Water pipes      04/22/2019

Feeding black currants in early spring. How to feed currants in the spring and how many times to do it per season

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How to feed currants in the fall

Currant - healthy berry, which is not very whimsical and from year to year pleases the owners with a good harvest. But to get the best quality and volume of harvest, you should think about feeding these bushes. Do not underestimate the influence of organic and mineral fertilizers. Autumn feeding currants are the most important. And it must be started immediately after the last berry has left the bush.

This plant has a lot of properties. After all, its berries, leaves and even branches contain a large number of vitamins But in order to “create” vitamins, the bush itself needs to receive nutrition.

When to feed your pet

During fruiting, northern grapes take from the earth everything it needs. And it grows in one place for decades. So, without replenishing nutrients, the soil underneath will become poor. And after a couple of years, the berry plant will stop bearing fruit or the fruits will become smaller, and there will be very few of them.

Fertilizers for currants in the fall are also needed in order for them to survive frosts well. A thick stem, in which a sufficient amount of sugar has accumulated, will calmly tolerate temperatures down to -30. And this is without any cover.

Black currants need to be “fed” by the end of November. This deadline, to which the bush must be ready for wintering.

We offer you options on how to feed currants and when it should be done.

Superphosphate and nitrogen should be added after fruiting has ended. But you shouldn’t put the annual amount under the berry garden right away. This should be done in several stages. Optimal timing- once in two weeks.

Fertilizing should be accompanied by loosening, but not deep, so as not to damage the root system. Usually in the fall the ground is moist, but if the fall is dry, then do not forget about watering after applying food.

You have to stop in time

And so until the beginning of September, alternate nitrogen with superphosphate. But already in the first days of autumn, stop adding nitrogen. It affects metabolism, and it’s time for the plant to rest. It’s better for him to fall asleep earlier, otherwise staying awake in the cold can lead to death.

But at the same time, you can dig in humus and compost late autumn when the bush has already fallen asleep. After all, this type of food takes a very long time to decompose. Therefore, it will ripen by spring, but will not be suitable for autumn and winter feeding of a dormant bush.

An important fertilizer for currants is humus. And not only for her. This type of nutrition is suitable for all perennials and trees. It is better to add humus under red and black currants and raspberries in December.

But if you are afraid that you may not make it before frost, then you should dig in several stages. Immediately in October, and later in November and December. Combine December feedings with a thaw.

The plant must be fed according to certain rules. Wrong regimen, dosages can even cause harm.

Nitrogen should be added first. You will notice their impact in just a week. Your northern grapes will be transformed, they will begin to grow actively, dormant buds will awaken, and the shoots will thicken.

After such an active encouragement, it is worth considering the option of adding ammonium nitrate. This feeding of blackcurrant will give strength to the roots. Thanks to their strength, they will better nourish the bush.

The addition of potassium and phosphorus in the fall is not advisable. You can give it, but it will not lead to any result. These macronutrients influence fruit growth. But the plant, having become saturated with them, quickly wastes its supply. Literally a month will pass, and they will evaporate almost without a trace.

Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to feed any currant in the fall. Don't waste your money and energy.

In addition to root feeding, northern grapes also benefit from leaf nutrition. Once every three weeks, treat the bush with urea. Reduce the dose of the instructions by half. After all, you will do several sprays. After the first one, the result will be visible. Combining this type of foliar feeding with root nitrogen will bring good results.

Nutrition for spring - from autumn

We wrote above about adding nitrogen in the form of humus. You can also use fresh cow dung or chicken droppings. These natural components are rich in many micro and macroelements. Therefore, if possible, do not neglect adding them in drops.

Manure and droppings should be applied in several stages. The first time, go deeper. And not only near the bush itself, but expand the radius to one meter. After dropping, carefully mask all the passages. There should be no influx of air or direct rainwater.

After a month, we fertilize again with manure or droppings. But now we lay it out tightly around the perimeter and cover it a little with soil.

Remember that chicken manure in its pure form is very aggressive. Therefore, do not leave it near the trunk itself, but take it a little further away. With its action it can burn leaves and even branches.

