Well      06/13/2019

How to plant adenium. Propagation by top cuttings. Native to the desert

Succulent seed propagation has its advantages and disadvantages. Deciding to grow adenium from seeds at home, the grower realizes that first of all he wins in several moments: he gets a flower with a charming caudex already in the first stages of development, and also saves a new plant from viruses that are not transmitted by seeds.

However, one should not forget that the varietal characteristics of the mother succulent are not preserved with this method of growing adenium, most likely, the flower will repeat the features of distant relatives that served as the initial basis for creating a variety or hybrid. If we compare the time and effort spent on germinating seeds and rooting cuttings, then the conclusions are contradictory - it is easier for some to mess around with cuttings, for others it is easier to care for seedlings.

The main thing is obvious - by correctly following all the tips and recommendations for sowing seeds and caring for seedlings, they get a significant number of new pretty fat women, who literally from the first days of their lives fascinate with an unusual stem and lush crown.

What do adenium seeds look like

The length of adenium seeds ranges from 8–10 mm to 15–18 mm. Outwardly, they look like light wrinkled cylinders, almost the same in diameter along the entire length of the seed, but there are also barely noticeable thickenings.

Florist, having received planting material adenium, is puzzled: where is the top of the seed, and where is the bottom? Which side to dig into the ground? The answer is simple - lay it out sideways, so it is easiest for the sprout to germinate and appear above the surface of the soil mixture.

Planting material preparation

The happy owners of the treasured seeds immediately try to figure out how to properly prepare them for planting. Experienced owners of adeniums disagree - some are immersed in a fungicide solution, others in clean water, others believe that you can do without all these additional procedures, high-quality seeds give friendly shoots very soon.

If the seeds are properly collected, prepared for storage and transportation, they have a high percentage of germination. Under-dried ones prey and become covered with mold, and in over-dried ones, the embryo dies and does not give seedlings.

Through trial and error, experienced flower growers came to the conclusion that pre-prepared adenium seeds give the best seedlings, which later develop faster, are resistant to various diseases and easier to tolerate adaptation when conditions change.

  1. Soak for 30 minutes in a pink solution of potassium permanganate or any fungicide, such as phytosporin, to suppress a possible pathogenic environment on the outer shell of the seeds.
  2. Next, immerse the seeds for 2 hours in a solution of phytohormone or any growth stimulator, for example, epin, zircon or ribava.
  3. The seeds that float to the surface of this or that solution are discarded, they are unsuitable for sowing and will not give seedlings.

Composition of the soil mixture and the choice of dishes for sowing

While the seeds are in pre-sowing treatment, it is advisable for the grower to prepare the soil mixture and a suitable container. For group plantings, a shallow plastic container with a transparent lid will do; for single crops - any plastic or ceramic pot, preferably small in volume. Practice has shown: the larger the pot, the more likely errors with watering.

Many flower growers have experienced failure with seed germination in various substrates, so they agree that it is best to sow adenium seeds in perlite or in a mixture of leafy soil and sand.

The following mix options are also possible:

  • 1 part leaf humus;
  • 2 parts coarse-grained river sand;
  • 1 part charcoal in pieces up to 3 mm long;
  • 1 part of the bark is the same size as coal.

Thai flower growers germinate adenium from seeds in soil mixtures of the following composition:

  • 2 parts coconut peat;
  • 3 parts sand;
  • 1 part leaf humus;
  • 2 parts rice husk.

Planting material after presowing treatment is removed from the solution and allowed to dry for 10–15 minutes.

1. Pour soil mixture or perlite into the prepared container to a level that does not reach the edge of the vessel wall by 10–15 mm.
2. The contents of the container are spilled with warm settled water, the excess is drained from the pan.
3. On the surface of the soil mixture, the seeds are laid out in a horizontal position.
4. Sprinkle them with a layer of substrate 5–10 mm thick.
5. Spray from a spray bottle.

Care of crops at home

A mini-greenhouse is being built over the crops. In a plastic container, it is enough to close the container with a transparent lid. A pot or a small glass is covered on top with a plastic bag or glass jar, a plastic bottle from under mineral water with a cut neck is also suitable.

A container with crops is placed in a warm place, in which an average temperature of 30 degrees above zero is constantly maintained; tolerances- 22-35 degrees. Lighting is bright diffused during the first two weeks after sowing.

If the seeds were pre-soaked before planting, they are not moistened for the first 2 days, then they are watered until two leaves are formed, without drying the earthy clod between waterings. The mini-greenhouse must be ventilated daily to prevent the appearance of mold on the surface of the soil mixture.

The first shoots appear after 1–8 days, the maximum germination period is 2 weeks. Seeds that have not sprouted during this time are considered no longer capable of life.

Basic recommendations for the care of seedlings and grown seedlings
The first shoots look like plump, leafless cylindrical columns sticking out from under an earthy coma. When the adenium seedlings develop two leaves, the lighting for them is gradually increased to the level of the need for the light of an adult succulent.

At the same moment of caring for seedlings, the intervals between successive waterings are increased, that is, their frequency is determined based on the light drying of the earthy coma between waterings.

For seedlings aged from 1 to 2 months, foliar top dressing can be carried out with a mineral complex containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in equal amounts: N: P: K=20:20:20.

Transfer to separate containers and further care

Plants that have reached 2 months from the moment of sowing are transplanted into separate pots, but this can also be done later - at 3 or 4 months. The containers are filled up to half with expanded clay, soil for succulents is poured on top with the addition of sand.

In seedlings, they try to minimally disturb the root system, so it is advisable to simply gently roll them over with a clod of earth, without freeing the roots from it. Watering is maintained moderate, with light drying of the top layer of the soil mixture.

A week or two after transplantation, seedlings are produced by the already mentioned mineral fertilizers with the same composition, but the concentration is reduced four times against that recommended by the manufacturer in the instructions. Further feeding of seedlings is carried out once a week, alternating root with foliar.

From 4 to 6 months, the composition of the mineral complex is changed using the following: N: P: K=8:15:15. For root top dressing, a concentration of ¼ against that indicated in the instructions is still used, and foliar nutrition is carried out once a week, alternating with root top dressing, a mineral complex of the specified composition.

