Shower      06/23/2020

Dimensions of interior doors with frame: width, height. Width of door frames of interior doors. Convenient sizes of interior doors

Repair, especially major repairs, is a complex process. It is necessary to think through many points in advance so that you don’t have to redo or adjust later. One of the important elements when installing an apartment door block is the width door frame interior door. To install the door, you need to prepare an opening in the wall of the required size. Let us dwell on the question of how to correctly calculate the width of the opening, box and door leaf. This is important from the point of view of the normal functioning of the door as a whole.

Scheme with dimensions of the door frame of an interior door

Most manufacturers, when mass producing doors, frames, and trims, are guided by the standards accepted in a given country. They are reflected in GOST standards (GOST 6629-88) and building codes and rules (SNiP). The standard is suitable for houses that are built based on these standards. But they are more of a general recommendation.

Among the variety of design solutions, it is not always possible to maintain standard wall thickness dimensions, this is especially true for monolithic frame construction. With the now fashionable open plan, the customer himself chooses which door, according to the width of the opening, he wants to make.

In this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that if the selected width does not meet the standards, the door block will have to be ordered individually. Naturally, it will cost more, and the choice of ready-made door blocks is narrowing.

Drawing and sketch of the door frame

The problem of non-standard openings often arises during the reconstruction of old houses, especially with high ceiling heights, for example, in “Stalin” buildings. It will be necessary to either adjust the opening to the standards, or also order the doors individually.

Read also

Adjusting a metal-plastic door

Standard width of opening, frame, door leaf

Uninformed people often confuse the concepts of “doorway width” and “frame width”. You need to pay attention to this point, as this may lead to the need to change the purchased door block set.

Door leaf size table

Basic terms and designations:

  • Width - the distance between the sides of the hole cut in the wall for installing the box.
  • Height - measured from the floor to the end of this opening.
  • Depth - the thickness of the wall in the opening.

It is a frame structure into which the door is mounted.

  • Width - the distance between the posts.
  • Height - length of the racks.
  • Depth - the width of the beam of the racks.

Door leaf.

The standard canvas has a rectangular shape. Accordingly, the dimensions of the rectangle will be the width and height, and the depth will be the thickness of the door.

Standard sizes

There are several standards that builders try to adhere to. If they are followed, there will be no problems with installing the door block.

Standard door leaf sizes

Basic standards:

When installing the box, it is leveled and wedged using spacers made from chipped timber. Then the gap is foamed. Spacers are also placed inside the box, since the foam, expanding, can squeeze out the posts and lintels.

The basis for the calculation will be the door leaf. Standard door size width: 600; 700; 800; 900 mm.

Here is an example of box calculations:

The door leaf is 80 cm / 800 mm in width and 200 cm / 2 thousand mm in height.

Door frame width: 800 + 70 = 870 mm

Height: 2000 + 80 / 50 = 2080 /2050 mm

Using this simple calculation, you can easily get correct sizes all components of the door block. This simple formula is used when calculating non-standard sizes of canvases.

Standard size table doorways

When calculating a metal entrance door, the same rules are used, only the minimum distance from the frame to the opening must be at least 150 to 200 mm, taking into account the width of the frame. The same parameters are recommended for installation double doors. When installing heavy armored doors, it is necessary to reinforce the opening with metal. The calculation in this case must be especially careful.

Project and drawing with dimensions of double-leaf doors

Separately, it is worth dwelling on wooden canvases, standard and custom-made. Most of solid wood door blocks have thicker frame walls. Especially it concerns wide doors at 800; 900 mm, double-leaf structures. Craftsmen make massive boxes to strengthen the frame. In addition, such a box harmoniously combines with heavy solid wood. This point should be taken into account when calculating the doorway.

Before you start finishing walls and floor surface, you need to install interior doors. Only an inexperienced repairman may find this process uncomplicated. In vain. If you make the slightest mistake in measurements, you can assume that the money spent on purchasing the door was thrown away.

Door openings - conventional and non-standard solutions

When going to buy a door frame and leaf, you must first fix the dimensions of the opening for the interior door. Based on the available numbers, you can choose a product that suits all parameters. Canvas standard type generally has a height of 2 meters and a width of 60 and 80 cm. It is very rare to find products with a height of 1.9 m and a width of 40/55/90 cm. As for the thickness of the door frame, it can vary from 1.5 to 4 cm.

