In a private house      04.03.2020

Reinforced seam. Paper tape or sickle - what to choose? Do-it-yourself sealing of seams between plates

Because today the price of all building materials is constantly increasing, it is necessary to think about how to make truly high-quality designs, so that later you do not have to constantly correct defects.

All kinds of concrete structures are no exception - for example, floors and blind areas around the building. If the floors are done incorrectly, they will simply crack, and this will automatically lead to deformation of the finished floor covering.

Photo showing temperature lines in the structure of a concrete floor

As for the blind area, it is, in fact, responsible for the integrity and normal condition of the foundation tape. If cracks appear in the blind area, then water will penetrate there, which in turn will fall into the structure of the foundation. And this is already fraught with serious consequences.

To minimize the risk of cracking, an expansion joint is arranged in concrete according to SNIP - with its presence, deformation is unlikely.

In fact, these are kind of cuts in the concrete structure, thanks to which the concrete does not crack during temperature changes - as it seems to have room to expand.

Correctly made blind area

In fact, there is a whole classification of protective lines - and there are not only temperature ones. Let's consider what they generally are, and then, using the example of installing floors and blind areas, we will figure out how expansion joints are arranged in reinforced concrete structures.

Types of seams in concrete

Type of seams Description
1. Shrinkage. These are, in fact, temporary lines that are arranged in buildings from monolithic concrete directly during the pouring process. The fact is that when concrete dries, it tends to shrink, and because of this, cracks may appear. And it turns out that the mixture is compressed, all the pressure goes to the empty line, which expands under such “pressure”.
After the entire mass has solidified, the shrinkage incision is closed.
2. Sedimentary and temperature lines. Everything is clear from the name. Such incisions protect the building from deformation during shrinkage and from temperature fluctuations. Sedimentary lines are located on all elements of the building and in the foundation as well. Temperature measurements are made everywhere except the foundation.
3. Anti-seismic. These lines, as it were, divide the building into separate sections, blocks. At the same time, double walls or racks are made at the place where such seams pass, which significantly increases the level of stability of the entire structure as a whole.

Such is the classification.

Please note that the installation of expansion joints in concrete implies their mandatory processing - these are not voids. As a rule, such cuts are sealed either with sealants, or with special profiles or elastic inserts. If this is not done, then the visual appearance deteriorates significantly and, of course, the thermal insulation qualities of the structure are lost.

Filling the deformation line with a special profile

Now we can move on to how exactly such temperature protection is done.

Installation of expansion joints

As already mentioned, we will get acquainted with the technology using the example of concrete floors and blind areas around the perimeter of the building. Why these structures? Because in most cases they are made with their own hands and with characteristic mistakes (see also the article “Grid for concrete - types and applications”).

And the errors just lie in the fact that there is no protective temperature line.

Screed without protective cuts

Before starting, a few words about the features of these structures, in which cases they need to be protected by such technology.

Please note that the installation of expansion joints in concrete is also carried out in the walls. And even if they are not made of a monolith, but also of ordinary bricks or blocks.

Now you can proceed directly to work. Brief Instructions for pouring the floor and the blind area, in which the main attention will be paid to the arrangement of seams.

So, let's begin.

blind area protection

Filling the blind area

This element of the house is done like this:

  • A trench about 15 cm deep is made around the perimeter of the building.. At the same time, its width must be no less than the protrusion of the visors on the roof.
  • The trench is covered with rubble, strips of roofing material are laid on top of the stone.
  • Mounted reinforcement frame.
  • Tip: reinforcement bars must be inserted into the walls of the house. To do this, work is performed such as diamond drilling holes in the concrete, into which the ends of the reinforcement are inserted.

  • A layer of concrete is poured with a slope from the walls.
  • The expansion joint is made just before the concrete mixture is poured. It is done along the line connecting the walls and the blind area. In order to organize such seams, you just need to insert not very thick boards between the plane of the walls and the blind area.

