Well      06/14/2019

Dried thyme: useful properties, collection time, harvesting, drying, storage. How to dry thyme for tea and store at home? How to properly cut thyme

From time immemorial Thyme was revered as a divine herb, capable of returning to a person not only health, but also life. The plant is very popular among the people, especially among the Slavs. Even during paganism, our ancestors put Thyme on the fires, burning incense to the gods. And now they use thyme herb for fumigating premises, for example, cowsheds, after calving cows, for fumigating milk pots, frightened children are also smoked with it.

Names of Thyme

The people call Thyme also: thyme, Bogorodskaya grass, savory, incense. The Latin name is Thymus vulgaris.

Where does thyme grow

Thyme widely distributed throughout Russia. It also grows in middle lane, and in the Urals, and in Siberia, and especially in the Caucasus.

Thyme can be found on open places: Thyme loves meadows, forest glades, edges, grows in the mountains.

What does Thyme look like

Thyme (creeping thyme ) - a small fragrant shrub up to 30 centimeters high (usually lower because it spreads along the ground).

Thyme stem thin, brown, creeping, woody at the base, often rooting, forming additional roots.

thyme leaves small oval, with white cilia along the edge.

Thyme flowers pink-violet or pink, two-lipped, collected in loose heads.

Thyme you will not confuse with other grass due to its special structure and bright fragrant aroma. Once, you will not confuse its smell with anything.

Thyme flowering time

blooming thyme for a long time - from June to August, giving people their aroma, fragrant tea and healing.

Collection and preparation of Thyme

Gather Thyme like many herbs better in the morning in dry weather. Thyme grows in dense creeping bushes, so it is not difficult to find and collect it.

Use flowering sprigs of thyme. Collect carefully so as not to pull out or damage the roots. You can cut it, you can do it with your hands: with one hand hold the stem from below, with the other - sharply break and, as it were, cut. If you accidentally pulled out Thyme with a root - do not throw it away, but plant it in the garden or near the house.

Dried Thyme on outdoors in the shade, spreading with a layer of 5-7 cm on paper or on fabric, periodically turning over.

Medicinal properties of thyme

About the properties of Thyme Theophrastus and Avicenna also wrote. Modern experts, who claim that "Thyme helps to open up insecure, sensitive, nervous natures; restores strength and awakens emotions ..." (abstract to one of the patented tonics). So feel free to add Bogorodskaya grass to your dishes and tea (knowing the measure of course).

Thyme considered a very strong antiseptic. It also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, bronchodilatory, antispasmodic, mild hypnotic, antihelminthic and many other properties.

Thyme for cough

Thyme effectively treats lung problems. So, with bronchitis or bronchial asthma Thyme infusion will help.

Helps with dry throat and laryngitis collection from Thyme with leaves of Chamomile and Plantain flowers.

Thyme against impotence

in the treatment of prostatitis and impotence Regular use will help. tea with thyme. Can be added periodically St. John's wort, Linden or Rosehip.

Thyme restores strength

Baths with thyme help recover and cleanse the skin. It is enough to boil thyme, filter it and pour the broth into the bathroom. Take baths for 20 minutes.

thyme oil you can stimulate biologically active points, thereby adding energy. You can make your own oil. Why thyme herb should be poured with vegetable or olive oil and a month to insist. The longer you hold out, the better. Before use, the right amount of oil should be filtered and rubbed clockwise into points on the body.

Thyme - external use

thyme externally used to treat skin non-infectious rashes, psoriasis, wounds, burns;

Thyme is used for rinsing hair anti-dandruff.

Thyme is used with joint pains, rheumatism, bruises and or sprains, baths, wraps, compresses with thyme are done;

thyme tincture copes with joint and muscle pain - it must be used as a rubbing. To prepare the tincture, half a half-liter bottle should be filled with fresh thyme leaves and flowers. Then pour in a couple of glasses of vodka and leave the bottle for 2 weeks to infuse. After that, the tincture is filtered, and the grass is squeezed out. Such a tincture can not only rub the joints, but also take it orally after eating 30-40 drops.