Adeniums grown from seeds bloom in the 2nd or 3rd year, but it is not uncommon for buds to form already in 6-month-old seedlings.

Florist mistakes during the germination of adenium seeds

the main problem seed method reproduction of adenium - lack of seedlings. Most flower growers blame poor-quality seeds and the manufacturer who violated the technology for collecting and preparing planting material for storage.

However, the grower's fault may also be present in the fact that the seeds did not germinate. Lowering the temperature of the content of the crops by at least a couple of degrees below the thermometer reading of +20 degrees in the room leads to the death of the hatched sprouts.

Violation of the ventilation mode of the mini-greenhouse leads to the formation of mold on the surface of the soil mixture and, as a result, to the decay of fragile sprouts. A similar situation is with waterlogging of an earthen coma - rotting begins at the base of the stalk, and it is impossible to stop the process.

Another common mistake when sowing seeds is not planting them deep enough, which leads to the fact that the sprout appears out of the ground along with the shell - the skin, which usually slips from it during germination through a centimeter layer of soil mixture. If it does not fall off after 1-2 days by itself, it will have to be removed manually, because otherwise the seedling may die.

To do this, the skin is moistened with water using a brush or spray gun. After 5 minutes, carefully remove it with tweezers, trying not to damage or tear off the cotyledon leaves. If it didn’t work out on the first try, moisten it again with water and repeat all the steps again.

Sowing seeds

Growing adenium from seeds is very an exciting activity. Still would! Few plants can boast pot-bellied shoots already on the third (!) Day. I can’t even believe that such a fat man “hatches” from a small, in general, seed. And it doesn't matter what time of year it is outside, the main thing is to observe 2 simple conditions.

1. Optimum germination temperature 30-35 0 C. Minimum 28-29 0 C.
2. Planting mix must be loose, breathable and sterile(!).

And that's it. The better these 2 conditions are met, the higher the germination percentage will be. And vice versa, if you neglect them, you can not get shoots at all.

Let's move on to the 12-step sowing process itself:

1. Soak seeds for 2-4 hours warm water .

Calibri;mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri;color:black">The procedure is optional, but basically everything manufacturers advised to do it. Most experienced Russian adenium growers adenium seeds are not soaked, because. this can provoke their decay and reduce% germination. So, in this matter, the choice is yours.

Water should be warm throughout the soaking time. If you cannot provide this condition, it is better to refuse the procedure.

It can be soaked simply in water, which is ineffective, or it can be soaked in fungicide solutions (30 min) and / or growth stimulator (remaining time).

Common fungicides: , pink . I do not recommend using Maxim. In general, this is an excellent fungicide, but when tested on adenium seeds, Maxim gave a significant delay in seed germination and reduced % germination.

Common stimulants: , , , , "Ribav", "Energin".

2. Preparing the planting mix. It, as already mentioned, should be loose and aerated.

To do this, take 50% of purchased peat-based soil (for cacti or universal) or coconut substrate (from). Of the common trademarks suitable: "Terra vita", "Garden of Miracles", "GreenWorld".
It is not recommended to use peat directly, because. it has high acidity, which prevents seed germination.

The remaining 50% are baking powder. As such, suitable: perlite, vermiculite, fine expanded clay, expanded clay chips, brick chips, foam balls, (river, quartz, but not building), small pieces of charcoal.
Which baking powder to use depends on what you have. Tip: do not get carried away with charcoal and vermiculite, but perlite can be used as the only baking powder for all 50%.

Instead of pieces of charcoal as a natural antiseptic, it is recommended to add a small amount (5-10%) to the seed substrate.

3. Preparing the landing tank (pictured action number 1) . As such, everything that has a flat-like shape and where there are (or can be made) many drainage holes is suitable (most conveniently with a heated nail or awl). It can be low pots, and plastic containers for margarine, and cups. If there is a greenhouse for seedlings, use it or plastic packaging for food products with lid.

The greenhouse must be ventilated. Preferably 30 min. in the morning and in the evening. You can finally remove the cover / film in about a month, when all the expected seeds germinate.

The substrate is moistened as needed. Try to keep the seed mixture moist but not wet (!). If, nevertheless, they accidentally watered more than necessary, the greenhouse should be ventilated until the excess moisture evaporates.

12. After the appearance of mass shoots (see photo), we transfer to windy place. Seeds will not germinate without heating, therefore, heating should be during the entire period of seed germination.. You can do a little "excavation" and look at them. If, when lightly pressed, the seed falls through and bends strongly, it means that it will no longer germinate.

Under favorable circumstances, the first shoots of mogut will appear on the third day. On average with Adenium obesum seeds germinate in 2 weeks. Sometimes time is extended up to a month This is especially true for Arabicums and Socotranums. Mini adenims also have longer germination times. Seeding errors.

Very beautiful flower in the form of a shrub, belonging to the Kutrov family. This is a plant with a fleshy trunk, thickened at the base. The trunk is covered with numerous short shoots. The birthplace of adenium is Southwest and East Africa, as well as the territory of the Arabian Peninsula. Growing adenium from seeds is quite difficult, but possible. If you want to have this beautiful flower - use our advice.

A little about adenium

To date, there are only five varieties of this exotic flower. at home became possible only after it was grafted on an oleander. Such a technique stimulated the abundance and brightness of exotic flowering, as well as its resistance to various diseases and pests.

In indoor floriculture, the most popular are: Nerum obese and Adenium. These are small plants that bloom with beautiful flowers.

In the wild, this succulent reaches a height of two meters. The leaves have the most diverse color, depending on the variety and type. Most varieties have green, oblong or rounded leaves with pointed tips. The length of the leaf plate is 5-6 cm. Varieties with variegated leaf color or hybrids with narrow long leaves are also found.

Flowering in adenium begins in summer and ends in autumn. The flowers are very beautiful, varied in color and shape. Their size varies from three to thirteen centimeters in diameter. Adenium is an unpretentious, low-growing houseplant, characterized by slow growth and early lush bloom. Therefore, this flower is ideally suited for growing indoors.

