Well      07.03.2020

How to glue glass from the sun. How to stick a static stained glass film (detailed instructions and video). Can protective film replace grilles

And because of her, it is simply impossible to be at home, you have to save yourself by everyone possible ways. One of the most simple options is window protection. Let's figure out how to glue sun protection film to the window.

Choose a film and stick it on the window


In the store now you can find several types of window coverings and each of them will serve for specific purposes. In total, three main types can be distinguished.


Such a film is designed to make the glass stronger and darken it at the same time. It is well suited for those whose apartments are located on the first floors. So you save your home from prying eyes and secure it.


It is mainly used for interior doors and partitions. But it can also be used on. For example, for windows in the bathroom or toilet. In addition, it also has the ability to reduce the intensity sun rays.


Usually it is done with a mirror effect in order to minimize the penetration of sunlight into the apartment and heating. On hot days, it will be a good addition to light or blinds.

The main advantage of such a film is that it does not darken the glass and does not reduce visibility from the inside, while it is no longer possible to see what is inside the room from the outside.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any product during operation has both pluses and minuses.


  • Thanks to it, the room does not heat up on hot days, so with this coating you will not need to use cooling appliances and you can save on electricity.
  • IN winter time on the contrary, it will keep the heat inside and will not allow the glazing to cool quickly. This effect is achieved thanks to aluminum spraying.
  • It protects wall coverings, floors and furniture from fading due to direct sunlight.
  • It does not get dirty and does not accumulate dirt, unlike curtains.
  • Products with different shades, such as bronze or gold, will look very stylish on the outside.


  • The product is very thin and easily damaged during installation.
  • A cheap option can ruin your glass. Under the influence of the sun, the coating literally dries to the glass and is then very difficult to remove. Therefore, when choosing the best sun protection, it is important to consider not only how to properly stick the sun protection film on the window, but also what quality material to choose.
  • It does not save from prying eyes in the evening, because the glass will be translucent due to internal lighting. Therefore, if you live on the first floor, it will not work to remove the curtains.

How to apply sun protection film on windows

You will need

  • Pure water. We advise you to use bottled water as it does not contain impurities that can remain as sediment on the glass.
  • Lint-free fabric. Similar fabric can be found at a hardware or automotive store.
  • A streak-free glass cleaner.
  • Rubber and metal spatulas.
  • Spray bottle with soapy water.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Stationery knife or blade.
  • Big ruler.
  • The film itself.

Before sticking the sun protection film on the window in the room. This is especially true for those who have pets. So you can avoid getting wool on the glued surface. Repair work or laying asphalt on the street can also interfere with installation, since flying dust will cause a lot of problems with pasting. We advise you to wait for the completion of the repair.

Observe a certain temperature regime. Optimum temperature for such work - 25 degrees Celsius. If the room is cold or there is a draft, then the glue will dry for a long time. Also try. Thanks to this, the product will lie evenly and neatly.

Glass preparation

To begin with, the glass must be thoroughly washed with soapy water, and then cleaned with a special liquid to remove all stains.

Special attention take care of the edges and corners. If they have strong contamination, then they must be removed with a metal spatula or scraper.

Inspect the glass for lint and hairs. Because of them, unpleasant bubbles may appear.

Pasting process

After cleaning, cut the material. Do not forget to leave allowances of 3-5 millimeters around the edges, which will be cut off later. You need to cut with very sharp scissors or a blade. If the roll is very narrow and it is not enough for the width of the entire double-glazed window, then the product will have to be glued end-to-end in an inconspicuous place.

For greater convenience, place the material on a pre-prepared surface, such as a board that you do not mind scratching. Then put a ruler on it and take measurements, after that, holding the ruler, draw a blade along it. So you will achieve a perfectly even cut line.

To determine which side to apply solar control film to a window, look at the material on the roll. The protective layer, on which small instructions can be written, always adheres to the adhesive side. It must be applied to glass.

