In a private house      04/05/2019

Cape daisy (osteospermum): growing from cuttings, sowing seeds and care. Osteospermum planting and care in the open field in the winter

Last year I tried to grow osteospermum. One seedling survived.
I even thought that the game was not worth the candle. So much trouble, and only one bush. I don't mind or heart.
But here it is blooming! And I realized that I would try again. I will definitely repeat!

A daisy-like flower struck me with a blue, very blue core. White daisy with a blue center! It is beautiful! Very.

I have last year's seeds (I always sow not all the seeds but a part), which means they are not very fresh, so you need to try to grow them.
In the photo on the right are the same seeds that I have.
In fact, all the seeds sprouted. But then they died. Probably a black leg, which often haunts me.
In the photo below, the first blooming flower of my osteospermum.



Osteospermum, Cape daisy - Osteospermum ecklonis

Perennial semi-shrub or shrub up to 1 m high, originally from the Cape region South Africa, a close relative of the annual dimorphotheca.
IN middle lane Russia is grown as an annual, but can winter in bright, cold rooms.
Osteospermum belongs to the Asteraceae family. This genus unites 70 species of heat-loving annual and perennial shrubs or shrubs originating from South Africa.
Flower color in osteospermum can be from deep dark purple to pink, bright orange and pure white. These colors are united by their bright blue center with small patches of orange-red dots. The leaves of the plant are plump, but not brittle, juicy green.
Chamomile inflorescences 4-5 cm in diameter with white reed flowers and a blue center bloom from June to October.
Grow osteospermum through seeds or cuttings. If the variety is valuable and it is important to preserve all its properties, then it is better to choose cuttings. And if you do not go into the subtleties of selection, then growing from seeds is a simple and uncomplicated way that gives excellent results.


  • Location: grow well in warm sunny areas, do not lose their decorative effect in bad weather.
  • The soil: needs loose, fertile soil
  • Care: when planting osteosperm in containers, care must be taken to ensure that the soil does not dry out completely. From time to time, plants should be fed, as this contributes to a longer flowering.
  • Usage: Cape daisy is grown in flower beds, flowerpots and tubs on terraces and patios.
  • Winters in bright, cold (but not freezing) rooms with minimal watering.


To obtain flowering plant in June, it is desirable to plant seeds in the second half of March or early April.
The seeds of the osteospermum are quite large, they germinate well and amicably, so you can plant them immediately in pots, avoiding the picking stage, in which there is a risk of damage to the root system.
The soil must be loose. It is best if it is a mixture of humus, soddy soil and sand.
Plant seeds dry.
Seeds are deepened into the ground by 0.5 cm and covered with earth. The container with future seedlings must be moved to a bright place and the air temperature should be around 20 ° C. By providing regular moderate watering, you can see the first shoots in a week.
Plant in the garden permanent place possible at the end of May. After planting, water the bush in the morning and evening for at least three days for better rooting.

Despite the high cold resistance of the plant, it is desirable to harden the growing seedlings. When true leaves appear, the temperature should be lowered for a short period by opening a window or balcony frame. You can start from 10 - 15 minutes, gradually increasing the time interval and lowering the temperature to 12 ° C.


If a decision is made to get a plant from a cutting, then it is also necessary to start reproduction with skill. Cuttings are usually taken from the tops of plants in January or February. Root at a temperature of 18 - 20 ° C for about a month. Then they are transplanted into pots and grown in the same way as seedlings from seeds.

Gardener's advice:

If you have grown an osteospermum and kept it indoors during the winter, then in the spring you can cut this plant, thereby obtaining even more beautiful unpretentious annuals.

Cut with a wallpaper knife or a paper cutter with a sharp blade.

Cut the tops into 5-7 cm.

Remove the bottom leaves.

Plant in moist substrate or moss with hydrogel. You can use perlite or vermiculite.

Build a mini-greenhouse and put in a warm, bright place.

After 10 days, you will see which cuttings take root and which do not.


Osteospermum (African chamomile, Cape daisy) - in the natural environment is a perennial herbaceous plant, shrub, shrub. In a cold and temperate climate zone, it is cultivated as a single or biennial plant. Belongs to the Astrov family, originally from South Africa, the Arabian Peninsula.

Botanical description

Stems erect, rarely creeping. Plant height is about 30 cm, varieties up to 75 cm high are bred. Leaf plates are dense, ovoid, oblong, with smooth or jagged edges. Stems and leaves may be bright green or grayish in color.