The table, which shows standard sizes products:

Canvas options Light opening parameters
Width(cm)Height (m)Width(cm)Height (m)
55 63-65

1.94 – 2.30 m

60 66-76
60 66-76

from 2.10 to 2.40 m

70 77-87
80 88-97
90 98-110
120 (2 doors)128-130
140 148-150
150 158-160

As a rule, standard products are used for arranging different rooms apartments or houses. At the same time, interior doors with different parameters are often purchased for one apartment, which is explained by the difference in the sizes of the door openings, for example:

  • Bathroom: door opening depth – from 5 to 7 cm, height – from 1.9 to 2 m, width – from 55 to 60 cm.
  • Kitchen: depth – 7 cm, height – 2 m, width – 70 cm;
  • Bedroom and living room: opening depth – 7-20 cm, height – 2 m, width – 80 cm.

When installing a double-leaf product, changes concern only the width of the doors, which can be 60+60 or 40+80 cm. The depth of the opening usually changes upon completion of the finishing work.

The choice of box size should be approached carefully, otherwise it may turn out that the product delivered from the store slightly does not fit into the opening. It's good if design features the walls and layout allow it to be expanded. Although even a plasterboard wall, due to the need to move metal profile, not so easy to process. Therefore, owners most often have to shell out money for the manufacture of an oversized model of an interior door.

As for non-standard door openings, most likely they are a consequence of the decisions of property owners who wished to add individuality to the interior of a house or apartment. Thus, the parameters of the doorway can be either increased or decreased. The main thing when ordering a box and canvas is to follow the basic rules (see table), which include not only information about the selection of a design, but also the correct relationship of elements.

What size opening should be left for doors: 60, 70, 80 cm

Next, let's look at an example of what the size of a doorway should be for doors with a width of 60, 70 and 80 cm. For example, if a door is purchased, and the opening for it is still in the project, then when a crucial moment comes, the question arises of how wide it should be. The basic rule is that when leaving a hole for a door of any size, in addition to the thickness of the frame, you should also take into account the need to reserve space for technological gaps.

Thus, in order to prevent rubbing, a gap should be provided between the door leaf and the frame. And in order to be able to adjust the position of the product elements and perform foaming, it is necessary to leave a sufficient gap between the door jamb and the wall. It turns out that for a canvas 600 mm wide you need at least a 700 mm opening. Using the same principle, the width of the opening for 70 and 80 cm doors is determined.

To eliminate discrepancies in measurements, we do not recommend neglecting the following rules:

  1. 1. The height of the door opening is measured in three places (center, left and right).
  2. 2. Width is measured at the bottom, halfway up and at the top.
  3. 3. When taking measurements, check the evenness of all sides of the opening.

If we are talking about an installation or a toilet, then the height of the opening is measured, taking into account that after installing the threshold, which in this case is mandatory, it will decrease slightly. What else you need to pay attention to when leaving a gap under the door frame is its thickness. Because if the wall is thicker than the box, then you will have to install an extension, and if, on the contrary, it is thinner, then you will need to cut the box lengthwise. The problem that has arisen should not be left unsolved, otherwise it will be difficult to give an aesthetic appearance to a product installed incorrectly.

What is an extension and how to install it

The standard addition is made of MDF or chipboard; it is also called an additional board or plank. A variety of shades and textures allows you to choose this type of element to match the color of the existing box. The fastening of the extensions should be done as tightly as possible. They are mounted on the box before or after its installation. On the back side of the box there are grooves into which you need to insert expandable elements. But before that, you should calculate the exact width of the bar, and if necessary, adjust it to fit required sizes. The material is easily cut with a jigsaw and a hand saw.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that when attaching the plank using self-tapping screws, the risk increases mechanical damage boxes, while placing the extension on an adhesive substance significantly reduces the likelihood of deformation of the door frame during operation.

If the thickness of the box is large, then it is better to use self-tapping screws.

Fill the gap formed between the wall and the extended frame polyurethane foam, which will provide it with additional stability. At the same time, we recommend using foam with a minimum expansion coefficient, otherwise even a properly fixed box will simply become deformed. For this reason, only ½ or ¾ of the void volume needs to be filled with foam. We complete the work process by decorating the perimeter of the door with platbands.

The strength of the entire structure, as well as the duration of its operation, depends on the quality of the boat. Usually the door frame and door leaf are made from the same material. The main load of the opening sash falls on the frame, and you cannot save on purchasing a cheap window, otherwise the design will be short-lived.