Thus, the decomposed second layer of manure will remain without nitrogen after some time, but all other components will be in place. Currants will receive nitrogen from planting deeper.

Fertilizer consumption rates

The amount of fertilizer applied depends on the size of the bush and its age. Vary it yourself. But each northern grape should receive approximately 5 kg of organic fertilizers in the fall, an average of 15 g of potassium sulfate, and 50 g of superphosphate.

Winter is the time for fertilizing

We figured out what fertilizers to apply and how to fertilize currants in the fall. Some believe that this plant can be fed in winter, while others are categorical in this regard. Why? Because in the first case we are talking about black currants, and in the second - about red ones.

Black currants need phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium even in winter. It actively absorbs all trace elements. But such frequent and plentiful meals are simply not suitable for the red one.

In the spring, currants need to be fed with nitrogen. 40 g of urea for each bush. It is better to spread it out twice so that the nutrition is gradual.

Liquid nutrition

In addition to “dry” top-ups, use liquid ones. They are more effective, better absorbed, although they require more effort.

It needs to be refilled at least 4 times a year. Northern grapes need food after winter; when the buds swell, they wake up. Then after flowering. As the fruits set, that’s how we’ll get the harvest. Fruiting is at the end of June. Here we undoubtedly need your help in the form of phosphorus and potassium. You can take complex fertilizer, which you generously feed your pet. Once you have harvested the harvest, don’t forget that next year you will also want to get a lot of delicious berries. Therefore, during the formation of flower buds, treat them with nutritious watering.

10 liters is enough for watering. For a bucket of water, take 20 g of phosphorus, 10 g of potassium and 10 g of nitrogen. Do you like natural ingredients? Then it is enough to infuse dung or cow manure in a bucket. The first is taken in a proportion of 1 to 10, the second - 1 to 4.

Fertilizers for the lazy

Green manure will also provide nutrients to northern grapes. Sow them side by side. This will help you pay less attention to weeds, and after plowing, the green manure will become food for the bushes.

Help for the forgetful

If you forgot to feed your garden well, and it entered the winter weakened, then in the spring give it more nutrients. Immediately after waking up, treat the leaves with complex fertilizers. Or rather, the kidneys. To give her strength, it is worth using stimulants, for example, Epin. It will give strength and help cope with spring frosts, as well as diseases and pests. The natural product will also be effective on other trees and shrubs in your garden.

Young bushes

When planting in a hole, always add compost or humus, and be sure to add ash. A liter is enough.

The soil can also be mulched with compost or manure. This will help with weed control, as well as nutrition.

In the first year, keep an eye on your seedlings. In the new place, they should have enough of the nutrients that were already in the soil, as well as what you added to the hole when planting. But if the foliage of your plantings has lightened, then your pet is screaming at you about a lack of nitrogen. 15 grams of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water should correct the situation. And then your bushes will move from the category of young ones. And feed them according to the scheme given above.

Any plant, including red, black currant will appreciate your care and regular feeding. In gratitude, it will delight you with a good harvest. After all, berries grown on your own plot will arrive at your table fresh, tasty and aromatic.

Currants constantly need nutrients, which they mainly consume from the soil. From year to year the number useful substances in the ground decreases and to prolong the life of berry bushes, the quality of the soil must be increased by applying fertilizers. During the season, it is recommended to fertilize currants 4-5 times, using both mineral and organic fertilizers.

  1. The very first fertilizing is carried out at the moment the plant awakens and the active growth of green mass;
  2. The second feeding is carried out during flowering;
  3. The third feeding occurs during the period of fruit formation and ripening;
  4. Fourth, after harvest;
  5. The fifth can be done when preparing bushes for wintering.

Top dressing can be root or foliar. Foliar feeding carried out by spraying the bush with a weak fertilizer solution.

With this type of feeding, nutrients are absorbed through the leaves and reach the plant faster than with root feeding.
For root feeding Nutrients enter the soil and are absorbed by the plant through the absorption of beneficial elements by the roots. The process of delivering nutrients to the roots takes time, and the bush does not receive them immediately.

