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We understand the varieties of apples: winter, summer and autumn. Green apples: the best varieties for the garden

Apples are one of the healthiest and most delicious fruits. A very wide range of apples is now presented on the Russian market, and buyers are sometimes lost among this variety. In this article, I will talk about the basic rules for choosing apples and the most common varieties of these wonderful fruits.

How to choose apples: basic rules

First of all, carefully inspect the apple: it should not have brown dots, as well as cloudy brown spots (signs of decay), it should be strong enough to the touch (a flabby apple is still a pleasure). Unlike pears, soft apples that have begun to deteriorate are practically inedible and are not worth buying.

If the apple feels very hard to the touch, then its flesh is firm and crispy. Slightly softer to the touch apples have loose flesh. I don’t advise buying very soft apples - they are probably either flabby, or frozen, or rotting from the inside (you probably know these unpleasant surprises - you cut a seemingly normal-looking apple, and there ...)

The color of the apple must correspond to the variety declared on the price tag. Below I will consider in detail the various varieties of apples and give their photos. By the way, keep in mind that red and yellow-red apples are more caloric, as they contain more carbohydrates (sugars) than green ones. Green apples tend to have a more sour taste; dark red apples tend to be slightly bitter.

By the way, green apples should be treated very carefully. Often these are immature or very sour fruits. A faint scarlet blush on a green fruit in some cases indicates that the apple was picked unripe and, perhaps, it is very sour (exceptions: Simirenko, Granny Smith varieties).

If you want to choose really tasty apples, smell the fruit. Odorless apples usually do not have a very pronounced taste. Bad smell may indicate the beginning of decay, that the apple has begun to deteriorate.

Foreign manufacturers often cover apples with a thin wax film to keep them longer. Such fruits shine and are quite expensive, and sometimes they look like dummies. They must be washed before use. warm water and with soap to remove this wax film. It is worth remembering that imported apples are harvested unripe: they ripen on the way. Vitamins in them are usually noticeably less than in domestic fruits.

Apple varieties

A whole sea of ​​various varieties of apples is presented in markets and supermarkets. Fruits of different varieties vary greatly not only in color, shape and size, but also in taste and aroma. The above information, I hope, will help you navigate freely in the apple sections of the fruit departments of shops, markets and supermarkets.

(sometimes this variety is mistakenly called Semerenko, Semerinka, etc.). Medium and large green apples are rounded. A very faint scarlet blush may be present. They are distinguished by the presence of many small white “subcutaneous” dots. If there are no dots, then this is not Simirenko, but another (probably the worst in terms of palatability) grade. The taste of Simirenko apples is rich sweet and sour, there is a slightly wine flavor and a slightly spicy aroma. The pulp is quite firm and juicy. Simirenko apples keep well.

Golden Delicious. Medium and large, slightly elongated yellow apples. Also with small white dots on the peel. The taste is sweet, slightly fresh. The aroma is not pronounced. The pulp is quite loose, juicy. They keep well. Unfortunately, in Lately a good Golden Delicious is hard to find. The shelves are full of golden, which has a pale greenish-yellow color and a mild taste. Perhaps this is just an immature Golden Delicious.

Red Delicious. Usually large and elongated apples of dark red color. Fairly soft flesh. The taste is sweet, slightly fresh. Nice light spicy aroma. There may be a slight bitterness characteristic of dark red apples. Price - from 80 rubles per kilogram.

. Medium-sized apples, elongated, green with a red (sometimes very dark) blush). The pulp is crispy and very hard, so apples are not for everyone. The taste is sweet and sour, more sour. Wine flavor. They keep well. Price - 70-80 rubles.

Royal Gala. Apples are small or medium in size, round in shape. The color is yellow with a strong red blush. Very beautiful. The flesh is quite firm. The taste is rich, sweet with a pleasant sourness. Fruity aroma. They keep well. Price - 80-90 rubles. The variety itself is New Zealand, but apples are also grown in other regions of the planet.

braburn. Large and slightly elongated apples. Color - light green or yellow with a pronounced red blush. The pulp is quite firm, juicy. A very unique rich taste. Herbal taste. The aroma is also herbal, summer, I would say. In general, the impression is good, the apples are original, I advise you to try. They keep well.

Idared. Large and very large apples, usually round in shape. The color is yellow with a red blush that can cover half or almost the entire fruit. The skin is thin. The pulp is quite loose, juicy. Intense sweet and sour taste. The aroma is weak. They keep well. Price - 50-60 rubles. Usually we sell Russian apples Idared.

Jonagold. big apples usually slightly elongated. Color - yellow (sometimes greenish) with a bright red blush that may take most fetus. The pulp is rather loose. The taste is sweet, with a slight sourness, slightly fresh. Weak fruity aroma. They keep well, but not very long. Price - 50-60 rubles.

Jonagold, but with a more profuse red blush. Apples are large and very large, the flesh is loose. They don't keep very well.

fuji. Large rounded apples. Color - pale yellow with a scarlet blush. Supplied from China, although the variety itself was bred in Japan. The taste is not very rich, fresh, and at the same time sweet (Fuji is generally one of the sweetest apples - along with Royal Gala). The aroma is weak. The pulp is quite firm, crispy. They keep very well.

granny Smith. Large apples of green color and slightly elongated shape. Quite thick skin. The pulp is very hard, crispy. The taste is sour and very rich. Apples for everyone. They keep well. Price - from 90 rubles.

Pink Lady. Fairly expensive apples that come to us from Australia and France. Usually small size, round shape. The color is yellow with a very pleasant pink blush. Each apple must have a branded pink sticker. The pulp is juicy. The taste is sweet with a slight sourness. Nice light strawberry flavor. The price is over 100 rubles.

Aryan (Arianna). Another expensive apples, French exclusive. The fruits are medium in size, round in shape, beautiful bright red color. The skin is shiny and quite thick. The pulp is quite firm and juicy. The taste is sweet and sour, quite rich. They keep very well. The price usually exceeds 100 rubles.

