In a private house      03/29/2019

Trees and shrubs. How to grow a beautiful bonsai yourself

There are many plants growing in our garden, some of which were there even before the garden was formed - old, perennial trees that simply remained on the site, a young garden produced by our own efforts, as well as many flowers and industrial plants, berry bushes, root vegetables, etc. Further. But, despite the abundance of beautiful and useful plants on the site, you always want something new and unusual.

Bonsai can be such a position in the garden - growing an exact copy of a tree, but only in miniature. Today we will look at how you can grow bonsai from seeds. The path is not easy and long, but it brings the desired result.

So, let's start with the fact that you can grow a huge number of bonsai from seeds, but it will require patience, time and some expenses, because some plants can take more than five years. As we said right away, the path is not easy and quite long, and only the most patient gardener will reach the end, who will get the desired result.

Popular bonsai trees that can be grown from seeds

Almost every tree can be grown in this way, but you also need to know about the popularity of one or another. For example, among the tropical ones, the most popular are boxwoods, myrtles, abutilons, leptospermums, acacias, wisterias and, of course, ficuses. Broadleaf trees include beeches, hornbeams, maples, birches, elms, Japanese beeches and pomegranate trees. Conifers include fir, cypress, spruce, cedar and pine.

Where to get seeds of maple and other trees

Bonsai seeds can be found in botanical gardens or even public parks, where beautiful and often unique trees often grow. If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can always buy seeds for growing bonsai at home. This can be done online or through live plant stores, either locally or by order. But you shouldn’t be particularly deceived by the beautiful images on the packages of seeds that are sold, because what you buy is only planting material, from which the desired bonsai will only be obtained as a result of special efforts, knowledge and labor.

Store seeds or plant immediately

The seeds of various plants may differ from each other not only in appearance and weight, but also by type of seed box. In addition, for each individual variety there is a specific sowing method that will allow the seeds to germinate correctly.

Seeds of spruce, pine, beech, oak, euonymus and fir are ready for sowing at the moment of collection. If they need to be planted at another time, the seeds can always be saved by placing them in a cool place, after wrapping them or placing them in some container.

Seeds of other plants, such as hawthorn, juniper, maple, hornbeam, quince, require some period of dormancy and stratification. They must be kept in a cool place, having previously been placed in wet sand. The period of such rest may have different terms, from six months to a year.

How to germinate seeds, is pre-treatment necessary?

In order for the seeds to be ready for planting, they must be properly germinated and treated with preparations, otherwise problems such as seed death due to certain diseases are possible. Before planting, the seeds are placed in water for several days to swell and begin the process of primary germination. It is also possible to germinate seeds in sphagnum moss or vermiculite. In this case, it is advisable to break the hard shell of the seeds. This process ensures better germination. Further, in order to avoid the appearance of plant diseases, the seeds should be treated with a fungicide, liquid or dry, and the soil must be sterilized.

How to grow bonsai (video)

Planting a seed, soil composition

Prepared seeds are planted in spring, late summer or even autumn. Great for planting peat cups or pots pre-filled with a mixture of sand and peat in proportions 1:1. You can replace this composition with store-bought cactus soil, to which coarse sand should be added. The soil mixture should not fill the container to the brim; you need to leave about three centimeters to the top. Next is 1 centimeter of prepared, but already sifted soil. Next, the soil needs to be pressed down a little with a piece of wood and the seeds laid out. They are sprinkled with sand on top. The thickness of the last layer should be a maximum of two diameters of the seed being planted. Press it down again with a piece of wood and water it a little.

The seeding container is covered with polyethylene or glass to create a greenhouse effect and placed in a place away from sunlight and high temperatures, which should not exceed +15 degrees Celsius.

The soil in the container should be constantly moist, not dry out or filled with water.

Seedling care

At the moment when the first sprouts from the seeds are noticed, it is necessary to ensure the flow of fresh air into the container. This can be achieved by placing a small sliver under the glass or making plastic film several small holes. When the first leaves appear, the seedlings can be completely opened.

At the age of one to three months, it is necessary to form seedlings. The taproot is cut off (when picking), approximately 2/3. There is a possibility that the seedling will have to be re-rooted. In this case, you will need to use a drug that stimulates root formation, such as a special hormone.