To get a healthy harvest with berry bushes, it is recommended to alternate these two types of fertilizing.

How can you feed currant bushes?

On the Internet there are a lot of tips and recipes for all kinds of solutions for fertilizing with the percentage and weight content of all substances necessary for application, depending on the stage of vegetative development of the bush. It is almost impossible to remember everything, and probably not necessary. The most important thing that novice gardeners need to know is:

  • The first two fertilizers should include nitrogen.
  • Subsequent feeding should be carried out by eliminating or reducing the level of nitrogen elements (since nitrogen promotes the active growth of green mass, and at the stage of formation and ripening of berries this is no longer necessary, because the bush should direct all its forces to the formation and ripening of fruits, and not active growth green mass).

The simplest compositions for feeding currant bushes

Specialized mixtures fertilizers for fruit bushes. Purchased granular or liquid fertilizers for feeding fruit bushes (spring-autumn) are convenient to use. On the back of each package there is detailed instructions on application, composition, timing and rates of fertilizer application.

Folk recipes:

  • Nitrogen-containing fertilizers (spring);
  • Complex feeding (summer - autumn).

Nitrogen is found in manure, compost, and bird droppings.
1. Rotted manure is diluted in water 1:4 and the bushes are watered. Fresh, add water 1:1 and leave for 2-3 days. Dilute the prepared mixture 1:10 and water it at the rate of 1 bucket of solution per bush.

2. Bird droppings are diluted 1:12, the application rate is the same - 1 bucket per bush.
3. It is good to mulch the ground under the bush with humus or compost throughout the spring and summer period.

Complex fertilizing of currants

Complex fertilizers should contain phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and other useful elements. For such fertilizing, you can use ash, starch, and yeast.

All of the listed compositions can be used both for root feeding and for foliar feeding. You just have to be careful with manure and bird droppings, their concentration should be halved.

At first glance, it may seem that preparing infusions is a long and labor-intensive process, but this is not so, we lay necessary ingredients in a bucket of water and place it in the greenhouse. The cooking process will proceed on its own while you go about your business.

Traditional feeding methods should be used in combination with mineral fertilizers, alternating them with each other.

Take care of the currant bushes and then they will definitely thank you with an abundant, juicy and very sweet harvest.

We probably don’t have a summer cottage where at least one blackcurrant bush doesn’t grow. This crop is good for everyone: it is unpretentious and productive, and it provides as many benefits for the body as no other berry. All she needs is sun, loose soil and sufficient moisture. But if you don’t take care of fertilizing, then after a while the yields will begin to become scarce. Therefore, even such a modest and unpretentious shrub needs feeding.

Fertilizing currants in spring

They begin to feed black currants from the 3rd year after planting. In early spring, 40-50 g of urea per 1 square meter can be added to the bush. m and lightly dig up the soil after application. In subsequent years, the rate of urea application in early spring need to be divided in half and applied in two times. Nitrogen fertilizers will stimulate the growth of shoots.

Fertilizing currants after flowering

Immediately after flowering and during the summer, experts advise using liquid fertilizers for blackcurrants - organic and mineral. For organic fertilizing, an infusion of chicken mint diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, an infusion of liquid mullein diluted with water 1:4, or “green fertilizer” - infusions of weeds, which is also diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, are suitable.

For mineral liquid fertilizers, 10 g of nitrogen, 20 g of phosphorus and 10 g of potassium fertilizers are diluted per 10 liters of water. You can use a complex fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus and potassium, using 20-30 g per 10 liters of water. Liquid fertilizer - both organic and mineral - is applied at the rate of 10 liters of solution for each bush. Feed liquid fertilizers after flowering it is necessary to support the plant and obtain good harvest. Liquid fertilizers are applied after good watering or rain into the furrows that are made around each currant bush. After watering and fertilizing, it is advisable to mulch the soil around the bush.

