In a private house      04.02.2021

What to do with viburnum for the winter recipes. How to prepare viburnum for the winter? The best cooking recipes. fruits with sugar

In Russia, viburnum is very revered for its healing properties. Someone grows a plant with decorative purpose. But real connoisseurs of culture use berries in cooking - they cook kissels and compotes, jelly and jam, add them to jelly, crush wine. Viburnum fruits are excellent raw materials for winter harvesting.

The drupe ripens at the end of autumn and can safely hang on the branches until spring, without fear of frost. So you can start collecting viburnum without haste, selecting the largest dense bright red fruits.

When fresh, the berry is too bitter, and this feature must first be eliminated by using one of the following methods:

  • hold for several hours in the refrigerator or wait for the time when the berries freeze naturally, on the branches;
  • steam for 3 hours in the oven;
  • soak in salt solution for 12 hours.

In the latter version, viburnum should be thoroughly washed after soaking. Salt does not penetrate the berry, but remains on the skin in large quantities. If the bitterness does not really interfere, it can be removed partially - just scald the fruits with boiling water.

Blanks from viburnum for the winter - the best recipes

The berries are so rich useful composition that you should not ignore viburnum in winter harvesting. By introducing healing dishes into the diet of households, the family will quickly forget about the existence of doctors - the properties of the berry are so effective. You can cook it different ways, and some of the recipes are given here.

With sugar without cooking

The less the berry is thermally processed, the more useful it is. In addition, even without cooking, viburnum will hold out well in the bins until spring, if by this period they have not yet had time to eat it. The suggested recipe is as follows:

  • having laid the fruits in a deep container, they are gently kneaded so that the juice does not splash in all directions;
  • sugar (by volume the same amount as berries) is divided into 3 parts and one is set aside for now;
  • 2 others pour into the crushed berries and stir until the sweet crystals dissolve;
  • the mass is laid out in small jars, not reaching the top by ¼;
  • granulated sugar is poured on top, covered with nylon lids and put on a shelf.

Gradually, viburnum will give additional juice, which will dissolve the remaining sugar.


Washed berries can be frozen for the winter, or you can cook without sugar in your own juice:

  • to begin with, squeeze the juice from the fruit and combine it with whole berries in a ratio of 3: 7;
  • put on fire and, bringing to a boil, immediately remove;
  • packaged in jars, sterilized for 20 minutes and rolled up.

Kalina in its own juice is an excellent semi-finished product for compotes, jelly and jellies. You can decorate cakes with berries and use the blank for medicinal purposes.

With honey

If you want to make the preparation sweeter, you can use honey.

To do this, the fruits are doused with boiling water and immediately wiped through a sieve. The resulting mass is combined with honey (1:1), thoroughly mixed and stored in the cold. It turns out not only tasty, but also doubly healing.

Using this recipe, there is no need to pre-treat the fruits to eliminate bitterness. Under the influence of honey, it will go away by itself, and the workpiece will acquire a pleasant sweetness.

Viburnum jelly

Well, what kid doesn't love sweet jelly? So you can make a delicious, beautiful fruit student from viburnum berries. And not just to pamper the little household with a dish, but to make voluminous preparations for the whole winter, following this algorithm:

  • the berries are first crushed, as in the first recipe, then they are additionally rubbed through a sieve to get rid of the seeds;
  • sugar (2 cups) is added to the resulting juice (1 cup) and everything is mixed well;
  • packaged in jars, put away for storage in the refrigerator.

The mass will very quickly turn into jelly due to the ability of the berries to gel. And children in the winter will enjoy not only their favorite, but also a healthy treat.

Seedless jam

To fill the dish interesting taste, it is better to remove the berry from the branches after frost.

To prepare jam of the desired density, granulated sugar is taken in the same volume as viburnum fruits. The first steps are identical to those described in the recipe for making jelly (unless, of course, there is a juicer).

  • the resulting juice is poured into a saucepan and heated;
  • add sugar and, stirring, bring to a boil;
  • simmer on low heat for 40 minutes, trying to prevent the mass from sticking to the container.

Jam is packed hot in jars and immediately covered with polyethylene lids intended for preservation. To make the sweetness even more tender, it is recommended to replace part of the viburnum fruits with frozen raspberries or strawberries.