Seedlings need to be fed with fertilizers. It is advisable to do this early summer, adding fertilizers to the soil in small portions. When the plant reaches a height of 10 centimeters, it must be transplanted into an ordinary flower pot. The plant can begin to be acclimated to sunlight. Do not forget that the plant requires constant formation, only then it will turn into the plant you dreamed of, truly decorative and beautiful. Depending on the type of bonsai, its formation can be done at the age of several years.

Reviews and comments

(17 ratings, average: 4,21 out of 5)

Valentina 04/20/2012

Very interesting way planting trees and shrubs, I will definitely try to apply your advice on mine summer cottage, Thank you!

Natasha 04/22/2012

But I can’t seem to grow a Christmas tree from seeds. grows up to 10 cm and either dries out or simply does not grow. 10 cm in 3 years. I liked the article - I’ll use it and plant it your way.

Marina 04/23/2012

Everything is so clear and simple. Thank you! I will try to sow more conifers. The first time it didn't work.

Nikopol 07/09/2012

A height of 10 cm at three years is an excellent example for a real bonsai.

Dias 02/26/2015

How about treating it with a fungicide?

Passerby 03/28/2015

Your Christmas tree is dying because it needs to spend the winter.
And the article is complete nonsense. Lots of unprofessional advice. And who recommends birch as a bonsai??

Nuria 09/02/2015

Hello, I have already collected a lot of fir cones, but they are still green... I will sow the seeds as you described in this article. could you write exactly how to form seedlings between 1 and 3 months of their life to create a bonsai form... please

odalva 02/21/2016

I support "Passerby". The author of the article has no idea about such a subject of the Plant World as Botany!!! When giving advice, you need to know basic things about seed stratification and what role it plays in the life of a plant, and not mislead the reader. I would also like to make a note to the moderators: Such unprofessional articles should be strictly blocked. I am ready to help in this matter

Roman 03/09/2016

I once ordered spruce seeds from China, planted a lot, nothing came up. then somehow, after half a year, I decided to plant it again, but not as they say under film in a certain soil, etc. I just stuck the seeds into a pot with a plant) and after some time my spruce grew from the seed by 5 cm and continues to grow beautifully :) it grows very quickly and yes, I water it constantly. because the flower is on the windowsill above the radiator, then the soil dries quickly and I water it every 2-3 days. In general, the soil is moist and the plant feels great. I will soon replant it separately in a pot)

Roman 03/09/2016

You can grow almost anything as a bonsai, including birch)

Aidar 03/30/2016

Didn't they trim anything like in the article?

Roman 04/01/2016

nothing yet)

Aidar 04/01/2016

I also have 4 cm sprouts already, they are starting to diverge at the top. I’m thinking about how to replant, somewhere they say to cut, somewhere to just replant….
Didn't they trim anything like in the article?
nothing yet)

Olga 04/12/2016

The article is empty, nothing. How to form a bonsai???

Alex 04/13/2016

So, the article is not about how to form a bonsai, but about how to grow it from seeds 😉

Olga 04/14/2016

Alex, in this case, the article is not about bonsai at all, but simply “how to get a sprout from a tree seed.” In bonsai, the whole point is in its formation.

Lyudmila 11/15/2016

I agree with Olga. The most important thing (formation) is not in the article. But just growing a tree doesn’t require any wisdom. Stuck it in the ground and it grows. How many have I grown like this? The article is about nothing.

Mari28 11/24/2016

Dmitry Polyakov, I hope you removed the glass, due to the fact that your seedlings produced 3-4 leaves. The time has come for picking; plant the seedlings in separate shallow pots. At the same time, cut the roots by two-thirds. As for the soil in which the tree will be planted, it is advisable to make it yourself by mixing humus, clay and fine-grained gravel or coarse sand. The soil in the pot should be constantly moist. Bonsai is not tolerated cold water, therefore it is advisable to use either melted or settled water. While the plant is just forming, it should be taken into account that it needs to be watered very often, but not flooded, give fertilizers in limited quantities, and replant once a year, in the spring, removing excess roots.
Do not apply fertilizer to the soil immediately after replanting the tree, as this may damage the roots. It is enough to simply water the Bonsai for a month before starting to fertilize again.