Top dressing of currants in summer

In addition to fertilizing, which is carried out after blackcurrant flowering, experienced gardeners advise carrying out at least two more fertilizings with liquid fertilizers in the summer. One - at the beginning of July, during the period of filling berries, the other - after harvesting, when new flower buds are laid, that is, at the end of July - beginning of August. Fertilizing after picking berries will ensure a good currant harvest next year.
Specialists highly welcome foliar feeding of currants, which is carried out in June-July. To do this, use an aqueous mixture of urea and microelements. For 10 liters of water take 20 g of urea, 5 g boric acid, 3 g of potassium permanganate and 30 g copper sulfate. Boric acid, potassium permanganate and vitriol are mixed in a separate container, and then combined together and the plant is sprayed with this mixture.

Blackcurrant: feeding

For gardeners who do not recognize mineral fertilizers, we can recommend using potato peelings as a top dressing. They are soaked in water and placed in a furrow made around the bush. The peelings are sprinkled with urea - 10 g for each bush and then lightly sprinkled with earth. Instead of peelings, you can use fermented bread leftovers. The yeast contained in fermented bread will provide the necessary nutrients and carbon dioxide, which is beneficial for the plant.

Other plants can be used as fertilizers. For example, in the spring, plant peas or lupines between the bushes, and in the fall, dig up the soil with the plants and carefully distribute them near each currant bush.

In late autumn, it is advisable to add half a bucket of compost or rotted manure mixed with wood ash at the rate of 200 g per plant and distribute this mixture along the perimeter of the crown.

Balanced allows you to get rich harvests of sweet and large berries for many years. Of course, the composition and amount of fertilizers applied can be determined based on the needs of the plants themselves, which are easily identified by a number of external signs, described in. On the other hand, it is best to prevent a deficiency than to immediately eliminate its consequences.

In the first two years of life, blackcurrant bushes have enough phosphorus, which was used to fill the planting holes. Therefore, in spring, you can limit yourself to incorporating nitrogen-containing fertilizer (for example, urea) into the soil at a rate of 40-50 grams per plant. After fertilizing, mandatory watering is carried out.

For three-year-old bushes in the spring, nitrogen fertilizing is applied in the same dosage. In autumn, 4-6 kilograms of humus or 40-50 grams of superphosphate and 10-20 grams of potassium sulfate are also placed under each plant.

Starting from the 4th year, the urea rate is reduced to 20-40 grams and the soil under the bushes is fertilized with it in two stages: 60-70% is given in March-April, and the rest immediately after flowering. In the future, the plants are annually fed with nitrogen in two doses, without changing the dosage, and the frequency of application and the amount of phosphorus, potassium and organic fertilizers are determined depending on.

On fertile loams, the above fertilizers can be applied once every 2-3 years (optimally in the fall, but also in early spring). For one blackcurrant plant, add 15-20 kilograms of organic matter, 120-150 grams of superphosphate and 30-40 grams of potassium sulfate.

On peaty or swampy soil, the soil is additionally enriched with fertilizers also once every 2-3 years. In autumn, 100-150 grams of superphosphate and 20-30 grams of potassium sulfate are used for each currant bush. When growing black currants in swampy areas, the soil in the berry garden needs regular (once every 4 years) deoxidation. To do this, add from 300 to 500 grams of lime per square meter of planting.

On sandy loam and light sandy soils, it is recommended to apply the entire volume of fertilizers in the spring, based on square meter: 4-6 kilograms of humus or compost, 40-50 grams of superphosphate and 10-15 grams of potassium sulfate.

In addition to the fertilizers listed above, blackcurrant plants respond well to liquid seasonal feeding, which are usually combined with irrigation. As a rule, they are used during the flowering period (May), during intensive growth of branches and shoots (May, June), when laying berries (June) and immediately after harvesting (August), when flower buds form on the plants.

To feed black currants, it is best to use an infusion of mullein or slurry (1:3-4), infusion (1:8-10). A bucket of fertilizer diluted with water is poured under each bush. In the absence of organic matter, liquid mineral fertilizers are used, adding 10 grams of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers and 20 grams of phosphorus fertilizers per currant plant.

In June-July, it is recommended to also carry out foliar feeding with microelements. To do this, take 5-10 grams of potassium permanganate, 2-3 grams of boric acid and 30-40 grams of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water. Each ingredient is diluted in water separately, and then the solutions are combined, mixed thoroughly and the currant bushes are sprayed with nutrient liquid.