Growing adeniums from seeds at home

This process consists of several stages:

  1. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in water for three hours, but this procedure is not mandatory. Some flower growers do not recommend doing this, as this can cause planting material to rot and reduce its germination. So it's up to you to decide.
  2. Warm water is used to soak the seeds. Thirty minutes before the end of the soaking time, it is advisable to place the seeds in any growth stimulator. To the most effective drugs include - Fitosporin, Epin, Zircon and Energin. Also, the seeds can be dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Experienced flower growers do not recommend using the growth stimulator "Maxim". It delays the process of seed germination and reduces the percentage of their germination.
  3. In order for the cultivation of adenium from seeds to be successful, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil substrate for planting it. To do this, mix peat soil for cacti or succulents with baking powder in a 1: 1 ratio. As a baking powder, you can use perlite, brick chips, coarse sand, vermiculite, crushed expanded clay or small pieces of charcoal.
  4. by the most the best option will be perlite. Instead of peat, you can use coconut substrate.
  5. After preparing the soil, it is necessary to select a planting container. Planting adenium is carried out in small pots with drainage holes. Also, this plant can be planted in any plastic container or small glasses.
  6. At the bottom of the landing tank we lay a drainage layer of expanded clay, brick chips, pieces of foam or charcoal.
  7. Then we fill the pot to the top with a previously prepared soil substrate, and lay adenium seeds on its surface.
  8. Sprinkle the seedlings on top with a thin layer of the same soil for planting or simply press down.
  9. After planting, the seeds must be covered with a transparent film or cut plastic bottle. If the seedlings are planted in plastic cups half-filled with soil, then they can be covered with cling film.
  10. Further care for the seeds at home is to regularly irrigate them with warm water from a spray bottle. If the seedlings are planted in a moisture-intensive substrate, the planting material does not need to be moistened.
  11. To avoid confusion, mark varieties immediately after planting.
  12. After sowing, the seeds need warmth. Therefore, they can be placed on the dryer in the bathroom or next to the heater.
  13. Do not forget to periodically air the plantings, at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. When the seeds germinate, after about a month, the shelter can be completely removed.
  14. Moisturizing the soil with seeds is carried out as needed. The soil substrate should be slightly damp, but not wet.
  15. In case of accidental overflows, plantings are aired until the moisture evaporates.
  16. After the seeds germinate, they are placed in a well-lit, warm place to ensure further growth and development of the seedlings.
  17. IN optimal conditions seeds can germinate as early as the third day after planting. Germination terms seed adenium may be different, depending on the variety. For example, adenium obesum seeds germinate within two weeks. The first shoots of socotranums or abaricums appear no earlier than a month later.

Seedling care

When the seedlings get stronger, and they have one pair of leaves, they are seated in separate containers. This procedure will need to be repeated at least three times throughout the year. Adenium grown from seeds will bloom no earlier than two years after sowing. The basic care for young adeniums at home is the same as for adult specimens.

Adenium is a drought-resistant plant that actively develops in good light. This is perhaps one of the few flowers that are positively affected by direct sunlight. Tropical shrub likes frequent but moderate watering. In the summer heat, it is necessary to moisten the plant more often, and in winter watering must be limited, since at this time of the year adenium has a dormant period. Each soil moistening is carried out after the top clod of earth dries out. It is very important to prevent waterlogging of the flower, since this succulent, like many others, is damaged by rot.

Adeniums can be transplanted no more than twice a year. Adenium is not demanding on the indicator of air humidity, so it is not necessary to spray it.

In the process of growth and development, this plant needs top dressing. Liquid mineral and organic fertilizers are applied once every thirty days during the growing season and at the flowering stage of the succulent. To get densely leafy bushes, fertilizing with a high nitrogen content is applied at the beginning of the season. Splendor and duration of flowering can be achieved with the help of preparations containing phosphorus and potassium.

Dangers for adenium

The garden on the Adenium windowsill is very rarely affected by diseases and pests. Only due to improper care on this exotic flower a shield can settle, spider mite or mealybug. In order to prevent and treat affected specimens, an insecticidal solution is used.

The greatest danger to adeniums is root rot. To avoid its occurrence, the plant is planted in light and breathable soil. IN winter time year, when the daylight hours are shorter and the temperature in the room is below twenty degrees, watering is reduced to a minimum.

Growing adenium from seeds at home is not difficult at all. Knowing the agricultural technology of the plant, giving it proper care and attention, you will certainly succeed.

How and when to sow adenium seeds

When growing adenium from seeds, you can get a plant with a well-developed caudex. It is not difficult to germinate adenium seeds. Seeds sprout already on the third day and grow very quickly. If certain conditions are met, then seeds can be sown at any time of the year.

What conditions are needed for the germination of adenium

For sowing seeds, sterile and well-drained soil is needed. Can be taken as a basis ready soil for cacti and add baking powder there - vermiculite or perlite. In the composition of the soil, the baking powder should be from 20% to 50%. In this case, the soil will be light, but nutritious, so the seedlings will not need top dressing at first. Adeniums are heat-loving plants. Seeds will germinate well if a constant temperature of +25 to +35 ° C is provided. If the temperature regime is not observed, the seeds may not germinate. Also, the seeds need to provide a constant moderate humidity. To create the desired microclimate, the container with the sown seeds must be covered with a transparent film. The most suitable time for sowing is spring and summer. But if it is possible to provide the appropriate temperature and light conditions, then sowing can be done at any time of the year.

Before sowing

For the prevention of fungal diseases, before sowing, the seeds must be processed for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To increase the germination energy, the seeds are soaked for 1.5 hours in warm water with the addition of a stimulant (Epin or Zircon). The water temperature must be at least +35°C. To ensure a constant water temperature, you can put a container of seeds on a heated towel rail.

Sowing seeds

In the container for sowing, drainage from expanded clay is necessarily done. Then the container is filled with a substrate and watered with warm water. The soil must not be wet. Grooves are made in the substrate and seeds are laid out. Seeds are sown horizontally. The distance between the seeds is 2-3 cm, then you need to sprinkle them with soil 0.5 cm thick. If seeds are sown different varieties, it is better to use a landing cassette. Using such a container will allow you not to confuse varieties. It is important that there are drainage holes in the cassette. After sowing, the container is covered with a transparent film to create greenhouse conditions. For crops, it is necessary to organize lower heating with a constant temperature from + 25 ° C to + 35 ° C. If the temperature is lower, the seeds may rot; if it is higher, they will not germinate. Light is not needed for seed germination.