The frame is part of the door block. It is used in models of the type, the sash is suspended from hinges. Install the entrance or interior door frame into the opening on the wall. Most popular material for making boxes is considered array. Cheaper option - MDF and other combinations of wood waste. Lutki may have threaded grooves on the end intended for fixing and.

The hidden door frame is hidden when installed in the wall; it is made of aluminum. Even the hinges remain invisible.

The door frame design involves the use of three or four elements. U-shaped boats without a threshold consist of two posts connected at the top by a crossbar. In a full-fledged boat, the fourth element is the threshold. Such frames are required when installing a door block in a bathroom or at the entrance to a room.

Boxes are usually sold as a set with and. Additional items help to refine doorway. Device Ludki differ according to the following characteristics:

  • with or without extras;
  • with telescopic platbands or strips without grooves;
  • with or without a seal;
  • with overhead or mortise fittings.

A box with telescopic handles and also equipped with a seal is considered convenient to install and use.

Box sizes

The consumer is offered different sizes door frames, which is determined by the location of their installation. Dimensions are maintained according to the standard. From manufacturers from different countries it is different. The most common standard door frame size interior doors domestic manufacturer coincides with products from Finland, Italy and a number of other European countries.

By standard size is:

  • sash width – 55, 60, 70, 80 and 90 cm;
  • sash height – 190, 200 and 210 cm;
  • box thickness – from 2 to 7.5 cm.

This thickness of the interior door frame was determined for good reason. The size variation is due to different wall parameters.

Considered optimal depth door frame of an interior door - 7.5 cm. The frame is suitable for walls made of plasterboard or brick. For thick partitions made of other materials, boxes 10 cm wide are produced. There are imported boxes with a depth of up to 20.5 cm.

The total height and width of the door frame of the interior door is determined taking into account the size of the leaf. The thickness of the onion is added to the dimensions. It will be clearer with an example. Let's take a canvas 60*200 cm and a frame 7.5 cm thick. As a result of the calculations, the total width of the door with the frame will be 67.5 cm, and the height will be 207.5 cm.

The size table will help you determine the dimensions of the interior door frame.

Types of boxes

There are different types of door frames based on design, material and other parameters. A boat consisting of three or four elements has the following connection methods racks with crossbar:

  • Spiked. The door frame timber is joined using a tongue-and-groove lock. The method is complex, but reliable.

  • Baguette. The edges of the timber are cut at an angle of 45º. The elements are connected using hardware.

  • Right angle. Before joining at an angle of 90°, grooves are cut at the end of the beam, removing part of the quarter.

Of all the options, the design of a door frame with a right angle is considered simple.

The structure of the bows varies according to the type of fastening of extensions and platbands:

  • Simple goes without grooves. Extensions and trims are fixed with glue, nails or self-tapping screws.

  • Telescopic The door frame is equipped with special grooves into which the extensions and trims are attached.

  • Monoblock. Innovative design. The box and platbands are one whole.

The advantage of the monoblock telescopic box is that it is fully equipped. You don’t have to buy additional trims and platbands separately.

By design There are three types of onion:

  • Encompassing. The structure consists of a frame, extensions and platbands. The door frame is supplied with a seal. Cheap options may not have extras. The planks will have to be purchased separately.
  • End The boat is designed for mounting on a special metal carcass. Used in arranging openings thin walls from plasterboard.
  • Corner. Ludka is considered universal. The frame with the platband is connected into a single structure. During installation, a seal must be installed.

Separately, it is worth considering the hidden door frame, which is completely hidden along with the hinges in the wall during installation. The entire block is made of aluminum and comes in two types:

  • Ready box. The door has a laminated, enameled or other coating. Installation of mirrors is allowed.
  • Boat for finishing. The canvas is covered with a layer of primer. After installing the block, it is subject to further finishing with wallpaper, painting or cladding with other materials.

The handles on the sash are also made hidden. Usually it is a slot on the canvas or a magnetic device.


The pots differ according to the material they are made of:

  • The most common, inexpensive and durable are considered wooden door frames. During installation, products made from untreated timber are impregnated with an antiseptic and opened with varnish or paint. For budget option boxes use solid pine. Manufacturing technology from spliced ​​timber allows you to get rid of wood defects. The frame elements are glued together from small blanks.

  • Door frames are made by pressing wood waste MDF, fiberboard and HDF. Frames are covered with laminate, veneer and other materials that protect the product from moisture and also make it attractive. Layered composites have excellent characteristics. The material alternates layers of wood waste with plastic.

  • Special aluminum box for glass door comes with a seal and a set of corners. Ludka is installed in glass openings of offices and other organizations. Fixation occurs with pressure plates on the goujons.