Mari28 12/15/2017

The manufacturer usually prints instructions for use on the packaging of any fungicide. Doses of use vary depending on what drug you use. If we talk specifically about the warning in the article (disinfection of seeds before planting), then a weak solution of potassium permanganate (0.5-1 g per 1 liter of water) or boric acid(0.3 g per 1 liter of water). The seeds are soaked in this solution for 4-6 hours. After they dry, they can be used for sowing.

Egor Reshetov 01/05/2018

Margarita 12/27/2018

Do you have to cut something for him?
Out of 11 seeds, only 2 sprouted. It’s scary to cut something with them, in case they die.

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Beautiful miniature garden tree in our house or greenhouse. Growing bonsai at home is not difficult if you wish. The only thing you need is patience, especially when growing large quantity bonsai.

Among the types of bonsai, some of them have gained particular popularity. The following species are most often grown from seeds:

  • tropical: boxwoods, acacias, wisterias, leptospermums, ficuses;
  • broad-leaved: beeches, birches, hornbeams, elms, maples;
  • conifers: cedars, spruces, pines, firs, cypresses.

In fact, the list of available woody plants is much larger. For example, seeds of spruce, euonymus, pine, beech, oak and fir can be planted at the time of collection.

Bonsai seeds can be found independently in parks, groves, and so on. It's much more fun than shopping in a store. But you will need special knowledge, from searching to preparing and growing seedlings.

Advice from an amateur gardener

An important point is that seedlings must be formed within a period of up to 3 months.

If you find seeds, but want to plant them at another time, you will need to properly store the material. To do this, they must be placed in a container or, better yet, in a special wooden cellar. Before this, the seeds should be dried. They should be stored in a cool room at a temperature from -5 to 0 degrees Celsius.

Growing method

The seeds themselves differ mainly in weight and type of seed coat. For a certain type of seed, one or another sowing method is suitable. Following the rules will allow you to grow truly beautiful and healthy seedlings. Trees such as Japanese maple, hawthorn, juniper, hornbeam, quince require a preliminary freezing period. To do this, you need to place them in wet sand in a cool room. The rest period varies from six months to a year.

Pre-treatment of seeds

In order for the seeds to begin to germinate properly, they must be processed to avoid disease or death. Before planting, the seeds are placed in water for a couple of days. Or peat moss is also used for germination. To speed up the effect, you can break the hard shell of the seed. Next, they are treated with Bordeaux mixture against diseases and the soil is disinfected.

Bonsai seeds can be ordered online

For example, thermal soil treatment with drainage is suitable for fir. Usually a laundry bin is taken, in which two bricks are placed, edges down. Place a bucket on top so that it is tightly closed with a lid. As boiling water is poured, the top edges of the bricks should protrude three centimeters out of the water. Before this, holes are made at the bottom of the bucket, and gauze is placed on top of the bottom. It takes about 2-3 hours to warm up the soil.

Ready-made kit for growing Bonsai from seeds

There are other ways to sterilize soil - freezing. This is usually done late autumn. The soil is poured into a bag and left in the yard or loggia until frost sets in. Afterwards, the soil is brought into the room to thaw for 10 days. Before doing this, it is advisable to water it with melt water from fresh garden snow. Then for 6 - 7 days the soil is again exposed to the air. In this case, the temperature should be about -20 degrees. These processes of freezing and thawing the soil must be done 2-3 times to completely destroy harmful microorganisms and weed seeds.

Planting bonsai, soil

The seed is planted in spring, late summer or autumn. Peat pots, previously filled with a mixture of sand and peat in equal proportions, are ideal for planting. Or use cactus soil and coarse sand. You can’t fill the soil mixture to the brim; you have to leave about three centimeters. Above is a centimeter layer of pre-prepared soil. Then the entire mixture should be lightly pressed down with a piece of wood, the seeds should be laid out and covered with a layer of sand, no more than two diameters of the seed being planted. Press down again with a piece of wood and add a little water.