Thyme - Contraindications

The active ingredient in Thyme is thymol. In case of an overdose, thymol can provoke hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. Also, do not take Thyme for pregnant women. And also for those who suffer from kidney diseases, peptic ulcers duodenum and stomach.

Application of Thyme

Thyme widely used in both official and folk medicine. The easiest way is to brew tea from thyme(with thyme).

- an extremely healthy and tasty drink. Tea with thyme- a wonderful tool that will help you in the fight against a huge number of ailments. This drink is very good for treating throat problems. You just need to throw a few sprigs of thyme into boiling water. After the tea has brewed and cooled, add honey of your choice and drink this drink little by little throughout the day.

If you feel like tired and broken, overcomes you depression, then this fragrant, tonic drink will come in handy. Thyme drink not only can lead a person out of depression, but is also actively used in rehabilitation after brain injuries.

Thyme tea has a wonderful warming effect in the cold season and just as well quenches thirst when the scorching summer heat is outside the window.

Water infusion of thyme: 1 tablespoon of thyme herb pour 2 cups of boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour, you can in a thermos;

Alcohol tincture of thyme: mix thyme herb with alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1: 5, tightly close the container with a lid and insist in a dark place with room temperature 7 - 10 days. Then the tincture must be filtered through several layers of gauze or through a filter bag. It is better to store the tincture in a dark place. Reception is only a few drops;

thyme oil (thyme oil) (not to be confused with thyme essential oil!): Pour 100 g of chopped fresh herbs into 0.5 liters of refined oil (preferably olive oil), then leave the mixture in the dark in a closed glassware 14 days;

Thyme Powder: Finely grind the dried thyme herb in a mortar to a powdery consistency. Store in a closed glass container.

Seasoning from Thyme

Thyme has a pleasant strong smell, sharp, strongly spicy bitter taste.

As a spice, fragrant, vitamin-rich thyme leaves are used. It improves the taste, informs the aroma, gives bitterness. remains one of the leading spices in baking. Improves the smell and taste of vegetable dishes, especially potatoes and cabbage.

Thyme How seasoning for fatty foods not only significantly improves and enriches the taste, but also promotes its digestion.

Thyme Pairs with egg dishes and cheeses. Undeniable is its popularity in smoked foods, no other spice enhances the flavor of lentil, pea and bean soup like thyme. Fresh and dried thyme is used for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, squash.

Thyme leaves added to salads, borscht, vegetable soups, chicken broths. Cheeses are flavored with thyme, it is added to sauces, marinades, fried dishes (potatoes, mushrooms, eggplants), added to spicy mixtures, put when pickling vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.), healing teas and aromatic drinks are prepared with it .

Thyme - interesting facts

Thyme, unlike most antibiotics, is one of the few herbs to which modern microbes cannot develop resistance.

The Slavs used (yut) Thyme to appeal to the Gods. To do this, flowering twigs are thrown into the fire, look at the smoke, inhale it. Thyme helps to establish a connection with the Gods and ancestors. Thyme is used in many rituals both among the Slavs and other peoples.

Until now, there is a belief in Ireland that with the help of Thyme you can see fairies. To do this, you just need to wash your eyes with dew from a thyme bush at dawn after Walpurgis Night.

long time Thyme was a symbol of military prowess, male power. Thyme baths and thyme tea were a popular pre-battle morale booster among Roman legionaries and Scottish highlanders. In the Middle Ages, noble knights wore scarves with embroidered thyme leaves.

  • Collection and further preparation of the plant for use

    Thyme has a second name - creeping thyme (what is the difference between thyme and thyme can be found). Its name is based on appearance plants, because thyme is a small creeping shrub with small lilac flowers. It grows in small clusters in remote areas, which causes some inconvenience for its collection.

    Interesting! for the body was known to our grandmothers!

    Due to the lack of popularity of using the herb, self-harvesting at home (as a rule, people buy ready-made dried bunches), not many people know when to cut thyme for drying. But the least people know!

    Important! Harvesting and drying directly affects its preservation of useful properties, since further plant growth leads to the loss of microelements important for treatment, such as vitamin C, B, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, organic acids, tannins and many other chemical components.

