In a private house      08.03.2020

How to rinse the air conditioner: a step-by-step algorithm. Related tips. How to wash the air conditioner at home Samsung window air conditioner cleaning the filter

Nowadays, many owners of houses and apartments equip their homes with climate control equipment that is able to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the premises. One of the most popular appliances for this purpose is the air conditioner. Modern models can have not only one function - air cooling, but also be "all-weather", multifunctional, that is, at any time of the year, maintain a normal temperature set by the user in the rooms.

However, the microclimate will actually be comfortable, and the use of air conditioning will not harm the owners if certain important conditions are met. In particular, such devices require some care, so they are usually serviced by professional craftsmen. To do this, often contracts are concluded with the company that conducted, for further service maintenance. They also resort to one-time calls for masters - there are a lot of ads of such content in the advertising press.

But such a service is not cheap, so many device owners are interested in the possibility self care after them. One of important points in the maintenance of climate technology is the maintenance of all its components, especially filter blocks, clean. Therefore, the question arises of how possible it is to clean the air conditioner with your own hands? Yes, it's doable! And if you understand at least a little about the design of the device and know how such a process is carried out, then, indeed, you can put it in order on your own.

Why is it necessary to clean the air conditioner?

Is it really necessary to regularly clean the air conditioning equipment? Maybe it's just another "money scam" on the part of manufacturers and service companies? No, everything is much more serious!

Devices that cool or heat the air drive it through the filtering devices installed in them, since it is unrealistic to completely get rid of dust in the premises. Accordingly, quite soon in the filters is collected a large number of dirt and dust.

Therefore, if you do not carry out periodic cleaning of the air conditioner, then the following problems will certainly arise:

  • There will be a clear drop in the functionality of the device, that is, a significant decrease in efficiency due to the difficulty of passing air through the filters.
  • If the air conditioner is not cleaned or is not done regularly, the heat exchanger with the freon inside it will start to overheat, which will increase the load on the compressor, and as a result, the device will quickly wear out.

  • Increased humidity and dust deposits inside and outside the filters contribute to the active reproduction of dust mites and various bacteria. Among pathogenic microorganisms, the most dangerous is legionella, which causes a serious lung disease - legionellosis (it is also called "Pittsburgh pneumonia"). Together with the flow of air passing through contaminated filters, spores of fungi and mold can spread throughout the premises, which can easily provoke allergic reactions, lead to asthmatic attacks and dermatitis.
  • Unpleasant smell in the room is probably the smallest trouble of all, which entails the pollution of the air conditioner.

It should be noted that air conditioners that are installed in multi-storey buildings on the uppermost floors are less susceptible to rapid clogging, since many times less dust is concentrated at high altitudes than in the lower layers of air. But this does not mean that they will not have to be cleaned - there may simply be less mud deposits.

Much more often it will be necessary to clean and disinfect devices installed in houses located near highways, in industrial areas of the city and in areas under construction, since the air is most polluted there.

Another negative phenomenon for climate technology is poplar and other plant fluff, which is capable of literally clogging air conditioner filters in a short time. Therefore, if the area where the house is located is planted with poplars or other trees (shrubs) with a similar form of flowering, then climatic devices must be monitored with particular care.

The air conditioner, as a rule, itself begins to “declare” that it needs preventive maintenance if it was not cleaned on time. So, such manifestations can be:

  • Constant or temporary noise or crackling when the device is turned on.
  • Unpleasant smell of dampness or preli.
  • A clear decrease in the cooling capacity of the air conditioner.
  • The device began to consume too much electricity with the same or even reduced output - this can be seen by taking readings from the meter.
  • The indoor unit began to leak while the air conditioner was running.

Prices for popular air conditioners

If at least one of the above signs appears, then this indicates that the device needs urgent preventive maintenance, otherwise the air conditioner may soon fail.

It is best to prevent such a situation, since it can result in the replacement of individual parts or structural blocks that have failed due to the banal carelessness of the owners, which leads to significant costs.

  • Be sure to clean the filters of the device in the spring, before intensive work in the summer.
  • Prevention should also be carried out in the fall, before the cold period, when the air conditioner is switched to the room heating mode.
  • Unscheduled prevention - urgently, in any case, if the signs mentioned above appear.

Thanks to timely preventive maintenance, the air conditioner will work out the entire resource put into it without any problems, which is usually 8 ÷ 12 years and even more.

Cleaning the indoor unit of the split system

The design of the indoor unit of the air conditioner

To figure out where to start preventive work, and what exactly should be subjected to the most thorough cleaning, you need to at least get a little familiar with the design of the device. Most often in Lately split-systems are used, and first of all, the indoor unit of the air conditioner most accessible to the user affects the microclimate in the room. Let's start with him.

So, the indoor unit consists of the following components and parts:

1 - Front panel of the device - This is a plastic case with a grille. Through it, the air from the room enters the device for cooling (or heating), naturally, with the transferred dust. The panel can be easily removed - if necessary, carry out maintenance work. For this, a system of locks (latches) is provided.

2 - Coarse filter- This is a fine-mesh polymer mesh, which is designed for collection of large dust particles from the air, fluff, villi of animal hair and other similar suspensions. Such a filter requires cleaning, or at least control, at least twice a month. In innovative models, some manufacturers provide for automatic cleaning of this filter. The coarse pre-filter is located immediately behind the front panel of the instrument.