Viburnum jam

Jam, in fact, is the same jam, only for cooking a proportional amount of sugar is taken, and water is needed. Therefore, the consistency will not be as thick as the previous dish. When preparing jam for the future, the hostess can experiment by combining viburnum with various gifts of nature.

with apples

To prepare this dish, take 3.5 kg of apples and sugar per 1 kg of viburnum, as well as 300-320 ml of water. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • juice is pressed from viburnum, separated from the seeds;
  • apples without core and skin are cut into slices;
  • put the fruit in a bowl for jam and fill it with water;
  • when it boils, add sugar and stir until completely dissolved;
  • remove from heat, let cool slightly;
  • pouring viburnum juice, put it on the stove again and cook until it thickens.

with orange

This recipe at the hostess can become a signature one - the taste of jam is so unusual and pleasant. But in this version, you will have to take more sugar than fruits - 2 kg per 1.5 kg of viburnum. Citrus fruits are enough half a kilogram.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • the washed berry is crushed in a blender;
  • sprinkle with sugar and let it brew for 2 hours;
  • oranges are scalded with boiling water and cut (along with the zest) into slices;
  • citruses are also mashed with a blender and combined with viburnum;
  • after mixing, lay out in glass jars.

Since this jam is not subjected to heat treatment, it is better to store it in the refrigerator or cellar at a temperature not exceeding 8 degrees Celsius.

Five-minute recipe

The name of the dish does not mean that the jam will be ready in almost 5 minutes - it just takes so long for each entry to the stove. And an equal ratio of sugar and viburnum (in this recipe, 1.5 kg each) will speed up the thickening process.

The technology itself is represented by such actions:

  • after boiling water (0.5 l), add regular sugar and a little vanilla (15 g);
  • after 5 minutes, viburnum falls asleep;
  • Boil for 5 minutes and leave for 5 hours;
  • in the next run, cooking - the same duration.

Jam is constantly stirred, not forgetting to remove the foam. Pour hot into jars.


Not everyone likes large bones-hearts of viburnum in jam, so you can cook it according to this recipe. To begin with, the berries (1 kg) will have to be held for 2 hours in the freezer, and then warmed for 20 minutes over low heat in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Subsequent manipulations will be as follows:

  • when the fruits soften and release the juice, they are thrown into a colander and crushed;
  • the resulting liquid is combined with sugar (700 g);
  • warm up for 6 minutes and pack in jars.

The jam will need to be steamed a little more in a warm place, and then sent for storage at a temperature of 5 to 18 degrees.

Dried viburnum

If the farm has a special dryer, the problem is solved quickly. In the absence of this household appliance, you will have to use the oven. For everything to work out correctly, adhere to the following conditions:

  • previously, a large whole berry is dried on a towel made of natural material;
  • the baking sheet on which the viburnum is sent to the oven is covered with baking paper;
  • the fruits are laid in one layer, trying to make them less in contact with each other (they can stick together);
  • the optimum temperature in the oven is 55-60 degrees;
  • during drying, the oven door must be constantly ajar;
  • in order not to overexpose, the berries are removed as soon as they wrinkle.

Drying viburnum can be carried out by another method - drying. Before putting viburnum in the oven, in this version, she will have to go through several preliminary steps:

  • blanching 2-3 minutes over steam;
  • drying on a towel;
  • repeated backfilling with sugar to get rid of excess juice (it must be drained and used for other purposes).

Only after that, the fruits are laid out on a baking sheet covered with foil and dried in the oven at a temperature of 85 degrees for no more than half an hour.

Healthy drinks from viburnum for the winter


If jam is cooked in the house for the winter, then compotes are definitely rolled up. Moreover, viburnum compote has useful properties that have a positive effect on the body. It perfectly quenches thirst, and also removes harmful toxins and compounds.

To maintain the correct proportion in the ratio of ingredients, for each 3-liter jar of preservation, take 2 kg of viburnum berries, 0.75 kg of sugar and water (in liters).

Follow this cooking method:

  • washing fruits several times a day cold water, viburnum is additionally blanched for a couple of 2-3 minutes;
  • after allowing excess water to drain, the berries are laid out on a kitchen towel to dry;
  • then placed in sterile jars;
  • prepare syrup by adding sugar to water in small portions;
  • pour the berry and put on sterilization (15 minutes).