Metal door blocks usually come with a seal, trim and fittings. The products are installed at the entrance to the building or individual offices of the organization.

How many components are needed for the opening?

When installing the door block, you will definitely need components. The aluminum door frame goes on sale with mounting plates, seal, set of corners.

When purchasing a door frame for an interior door, a design is selected taking into account the installation location. Frames with a threshold are placed in the bathroom, at the entrance, or, if the height of the opening requires (3 blanks are required for one door). The U-shaped bowl is mounted in ordinary interior partitions(for one door you need 2.5 blanks).

If the door frame is narrow, the projections of a thick wall are hidden with extensions. The number of boards is calculated based on the size of the protrusion.

You will need hinges from the fittings. For a light sash, 2 elements are enough, and for a heavy sash you can put 3 pieces. Overhead or hidden hinges are placed on the door frame without a quarter. By design they are one-piece.

On front door install a lock and a peephole. Although, the last element is optional. Any door is equipped with two handles, and a latch is attached to the interior door leaf.

Each room has doors, whether they are entrance doors or connecting 2 rooms. Each standard door designed for a specific doorway size. If the latter is made according to your own sketches and dimensions, this is, of course, unusual, but it also causes a fair amount of trouble. It's worth it door device more expensive, because it has to be ordered separately, so ready-made designs continue to be in great demand.

Following door standards is the main way to save on a device. We will find out below how traditional 80 cm doors are considered.

Advantages of ready-made structures

If you decide to install a non-standard size door, be prepared to overpay not only for installation, but also for fittings, seals and frames. Taking sides ready-made devices, experts note several important advantages:

  1. Factory door units are 100% complete and contain the necessary fasteners and parts, which makes installation very easy. All that remains for the owner of such a product is to install it following step by step instructions supplied by the manufacturer.
  2. Extensive experience in manufacturing standard door installations allows you to make doors that can withstand active use, intense steam generation and other serious loads.
  3. Manufacturers that have proven themselves on the market provide a warranty card, so replacing a low-quality product does not pose any particular problems.
  4. If held indoors major renovation, you will have to get rid of the door frame, and after completion repair work install a new one. This is not difficult to do - you can find a door for a standard opening directly in the store where you originally bought the finished product, you need to look at the size.

Differences between products of foreign and domestic manufacturers

Sometimes in stores you can see doors and openings for them that slightly deviate from the standards, while the cost does not differ from conventional designs. The size of products is influenced by the country of origin, because each state has its own physiological parameters of the owners. This nuance must be taken into account when laying an opening for doors of different heights and widths:

  1. The height reaches 2 m plus or minus 100-150 mm.
  2. If the device is single-leaf, the domestic manufacturer offers a size of 60-90 cm, that is, if the entrance to your room reaches 80 cm, there is no need to overpay and buy an installation from a foreign manufacturer, unless you are not satisfied with the design or quality of the product.

As for the graceful French, they prefer to reduce the size by 1 cm from the parameter established in Russia - the width is always 1 cm less, for example, 89 cm, 79 cm.

Doors produced in the CIS countries require a thickness that can withstand a wall power of 75 cm. The power can be increased even more; for this, the manufacturer uses special design schemes. If the manufacturer has not taken care of the possibility of making changes to the design, the only way out is to purchase an additional strip yourself.

The standard sizes of doors and openings, taking into account GOST standards for them, are shown below in tabular form.

Blade size in mm Opening size in mm
in width in height in width in height
550 2000 630 — 650 1940 — 2030
600 660 — 750
700 770 — 870 2010 — 2040
800 880 — 970
900 980 — 1100
1200 1280 — 1300
1400 1480 — 1500
1500 1580 — 1600

According to experts, the maximum thickness of the factory structure is 128 mm. If there are too thick walls in the room, the lining of the opening is formed only with front side, and on the other hand, they make a slope or install a self-adhesive strip.

How to choose a doorway width

Wide doors are beautiful and elegant, but it will be difficult to open them, and on winter evenings such doors will not be able to retain warmth as well as walls can cope with this task. Here are the recommendations for choosing doors and openings given by experts:

  1. The opening width is 80 cm - the most best option, especially when it comes to utility rooms that you want to make more comfortable and convenient. For example, a bathhouse, a storage room and other rooms.
  2. For a spacious living room, it would not be superfluous to lay an opening of 120 cm, and in the end the product is designed for 2 doors converging in the middle.
  3. To bookmark internal partitions Between rooms, a width of 60 to 70 cm is most often used; here everything depends on the dimensions of the owner and the rest of the household.
  4. As for the bathroom, it is enough to install a structure 60 cm wide.