Delicate inflorescences look like daisies. The core can have a blue, blue, smoky black color. The color of the petals (reed inflorescences): white, various shades of purple, pink, yellow, orange, blue. Their shape is oblong with pointed tops, but the so-called spoon osteosperms have been bred: the shape of the reed inflorescence resembles a spoon.

The diameter of the inflorescence is 3-8 cm, they are simple, terry and semi-double are bred by breeders. It blooms almost throughout the summer, and if the weather is favorable, it can bloom until October. Each inflorescence lives for about 5 days, they continuously replace each other. Flowers open in clear weather.

A variety of shades, long flowering, unpretentious care contribute to the popularity of osteosperm.

Growing osteospermum from seeds at home

The plant successfully reproduces by seeds: they remain viable for up to 4 years, friendly seedlings appear 7-10 days after sowing. It reproduces well by self-seeding.

In open ground, seeds are sown in April. No seed pre-treatment is required.

When to plant osteospermum for seedlings

To get more viable plants that bloom earlier, seedlings should be grown.

  • Sowing seeds of osteospermum for seedlings should be done in early March.
  • It is better to sow one or two seeds at a time in separate pots - the seeds will definitely sprout and you will not have to carry out an intermediate transplant.
  • If there is no possibility or a lot of space, you can sow the seeds in a common container at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other, and then carefully transplant them into separate cups.
  • To grow seedlings, loose soil is needed (a mixture of humus, soddy soil and sand).
  • The seeds are simply shallowly pressed into the soil.
  • Maintain the air temperature at 20 ° C, lighting should be diffused.

  • When 5-6 true leaves appear, pinch off the tops to encourage forcing of side shoots and good bushiness.
  • Harden seedlings, gradually lowering the temperature to +12 ° C. You can simply take it out to the balcony for a short time at first, and then increase the time spent on the street.

As soon as the threat of frost recedes, transplant the seedlings into open ground.

How to plant osteospermum with seeds for seedlings, the video will tell:

Hardened seedlings, planted by transshipment, practically do not get sick and take root immediately, especially with careful care. Do not be too zealous and flood the plants: it is enough to keep the soil slightly moist.

Propagation of osteospermum by cuttings

To preserve varietal characteristics, propagation by cuttings is used. This method is suitable for plants that have been moved indoors for the winter.

  • In February, select a shoot that did not bloom and cut apical stalk, the slice must pass under the node.
  • Remove the leaves from the bottom and plant a cutting to root.
  • The soil is a mixture of peat, sand and perlite.
  • Cover with jar cut off plastic bottle or film.
  • Rooting lasts about a month. Ventilate regularly, moisten the soil.
  • With the onset of heat, transplant rooted cuttings into open ground.

Landing in open ground

The best place to plant will be an open sunny area, light shading is possible.

The soil requires loose, moderately fertile, permeable, neutral or slightly acidic.

  • Dig up the area, loosen the earth and let it settle.
  • Plants are transshipped along with an earthen clod - the hole must correspond to this size.
  • Keep a distance of 30-40 cm between the bushes.
  • Press the surface of the soil around the seedling a little, water well.

How to care for osteospermum in the garden

Osteospermum Sky and ice - blue-eyed daisy photo


The plant is drought tolerant, but to maintain abundant flowering moderate watering is required. Do not overwater, water only during severe drought.

Pinching and feeding

  • Pinch off the tops of the shoots to encourage branching.
  • Feed three times a season: a couple of weeks after planting in open ground, then during bud set and at the end of summer. Use complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.
  • Constantly remove wilted inflorescences.


Osteospermum in open field hibernates only in regions with warm winters (maximum temperature drop to -10 ° C). For a successful wintering, it is necessary to cover the plants with dry leaves in the fall.

If in your area the temperature drops below -10 ° C, the plants will die, but in order to keep them until spring and propagate by cuttings, you can dig up the bushes and keep them in a cool room. Carefully dig up the bush without disturbing the earthy coma and place in a wide container. Keep at low air temperature, water occasionally. In the spring, replant in open ground.

Diseases and pests

From waterlogging the soil, rot is possible - remove the affected areas, treat with a fungicide, and adjust watering.

Aphids may be affected - treat the plant with an insecticide.

Types and varieties of osteospermum with photos and names

There are more than 70 species, many species, varieties, hybrid forms are cultivated.