Rolled jars are turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket and kept for a day. Then they are taken out to a cool room.


Berries (1 kg) separate from the stalks, rinse well with water. Then mash and squeeze out the juice. Pour the pomace with water (1 cup), bring to a boil and also squeeze.

Drain the juices of the first and second extraction into one container, add sugar (200 g) and bring to a boil.

Then pour into prepared bottles or jars, tighten the lids and cool under a blanket.

Very tasty viburnum for the winter for tea: video


You can continue indefinitely to describe the methods of winter harvesting. Even despite the fact that viburnum is not as popular as, for example, cherry, the housewives have accumulated enough recipes for this berry.

Before the processing of berries into compote or jam completely takes all your attention, we recall that viburnum is a fairly potent medicine, with its own dosage and contraindications. So, viburnum should not be consumed by people with poor blood clotting, pregnant women and people with low blood pressure. As for the dosage, try to consume processed products very moderately. It is easy to judge the exact doses by the example of taking a decoction of 2-4 tablespoons of berries.

This amount is poured hot water(500 ml) and insist, wrapping the container with a towel, for about two hours. Doctors recommend ready-made infusion for adults to take no more than 100 ml at a time, and for children - 30–50 ml at a time, three times a day. So even ordinary viburnum compote is advisable to drink a little, so that your pressure does not drop sharply. Useful substances are found in all parts of the bush - and the bark, and leaves, and roots have healing properties. But still, berries are in the first place in terms of vitamin content, and almost all recipes are devoted to them. traditional medicine. So, there is more vitamin C in berries than in lemon!

And the fruits also have a high concentration of vitamin A, which is so useful for vision, vitamin E, a well-known antioxidant, and many other acids. Viburnum contains pectins, which help the body get rid of radionuclides. Regular use of viburnum helps to increase immunity, strengthen blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Kalina with honey - good remedy from insomnia, anemia, neurasthenia and even epilepsy. Picking berries late autumn when the first frosts touched the clusters - thanks to this, the viburnum becomes not so bitter, although it loses some of the vitamins.

However, if there is no time to wait, the berries can be picked even before frost - put them in the freezer for several hours, and desired effect secured.

They can also be stored in the freezer, only for convenience, the berries are washed, the clusters are cut off so that they do not take up space in the chamber, the viburnum is spread on a tray and sent to the freezer. After a few hours, the berries are poured into a plastic bag or a plastic container - thanks to the preliminary freezing, they will not stick together. If there is space on the balcony, you can hang the collected bunches from the ceiling - viburnum is stored in bunches for a very long time and retains a maximum of vitamins, and you can make a healing decoction from it at any time or add it to berry compote. We advise you to store berries different ways- make, jam, but do not forget about storage methods without heat treatment.

Compote, fruit drink and jelly - healthy recipes for a sweet tooth

Another way to preserve viburnum without heat treatment is berries in sugar. Washed berries are poured in a jar layer by layer with sugar and sent to a dark and cool place. It is important to carefully sterilize jars so that there is not even a hint of microorganisms inside. Sugar draws juice from berries very well - after 2-3 weeks the crystals will completely melt, and in their place a tasty, fragrant and incredibly healthy syrup will appear, which is convenient to store for a long time.

This syrup is an excellent base for compote, you will only need to dilute a small amount of syrup in boiled, cooled water. This drink is very refreshing, quenches thirst and saturates the body with vitamins. More saturated and tasty fruit drink will come out - for it, the berries from the syrup (250 g) are ground on a fine sieve, the same amount of viburnum juice or syrup from a can is added to the resulting puree, all this is diluted with 1 liter of boiled water and left to infuse for several hours, after what fruit drink is ready for use.

Viburnum juice for the winter - effective processing a large number berries in a concentrated remedy for winter sores and colds. This recipe allows you to prepare viburnum in kilograms! Ready juice is included in the recipes for making jelly or original sauces for meat, and you can quickly make compote from it by diluting the concentrate in boiled water.

You will need 2 kg of berries for one serving. We squeeze the juice out of them - whoever has a juicer can safely use it, and if it is not available, we rub the berries through a sieve and squeeze through gauze. The cake in both cases still contains a lot of juice, so add half a liter of water to it and boil over low heat, then strain or squeeze with gauze. This decoction can be used both separately and added to the juice, adding sugar first to taste. The juice is brought to a boil and poured into jars, sterilized in advance. Do not forget to steam the lids too. Banks should be stored in a dark and cool place.