3 - Fine filter. Usually, not one, but several filters are installed in a cascade, which can clean the air from various contaminants. Each of them has own features buildings:

  • carbon filter, containing activated carbon, and designed to remove unpleasant odors and neutralize harmful substances. This type of filter is not cleaned, but replaced completely, on average every 4-5 months.
  • Zeolite filter made from porous mineral - zeolite. This version of the filter is able to absorb chemical compounds from the air, which include heavy metals, so it is more efficient than carbon. In addition, unlike coal, the zeolite filter can be washed with water and can be used for up to five years with regular maintenance.
  • Electrostatic the filter cleans the air from fine dust by creating an electrostatic field. Dust particles, passing through it, become electrified and settle on oppositely charged plates. The service life of this filter is unlimited, and it is cleaned as it gets dirty.
  • Plasma filter works on the same principle as electrostatic. In it, under the influence electrical voltage a low-temperature plasma is formed that can destroy harmful substances and small dust particles, while giving them a negative charge, due to which they settle on a positively charged plate. The plasma filter is also designed to remove odors and smoke. The service life of this filter is unlimited, and it is cleaned as it gets dirty.
  • UV filter necessarily includes an LED of a certain spectrum of luminescence, which is capable of disinfecting the air of the room, destroying viruses and bacteria. UV light can also prevent the growth and spread of mold and mildew inside the air conditioner. This option can be used alone or in combination with a photocatalytic filter.
  • photocatalytic filter is a porous substance titanium dioxide coated. This filter adsorbs on its surface all the pollutants of the air masses passing through it, including toxic substances, unpleasant odors, fungal spores, etc. Getting under the influence of ultraviolet, which is included in the complex photocatalytic filter, all toxic substances decompose into water and carbon dioxide. This type of filter does an excellent job with both inorganic and organic air pollutants. The service life of this filter is limited only by the "life" of the UV lamp.
  • Antibacterial filter. Designed to neutralize various pathogenic microflora - microbes and viruses. It contains such natural active ingredients as:

- catechin - an antiseptic found in apples and green tea;

Wassabi is a plant with antibacterial properties.

Prices for filters for air conditioners

air conditioner filter

  • Antioxidant filter It is made on the basis of flavonoids, which contribute to the conversion of free radicals into inactive chemical compounds.

4 - Fan to circulate air through the air conditioner. As a rule, the fan can have three to four speeds of rotation.

5 - Evaporator. This, in essence, is a radiator in which freon evaporates, due to which the air passing through it cools.

6 – Horizontal blinds , regulating the direction of air flow vertically. They are controlled remotely, from a remote control, through an electric drive installed in the air conditioner housing.

7 - Display panel located on the surface of the indoor unit of the air conditioner. On it, using LEDs or a digital display, the operating modes of the device are shown, including the set temperature.

8 – Vertical blinds regulate air flow in horizontal directions. They can be moved manually or remotely, depending on the equipment of the device.

In addition to the above structural elements, it necessarily contains others that are not shown in the figure:

9 - Condensate tray. This part is placed under the evaporator, and it serves to collect water, which is then discharged through a drain hose from the air conditioner to the outside.

10 - Control electronic board. A central microprocessor is installed on it, with the help of which the device is controlled. The board is usually located to the right of the indoor unit of the air conditioner. Usually, a terminal group is also located near it - for connecting the air conditioner to the mains and for electrical switching of the indoor unit with the external one.

11 - Fittings located on the bottom rear of the indoor unit. Copper pipes connected to them serve to connect the outdoor and indoor units - this creates a closed circuit for the circulation of the refrigerant.

Several preparatory operations

Due to the fact that the split system air conditioner consists of two blocks, outdoor and indoor, their cleaning also differs somewhat, which is important to consider when starting its prevention. On the outer block, attention will be focused below, but for now we continue to consider the inner one.

  • Before starting preventive work, it is necessary to protect your hands and respiratory tract, since you should not forget that in the air conditioner case there is a hotbed of viruses and dangerous bacteria that got there along with dust from the air. They can easily enter the body, which threatens with serious diseases, even for a person with excellent immunity.
  • Next, the air conditioner must be disconnected from the mains. It would seem that this is an understandable action for everyone, but sometimes they forget about it, and remember it only at the moment when the first electric shock occurs. Well, if it is light, only in the form of tingling ....
  • Then, it is recommended to cover the floor area under the air conditioner plastic wrap, which after cleaning the device is best to simply throw it away. It is especially important to protect the floor surface if the air conditioner has been working for a long time without maintenance, and a large amount of dirt has accumulated in it.

Procedure for general cleaning of the indoor unit

Sometimes it is necessary to clean only the filters of the instrument, as they are the first to get dirty. I must say that washing them yourself is not difficult at all. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out this procedure almost weekly, making it a rule to perform these simple steps before cleaning an apartment or house. Naturally, such frequent preventive maintenance is necessary if the device is used constantly.

If the air conditioning equipment is put in order regularly, the house is kept clean, and thanks to this, the dust does not have time to clog all the pores of the fine filters and the coarse cleaning cells, then it is enough to dry clean with a vacuum cleaner.

If the filters of the air conditioner are heavily clogged, then they will have to be additionally washed with special detergents, and then with water.

