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Hanging mechanism for sliding doors. Sliding interior door mechanism. Installation of an interior sliding door. Interior doors on rails and rollers: varieties

Traditional swing doors are not always good decision. When opening for such a model, you need to leave a fairly decent area unoccupied. But sliding doors on rails and rollers do not take up space at all when opened.

Sliding folding door mechanism

Sliding system mechanism

There are several options interior doors of this kind, but the principle of movement remains largely the same. Its essence is to provide not opening, but displacement of the sash along the wall or the second sash. At the same time, the area near the doorway remains free, and the doorway remains open.

Bottom guide sliding doors

To achieve this effect, use a special mechanism. A profile is fixed along the movement of the door leaf on the floor, wall or ceiling special kind- guides or rails. Rollers are installed on the door itself. When opening, the rollers move along the guide, and the sash moves to the side.

Sliding doors with glass inserts

There are 2 types of such a system.

  • Floor - the door leaf is inserted into two guides - upper and lower. The main rollers at the bottom of the blade provide movement along the lower guide, the upper rollers move along the upper rail, holding the blade in a strictly vertical position. This option is very reliable and durable.
  • The suspension system assumes the absence of a lower guide. In this case, the rollers are fixed only in the upper part of the product. When opened, the rollers move along the top rail, providing both movement and vertical hold. The option is more effective and more suitable for interior doors: the lower guide forms an unpleasant threshold, and in this case it is absent.

Hanging sliding door system

However, the suspension system requires reinforced fittings, so it is not suitable for doors made of heavy materials - solid wood, glass, for example. In the photo - doors on rails in Leroy Merlin.

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Varieties of interior doors

In Russia, a solution of this kind is extremely popular, so you can find products that are optimal in terms of cost and quality not only in specialized stores, but also in large hypermarkets, for example, Leroy Merlin. There are always several dozen different models in the catalog.

Accordion doors in Leroy Merlin

But before choosing a product by color or shape, you need to decide on the type of interior door and the principle of opening, and they are different.

  • Sliding doors - 1 or 2, the most famous option in Russia. This is a classic model - hanging or floor, performed in all possible styles. Guides can be installed both on the wall and on the opening or even on the ceiling, and the material used for manufacturing is very different - from chipboard to glass.

Sliding interior doors differ from the sliding wardrobe option by the principle of convergence.

The sashes do not go one after the other, but are joined in the center of the doorway, so that only one rail is fixed on the floor.

  • Cassette - the sash moves according to the same principle, but it does not move along the wall, but inside it. More often, this does not mean a recess in the main wall, but a false panel that is mounted on the outside of the wall. The solution looks very elegant. Doors can be either single or double doors.

  • Folding - the mechanism of interior doors on rails and rollers of this kind is different. When opening, the sash folds at least twice, and then shifts to the side of the opening. In this case, it blocks part of the opening, but practically does not occupy the area of ​​​​the room. The rollers are fixed only on the top of the product in the center of each part of the sash. They move along the upper guide, the lower one is missing. Folding of a cloth is provided by usual door loops.

The key to quiet and smooth operation of sliding interior doors is high-quality fittings. Roller structures have a complex structure and require the use of an extended set of elements.

The set includes:

The main criterion is the weight of the wings. For heavy sliding doors made of solid wood or glass, it is better to purchase reinforced rollers. Also pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the rail should be twice as long as the interior canvas;
  • the floor track should ideally have a seal that prevents clogging;
  • aluminum profile is quieter than steel;
  • the number of accessories is selected based on the size and number of sections.

You can personally evaluate the entire range in the showroom in Moscow.

To ensure that the interior sash is not hinged, but moves to the side, various mechanisms are used with guides for sliding doors. Let's see how these systems work.

Before planning which mechanism you will use when installing sliding sashes, you need to decide on the type of construction itself. They can be with one sash moving to the side or with several. They can be moving in a common direction, or at least one leaf will move in the opposite direction. Of particular interest are designs of 4 or more parts, and they can move apart not only along their plane, but also folding like an accordion, which creates completely new ideas for using space.