    Thyme: harvesting and drying

    Since ancient times, the Slavs used grass to prepare various decoctions and conduct magical rituals. The smell of grass is believed to be able to drive away evil spirits from the house. And in modern megacities sometimes there are houses and apartments with bunches of dried plants near front door. Even for rituals and fumigation of houses, our ancestors followed the rules of cutting and.

    When to Harvest Thyme for Drying

    It is customary to collect thyme on the eve of the bright Orthodox holiday Trinity. Today, this custom is somewhat forgotten, so people simply start collecting in early June in the morning. In principle, this is also correct. At this time, the plant has fully grown, dismissed its beautiful flowers, and the presence of dew will allow you to "bring" thyme to the house.

    It is only necessary to collect the tops of grass - these include the inflorescence itself and a short stem. During collection, always use a hand pruner or ordinary knife. It is not recommended to uproot the plant, since there are no useful properties in the root system, which means that it is not worth “destroying” it.

    After assembly, the creeping thyme is laid out on a cotton fabric in the shade and without blowing by the wind. The layout is not carried out in a thick layer so that it dries faster. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Otherwise, you will not achieve drying, but only slow wilting.

    Important! If you did not have time to prepare the collection at the beginning of summer, you can do it at the end of summer and early autumn. At this time, the whole spectrum of useful substances is also present in the grass.

    Wash or not wash thyme before drying

    When the thyme has already been harvested, many people wonder: “Do I need to wash the grass before drying it?”. Often this question arises among people who have "switched" to the management healthy lifestyle life, and first turned to the collection and drying of plants. The plant must not be washed in any case! There are several reasons here:

    1. Thyme must be collected in remote areas from pollution - roads, residential buildings and other buildings.
    2. It is better to collect on forest edges, clearings.
    3. Flowers must be clean, free of dust and other small contaminants.
    4. Washed thyme in the process of drying will only rot, which will render the plant unusable for use.

    Please follow the simple rules to take advantage of a financially economical, but at the same time very useful medicine. Proper drying thyme - the key to effective use.

    Thyme (Thyme, Oregano) is an essential oil undersized shrub that has gained popularity all over the world due to its healing, decorative and aromatic properties.

    The first mention of this noble plant was found in the Sumerian cuneiform tablets dating back to 3000 BC. The ancient Egyptians used thyme in the embalming process. At the same time, the ancient Greeks used undersized shrubs in their baths and burned like incense in temples, believing that this would give them courage. According to the descriptions of Horace (65 - 8 BC), the Romans actively cultivated this spicy culture in order to attract bees, as well as clean the air of rooms with the help of smoke.

    In the European Middle Ages, it was used to repel insects and placed under the pillow for a sound sleep without nightmares. It was believed that a sprig of thyme, embroidered on a warrior's clothes, would give him courage and protect him from misfortunes in battle. There are numerous references to the elegant shrub in Danish, German and Russian folklore.

    What does thyme look like (photo)?

    Biological characteristics

    Common thyme (lat. Thýmus) - perennial evergreen Lamiaceae family comes from the northwestern regions of the Mediterranean. It has several hundred species, which are now widely distributed in almost all of Eurasia, northern Africa and America, Scandinavia and Greenland. Only in Russia there are more than 170 types of thyme.

    It is generally accepted that thyme grows only in forest clearings and edges, but this is not entirely true. This spicy shrub has adapted to almost all environmental conditions. Wild thyme can be found in the steppe and pine forest sands, on stony slopes and rocks, limestone outcrops and sandy-clay areas.

    Perennial shrubs and semi-shrubs reach a height of 15-35 cm. The stems of the plant are stiff with creeping shoots and vertical flower-bearing branches. Depending on the species, the leaves may be elliptical or rounded, smooth or serrated edges, plain or variegated. The flowers are collected in capitate or elongated inflorescences of lilac, white, yellow and pink. The fruits of the plant are small, black-brown in color, oval in shape.

    Oregano is known for its healing properties, in its composition such components as thymol, tannins and bitter substances, flavonoids, organic acids, gum and mineral salts were found.