By the way, you can also use ordinary rotten grass as a top dressing for black currants. It is used to mulch the plantings of this crop in early autumn, after sanitary pruning and loosening of the soil. In addition to being a highly effective natural fertilizer, rotted grass is also an excellent preventative against powdery mildew. The fact is that in this mulching material bacteria multiply, which are destructive to the mycelium of powdery mildew. Before use, freshly cut grass is placed in a heap and left to rot for 10-12 days. As soon as a white moldy coating appears on the grass, it can be laid out under the currant bushes.

Experience shows that timely and complete fertilizing black currants in combination with mulching with rotten grass are the key to stable high yield for at least 7-8 years.

I told you how I feed my blackcurrant bushes in the spring in a short video clip.

One of important stages Growing any desired crops is the timely introduction of nutrients into the soil. Fertilizers for currants are applied in the spring with the sole purpose of increasing the yield of berries. But proper application of fertilizing can not only increase the fruiting of the bush, but also make it stronger and more resistant to diseases and pests.

From this article you will learn how to fertilize currants in the spring and what organic and mineral fertilizers are best to use for this. Expert advice, photos and videos given in this article will help you properly fertilize in spring with mineral and organic fertilizers.

How to fertilize currants in spring to increase yield

In the spring, when the bushes begin to awaken after a period of vegetative dormancy, it is necessary to carry out the first fertilizing, which will help increase plant productivity.

Fertilizers are applied when leaves begin to bloom on the branches. The most the best option Nitrogen preparations are considered, for example, urea, which stimulates the growth of young shoots and buds.


When applying fertilizers to the soil, it is important to consider that bushes are harmed not only by a lack of useful components, but also by their excess. Therefore, it is better to apply nitrogen agents in the spring, when stimulation of shoot growth and the formation of fruit buds is necessary.

Note: It is impossible to feed plants with nitrogen fertilizers in the fall. The formation of new branches will weaken the bush, and it may not survive winter well.

For a young shrub, it will be enough to add 50 grams of urea, but if the plant is an adult, the one-time dose is increased to 100 grams. After applying the product, the soil around it is shallowly loosened and watered so that the nutrients quickly penetrate to the roots.

It is important to consider that if the bush is older than five years old, you cannot overdo it with nitrogen preparations. Starting from this age, the amount of nitrogen preparations is gradually reduced.


There are several ways to add nutrients. The most effective method Root watering and direct application of drugs into the soil are considered (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Methods for applying organic and mineral fertilizers

In the first case, urea or other nitrogen fertilizer is dissolved in water and abundant watering is carried out, followed by loosening. If substances are introduced into the soil in dry form, they are simply scattered over the surface of the soil and watered so that they dissolve faster.


Beginning gardeners are often interested in how to fertilize currants in the spring and which option for feeding the bushes is better to choose. Liquid preparations are considered a universal way to provide plants with nutrients.

Note: Experienced gardeners It is recommended to use this particular method, and it is recommended to apply nutritional preparations four times per season, depending on the growing season.

In order to properly fertilize a crop, it is necessary to take into account what vitamins and microelements the plants require during a certain period of growth. The following options are considered traditional:

  1. In early spring, during bud break, nitrogen agents are added to the soil.
  2. Second carried out immediately after flowering. For this purpose, complex mineral fertilizers are used that can increase the current year’s growth, form more fruit-bearing branches and, accordingly, increase productivity.
  3. Third fertilizer carried out during the ripening of berries. During this period, priority should be given to organic matter, but potassium and phosphorus preparations can be used.
  4. After harvest carry out the last feeding, the main purpose of which is to prepare the plants for a new fruiting period next spring. In autumn, they also give preference to complex mineral products and organic matter.

Figure 2. Types of liquid fertilizers for berry crops

The average amount of liquid fertilizer per bush is 10 liters (Figure 2). But, if the soil on your site is not fertile enough, the amount of nutrient fluid can be increased.

Currants are unpretentious garden plants, since it successfully grows and bears fruit on any soil. But at the same time, plants cannot be left without attention.