Honey (Honey Crunch, Honey Crisp). Round apples of medium size. The color is yellow with red. The skin is thin. The pulp is firm, juicy, crunchy. Very pleasant sweet and sour taste. Pleasant aroma. The price exceeds 100 rubles.

Other varieties. Often on sale you can find the so-called Domestic apples And Apples Russia(50-70 rubles). They are usually good. The pulp is friable, the taste is sweet and sour, usually saturated. I advise you to choose fruits that are yellow or yellowish with a rich scarlet blush. In the markets you can also find apple varieties Antonovka- yellow color, with good taste.

It is also worth noting the variety Aport, but these apples are found on sale, unfortunately, rarely. Variety Aport is distinguished by good keeping quality, juicy pulp of pleasant taste; apples are large, yellow-green with a scarlet blush, which often occupies most of the surface of the fruit.

Good too Ukrainian and Moldovan apples (sellers usually indicate only the country on the price tags, and, unfortunately, they do not write the variety). And here Polish apples- disgusting tasteless fruits, they are inexpensive, they are stored rather poorly.

In conclusion, I bring to your attention a small plate that summarizes the above information on apple varieties.

Good luck in choosing apples and bon appetit!

Apple trees can be seen in any suburban area. And the formation of plantings of fruit seedlings in their area, most summer residents begin with them. It is better to plant several different varieties, including winter ones, then it will be possible to feast on apples until the next harvest. The choice of apple trees is desirable to do not only by their name or by the photo of the fruit. It is better to read in advance the description of a particular variety in order to understand how it fits in terms of characteristics to a particular area and climate.

Winter apple trees: what are their advantages?

All apple trees, without exception, are good, but only late varieties can be enjoyed in winter and during vitamin deficiency - in spring, until the next harvest. Apples ripen, which depends on the variety, somewhat at different times.

The collection of winter apples is usually carried out from the last days of September until the arrival of cold weather. They are stored for up to several months, depending on the particular variety. They affect the storage period and the conditions in which the apples will lie.

Apples of varieties of later dates are excellent in storage. And the compacted structure of the pulp and peel of apples contributes to a long maturation. Among the undoubted advantages of winter varieties can also be called:

  • delicious taste of apples;

The fruits of winter varieties of apple trees can be stored until spring

  • possibility of transportation;
  • suitability for any processing;
  • stamina fruit seedlings to freezing.

Attention! Apples of late varieties are usually not eaten immediately, as they were removed from the tree. They are allowed to lie down for a while. During the maturation period, they ripen, becoming fragrant and acquiring a simply amazing taste.

Division of late apple trees

According to the ripening time and storage time of the harvested crop, winter apple trees are divided into groups:

  • early winter - apples ripen around the end of September, lie until winter;
  • winter - ripen in October, can be stored until spring;
  • late winter - apples are removed before the cold weather, they lie almost until the warm period.

Advice. It is very important to observe the timing of the collection of winter apples. Harvested ahead of time, they ripen worse, not fully gaining their taste and aroma, and in addition, they lie in storage much less, starting to deteriorate in a very short period.

Popular domestic varieties

There are a lot of varieties of late apple trees. All winter apples are distinguished by excellent taste, no loss of marketability during transportation, and long maturation periods.

Among the popular varieties of domestic origin are:

  • Pepin saffron - begins its fruiting at the age of 5-7 years. IN harsh winters it happens that a fruit tree partially freezes out, but then it recovers well. Apples are round, yellowish or green in color, the reddish integumentary color is weakly expressed, the pulp is juicy. The taste of apples is excellent. The fruits are sweet and fragrant. ripening in the middle autumn period, can lie perfectly until spring.

Pepin saffron

  • Sinap Orlovsky - bears fruit regularly, the harvest from the tree is obtained from 4-5 years. Apples are large, with a golden-greenish skin with a delicate blush on the sides, sour taste. They ripen in September, lie for a long time.
  • Amazing - a tree of this variety is powerful, quite compact, it is harvested by the 6th year. Possesses average winter-hardiness qualities. The fruits are yellowish or green with a barely visible blush on the sides, with a good sweet and sour taste.
  • Health - a tall apple tree, resistance to freezing can be called average. There is resistance to scab. Differs in good productivity. Apples are beautiful, yellow-green with a rich red, small-speckled blush, their flesh is juicy, with pronounced sweet and sour notes in taste.
  • Bogatyr - bears fruit well in various regions. Fruits are usually obtained by 5-6 years. Gives consistent yields. To such a disease as scab, resistant. The apples are strong and hard, of pale green hues, turn yellow during ripening, sometimes blushing. They have a good taste with sweet and sour notes. At proper storage the harvest can lie until the summer season.


  • Renet Simirenko is a tall apple tree that tolerates dry weather well. Gives fruit, starting from 4-5 years. Apples are medium and large. In color, greens range from pale to brighter tones. Inside whitish, juicy. Pleasant to taste. Especially good for fresh consumption.

Antonovka ordinary

This variety deserves special mention. Antonovka is an old variety, beloved by the population. He has not lost his popularity today. Despite the appearance of many other varieties, it is still in demand. It is early winter, the harvested crop lies up to 3 months.

The tree of this apple tree is strong and tall. The variety is unpretentious to the conditions, withstands even severe frosts. Most often found in the central regions of the country and in the Urals. Resistant to cultural ailments. The apples are greenish at first, turning beautiful golden when ripe. The fruits are elegant, tasty, with a bright aroma. The inside is white, the taste is sweet, a subtle sourness is felt.

Apple trees of winter varieties of foreign origin

There are many late varieties of foreign selection, which have taken root well in our conditions. Some of them have gained considerable popularity among our population.

Popular varieties include:

  • Jonathan is a variety that is quite popular among our population and comes from America. The apple tree is medium-sized, bears fruit from 4-5 years. Moderately disease resistant. On fertile land gives rich harvests. Apples come in both medium and large sizes. Apples are yellowish-green in color with a dark red integumentary color, with juicy pulp, sweet in taste.