Mini greenhouse for Bonsai from an egg carriage

The container is covered with glass or plastic film to create a greenhouse effect. Then all the contents are placed in a place protected from the sun with a temperature no higher than 15 degrees. The soil should always be moderately moist and not dry out.

Seedling care

After the first shoots appear, air must be supplied to the container. To do this, several holes are made in the polyethylene, or you can place a sliver under the edge of the glass. As soon as the first leaves appear, the seedlings should be completely opened.

In the interval from one to three months, re-rooting is required. This is cutting off the taproot - 2/3 of its length. Sometimes a special hormone is injected to stimulate root formation.

Plants need to be fertilized, it is better to do this in early summer. Fertilizers should be added to the soil in small portions. When the seedling reaches a height of 10 centimeters, it is transplanted into a flower pot. The plant must begin to be accustomed to sunlight. Don't forget to do periodic shaping. Depending on the type of bonsai, it is produced at the age of several years.

Using simple instructions and the tips suggested above, we can get the truly beautiful and healthy tree of our dreams.

Bonsai is becoming one of the most popular species indoor plants, so many gardeners strive to master the art of breeding them. There are several ways to do this. We will talk about one of them in this article.

Growing Bonsai from Seeds

For this purpose, you can use the same planting material as for conventional breeding. It is recommended to create bonsai from maple or seeds, but you can also take juniper, birch, apple trees and others. The main selection condition is compatibility with the local climate. For indoor bonsais, wisteria and albizia are most often used.

But in addition to choosing the right plant, it is very important to know how to germinate the seeds and how to plant them so that they become a bonsai.

How to grow bonsai from seeds?

Stage 1 – Preparation

It consists of selecting a container, disinfecting the soil mixture and stratifying the seeds. It is best to take a clay pot, shallow but wide, always with drainage holes. We make the soil from two parts humus and one part sand. It must be disinfected by holding it over steam for several minutes. After this, dry and sift.

Fresh seeds should be taken for planting. To speed up their germination, you can pierce or cut the upper peel, and placing it in warm water for 24 hours.

Stage 2 – Landing

The most favorable periods for planting are spring and late summer. We do this:

After 2 years, the tree can begin to be pruned to shape its shape. As a result, in 4-5 years you will have a wonderful bonsai.

This method requires a lot of patience and meticulousness, but this is how especially beautiful specimens are obtained.

Almost any bonsai can be grown from seeds. There are no special seeds for growing bonsai.

The same seeds are used as for growing regular ones. Seeds can be purchased or collected directly from the plants.

The collection is carried out in the fall; All fruits - acorns, berries, achenes and nuts - contain seeds, from which, if planted, in 5-7 years you can get beautiful miniature trees of the desired shape.

The conditions for seed germination are different for different plants and depend on the timing of sowing. Some seeds must be sown immediately because they germinate immediately after harvest.

Others should be stored for some time in a dry and cool place before sowing. Still others can germinate in autumn or winter, but must first be placed in damp sand for several days to maintain their ability to germinate.

Many of the seeds need a period of rest. They are stratified (that is, placed in a layer of wet sand) for 6-12 months, protected from cold and heat. Some seeds can be stored in the refrigerator in a vegetable container.

The duration of such storage ranges from 1 day to 1 month; after which the seeds must be soaked for 24 hours in lukewarm water.

There are two most favorable periods for sowing: spring or late summer to mid-autumn.

A seed with a hard shell can be cut to facilitate its germination. Seeds of different types of plants are not sown together, since their needs for water, heat, and light may not coincide.

To sow seeds, use low boxes with holes in the bottom to drain excess water.
Sowing seeds

1. To sift the soil mixture, you need a sieve.

2. A standard clay pot is filled with sifted soil mixture.

3. Stratified seeds are placed on the surface of the soil mixture.

4. The thickness of the soil layer with which the seeds are sprinkled depends on their size.

5. If the seeds are large enough, then the layer of soil covering them is slightly compacted. To do this, use a regular garden trowel.

6. The shell protecting the seeds (ginkgo seeds in the picture) is split with tongs.

7. The seed is carefully removed from the shell.

8. Seeds freed from the shell can be sown. Nothing else prevents the germination of such seeds, so stratification will be unnecessary.