Detergents are purchased in specialized stores for climate equipment or in service centers for its maintenance.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation to be performed
So, the first step is to open the front cover of the air conditioner, on which the protective grille is located.
This process is simple, especially since all owners need to do it quite often, checking the degree of contamination of the device.
Next, the coarse filters are carefully removed. They can also be fixed in different ways. So, in some models, they can be removed without even opening or dismantling the front panel.
Then the cover covering the fasteners is removed.
IN various designs this panel can be fixed in different ways - in some models it is enough to simply remove it from the latches, while in others it has to be unscrewed.
In this model, the plastic case of the indoor unit is fixed with screws located at the bottom of the structure. They are closed with protective plates, which must first be opened.
For convenience, you can use a regular screwdriver - it picks up the closing screws of the cover, and then unscrews the fasteners themselves. Work must be done carefully, as plastic parts- quite brittle.
Having unscrewed the fasteners, it is also necessary to dismantle the display panel connected to the electrical part of the air conditioner from the housing. This element, together with the wires, must be temporarily placed to the electrical unit.
After unscrewing the screws, the plastic case of the air conditioner is removed.
IN different models it is also fastened in different ways, therefore, having unscrewed the screws on one side, you should not pull the case. It must be gently pulled towards you, and if it is not removed, then you will have to look for places where it is additionally fixed.
Next, the fine filters should be removed from the air conditioner.
The next step is to make sure that the electrical unit of the device is protected from splashes of disinfectants and detergents, as well as water jets.
Ordinary hospital shoe covers are perfect for this purpose - thanks to the elastic band located on them, they will fit snugly against the device, and the protection will not fall during operation.
Now it's time preparatory work for cleaning.
A large, strong plastic bag can be used for this purpose, but this "device" cannot guarantee reliable protection surfaces of the room from getting detergents on them together with dirt from the air conditioner.
In specialized stores or on online trading platforms, you can purchase a kit specifically designed to protect the floor and walls during the cleaning of climate equipment. This set is more convenient, since it provides almost everything necessary elements both for fixing it, and for diverting dirty water into a bucket.
The service package includes a large specially shaped plastic bag with a funnel in the lower central part, on which a plastic spout is attached for easy fixing of the outlet hose.
In addition, it contains a polyethylene apron installed between the wall and the bottom of the air conditioner, holders like stationery, with which the stiffening ribs inserted into the edges of the bag are fixed, and a tape for hanging it under the air conditioner.
Unfortunately, the kit does not include elements that act as stiffeners, as well as a hose for draining dirty water. Therefore, you will have to take care of these details yourself. To do this, you will need thin plastic or metal tubes, or even ordinary wooden glazing beads, which are used to fasten window panes. The length of these rigid inserts should be: 600 mm - 2 pcs. and 1200 mm - 2 pcs.
The section of the hose should correspond in cross-section to the diameter of the spout fixed on the plastic bag - so that it fits snugly against the drain spout.
In the bag along its edges, channels are provided in which stiffeners must be installed and fixed with stationery holders.
A belt is fixed on one side of the package, with which the package will be hung on the air conditioner.
When ready for use, this fixture looks something like the one shown in the illustration.
Next, an apron is taken - this is an ordinary polyethylene sheet, which is slipped under the body of the device and fixed to the wall with masking tape. It will protect the wall from getting dirty lumps of wet dust.
Then, a package with stiffeners is hung under the air conditioner, the belt is put on top of the device body.
After that, a hose is put on a plastic spout, the second end of which is lowered into an ordinary plastic bucket standing on the floor.
Further, if thick dust layers are found after opening the indoor unit of the air conditioner, they can be removed with a soft brush or collected with a vacuum cleaner.
After such a superficial removal of accumulated deposits, it will be easier to flush structural parts from more deeply ingrained dirt.
After removing the external dust, you can proceed to the preparation of a washing disinfectant solution.
It is made from products specially designed for cleaning the air conditioner. The solution is mixed in accordance with the proportions indicated on the packaging of detergents.
To apply the solution, you will need a spray gun, in which the jet can be adjusted according to the spray diameter.
The next step is to apply the finished solution to all elements of the indoor unit.
Especially carefully it is necessary to spray the fan and radiator of the device. A huge amount of dust collects on the impeller blades of the fan roller, which eats into the surface of the material from which it is made. Therefore, it is simply impossible to clean this part of the air conditioner from dirt without special tools. The radiator is equipped with numerous heat exchange plates, between which dust also accumulates, and it is quite difficult to remove it with plain water, so you can’t do without special equipment either.
Disinfectant washing solution should cover all the details of the structure, since if unwashed areas remain, they will later become a favorable place for fixing new layers of dirt.
Detergents are usually applied in two stages.
Liquid detergent disinfectant (in this case, Alfadez) is sprayed first, followed by Winns 30202 detergent, which is sold in cans and produces abundant foam, which helps to better soften and exfoliate the dirt.
After the detergents are applied to the surfaces of the indoor unit, they must be left for some time, approximately 20-25 minutes, so that the solutions corrode the outer and inner dirty layers.
When the foam has settled, a control check can be made to see how easy the dirt will be removed.
After the foam settles, you can start flushing the split system with water supplied under high pressure with a thin stream.
With self-washing, you can use the same spray gun, but this will take a lot of time and a large amount of water.
When flushing the system, the dirt on the bottom of the air conditioner body will drain into a plastic bag suspended under it, and from there into a bucket.
It is important to ensure that the container does not overflow, as dirty water and disinfectants can seriously damage the flooring.
Flushing the indoor unit of the split system starts from its rear.
Then the radiator is thoroughly washed, after which it needs to be cleaned again inner part, as dirt from the heat exchanger grill may be on the surface of the fan blades.
At a time when the indoor unit will soak under the influence of detergents, you can clean the parts of the plastic case removed from the structure.
They are also sprayed with disinfectants and detergents.
If necessary, the dirt on them can be rubbed with a soft brush, and then these structural elements are washed under running water.
In addition to the rigid parts of the body, it is necessary to rinse the coarse air filters.
First, they also need to be sprayed with detergents. Then they are left for a while - until the dirt is separated from them, and then washed under running water.
The filter is washed, but not wiped - the water should drain from it spontaneously, and it should dry naturally.
When washing the filter, do not use ordinary detergents, as they can negatively affect not only the filter itself, but also the indoor unit of the air conditioner.
In addition, do not forget that the molecules of solutions of household chemicals will later get into the air of residential premises.
It is more difficult with fine filters, since among them there are options that cannot be washed, and dry cleaning will not bring results, and therefore they will have to be replaced with new ones.
So, I would like to remind you that replaceable filters include coal, antibacterial, antioxidant, and also vitamin.
Washable filters include electrostatic, photocatalytic, plasma and zeolite filters.
New replacement filters are usually sold at air conditioner service centers or at service centers of manufacturing companies.
When all the insides of the unit and all the parts removed from it dry well, you can remove the hanging bag and shoe covers from the electric unit and assemble the air conditioner in reverse order.
The fine filters (new or washed) are returned to their place, then the washed housing is fixed, the indicator panel is fixed to it, and the coarse filters are installed last.
Now that the cleaning work of the air conditioner has been completed, you can turn it on, check its operation and proceed to normal operation, until the next maintenance.