Adenium seedling care

The first 4-5 days the greenhouse does not need to be watered. After this period, the substrate must be carefully moistened. Crops are regularly ventilated - 30 minutes 2 times a day. Most of the seeds germinate in 3-4 days, but this period can reach up to 2 weeks. After the emergence of seedlings, the lower heating is removed. Seedlings are exposed to a lighted place and regularly ventilated. The film is finally removed 2 weeks after germination. After the appearance of the third pair of true leaves, the seedlings should be planted in separate pots. Capacities are taken small, corresponding to the root system.

Conditions for growing Adenium from seeds at home: planting, propagation methods

Temperature and watering

Comfortable for the plant temperature limits and watering:

  • Summer: at 23-38 C° (foliar irrigation on hot days, moderate systematic watering as soon as the soil is completely dry after the last moistening; daily moderate watering on days when it is hot and stuffy around the clock).
  • Winter: at 13-18 ° C (poor watering when a decrease in elasticity is detected in the lower part of the trunk - caudex), at 10-13 ° C (watering should be reduced to a minimum, otherwise the root system will rot).

Growing from seeds (seeding rules)

Adenium seeds have a shortened shelf life - after acquiring planting material, do not delay its germination. The optimal period for planting adenium seeds: from April to the end of August.

The labor costs of growing Adenium by seed propagation pay off by obtaining specimens with a highly decorative caudex.

For Adenium, growing from seeds at home begins with a pre-prepared container with soil consisting of sand, crushed charcoal pellets and verimculite.

It is permissible to replace the last component with fine-grained gravel, pre-treated with boiling water or stewed for 20 minutes in a red-hot oven for disinfection.

Before placing the seeds in the ground, the container with it must be kept for at least 12 hours in a warm place in order to achieve good warming up of the soil mixture.
Soaking the seeds for half an hour in a warm, light solution of potassium permanganate with water will reduce the likelihood of developing Adenium fungal disease

Having distributed the seeds over the ground into grooves or separate shallow recesses, the Adenium sowing is lightly sprayed, and then sprinkled with soil. But not thicker than 3-4 mm. manger shelter plastic wrap to create greenhouse conditions.

The container with seeds should be kept warm around the clock.

It is highly desirable that the temperature around and inside the pot should not be below 32 °C.

Lower values ​​(lower limit of 22°C) will increase the risk of rot inside the seeds and their subsequent death, delaying the process of hatching of survivors.

Under favorable conditions, sprouts will appear in 3-7 days. However, some seeds can take up to three times longer to germinate.

Young sprouts are sprayed with warm water as the soil around them dries up, aired twice a day.


At the end of two months from the date of seed germination, the young adenium is ready for transplantation. If there is enough space in the container, and the seedlings are green, "cheerful", actively growing and gaining volume in the "waist", then they can be kept in the nursery longer.

Seedling transplant

You can plant grown seedlings in a separate container with the same soil as in the greenhouse. The plant is not afraid of changing the soil to ready-made store-bought soil for cacti.

Having transferred the Adenium seedling along with a clod of earth to a slightly moistened new place, the first meager watering is performed no earlier than a week later.

Even a transshipment transplant for a plant is stressful. Therefore, you need to take care of round-the-clock support of the optimal temperature near the pet in order to exclude an additional adverse load on it.

How Adenium seeds germinate

The spitting of healthy seeds can begin from the third day from the moment of sowing. First, an arc of a “hook” appears from the ground. A straightened sprout resembles a dense light green carrot with a pair of tiny leaves on top.

The color of the flowers may differ from that characteristic of the parent adenium buds, since hereditary traits are not always transmitted to the seeds. The first buds appear on a two-, four-year-old plant, if it is provided with proper care.


The accustomed stalk can please with flowering in the coming year.
The plant will become a clone of the parent and retain the color and shape of the flowers.

  • Cuttings do not always take root.
  • In specimens grown from cuttings, it is sometimes difficult to form a volumetric caudex of increased decorativeness.

Material for grafting adenium cuttings is obtained after pruning the parent bush. It is more rational to take material from the plant at the beginning of summer, after the installation of stable warm weather - sufficient lighting and warm atmosphere increase the percentage of established plants.

Adenium cuttings can be of any length, but 12-15 cm "sticks" with several leaves take root most easily.

Not all solutions for early root formation can be used for adeniums. Therefore, it is better to let the cutting dry in the air for about 30 minutes, and then carefully stick it into the soil 5 centimeters deep, and then cover the container with a transparent polyethylene cover, a plastic half-liter glass, and a glass jar.

Important conditions for caring for a rooted cutting:

  • The soil (2 hours of perlite with 1 hour of vermiculite or 2 hours of pure sand, 2 hours of sphagnum, 1 hour of perlite) should be consistently slightly moist, but not wet;
  • The plant must be provided with heat (25-35 ° C) and light;
  • It is impossible to use any solutions with stimulants when watering.

Propagation by cuttings in water

Growing the root system of adenium cuttings - clean water lottery.

With a probability of 50-70%, a cut branch may begin to rot.

But for some flower growers, cuttings still give roots with this method of germination.


How to root Adenium? For rooting, cuttings need from a crescent to three. Branches separated from the bush and planted in the ground in warm weather acquire a root system faster.

If the procedure is carried out in early spring or late autumn, outside a special greenhouse, then under the flowerpot with cuttings you need to spread a rug with a heating function. Or place the container directly on the line heating system near the window.


The florist has two methods of grafting at his disposal:

Flat (flat).

It is possible that the first variant of vaccination is more rational and less traumatic for the plant.

Because the:

No need to split the rootstock on the parent bush;
the grafted cutting itself has not two, but one cut (flat);
the cut of the cutting fits snugly to the rootstock.

In addition, the flat-grafting site looks more aesthetic, with its help, cuttings from different bushes can be grafted onto one “stump”.

For the classic V-graft, the apical part is removed from the rootstock branch. The remaining stump is split, and a previously prepared cutting is inserted into the resulting gap, the lower edge of which is symmetrically cut off from two sides.
The vaccination site is strengthened with adhesive tape, cloth, plastic tape. The auxiliary material is removed after successful fusion of the inoculum.