    In addition, seams are also made across the blind area - in the same way (using boards placed on edge). In this case, the distance between the expansion joints in reinforced concrete of this type should be approximately 1.5 - 2 meters.

    Formwork for the blind area, taking into account temperature protection

    It turns out that the mixture will flood the entire space, except for those lines where the boards are installed. After the concrete has cured, the boards are removed and the gaps filled with either sealant or polyethylene foam tape.

    The main thing here is to make sure that the connection between the house and the blind area does not turn out to be empty - otherwise water will penetrate into it and, accordingly, there will be no sense from this design.

    Now let's move on to the installation of floors with seams.

    Seams in concrete floors

    We will not consider the order of pouring the concrete floor, since expansion joints on such a plane can be arranged after the initial solidification of the mixture.

    Of course, it is better to do this before pouring, so that cracks do not appear on the surface when the concrete dries, but, in principle, this is not necessary if protective lines are made before the concrete has hardened 100%. As a rule, complete solidification occurs in a few weeks - during this time you can have time to make seams, agree.

    Safety notch in concrete

    So, how are the seams in the screed.

  • The lines along which reinforced concrete will be cut with diamond wheels are determined. The distance between them is calculated using a very simple formula - we multiply 25 by the thickness of the screed, for example, it will be 10 cm. Accordingly, the distance between parallel lines should be about 2.5 meters.
  • The grinder cuts the seams, the depth of which should be equal to approximately 1/3 of the total thickness of the screed. As for the width of the lines, the optimal figure is a maximum of a few centimeters.
  • All dirt and dust is removed from the seams with the help of brushes and a vacuum cleaner, and then the entire space is primed.
  • After the primer has dried, the entire cut space is filled with mastic, sealant, or some kind of elastic material. In addition, there are also special profiles that are designed for laying in such seams.
  • What we got as a result is that now, in the case of expansion of the concrete mass, the deformation will occur at the edges of the screed, along the lines where the seams pass. In these places, the extreme lines of concrete will crack a little at most, but the main top coat floor will remain completely intact.

    Stitches close up

    Which, of course, will save you money, since you will not need to spend money on current repairs.

    Actually, our review of this technology is over, and now we can summarize.

    It turns out that arranging expansion joints in the structure of concrete outdoors and indoors is a very desirable measure, as a result of which the overall service life of the entire structure as a whole is significantly extended.

    It turns out that having once invested in the installation of such expansion joints in concrete, you also save on minor current repairs.

    We figured out what kind of protective expansion joints are and how protection against impact is arranged different temperatures. We hope that the instruction will be useful to you in practice. Well, if you want to know even more information on this topic, we advise you to look at additional video In this article.

    Concrete bases are the most durable, reliable and durable. However, concrete is a capricious material in the formation of structures, surfaces and their operation. Loads acting on and in the material that have different reasons, lead to cracking of the monolithic surface. This happens if measures are not taken in time to create compensatory cuts that prevent such phenomena.

    What is an expansion joint?

    It's purposeful fragmentation concrete base(floor, wall, roof, etc.), which weakens the action of external and internal forces (stresses), leading to uncontrolled deformation and destruction of the concrete monolith to its entire depth. Such deformations can cause a decrease in the performance of buildings. Compensation cut responds and dampens changes in geometry, consisting of several independent fragments. Such seams are a serious factor in ensuring the reliability and durability of structures.

    Device Necessity

    Structural elements of buildings are connected and constantly interact with each other against the background of the fact that buildings change their geometric dimensions under the influence of changes in the temperature and humidity conditions of operation, shrinkage of the frame, and precipitation of hardening concrete monoliths. All this causes stress in the nodes of a single structure of the structure, although often such changes in the geometry of the elements are visually invisible. The creation of cuts contributes to the uniform distribution of additional loads (forces, stresses) by compensating for changes in the geometric dimensions (expansion, compression, twisting, shearing, bending, etc.) of the material that have arisen due to factors acting on concrete (or in concrete).