Osteospermum Eklona Osteospermum ecklonis

Grown as an annual crop. The shrub is strongly branched, erect stems are extended by 1 m, the leaves are narrow with jagged edges. The core of the inflorescence has a red-violet hue, the petals are white, and pink veins are similar along the lower part.


Osteospermum Eklon Osteospermum ‘Sunny Philip’ photo

Zulu - inflorescences of a bright yellow hue.

Bamba - the color of the inflorescence varies from white to purple.

Sky and ice are the core of blue color, white petals.

Volta - pinkish petals turn white as they bloom.

Buttermilk - bright yellow petals turn white as they bloom.

Silver Sparkler - white inflorescences.

Congo - purple-pink inflorescences.

Pemba - reed inflorescences are twisted into a tube up to half.

Sandy Pink - spoon-shaped pink petals.

Sterry Ice - reed inflorescence folds in half lengthwise, inner part has a white color, the outer one is a gray-blue hue.

Peshn is a hybrid series of this species. Here it should be noted the varieties Pink Lace, Dwarf Salmon, notable for the spoon shape of reed inflorescences.

Osteospermum conspicuous Osteospermum jucundum

The color of the petals is white, purple, the reverse side may have a lilac-violet tone.


Buttermilk is a plant up to half a meter high. The color of the petals is pale yellow, their reverse side acquires a bronze hue.

Lady Leitrim - the core is almost black, the petals are light lilac.

Bengal fire - inner side reed inflorescence is white, and the outer one is blue.

Osteospermum fruticosum

It has the form of a compact bush. The color of reed inflorescences is white, pale lilac, red.

The best varieties of osteospermum with photos and names

Variety Akila has many shades from white and pink to burgundy and dark purple. Looks great in mixed plantings.

Passion is also excellent in mixed beds, its compact, low bushes with powerful erect stems are densely dotted with beautiful flowers with neatly outlined petals, on which longitudinal voluminous stripes are pronounced.

It is impossible not to admire the white daisies with blue centers, which are scattered with rare yellow spots of stamens. This is a unique variety Ice White.

Osteospermum Sunny Philip Osteospermum ‘Sunny Philip’ photo

The stunning Sunny Philip variety really resembles small suns with radial rays. The tips of the petals seem to be pinched, curled into tubules.

The Impassion variety has a special shape of petals, the flowers look very neat, as if stamped, one to one are similar.

Terry variety Double Parple With tubular central petals, it is somewhat reminiscent of a chrysanthemum.

Another amazing terry variety 3D with several rows of petals is crowned with a central tubular center. The color is saturated, the lower petals are oval-elongated, the middle petals are slightly shortened and dissected at the tips.

Osteospermum in landscape design

Low-growing species are planted as ground cover plants. They are also good in pots for decorating balconies, terraces, porches.

Osteospermum will become bright accent in any flower bed, looks good in rocky gardens, frame borders, plant in groups in mixborders.

Cuff, yaskolka, geranium, cinquefoil.

Garden annual flower Osteospermum belongs to the Asteraceae family. A little-known among flower growers, the plant is very similar to the popular daisies, asters and daisies. Its homeland is African countries, so the second name of osteospermum is “ African chamomile". In June, buds appear on the flower, which bloom and bloom until the very autumn frosts. Caring for him is very simple, and growing osteospermum for your garden plot easily from seeds.

Osteospermum: photo, description, types

The African chamomile is a large shrub with erect, branching stems strewn with dense foliage. Its spatulate, irregularly toothed leaves are oblong ovoid in shape and can be bright green, gray or variegated.

Terry or semi-double inflorescence in diameter reaches 3-8 cm. It consists of central barren tubular and marginal reed flowers. Depending on the species and variety, the central flowers are most often blue or blue. Marginal flowers can be a variety of colors from white to purple. Quite rarely there are varieties with orange, yellow, purple, pink and red flowers.

Each inflorescence lives no more than five days. But in its place, new buds quickly form, due to which the plant blooms continuously and for a long time. With favorable weather, flowering can continue until almost mid-autumn.

Bright flowers of osteospermum open during the day on a clear day and closed at night and on cloudy days. This property of the plant protects the pollen of the flower from the effects of night moisture or rain.

Species and varieties

Osteospermum bushes can be of various heights and shapes, bloom with flowers with a wide variety of colors. It all depends on the type and variety, the variety of which African chamomile is famous for. Some hybrid varieties stand out unusual shape reed flowers.

