Shower      04/14/2019

What flowers are planted in January and February for seedlings. What flowers are planted in February and March for seedlings

For many summer residents, seedlings of flowers begin to be sown in February, isn't it too early? Absolutely not experienced growers It is recommended to start growing seedlings of flowers in winter. What flowers to sow for seedlings in February? You can sow both annuals and biennials, perennials. Let's consider them in order.

Photos and names of flower crops will help you understand whether you want to have them in your front garden, whether you can take into account all the nuances to get high-quality seedlings. In our selection, there are only such plants that even flower growers without experience can grow at home and whose seeds are sold in all regions.

What flowers are planted with seedlings?

The most common flower crops have a long growing season, and early planting will allow them time to prepare for summer flowering. February is the time to start sowing flower seeds for seedlings.

If needed good seedling flowers, in February, the following crops begin to be sown:

  • Annuals - petunia, lobelia, verbena, begonia, cineraria, carnation shabo.
  • Biennial, perennial pansies, viola, lupine, daisies, primroses, chrysanthemums, delphinium.

Annual flowers for seedlings in February


If you want to see flowering gramophones as early as June, sowing seedlings of flowers should be done in winter. Petunia seeds are very small, so it should be planted only superficially, moistened from a spray bottle and covered with film or glass.

Before landing in open ground you need to make one, and preferably two transplants. The latter is better - in separate cups.

Don't worry if your petunia blooms already on the window, even flowering seedlings of flowers will survive the transplant perfectly.


Meet - an elegant beauty with small buds of blue, white and pink shades. Lobelia seeds, like those of petunia, are very small, so they have the same planting method.

Only planting lobelia is worth three or four plants in one cup, to get more lush bushes.


You are not only beautiful, but also fragrant plant. Since the seeds of verbena are quite large, when planting they need to be slightly buried in the soil.

Although you can leave the seeds on the surface. In this case, it is necessary to cover the container with seeds with a black film, since darkness is necessary for germination of verbena seeds.


This is due to the fact that at the end of winter the day lengthens noticeably, especially towards the beginning of March. Seeds are small, planted superficially and always under glass or film.


If planted given flower for seedlings in February, then by June it will grow beautiful silvery bushes.

When planting, cineraria seeds are slightly deepened and covered with a film. Otherwise, care for flower seedlings and watering is the same.

Carnation Shabo

This beautiful plant it takes up to six months to bloom. Keep this in mind when planting flowers in February.

Carnation seedlings must be dived several times, then by the time they land on permanent place she will start squirming. Seeds are sown in the usual way, under the film.

Biennial and perennial flowers through seedlings

Unlike annuals, perennials with a short development period are planted in February, which will allow you not to wait for flowering until next year, but to see it already in late summer or early autumn.

Viola or pansies

If you plant the seeds of this plant in February, then at the end of July the first buds will appear.

Although viola seeds are quite small, they should still be buried when planting. Since seeds left on the surface with excessive moisture can become moldy.


If planted early, the plants will bloom by the end of August. For faster germination, seeds should be soaked for a day before planting. Deepen by about 5-8 mm. Since lupins do not tolerate transplanting well, they should be planted in separate cups or pots.

If the cups are small, by the time of disembarkation, the entire earthen ball will be entangled in roots, and it will be easy to take out entirely. This will allow you to plant the plant without injuring the root system.


With a strong desire, you can see its flowering in the fall, if you plant a daisy with seeds in early February.

It must be borne in mind that if the summer is hot and dry, it will not be possible to see full flowering. Instead, single buds will appear on thin stems, most likely non-double.


It is planted superficially, under glass. In order for flowering to come in September, the primrose is planted in a slightly shaded place.

The plant loves to be watered abundantly and fed several times over the summer.


This perennial will definitely bloom in the year of sowing, as the most important condition for the formation of buds - this is a decrease in daylight hours.

Planting flower seeds for seedlings in February will ensure that sufficient vegetative mass and roots are built up so that the plant also successfully overwinter.


If you have purchased rare seeds and you can't wait to see them bloom as soon as possible, then plant delphinium seeds in February. At good care The peduncle will appear at the end of summer.

Be prepared that in the first year the delphinium will not bloom very brightly. In all its glory, the plant will open only next year.

As you can see, the range of flower crops for planting in February is not so small. There are many more of them, we have indicated the most unpretentious ones - such that even novice flower growers can get seedlings of flowers at home.

Choose names, photos, see what will fit well on your suburban area and feel free to buy everything for growing seedlings of flowers at home. Good luck!

Seedlings can grow many flowers, in fact, sometimes some flowers can only be grown that way. Usually, seedlings are used for weak seeds, which, due to many dangers, cannot survive in ordinary soil. In this way, you can grow both annual and perennial flowers. Perhaps the only limitation here will be the growth of the flower. Seedlings that are too large are more difficult to care for, take up a lot of space, and require special garden supplies.