9. Cover the surface of the soil in the pot with a paper circle.

10. This paper circle prevents soil erosion during watering.
The box is filled with a mixture consisting of 1/2 peat and 1/2 river sand. Any sowing container is filled only 3/4 with soil mixture, not compacting it very much to ensure better circulation of air and water.

Then the seeds are laid out on the surface of the sifted substrate, sprinkled with a layer of soil on top, lightly compacted and watered generously from a watering can with a fine strainer. After this, the box is covered with glass and placed in a semi-shaded place protected from frost.

With the appearance of the first seedlings (sooner or later in different species), the glass is raised for better air circulation.

When the first leaves appear, the glass is removed completely.

In the spring, after the stems have become stronger, the seedlings are transplanted one at a time into small pots and gradually accustomed to the sun.

After 2 years, you can begin to form a bonsai from a young tree by cutting off its branches (in spring and summer) and roots (in spring).

After 3-5 years, the tree grown from seed will have a graceful silhouette and will take on the appearance of a bonsai of the desired style without rough scars and thickening on the trunk with harmoniously arranged branches.

Some believe that bonsai is a variety of dwarf tree-like plants that are grown in standard pots. Others believe that bonsai is an art form or a movement in Eastern philosophy that is tiny japanese tree kind of complements it. In fact, bonsai are really tiny trees that are the most accurate copy of their tall relatives. They receive them - having comprehended all the intricacies of a special type of art, and for years they successfully keep them in their home - only by understanding all the intricacies of Eastern philosophy, based on contemplation, admiration and reflection. Previously, a unique Japanese tree as tall as an ordinary one indoor flower could only be seen at exhibitions. Now bonsai has become incredibly popular and has spread throughout the world. Many Russians have also begun to master the technique of growing it. It is simple only at first glance, but hides many secrets and features.

Where to begin

If you have firmly decided that you need a tiny tree in a pot, the question arises of how to get it. To make the task easier, you can buy ready-made bonsai in the store. Then the length of his life in the apartment will depend on knowledge and compliance with the rules of care. But many adherents of Eastern culture certainly want to grow an exotic plant from scratch on their own.

Exist different types bonsai, depending on the type of plant that will be turned into a dwarf. Almost any tree from the garden or from the nearest forest belt can be a candidate. The art of bonsai became famous thanks to Japan, but was born in China during the reign of the Tang Dynasty, when one of its rulers wanted to create miniature copy of his empire. That’s when the smart ancient Chinese came up with the idea of ​​making exactly the same trees out of ordinary trees, only reduced by tens of times. They called the new agricultural technology “cultivated on a tray” or bonsai. Thus, by following certain techniques, any plant can be turned into a dwarf. But in practice, success more often comes with trees that can withstand extreme living conditions, namely, develop in a miniature volume of soil, and do not get sick from changes in natural light conditions, changes in annual temperatures and watering. Therefore, no matter what type of bonsai you choose, it is important to take into account the natural living conditions of your pets and strive to get as close to them as possible.

Where to get planting material

As mentioned above, different plants are suitable for bonsai, both coniferous and deciduous. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the size of their leaf blade. Since the plant in the pot will be miniature, it is desirable that the leaf blades of its prototype are not too large. Otherwise, the small trunk simply will not be able to support them. The second condition is that the plant species from which different types of bonsai are created have a genetic tendency to form a dense crown. Having decided on a candidate, you must take into account the soil in which your future bonsai will grow in the wild, with what lighting, and at what humidity. All this will need to be exactly recreated at home in a pot. In practice, success is achieved with fruit trees, with citrus fruits, with myrtle, maple, rhododendron, ficus and many others.


There are not only different kinds bonsai, but various technologies its reproduction, or, more correctly, the starting operation of cultivation. Yamadori is considered the simplest technology. It consists in the fact that in the natural habitat the desired young tree is being looked at. It is dug in a circle, roots that are too powerful (if any), cut off and left alone for three months. Next, it is removed with a lump of earth and placed in a selected flower pot (bonsai). To quickly adapt, the plant is shaded, sprayed, and a temperature regime similar to natural is created.