Cleaning the drainage system of the air conditioner

One of the common problems that air conditioner owners face is water leaking onto the floor or walls from the indoor unit. Most often, leaks occur for the following reasons:

  • Due to the contamination of the drainage system of the appliance, when condensate cannot pass through the clogged pipe, and therefore begins to drain from the indoor unit into the room. In this case, the drainage system must be cleaned. Drainage clogging occurs due to the fact that the air conditioning units were not cleaned in time - the dust turned into dirt and clogged the tube.
  • If the amount of freon (refrigerant) in the system is reduced, then the temperature of the evaporator also becomes lower, therefore frost forms on it and water does not pass into the pan, and also flows down to the floors of the room.
  • If the air conditioner does not have a pressure regulator, then when the temperature drops outside, the pressure drops and in the system, as a result which also reduces the temperature in the evaporator. However, it should be noted that pressure regulators are usually installed in all modern models of air conditioners.
  • Freezing of the drain pipe - this occurs if the air conditioner is used in winter to cool the premises.
  • Another cause of stagnant phenomena in the drainage is wasps or other flying insects, which quite often clog the edge of the pipe located on the street.

If the drain pipe is clogged, then before proceeding with its cleaning, it is imperative to flush the drain pan, as well as other elements of the air conditioning system. Work on cleaning the drainage is carried out with the device turned off from the network and is carried out in the following order:

  • The first step is to remove the coarse filters.
  • Next, the lower narrow panel is dismantled, hiding the body mounts to the air conditioner.
  • Then the drainage pan is removed - in each design this operation is carried out differently, but it is not difficult, and it is quite possible to figure it out on the spot. It is necessary to remove this structural element in order to clean it of dirt, and also in order to get to the hole into which water flows from the pan and to which the drainage tube is connected.

  • The next step is to disconnect the drain tube from the air conditioner and connect the compressor hose to it ( hand pump), a steam generator or a vacuum cleaner with a blow function.

  • Another cleaning option would be mechanical way. To do this, take a long, enough hard, but at the same time, a flexible wire (something like a television cable is good) that goes into a drain disconnected tube or directly through a hole in the tray. It is pushed through the entire drainage system. Thus, it should appear from the pipe facing the street, through which the condensate escapes.
  • However, these are not all the steps necessary in this process, since it must be taken into account that the cork was removed from the tube, but the dirt in it still remained in the stacks. When the air conditioner is running, new dust will easily stick to these residues of dirt, and the plug will be restored. Therefore, the tube must be thoroughly rinsed. This can be done with a pump or homemade device, consisting of plastic bottle and a piece of silicone hose put on her neck.

  • To flush the drainage tube, it is recommended to use chlorhexidine, which is an excellent antiseptic and is sold in a pharmacy. For flushing, approximately 400 ml of liquid will be required.
  • If flushing will be carried out through the drain hole, that is, without removing the tube from it, then the flushing liquid can be poured through it. The bottle with chlorhexidine has a spout, which allows you to perform this procedure without the use of improvised means. After 15 ÷ 20 minutes, the system must additionally be purged with a vacuum cleaner or pump. After cleaning the system, it is recommended to check it immediately. To do this, one and a half liters of ordinary water is poured into it again using one of the methods described above, which should freely pour out through a pipe on the street.

In the event that the air conditioner is equipped with a drainage pump, that is, condensate is not discharged to the street, leakage may occur for the following reasons:

  • Failure of the pump - it may not work in full power or burn out altogether. In any case, the device must be checked, and for this it will have to be removed.
  • If the float chamber is clogged and the float is fixed in one position, the pump will stop discharging water.
  • The float or proximity sensor does not work.
  • Air tube is kinked.
  • Insufficiently good contact of the pump power terminals.

To find the cause of problems in models with a drainage pump, you will have to invite a specialist in the repair of climate equipment. It is not recommended to meddle in this system yourself.

Automatic air conditioner cleaning system

Some modern models air conditioners are equipped with an automatic cleaning system. The principle of operation is quite simple - with a certain frequency, the device switches to idle operation, and the air passing through the filters dries all the details of the structure.

In addition to the usual automatic cleaning, ionic air purification is installed in some models. Thanks to the latter, dust particles are ionized, so they easily fall into the dust collector. In another version of the devices, water ionized dust is used to protect against the occurrence of unpleasant odors - this is a system of full ionization and filtration.

In addition, such air conditioners are usually equipped with touch sensors that can control the composition of the air. If necessary, they give a command to the automatic cleaning system to turn on.

These features extend the life of your air conditioner and make it easier to maintain. However, do not think that you will not have to clean the device manually or call a wizard for this purpose, since automatic system will not be able to remove and wash its filters, and this is necessary to do, one way or another.

Find out and also read the criteria for evaluating devices in a special article on our portal.

Cleaning the outdoor unit of the split system

The design of the external unit of the air conditioner

Now, having figured out how to clean the indoor unit of the split system, you need to consider how the preventive work of its external part is carried out.

Unlike the indoor unit, the outdoor unit is washed once a year, but it is still necessary to do this, as it is clogged not only with dust, but also with leaves, poplar fluff, small twigs and other debris. From this it becomes clear that it is absolutely impossible not to clean this part of the air conditioner. The most difficult thing is to carry out preventive measures if the device is installed on the upper floors of multi-storey buildings, in this case, specialists cannot be dispensed with.

The design of the external block consists of the following blocks and parts:

1 Fan, occupies a large part of the body of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner. Its functions are to blow the heat exchanger-condenser.

2 – Capacitor located along the inner walls of the case, near the fan. It is a set of copper tubes, inside which freon is pumped, which is cooled by a working fan.