Very popular recipes for viburnum jelly, which is prepared without a gram of chemistry. All you need is the berries themselves, sugar and time. The berries are placed in a colander and doused with boiling water, which allows you to remove the bitterness and soften the fruit a little. Then they are ground on a sieve, the same amount of sugar is added to the finished puree, brought to a boil over low heat and poured into pre-sterilized jars. Some boil jelly longer, but when the right ratio puree and sugar 1:1 this is not necessary. The degree of the desired density is easy to determine by the "behavior" of the jelly in the pan - if it sticks to the walls, then it can be poured into jars.

Jam and liqueur - for children and adults

Delicious recipes for the smallest and pickiest - no one will refuse jam. Berries picked before frost can be blanched for 3 minutes in boiling water - this will help get rid of bitterness. If the viburnum has already undergone heat treatment in a natural way, then just wash it and fill it with syrup. The syrup is prepared very sweet - 1300 g of sugar is added to half a liter of water, and this is only 1 kg of berries.

In syrup, jam is kept for 5-6 hours, after which it is boiled over low heat until it boils. As soon as the berries boil, remove the pan from the heat and send it back to aging. This procedure should be repeated a total of 3 times, after which the jam can be rolled into jars. More fast way cooking - add 1.5 kg of sugar to water, heat and pour hot syrup over the berries. After the syrup has cooled completely, the jam is sent to the stove and boiled once until the berries are fully cooked. Thanks to the sweet syrup, this delicacy will not be bitter at all, and even the smallest picky eaters will be happy to be treated with such a delicious cough and cold medicine. In addition, viburnum is easy to store in this way - after a long cooking it will never go bad.

For adults, the medicine can be prepared with a degree. For 500 ml of good vodka, take 100 ml of viburnum juice, 75 grams of granulated sugar, which is first dissolved in an incomplete glass of water. All ingredients are mixed, bottled and sent to infuse. This drug will be ready for use in 2 days, so you can prepare it both in advance and on cold winter evenings from frozen or dried berries.

Kalina has long been considered a Russian "folk" berry, good for health, so it is important to preserve its vitamins for the period of cold weather. You can harvest fruits in different ways: dry and freeze, cook jams and make compotes. There are a large number of recipes for harvesting viburnum for the winter in the form of desserts, drinks or pickles, and you will find the best of them below.

So that the red berry retains vitamins and trace elements, does not lose taste qualities, you need to know the secrets of cooking:

  1. If the fruits were collected before the cold weather, before cooking, the viburnum is sent to freezer.
  2. So that the berry does not taste bitter, it can be boiled for a short time in salt water or simply in boiling water.
  3. Viburnum jam will not burn if you cook it in a container with a double bottom.
  4. To prevent souring of the workpiece, it is imperative to remove the foam that occurs during boiling during the cooking process.

It is important to observe the cooking time of viburnum dishes, to monitor the cleanliness of cutlery and dishes for preparations.

Selection and preparation of berries

To harvest viburnum for the cold season in any way, you need to correctly approach the selection and processing of berries.

  1. Take ripe red fruits.
  2. Before cooking, thoroughly rinse and remove the stalks.
  3. For easy removal of seeds, the berry is scalded with boiling water.
  4. After washing the viburnum, the fruits must be dried to remove excess moisture.

How to properly prepare dishes?

The lids are pre-washed well and kept in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is carried out immediately before their use.

How to cook viburnum for the winter: recipes

Options for preserving viburnum for the year ahead are individual for each hostess. The berry can be prepared in the form of jam, drinks, desserts and pickles.

Pitted viburnum grated with sugar


  • red berry - 500 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Kalina is sorted out from debris and washed well. Using a puree press, rolling pin or blender, the fruits are kneaded and mixed with granulated sugar. The sweet mixture is left for a couple of hours for the fruit to release the juice. The present product is filtered through a colander with small holes and poured into jars. Store the workpiece in the refrigerator.

Freezing berries

One of the ways to harvest viburnum for the winter is freezing. The berries are sorted and soaked in warm water for 10-15 minutes. During this time, all the dust will leave them. Pour into a colander and let the water drain. Spread the fruits on paper towel, let dry. Freeze them open way spread out on a tray. After 2-3 hours of freezing, the berries are poured into a bag.