Mandatory conditions for successful vaccination in any way:

Rootstock and scion must be healthy;
there must be at least one live bud on the scion;
the grafted bush and the plant that gave the stalk must be in the growth stage;
trimming the edges must be carried out with a disinfected tool;
the grafted plant must be kept in comfortable conditions;
the connection point must remain stationary.

For a flat scion:

  • The rootstock branch must be larger diameter than a scion (or the same).
  • The connected ends of the plant must have an even cut.
  • After connecting, the formed branch is carefully wrapped with polyethylene, and then the graft is securely fixed using adhesive tape, electrical tape.

When do they start to bloom after grafting?

Flowering of varietal adeniums and grafts occurs in a few months.

Adenium is a very "grateful" plant. For simple care and warmth, both sincere and quite real, he will surely thank with violent flowering. And experienced flower growers-experimenters will be able to get buds of different colors on one branched bush.

A seedling grown from seeds does not always retain maternal characteristics. Often, instead of the expected double varietal flower, 2-3 years after planting the seeds, the seedling blooms with a pink simple flower characteristic of the "savage".

There are also pleasant surprises when adenium rewards the owner with lush terry bright flowers with two or three rows of petals.

Flowering conditions

Depending on the type of adenium, a young plant grown from seeds blooms with proper care at the age of 2-4 years. Necessary conditions for the flowering of seedlings grown from seeds:

winter calm;
stem cutting.


Adenium needs sufficient lighting, spacious content. In nature, this plant receives a sufficient amount of sunlight, therefore, when kept at home, all species are placed on the southern and southeastern windows, shading only young seedlings, diseased or transplanted plants.

winter calm

The plant reacts to the reduction of daylight hours in November-December by fading all life processes and switching to a state of winter dormancy.

In nature, at this time, the plant lacks moisture, therefore, at home, it also needs to create conditions for winter dormancy. This necessary condition flowering adenium in spring. The duration of the rest period depends on the type and on the thermal regime in the apartment.

  • The temperature of the content of adenium + 12 ... + 15 ° C - watered about once a month. Species such as Arabicum shed their leaves during this time, however, and they also require watering about once a month.
  • The temperature on the windowsill is above +15 ° C - the number of waterings is increased, while the dormant period is significantly reduced.


Pruning is carried out, stimulating the formation of buds, flowering and growth of young shoots, in the spring, before the start of adenium growth. Pruning rejuvenates the elongated mature plant, use it to form the crown and stems.

The plant responds well to deep pruning, new shoots form buds and bloom in autumn.

Why doesn't adenium bloom?

  • With abundant application organic fertilizers the plant “fattens”, grows well, gives a lot of shoots, leaves, but does not bloom.
  • Lack of lighting.
  • Watering in cold weather, root rot.
  • Non-observance of the rest period.

The procedure for growing adenium from seeds at home, transplanting seedlings. There should be sufficient drainage at the bottom of the container.

Seedling care

Seedling care consists in maintaining a temperature of at least twenty-five degrees. Good illumination should be maintained twelve hours a day. Airing the room should be carried out for one hour daily. Watering should be carried out as needed. The roots of seedlings are very susceptible to moisture, so overflow or overdrying of the soil should not be allowed.

Seedling transplant

If the seedlings after picking were in a common container, then after the appearance of four leaves, you can transplant them into individual small pots. In the first year of growth, up to three transplants are possible, depending on the growth rate of the plants.

Adenium transplant

How to transplant? Adenium transplantation is usually carried out in the spring. Young plants are transplanted every year. Adult plants need one transplant every two to three years. Adenium pots should be wide and low. It is advisable to select light-colored ceramic containers. Since the plant loves the sun very much, they will not get very hot.

When to vaccinate

Vaccination makes it possible to place several adeniums of different varieties using one trunk. During flowering, such plants are particularly unusual and showy. For rootstock, you can use both grown seedlings and already adults. For scion, healthy branches of plants with beautiful flowering are taken.

Adenium should be grafted in spring or early summer, when the juice is in active motion. You can do this in the following ways:

  • The stock and scion are cut at an angle and combined. Then they are firmly fixed, for example with a vaccination spray.
  • The stock is trimmed (not higher than ten centimeters) and an incision is made in the middle. The graft is cut wedge-shaped, placed in the cut of the stock and tightly fixed with electrical tape.

The room in which the grafted plants are placed should be very warm (thirty-five degrees). You also need to maintain high humidity and good lighting, but do not allow direct contact with adeniums sun rays. All new shoots that will appear on the rootstock must be removed. The juice of the plant is poisonous, so you need to take precautions when carrying out these works.

Formation of caudex and roots

How to form an adenium caudex? The caudex is formed by the roots of adenium, which gradually thicken and begin to push the plant out of the soil. For getting decorative form caudex, it is necessary to begin its formation at the earliest stages of adenium growth, starting from about three months.

You can do this in various ways:

  • During transplantation, a part of the lateral roots is cut right at the trunk, the adenium seedling itself rises slightly above the ground so that the roots are a little bare.
  • When transplanting adenium, the longest root (pivot) is cut off and the top of the plant is pinched. The cut sites are treated with crushed coal, paraffin or hydrogen peroxide. In this case, there is a rapid build-up of the root system.
  • For greater decorativeness of the plant, you can give the caudex the shape of an octopus. To do this, during transplantation, trim the tap root and install the adenium on a flat stone located on the soil in the center of the pot. All lateral roots are evenly distributed in the form of a fan and descend into the ground. From above they need to be sprinkled with soil. With each subsequent transplant, the size of the stones is increased. This should be done until the roots reach the desired size and firmly fix the shape of the fan (octopus).

Adenium should be raised above the soil with each transplant by a few centimeters. You do not need to raise it too high at once, this will greatly slow down its growth and delay the flowering time.

For the formation of caudex, the irrigation regime is of great importance. If you want to achieve good growth in a short time, then the plant should be in moist soil for a very short time. Therefore, to obtain a large and beautiful caudex, a long drying of the soil is carried out.

crown formation

Of great importance for the decorativeness of adenium is pruning and pinching. Most seedlings give strong branches after six months of growth. Therefore, in spring period it is imperative to cut off all excess branches, which will slow down the growth of the plant and make it possible to form new growth points, which form one and a half months after pruning or pinching.