This technology in Russian means trivial cuttings. It is important to comply with the timing of this process. For example, in Russia hardwoods It is advisable to take cuttings at the end of spring, and conifers, on the contrary, at the beginning. Plants from which cuttings are taken must be five to ten years old. If you strictly follow the rules for preparing planting material for your bonsai, caring for it in the future will not bring disappointment. Cuttings should be cut only in cloudy weather, cutting off shoots that are not yet woody. Their length can vary, depending on the number of internodes. There should not be less than three and it is not desirable that there be more than five. The upper edge of the cutting is made smooth, and the lower edge is beveled, placed in water, and covered with a damp rag. Another practiced method of toriki is to carefully remove a strip of bark no more than 2 cm wide from a branch that you like, or to make an incision on the branch into which a pebble is inserted. This place is generously moistened with epin, wrapped with sphagnum, polyethylene on top, secured and wrapped on both sides to stop the air supply. Moisture is regularly added to this compress with a syringe. The twig should take root in about 60 days.


This method is ideal for beginners and means seed propagation. Maples, oaks, myrtle, pomegranate, and citrus fruits are suitable for this. You can collect ripe seeds from selected trees, which should turn into a bonsai without any problems. Only for this, the seeds must go through all phases of stratification. To make the task easier, you can carefully remove already sprouted seeds from the ground in the spring and place the finished sprouts in prepared bowls for future bonsai.

Classification according to size

Not only are there different types, but there are also styles of bonsai that vary in size. It's surprising that the world of miniature plants has its own tiny giants and midgets. The international classification distinguishes:

1. Mame. This group consists of trees up to 20 cm high. Among them:

Keshi-tsubu (midgets in the land of midgets, up to only 2.5 cm high).

Sieve (up to 7.5 cm high, maximum 8 cm).

Gafu (up to 20 cm high).

2. Shohin. This group consists of plants of intermediate sizes between very small and simply small. There are also two subgroups here:

Komono (approximately 20 cm tall).

Myabi (up to 25 cm).

3. Kifu. The group takes the middle position. The plants included in it can grow up to 40 cm.

4. Ty. Plants in this group are almost giants and reach a meter in height. Subgroups:

Tyukhin (up to 60 cm).

Omono (up to 100 cm).

5. Bonju. In the world of midget plants, these are already giants, capable of stretching up to 120 cm and higher.

Classification by crown shape

It turns out that by the way the crown looks, there are also different styles bonsai. Traditional ones include:

Tekkan (erect trunk, thickening towards the base).

Moyogi (the base and top of the stem are perpendicular to the ground, and the middle is curved).

Sokan (the tree has two stems, each with its own crown, forming something whole).

Syakan (trunk without curvature, but growing towards the ground at an angle).

Kengai (the trees resemble classic weeping trees, that is, they grow with stems inclined below the pot, as if falling down).

Khan kengai (the trunk of the tree is also cascading, but the top is always in line with the soil of the bowl, and the branching branches resemble independent plants).

Bundzinga (the tree grows with an erect stem, but with minimum quantity twigs).

Sekijoju (there are stones in a bowl on the ground, and the roots of the tree seem to entwine them).

Isitsuki (a composition of figured stones is created in a bowl, and plants grow in their crevices).

Hokidachi (the stem of the plant is straight, and the branches form a beautiful spherical crown).

-Yose ue (several trees grow in a pot, not a multiple of 4, different in height and age).

Ikadabuki (imitation of a tree that seems to have fallen to the ground, with individual branches growing upward from the trunk).

Exclusive Styles

In addition to the classic ones, which are considered simpler, there are very complex ones in the art of bonsai that require high skill. This:

Netsuranari (a tree has several stems growing from one root, which are intricately intertwined with each other).

Fukinagashi (a complex composition in which the bonsai grows not just at an angle, but in such a way that its branches and leaves are arranged as if the tree is tilted by the wind).

Sakei (in a bowl an imitation of an entire corner of nature is created - a forest or a mountain area, and bonsai plants make this imitation more natural).

Growing rules

It is not very difficult to maintain a bonsai at home, the care of which is based on strict adherence to the rules. Those who believe that dwarf trees should grow only in the house as a decorative element are mistaken. Very often, bonsai compositions are placed in the fresh air and brought into the house only with the onset of cold weather. If the winters are not severe, the bonsai can be left outside, but the bowls must be placed in a container of large diameter, and covered on top with a dense layer of moss up to the very branches of the tree.