  • Golden Delicious - brings fruits regularly, the first harvest can be harvested in the 7th year. Frost resistance is good. Apples are elegant, rounded, medium and large. The color is yellowish, closer to golden, inside - cream tones. The apples themselves are juicy, dense. They taste good and sweet. They lie well until spring.
  • Welsey - fruiting from 4-5 years. Winter hardiness of the tree is normal. The yield can be called high. The variety is quite resistant to diseases. Apples are medium, rounded, rather flattened, golden tones. On the sides of the apples are red stripes, the pulp of the fruit is white. They have a pleasant aroma, sour taste. They lie well until about the middle of winter.
  • Macintosh is from Canada. Fruits can be harvested from 6-7 years. Tolerates frost well. Apples of pale yellowish or light greenish hues. There are reddish stripes on the sides. The taste is rich, sweet in moderation.

Often we buy apples in shops, markets, markets, etc. But the question arises, “Why not grow your own apples on personal plot? Anyone can grow an apple tree, the main thing is that there is a desire, patience and, of course, a piece of land.

Since Russia is large, different people live in different climatic zones. Therefore, someone can grow an apple tree of both summer and winter varieties. But for some, you have to be content and choose only winter ones, otherwise they simply will not survive in areas where snow and frost prevail in winter.

There is a huge variety of different winter varieties of apple trees. Therefore, we will consider in detail each variety and identify all the advantages and disadvantages. And also learn their typical characteristics.

This is an early winter apple variety. It is distributed mostly in central Russia, Belarus, in the northern part of Ukraine and in the Volga region. The pedigree of the Antonovka vulgaris is still unknown. We only know that she bred by folk breeders. This variety became popular and famous in the 2nd half of the last century, but is still not inferior to other varieties and is also appreciated by the current generation of gardeners.

Until now, more than half of commercial production is occupied by the Antonovka ordinary variety in the central part of Russia and the northern part of the black earth zone. And this is despite the fact that until recently its numbers were greatly reduced in new plantations. This is due to the fact that new winter varieties are advancing on the “heels” of this variety, which distinguished by their productivity and quality.

Characteristic features for antonovka ordinary:

Chemical composition of Antonovka ordinary:

The marketability of the fruits of Antonovka vulgaris reaches 91%. At the same time, the first grade is 38-40%, and the second - 13-15%.

Advantages of Antonovka ordinary:

  • excellent ecological adaptability;
  • high yield;
  • high rate of fruit marketability;
  • memorable, different from other varieties of aroma;
  • edible variety (fresh, processed, soaked, etc.)


  • short shelf life;
  • fruiting frequency.


As with Antonovka ordinary, so with Aport, we do not know his pedigree. Until now, all gardening experts can only guess where this variety came from and what kind of pedigree it has. Only one thing is known that it was grown in Poland and Ukraine in the 12th century.

It became widespread after a migrant from the Voronezh province brought several seedlings to Alma-Ata, the capital of Kazakhstan (formerly the city of Verny). As you know, his name was Redko E.V. All the neighbors who saw these wonderful apples just fell in love with this variety, and he slowly began to gain fame.

Now, in industrial gardens, Aport has become less popular. In its place, newer bred varieties began to come. But for those who fell in love with this variety, it is not a problem to grow it on their site and enjoy the harvest.


Oh what a name, isn't it. Surely not in vain he received this name. After all, Aphrodite is known to us from ancient history gods. She is the majestic goddess of beauty.

Aphrodite is an early winter apple variety. Obtained from seeds of free pollination at the All-Russian Research Institute of Selection of Fruit Crops. Its authors: Dolmatov E.A., Sedov E.N., Zhdanov V.V. and Serova Z.M.

Characteristic winter variety Aphrodite:

Chemical composition:

  • Sugar - 12%;
  • Titratable acids - 0.46%;
  • Ascorbic acid - 11.5 mg / 100 g;
  • P-active substances - 367.8 mg / 100g.

Harvest begins in mid-September. In the refrigerator, the fruits are stored for 3-3.5 months. Tree frost resistant.

Advantages of the Aphrodite variety: immunity to scab, easily tolerates winter cold, high-quality products.


Aelita is an early winter apple tree. Bred by breeder Isaev S.I. when crossing varieties of apple trees Wesley and Cinnamon. Received at VNIIS named after Michurin I.V.


Pros: high level of frost resistance, fruits are more resistant to scab, large-sized apples, pleasant appearance which increases its demand.

The minus of this variety, perhaps, is one - this is its skeletal branches, which go under acute angle from the trunk. And, therefore, with a lot of snow, they can break.

Bezhin meadow

Bezhin meadow is triploid apple variety. The authors who created it: Dolmatov E.A., Sedyshev G.A., Pavlyuk V.I., Serova Z.M. and Sedov E.N. Received at the All-Russian Research Institute of Selection of Fruit Crops. It was bred in 1984 by crossing the Northern Sinap variety and Wesley tetraploid.


Chemical composition:

  • Sugar - 9.6%;
  • Titratable acids - 0.50%;
  • Ascorbic acid - 8.1 mg / 100g.

Advantages of the winter variety Bezhin meadow: high quality fruits, annual fruiting, highly resistant to scab.

Belarusian synapse

Belarusian sinap is a late winter variety. Received in the selection of the Belarusian Research Institute of Fruit Growing. Bred as a result of crossing 2 varieties: Antonovka ordinary and Pepinka Lithuanian. The creators of this variety: Syubarov A.E. and Syubarova E.P. Until now, he is little known. It mainly lives in the edges of the North-West region.

The harvest is at the end of September. The shelf life of apples is very impressive. In some cases, it happened that the storage period reached June, but basically the end of storage falls on April-May.

Pros: high resistance to frost and scab, long shelf life.

Cons: low taste.


The Berkutovskoe apple tree is a winter variety. Received at the Saratov Experimental Horticulture Station. It was bred by pollination of the apple tree of the Cortland variety of pollen of Anis pink-striped and Antonovka ordinary. Its authors: Kondratieva G.V. and Berkut O.D.


  • annual fruiting
  • high yield
  • high in taste
  • long shelf life
  • winter hardiness
  • able to withstand even the longest drought
  • small and neat crown.