3 – Compressor provides circulation of freon on the general closed contour of the conditioner. This device is of two types - piston and spiral. The piston version of the compressor is more affordable, but less reliable, unlike a piston device. This factor is especially important, given the conditions of low winter temperatures.

4 - Control board, but it is only in inverter-type air conditioners. In other climatic devices, all electronics are located in the inner case, since external natural factors can adversely affect electronic components.

5 - Four-way valve it is installed only in models of reversible type air conditioners, that is, capable of not only cooling, but also working for space heating. This control unit is necessary to change the direction of freon movement when switching the device to heating mode. After that, in fact, the outdoor and indoor units change their functions - the outer one starts to work for cooling, and the inner one - for heating the air pumped through it.

6 - Fittings there are both on the indoor and on the outdoor unit, since it is to them that they are connected copper tubes connecting for the air conditioning department into one common system refrigerant circulation.

7 - Filter for cleaning the refrigerant is installed in front of the compressor and protects it from the ingress of small particles and copper chips, which often remain in the circuit during the installation of the air conditioner.

8 - Protective cover, covering the terminals of electrical cables and fittings. However, in some models, this cover is provided only for electrical connections while the valves remain open.

Cleaning the outdoor unit of the air conditioner

Cleaning the external unit of the air conditioner can be done by hand only if it is installed in a private house, and you can safely work from a stepladder, or on the balcony of a high-rise building. Independent work at height without special equipment, an insurance system and experience is strictly prohibited!

Prices for LG air conditioners

air conditioner lg

The cleaning process is carried out in stages, in the following order:

  • The first step is to turn off the device completely.
  • Next, the front panel of the outdoor unit is dismantled. Having removed it, the owner will surely immediately see the whole volume upcoming work.
  • First, all large debris found in the case is removed - it is he who slows down the operation of the air conditioner. Large debris is usually removed by hand, and no tools are required for this process.
  • The next step is to remove the dust layers from hard-to-reach places corps. For this purpose, brushes of different widths and a hand-held vacuum cleaner are used.

  • The fan blades can also be vacuum cleaned and, if necessary, wiped with a damp cloth. Wet cleaning must be done carefully so that water does not get on electrical contacts. If it is necessary to use a large amount of water to wash the fan, then the electrical box should be covered with plastic wrap.
  • The capacitor has smooth smooth surfaces, so it will not be difficult to clean it - this can be done with an ordinary damp cloth or sponge.
  • Before reinstalling the front panel, it should also be thoroughly rinsed and dried.
  • Do not touch the electrical unit of the device. Its repair and prevention should be carried out by specialists.
  • Turning on the air conditioner can be done only after it has completely dried.

Learn how to do it, and also check out a few simple models with step-by-step instructions in a special article on our portal.

At the end of the topic, I would like to give some useful tips that will help you avoid making mistakes when operating and cleaning climate control devices.

Prices for Haier air conditioners

Air Conditioner Haier

  • When purchasing an air conditioner, it is recommended to conclude an agreement for service maintenance device. During the warranty period, it can be carried out free of charge.
  • Timely preventive maintenance will extend the period of trouble-free operation of the air conditioner and save you from many problems.
  • It is recommended to entrust the first cleaning and disinfection of the air conditioner to specialists from service department. At the same time, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor how they carry out preventive measures, in order to then use their experience when performing independent work.
  • If the air conditioner began to malfunction, then you should not think that the malfunctions will go away by themselves. It is necessary to disconnect it from the mains and call the wizard for diagnostics and possible repairs.
  • If you decide to clean it yourself, then you need to use special detergents and disinfectants. In addition, to clean the radiator of the indoor unit, it is convenient to use comb brushes, which are designed specifically for this purpose.

  • Cleaning the air conditioner will be better if you use a steam cleaner for it. A jet of hot steam not only removes dirt, but also carries out preventive disinfection of structural parts.
  • Assembly and inclusion in the network can only be done after complete drying of all parts of the air conditioner.
  • Do not start the air conditioner when it is internal surfaces and fan applied detergents. It is extremely dangerous to do this, as water can get into the electrical unit of the device, which will cause a short circuit in the network. In addition, the dirt accumulated on the fan blades will scatter throughout the room, hitting the surfaces of the walls, ceiling, floor, furniture and other interior items.
  • In order for the device to serve for a long time, it is necessary to follow all the rules for its operation specified by the manufacturer in the instructions.

So, from all of the above, it becomes clear that it is quite possible to perform work on cleaning climate equipment on your own, if you know the design of the device and the procedure for carrying out this process. If the owner can carry out preventive maintenance of the air conditioner on his own once and understand all the nuances, he will no longer have to call the master for this purpose, since the specialist will only be needed to solve more serious problems.

And, probably, an interested reader will find a video story useful in which an amateur craftsman shows how he cleans his air conditioner on his own.

A long time ago different types air conditioners have become almost the main equipment in our homes, because thanks to them we establish the ideal microclimate in our premises and, thus, escape from heat or cold. But there is no such equipment that would not need regular maintenance, so for the efficient and proper operation of the air conditioner, think about cleaning its parts. In what cases can the device be cleaned independently at home, and in what cases will the help of a master be required?

In what cases it is necessary to clean the indoor and outdoor unit of the air conditioner

You need to clean the equipment immediately in the following cases:

  1. The air conditioner began to consume more electricity.
  2. The climate system began to work worse or its power decreased.
  3. When the air conditioner is turned on, a characteristic crackling or loud noise is heard to the electricity. In this case, you should check the block turbines or filters for clogging.
  4. During the operation of the equipment, condensate leaked from its outdoor unit.
  5. An unpleasant and pungent odor that appears immediately after turning on the air conditioner. This is a warning that there are problems with drainage system or evaporator grate.
  6. The appearance of gurgling or popping sounds that indicate that the drainage has become worse or the cooling system is losing refrigerant.
  7. Outdoor unit emits a characteristic tapping, which means it's time to clean its body from clogging. The fan blades no longer scroll or cling to another object.

