Toilet      07.03.2020

Projects of wooden houses with an attic. Beautiful projects of houses with an attic Projects of houses made of wood with an attic

Wooden houses with an attic are ideal solution for those who want to acquire their own housing in a short time at relatively low prices.

Efficiency or Savings

With great speed, houses made of natural materials are gaining popularity among developers. Projects wooden houses and cottages with an attic fly like hot cakes. Why are they preferred?

First of all, because of the advantages of the material:

The disadvantages include:

  • The heterogeneity of the natural structure of the body of the tree: knots, oblique can interfere with the quality processing of materials. But this drawback is practically eliminated by modern machines that can contact with any texture of the raw material without damaging it;
  • Dependence of physical and mechanical properties of wood on humidity. This problem is effectively dealt with modern methods drying, processing and impregnation.

Thus, wooden houses with an attic combine operational efficiency and economy.

Types of wood materials

As you know, houses are not built from an unhewn trunk. For the construction of cottages and other structures, products processed in various ways are used:

Wooden houses with an attic can be made of any of the listed materials.

Choose a project

After you have decided on the material for construction, you can begin to develop. Everyone wants to make the most of both the space on the IZHS site and the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling.

Projects of wooden houses with an attic are designed in such a way that the usable area is up to 90-95% of the total. IN wooden construction space is usually used as efficiently as possible.

The most economical in terms of space usage is a 6x6 wooden house with an attic. What does it contain:

  • On the first floor there will be a kitchen, a living room, a small bedroom.
  • The second (attic) tier can accommodate 1 or 2 bedrooms.

Thus, you can build a small house that will accommodate all members of a small family (up to 4 people).

For a larger family, the most convenient would be an 8x8 wooden house with an attic. In this, the number of rooms or their area can be increased.

Floor or attic

The construction and design of a residential building is a responsible process, since everyone is interested in the convenience of its subsequent operation for many years. To build one-storey cottage, which can accommodate all family members, will have to occupy a considerable area of ​​\u200b\u200bland. From this point of view, this type of construction is inefficient.

A two-story house allows you to save space on the site for other purposes - the installation of additional buildings, gardening and economic activities. Such a building is easier to heat and maintain heat in it. But with a full-fledged second floor, there is a need to equip the attic.

Wooden houses with an attic are the golden mean between these solutions. The cottage has a height of more than 1 tier, but an attic device is not required. This allows you to save money on construction:

  • No need to cover the upper tier with floor slabs;
  • combined with roof insulation;
  • No extra space.

Savings can be 20-30% of both construction time and budget.

How to use the attic

Compact projects of wooden houses with an attic of 6x6 meters can be developed both for year-round living and for seasonal living. In addition, the space of the house can be used in different ways:

Thus, the functionality of a house with an attic is very diverse: from permanent residence people throughout the volume of the building, and seasonal stay using the second tier only as a recreation area.

Additional options

In addition to living space, the house may have additional extensions: garages, storerooms, baths. Often they are placed separately from the cottage on the same site. Wooden house with a garage and an attic - comfortable and economical solution. Access to the car room can be arranged both from the street and from the living area. The most common option is 2 entrances to the garage with the ability to open the gate from the inside. After all, on a cold or rainy morning it is much more convenient to get to the car from a warm and dry room and start your journey from home on business.

Less commonly, baths and utility rooms are attached to cottages. Their convenience is determined by the same principle as the garage: they can be accessed both from the home and from the street.

Projects of wooden houses with an attic of 6x6 meters have a wide variety of layout solutions, among the ready-made ones everyone will find an option to their liking: with or without a bathhouse, a garage.

Where to get the project

You decide to build your compact house from wood, but do not know where to take the project. And in general, to buy ready-made or to make your own is also an important question.

The main thing in solving this problem is to understand what should be in the house, what area it should occupy.

Ready-made projects of wooden houses and cottages with an attic are offered by almost all construction and design organizations. Engineers and architects have all the necessary knowledge, thanks to which their solutions in most cases use the maximum usable area, they competently and conveniently arrange all rooms and premises, even in the most little house 6x6 meters.

Everyone can try their hand at drawing up a plan-scheme to create their own individual home:

  • Take a sheet of paper and draw the perimeter of the future house on a scale.
  • Distribute the rooms in the desired way in space.
  • Sign all sizes.

If everything came together and you like such a project - why not? With such a scheme, you can contact an organization that manufactures wooden blanks for houses, and they will make prefabricated parts for such a house.