How to calculate door dimensions

For example, let’s take a box size of 2000 × 800 mm and a thickness of 25 mm. What should be taken into account in addition are the installation gaps, reaching 15-20 mm on each side. The calculation formula presented by experts, based on the calculated data, looks like this:

800 + 25 + 25 + 15 + 15 = 880 mm.

The height of the opening is formed as follows:

2000 + 25 + 10 + 15 = 2050 mm.

It turns out that the size of the door leaf 2000 × 800 mm requires an opening in wall structure 2050 × 880 mm.

If you intend to buy a reliable door structure that will last for several decades, and at the same time you know that the size of the doorway for the door reaches 80 cm, ask the seller for a product passport in the store. The latter must indicate the parameters of the product. This is the only way to avoid mistakes. Also remember that the width and height of the opening are never equal and cannot be less than the door leaf if you take into account the assembly with the door frame.

Construction apartment buildings, private cottages is based on strict adherence to standards. This applies to everyone structural elements buildings where it is necessary to highlight technological openings: windows and doors. The standard sizes of interior doors are determined precisely by the standard sizes of doorways. And although general standards for the production of doors have not yet been established, their production is based precisely on the standards of doorways.

Marking of door products

Any manufactured product must be labeled. It's the same with doors. But difficulties with choosing according to labeling arise due to the fact that there are a huge number of manufacturers. And not all of them strictly follow the requirements of classification and standardization. Therefore, you can find two identical models on the market, made from the same material using the same technology, but they will be labeled differently.

Door sizes are selected according to the dimensions of the doorways:

For example, GOST 6629-88, which applies to production wooden doors for interior use, which are installed in residential and public buildings. Based on this standard, the following markings are applied to products:

  • Type: D – additional panel, P – canvas.
  • Type of panel: O - made of glass, U - reinforced type with solid filling, K - swinging type with glass.
  • The width including the box is measured in decimeters (dm). Next to the digital designation there are also letters: L - left-handed, P - there is a threshold in the design, N - with overlay.
  • Structure height (dm).
  • GOST designation.

Many manufacturers set special codes for their products. They can also be displayed in the markings.

Classification of door structures is made according to the following criteria:

  • entrance or interior (internal);
  • made of wood, glass, metal or combinations;
  • solid or glazed;
  • one-, one-and-a-half or two-field designs (this is the filling of the panel).

Sash opening options:

Standard sizes of swing interior doors

Basically, taking into account the standard dimensions of swing doorways, the basis for choosing a door is its height and width. At the same time, it is necessary to indicate that the technological opening itself is often larger than the dimensions of the door, therefore, during the installation of the latter, the installation is adjusted by installing durable materials between the frame and the ends of the wall opening: bricks, wooden blocks And so on.

Canvas dimensions

The ever-increasing private housing construction is making adjustments to the production process due to the wishes of customers to see doors of non-standard sizes (height and width) in their homes. For many manufacturers this is not a problem, but the bulk of their products are manufactured according to standards. The table below shows the ratios overall dimensions doors (height and width) with the parameters of the doorway, indicated by SNiP.

A man choosing a door to his own house, most often the choice is made on a design whose width, as it seems to him, is more convenient for him. The standard determines this indicator based on the volume of the average citizen. Therefore for living rooms(bedroom, living room, etc.) door width is available in the range of 80-90 cm, for the kitchen 70 cm, for bathrooms – 55-60 cm.

Characteristics of interior paintings:

It is necessary to say separately about double-leaf door structures without frames, which by their presence emphasize the status of the room. Typically, manufacturers offer several variations based on the width of each panel. The standard sizes here are as follows: two panels of 60 cm, or one 60, the other 80. There are narrowed designs with panels of 40 cm, or one panel of 40, the other 80. For multi-leaf designs, the width of the panel is 30-40 cm.

As for the height of the products offered, there are domestic standard sizes - 190 or 200 cm, and European - 210 cm. As mentioned above, manufacturers also offer non-standard products with a height of 230 or more.

Door characteristics:

Box dimensions

Today, the majority of manufacturers offer doors complete with frames. The latter is a U-shaped structure that is inserted into the doorway and secured different ways to the ends of the wall. Hinges are attached to the frame, onto which the door leaf is securely hung.

