long and up to 2 cm wide.
  • Crown money flower resembles a ball. The plant is denser if there is one sprout in the container.
  • The root system is weak in comparison with the overall dimensions of the plant.
  • Crassula, having reached the age of ten, can begin to bloom. The flowers are white or pinkish in color and resemble half-umbrellas. The flowering period falls in autumn or winter.

Money tree: care at home

The money flower prefers bright rooms with windows facing the sun.

  • In summer, it is recommended to take the fat plant out into the fresh air.
  • The money tree is unpretentious to temperature and air humidity. Temperatures are around 26 degrees in summer and 22 in winter.
  • Crassula is able to accumulate moisture in the leaves, which helps with its deficiency. Excessive watering is detrimental to trees. Watering 1-2 times a week.

The leaves of the flower do not require additional spraying.

Transplanting and propagating a money flower

It is better to replant the plant in the spring.

Reasons for replanting a money flower :

  • recent purchase of a plant and the need to move it from a shipping container to suitable soil;
  • the need to replace the pot with a larger one;
  • the occurrence of unforeseen situations (damage to the old pot or damage to the soil).

To replant, you need a pot, drainage, soil and water. The dimensions of the container are no larger than the crown of a tree. If the pot is too large, the fat plant will not have time to absorb water and rotting of the soil and roots will occur.

  • Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot.
  • Then the soil is poured. For a money tree, one that contains soil and sand is suitable. Or ready-made soil for succulents.
  • After immersing the plant in the ground, it is watered abundantly. Added if necessary upper layer soil to the limit of the root collar.
  • Then the flower is placed in a sunny place and left alone.
  • Spring is considered a suitable period for flower propagation. The plant can be propagated by cutting off a leaf or part of the Crassula stem with a thin blade. They are left in the shade for a couple of days and then immersed in water or soil to form a root system.

    Diseases dangerous to the money tree

    Signs indicating that Crassula is sick or is being attacked by pests:

    • Leaves are falling. The norm is to shed leaves once every year or two. If this happens more often, it is a sign of excess water in the soil.
    • The leaves of the tree were covered with black spots. A sign of sunburn. The flower should be moved away from direct sunlight.
    • The fat woman dries and withers. A consequence of extreme heat. You should take the flower out into the fresh air, but not into the sun.
    • The growth of Crassula has stopped. The plant needs to be replanted. And it is necessary to examine the roots for the presence of pests. After transplanting, feed periodically.
    • The leaves are covered with red-brown or yellow spots. The plant overcomes the insect scale insect. To combat it, it is necessary to treat each leaf with alcohol or kerosene. Then wipe them soap solution and water.
    • The flower is covered with yellow spots and cobwebs. Started up in Crassula spider mite . Should be applied special means: Actellik, Rogor or Neoron.
    • Formations around the base of the trunk, similar to cotton wool. Money tree is affected mealybug . If the flower is not badly damaged, then you can remove these formations with a brush dipped in soapy liquid. If the damage is serious, then the flower is treated with Actellik.

    The Money Tree is suitable for everyone. It does not require special content; minimal attention is enough for it. A healthy plant can decorate any apartment and create a cozy atmosphere. Symbolizing wealth and luxury, it will certainly bring prosperity and well-being to the family.

    Crassula tree, Crassula or money tree is a plant that has become widespread in the apartments and gardens of many of our compatriots. In European countries it appeared towards the end of the 17th century, and its peak of popularity occurred at the beginning of the 19th century. From our article you will learn what types of crassula there are, how to plant a money tree, what conditions are necessary for its growth, and much more.

    Types of Crassula

    There are about 300 varieties of money trees. For the most part they belong to succulents, although herbaceous, aquatic and creeping species are also found. The most commonly bred types of Crassula are:

      • Crassula oval. The fleshy leaves are rich green in color and have a characteristic shine. In the wild, Crassula ovala can reach a height of three meters, while in an apartment or house it stops growing after reaching 0.6-1 m. This plant differs from its fellows in that it has characteristic aerial roots on the branches and trunk.
    • Crassula arborescens. It was this variety of plant that received the name “money tree” due to the similarity of the shape of the leaves to coins. Outwardly, it is similar to Crassula oval, but has a more rounded shape of the leaves and a bluish coating on them. A flowering money tree is rare, but this variety is still able to please its owners with flowers after it reaches ten years of age.
    • Crassula minor. A small plant with rounded leaves with a reddish border.
    • Sunset Crassula. This variety has reddish-yellow streaks on the leaves.

    Advice! If you want to enjoy original look multi-colored Crassula sunset leaves, grow it under bright sunlight in a greenhouse, as in simple home conditions its leaves turn green.

    • Crassula tricolor. This plant is distinguished by beautiful white stripes on a green background and red-pink edging.
    • Crassula crescent. One of the few flowering varieties of Crassula. Characterized by large umbrella inflorescences of a reddish color. Under indoor conditions, this type of money tree blooms in July-August.

    Money tree: care and reproduction

    This plant is propagated by the vegetative method - leaves and cuttings.

    It is best to plant Crassula in shallow pots, the bottom of which is covered with a drainage layer (small pebbles, expanded clay). Before planting, the soil must be moistened and a small depression formed in it. Place the shoot in it and dig it in lightly.

    Please note that there is no need mature plant It’s better not to disturb – it will be enough to replant the fat plant once every three years. But while Crassula is still young (up to three years of age), the money tree should be transplanted annually, preferably in the spring.

    Which soil should you choose?

    The indoor money tree grows excellently in succulent soil. If it is difficult to find it on sale, you can make the substrate yourself. To do this, you will need to combine sand, humus, leaf and turf soil in a ratio of 1:1:1:4.

    Advice! You can also add small pieces of charcoal to this mixture.

    Does the fat woman need feeding?

    Like many other plants, the money tree requires vitamin and mineral feeding. And if in winter and autumn Crassula does not feel an urgent need for it, then in spring and summer it will not hurt to feed it. To do this, use universal fertilizer for succulents 1-2 times a month. The best time to fertilize is immediately after watering.

    As for humidity, the fat plant is relatively unpretentious and grows well in both humid and dry air. However, as a preventative measure, it is recommended to spray the plant once a month with a spray bottle (especially during the heating season).