    Growing conditions

    Oregano grows actively in well-drained soil with slightly alkaline or neutral reaction (soil pH 5.0-7.5). Poor fit medicinal plant clayey and excessively moist soil. Soil mulching can be carried out with any available material: peat, gravel, small pebbles or even crushed stone.

    For a fragrant shrub, you should choose a well-lit, warm place. The plant develops well under direct sunbeams. Due to its unpretentiousness, thyme will grow in the shade, but the shoots will be weak, flowering will be short and not so fragrant.

    Starting to grow thyme - planting the first step

    Thyme herb, depending on the variety, can be annual or perennial. Perennial best grown from cuttings or by dividing the rhizome. Annual thyme is undemanding to propagation from seeds.

    Division of the rhizome

    The division of the bush, due to its simplicity, is the most popular method among gardeners. Oregano can be propagated already in March-April, when spring frosts pass and shoots come out. Usually a three or four year old plant is seated. How to plant thyme? The procedure itself is simple: you need to dig a bush, carefully so as not to damage the roots, divide it into 2-3 parts and transplant it into a prepared place.


    Flower growers rarely use rooting of cuttings, as a rule, the plant itself spreads around the garden. The stalks of thyme, creeping along the ground, have the rudiments of roots on the folds. When cutting, the necessary stems are cut off, the lower part is freed from leaves and planted in the ground. When rooted in spring period, some experts recommend covering shoots glass jar for better vegetation, but this is not a prerequisite. Although evaporation will clearly reduce this, it will create its own microclimate. What is important ... With sufficient watering and favorable weather conditions, the thyme will quickly put out the first leaves.

    How to grow thyme from seeds?

    The main advantage of propagation by seeds is the ability to get a huge number of plants. Seeds can be sown both in autumn and in early spring. Since the fragrant shrub is frost-resistant, it can be planted in the ground when there is still snow. If there are concerns that the seeds will not germinate, wait for warmer weather in April. The ideal temperature for seedlings is 15-20 C.

    Before planting, it is necessary to dig up the earth, break up clods and apply fertilizer. After some time, seeds should be sown on the surface of the prepared land, sprinkling them with a layer (no more than 1 cm) of river sand. The sown area is covered with a film.

    On average, seeds germinate in 1-2.5 weeks. Since they grow densely, the plants need to be thinned out. For better vegetation, there should be a distance of about 15-25 cm between plants, and 30-50 cm between rows.

    How to grow thyme at home?

    Since thyme develops slowly from seeds, many gardeners prepare seedlings before planting in the ground. The landing method is the same as in open ground: the seeds are carefully distributed over the surface of the prepared soil and sprinkled with sand.

    The soil mixture should be used light, sand-peat mixture in a ratio of 1: 1 is best suited.

    Approximately two months after germination, the seedlings are ready for planting in the ground. In order for the seedlings to better adapt to transplantation, they can be left outside during the day.

    What does thyme love? thyme care

    noble spicy herb does not require special attention in care. In the first year of planting, medicinal grass needs weeding and loosening. In the second and third years of vegetation, it is necessary to add humus and feed with mineral fertilizers.

    Thyme does not need to be watered every day, the roots ornamental shrub may rot. It is better to water from time to time, without fear of overdrying the plant. Thanks to moderate watering, the leaves will be saturated in color, and the inflorescences will grow larger.

    Although thyme is not prone to pests and diseases, aphids or thrips can sometimes be seen on the bushes. If aphids have appeared on the leaves and stems, the ants, attracted by the delicacy, may begin to build nests in the roots of the plant. Expanded insect nests can cause damage and destruction of the thyme root system. Oregano can also be susceptible to whiteflies and spider mites.

    When does thyme bloom?

    The fragrant shrub blooms for a long time and profusely, from May to September. Newly planted plants will begin to bloom by the end of summer or the next year after planting.

    When to harvest thyme for drying?

    For medicinal purposes, raw materials are harvested after the start of flowering. The church feast of the Trinity and the Assumption of the Virgin are considered special days for the collection. It is believed that at this time thyme has special healing properties.