Drying viburnum

Dried viburnum is no less useful than fresh. You can dry it on outdoors at low humidity, using dryers or in the oven.

The berries are washed, allowed to dry. The baking sheet is covered with parchment and the fruits are laid out in a thin layer. The temperature is set no higher than 60 degrees, slightly open the oven door. When the fruits wrinkle and become hard, the viburnum is taken out of the oven.

viburnum juice


  • viburnum - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 200 g.

Pure berries are poured into a juicer, the juice is separated. The remaining cake is poured with water and boiled for 5-7 minutes. The drink is filtered through cheesecloth or a fine sieve, mixed with juice, and sugar is added. Boil the product for 10 minutes. The juice is poured into jars and sealed with lids. Spices, honey can be added to the drink.

Syrup at home

The syrup is obtained from crushed berries mixed with granulated sugar. Components are taken at the rate of 1:1. Kalina is ground and passed through gauze, mixed with sugar. Let it brew for half an hour, lay out in clean containers. The container is kept in the refrigerator.

The product must be used within a month.

Viburnum jam

Viburnum jam can be prepared in many ways, add other fruits, spices, process thermally or roll into jars without cooking.

With sugar

The classic version of the dessert is viburnum with sugar. Washed berries are sent to boiling syrup and boiled for 2 minutes. Let cool. The procedure is carried out twice. After re-boiling, they are distributed among the banks, rolled up.

With oranges


  • citrus fruits - 3-4 pcs.;
  • fruits of viburnum - 1-1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Kalina is crushed to a puree, covered with sugar, allowed to let the juice flow for 1-2 hours. Oranges with zest are crushed with a blender and mixed with the berry mass. The product is laid out in sterile containers.

with an apple


  • apples - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 600 g;
  • red viburnum - 300 g;
  • water - 500 ml.

Apples are peeled and core, cut into pieces, stewed for 10 minutes. Fruits are mixed with viburnum, crushed into a pulp with a blender. Sugar is added to the mixture, sent to languish on a slow fire. Cook until thick.

With lemon and vanilla


  • berries - 1 kg;
  • refined sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • citrus fruits - 1 pc.

The washed berry is boiled in salt water for a couple of minutes, thrown into a colander. Syrup is boiled in a separate container. Pour the viburnum, give the fruits to feed and let the juice flow for 5-6 hours. Berries are pulled out with a slotted spoon, vanilla, lemon juice and chopped zest are added. Cook in two batches for 5 minutes. Viburnum is distributed in jars and filled with syrup. The containers are rolled up and cleaned in a dark place.

with pumpkin


  • pumpkin - 0.5 kg;
  • viburnum - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • water - 100 ml.

The pumpkin is cut into cubes, placed in a pot of water and stewed until soft. Kalina is added to the pumpkin and mashed with a blender, granulated sugar is added. Cook over low heat until thick. The finished product is rolled into glass containers and put in the cellar.

Without cooking

Kalina can be harvested without heat treatment. To do this, the fruits are ground, combined with sugar. Lay out on the banks, not filling to the brim. On top of the puree, pour another layer of refined sugar, close and put in the refrigerator.

Useful marshmallow

To prepare marshmallows, jam from viburnum is initially boiled. The finished mass is distributed in a thin layer on parchment and sent to the oven. It must be kept at a temperature of 60 degrees and the oven door ajar until completely baked. The finished marshmallow is removed with a thin knife, divided into strips, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

For the recipe:

  • viburnum - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 500 ml.

The berries are boiled until soft. Remove from the fire, crush. The pulp is removed and mixed with sugar. You need to simmer the resulting mixture for an hour until the syrup thickens. The finished jelly is laid out in small jars, after cooling it is cleaned in the refrigerator.

Compote for the winter


  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

The fruits are washed and boiled for 5 minutes. The cooled berry is packaged in jars. The liquid in which the viburnum was boiled is combined with sugar and a syrup is prepared. The containers are filled with syrup and placed in a large pan for sterilization. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Roll up lids.


  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • viburnum - 0.5 kg.

The product does not require cooking. Kalina is crushed and placed in bottles with a wide neck. Pour in water with added sugar.

The blank is infused in a dark place for 2 months.