    Loads always affect structures, but without formed expansion joints, they entail a deterioration in the characteristics of foundations, the occurrence of cracks, manifestations of structural deformations, an increase in internal stresses, a reduction in the duration of operation, etc. For example, heating / cooling walls leads to a slight change in their dimensions, which in turn creates stresses in the material. The larger the dimensions of the walls, the greater the tension.

    They cause cracking (in, interior decoration), are transmitted through a rigidly connected frame to ceilings, beams, stairs, foundations, etc. A minimal shift in the position of the wall in the stress center will immediately threaten the integrity of the rigid structure of the building. The duration of impacts, their magnitude can even cause the destruction of the frame of the structure. Shifts and seasonal heaving of soils also appear as a factor in the destruction of the blind area, if they do not provide for temperature cuts.

    What are expansion joints?

    Types and purpose of seams in concrete.

    The nature of the loads that the cuts must compensate for is the main feature of their classification. They are divided into fixed (conditionally) - technological and shrinkage, as well as sedimentary, insulating and temperature, deformation. Breaks in work with concrete are accompanied by the formation of technological gaps, when a cushion of material, cast earlier, adjoins the edge of a new section of the monolith.

    Shrinkage cuts by fragmenting the plate weaken the tensile stresses in the hardening material, which contributes to the passage of cracks below the cut without reaching its surface or the passage of a fracture along the seam. They compensate for deformation even with uneven loss of moisture. different sections screeds. External temperature sections of the building are divided into sections, which protects against deformations caused by changes in the temperature of the concrete.

    Often they are complexed with seams, the task of which is to compensate for vertical shifts in certain parts of structures due to the uneven settlement of soils under the building. Expansion joints unload assembly joints structural elements from torsional deformations, transverse and longitudinal stresses. They are formed at the junction of the floor to the columns, flights of stairs, curb stone, on fractures of the planes of the material, areas of stepped height difference of screeds, etc.

    Insulating joints are necessarily created at the junction of the floor with walls, stairs, columns, etc. Their task is to prevent the transfer of deformations (temperature, shrinkage, etc.) from the frame of the structure to the floor screed. This separation prevents the passage of shock sound waves into the premises through the screed and back. Temperature joints are formed to compensate for the movement of soils and buildings relative to the blind area. Its fragmentation and elastic attachment to the foundation provide load damping.

    How are they performed?

    Two methods are used to form seams using diamond or abrasive wheels:

    • assembly - when it is divided into fragments at the stage using damping materials laid to the entire depth of the slab (glass, timber, polymer tapes, plastic lining etc.), which can be removed from the seam or remain in it;
    • cutting - when hardening concrete slab is cut to a fixed depth, and the formed seams are sealed with polymer sealants, mastics, closed with special structures or left unfilled. The step (width of the strip) of cutting is determined as follows: the height of the screed (in cm) is multiplied by the coefficient "24". The result is a step for arranging seams (in cm).

    They are made perfectly straight, their intersection is allowed only at a right angle. At the same time, the joints of the cuts should not form the letter "T" in the plan. When it is impossible to exclude in terms of the intersection of the seams in the form of a triangle, the figure is made equilateral. Minimum Width seams 0.6 cm, which depends on the height of the layer of artificial stone. can be carried out as early as 12 - 72 hours after laying (depending on the air temperature), however, the situation should be excluded when the concrete is completely dry and the cut edge of the material crumbles.

    The depth of the sections is 1/4 - 1/2 of the height of the slab. The floor area inside the premises is considered indivisible (up to 30 m2) when the ratio of the sides of such a “rectangle” is not more than 1:1.5. Large areas are separated by shrinkage seams into similar or smaller areas. When a monolith has a length of 25 m or more, it must be crossed with seams. If the tracks of the hardening material are 3 meters wide or more, longitudinal seams are made.

    On slabs open to precipitation, cuts are made in increments of 3 m, and the maximum area of ​​a single piece is not more than 9 m2. Monoliths of paths (corridors) are cut by transverse seams with a step of up to 6 m (the usual step is twice the width of laying the material), and L-shaped turns are fragmented into rectangles (squares). Also slots separate floor coverings from various materials, grounds in the premises according to doorways, places of difference in the height of the screeds.