    For culinary purposes, it is better to prepare thyme before flowering: experts say that during this period the plant retains maximum amount essential oils.

    When thyme is harvested, it is better to do this by cutting off the branches with a sharp knife, but you should not break and pull out the plant. Thyme is harvested in the same way as any medicinal herb: lay out on a rack or tie in bunches in a well-ventilated dark room. Where and dried in a tied up state.

    Representatives of the genus Thyme will be a wonderful decoration alpine slides, rock garden or pavement paths. Thyme is considered a favorite spice of chefs around the world and is especially valued for its healing properties.

    The flowers of this herb attract the attention of bees with a fragrant smell. Since she has therapeutic effect, people collect it and use it as folk remedy from diseases, such as influenza, nervous diseases, eye diseases, and for its taste, also as a seasoning for dishes, such as sauces, pickles. But in order to stock up for the winter, you need to know not only how to dry thyme, but also when to collect it.

    How to collect thyme

    Another, more familiar name for this herb is thyme. It can be found both on mountain slopes and fields, and in suburban areas where it is grown for decoration. The collection time depends on what the grass is collected for.

    How to dry thyme at home - there are several ways. Each hostess can independently choose for herself a more convenient

    In order to properly dry thyme for medicinal purposes, it must be harvested during flowering. And this happens from mid-June to September. But better days will church holidays and daytime from 10 am to 5 pm on a sunny day.

    If the goal is to make tea and use it as a seasoning for dishes, then the collection should be carried out before flowering begins. Since at this time in the grass they concentrate as much as possible essential oils.

    If the grass is planted on the site on its own, then it may not bloom until August or even only next year.

    When harvesting, it is important to carefully cut the plant, because if you try to break it off, it will break out with the roots.

    How to dry thyme

    Thyme can be bought ready-made at the pharmacy. But homemade spice will be more fragrant. You can properly dry thyme at home in various ways.

    For these purposes, you can use modern equipment for drying herbs and vegetables. But it is best to use the old, proven by our ancestors, methods.

    1. The collected grass is formed into bunches and hung in a well-ventilated place. Preferably out of direct sunlight.
    2. Thyme is laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet. Periodically it needs to be stirred for good drying.

    Thus, after 4 days the grass will be dried. But, if you need to speed up this process, you can use the oven. However, the temperature should not be more than 35 degrees, since essential oils evaporate at them, it is advisable to maintain it around 25.

    You can store both in bunches, provided that there are all possibilities for this, and grind to get rid of the stems. You can also completely grind using a blender or mortar.

    Almost any container is suitable for storage:

    • ceramic jars;
    • glass containers with a tight lid;
    • dense fabric bags;
    • small cardboard boxes.

    Store in a dry place for no more than 2 years.

    Since the herb loses its healing properties over time, it's best to stock up every year. In this case, it will be more fragrant and useful. The drying process does not take much time and effort, so it is better to take care of a new arrival of this wonderful spice every year. And how to dry thyme correctly, there are several ways from which each housewife will choose the most convenient for herself.

    Creeping thyme is one of the wonderful honey plants from which bees make amazingly fragrant honey. A dry plant, along with other herbs, is used in the ritual of incense in churches.

    It should be especially known that thyme can actually affect the body both excitingly and relaxingly, depending on the dosage and method of application. Fresh grass is an excellent addition and seasoning to the diet, in particular, its twigs give a peculiar taste to the sauce, first and second courses (especially peas and beans).

    In addition to the above, they perfectly eliminate the effects of insect bites. Thyme hung in the closet will always prevent the appearance of moths. Fresh grass has long been used in pickling tomatoes, cucumbers, squash. Thyme spice is almost indispensable in the preparation of game and fish dishes.

    Thyme: harvesting and drying

    How to prepare thyme for tea

    As indicated in the titled article, thyme blooms in June (second half of the month) and July (first half). Raw material fee medicinal plant it is allowed to do it twice: during flowering (preferably at the final stage of the flowering process in July) and after the appearance of fruits (end of August). However, the first collection is more preferable from all points of view (the healing effectiveness of thyme, the preservation of the guarantee of the future harvest, and others). On large areas, mowers are used, for individual collections - scissors, secateurs and knives.