For cooking you will need:

  • red berry - 500 g;
  • apples - 500 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

The fruits are baked in the oven until soft. Pulp is taken out of apples, mixed with berries and crushed in a blender. Puree is seasoned with sugar and simmered over low heat until thick.

Berry oil

Viburnum oil - useful blank not only for internal use, but also for external use.

The pitted berry is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1: 1 and placed in small containers. The mass must be stored in the refrigerator.

Soaked viburnum recipe


  • viburnum - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 1.5 l.

The washed berries are laid out in sterile glass containers, filled with 3/4 clean drinking water. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a separate container, add salt, sugar, boil the brine for 2 minutes. The jars are filled to the brim with the cooled liquid. The containers are covered with gauze and allowed to brew for 20 days, then they are rolled up with clean lids and put into the cellar.


For the recipe:

  • viburnum berries - 300 g;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • starch - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 500 ml.

The berries are washed and mashed. The mass is boiled for 10 minutes and filtered through a sieve. The resulting drink is heated, pour sugar, bring to a boil. In a separate container, stir the starch with water and pour it into a viburnum drink in a thin stream. Mix well, let it boil.



  • viburnum - 1.3 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l.

The peeled fruits are boiled until soft and thrown into a colander, allowed to cool. Crushed berries are seasoned with sugar, boiled over low heat until thickened. After 30 minutes, remove from the stove and distribute into containers.

Hello dear readers of my blog. How do you feel about Kalina? Some do not like this berry because of the specific smell and taste. And I adore her since childhood, and I can say - with proper preparation it makes an excellent delicacy. Harvesting viburnum for the winter does not take much time, and the cooking methods are striking in variety. In the article, among the many recipes, you are sure to find something that you will like.

Most simple options- frozen or mashed with sugar berries. All useful substances are stored in them. The only drawback is that blanks without cooking must be stored in the refrigerator. In addition, compote, juice, jam or jelly are made for the winter. Most of these blanks are perfectly stored without a refrigerator: on the balcony or in a cool cellar. It turns out a very useful and tasty thing - just right for cold winter evenings.

Red berry - just a record holder in content useful substances. 100 g contains 167% vitamin C and 100% vitamin K, as well as iron and iodine. Thanks to this composition, viburnum improves immunity, is used for colds and inflammatory diseases. It helps with high blood pressure, lowers sugar levels in diabetes and increases blood clotting. And the product perfectly tones and gives a charge of vivacity, so I recommend making preparations.

This is the easiest way to harvest without heat treatment. It is better to collect raw materials after the bushes shed their leaves, and the temperature outside is quite low. By this time, the berries will become sweet and have time to accumulate a sufficient amount of nutrients. As a result, we will get a beautiful and tasty cure for a cold 🙂 And how tasty it is to eat with, I recommend!

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kg of viburnum puree;
  • 1-1.2 kg of sugar.

How to do:

1. Separate the berries from the branches, sort, rinse and dry. Grind the raw materials with a submersible blender so that a homogeneous puree is obtained.

2. Grind the mass through a sieve to remove the seeds and peel.

3. Pour everything with sugar and mix well - sugar can be added to taste more or less.

Pour the resulting product into jars and store in the refrigerator. The workpiece can be stored even in a cold cellar, but in this case, the amount of sugar must be increased.

Harvesting viburnum for the winter for diabetics without sugar

This option involves freezing whole berries without additional additives. The advantage is that you can use them for any purpose. The preparation is especially useful for diabetics, because viburnum - the best remedy to treat this disease. You need to collect it as in the previous recipe - on a dry day after the temperature drops.

What you need:

  • viburnum in any quantity;
  • ziplock bags or containers.

How to freeze:

1. Sort the berries well, remove large debris, dry and spoiled specimens. Put the raw material in a deep bowl, pour warm water and leave for 10-15 minutes. During this time, it will soak and be cleaned of dirt.

2. Spread the viburnum in a thin layer on paper napkins or kitchen towels to dry and sort through again. For freezing, only whole, elastic and not overripe berries are suitable.

3. Cover a tray or tray with cling film, lay out the berries. Send them to the freezer for 2-3 hours.

After the viburnum freezes well, put it in bags or containers. Use a drinking straw to remove from bags maximum amount air. Write the date on the containers and send them to the freezer. The shelf life of such a blank is 10-12 months.