The downside, perhaps, will be one - this is that during the years of epiphytoty, the Berkutovskoye variety can be affected by the disease - powdery mildew.


Variety Bogatyr is a winter variety obtained at the All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Fruit Breeding named after Michurin. Bred by crossing varieties: Antonovka and Renet Landsberg. There is only one author of this variety - this is Chernenko S.F. Variety Bogatyr is common in the Chernozem, Central and North-Western regions.

Chemical composition:

  • Sugar - 10.1%;
  • Titratable acids - 0.56%;
  • Dry matter to wet matter - 12.9%;
  • Ascorbic acid - 12.9 mg / 100g.

Trees begin their fruiting 6 or 7 years after planting.

Pros: high level of ecological adaptability, annual fruiting, abundant harvest, long shelf life, precocity. Another plus is that this variety is used both raw and in all types of processing.

Winter varieties - all names

Unfortunately, there are so many winter varieties that it is simply impossible to cover them all. List of all names of winter varieties:

The first step in an appraisal is to determine pomological variety of apples. For this, the following identification features are studied:

Morphological structure of the fetus provides for the study of the following features: location of the heart; state of the seed chambers (closed or open): structure, depth and color of the funnel; length, thickness, attachment strength and characteristics of the peduncle; depth, width and ribbing of the saucer (located at the top of the fruit); the structure of the cup located in the saucer (open, closed, half-open); width, depth and shape of the subcup tube:

Organoleptic indicators - there is a combination of sweet and sour taste, a characteristic of aromatic substances that form the smell; the complex of these indicators is characterized as a harmonious, inharmonious, gentle, rough and sharp combination, individual characteristic shades of taste and aroma are indicated;

Pulp color - the most characteristic is white, green, yellow and pink and their various shades are less common;

The structure of the peel - it can be thin, rough, oily with varying degrees of waxy coating; some varieties are characterized by the presence of subcutaneous spotting; resistance to mechanical damage and damage by phytopathogens depends on the thickness and consistency of the skin and wax layer:

Peel coloring happens to be basic (white, different shades green and yellow) and integumentary (stripes, dots, blurred blush, red color of different tones), which depends on the content of colorants, anthocyanins and flavonoids, which are formed under the influence of sunlight: fruits grown on the sunlit side always have more intense coloring; some varieties do not have integumentary color (Antonovka, Golden Deli neck);

fruit shape is an important identification feature, it is round, flat-round, flat, cylindrical, wide-cylindrical, ovoid, round-conical, elongated-conical, conical, wide-conical and bell-shaped. The shape is determined by the location of the largest transverse diameter of the fruit and the shape index (the ratio of the height of the fetus to its largest transverse diameter); the most common varieties of fruits are round (the diameter is wounded or greater than the height of the fruit), oval (the diameter is less than the height of the fruit), flat ( largest diameter- in the middle of the fruit, the width of the fruit is much greater than its height), cylindrical shape (the largest diameter is in the middle of the fruit, the height of the fruit is greater than its width), conical shape (the largest diameter is much lower than the middle of the fruit), etc .;

Fruit size - one of the significant identification varietal characteristics. By weight or largest transverse diameter, the fruits are calibrated into fractions: very small - weight up to 25 g (diameter 25-30 mm) - Kitaiki, Ranetki; small - 26-50 g (diameter 35-40) - Chinese gold early; below average - 51-75 g (41-50) - Lithuanian Pepinka; medium 76-100 g (51-55) - Sary Senap, Pepin saffron; above average - 101-125 g (56-60) - include many zoned varieties of the middle zone; large - 126-175 g (61-75) - Antonovka ordinary, Renet Simirenko; very large - more than 176 g (more than 76 mm) - Bellefleur-Chinese, Aport Alexander.

Large fruits enjoy greater consumer preferences, however, the pulp of large fruits is looser, as it consists of larger cells; such fruits are more easily injured during harvesting and storage, ripen faster, less stale compared to medium-sized fruits, in which the pulp is more dense.

Identification of pomological varieties by maturity

All pomological varieties of fruits of industrial horticulture are conventionally divided into summer (ripening July-August), autumn (reach maturity in late August-early September) and winter (late September-early October).

Within each group there are also differences in terms of ripening, they make up intermediate subgroups, for example, early summer and late summer. When growing the same variety in different geographical areas, ripening dates may be mixed.

Summer varieties of apples

summer varieties - dessert apples, sweet-sour and sweet taste, ripen, as a rule, in the middle zone of the Russian Federation in July - August. The fruits ripen on the tree and are suitable for consumption immediately after harvesting, are removed 4-5 days before full maturity, have a low level of keeping quality - up to 30 days, are characterized by poor transportability and storability, quickly overripe and acquire a loose texture. They are characterized by a tendency to anaerobic respiration, therefore they are subject to physiological damage. The characteristics of the most common varieties are presented below.

Melba(azure) - fruits are round or round-conical in shape, slightly ribbed. The main color of the fruit is greenish-porcelain with a red striped blush. The pulp is white, juicy. the taste is sweet and sour, spicy, with the aroma of a rose. Ripens at the end of July. Contains up to 20 mg% of vitamin C. Stored until November.

White filling - greenish-yellow fruits. The shape of the fruit is round-conical with a characteristic seam. The color of the pulp is white, the pulp is juicy, fine-grained, sweet and sour taste. The stalk is attached to a deep and wide funnel. The cup is closed, is in a shallow saucer. The heart is large, bulbous in shape with yellowish veins, located closer to the top, open seed chambers contain 8-12 large seeds.

Autumn varieties of apples

Autumn varieties represent an intermediate group between summer and winter varieties. They reach removable maturity in late August-early September, when the skin acquires a typical color for the variety. They ripen and reach the consumer stage of maturity in 10-14 days, the shelf life under optimal climatic conditions can be 2-4 months. In most autumn varieties, the fruits are larger than average, with a pronounced color, have good organoleptic characteristics and a dessert taste.