    When harvesting, branches with flowers are cut off (it is possible with stems), but, as a rule, above 15 cm from the surface of the earth, since a shorter pruning or pulling out of plants with roots will destroy the next year's crop.

    How to dry thyme for the winter

    Drying is carried out only in natural conditions in the shade, for which ventilated sheds, haylofts, sheds are used. Raw materials dried in warm and dry weather without direct sunlight have the most healing properties.

    Special conditions apply to the storage of prepared raw materials: only in fabric bags or glass jars at a stable room temperature, the fluctuations of which provoke the formation of condensate. Safety should not exceed two years.

    Tea with thyme: medicinal properties

    Thyme teas are very popular because (in addition to the usual energy effects on the body) they have various therapeutic effects. When coughing, honey is added to them, and for gastric (intestinal) diseases, sugar is excluded.

    Thyme: how to brew for cough

    Boiling water (0.2 l) is poured into dry leaves (5 g), a half-hour water bath is made, cooled, filtered, cooled in the refrigerator (while the medicine lasts up to 10 days). Use in a dose of 30 ml (with preheating) - twice a day without reference to food intake. The effect of expectoration after the start of the reception will appear on the second day.

    Tea to eliminate general nervousness

    5 g of flowers and leaves are mixed with a normal dose of tea (any). Brew in a teapot 0.3 liters of boiling water (with the lid closed, the infusion lasts 20 minutes). This dose will be enough for two people. Drink 150 ml at bedtime (once). The healing effect appears on the third day. The severity of the reception is not necessary.

    Tea with thyme for colds and catarrhal bronchitis

    Half a liter of boiling water is poured into 10 g of grass, they soar for 5 minutes in a bath, give 10 minutes of infusion, and filter. Reception of 70 ml is carried out 5 times daily in a warm form (it is allowed before a meal - half an hour, and also after two hours after it).

    Thyme for flu prevention

    Boiling water (0.2 l) is poured into 10 g of a herbal mixture (1: 1) of thyme and sage, the infusion is carried out in a thermos (2 hours). They drink four times daily at a dose of 70 ml for the prevention of influenza, with influenzal bronchitis and laryngitis.

    Treatment of eye diseases

    The progression of myopia, cataracts, glaucoma (especially in old age) stops thyme with honey. A pound of honey (liquid) is poured into fresh grass (70 g). In a week the medicine will be ready. Daily intake of it (inside) 25 g (three times a day) will restore ocular metabolic functions while inhibiting degenerative processes in the eyes.

    Thyme for alcoholism

    The combination of thyme and wormwood allows you to completely defeat alcoholism. Water (0.25 ml) is poured into 10 g of their mixture (4: 1), kept for 5 minutes in a water bath, insisted for half an hour, filtered. Three times a day, take a dose of 20 mg. The treatment course lasts up to three months. Usually, after half a month of drinking a decoction, patients begin to show rejection of alcohol.

    Thyme oil: application

    It is sold in pharmacies and is widely used in cosmetology for the manufacture of shampoos and balms in order to preserve hair. It restores hair that is weakened and affected by dyes and perms, perfectly copes with nail fungus. Its hot compresses relieve pains of rheumatic origin. Thyme oil stops the processes of decay in meat. For example, in meat broth, it keeps bacteria from multiplying for three days.

    It restores normal digestion, and therefore shows healing in diseases of the stomach and intestines. Oil restores the body after illnesses. However, when using it, it must be diluted without fail, otherwise burns are possible. Moreover, at bath reception it needs to be dissolved first. It activates the body's ability to resist infections due to the increase in white blood cells, which is required for recovery from illness. For purulent skin inflammations, dermatitis, eczema, a mixture of oil (3 g), a neutral nourishing cream (5 g) is used.

    Contraindications to the use of thyme

    These include almost all acute diseases of the stomach, kidneys, liver. It is undesirable to use pregnant women and lactation. In exceptional cases, preparations from thyme are allowed for children up to the age of three years. Infrequently, individual intolerance to thyme preparations is manifested, which is due to the rich presence of essential oils in it.