So, the simplest type is exactly what was described in the first example, that is, one-, two-, three- or even four-leaf doors. The first option, opening, moves freely along the guides, as a rule, to the right, but 2 wings diverge to the sides, as in an elevator or in a subway car. If the door has 3 parts, the 2 extreme ones are on the same level and move in opposite directions, and the 3rd overlaps one of the leaves, moving in the same direction as it. And finally, 4 parts are divided into 2 pairs, each of which moves opposite to the other, with one panel overlapping the second when opened. Another type is the same two-, three- and four-leaf doors, but already of a cascade type. The main difference between them is that all of their doors move only in one direction.

Single and double doors they can move both along the wall, closing part of it in the open position, and sink into it, going into special grooves.

Sliding interior doors

The next option is compartment doors, when 2 wings, converging when closing the opening, do not close, but, moving along two parallel guides, slightly overlap the edges. In this case, with a sufficient width of the opening, 1 part can be fixed, and the second can move freely along the guides. In essence, the previously considered three-leaf version can be made as a compartment, if the middle, third part, closing the opening, slightly overlaps the edge of the panel moving towards the parallel skids.

Next comes the radial sliding door. To make such a design, you need to have a wall rounding instead of one of the corners and an opening in this area. In all other respects, except for bending along a certain radius, the sashes are not much different from ordinary moving ones. In the open position, they will overlap small sections of the wall on the sides of the opening, and in the closed position they will close, like in an elevator. Accordingly, the single-leaf version simply moves to the side along the guides. In some cases, radius doors can be buried in special grooves if the wall is thick enough, or a drywall niche is made.

And, finally, the last type - doors sliding apart with an accordion. Shutters of this type are equipped with rollers sliding along the upper edge on special turntables. The panels themselves are interconnected by ordinary or piano hinges, several pieces, depending on whether such structures are made in the form of one or two "curtains". It is noteworthy that the width of the wings can be different, for example: narrower at the edges, and wider closer to the middle of the opening. The number of panels in each group is practically unlimited, except for the distance between the side ends of the interior opening.

Having chosen the one you like with the leaves moving off to the sides, you need to carefully consider all the mechanisms available today that are included in the sets of sliding systems (SRS).

There are relatively few of them, and the simplest type is hanging. In fact, this is only one guide along which the rollers move, but it is very powerful, capable of withstanding a large load. At the bottom, a groove is made in the door leaf, which includes a ridge stop laid on the threshold so that the sash does not sway when moving. However, if the groove does not allow it to move from side to side, then it can completely warp in its plane, due to the relatively free position of the rollers inside the guide.

Hanging view of a sliding door structure

In contrast to not very reliable (albeit inexpensive) suspension systems, which quickly become unusable during active operation, it is much more durable than a KRS with two guides. This option provides for each sash of the structure a lower chute in which an additional roller moves, which simultaneously serves as a stop. As a rule, such mechanisms are installed on compartment doors and accordions.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the presence of bearings in the rollers increases their service life and increases the smoothness of the panel movement. The number of wheels is also of considerable importance; for panels with a large weight, 4 rollers are required in each carriage.

So we've covered everything possible options that you can install in your home with your own hands. However, now you need to correctly combine sliding systems for interior doors and the type of preferred design.

As already mentioned, coupe and accordion doors require lower guides. In this case, the first option needs a separate chute for each panel and a separate suspension system, respectively, while the accordion mechanism moves exclusively in one plane. Ordinary sliding doors work on the same principle, and you can make them suspended for economy and ease of assembly with your own hands.

Bottom rails

Radius sliding structures are much more interesting. Of course, they do not differ in anything special, but all the carriages are deployed in relation to each other in an arcuate guide. Such a design must necessarily have a support roller and, preferably, not one, so that the sash does not jam during a sharp movement.

Glass doors also have some features if they do not have wooden, metal or plastic frame. When mounting the rollers directly to thin glass, special overhead rails with rollers in the upper part are used, they are screwed along the entire length through small holes. In the lower part, instead of a roller or stop, a narrow guide chute is sometimes placed.

How to install a sliding system with your own hands

How to install a sliding door system with your own hands - step by step diagram

Step 1: Markup

First of all, it must be taken into account that even for the simplest suspension mechanism former door frame does not fit, and therefore the jambs will need to be dismantled without fail. Only when you have an empty opening left, you can mark up under new design. Stock up for the future decorative panels for masking the upper guide and platbands for finishing the ends of the opening.

Now we measure the height of the sash and add 15 millimeters to the bottom gap to the result. We measure the required distance along the wall from the floor and make marks along which we draw a line, after which we put the door next to it, knocking it out with wedges from below, and check the correctness of the calculation.