    Similar seams, like those that are under, are not filled, but on outdoors sealed. Sections of the floor slabs surrounding the columns should be square in plan, the corners of which are located against the flat faces of the columns (the square formed by the seams rotates 45 degrees relative to the faces of the column). The structural integrity of the dissected bases is ensured by special systems placed in the seams or superimposed on them. These are metal profiles and seals.

    In the blind areas, wall joints are filled with roofing material, bitumen or sealant. subdivided into sections of 2 - 2.5 meters, which are intersected by seams (perpendicular to the wall) to the entire depth of pouring concrete. Such a separator is formed by the board ( fixed formwork), laid on the edge so that its upper edge coincides with the surface of the formwork. Boards (thickness up to 3 cm) are processed with hot bitumen, a septic tank. Also used special tapes from vinyl up to 15 mm thick. Then the formwork is concreted.

    What will be required in order to correctly, quickly and beautifully reinforce the seams on drywall, internal and external corners? To begin with, you should not use such a sickle for this.

    Even with a little effort, it spreads. No quality can be expected from her. It is better to use paper for seams.

    She has a place of inflection, and this place should be placed along the drywall seam.

    You should not use PVA glue, patch up paper, we will use the Sheetrock universal putty. The manufacturer believes that such a putty is quite enough and you can only get by with it.

    For outdoor and internal corners we will use special corners on paper basis from the same manufacturer Sheetrock.

    Here outdoor corner with this profile.

    Here is the inside corner.

    There is obviously less metal here, good perforation is noticeable at all corners. Perforation is necessary so that air bubbles come out, and also some amount of putty will come out through it. The corners themselves are 3.05 meters high, you can cut pieces from them right size. Let's start with paper, show how to use it, apply it correctly, so that everything is competent and beautiful. The Knauf drywall itself is 12.5 mm thick, ordinary, not waterproof, GKL-PLUK 12.5X1200X2500.

    If we immediately apply Sheetrock and try to stick a piece of paper, then a lot of putty will remain in the depth, no matter how we squeeze it out.

    Gradually, the paper in this place will get wet and warp, increase in size and take on an unsightly appearance, creating difficulties for subsequent work.

    Therefore, to work with these seams, it is better to use UNIFLOT. This is such a putty that sets very quickly, after 20–25 minutes it can already be sanded. First you need to putty the depth of the seam with UNIFLOT, go through with a spatula, and after 20 minutes you can put a piece of paper on Sheetrock here. All work will be completed in one day.

    So, to work along the seam, you will need paper and a spatula of different widths.

    With each subsequent layer of putty, you need to switch to the spatula of the next size. With a wide spatula, it will be possible to perform the final puttying of the seam.

    We hammer UNIFLOT into the seam.

    The sheet has a factory chamfer, very long, you don’t need to hammer all of it, since paper should still be located in this place. Therefore, we hammer only the very depth. You can take a narrow spatula with a width of, for example, 5 cm, and remove everything superfluous so that the putty remains only in the groove.

    Now we will show how to reinforce the internal corners. We will use such a small comb spatula for this.

    Such corners do not require any preparation. They have a metal part that Sheetrock will not stick to.

    The metal will only reinforce the corner, and Sheetrock will be on the piece of paper itself. Therefore, if there are any gaps, they can not be sealed, but left as is. A gap of 3-4 mm wide is not at all scary, its preliminary sealing is not required. It is enough to make a few strokes of Sheetrock with light movements. It doesn't have to be pretty. The faster the better.

    Then we carry out several times with a comb spatula.

    Sheetrock applied evenly, almost none empty seats. We take a corner, put it in its place, draw it with a spatula, squeeze out the excess from there.

    If the corner is three meters, it is better to apply a little Sheetrock on the spatula. When we lead with a spatula, it will immediately level this piece of paper and create a small layer on top. A few movements - and the corner is reinforced.