Now spray on the glass with a spray bottle. Remove the protective layer from the cut blank and carefully attach it to the glass. Now it is important to evenly and accurately distribute it around the entire window perimeter, this will help you rubber spatula.

Moisten the product and reverse side so that the spatula glides better and does not accidentally tear the coating. It is necessary to smooth the material from the center to the edges. The stronger the pressure, the more moisture will come out and the work will dry faster.

Trim off excess material and leave the surface to dry. All is ready.

Detailed Process you can watch the video.

Elimination of defects

Even if all the rules are followed and the work is done accurately, you may encounter some troubles. There are several ways to resolve them.

  • If you notice bubbles on the finished surface, then you can try to distribute them with a spatula to the edges. However, this does not always help. In this case, pierce this area with a needle and smooth the material.
  • Don't be afraid of muddy spots. It could be soap solution, which under the influence of the sun will evaporate through micropores.
  • In the hot season, you may encounter the problem that the product sticks to the glass very quickly and unevenly. To avoid this, wet the adhesive surface with plenty of water.
  • A large amount of debris and dust under the material cannot be removed. In this case, the work will have to be redone.

Care rules

In order for the product to serve you for a long time, you need to follow the basic rules of care.

  • Do not touch the film after installation for a month, otherwise it may slip. This also applies.
  • Do not use harsh cleaners for cleaning. chemicals, hard sponges and washcloths. They can leave stains or even damage the coating.
  • If solid contamination appears on the surface, it is better to carefully remove it with a rubber spatula.
  • Material prepared by: Julia Wegner

The desire to seal the window with a film arises, as a rule, during the summer heat, when the merciless rays of the sun penetrate the room. And someone wants to protect themselves from prying eyes. In any case, there is a problem and there is a solution.

Below is an instruction on how to stick a film on windows from the sun. The technology is suitable for pasting ordinary wooden windows and double-glazed windows (metal-plastic, PVC).

Note, stick the film on window glass You can do it on your own without any specific skills. You will need a minimum set of tools:

  • detergent designed for windows
  • mechanical water dispenser
  • rubber staple (or plastic)
  • sharp knife

According to the rules of pasting, established by the technological characteristics of the film, the temperature environment should not be lower than 5-7 °C. It is not recommended to glue the film on a hot day. Heat outside air increases the elasticity of the film, which can cause it to deform.

How to glue film on windows - technology

  • Thoroughly wash the window glass (preferably on both sides).

  • Using a spray gun, we apply a solution of liquid soap diluted with water to the adhesive film surface and glass (we do not shake it strongly so that a lot of foam does not form). The soap will allow you to freely move the film on the glass to the desired position.

  • We apply the film to the glass. As soon as the film "sat down", with gentle movements of the staple we smooth the film until the bubbles are removed (smoothing must be done from the center to the edges). When the surface is perfectly flat, let it dry.

  • You can cut off the excess edges of the film after complete drying (in principle, you can cut the desired size before gluing, but there is a possibility that a gap will form somewhere).

How to stick anti-vandal film on windows

Anti-vandal window film It has specific features, so the principle of gluing it is different.

Before starting work, thoroughly wash and dry the windows. Moisture is not allowed! Do not forget about the temperature regime - the ambient temperature is not lower than 5-7 ° С

First, we prepare a special composition (how to prepare it will be described in the instructions for the film), which we will subsequently apply to the film (the solution, reacting with the adhesive base of the film, dissolves it).

We lay the film, aligning it on the glass, we expel the air from under the film with a staple. Complete drying of the anti-vandal film lasts 3-4 months. Check that during this time the mechanical impact of external factors on the window is minimal.

Idea to stick on windows protective covering occurs, as a rule, with the advent of heat. It can both protect the home from the sun and prying eyes, and protect the glass from mechanical damage. Next, we will consider how to glue the film on windows correctly, what types of it are distinguished, and also whether it is possible to glue windows on glue. It should be noted that suitable this technology, which can also be seen in the video presented, for both wooden and plastic windows.