Antonovka ordinary has large fruits (weight 130-170 g). The shape of the fruit is from flat-round to cup-shaped, the transverse diameter is 65-75 mm. Color - greenish-yellow, light yellow, without blush. The skin is smooth, covered with a light waxy finish. The pulp is white, coarse-grained, juicy. The taste is sweet and sour with a strong aroma characteristic only of this variety. It has high table and technological properties. Stored up to January-February. It is very sensitive to pressure and bruises - dark-colored spots are formed, which reduce the commercial properties.

Aport - an old domestic variety, the fruits are very large, up to 250 g or more, diameter 75-80 mm. The shape is conical, round or wide conical. The main color is greenish-yellow, when ripe it is yellow, the integumentary is a dark red dashed blush. The color of the pulp is white-cream. The taste is sweet, fragrant. Consistency coarse-grained, juicy. The peduncle is short, thick, the funnel is strongly rusty. The skin is thin, oily, shiny with a thin waxy coating. The variety is universal, the fruits are suitable for drying, as they almost do not darken. Stored until January.

Oryol striped - fruits are large (weight 130 g), oblong, round-conical, brightly colored in the form of blurred stripes and specks of intense purple-crimson color over a pale pink blush. The peel is oily with a waxy coating. The seed chambers are open, the flesh is white with a creamy tint, fine-grained, tender, very juicy, with a strong aroma. The taste is generally very harmonious, with a perceptible pleasant acidity, which improves with ripening. Stored until February.

autumn striped widespread in middle lane Russia, ripens in September, stored until December. It has high consumer properties - beautiful appearance, sweet and sour taste, juicy pulp. Fruits are highly resistant to microbiological diseases, high transportability.

Cinnamon striped - one of the best varieties for jam.

Winter varieties of apples

Winter varieties fruits are distinguished by high keeping quality and are sources of apples in the winter-spring period. The fruits reach the removable stage of ripeness in late September - early October. After removal, the apples are very hard, contain a lot of protopectin and starch. Their ripening occurs during storage and is accompanied by an increase in the mass fraction of coloring and aromatic substances, sugars (including glucose and fructose) due to starch hydrolysis, a decrease in the content of tannins, the transition of insoluble protopectin to pectin, an increase in juiciness and an improvement in fruit consistency. The fruits reach consumer maturity in a few months. Shelf life, depending on the pomological variety and storage technology, is from 4 to 8 months.

The fruits of winter varieties are larger in size, contain more solids, sugars, vitamin C (up to 20-30 mg / 100 g), contain small amounts of vitamins B1.B2, carotene, rich in minerals, especially K and Fe. pectins, dietary fiber. They have a denser texture, strong skin, high transportability.

Early winter varieties (Winner, Pepin saffron, Parmen winter gold, Welsey) are stored until January - February. Late winter varieties (Mantua, Sary Senap, Renet Orleans, Renet Champagne, Northern Senap, etc.) are stored until May-June.

Late winter varieties such as Bogatyr, - fruits are large (weight 175-350 g), slightly conical, ribbed, when ripe - light yellow with a slight light carmine blush. The pulp is slightly juicy, dense, fine-grained. crispy, white, fragrant, sweet and sour, pleasant taste. Keep until March-April.

Lobo- fruits of medium or above average size (weight 150 g, flat-round, slightly ribbed. The color is greenish-yellow, integumentary - in the form of a continuous pink-red blurred blush. The pulp is white, fine-grained, tender, juicy, with a pleasant aroma, sweet and sour. Stored until February - March.

Pepin saffron - fruits of medium size, oval-conical, slightly ribbed. The color is orange-yellow, integumentary - in the form of dark red stripes, often merging into an intensely continuous blush over the orange background of the fruit. The flesh is creamy-yellow in color, with a good sweet and sour taste. Stored until February - March.

Gold- fruits above average size (weight 130 g), oval-conical shape. The color is greenish-yellow with a dull blush. The pulp is light green, dense and juicy, with a specific sweet and sour taste and aroma. Keep until May.

Rossosh striped - fruits are very large (weight 200-340 g), round-conical, smooth. The color is light green, integumentary - in the form of carmine-red wide stripes. The flesh is slightly greenish, light-grained, juicy, melting, very sweet, with a slight sourness and a strong aroma. Ripen in September. Keep until February.

Cortland - fruits are above average or large (weight 200-240 g), wide-round, slightly conical, slightly ribbed, pale greenish-yellow, with a dark purple-red blurry-striped blush on a significant part of the fruit. The pulp is pale white, juicy, dense, fine-grained, with a pleasant aroma and spice. Keep until May.

Sinap north - late winter variety. The fruits are medium (weight 80-100 g), from flat-round to cup-shaped, yellowish-green with a brownish-red blush on the smaller part of the fruit. The pulp is juicy, fine-grained, dense, but not rough: white, slightly greenish, sour-sweet, refreshing pleasant taste. Stored until April - May.

In the southern zone of industrial horticulture, introduced winter varieties of apple trees of American and European selection are grown. These include the most popular varieties in Russia Jonathan and its hybrids, Golden Delicious, Delicious, Stark, King David and others, which are assigned to the first pomological group.

IN last years in the food market of Russia, the volumes of deliveries from the countries of the European community, the USA, Chile, China, Poland, and Moldova are increasing. Ukraine.

Variety Red Delicious - bright red fruits (sometimes with darker stripes showing through), juicy, crunchy, with a very delicate sweet taste, shaped like a heart. This is one of the most common varieties. It is on the market all year round. The variety first appeared on the market in 1874. The variety grows in Peru, Iowa.

Braeburn - the variety has a very bright taste, which is immediately remembered: it is sweet, with some sourness, slightly spicy. Apples are colored in various shades of orange, up to red, although the main tone is yellow. The fruits are juicy, with a characteristic aroma, crispy and at the same time they are distinguished by exceptional strength, they are sold from October to July. The variety was first introduced to the market in 1952, the place of its origin is New Zealand. Possible variant the origin of the variety is the crossing of the varieties Lady Hamilton and Granny Smith.