Seedless viburnum jam for the winter - a recipe with honey

Is it possible to imagine something more useful than berries with honey? This combination contains just a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. My grandmother knew this very well, so there was always a jar of viburnum jam in the kitchen. With such a preparation, you are not afraid of either frosts, or colds, or winter depressions 😉

List of components:

  • half-liter jar of viburnum;
  • 3 tbsp honey;
  • 100 ml of water.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fruits, dry and separate from the branches. Fill with water, put on fire and warm up to 60 degrees, without boiling.

2. Mix everything well with a crush or fork, then strain the mass through a colander. If the bones in the jam do not scare you, you can skip the procedure.

3. Add honey and stir well to dissolve.

4. Pour the mass into a jar and sterilize in hot water no more than 15 minutes. If you want to cook a small amount of the product, just keep the containers in the refrigerator.

Arrange the jam in small jars and sterilize again (you can in the microwave) and close the lids.

Red viburnum jelly in sugar at home

Unusual preparation of red berries - delicious and beautiful jelly. It can be added to tea or used as a filling for homemade cakes. The recipe is very simple and quick, and both adults and children will love the result.

Ingredients for harvesting:

  • 3.5 kg of berries;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 1.5-2 kg of sugar.

Step by step recipe:

1. Separate the berries from the stems and rinse well. If the fruits are bitter, pre-blanch them in boiling water. Pour the raw materials with water, put on fire and boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Turn off the gas and cool the mass slightly.

2. Wipe it through a sieve to make a homogeneous puree, and the peel and bones remain.

3. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, add sugar and mix well. It is better to add sugar to taste, an approximate calculation is 0.5 kg per 1 kg of berry puree. Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent burning.

Pour hot jelly into sterilized jars to the top so that there is no air gap. Close the containers with lids, roll up and send for storage.

How to prepare viburnum berry juice for the winter?

Viburnum juice is a great alternative to compotes and other drinks. It keeps well, and to improve the quality, you can cook it from assorted berries. For example, add sea buckthorn, currants, lingonberries or other berries. I do not specify the exact amount of sugar - you can add it to taste.

Product List:

  • viburnum, if desired, other berries;
  • sugar to taste.

Cooking with photo:

1. Tear off the fruits from the branches, sort out, put in a suitable container. Do not throw away the branches - we still need them.

2. Carefully squeeze the juice out of it - so that the cake is almost dry. If you do not have special devices, use several layers of gauze or a nylon stocking. Cake, too, do not rush to throw away.

3. Rinse the sprigs well, cover with water, bring to a boil and boil for 30 minutes. Strain the decoction - this is done in order not to lose the beneficial substances contained in the bark.

4. Add the cake obtained from the berries to the broth, boil for 3-5 minutes, cool and strain. Lightly sweeten it and you have a ready-to-drink drink.

Pour the juice squeezed from the berries into a saucepan, add sugar at the rate of 3 to 4. It can be poured into jars and stored under plastic lids in a dark place.

These are the viburnum blanks you can cook at home. It turns out simple, tasty and very useful. If you have your own ways of harvesting this berry, tell us about them in the comments. Also, share your favorite recipes on social networks and visit my blog more often. Bon appetit!

Mankind has been using recipes for harvesting viburnum for the winter since ancient times and all over the world, because this wonderful tree grows on different continents! With the onset of cold weather, the leaves from the trees fly around, the crops of berries and fruits have long been harvested, only the viburnum stands and flaunts with juicy clusters of red berries.

Why do you think these berries are firmly attached to the branches and do not fall off? Yes, because they are very valuable and nutritious, and wise Nature leaves them on branches to feed birds and small animals in a fierce winter. Eat folk omen that by the number of berries on the viburnum and mountain ash, you can determine whether the winter will be cold. And the more strewn with branches, the more severe the cold will be.

Since ancient times, people have revered viburnum, associated it with girlish tenderness, love and beauty: how many songs and poems have been written about her! In the Kalinkin season, the hostesses prepared kissels and jams, marmalade with marshmallow, but have you heard about the famous Russian Kalinniki pies? So it turns out that in our time, rarely anyone knows about the use of this miracle berry.

And how many people she saved from illnesses, because there is no such illness in the human body, in which viburnum would not help. If you start listing all the diseases and organs that she treats, you would have to write a whole book. Even oncology is within her power! After all, viburnum berries kill viruses, mold fungi, bacteria.