Main varieties

To date, there are quite a few varieties of film coating. Some of them are designed for one specific purpose, for example, to protect against exposure to ultraviolet radiation, while others combine several functions. In the production of the film, sputtering with aluminum, bronze, as well as titanium and nickel is often used. In some cases, silver and gold plating can also be used. So, consider the main types of film coatings for windows:

Tinting is able to almost completely retain the sun's rays. It is very often used not only to protect dwellings from ultraviolet radiation, but also in office buildings where paperwork is carried out. The solar control film helps to cool the room somewhat during the intense summer heat, and in the cold season, on the contrary, it helps to protect against hypothermia.

  • Mirror film

This material, unlike the previous one, has mirror characteristics. Thanks to this, the coating allows not only to protect the room from ultraviolet radiation, but also to completely reflect the sun's rays, which will make the rooms cooler and more comfortable to stay. At the same time, the foil can cover both the inner and outer surface of the window, protecting it from fogging.

  • shockproof coating

In addition to UV protection, the shockproof film is also able to protect the glass from mechanical damage. Most often, such materials are used in office buildings, as well as where a large number of of people. In residential areas, shockproof coating is used quite rarely. Instead, you can often find fireproof film on the windows.

  • Decorative materials

Decorative film can have a variety of color design and various patterns can be applied to it, which allows you to realize any design fantasies. This coating does not protect very well from ultraviolet radiation, but it looks very nice. Decorative film can be either transparent or matte.

How to make sun protection?

Now let's consider whether it is possible to glue sun-protection film on windows and how to do it correctly. First you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • window cleaner;
  • spatula made of rubber or plastic;
  • spray bottle for water;
  • sharp knife;
  • tinting;
  • glue.

In order to glue the tinting correctly, the air temperature in the room must be at least + 5 ° C. You should also avoid strong heat and direct sunlight, which can deform film materials during operation. So, in order to glue the sun-protection film on the windows, you must:

  • wash the glass on both sides with a special tool;
  • using a spray gun, apply a soap solution or glue to the surface of the film;
  • carefully attach the film to the glass;
  • remove air bubbles with a spatula;
  • leave the glass at rest until completely dry, after which you can cut off the excess.

It is worth noting that the film coating can cover both the entire glass completely and only part of it.

Installation of mirror coatings

In order to glue mirror film on the windows with your own hands you need to prepare:

  • window cleaner;
  • scraper;
  • stationery knife;
  • spray;
  • rubber or plastic spatula;
  • foil or self-adhesive mirror film.
  • clean the glass on both sides with a special tool;
  • remove old and complex stains with a scraper;
  • wipe the surface thoroughly with a soft cloth;
  • cut off required amount films or foils;
  • peel the self-adhesive film from the protective layer;
  • evenly distribute the material over the surface, and cut off the excess with a clerical knife.

Usually the mirror film is completely fixed on the surface within a week. At this time, it is desirable to avoid drafts in the room.

Using tint film for windows is inexpensive, but maximally effective method protection from solar radiation. Such material is able to delay up to 99% UV. What's more, window tint film can reduce infrared radiation by up to 80%. These indicators are quite enough to avoid possible overheating of the room in hot weather.

In the manufacture of tint film resort to the use of polyester, which significantly improves the strength and elasticity of the material. It also improves the light transmission ability of the film. Such material is extremely environmentally friendly. It is non-toxic and completely non-flammable.

The unique film manufacturing technology minimizes the amount of incoming solar energy without significant loss of optical visibility. In most cases material consists of several layers. Individual variations of this type of product may contain a combination of a colored layer laminated with a film. From above, the coating is presented in the form of a finely dispersed metallized layer. Due to this, the painted layers located below are not subject to rapid fading.

The metallized layer acts as a kind of screen for solar radiation. As a result, one can expect an improvement in the protective properties of the film.

Important: In winter, such a coating allows you to reduce the level of heat loss due to partial screening of thermal radiation into the room.