Osteospermum Eklona or Carpathian daisy is a perennial thermophilic shrub, therefore, in regions with cold winters, it is grown as an annual. The plant grows up to one meter in height, has strongly branched straight stems and decorative jagged leaves. On the basis of the Carpathian daisy, breeders have bred many hybrid varieties, each of which differs in the shape and color of the petals and the size of the bushes.

Osteospermum conspicuous is the new kind African chamomile. Its distinguishing feature is the change in color of the petals as the flower blooms. In bud, they may be white, and a fully bloomed flower may have a purple color. In this case, the upper part of the petal is always lighter than the lower. Lifespan of each flower 10 to 15 days. After that, the color of the petals becomes lighter again, and the flower fades. Osteospermum conspicuous, in comparison with the Carpathian daisy, is more difficult to grow.

Osteospermum: cultivation and care

African chamomile loves well-lit places and fertile soils. Therefore, it is necessary for her to choose a sunny area and enrich it with a nutrient mixture before planting. For this in equal parts you need to mix:

  • leaf ground;
  • sod land;
  • humus;
  • sand.

The prepared nutrient soil is poured into the hole in which the plant will be planted.

Plants are thermophilic, but are able to endure slight frosts. For the winter, some gardeners manage to dig up plant bushes and store them at home in order to plant them in the garden again in the spring.

Osteosparmum is an unpretentious drought-resistant plant. He will endure hot weather and a temporary lack of watering calmly. However, long lack of moisture affects the flowers, which lose their terry, decorative effect and become smaller.

The Carpathian daisy does not like waterlogging, therefore, when caring for it, you need to make sure that the soil dries out between waterings and water does not stagnate in it.

pledge successful cultivation and abundant flowering of osteospermum is its regular feeding. For this, mineral and organic fertilizers. So that rapidly growing bushes do not stretch out, but branch, it is recommended to pinch them periodically.

In the middle of summer, at hot temperatures, African chamomile can stop laying new buds and flowering. But it will bloom profusely again literally as soon as the heat subsides.

Pests and diseases

Osteospermum is a very resistant plant, which is practically not susceptible to diseases and pests.

However, if the cultivation of shrubs takes place in the shade, where the soil is wet all the time, this can lead to weakened immunity. In this case, the plant may prone to fungal diseases. Its roots will begin to rot, and the bush itself will wither. You can save osteospermum by transplanting it to a well-lit place, having previously treated the roots with special antifungal drugs.

Immunocompromised plants may be attacked by aphids. The insect settles on leaves and stems, and feeds on their juice. As a result of this, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the bush itself begins to fade. Insect control should be carried out by spraying with special insecticides.


Osteospermum in the open field can survive winters only in a mild climate with temperatures not lower than -10 degrees. But if you dig a bush and grow it in a cool but bright room, then in the spring the plant can be planted again in its place in the garden. Winter care will consist only of rare watering.

Reproduction of osteospermum

Carpathian daisy can be propagated in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Reproduction by seeds

For seedlings, seeds are sown in March or April. IN peat tablets or seedling boxes with peat-sandy soil, dry seeds are sown. Many mistakenly pre-soak them, because osteoperum seeds look like ordinary seeds. But this plant really does not like waterlogging, so in the future the sprouts can rot.

Seeds are laid to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm. To do this, you can use a skewer or a toothpick by pushing them into moist soil. The box covered with glass or polyethylene is placed in a warm place with a temperature of at least + 20- + 22 degrees. The first shoots should appear already on the fifth or seventh day after planting.

Seedling care osteopermum is as follows:

  1. The seedling container is exposed to a well-lit, but cooler place.
  2. Seedlings are regularly watered, but it is necessary to ensure that water does not stagnate in the soil.
  3. After the appearance of the second or third true leaf, the seedlings are seated in separate containers. If they are very stretched out, then you can gently bend the stem, put it in a groove and cover it with earth.
  4. Slow down the stretch and provoke more lush bloom you can use the pinching of the plant after picking.
  5. With the onset of the last spring month, seedlings at home should be hardened off. In this case, it is taken out to the glazed loggia or the windows are opened.

At the end of May, seedlings can be planted in a permanent place of cultivation. The distance between young bushes should be at least 20-25 cm. In the first few days, care consists in watering the plant in the morning and evening.


Cuttings are harvested from osteospermum bushes dug out in autumn and preserved until spring. With their help, from one bush you can get several unpretentious, beautifully flowering annuals.

Cuttings 5-7 cm long cut with a sharp knife. The lower leaves are removed, and the segments are inserted into a container with a moist substrate. You can use vermiculite, perlite or moss with hydrogel.