It should be noted that the parameters of the box increase the size of the entire door design by 10-15 cm. The thickness of the box is determined by the thickness of the wall into which it must be installed. This must be taken into account when choosing a model with a box.

Standard interior doors with a frame are several types of models, differing from each other in the parameters of the cross-section of the timber from which the frame is made. In this case, the wall thickness is often greater than this parameter timber. This often happens in private homes. Therefore, when purchasing a door with a frame, immediately purchase additional elements and fittings: trim, frames, etc.

Dimensions of door frames:

As for the timber for the box, its width varies in the range of 15-40 mm, but the optimal size is 30-35 mm. If you comply with all the requirements for the production and installation of a door structure, the product will be quite reliable with a long service life.

Ideal - if the thickness of the wall and the box match. If the box has this indicator a little less, then this is not critical; if it is more, then it is better to change it to the required dimensional parameters. By the way, standard thickness walls in wooden house– 10 cm, in brick – 7.5 cm. But, as practice shows, these parameters are often not maintained. So you will have to select based on non-standard indicators.

If only the door panel was purchased, then the frame is assembled from timber with your own hands. At the same time, its dimensions (height and width) are adjusted to the parameters of the canvas, and not to the dimensions of the opening. Although in this regard it is better to take into account the indicators of the opening and purchase the door panel based on them.

Opening sizes

In private housing construction, openings can be built taking into account the dimensions of interior doors. That is, it is chosen standard product, two vertical bars that form a box-shaped frame are taken into account, and two gaps between the end of the wall in the opening and the box are added, equal to 1.5 cm. For example, if an interior door with a width of 90 cm is selected.

It turns out like this:

90+(2x3)+(2x1.5)=99 cm, where 2x3 is two vertically installed timber door frames in the opening 3 cm.

  • Without a threshold, it will be equal to: 200 + 3 + 1.5 + 0.5 = 205 cm, where “3” is the thickness of the horizontally laid beam of the box, “0.5” is the gap between the box and the canvas (this indicator can be increased up to 2 cm).
  • With threshold. The threshold thickness must be added to the result obtained in the first position.

How to measure the opening correctly:

The thicker the canvas, the better?

Thick panels emphasize the massiveness of the structure and its reliability. But they have a fairly large weight that the hinges simply cannot withstand during intensive use. Therefore, you will have to add hinges, which increases the cost of the door. For thick panels you will have to build a box from thick bars, and this is another indicator of an increase in price.

If we are talking about entrance models, then such doors can be installed. If we talk about interior ones, then you should refuse them. Moreover, the market offers a huge assortment, where you can select doors with a thickness of 2 cm, made of MDF, or glass sheets with a thickness of 8 mm.

Single and double doors

These models look very effective indoors. If speak about standard sizes double doors, then their width varies between 1-1.4 m, if with a frame, then up to 1.5 m. Manufacturers today offer three types of double doors, in which the leaves (panels) have different sizes in relation to each other. But one position is with the same width. The other two are either half or a third. The latter model is more often called one-and-a-half.

Doors with hidden frame

It should be noted that canvases with a hidden box have great aesthetic qualities.

What are the requirements for such doors:

  • flat surface of the wall into which the door structure is installed, permissible difference 1 mm;
  • the gap between the panel and the ends of the opening is 1.7-2 cm;
  • wall thickness – no more than 8 cm.

Schematic location of a door with a hidden frame:

Doors to order

Manufacturers today offer interior door designs according to custom sizes. The technology for their production is complex, hence the increased cost of production. But the number of customers for non-standard doors (in height and width) is increasing every year. Moreover, it is with such designs that you can play well with the interior design of your home.

How to measure an opening

In principle, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. Of course, we must take into account that builders do not trace the opening exactly along planes (height and width), so there is curvature at the ends. This means that the more often you set the measurement step both vertically (height) and horizontally, the more accurate the measurement will be.

Rules for measuring the width of the opening:

Measurements of parameters with and without a threshold:

Based on the purchased door, you need to measure the height of the panel and the thickness of the frame block. Add to them the gap between the canvas and the frame and the gap between the box and the end of the opening. If the door is installed with a threshold, then the height of this element is added to the height of the panel.

As for the width, everything is exactly the same here. That is, the parameter of the canvas is measured, two frame thicknesses are added to it, and plus two gaps between the frame and the ends of the wall. If the opening turns out to be larger than the purchased door structure, then after installation the large gaps and the jamb are closed with additional elements. When making calculations, the gap between the box and the panel is often not taken into account.