The expediency of using tint film on windows is determined by the subsequent increase in the impact resistance of glass. Such material does not adversely affect the growth indoor plants. The latter quickly enough adapt to the new mode of absorption of ultraviolet rays.

Types of tint film for windows

To date, manufacturers offer enough wide choose products of this type. Each of these variations has characteristics, which determine the individuality of the film. The multilayer structure of the material provides high-quality protection against ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

During the production process, spraying with aluminum, titanium, bronze or nickel can be resorted to. In some cases, even silver or gold can be used for this. The connection of individual layers is carried out by using a special device called a laminator.

1. Sunscreen film

Such a film is capable of retaining up to 99% of the sun's rays. It is best to use this coating in offices or workrooms, where there is a need to create appropriate conditions for working with a computer or important papers. Window film protects from the sun individual elements the interior from burnout, and also reduces the level of load on the air conditioner - in summer it allows you to additionally cool the room, and in winter it prevents it from hypothermia.

2. Mirror film

This material is characterized by mirror effect. This variation of the film has the properties of filtering infrared radiation and sunlight. The implementation of such a coating allows you to avoid fogging windows. The mirror layer can be located on the inside or outside of the glass.

3. Protective film (shockproof)

In addition to performing its direct functions, such a film is additionally capable of protect glass from direct mechanical impact. Its presence allows you to avoid the appearance of fragments when the window is damaged. There are separate variations of films that can minimize the negative effects of an explosion. Most often they are used in crowded places. In residential areas, a fire protection film can also be used, which is able to delay the spread of smoke and fire for a short time.

Decorative film can have different colors. A large number of shades allows you to solve design problems of various levels of complexity. Exists decorative film with graphic design. The surface of such material can be matte or transparent.

5. Architectural film

Another type of window tint film that can be used to solve design problems. Most often, its use is resorted to during the design of building facades. Architectural film is glued to the outer part of the glass. Additionally, it provides increased strength and protects against direct mechanical impact.

And you can vice versa, use the sun to your advantage and the details are here.

Latitude of colors

Toning a balcony and a loggia, or another room in the house, can be carried out using different variations of the material. When resolving this issue, you can choose a film that meets the necessary color requirements. A wide palette of colors allows you to achieve the desired result without any problems.

The transparency level of solar control film for windows can vary from 15% to 35%. If a silver coating is used, this figure can reach 50%. It should also be noted here that the classic silver mirror film can be realized on the outside of the glass.

Gluing features

By doing installation work certain nuances must be taken into account. In this case, the solution of this problem will not be associated with significant difficulties. Emphasis should be placed on the need to comply with certain temperature regime. When sticking a tint film in the room, the temperature should be maintained from +5 to +40 degrees.

It is also very important to control the level of humidity in the room. This indicator should not exceed 80% and be below 20%. Moreover, when performing installation work, it is recommended to resort to the use of a sprayer as often as possible, which creates the necessary humid environment in the immediate place of gluing.

On preparatory stage should be carefully get rid of dust on the glass surface. The film must also be free of foreign particles. Otherwise, the quality of toning will be too low, as a result of which it will be necessary to re-work.

Please note: When removing the protective layer from the window tinting film, it is very important to ensure that dirt or dust particles do not get on the surface. Otherwise, the final result of the work carried out will be unsatisfactory.

Before gluing the tint film, you must carefully wash glass with detergent, which should not contain a large amount of abrasive substances. It is recommended to use a scraper to remove traces of dirt.

Window tinting, including balconies and loggias, can be done from the inside or outside of the glass. To minimize Negative influence weather conditions, work should be carried out from the inside.

Required Tools

To minimize the amount of time required for glass tinting work, you should choose the right the right tools. A rough list of equipment would look like this:

  • stationery knife;
  • spray;
  • putty knife;
  • paper towel;
  • detergent.

The width of the spatula should be as wide as possible and the detergent used should not be aggressive. Best to use liquid soap or baby shampoo. Appropriateness of application paper towel determined by the fact that it does not leave villi on the surface.