    Now you need to wait until it dries, take a spatula bigger size and once again putty the corner itself. This is done easily, simply and quickly.

    External corners are good because they do not require any preliminary puttying. Let's put some putty on. You don't need to level it hard.

    We pass with a comb spatula. Now the corner is completely ready for installation.

    We set the angle, orient it along the plane, press it on one side. You can put some sheetrock.

    The putty is squeezed out from under the paper, the corners themselves are of high quality, the paper does not get wet, does not increase in size, and wrinkles do not form on it. If Sheetrock is under metal, it cannot have any effect on this metal and on paper. Therefore, here you can do the following. Do not wait for a long time, but immediately apply some more Sheetrock putty and remove it in one motion.

    Leave the seam in this position until completely dry. Irregularities, dimples do not need to try to straighten immediately. One pass is enough, you still have to go 2-3 times to the outer and inner corners, and to the seams.

    About half an hour has passed, UNIFLOT has dried up, there are no wet spots, nothing is scratched. Grinding with emery is not required, you can immediately apply paper. We take Sheetrock, fill the groove.

    We take a piece of paper, put it with a curved place inside so that the tubercle does not stick out.

    Squeeze out the entire Sheetrock slowly from there. On the spatula, you can apply a little putty for sliding.

    You can move on to the next step. Since there is very little putty left under the paper, the paper will not get wet and warp. Remove excess putty from the edges immediately and leave to dry. Only after the Sheetrock is dry, you can proceed to the next steps.

    Another 2-3 hours passed. Before completely puttying the entire wall, you need to go through this seam again with a wide spatula.

    If there are small irregularities left, they will be covered by Sheetrock when we putty the entire wall. This is how it happens in reality with the full sizes of the corners:

    We managed to work without any complicated devices, bazookas and other things, working on the “spatula technology”. This did not greatly affect the quality of work, in the end, everything can be compensated by experience.

    All rights to the video belong to: Alexander Perikov

    As you know, the seams at the joints of drywall should not be inferior in strength to the drywall itself. Otherwise, with temperature and other deformations of drywall, cracks may appear at the seams, which will negate all the work done. In this article I will tell you in what ways you can close the joints on the seams of drywall, and how to do it preferably.

    In the past few years, when reinforcing drywall joints, builders mainly use 2 types of materials - this is a reinforcing self-adhesive "serpyanka" mesh, a gossamer glued on glue, or perforated construction paper tape. Both of these options are quite common and have slight differences in the installation method, and also have different quality. Consider both options, and I will tell you why paper tape is preferable.

    Option one, using sickle to reinforce the seam

    We use a self-adhesive sickle, stick it on the joint of drywall sheets along the entire length.

    We breed putty for drywall, it is better not to save on it and purchase gypsum putty from well-known manufacturers, such as Knauf.

    We apply the putty on a wide spatula and putty the seam with the mesh, I prefer to work in several steps, making the widest possible layer of the solution.

    The wider the seam is smeared, the less it will protrude on the wall and the less it will be visible in the end. Therefore, do not strive to make narrow seams, as thick as a tape or a little wider, the normal width is 10-15cm.

    After drying, the seam is ready. However, although the mesh method is the simplest, it has its drawback - the lack of a margin of safety. Due to its qualities, the reinforcing mesh can stretch in one direction or another in the wake of the drywall, which will subsequently lead to the appearance of cracks in the seam. Repairing such seams is a rather laborious task, and if the room is affected by temperature or moisture, the choice in favor of a reinforcing mesh, serpyanka, is not the best.

    Here it is necessary to say a few words about drywall, or rather about its edge. On this moment almost whole good drywall has a thinned PLUK edge, this is the optimal type of edge.

    The rounded edge leaves a lot of space for putty, which has a positive effect on the strength of the seam.
    However, if the sheet originally came without an edge, or if a piece had to be cut off, such an edge must be recreated. This can be done either with a special edging, or with an ordinary knife(carefully).