Pruning and pinching promote good growth new leaves, and also bring the timing of flowering closer.

Since adenium is quite simple to grow and care for, it has small size, slowly growing, blooming profusely and brightly, it can be called one of the ideal potted plants. With the right content, it takes root very well on the windowsills of city apartments.

To grow adenium from seeds at home, you need to know the features and "habits" of this exotic. Some consider this task difficult, practically impossible, but not everything is so bad, just consider that this plant from the genus of succulents requires some knowledge in its cultivation.

Adenium, a plant with beautiful flowers and an unusual thick stem, has attracted the attention of flower growers for a long time, even entire communities of lovers of these extraordinary indoor plants are being created.

The unpretentious nature of adeniums also plays a big plus for their exotic appearance. Natives of the tropics and subtropics (the birthplace of adenium Africa), they have learned to survive in drought and sudden changes in temperature, they do not care about the bright rays of the sun, on the contrary, they feel better in bright light.

Growing adeniums from seeds at home

Absolutely amazing and fascinating process growing indoor plants with your own hands, and growing such fat-bellies is doubly interesting. Just before you start, you should study the whole technology, well, in order to get the result the first time and not say later that it is impossible to grow adeniums from seeds.

Container preparation

An important stage, however, like all the others. Bowls or cups, in general, any containers should not be high and at their bottom there must be holes for draining excess water. For succulents, this is very important, because excess dampness will cause the root system to rot in an instant.

Soil preparation

The most suitable soil for the germination of seeds of adeniums must meet three requirements:

  1. loose
  2. Sterile
  3. breathable

For cooking correct soil Baking powder and soil from a succulent shop mixed in equal amounts are best, and will work for cacti. From baking powder, you can take charcoal, finely crushed, perlite or vermiculite is suitable. You can crush and add brick crumbs, river coarse sand to the soil. Crushed expanded clay is well suited.

Preparing seeds for growing

Among lovers of adenium lovers, there have been disputes for many years whether it is necessary to soak the seeds when planting or not. The thing is that sometimes because of this soaking procedure, germination is lost, the seeds begin to rot in the soil. But, most likely this is due to improperly prepared soil and non-compliance with the temperature regime, which we will discuss below.

It is necessary to soak the seeds of adeniums for two hours in warm water, but make sure that the water does not cool down all the time. You can put them next to the heater.

After such a soak, you need to hold them in a fungicide solution for half an hour. The best will be a weak solution of manganese, phytosporin or zircon. After all these treatments, the seeds are completely ready for sowing.

Sowing seeds

Our prepared bowls need to be properly filled with soil. First, there is always a drainage layer, for which you can use small pebbles, and expanded clay, and small pieces of foam.

We pour the soil for sowing flush with the edges, it is not necessary to compact the soil, it should remain loose.

We do not bury the seeds in the soil, we lay them out in pots and sprinkle them on top with a layer of soil or press them a little.

We do not water the crops, we only moisten them with warm water from a spray bottle. Then we constantly carry out moisturizing as needed.

After sowing, we cover all our containers with polyethylene, but cling film is most convenient, it can tightly close the cups, creating a greenhouse effect.

Temperature for growing adenium seeds

This condition is also one of the most important, without which you will not get seedlings. Herself optimum temperature should be from +30 to +35 degrees. You can keep containers with sown seeds near heaters, in any case, the temperature should not drop below +28 degrees, otherwise the seeds will rot. Even after germination for another week and a half, you need to maintain this temperature.

Adenium shoots

They appear in different ways, depending on the variety, obese, the most common adeniums sprout faster, maybe in three days, and in a week, and Socotran can wait a month.

As soon as seedlings begin to appear, we move our containers to the very sun, but we do not lower the temperature until all the seeds have sprouted. By the way, they are easy to check, because they are almost on the surface. Rake the soil a little and touch the seed, if it is soft, then it has already lost its germination capacity.

Of course, it will be necessary to remove the film so that the sprouts do not rest against it and do not grow crooked. We continue to moisten the seedlings from the sprayer, but only when the soil is completely dry so that the seedlings do not begin to deteriorate.

How to care for small adeniums

The principle of caring for small seedlings is the same as for adult plants. Differences only in frequent transplants. The fact is that seedlings cannot be planted immediately in large containers. The container, that is, the pots, should be gradually increased as the plants grow. In just a year, adeniums need to be transplanted three times.

The first picking of seedlings in separate cups takes place when real leaves appear. In order for the plants to develop, they are immediately exposed to bright light. They do not need to be watered, just spray the soil until lightly moistened. Spraying is carried out only with warm and soft water, you can use spring, rain or snow.

top dressing

Picked plants begin to develop actively and require nutrition, for speed dial growth requires nitrogen-containing fertilizers. During the flowering period, adeniums are fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

All fertilizers for Succulents should not be used according to the instructions, but diluted three times more with water.

Top dressing for these plants should be made every two to three weeks. In winter, they are generally removed and resumed only at the beginning of spring, when development is underway and the flower wakes up.

Further care for adenium

Mature plants no longer need frequent transplant, if in the first year you need to repot three times, the next two years twice, and then you can repot in five years, until the roots become crowded or growth stops, but it is better not to bring it to this.

The flower is quite drought-resistant, in the wild sometimes adeniums grow where nothing else grows. So if you sometimes forget to water it, it will survive. He also does not need to spray the foliage.

The main thing for him is to observe the temperature and ensure sunlight, in winter, when he has a dormant period, the light is not so needed. At this time, adenium can even drop some of the leaves, this is not dangerous and quite natural.

Diseases and pests

The plant has no obvious pests, its poisonous juice is not to everyone's taste. Sometimes when improper care, low temperature and excessive dryness, aphids, spider mites or mealybugs can start. They can be removed by wiping the plant with soapy water.

Sometimes the plant suddenly stops its growth, this can happen from a lack of nutrition or a cramped pot. This problem is easily fixed.

Sometimes you can notice that the leaves have lost their color, this may be due to lack of sunlight.