Step 2: Installing the rail

We measure the width of the already assembled mechanism (you need to check it in action to make sure that there is no marriage). Then we add the width of the guides and mark the location of the fasteners, being guided by the line of passage of the upper edge of the door panel. We disassemble the mechanism for further assembly already on the sash. If there is only one top rail, you can fix it with your own hands on a pre-attached to the wall wooden beam. If the hinged profiles for the rollers should be from 2 or more, then special brackets are installed, screwed to the wall with several long screws.

door hanging

And, finally, the most crucial moment - at the bottom of the door you need to either make a groove with your own hands, if there is a stop knife (comb) or a leash, or fix the plate with the bottom roller. The latter needs a special gutter, which is mounted on the line of movement of the door and acts as a threshold, to install it, use a plumb line or laser level so that the sash does not skew. Now it remains only to hang the door on the mechanism, securing the previously installed hinges with a special adjusting screw, which allows you to more accurately set the height of the sash relative to the floor.

When assembling such a system with your own hands, special attention should be paid at the very beginning to leveling the guide so that there is no inclination towards the opening of the sash. Otherwise, it can be predicted with confidence that the door will open by itself, and the load latch will quickly fail. IN last resort, you can make a slight tilt towards closing, then the sash will always tend to close, but a small angle of inclination (no more than 2 degrees) will not allow it to do this quickly. If you make synchronously sliding doors with your own hands, do not forget to adjust the cable to final assembly systems.

Looking for where to buy quality sliding door mechanism? Contact Casseton! We will offer you whole line solutions for the most different designs both as a set and individually. The “Sliding” series will delight you with high-quality, reliable and durable sliding mechanisms for interior doors.

What do we offer?

The price of mechanisms for sliding doors in "Casseton" is affordable, because by purchasing products from the manufacturer, you will not overpay the trade margin. It is not the first year that we have been manufacturing sliding structures with wooden canvases. Our products are well known not only in Russia, but also abroad. It meets the highest quality standards and will function for a long time.

Our range

Sliding door mechanisms from Casseton are represented by a range of Sliding Wood kits designed for door panels different weights and widths. Each kit includes the following:

  • guide rail;
  • rollers;
  • holders;
  • stoppers.

They are able to withstand loads from 60 to 120 kg. In addition, our catalog also includes other products:

  • different types decorative covers;
  • fastener kits;
  • fixing brackets;
  • closers;
  • additional roller sets.

Do you want to be sure that the mechanism will be installed correctly? Order installation from our masters. So you eliminate the risk that the work will be carried out incorrectly and extend the life of the entire structure. "Casseton": quality and reliability of door fittings!

***If you want to enlarge the photo doors on rails click on it.

Construction of doors on rails

How does the mechanism of interior sliding doors on rails and rollers work?

The principle of operation of the sliding mechanism door structures quite simple, and the canvas itself moves absolutely silently. The video below clearly demonstrates what such a door consists of, how it works and how it is installed.

Advantages and disadvantages of doors on guide rails


  • space saving;
  • easily and silently opens;
  • gives the room an original look;
  • versatility - suitable for any opening;
  • ease of installation;
  • not damaged when hitting a wall;
  • does not slam shut suddenly due to a draft;
  • the possibility of zoning a large room.


  • poor smell and sound insulation;
  • the possibility of foreign objects getting into the rails, due to which the canvas may stall;
  • high cost of services of professional installers;
  • quick failure in the presence of installation errors.

Where are doors on rails most commonly used?

Most often, these designs are used in houses with narrow corridors because they do not require additional space. They are also desirable in houses whose owners follow the current trends of our time.

They are also used in shopping malls, entertainment facilities, oriental restaurants, commercial facilities.

5. Corridor

What are the door leaf sizes?

Taking measurements to order the future sliding design, it must be taken into account that the door leaf should be 10 cm larger than the size of the opening where it will be installed. This will ensure there are no gaps and create maximum effect privacy.

The standard dimensions that serial sliding doors on rails and rollers made in Russia have are 600 mm, 700 mm, 800 mm, 900 mm.

If the opening where the installation of the structure is supposed to be is larger, two canvases or more can be used instead of one, depending on whether the customer wants to simply block the opening or delimit the room into several separate spaces. Classic option is a product consisting of one or two canvases.