With a careful attitude to the air conditioner, it will work its entire service life without repair, which is about 11 years of perfect operation.

With careful attitude to the air conditioner, it will work its entire service life without repair, which is about 11 years of perfect operation.

How to clean your air conditioner at home yourself: step by step instructions for different components

Before you start cleaning the air conditioner, determine the types of work that needs to be done. The following processes are done independently: cleaning of the fan, heat exchanger, filters, drainage.

The outdoor unit also needs to be cleaned, but for this job it is better to invite a professional. Working at height is not safe and requires special equipment and experience.

For self cleaning technicians you will need tools:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • soft cloths;
  • a small brush (not very wide and with a medium pile);
  • Toothbrush;
  • detergent;
  • soap;
  • container with warm water.

Filter cleaning

Cleaning filters is easy, so everyone can handle this process, the main thing is to follow this sequence:

How to clean the heat exchanger

The heat exchanger affects the quality cooling and heating of the room, so the procedure for cleaning it should not be ignored.

  1. To begin with, the indoor unit opens in the device.

    A dirty air conditioner heat exchanger is also important to clean.

  2. Gets a grate.

    We take out the heat exchanger grate

  3. The vacuum cleaner collects all the dust from the grate. The vacuum cleaner should operate at medium power.

    Cleaning the heat exchanger is best done with a soft brush.

  4. Wipe the grate with a slightly damp cloth so that subsequently there are no traces of dirt and dust accumulation.

    We wipe the heat exchanger grate with a rag

  5. We insert the element into its original place and cover it with a lid.

    Antiseptic treatment of the heat exchanger

  6. Before turning on the air conditioner, you need to wait a little.

How is the external cleaning of the device

Also, the external unit of the device needs constant cleaning, although it gets dirty much less than the internal one, so you need to rid it of dust every 6 months.

For the procedure, a powerful vacuum cleaner is used, which is able to extract all the dust from the external filters and the heat exchange radiator, as well as a soft brush:

When the outdoor unit is located within reach for its maintenance, use a compressor. A hose with a fitting is pushed into the body and the valve opens. Thus, you will remove dirt outside the air conditioner grille.

How to clean the fan

The fan is located inside the block, so to see its blades, you need to open the cover. The accumulation of dust on the fan does not allow it to work properly. You can remove plaque in this way:

The fan cleaning procedure must be carried out carefully and carefully so as not to damage the blades.

Cleaning the fan from dust must be done carefully and carefully so as not to damage parts

Drainage cleaning

The drainage of the device is cleaned with an antibacterial treatment. This process includes maintenance of all units of equipment. With a steam generator, such a procedure can be done much faster.

The housing, drain, and filters of the device must be cleaned regularly. This should be done depending on the functional purpose of the equipment and its climatic location:

Equipment drains are cleaned as needed. You can check the contamination of the system channels visually by wet spots.

The service life of the equipment depends not only on the selected model and good installation conditioner, but also from its correct use. By adhering to simple rules, you will extend the operating time of the equipment.

  1. There should be no drafts in the room where the air conditioner is located. Close doors and windows to maintain the required temperature, otherwise the equipment will work in an enhanced mode, so the load on the compressor and fan will increase.
  2. Unnecessarily, do not turn on the air conditioner at maximum airflow, as well as minimum temperature regime, because with a constant high power of the equipment, internal parts will wear out faster.
  3. The air conditioner must operate at the permitted outdoor temperature: inverter models - from -5 to -10 degrees, equipment with a "winter set" up to -20 degrees, basic models - from 0 to -5 ° С.
  4. Service must be carried out continuously. Twice a year for intensive use, once a year for moderate use. Specialized firms will charge relatively inexpensively for such a service, but at the same time, the likelihood of preventing serious repairs in the future increases.
  5. The indoor unit of the system should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  6. After long downtime the air conditioner turns on in ventilation mode to run the entire system. So you remove the accumulated condensate and eliminate the unpleasant odor.
  7. The air flow coming from the air conditioner must not have obstacles in its path.
  8. The outdoor unit must be protected from the effects of atmospheric precipitation. For example, make a visor that will prevent snow and rain from getting on the block. You can also install an anti-vandal grille.
  9. Once a quarter, clean the air conditioner filters, dry them and put them back in place.

You can not only extend the operation of the air conditioner, but also make sure that the equipment is less polluted. To do this, follow these rules:

  • periodically ventilate the room while using the equipment;
  • do not place foreign objects on the air conditioner and its indoor unit;
  • containers with water and flowers also do not need to be placed on equipment;
  • do not touch the equipment with wet hands;
  • do not let animals sit on it.

In what cases it is impossible to do without a service center

When buying an air conditioner, get ready for the fact that in some cases you cannot do without after-sales service. There are several reasons that will make you turn to specialists:

You cannot eliminate any of these reasons on your own, which means that you cannot do without after-sales service.

Video: how to clean the external unit of the air conditioner with your own hands

Now you already know how to maintain the air conditioner, however, the process of cleaning various parts must be carried out carefully, as you can damage the equipment or injure yourself. What can we say that a badly damaged element will have to be changed. Also make sure that after cleaning, the parts of the air conditioner are well dried. Comprehensive service will help you to use your air conditioner for a long time.

Mold cannot grow well when the air conditioner is running as the environment becomes cold, but between cycles and during long periods when the air conditioner is not needed, mold will grow. good field for activity.

Cleaning your air conditioner regularly improves your health by removing mold and dust, and it also improves the efficiency of the air conditioner.

This article is about how to clean the air conditioner.

Very little is needed to clean a window air conditioner, except for a lot of patience. If you don’t have the patience, then it’s better to transfer this task to specialists in climate equipment.

Required tools:

tin can or container
vacuum cleaner
brush with long handle
detergent sprayer
Screwdriver Set
cooling plate (optional)
new filter (if used disposable)

Air conditioner cleaning procedure

1. Start by removing the filter from the front grille.

If it is a disposable type, then just replace it with a new one.