You can determine that the bushes need feeding by looking at their appearance (Figure 3):

  • Phosphorus deficiency causes a decrease in the number and size of berries;
  • Lack of potassium leads to the formation of yellow edging around the edges of leaves;
  • The lack of nitrogen components leads to the fact that the fruit buds bloom slowly, and the bush produces virtually no annual growth.

Figure 3. Lack of nutrients: phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen (from left to right)

When planning to plant bushes on your site, you need to know how to fertilize them in the spring to increase the yield. To ensure that the plants receive all the necessary nutrients immediately after planting, nutrients are added at the stage of planting the seedlings. To do this, you need to carefully dig up the soil and add organic and mineral substances to the holes. If this rule is followed, the bushes will not need additional feeding during the first two years of growth.

The author of the video will tell you more tips on fertilizing crops.

Fertilizing currants in spring with mineral fertilizers

Not all owners summer cottages It is possible to feed plants with organic matter. But on the modern market it is presented wide choose mineral fertilizers that will help provide the bushes with the necessary nutrients at all stages of development.

Let's take a closer look at the rules and the most popular methods of adding mineral preparations.


To properly use mineral fertilizers, you need to focus not only on the age of the bush, but also on other factors: development period, season, climatic and soil conditions.

For full growth and abundant fruiting, currants require nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and the need for nutrients varies depending on the growing season (Figure 4). In early spring, before the buds open, nitrogen preparations (for example, urea) are added to the soil, which stimulate the growth of young shoots and accelerate the ripening of fruit buds.

Note: For young shrubs you need about 50 grams of urea per plant. As the shrub matures, the dosage is gradually reduced.

During the period of flowering and formation of ovaries, the bushes also need to be nourished. For this purpose, it is better to use organic substances - for example, a solution of bird droppings or mullein. To do this, one part of the product is diluted in 10 liters of water, allowed to brew, and then watered. It is better to fertilize using the root method: dig a shallow groove around the bush, pour the mixture into it and sprinkle with a thin layer of soil.

Figure 4. Types of mineral fertilizers for berry bushes

After fruit formation, the plant's need for phosphorus and potassium increases. For this purpose, special complex mineral fertilizers are used, which are also diluted in water and used for irrigation.

When the harvest has already been harvested, the bushes are carefully inspected and, if signs of disease or pests are found, they are sprayed with a solution of karbofos. After this, they begin to prepare the plant for winter. In this case, you can use organic matter: spread rotted manure around the bushes and sprinkle it with ash. Additionally, about 100 grams of superphosphate are added to each bush, after which the soil is carefully dug up and mulched.


There are many ways to feed the crop. To save time, you can simply sprinkle dry matter on the soil around the bush and water it abundantly.

However, liquid root preparations are considered more effective, since in a diluted form they quickly reach the roots, which means that the plants themselves quickly gain access to nutrients.

You can simply dilute the drug in water (if mineral products are used), or you can water it along the furrows (this method is most often used with organic matter).

Regular potato peelings can become a valuable fertilizer for currants. But when using, you need to know how to prepare raw materials and properly fertilize with potato peelings (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Fertilizing currants with potato peelings

The value of this product is that currants react positively to glucose and starch, which are contained in the peelings. They can not only provide plants with the necessary nutrients, but also improve the yield of shrubs. After this procedure, the berries become larger and sweeter.


There are several ways to fertilize with potato peelings. The simplest is to dig in a few dry cleanings when loosening the soil in the fall and repeat the procedure in early spring. As potato peels decompose, they will saturate the soil with nutrients and increase crop yields.

More complex, but also more effective method- water the bushes with a decoction of peelings. Potato peels need to be dried and then boiled in water, and the resulting liquid should be used to water the bushes.


For areas with infertile soil, it is recommended to constantly dry and bury the cleaning directly under the bushes. But, if the soil at your dacha is fertile, it is better to prepare raw materials for future use and water only when necessary: ​​for example, to strengthen plants during flowering, the formation of ovaries or ripening of fruits.

From the video you will learn how to prepare fertilizer from potato peelings with your own hands.