Variety Cameo - apples of this variety are very soft. They can be stored for a long time without losing their sweetness and firmness, and remain very crispy until the end of storage. Feature varieties - the skin of these apples is covered with small whitish spots. Apples go on sale from October to August. The variety was first introduced to the market in 1987, the place of its appearance - Dryden, Washington state.

Variety Fuji - these fruits have a unique taste, hard and crunchy texture with peta honey sweetness. They appeared on the world market in 1962, where they were brought from Japan. The variety was bred as a result of crossing Red Delicious and Rolls Janet varieties in Japan. Now more Fuji apples are grown in the US than in their homeland. Every year these huge, sweet and fragrant fruits find more and more of their connoisseurs in the world. They appear on the market from October to August.

Variety Golden Delicious - apples are light yellow in color, very juicy and sweet with a specific taste and aroma, the yellowish-white flesh does not darken much longer than the pulp of other varieties of apples. There are on the market all year round. The variety was first introduced to the market in 1914, its place of origin is Clay County, West Virginia.

Variety Granny Smith - a variety of apples is presented on store shelves all year round, they are very hard, shiny, bright green, juicy, with a sharp sour taste. The variety was first introduced to the market in 1868. The origin of the variety is Australia.

Variety Jonagold - elegant, orange hue, taste features: apples are crispy, juicy, sweet, with a characteristic tart aftertaste. They enter the market from September to April. The variety was first introduced to the market in 1968. The place of origin of the variety is the state of New York. The variety was bred by crossing varieties Golden Delicious and Jonathan.

Variety Washington Pink- apples are crisp and hard, with a unique sweet-sour and at the same time tart taste, ripen by the end of October, the skin of apples is covered with a slight pink blush - hence the name of the variety. The variety is on the market from November to August. The variety first appeared on the market in 1985. The origin of the variety is Australia. The variety was bred by crossing varieties Golden Delicious and Lady Williams.

Variety Gola - yellow fruits, decorated with bright pinkish-orange stripes, look elegant and festive. They also have a wonderful taste, delicate aroma, crunchy and sweet. Apples are on the market from September to May. The variety first appeared on the market in 1965 and gained popularity among buyers. The variety was bred in New Zealand by crossing varieties Cox Orange Pippin and Golden Del and neck.

China supplies to Russian market apple varieties Fushi and Red Star. Mostly red varieties of apples come from Moldova - Idared. Apples of varieties Idared, Jonared, Dekosta, Rubinstar, Ligol, Gloucester come from Poland. Elise, Champion, etc.

Large deliveries to the Russian market in recent years began to come from Chile: grannySmith, GoldenDelicious, Braeburn, Fuji, Jonagold, RedDelicious. CrippsPink- bicolor apple, skin usually Pink colour on a pale green background, white-green flesh, medium size, elongated cylindrical shape, apple tastes sweet, slightly sour, crispy and very fragrant.

RedChief- this is a variety Redstarking. The red apple has a rich red color with longitudinal stripes of a darker red color, the flesh is yellow, crispy, semi-sweet in taste. Well kept.

RedKingOregon- apple of red saturated color with distinct longitudinal stripes, tasty, excellent quality.

Probably the most common fruit in our country is an apple. Apple trees can be seen in every garden, in a country house or even just on a city street. An apple is an incredibly valuable product that contains many vitamins and minerals, it is especially valued because of iron.

Varieties are different: they can be winter, summer or autumn. Each species has its own distinctive features, as well as positive and negative qualities. Careful study of each type of apple tree helps to understand how to care for these plants, when to harvest and how long this crop will be stored.

Summer varieties of apple trees

"Melba"- a rather low plant, with a lush developed crown. This variety is often affected by scab and is moderately resistant to wintering. Already for 5-6 years, you can collect the first fruits from this tree. After the first fruiting, the tree gives annually good harvests, which fully ripen by the end of August. After collection, they will lie a little - only a month. Apples are not damaged during transportation.

The fruit has a round-conical shape. The surface of the apple is dotted with small stripes, and the sides are painted with an attractive blush. Average weight fruits of this variety - 100-120 grams. The apple itself is light green in color, with white flesh. The taste is sweet and sour, delicate.

- a small tree, with a rounded oval lush crown. Moderate frost hardiness and various diseases and pests. The exception is scab, which especially affects the plant during rainy summers. From the moment of planting, at least 4 years must pass for the apple tree to begin to bear fruit. Harvests are formed annually. Already by mid-August, you can pick ripe, tasty, sweet and sour apples, light yellow shade. The average weight of one fruit reaches 100 grams. This variety after harvest can be stored for only 15 days, so the transportability is low. The shape of the apple is rounded, slightly conical. There is a small seam all over the surface.

- the tree is distinguished by a low structure with a flat-rounded crown. Winter-hardy variety, which is also resistant to scab. For 4 years after planting, the tree can bring the first harvest. Annual fruiting allows you to pick apples weighing 100 grams. The fruits begin to ripen somewhere in early August (10 days before the apples ripen at Papirovka). Ripe fruit has a rounded shape (slightly flattened), its color is light yellow. The pulp is characterized by sweet taste and snow-white pulp.

- an apple tree with a moderate height, has a compact pyramidal crown. The variety is relatively winter-hardy, but can sometimes be affected by powdery mildew or scab. 4 years after planting, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. Ripening occurs a week earlier than that of "Papirovka". Harvested apples will not be able to lie for a long time, because their shelf life does not exceed 20 days. The fruits are medium, 100 grams each. Round-conical shape of the fruit, with a blurry bright pink blush that spreads over almost the entire surface. It has a soft, juicy middle, with a sweet and sour taste. Due to the fact that ripening is uneven, it is best to harvest in several approaches.

- the tree has an average height, during the growth of which the appearance of the crown changes. In young apple trees, it is pyramidal, in adult plants it is round. The variety is moderately sensitive to frost, can easily become infected with scab. Already 2 years after planting, a plant grafted on dwarf rootstock, begins to bear the first fruits, and the one that was grafted on an adult tree - after 5 years. The apple tree bears fruit every year. Fully fruit ripen only in August. The keeping quality is relatively good. So the harvested apple crop can be stored for up to 3 months. The fruits are medium - 100 grams each, can be of two shapes: round-conical or wide egg-shaped. Apples are light green in color with a yellowish tint. The pulp is tender, juicy, uniform, snow-white in color. The taste is sweet, with a slight sourness.