Reusable filters are produced in a plastic frame and can be cleaned and reused. To clean such a filter, lay it flat in the sink and sprinkle the surface with laundry detergent.

Then fill it up hot water so that the filter is submerged in water. Soak it for 15 minutes.

Then remove the filter from the water and rinse with warm water. Set it aside in a dry place and move on to the next step.

2. Remove the front grilles on the main body of the air conditioner.

They are usually mounted on two spring clips from below. They can be removed by pulling the bars slightly forward while pressing them down.

If you feel resistance, then you need to inspect the structure for hidden screws. They may be near the top edge of the grille or behind the control knob.

After removing the grids, set them aside.

3. Carefully remove the metal cover of the air conditioner.

Once all screws are removed, lift the cover up. Be careful not to hit other parts of the air conditioner as it may have sharp edges.

Now we need an old tin can or container. With it, you can control all the screws that you will unscrew.

Often used in air conditioning Various types and screw sizes. Separate them from each other or you will not avoid confusion during assembly.

4. Check fan motor for oil fill hole and oil plugs.

If the engine has oil plugs, they are usually rubber.

Be careful when removing them as the rubber may have become brittle. Often they disintegrate in holes and clog them as a result. In such cases, try removing the plugs with a needle or small screwdriver.

Once the fan motor oil fill holes are open, add a few drops of oil to each end of the motor housing.

Use general purpose oil (3 in 1) or clean engine oil. A 30% lubricant will do.

The natural tendency is to pour in too much oil. But too much lube is just as bad as not enough.

Therefore, it will be sufficient to put only 3 or 4 drops on both ends of the motor housing. Add oil slowly, stopping for a few seconds after each drop. If you add it too quickly, you will get an overabundance.

5. Use a brush to remove dust and dirt from the surface of the evaporator (cooling plates).

Movements should be performed in the direction up and down. Do not clean from side to side as this can bend the plates.

The cooling plates are very soft, made of aluminum and can be easily damaged.

Once the dirt is removed from the surface, treat it with a cleaner from a spray bottle. There is a good product on the market called an HVAC purifier.

As the name implies, it is intended for cleaning the coils of heating and ventilation equipment and air conditioners. If you don't have one and can't afford it, a kitchen and bathroom spray cleaner is also a good idea.

Leave it on for 15 minutes or as directed on the cleaner. This will allow the tool to work on all the hidden dirt.

Remove dirt and cleaning agent residue by slowly pouring warm water into the plates. Do not allow water to get inside electrical connections and components that may be near the coil.

As an extra precaution, cover the engine with cloth rags to protect it from water.

Do not use high pressure air or water as this may force dirt further into the plates. Also, carry out all operations with great care as these coils are filled with high pressure refrigerant.

6. Straighten bent plates.

If possible, use a plate brush, if available. If you don't have a plate brush, you can use something soft, like an ice cream stick.

Straightening the plates will increase the efficiency of the airflow through the coils. This will enhance the overall cooling effect of the air conditioner.

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the condenser coil (back plates).

The capacitor plates are usually covered with a plastic casing.

If this is the case for you, check the top edge to lift it up or open it. If it opens, it will facilitate access to the capacitor plates.

Again, be careful as the condenser is also filled with high pressure refrigerant.

8. Wipe dirt buildup off both fan plates with a soft cloth.

Do not bend the plates. This will cause vibration, which will damage the engine.

9. Vacuum all surfaces, including the front and rear grilles of the unit.

Don't forget to vacuum under the air conditioner's metal cover. If the lid contains ventilation holes need to be completely cleaned.

If necessary, you can use a damp cloth. Also, use an old rag to remove buildup of debris from the base.

10. Drain the remaining water in the base and let it dry for several hours.

After complete drying, connect the air conditioner and test it. If everything looks good, turn it off and rebuild.

After completing the assembly, re-test the air conditioner to see if replacing the cap has affected anything.

Installing the cover will generally bend the frame and cause the internal parts to move out of balance. This may cause the fan to become noisy.

To solve this problem, remove the cover and level the main part of the air conditioner. Put the cover back on and test for noise each time after installing every two or three additional screws on the cover.

Finally, cover the air conditioner with plastic wrap or an old blanket. Store in a warm dry place.

Raise it a little above the floor, placing it on a couple of pieces of wood. This will protect the floor from the metal edges of the air conditioner and also protect the air conditioner from moisture.

Repeat this simple process every year. If you do this, you will have many more years of reliable service.

IN modern houses there are more and more home appliances of the most for various purposes. One of the newest devices gradually entering our lives are air conditioners.

Like any other automatic devices, these products require maintenance. Today we will tell you how to clean the air conditioner yourself right at home, without resorting to calling the masters.

Regular maintenance of household appliances

Air conditioner problems

During the operation of the device, you will immediately feel that it does not work at full capacity, that its insides are clogged. In order not to breed mold and bacteria inside the machine, it will need to be cleaned. The indoor unit is located in our apartment, so it will not be difficult to get to it, the outdoor unit is outside, but it will rarely need to be approached.

Do not worry, anyone who does not even have a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe work of such equipment will be able to cope with this task with their own hands. To bring your unit to life, it will be enough to clean its filter from dirt, inspect the insides and pay a little attention appearance. The indoor unit is exposed to less pollution than the outdoor unit, but the operation of the device depends entirely on its functioning.

It is advisable to clean the air conditioner filter from dirt every month during the dense operation of the device. If there are people in the house who suffer from asthma or allergies, then you will have to clean more often, for example, once a week. However, when the procedure for cleaning the device with your own hands is worked out, you will do everything automatically.