Issue price

Ready-made projects of wooden houses with an attic can be purchased from specialized companies according to the company's price list. Behind unusual solution, of course, you will have to pay, because the device of a half-story tier is a process that requires special knowledge. In addition, the very solution of space is always creative - the distribution of beams, windows, rafters individually for each house. The average cost of the project is 25,000-35,000 rubles. depending on complexity.

You can save at the construction stage: the absence of an attic tier, wall materials, roof insulation along with the walls of the room. This significantly reduces construction time and the need for materials. To build a standard house of 6x6 meters will cost from 400,000 rubles. and above, the cost is affected by both the complexity of the project and the material used, the degree of readiness of the object (turnkey, only walls and partitions).

Projects of wooden houses with an attic captivate with original architecture. Despite the lack of a full-fledged second floor, there is enough space in such a country cottage for all members of your family and guests. Proper layout allows you to carve out additional space, using which you can organize cozy room recreation, nursery or bedroom.

erection attic floor useful when you need to save money. If you want to reduce the estimate even more, then give preference to frame technology. Subject to construction standards and high-quality arrangement of heating, you will receive a durable, secure home that you can pass on to your children and grandchildren.

The company "Russian open spaces" offers you to purchase finished projects attic houses. Each of them is accompanied by full technical documentation: description, layouts, materials used, etc. If necessary, we are ready to make changes to the drawings in accordance with your wishes.

Specialists of the firm "Russian Spaces" are also ready to help if you are looking for a reliable contractor. We will perform a full complex of high quality construction works and design. Established relationships with suppliers, our own production of timber, as well as experienced and qualified personnel are the main components of our success.

Below are projects of wooden houses with an attic from the VasilekStroy company.

See projects of attic houses made of wood for every taste and budget. The price of construction "for shrinkage" starts from 280,000 rubles. If you build on a turnkey basis, then the price will depend on your preferences in the choice of material and possible additional work associated with changes in layout, total area, etc.

Why choose us

  • Payment transparency. You know exactly what and how much to pay;
  • Warranty for all houses 365 days;
  • Flexible system of discounts and promotions for both new customers and regular ones;
  • Turnkey construction with delivery and installation
  • Customer focus. We work so that you are truly satisfied;
  • Free consultations of professional builders.

In order to choose a suitable project for a house with an attic, think about what goals the future building should satisfy. And we will help you achieve these goals.

8x8 10x9 house project "Romance" Dimensions: 12x12 Total area: 288 m2 Living area: 288 m2 from 1 967 000 ₽ "Romance" Dimensions: 12x12 Total area: 288 m2 Living area: 288 m2

Wooden houses with mansards are a unique opportunity to combine an economical approach to the construction of a building with reasonable expediency. The attic in a modern design is far from being an attic room, which has limited functionality. Today, thanks to the use of unique technologies for insulation and waterproofing, houses with attics can be used all year round in any climatic conditions.

Our company offers you turnkey construction of any wooden houses with mansards. You can:

  • order construction according to ready-made standard projects, which are presented on our website;
  • offer your version;
  • carry out redevelopment of already finished projects.

You can get expert advice and order a calculation for the construction of a house with an attic by phone: or by e-mail:

What are the advantages of a house made of timber with an attic?

The advantages that a house made of timber with an attic has are as follows:

  • economy of construction through the use of frame technologies;
  • increased level of comfort;
  • complete environmental Safety;
  • the opportunity to double the usable living space with minimal investment;
  • excellent thermal insulation, which is provided by the "thermos" technology.

During the operation of houses made of timber with attics, their owners also note excellent soundproofing ability, the absence of excessive heating of the premises in the summer. With the right approach to vapor barrier and thermal insulation of roof structures, it is almost completely possible to avoid the formation of ice in the cold season.

Modern wooden house with an attic

In the modern world, economical technologies for the construction of residential buildings are winning a landslide victory. People strive to minimal cost provide for yourself comfortable conditions residence. Attic technologies allow you to reduce the cost and time of construction of the cottage. At the same time, the savings do not negatively affect the subsequent operation of the building.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that a modern wooden house with an attic must fully satisfy the aesthetic claims of the customer and its future owner. The fact is that for the arrangement of the attic, the installation of a special type of roofing structure is required. Proper architectural development of the project allows you to minimize the negative visual perception of this structure.

To this it should be added that the external finishing facade decoration must match the type roofing material, which is used on this type of house from a bar. Here you can order a bath from a bar, which in its own way architectural style it will be beneficial to complement the house with an attic. This will make your country life even more comfortable and respectable.