How to grow adenium from seeds video

Adenium flower (Adenium) belongs to the Kutrovye family. As houseplant it began to be used not so long ago, but quickly gained the interest of flower growers. You can even say that growing it at home has become fashionable, and it does not require so much attention.

Under natural conditions, it grows on the Arabian Peninsula, in Africa. The habitat of this plant in nature is very harsh. These are dry periods, when it sheds color and leaves, and rare periods of rain, during which adenium blooms. It can grow not only on the ground, but also on rocky slopes.

It looks like a succulent shrub or small tree. In nature, it reaches 3.5 m in height.

Due to its beauty, the houseplant adenium received other romantic names:

  • impala lily;
  • fat belly;
  • the star of Sabinia;
  • desert rose.

Adenium grows quite slowly, but even before the flowering period, it amazes with its beauty and unusual trunk. Form indoor views looks like a bonsai tree.

What adenium looks like: a description of the flowers and leaves of a houseplant

Adenium indoor flowers are compact flowering trees. They have an unusual thick trunk that immediately attracts attention. It is this part that gives the flower a unique look that no other houseplant has.

Adenium leaf is leathery, fleshy, on short thick branches. Its color can be not only green, but also red, yellow, or a rather variegated shade with speckles. The shape also varies from narrow, thin to large and wide. Some varieties have a velvety leaf surface.

The flowers are from pink to purple shades with a light center. Such a variety appeared thanks to the work of breeders who brought out a lot of varieties. The shape of the flower may vary depending on the type of adenium. They are five-petal, terry (very similar to roses). The edges of the petals can be straight or wavy.

The plant blooms from April to August. If you provide adenium proper care and content in room conditions, then it can bloom several times per season.

Types and varieties of adenium: photo and description at the time of flowering

In total, there are no more than 10 species of adenium in the wild. Description general characteristics this plant is:

  • thick, strongly branched, fleshy trunk;
  • lanceolate foliage.

Its leaves are oblong, slightly rounded and pointed towards the end. Can be different shades from green to red. There are hybrids with cream, yellow, white flowers. Most often they are glossy, but can also be matte.

Thanks to the work of breeders, adenium obese has a lot of varieties that differ in the shade of their color - snow-white, burgundy, with blue. Its size in diameter is no more than 7 cm.

The first color will appear no earlier than a year and a half of the life of the plant, and it will delight the eyes of the owners from 2 months to a year, which in most cases depends on how to care for adenium at home.

Also in the room you can grow adeniums of these varieties.

Somali. Differs in narrow leaves, elongated in appearance. The color of this variety is quite small, reminiscent of bells.

According to the type of its trunk, adenium is more elongated. Grows quickly and easily. Gives color regularly.

Arab. Characteristic difference of this plant is a stocky trunk, quite thick in volume.

This variety is prone to branching, so it is more like a bush than a tree. At the same time, Adenium Arabic does not require pruning and crown formation - it itself forms enough correct form"ball". Blooms in a small pink shade.

Sokotranski. This variety is not very fond of flower beds, as it grows quite slowly and at the same time is very picky about care. Practically does not branch, grows in one trunk. Gives a beautiful small pink color, but this happens quite rarely.

Oleifolium. The variety is found infrequently when grown at home. Its appearance resembles Somali, but its leaves are more elongated, and their shade is olive. The color appears in the form of peach colored bells.

Swazicum. It grows very slowly, no more than 50 cm in height. Its leaf is omitted, of medium size. Blooms bright pink flowers, the first color appears not earlier than midsummer.

This variety of adenium flowers requires special cultivation - it often gets sick and stops growing.

Multiflorum. This is a truly breathtaking variety of adenium in its beauty. Its flowering is plentiful, the crown is simply strewn with flowers with a beautiful red border.

Look at the adeniums of some varieties - the photo shows that the plants during the flowering period are particularly tender and simply mesmerizing. For this, flower growers love them.

How to plant and grow adenium at home

If you know how to properly grow adenium at home and follow the simple rules for caring for it, then it will thank you with a beautiful color that will delight the eye for several months.

The plant is photophilous, not afraid of direct exposure to sunlight. In summer, you can keep it in the air (ideal temperature 25-30 ° C), in winter - in a cool room (temperature 10 ° C). These are the most acceptable conditions for adenium.

Planting, caring for the plant begins with the preparation of a substrate from soddy soil, humus and sand (4:2:1). The reaction must be alkaline. In addition, the soil must be not only nutritious, but also loose, so that moisture and air can penetrate well to the root system.

When preparing the land for adenium, crushed charcoal or its small pieces can also be added. In order not to infect the soil with various diseases or pests that may be in the coal, the latter should be sterilized or treated with special fungicides before use.

To create growing conditions for adenium that are close to natural indicators, it is recommended to prepare such a soil mixture:

  • most of the coconut fiber;
  • 1/3 humus of deciduous trees;
  • 1/4 perlite and the same amount of expanded clay;
  • charcoal.

Of course, it is not so easy to find such an important component as coconut fiber in the conditions of the city. If this still fails, then for planting adenium, you can also use the soil for succulents, which is purchased in specialized flower shops. But even here it is necessary to add components for drainage.

Adenium is a plant that loves the sun. It is on this factor that the beauty and brightness of the flowers depend. In addition, flower growers note that the darker the leaves of this indoor plant, the more sunlight it needs.

When buying adenium, pay attention to the lighting in which the plant was. If it was kept with an insufficient amount of sun, then the transition to light should be gradual. If the adenium is immediately exposed to direct rays, the plant may get burned.

Another important factor: during the growth period, the position of the adenium does not change, since those parts of the stem that were in the shade can also get burned when the pot is turned.

If the stem of a plant has a thickness of less than 8 cm, and this is observed in young specimens, then in spring and autumn it should be protected from direct sunlight. For this, adenium is covered mosquito net or tulle.

How to water adenium and how to feed a flower

In order for the plant to feel as comfortable as possible, you need to know how to properly water the adenium. In summer, watering is plentiful, in winter - moderate.

When irrigating, it is necessary to wet the earth ball well, but at the same time avoid stagnant water. Between it is necessary to give the substrate to dry well. In summer, the time of dry soil is reduced to a minimum. If the earth ball is left dry for a long time, the plant may stop growing. After all, summer is an active stage for adenium. But in winter, you can leave the soil dry for 1-2 weeks.