Even a simple layman will be able to take care of home air conditioning

What threatens us ignoring the cleaning and cleaning of the air conditioner:

  • first of all, a dirty filter will affect the quality of the device, and the air coming out of it will not be as fresh and clean as it should be;
  • due to accumulated dirt, the indoor unit of the device will exude an unpleasant odor;
  • the internal radiator of the device will overheat due to poor cooling, which will certainly affect the entire drainage system;
  • the air cooling system will become unstable, after which the device will make various noises and crackling sounds that we would not like to hear at home;
  • the drainage system of the device will come into a very neglected state, from which it is possible that condensate will drip right into the apartment, and not leave through the tube outside the house;
  • if you want to clean the air conditioner, you will face great difficulties in the form of a huge amount of dirt, mold and other unpleasant contaminants inside the device.

Such conditions will create a favorable environment for the occurrence of mold, microorganisms, mites inside the device, and as a result bad smell. Therefore, in order not to bring the unit to such a state, it is easier to clean it correctly yourself at home, or call the masters a couple of times.

Cleaning the Machine

The most important and simplest action that we can do with an air conditioner with our own hands is to clean its filter. The filtration system in many devices is identical, there are some features in models from different manufacturers, but they are insignificant. It is very easy to replace the filter or clean it at home, as the documentation for the device will tell you about.

The entire algorithm of actions to help clean the filter is painted and drawn in the instructions. There you can also find the general theory of the device, the method of cleaning its other elements, such as a radiator, outdoor unit.

Removing and cleaning the filters of the device from accumulated dirt

The list of processes for cleaning the filter with your own hands looks like this:

  • to remove the filter from the device, it is necessary to open the cover of the air conditioner located on indoor unit, most often it just needs to be lifted up;
  • to remove a small amount of dust, it is convenient to use a vacuum cleaner;
  • if the appliance has been cleaned for a long time, and the dirt is old, then take the grate to the bathroom and wash it under running water, while not using detergents, water is enough;

Detergents should not be used, since they can damage the filter itself, as well as during operation, the parts of the composition remaining on the grates will pollute the air entering the apartment.

  • after washing, the filter must be dried without fail, and only then placed in the indoor unit;
  • for air conditioners, special formulations are sold that allow you to disinfect its insides, they are sprayed in the air, and the device, driving it away, is cleaned, to do this, turn it on like a fan and spray the composition;
  • wipe the outer part of the device, including the blinds, with a damp cloth, after which the device can be assembled and run in normal mode.

Some air conditioners are equipped with disposable filters for air purification, which must be replaced with new ones as they get dirty. Pay attention to this point when buying a device.

As in many other devices, the air conditioner has a radiator (heat exchanger), which is located under the filter or immediately under the cover. You can clean it from dust with the same vacuum cleaner if you reach the hose. Washing the inside of the device is highly discouraged, especially with your own hands, without the help of experts. The instructions for the device talk about steam cleaning, but only professional specialists can clean the device in this way.

Maintaining the device in working order is not at all difficult

Once or twice a year, you will have to clean the external unit of the air conditioner from the dirt, located on the street, on the wall of the house. Most often, the outdoor unit is cleaned after the winter. It is very good if the device is fixed in an accessible position, if not, you will have to call the masters.

In many high-rise buildings, cleaning the air conditioner from the outside without special devices is not possible. Make arrangements with your neighbors and call in a team to clean all the devices on your side of the house, prepare right after winter for the arrival of the summer season when the device will be in dire need.

To clean the outdoor unit, you will need to remove protective grille, clean it from dust and dirt, after which it is necessary to inspect the insides of the outer part of the device and vacuum them. Since this part of the device is located on the street, a large amount of dirt accumulates in it, which we need to remove. After all the cleaning procedures, the block is assembled.

Popular brand air conditioner outdoor unit

In case of various breakdowns of the device, do not try to repair it yourself, unless, of course, you are a certified engineer and specialist in refrigeration engineering. Call the professionals, let them see what is leaking, why the unit is not cooling.

For normal operation of the device, follow it regular care, there are no particular difficulties in this. But a clean and ready-to-use device will help you regulate the microclimate in your apartment, refresh the hot air and ventilate the room.

Do you know how to clean a window air conditioner? Keeping your air conditioner clean helps it work more efficiently. Follow the tips below to thoroughly clean your air conditioner.

Cleaning the window air conditioner

You will need:

  • Screwdriver
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Blind cleaner
  • Rag
  • Bristle brush
  • Wire

How to clean a window air conditioner:

  1. Disconnect the device from the network.
  2. Remove the front panel by unscrewing it with a screwdriver or removing it from the latches, depending on the design of the air conditioner.
  3. Take out the filter. If the filter is replaceable or very dirty, it is recommended to replace it. If the filter is washable, wash it with dishwashing liquid and warm water. If the filter is not washable, vacuum it thoroughly with a portable vacuum cleaner.
  4. Attach the appropriate attachment to your vacuum cleaner to clean all accessible surfaces.
  5. Allow the filter to dry completely before installing the filter in the air conditioner unit.
  6. If any of the metal curtains are bent, they will need to be straightened out with a tool that can be found at a hardware store.
  7. Go to the outer surfaces, remove dust from them, not forgetting the grate. This will help keep the filter clean for as long as possible.
  8. Unscrew one of the outer panels of the device and remove any leaves and other debris that have fallen inside.
  9. If you can access the metal blades, wipe them down with a damp cloth.
  10. Make sure that the holes in the drain pan and drain tube are not clogged. If they are clogged, clean them with a piece of wire.
  11. Some window blocks are installed in a case with an open window. If you have such an enclosure, remove the block several times a year and remove any leaves or branches that have gathered in the enclosure.
  • The filter should be cleaned in the spring and every month when the device is in use.
  • The coil can only be flushed with water.
  • Vacuum the coil with care. It can be bent very easily.
  • Old devices may require lubrication. You can find out if your air conditioner requires annual lubrication in the instruction manual. If the instructions are not saved, contact the manufacturer or look for instructions on the Internet. Most new devices do not require lubrication.