    Option two, using reinforcing paper tape

    Paper tape for reinforcing drywall joints is not ordinary paper tape. Firstly, it is reinforced with fiberglass, but secondly, a high-quality tape has micro-perforations that allow air bubbles to escape from under the tape, and thereby create a better seam. It is this tape that is preferably used when reinforcing seams. In general, the paper tape is stronger than the mesh and holds normal loads when drywall moves from humidity and temperature changes, which helps to avoid cracks in the seams.
    Since the paper tape does not have an adhesive layer, putty is first applied directly to the seam, then the tape is glued, and the finishing layer of putty is applied on top.

    We apply putty in the same way as when using a grid, evenly filling the seam.

    We glue the tape on the putty layer, try to fix the tape in the center of the seam. Iron the tape to stick and release the bubbles. It is important that the extra putty is gone, but the necessary one does not come out. You can only understand this with experience.

    We close the tape with a finishing layer of putty. Do not overdo it, the layer should be thin so as not to form a bump on the wall.
    This completes the reinforcement of the joint. Not much more difficult than using a grid, but much more reliable.

    How to close a corner joint

    Often they make all sorts of complex drywall constructions. Here comes to the rescue metallic profile for drywall, putty and paper tape.
    Especially for an example, I will show on this small piece of drywall by the window how this is done. We mark the holes for the profile and fasten it to the drywall.

    We also pass with a spatula with putty one side of the joint, covering the profile, then we do the same with the second side.

    Glue the paper tape to the putty.

    We pass with a layer of putty from above, trying to make the most even transition from the sheet to the edge of the metal corner, you can try to completely cover it with putty.

    That's all, the corner is ready. For reliability, at the end of the repair, it is necessary to glue the plastic protective corner so that the putty does not crumble from accidental impacts. Here's another good one.
    This is where my story comes to an end, I tried to talk in detail about how you can seal the seams on drywall, explained why it is better to use paper tape and not mesh. The choice of which technology to use in your repair is always up to you. Thanks for watching and good luck with the repair!

    The expansion joint is an integral part and the most important event in the installation of concrete floors.

    There are three main types of expansion joints:

    1. insulating seams;
    2. Shrink seams;
    3. Structural seams.

    Types of expansion joints

    Seams are arranged along the walls, around the columns and around the foundations for equipment in order to exclude the transfer of deformations from the building structures to the floor screed.
    The insulating seam is arranged by laying insulating material along the building structures just before pouring concrete mix.

    Shrink seams necessary in order to prevent chaotic cracking of the screed during the hardening process. They allow you to create straight slack planes in concrete. As a result, the screed gives a crack in a given direction.

    Shrinkage joints should be cut along the axes of the columns, and join with the corners of the joints running along the perimeter of the columns.

    Floor maps formed by shrinkage joints should be as square as possible. Stretched or L-shaped cards should be avoided. The length of the card should not exceed the width by more than 1.5 times. Shrink joints should be straight and, if possible, without branches.

    In passages and driveways, shrinkage joints should be located at a distance equal to the width of the screed. Tracks wider than 300-360cm should have a longitudinal seam in the center. When concreting in open areas, the distance between the seams should not exceed 3 m in all directions. General rule- the smaller the map, the less chance of chaotic cracking.

    Cutting of shrink joints is carried out after completion finishing concrete surfaces.

    Usually, the seams are cut with 6x6 m cards in the same sequence in which the concrete was laid. The seams should be cut to a depth of 1/3 of the thickness of the screed. This creates a slack zone in the screed, and during shrinkage, the concrete cracks in this zone, i.e. cracks directionally, not randomly. In this case, the edges of the formed crack have a certain roughness, which excludes vertical offsets them until the crack becomes too wide.

    Construction seams are arranged where the day's work of laying concrete has been completed.