Miracle berry juice, which contains all the vitamins, a lot of biologically active substances and useful (I will not disclose a long list of medical names, take my word for it) is the best folk remedy, which strengthens and cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol and salts of heavy metals. There is a cure and formidable heart disease, hypertension, neuroses. Kalina calms, relieves vascular spasms, removes insomnia.

But viburnum thickens the blood. Therefore, not everyone can take it and it is better to consult a doctor before using it. It should be treated in courses, and strictly observe the dosage according to the prescription.

All parts of the tree are used to treat various diseases: flowers, berries, leaves, twigs, bark. It helps from a thousand ailments at once! And the herbalist tells in detail about its application.

Recipes for harvesting viburnum for the winter, use for treatment

How to prepare viburnum for the winter? I prepare it without unnecessary fuss and heat treatment, so these natural remedies retain all the health benefits.

It is better to collect viburnum berries after the first frosts (or even in winter), right in clusters. Rinse in two waters in a basin. Dry them by laying them out on a bed of several layers of newspapers, old wallpaper or paper, covered with a clean cloth or towel. Now you can recycle.

The best treatment for viburnum is natural juice squeezed in any way: colander, juicer, gauze. It is drunk with tablespoons diluted in any amount of water. True, not everyone will like its specific smell, but health is more important! One drawback - its storage does not exceed 4 days.

The healing properties of viburnum juice and the shelf life can be increased many times by adding an equal amount of honey to it. And the berry cake, filled with cold boiled water and standing for several hours, turns into a healing fruit drink. Flavor fruit juice with lemon juice and drink to health with sugar, honey, jam.

In winter, to promote health or treat (especially hypertension), take out three frozen berries several times a day and put them in your mouth like a lollipop. And chew the bones - they contain the germ and the strength of the plant, which it will transfer to you.

Defrost the berries room temperature, and in the refrigerator - so you keep their shape, color and nutritional value. Thawed berries are used for food, pastries, fruit drinks, jelly ... From them, too, as from fresh berries, you can squeeze juice for treatment.

Recipes for harvesting viburnum without cooking

I offer you recipes for harvesting viburnum without heat treatment, which I myself have been using for many years. They are incredibly simple and keep the berries for a long time.

Recipe 1

Most often, for storage for 2-3 months, I do not pour viburnum with anything. I just rinse with water, dry it, put it in liter jars and store it in the refrigerator to eat it right fresh and eat it. Berries do not even grow moldy for a long time, because they contain substances that are harmful to mold fungi, so I recommend using them to cleanse the body of fungal diseases, even depriving.

Recipe 2

For longer storage, viburnum berries sprinkled with sugar can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator or on the balcony without cooking. I can keep them like this for a couple of years if I overdid it and prepared too many of them.

  1. To prepare viburnum with sugar for the winter, the sorted berries are stacked in layers in a jar and sprinkled with sugar: a layer of berries one and a half centimeters is covered with a centimeter layer of sugar.
  2. Shake the jar after each layer so that the layers are denser. Pour sugar in a stream, and turn the jar around the axis - the layer will lie more evenly.
  3. Finish laying the viburnum with a thick layer of sugar almost to the lid, so the berries will not get moldy and will last for a long time.
  4. A three-liter jar of viburnum sugar will need 700 grams. Banks can be closed with any lids washed and rubbed with alcohol.

Recipe 3

It is more useful instead of sugar to pour viburnum berries with honey, if possible. Then for 2 servings of berries you will need 1 serving of honey.

After a short time, the jar will be filled with a beautiful and fragrant syrup. Start drinking it, raise immunity and treat sores. Take before meals four times a day: adults - 15 mg, children - 5.

You can add this amount of syrup to any freshly prepared natural juices, then you will definitely not be afraid of any disease! And the remaining berries are eaten with great pleasure as a sweet dessert.

Video recipes

Also, check out 5 secrets on how to remove bitterness from berries, how to puree them, how to make an amazing sauce for dishes, and how to keep this sauce for a long time.

These are the recipes for harvesting viburnum for the winter without heat treatment that I use to improve the health of my family. Have you, friends, tried to be treated with these wonderful berries? How do you prepare them for the future and how do you use them? Also ask how.