- a tall, confident tree, with broad pyramidal or spherical foliage. The variety is resistant to winter frosts. The apple tree bears fruit almost every year.

Maturity, which is necessary for harvesting, occurs only at the beginning of August, and the harvested fruits are not transportable. The fruits are small, their weight is about 100 grams. The color is light white, and the flesh is juicy, sweet, with sour notes.

- medium-sized tree with good winter hardiness. Due to the fact that the plant is susceptible to the effects of a disease such as scab, ripened fruits most often quickly fall off the branches. Starting from 5-6 years after planting, the apple tree is already bearing its first fruits. The crop can be harvested annually, with the exception of some disadvantaged years. The peak of ripeness of apples falls at the end of August - the beginning of September. Shelf life is limited - only 2-4 weeks. The fruit is round, a little flat, the average weight is 100 grams. There is a slight blush in the form of stripes on the peel. The core of the fruit is yellow, with juicy sweet and sour pulp.

- has a tall tree. Frost resistant. On a dwarf rootstock, you can harvest fruits after 3 years, and on a powerful rootstock - after 5 years. With the advent of August, apples begin to ripen, which are easily removed from the tree.

They have a round-conical shape, average weight (from 80 to 150 grams). This variety has an interesting fruit color: yellow-green color is combined with brown stripes. The taste is sweet.

- a powerful, tall apple tree, characterized by durability. The crown is lush, refined. Winter-hardy variety of apples. In mid-August, the fruits formed on the tree fully ripen and become suitable for consumption.

Keeping quality is small - up to 1 month. The size of the fruit is average - about 100 grams. The color is yellow. The flesh is somewhat rough, but sweet.

- is a medium-sized tree. The crown is round, dense, sometimes takes a pyramidal shape. The variety is winter hardy. On a dwarf rootstock, an apple tree is able to bear fruit for 4 years of life, and only for 7 years if the tree was grafted on a strong rootstock. Apples are subject to disruption only in mid-August - early September. On average, the fruit is small - about 100 grams each.

Correct, rounded shape and bright colors - a combination of light green and pink blush. Odorous pulp, sweet and sour taste, the presence of grains is moderate.

Autumn varieties of apple trees

- a tall, semi-spreading tree with a remarkable, pyramidal crown. The variety is resistant to drought, frost, but there have been cases of damage to such a disease as black cancer. After planting the plant, fruiting begins after 6 years. Only with the advent of September can you start harvesting. On average, 250 kg of apples can be harvested from one tree. The fruits are not large - 50-70 grams, rounded flattened, somewhat ribbed. The surface of the apple with a slight wax coating, the color is green with a dark cherry coating. The pulp is sweet and sour, juicy. The keeping quality is average - in general, under the right conditions, apples can be stored until the onset of winter. This variety has a drawback - fruiting does not always occur every year.

- a medium-growing plant, the crown is dense, rounded. It has a moderate sensitivity to scab, a fairly winter-hardy tree. Harvesting can take place annually, starting from the 6th year after planting. In September comes the removable maturity of apples. Each apple has a relatively high weight - 150 grams. The shape is repo-shaped or densely rounded. The color is light yellow, with a slight reddish blush. The pulp is fragrant, tasty, uniform, yellow in color. The variety shows excellent results of safety - in dark places it can lie until January, and in the refrigerator - until March. The main advantage is an excellent presentation.

- a tall plant with a paniculate crown. Leaf density is moderate. The variety is cold-resistant and has immunity to scab. At the 5th year of life, fruiting begins, which occurs annually in the future. In early September, it is already possible to harvest the first harvests of apples, the average weight of which reaches 120 grams. From one tree it turns out to pick more than 200 kg of apples per season. Preservation of fruits - 2 months. The shape of the apple is round, turnip-shaped. The color is yellow, the surface is diluted with a pink striped blush. Juicy, uniform pulp, sweet and sour taste.

- a spreading, tall tree with a dense crown. Frost-resistant variety with scab immunity. The first harvest most often occurs 5 years after planting. The ripeness of apples comes in early September, as evidenced by the bright red sides of the apples. The skin color is greenish-yellow. The pulp has a greenish tint, juicy, pleasant, sweet with sourness. The average weight of one fruit is 130 grams. Productivity - 130 kg per tree. This variety has the main advantage - it is high yield. But there are also disadvantages, for example, the fact that the fruits quickly crumble from the branches due to uneven ripening.

- a medium-growing plant, with a wide, cone-shaped sparse crown. The variety is quite often affected by scab. The apple tree begins fruiting at the age of 5. Already in early September, it will be possible to collect the first crops. On average, about 200 kg of apples, 100 grams each, can be harvested from one tree. The collected fruits can lie until the beginning of January in cool rooms. An apple is shaped like a ball, slightly flattened. The fruit is colored golden yellow, and the sides are red or orange. Juicy flesh, sweet-sour taste.

- a tall plant, with a large, spreading crown. The variety is not afraid of cold and frost, is not affected by scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting and is famous for irregular harvests. The ripeness of apples begins with the advent of September. The shelf life of the crop is December-January. Each apple is quite large, it can reach 170 grams in weight. The peel is colored greenish-yellow, and the blush is striped-dotted (red). The pulp is homogeneous, juicy, sweet and sour. This variety has an excellent presentation, so it is suitable for commercial purposes.

- the height of this plant is medium, with a rounded crown. Foliage is moderate. The variety is endowed with scab resistance, and also easily tolerates winter frosts. After planting in the ground, fruiting occurs in the 5th year of the plant's life. At the end of September, it is already possible to collect ripe, juicy berries of large sizes. The weight of each fruit is from 130 to 160 grams. From one apple tree good year it will be possible to collect about 100 kg of apples. The shape of the fruit is wide, round or round-conical. The fruit has an attractive, creamy surface with crimson-red flanks. Light creamy flesh and sweet, with sour notes, taste. The fruits have a long shelf life, and also contain a large number of ascorbic acid.