It is very important that deciduous bonsais in winter, just as in natural conditions, shed their leaves and remain dormant for some time. To do this, they are taken out to a cool room. The third condition for success is strict compliance with lighting and humidity standards. If the bonsai does not have enough natural light, additionally turn on the lamps, but take into account the heat they generate. Support optimal humidity You can use an electric humidifier. If there is none, the bowl with the plant can be placed in a tray lined with pebbles and half filled with water. The simplest, but also the most ineffective way is to spray the crowns of plants.


When the planting material is prepared - cuttings or seeds - the bonsai needs to be placed in its home. The Japanese and Chinese use bowls and low flower pots, coated with glaze or matte, but always having several drainage holes. To prevent soil from being washed out of them, cover the holes with a piece of tile. The shape of the pot can be any. It is best to take the same soil for indoor bonsai as that of its outdoor relative. Some masters prepare the soil separately. Everyone has their own recipes. Here are the most common:

A mixture of equal parts of clay, fine gravel, humus, stone chips or sand;

Clay, humus and gravel in ratios (3:5:2);

Clay humus, gravel (1:5:3);

Leaf soil, coke, sand, bark, volcanic soil.

In any case, the soil should easily allow water to pass through to avoid stagnation. Besides, experienced craftsmen It is recommended to disinfect the pot and soil before planting. placed in the ground, covered with glass, the entire germination period is maintained at a warm temperature and moderate humidity. Plants that have hatched and reached the stage of 2-4 leaves dive. In order for the root system to develop, the picking operation must be carried out several more times. Cuttings and seedlings are planted in the same soil as the seeds. For better rooting, the cuttings are covered with film.


Growing bonsai is unthinkable without replanting, which must be done every two, maximum three, years before the start of sap flow. This operation is also carried out if there is suspicion of rotting of the root system. Before transplanting, the plant is left without watering for a couple of days. Remove from the pot using a knife. The soil and all suspicious roots are carefully removed from the roots, and large roots are also removed. The pot is disinfected, filled with a couple of centimeters of new soil, and the roots remaining after pruning are straightened wooden stick, laid out on the ground, sprinkled with earth, compacted and watered. You can fix the plant with a wire inserted into the drainage hole.

Bonsai (plant): how to care

Maintaining small trees is not very difficult. They need to be watered regularly with cool water, making sure that the soil in the pot does not remain dry or too waterlogged. During the dormant period, plants are watered less frequently, and more often during the growing season. Bonsai feeding is mandatory. This is done from the beginning of the growing season every week, adding sapropel or urea. You can also use mineral fertilizers in the form of granules or solutions. Fertilizers containing a lot of nitrogen are applied after the end of the first wave of growth. With the onset of the dormant period, feeding is stopped. Coniferous bonsai are also not fed in winter. Fertilizers should not be applied to sick or recently transplanted plants.

Bonsai formation

How to make something unusual out of ordinary wood is perhaps the main question. The technologies here are different. In our conditions, maple bonsai works well even for beginners. Having chosen the desired variety, general rules Seeds or cuttings are planted and the plant is allowed to grow stronger for the first year. Subsequently, the appearance of the trunk is changed by gently wrapping it with soft (copper or aluminum) wire. But with maples this does not always bring results. Most often they are formed by pruning. To stop the growth of the top, new shoots are regularly removed from it. Maple has a rather large leaf blade. To reduce it, around mid-summer, the grown leaves are removed, leaving the petiole. During this period, the tree is moved to a shaded place. In order for the maple bonsai to grow lush, when pruning, you can truncate an overly elongated trunk (cover the wound with an antiseptic), remove skeletal branches, and pinch out young shoots. To give the trunk a slope or bends, to it during the period active growth you can tie a weight or gently bend it in the desired direction and secure it copper wire, placing a cloth under it. Several methods can be used to achieve the desired trunk thickness. In some plants, young stems are fused by planting them next to each other and fastening them together. This method is not very successful for maple. The thickness of the trunk in this case is achieved by truncation.