It is very important to observe such dry periods. With a constantly moistened substrate, the root system of the flower will simply rot and the plant will disappear. When choosing the frequency of watering for adenium when planting and caring for it at home, you can also focus on temperature environment. So, when the thermometer is below +20 degrees, soil moisture must be reduced.

It is important for growing to know exactly how to feed adeniums. This home plant very positive attitude towards fertilizers. From March to October, it is fed twice a month with special formulations for cacti.

You can apply solutions of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus in equal proportions, as well as substrates of slowly soluble fertilizers. At the beginning of the flowering season, it is permissible to carry out fertilizer with phosphorus-potassium solutions. They help the tree grow vegetative mass. In spring or autumn, you can stop your choice on microfertilizers.

Trimming and shaping adenium at home

Most adeniums, growing in apartments and houses, practically do not give side branches. This leads to the fact that the tree loses its aesthetic beauty and becomes like one big trunk with leaves and flowers on top. Trimming adenium at home is the key to its beauty and decorativeness. This must be done in the period after hibernation, when the flower begins to actively grow.

Pruning for branching is done with a sufficiently developed main trunk. The wider the cut, the more likely it is to develop side branches. At the same time, the age of the flower does not really matter and is not a guideline, since the rate of development depends on many factors, and for someone, adenium may be ready for pruning after 2 years of its growth, and for someone even after 4.

But what is really worth paying attention to is the height of the trunk above the ground. It depends on this factor how the adenium will look in the future. The approximate height of pruning is about 11 cm. If you do it lower, then the likelihood of the formation of weak and thin branches will increase, which in turn can ruin appearance plants in the future.

The first branching of the plant after pruning can be observed after a month and a half.

See how to grow adeniums, what is their care at home, in this video:

The most terrible enemy for this exotic plant- root rot. It can form only with excessive watering of adenium. In addition, pests can also be chosen by the flower, which must be dealt with by generally accepted measures.

Features of care and creation of conditions in the winter

It has already been noted that winter time for adenium is a dormant period. Don't be alarmed if the plant loses most of its leaves. This is quite normal, even when grown at home.

For the winter period, watering is reduced to a minimum and carried out with small portions of water. Temperature regime should be within 10-14 degrees.

How to propagate adenium at home: growing from seeds

How to propagate adenium at home is a simple question for flower growers, since this can be done in almost any known way. But each of them has its pros and cons, which should be known and considered.

It is quite easy to propagate the plant from seeds. You can buy adenium seeds in almost any flower shop. When fresh, they give 100% germination. Therefore, we advise you to sow immediately after purchase. If this does not work, then store the planting material in an airtight package in a cool, dark place. This will help maintain a high percentage of adenium germination. Growing from seeds at home is best done in the spring. The material must first be treated with fungicides. To speed up the process, it can be soaked overnight in warm water or treated with special preparations to stimulate growth. The soil in which the landing is planned should be light and loose. Lay out the seeds horizontally, do not dig deep into the soil. Watering is carried out using a spray gun. Provide seedlings with a greenhouse effect by airing them from time to time. Germination is observed after 10 days. Picking occurs when full-fledged 3 sheets appear, and transplantation to permanent place carried out as they grow.

It should be noted that the first flowers appear no earlier than a year and a half after planting seedlings in a permanent place. But in many ways this period depends on the conditions of growth, care, as well as the variety and type of adenium.

Reproduction and rooting of adenium cuttings and layering

This is one of the most effective ways to propagate a plant. In order for the plant to take root from air layering, you need to know how to properly plant adenium in this way. For this, you need to use shoots that are 2 cm in diameter. Pruning of layering is carried out during the growing season according to this scheme. With a sharp knife, the process is cut off and a cross section is made at the place where the cutting was cut. The stalk is dried and treated with a tool for the development of the root system. The place of the cut is covered with moss, which is wetted with water and wrapped in cellophane. Humidification is constantly carried out. Somewhere in 30 days after such manipulations, the rooting of adenium cuttings occurs, then they can be planted in a prepared substrate.

Note that air layering can be used for further propagation and when pruning a plant. Indeed, sometimes it is so pitiful to throw away the beautiful shoots of adenium. Propagation by cuttings can be carried out both in the presence of foliage on it, and in its absence. But the latter option reduces the possibility of roots appearing several times. Therefore, it is better to use layering with foliage.

How to transplant adenium

Adenium transplantation at home is one of the main and key points in caring for this exotic flower.

A young plant is transplanted annually, an adult - once every two to three years.

A transplant means a complete change of soil, and the moments that signal the need to carry it out can be as follows:

  • the pot has become cramped, which is manifested in the protrusion of the root system of the plant above the ground, and sometimes in the rupture of the walls of the dishes;
  • growth retardation of adenium;
  • a significant decrease in the size of flowers, loss of color brightness;
  • the soil in the pot was caked;
  • damage to the root system of the plant.

In order for the tree to take root, not get sick and continue to grow, you need to know how to properly transplant adenium. Plan this procedure in the spring. You can determine the appropriate period by the appearance of the first buds, which have barely turned green, but have not yet begun to grow. This time is considered the most favorable. Plus, it was then that it was not too hot and no longer cold, which would favorably affect the further development of the tree.

Remove the adenium from the pot and gently shake off the remaining soil from the root system. If this fails, then you can rinse the root under running water. Next, inspect the root system, remove all unnecessary and damaged. Form the trunk of the desired shape. Finish the cuts. To do this, dry them and dip them in a fungicide. Plant the prepared plant in a pot with new soil. Moisten the soil, and then take care of the adenium and provide it with the conditions mentioned above.

Transplantation is not just a change of old soil, but also an active stimulation of the tree to more active growth. If it is done correctly, you will notice a rapid development and abundant flowering adenium in the near future.

When carrying out work, remember that the plant belongs to poisonous crops, so all manipulations with it must be carried out with gloves, preventing the juice from getting on the mucous membranes.

Adenium is actively used by designers in the design of houses, apartments, offices. During the flowering period, it is really an unusually beautiful flower, from which it is impossible to look away. If you decide to grow adenium at home, then follow the basic rules for caring for the plant, and very soon it will thank you with delicate flowering.