Typical projects of houses with an attic

Here you can find ready-made standard projects houses with an attic. All documentation is developed by our specialists. This work is based on many years of observations and wishes of our customers. Therefore, all presented projects of houses with an attic are distinguished by a unique combination of functionality, convenience and compliance with customer requirements.

You can absolutely free of charge order the redevelopment of any house project with an attic. This service is included in the service package as part of the construction of the facility. All work is carried out after the signing of the contract.

What does the plan of the house with an attic include?

A typical plan of a house with an attic should include the layout of residential and office premises. Depending on the climatic conditions of the use of the object and its purpose, the plan may include a description of the heat-insulating layers.

As a rule, the floor plan indicates the height of the ceiling structures and the type of room. Before starting construction, the customer should clarify functional purpose attic floor. This depends on the type of insulation used. If you want to enjoy the coolness of the attic in your house in the summer, then be sure to cover it with an aluminum reflective film. For winter use, specify the number of layers of insulation. Pay attention to the fact that it is not recommended to use ceramic and metal tiles for arranging mansard roofs. Due to the melting of water in winter time they can quickly fail. Consult with a specialist of our company on the choice of roofing material.

For you - economy class houses, which can be equipped with attics.

The desire to sometimes escape from the rhythm of city life to nature must have visited every person. Therefore, many try to build country house in the suburbs. To live there permanently or come on weekends, holidays or vacations.

As practice shows, the feeling of satisfaction from rest is determined not by the size and layout of a private house, the presence of modern and technological devices, but rather by its spirit.

Even in a small house of 6x6 meters with an attic, you can create a unique atmosphere of harmony. Therefore, it is better to initially lay the idea in the cottage project.

Definitely, the closest to nature can be called a house, during the construction of which were used natural materials. The construction of log cabins or houses from logs is on the rise today. Which is not surprising, because wood allows you to create a unique microclimate in the house and ensure a comfortable stay in it at any time of the year.

And so that the house does not take up much space on the site and at the same time meets the needs of the family, its area is increased by adding a superstructure. At the same time, some users prefer the second floor, and many equip an attic above the house. The latter option is characterized by lower construction costs, less load on the foundation and a higher speed of work. There is also a visual effect, which lies in the fact that the illusion of lightness of the entire structure is achieved.

The attic floor, despite the presence of the so-called "dead" zones in it, is quickly becoming a favorite place to spend time. Bedrooms, playrooms or recreation rooms are equipped here. Often the attic has access to a loggia or balcony. Then from it you can watch the sunset or just enjoy the peace and quiet.

In general, everyone has their own vision. And demonstrate elegance and uniqueness suburban construction some projects of wooden houses with an attic, which are shown in the photo.

The project of a small house made of timber with an attic 6x6 m

Plan of the first and attic floor

Examples of projects of wooden houses with an attic

The material was prepared for the site

It is worth noting that the use of wood in construction does not impose any restrictions on the design of the house. No matter how the consumer sees his future home, it can be built without problems. Of course, you can entrust the development of a project to a professional, or you can trust your intuition and study several typical projects to create it yourself. The main thing is to take care of correct location engineering communications, fire safety, as well as adhere to the basic design rules (compliance with GOST, SNiP, regulations, etc. regulatory documents).

Thus, a well-designed wooden house with an attic will meet all the requirements of the residents, will become for them the very place where they always want to return.

IN last years among individual developers, projects of wooden houses with an attic are becoming more and more popular. Such houses are comfortable, expressive appearance and, most importantly, allow the most rational use of the usable area of ​​the building. The catalog "Projects of cottages" offers a huge selection of projects of wooden houses with an attic, various in size, purpose, and style.

In the vast majority of the projects presented, rounded logs or logs are used as the main building material. wooden beam. It is the most economical and environmentally friendly building material of all time. However, in our catalog you will also find projects of houses with a brick attic.

Wooden house with an attic - a harmonious combination of practicality and originality

The reason why the projects of wooden houses with an attic have gained such wide popularity is quite understandable - the use of this architectural solution allows you to get a house of a large area at a relatively small financial cost. However, one should not think that a house with an attic is in some way significantly inferior to traditional country houses with a "full" second floor.

Today there are such modern Construction Materials and technologies that make it possible to make a house with an attic as comfortable and outwardly attractive as possible. The projects presented on this page offer a huge selection of all kinds of attic floor plans: from art studios, gyms to cozy living spaces. And the original geometry of the attic walls, windows unusual shape and figured roof give your cottage special, which can not be said about most other country houses.