The cuttings are covered with polyethylene or a glass container and exposed to a well-lit, warm place. Every day they need to be ventilated, and the soil should be sprayed regularly. Which cuttings have taken root can be seen in about ten days.

Unpretentious in care, beautiful and long-blooming osteosparums are ideal for for decorating flower beds and borders in the garden, decoration of balconies and loggias, flower beds near the entrances. landed in hanging planter Carpathian daisy can be grown even at home.

Beautiful osteospermum

CRIB-REMINDER. WE FERTILIZE AND FEED ONION AND GARLIC ONION. Fresh manure is not brought under the onion, otherwise growth is delayed, the formation of leaves does not stop for a long time. The bulb is formed late and does not ripen well, is more affected by cervical rot, and is poorly stored. Onions respond well to the application of mineral fertilizers. However, its root system is sensitive to increased salt concentration, so it is better to apply them in small portions for 2-3 times. Immediately after the emergence of black seedlings, crops need to be fed with nitrogen fertilizers at the rate of 10-15 g / m2. When 1-2 true leaves are formed, the first thinning is carried out, leaving 1.5-2 cm between plants. At the same time, weak plants are removed. After the appearance of 3-4 true leaves, thinning is repeated already at the final distance - 5-7 cm. After the second thinning, top dressing is necessary mineral fertilizer better in liquid form. A good effect is given by top dressing with slurry diluted with water 5-6 times, or bird droppings, diluted 10-15 times. Add 30-40 g of superphosphate to a bucket of water. 3-4 buckets of solution are consumed per 10 m. Stop watering a month before harvest. The last top dressing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is carried out during the formation of the bulb, 150 g of potassium salt and 200 g of superphosphate are added per 10 m2. When growing onion on heavy soil, the early formation and maturation is facilitated by the disintegration of plants. In this case, carefully, without damaging the root system, the soil is raked from the bulbs. When sown early in spring, onions are ready for harvest in late August or early September. In some years, due to unfavorable weather conditions, it does not have time to ripen by this time. To speed up maturation, plants dig in, damaging the root system, breaking the connection with the soil. After 2-4 days, depending on the weather, the bulbs are harvested and laid out to dry with the leaves. Due to the outflow of plastic substances, the ripening process occurs and bulbs suitable for storage are formed. Sometimes, to accelerate the ripening of the bulbs, rolling or crushing the leaves is used. However, this technique harms the crop, as the plants are damaged and pathogens penetrate the bulbs through the gaps formed. In addition, rolling does not stop growth, and with a broken stem, plants continue to grow. FROM SEVKA. When the feather reaches a height of 10 cm, the treatment of plants from diseases begins (phytosporin - every 2 weeks). When the feather reaches a height of 8-10 cm, the first feeding is carried out: for 10 liters of water - 1 cup of mushy mullein, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea, per 1 m2 - 2-3 liters of solution. The second feeding - 12-15 days after the first. For 10 liters of water - 2 tbsp. spoons of nitroammophoska, per 1 m2 - 5 liters of solution. The third - when the bulb reaches the size walnut. For 10 liters of water - 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate, per 1 m2 - 5 liters of solution. Onion fly control measures. Onions are placed next to carrots. The specific smell of carrots repels onion fly, and onion phytoncides - carrot fly. 1 cup of table salt is dissolved in 10 liters of water, ridges of onions are poured from a watering can, trying not to get on the feather. The first time this is done, when the pen reaches 5 cm, watering is repeated after 20 days. When a fly appears, the soil is sprinkled with a repellent: 100 g wood ash, or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tobacco dust, or 1 teaspoon of ground pepper per 1 m2 (2 times with an interval of 10-18 days). Peronosporosis control measures (false powdery mildew). The onion bed should have a direction from north to south, well lit by the sun. Crops and plantings must not be thickened. Before planting, the seedlings are warmed up. Feathers at a height of 10-12 cm are sprayed with a solution of copper oxychloride, every 2 weeks they are sprayed with phytosporin. LEEK. The first dressing - when 5-6 true leaves appear, the second - a month after the first. For 10 liters of water - 0.5 liters of mullein, 1 teaspoon of urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate. For 1 m2 - 3-4 liters of solution. Ashes are added once a week before hilling - 1 cup per 1 m2. GARLIC As soon as garlic leaves appear from the ground, plantings are fed with nitrogen fertilizer. To do this, dissolve 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. a spoonful of urea, 10 liters - per 1 m2. When the garlic leaves reach a height of 10-15 cm, they rake the earth from the bulb, sprinkle with ashes and return the earth to its place. This operation is repeated when arrows appear. When removing the arrows of garlic, leave a few pieces. They can be easily identified optimal time harvesting. As soon as the wrapper cracks on the heads and the bulbs begin to peek out, it's time to dig the garlic. For recovery planting material it is recommended to regularly rejuvenate the cultivated variety by sowing air bulbs. In the first year of cultivation, single teeth are formed from them. They are planted in the fall and the next year they get normal multi-toothed bulbs.