- a low tree with rounded dense foliage. It is resistant to frost, as well as to a disease called "Scab". The first fruits can be harvested as early as the 5th year of the plant's life. The variety has a high yield. After harvesting, the fruit can be stored until the end of winter, in particular until February. Each apple weighs approximately 90 grams. Its shape is somewhat reminiscent of a turnip. The color of the fruit is golden yellow with red sides. As for the pulp, it is snow-white, with a greenish tint. Juicy, appetizing, with sour notes. The number of grains is small.

- a tree with a spreading, mighty crown, tall. Scab resistance is weak, but the variety easily tolerates frost. The apple tree begins to bear fruit only 5-7 years after planting. At the beginning of September it is already possible to reap the first harvests. Despite the fact that the plant has established itself as a high-yielding plant, it cannot boast of stable fruiting. Each fruit grows with a mass of 130 grams. In their form they represent an oval-conical figure. The color of the fruit is light cream, on the surface there is a scattering of small dots, the sides are red. Juicy pulp, unforgettable wine-sweet taste.

- a strong, slender tall plant, with lush, cone-shaped foliage. Differs in frost resistance and resistance to scab. The first fruits are formed only 3-4 years after planting. Fruiting is long - apples reach maturity with the onset of August - early September. The yield is average - from an apple tree up to 70 kg of fruits, 50-70 grams each. The shape of the apples is round-conical, with an attractive color: cream with a bright purple striped blush. Inside the ripened fruit is juicy, fragrant, tender, sweetish-sour.

Winter varieties of apple trees

- a tree with an oval crown, quite tall. Despite the fact that the variety is winter-hardy, scab damage takes place. Only 8 years after planting, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. Ripening continues until mid-September. The yield is excellent: on average, you can collect up to 200 kg of apples from one plant. Each apple grows up to 100 grams. The fruit has a long shelf life (2 to 4 months). The shape is rounded, slightly flattened below. The representative of "Antonovka" is yellow-green in color, with yellow juicy flesh and a remarkable sweet and sour taste. This variety is distinguished by high fruit quality and annual fecundity.

- the plant is tall, in the process of growth it receives a lush, rounded crown. Fruiting begins 5 years after planting. By the end of September, all formed fruits reach their removable maturity. Apples are large, with excellent presentation, their weight is from 200 to 250 grams. The shelf life of this variety is long: the harvested crop can lie in a cool, dark place until the end of February. Frost and scab resistance is average. The shape of the fruit resembles a wide cone. The color is yellow-green, but a rich purple blush occupies a large surface. The middle is yellow, homogeneous, with sour notes.

- a tree of large size, with a lowered crown. It is endowed with natural resistance to scab and to severe frosts. The fruits begin to ripen in late September - early October. harvested can lie without damage until mid-May. Apples are small - on average, no more than 140 grams each. The shape is conical, slightly rounded. The color is green-yellow with a slightly light red color on the sides. The crumb is white, fresh, sweet, but there is sourness.

- the height of this plant is medium, the crown is flat-rounded, with developed foliage. The fruits are formed small - only 100 grams, greenish-yellow hue. The variety has good resistance to frost, scab and fungal diseases. Removable maturity comes with the advent of September. Shelf life - until February. The core is juicy, dense, fine-grained, sour-sweet. The main advantage of the variety is its dessert purpose.

- a strong, sprawling apple tree, with a thick, slightly inclined crown. The variety is resistant to scab and also tolerates frost well. After budding, the apple tree begins to bear abundant fruit from year to year. The fruits are different long term storage - until March. Apples are slightly flattened, spherical, with a weight of 100 grams. The fetus has a slight ribbing. Light green apples have a slight purple blush on the sides. The pulp is rich, uniform, sour-sweet, with a moderate amount of grains. The plant needs regular pruning, otherwise the fruits become smaller over the years.

- the apple tree is famous for its dense, beautiful crown and high growth. Scab resistance is available, as well as moderate frost resistance. Already with the advent of September, the fruits enter the active phase of ripening. The yield of this variety is high - more than 200 centners from a plot of one hectare. The size of apples is small - about 120-140 grams each. The shape is correct, slightly flattened. The surface of the fruit is greenish-yellow, with small spots and red sides. Blurred stripes may also be present in the color. The pulp is refreshing, tasty, tender.

- this apple tree has a powerful, low structure and a densely leafy structure. Average winter hardiness, there is immunity to powdery mildew and scab. The formation of the crop begins at the 6th year of life. High-yielding variety - 200 centners of fruits per hectare. The maximum keeping quality reaches 250 days from the date of collection. The fruits are medium, weighing up to 100 grams, greenish-yellow in color, with a barely noticeable reddish tint. Aesthetic elongated conical shape. The middle is juicy, moderately grainy, sweet and sour.

- the tree has a rounded, dense crown and medium height. Winter-hardy, endowed with resistance to scab, variety. Yield indicators border on high levels - up to 300 centners of apples can be easily harvested per hectare. At the end of September, the resulting fruits begin to ripen. The harvested crop can lie for several months, until the beginning of spring. Each apple in weight reaches 100 grams, and in its shape resembles a regular circle. Attractive green-yellow hue and purple flanks. Characteristic of this crop is a sour-sweet taste, White color middle, excellent transportability. There are also disadvantages - small fruits in cases where the tree is overcrowded or pruning is not carried out.

- a moderately growing tree, with a dense, but drooping crown with age. The variety has medium frost resistance and medium immunity to scab. From the moment of growth of the occulant, the apple tree begins to bear fruit only for the 6th year. The average yield is up to 110 c/ha. Ripening occurs in early September, and the shelf life is until May. Apples are relatively small - 100-130 grams each. The shape is rounded, slightly flattened. The surface of the fruit is green, with a barely visible blush. Homogeneous pulp with pleasant, sweet and sour notes.