    The shape of the edge of the screed for a structural joint is usually made according to the principle of a spike in a groove; sleepers (slats) laid across the joint can be used. The slats must be installed in the middle of the depth of the screed under right angles to the seam. One end of the rail must be lubricated with bitumen in order to move freely in the screed.

    Structural joints work like shrink joints - they allow small horizontal movements, but not vertical ones. It is desirable that the structural seam coincide with the shrinkage one.

    The device of the expansion joint should be carried out in strict accordance with the developed project. If there are any changes (for example, the size of the joint or the replacement of material), the design of the expansion joint must be agreed with representatives of the design organization.

    Seam sealing

    In the presence of wet processes in the room, the tightness of the joints is of particular importance, since the lack of tightness leads to peeling of organic coatings from the floor slab. This process is especially active at elevated temperatures in the premises.

    In the course of work, the number and location of seams are set based not only on the coefficient of thermal expansion of materials, but also taking into account the shrinkage of concrete and possible deformations that most often occur in areas where the floor is mated with foundations for equipment, walls and columns.

    Seam sealing protects the seam from water penetration and aggressive environments, as well as from clogging.
    The type of sealant depends on the loads and operating conditions. For example, in many industrial and food plants, floors must be easy to clean and withstand high traffic loads.

    Sealants for such floors must be hard enough to support the edges of the joint and prevent them from chipping, and ductile enough to withstand easy opening and closing of the joint.

    Crack problem

    Cracking in concrete can be reduced by reducing the amount of water used for mixing. But even concrete with a low water content shrinks, and besides, concrete made with some fillers can shrink more than concrete with other fillers.

    Due to the fact that it is impossible to eliminate the shrinkage of concrete made from traditional cements, then best solution- give the crack the opportunity to appear in the place where its appearance is desirable and, moreover, in the form of a straight line. This is the expansion joint.

    Seams can be made in freshly laid concrete with a special cutter. In dry concrete, the seams are sawn through. But even in screeds with cut or sawn expansion joints, cracks sometimes appear in other places. The likelihood of such cracks occurring can be reduced by doing the following:

    cut the seams in time

    By calling or writing to us, you can always get free samples of materials for trial application and consultation of our specialists.

    If the seams are cut in freshly laid concrete, then time does not play a role. But if they are cut later, then random cracks are likely to appear. Joint cutting in freshly laid concrete is carried out immediately after surface grinding. On dry concrete, cutting joints should be done as quickly as possible so that the edges of the joints do not begin to crumble. It is usually recommended to do this after 12 hours at normal temperature, with reduced - 24 hours after concrete laying.

    Cut the seams to the required depth
    Seams cut with conventional seam cutters should have a depth of 1/4 to 1/3 of the thickness of the screed. Seams made by special cutters on fresh concrete may have a shallower depth.

    Cut seams at the required spacing
    Usually, the interval for cutting seams is chosen within (24-36) x (screed thickness). On a 10 cm screed, the seams are cut at a distance of 240 cm to 360 cm from each other. For concrete with greater slump and shrinkage, it is preferable to have a cutting interval closer to 240cm.

    Exclude interior corners
    Cracks are more likely to appear at inner corners. The grid of seams should be such as to exclude the formation of internal corners.

    Eliminate T-shaped intersection of seams
    The T-shaped intersection of the seams leads to the formation of a crack passing through the crossed seam. When planning a grid of seams, T-shaped intersections should be avoided.

    The areas bounded by the seams should have a shape close to a square

    If the length of the section is 1.5 times the width, then the crack will most likely appear in the middle of the long side. The seam pattern should be such as to avoid the formation of long and narrow sections.

    Eliminate the formation of triangular areas with sharp corners
    Triangular areas with sharp corners tend to crack at the end acute angle. In general, triangles should be avoided, however, if required, the seams should form an equilateral triangle.

    Sometimes cracks form in concrete that has not gained strength. These shrinkage cracks usually occur during dry, hot and windy weather. If such weather conditions are expected during concrete laying, then concrete with synthetic fibers should be used, and during the laying and grouting of concrete, moisten its surface with water.