Compliance with the technology of work allows you to count on a positive final result. Before you tint the windows on the balcony, it is recommended to follow a certain sequence of actions, which in this case will look like this:

  1. Glass preparation.
  2. Film preparation.
  3. Wetting the glass surface.
  4. Removing the protective film.
  5. Fixing the film on the window.
  6. Displacement of water with a spatula.

Tip: To prevent the spatula from damaging the surface of the film, it is recommended to resort to using a rubber or plastic variation of the tool and pre-moisten it.

It may take about a week for the film to dry. As excess moisture is removed, the coating will gradually lighten. Air bubbles that appear on the surface during installation will disappear as it dries.

Features of care

window tint film required special care behind you. So, it is not recommended to use products that contain abrasive additives for washing it. The surface should be wiped warm water with soap, using a microfiber cloth. If a sponge is used, this element should not contain too large pores into which dirt can clog.

Balcony tinting: video

We invite you to watch a video on the topic of our article and watch the process of toning on the balcony.

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Pasting windows with a film: what does it give and how is it done

Few people want to become the hero of the show "Behind the Glass". But life in own house or on the first floor of a high-rise building does not exclude such a possibility. The reason may be ordinary forgetfulness or simply unwillingness to curtain windows during the day. But you can solve this problem once and for all, and self-adhesive window film will help to do this.

I have such a need arose from the moment the tenants moved into the house built nearby. And with it, the need to study the types of films and how to stick them.

Which film to choose

In principle, I am a rather prudent aunt, and I took care of sun protection when I ordered new windows. They are energy efficient and have a UV filter. And the tulle on them is an excellent remedy from prying prying eyes.

But not so long ago we were lucky enough to buy a plastic one at a decent discount. front door. Glazed. But completely transparent. Since a door of non-standard sizes to order would cost twice as much, this one was taken without cavil.

In fact, there are two problems: neighboring windows opposite and visitors, who are not always welcome, but there is no opportunity to pretend that we are not at home. They see us. And it is necessary that we see who is standing behind the door, while remaining invisible ourselves. Explained clearly?

Here is a mirror self-adhesive film would just cope with this task: the uninvited guest will admire only his own reflection, and in the meantime we will make faces behind the glass. With the lights on, of course, it will not work, but in the evening we curtain the windows and close the first door leading to the veranda.

Yes, that's how bad we are. But closer to the point - it's time to choose a film and learn how to glue it. Because calling a specialist for such a volume of work is simply ridiculous.


Sunscreen films (including automotive films) are the most popular. With their help, you can:

  • Regulate the penetration of sunlight into the room, as they have a different degree of transparency.

  • It's beautiful curtain and upholstery protection upholstered furniture from burnout, and domestic plants - from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays.
  • as well as the ability to support comfortable temperature indoor air, as they reflect UV rays from the street and infrared heat from the room, allowing you to save on air conditioning and heating.


Self-adhesive film on windows can be colored, mirrored, matte, stained glass, have an ornament or pattern on the surface.

Protective (anti-vandal)

Such films are multifunctional, and can protect not only from light and prying eyes, but also from specific actions. Namely:

  • From fragments. Even if the glass is broken, it will not shatter into small pieces capable of causing significant injury. Relevant for families with small children;
  • From penetration. In general, glass sealed with a film is very difficult to break, especially if you choose a material upper class protection A3 0.6 mm, capable of withstanding an impact with a force of 9.5 J or 182 kg / cm 2. The maximum that an attacker can achieve is the appearance of cracks on the glass. There are also thinner films with not so impressive characteristics: A1 0.24 mm thick and A2 0.412 mm thick.

  • From the vibration of sound waves. Simply put, you can protect yourself from wiretapping with your own hands. It's hardly necessary ordinary people- just for information.
  • From a bullet from a pneumatic or traumatic weapon. Also, just in case.
  • from the spread of fire. If the glass breaks in a fire, the film will not allow outdoor air to enter the room, so the flames will spread at a slower rate.