Osteospermum is a thermophilic plant. The genus includes more than seventy species of both perennial and annual shrubs and semi-shrubs. Comes from South Africa.


A lush and tall bush pleases the eye from early June to late October. Depending on the variety, osteosperms are the most various colors: blue, blue, pink, white. One drawback is that the bright green leaves have a specific and unpleasant smell when broken off. Biological description of osteopermum: a perennial shrub, as well as a shrub up to a meter tall, closely related to the annual dimorphotheca. It differs from other Compositae. If, for example, daisies have reed inflorescences that direct insects to tubular flowers for pollination and seed formation, this is not the case: tubular flowers are sterile, and seeds are formed in reed ones - such is the osteospermum. The photo shows rather large seeds, like a belt on the barren middle of a flower.

Types of osteospermum

Osteospermum ecklonis

Eklonis, or Eklon's osteospermum, is the most widely used. Popularly called the Cape daisy. perennial shrub up to a meter high, it is very thermophilic and in regions with cold winters it is used as a flyer. The most elegant hybrids of the Cape daisy: Volta, whose lilac-pink petals gradually turn white, Bambe - white petals acquire purple, Congo - with pink-purple petals, Buttermilk - pale yellow, Zulu - bright yellow, Cream Symphony - with a narrow purple stripe, Silver Sparkler - white flowers and speckled leaves, Sky and ice - blue-white. These are all tall bushes. Much more in demand are undersized bushes for containers - up to 30 centimeters, compact. This, for example, Passion - with shiny petals different shades with a bright blue center. Also interesting for flower growers is the osteospermum, which has a spoon-shaped petals. These are Pink lace and Dwarf Salmon. Also beautiful are white, purple, red, yellow, orange flowers varieties Springstar, Cap Daisy, Sunny, which grow luxuriantly at a height of only 25-60 centimeters.

Osteospermum jucundum

This osteospermum is extremely effective. Growing, however, is somewhat difficult due to the special properties inherent in the plant. This species, called pleasant osteospermum, is an evergreen, but weakly winter-hardy shrub, which is suitable only for regions with a warm climate. Petals in the process of flowering change their color from white to purple, and their underside is purple. Breeders have bred excellent varieties: Lady Leitrim - 30 centimeters in height, flowers white with pink marks, Buttermilk - pale yellow petals, from the inside - white, and from the inside - large blue petals, leaves with golden edging.

Osteospermum: cultivation

Low growing plants are great for containers and window boxes. Osteospermum grows well, it is branchy, creeping shoots can be used as well as seeds that are sown in a light substrate, adding sand. Seedlings suffer greatly due to injury to the roots, so it is better to sow them in separate cups or peat pots. It should be sown in boxes at a great distance, and carefully transferred to the garden, along with an earthy clod on the roots. Sowing - in the last decade of March or in the first - April. Shoots appear quickly. Seedlings need bright light and a fairly moderate temperature, moisture is also moderate. In tall varieties, it is better to pinch the tops of the seedlings, so the osteospermum bushes more densely. Growing by the seedling method gives a positive effect: subsequently, in the flower garden, the bush blooms more abundantly and for a long time. Pests and diseases were not observed.

Osteospermum: growing in favorable conditions

This flower is light and thermophilic. It is necessary to protect the place where it grows from the cold wind, but it must be sunny or at least partial shade there. His beautiful flowers fully open only in bright light. The soil is best light, well-drained and fertile. The distance between plants is about twenty-five centimeters. Seedlings need to be hardened off, and after being transferred to the garden, water for a while. The rooted plant becomes both drought-resistant and cold-resistant. Top dressing promotes both growth and an increase in the number of buds. Faded inflorescences are best removed. The mother liquor of osteospermum is stored all winter in a bright, cool place, moistening the soil from time to time.