We don’t have small children, we don’t have enemies either, but from hacking glass door can be protected. Therefore, we choose a protective mirror film without decorative pattern with metallic coating.

By the way, it can be aluminum, titanium, bronze, nickel and even silver, the price and color depend on the type of deposition, and strength, light transmission and quality depend on its density and the number of film layers.


Since I always glue the wallpaper in the house myself, I think I can handle this job, since sticking a film on a window is only a little more difficult. And the technology is very similar. Of course, if you take out the glass, process it, and then put it back in place, it would be easier, but I won't risk it.


TO preparatory work This includes cleaning, creating the right environment, and preparing everything that is needed in the process itself.

I didn’t make a reservation about cleaning: before work, you really need to not only thoroughly wash the glass so that there are no stains and streaks left on it that will be buried under the film, but also make sure that dust does not hover in the air. Settling on the glass and the adhesive base of the film, it both worsens the quality of gluing and spoils the appearance.

Therefore, in addition to wet cleaning, it is advisable to periodically moisten the air at the window from the sprayer. In any case, the surfaces to be joined must be wetted, so this will not harm.

Cleaning to be done throughout the room

  • Another spray for soapy water;
  • Detergent or baby shampoo;
  • Stationery;
  • Soft spatula for smoothing the film;
  • Paper towels or microfiber towels.

It remains to make sure that the air temperature in the operation area is above five and below thirty degrees- this is required by the instructions so that the glue does not dry too quickly, but not too long.


The first thing to do is to thoroughly wash the window or door on both sides using a mild detergent, rinse it and rub it until the streaks disappear.

Then we unfold the film and pretend to cut to get less waste. If the glass is large, it must be measured in advance and try to find a film of the desired width in order to avoid joints.

  • IN clean water add baby shampoo, Fairy or other detergent - two or three drops per half liter is enough to ensure that the film slides over the surface. Just do not shake the mixture strongly - we do not need foam at all. Pour the working fluid into a spray bottle.
  • For gluing an anti-vandal film, an ordinary soap solution may not be suitable.. Therefore, we look at the instructions, which describe the preparation of a working solution capable of dissolving the adhesive base.
  • Cut off a piece from the roll the right sizes with a small allowance in length and width, and only after that, laying it on flat surface, remove the protective layer from the adhesive side, wetting the freed surface from the spray gun with soapy water. From it we spray glass.
  • Now about how to glue the film on the window glass. It must be carefully and slowly lifted, holding the upper edge, and applied as accurately as possible to the opening. Slow - because sudden movements often cause the film to fold, and it sticks to itself. It is almost impossible to unstick the glued areas without damaging the material, this piece will simply have to be thrown away.

  • If this step is done without excesses, it will be easier further, since the film slides well on wet glass, it can be moved to the desired position. And only after that you can begin to expel water from under it.
  • If you know how to glue wallpaper, then you know perfectly well how to stick without bubbles: for this, smooth movements with pressure are performed with a spatula from the middle to the edges. And in order not to scratch the film, the spatula must be moistened with water. The squeezed out liquid is wiped off with a soft cloth.

  • Now you can cut off the excess film - it will no longer budge.

All. It remains to wait for complete drying. This will take from two weeks for a regular film, up to 3-4 months for a protective film. . During this time, it is better not to touch the surface. even if bubbles appear on it. They will disappear on their own.

But then no precautions are needed, the glass can be washed, wiped as usual. They say that cleaning windows with film is even easier than without it.


The video in this article shows the entire gluing process in detail and it seems that nothing can be easier. But it only seems. If I had to paste over all the windows in the house, I would invite specialists without a moment's hesitation. Because of one door, it’s somehow even embarrassing to disturb people, I’ll try it myself.

And, of course, I will be grateful to those who have already successfully completed this task, and will tell in the comments about the nuances that may arise in the process.

September 22, 2016

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