Planting flower seedlings

First of all, three things will be needed for landing. The first is knowledge, the best option it will be if you have a familiar gardener who can explain everything to you clearly and intelligibly. The second part is garden accessories such as cassettes, boxes, pots, tablets, seedling cups. This includes all the components of the soil (earth, compost, peat, sand, and much more). The last but the main thing that will be needed is seeds, their choice should be approached very carefully, since there are many varieties of them and many of them have special needs. Growing seedlings of flowers is troublesome and takes a lot of time. You will have to follow a certain regimen, plant seedlings and transplant plants on time. You will also have to constantly monitor the seedlings and, in case of trouble, act immediately according to the circumstances.

Seedling of annual flowers

Sowing begins, depending on the type of flowers, from the end of January (for example, Shabo carnation), in February (petunias, balsams, pelargoniums, fuchsias) or in March (Chinese carnation, hybrid verbena, summer left). Mass sowing of one-year-olds most often begins only in March, which is associated with a short growing season. For planting flowers of annuals, you can use various substrates, but there is one condition - they must be fresh, that is, they have not previously been used for planting any plants. The soil for such seedlings should contain nutrients in moderation, and should also pass water well during irrigation. There are crops that suffer from the black leg even in the seedling period (ageratum, levkoy, asters, and others). To the rest of the same age, one more part of humus or compost land can be added to the composition mentioned above. This mixture should be harvested in the fall. At the bottom of the container for crops, a layer of sand up to 1.5 cm high should be poured, and the previously prepared earthen mixture should be poured on top. It is very important not to thicken the seed, but you can increase the cold hardiness of the flowers by treating the seeds with changes in temperature.

Seedlings of perennial flowers


Since such plants do not bloom in the first year, they do not have to be sown early. In order to preserve as many seedlings as possible, it is advisable to use only a small amount of seeds. Already in the spring of next year, such seeds can be planted in a permanent place. In many situations, in order to successfully grow seedlings perennial species flowers, gardeners prepare seeds to speed up their germination, this technique is called stratification. -Biennial These plants are sometimes planted earlier, because in some cases they can bloom in the first year.

When to sow flower seedlings

When buying seeds from official representatives, you can see the sowing dates on the package, but still, approximately the sowing time for seedlings is limited to the period from February to March, January is often used to revise the seeds and prepare everything you need. The main rule that the gardener should be guided by when choosing the time of sowing is that at the time of transplanting into the ground, satisfactory conditions are provided for a successful flower plant. However, seedlings and terms are interconnected, that is, the planting time depends on the needs and characteristics of the future flower.

Flower seedlings in January

First of all, in January, an inventory of all available flowers is carried out. Seeds are divided mainly according to the criteria of annual and perennial, as well as regarding the vegetative period. Depending on the seeds, you should draw up a seedling growing calendar. Flowers that can be grown with seedlings as early as January include plants with a long growing season, such as the well-known Shabo carnation. Also early planted tuberous begonia which contributes to better tuber formation.

Flower seedlings in February

Many flowers are planted throughout February, mostly similar to the same plants planted in January. February seedling flowers include: balsams, pelargoniums, fuchsias, hot capsicum, lobelia and petunia. During this period, seeds are also grown, which will require preliminary stratification. Examples are: aquilegia, arizema, rutovnik, breakwort, perennial violets, alpine bluebells and most of the bulbous flowers: primrose, backache, lavender.

Flower seedlings in March

In March, it is most often recommended to sow an annual aster or callistefus, Chinese carnation, hybrid verbena, summer levkoy, cultural dahlia, Snapdragon, winged tobacco, chrysanthemums, silver celosia, Drummond's phlox and other species.

Many summer residents grow flower seedlings in apartments and houses, preferring not to buy it on the market and in flower shop. It is convenient, pleasant and profitable. Seedlings grow many flower crops - it is expensive to buy them with seedlings, at least 10-20 plants of each variety, but growing from seeds is easy. In addition, a small seed lowered into the soil gives life big plant, which, growing up, makes the world more beautiful - is this not a joy for a florist.

What quality should be the soil for production flower seedling? Nothing special is required for sowing seeds. There is enough energy in the seeds for germination, therefore, especially if you pre-treat the seeds with growth stimulants, ordinary store soil is enough for sowing. Neutral slightly acidic peat must be mixed in equal proportions with clean river sand (also bought at the store). At the bottom of the seedling containers, you will definitely need drainage.


It is best to use agloporite artificial pebbles, designed specifically to create a drainage layer.

It is possible to make sowing soil from three components - peat, leafy soil, sand (1: 1: 1).

Pots or boxes

The second item on the list of things without which it is impossible to grow seedlings is the container. The range of containers, boxes, pots, plastic cassettes, peat pots and seedling tablets is huge. In any container, you can name advantages and find disadvantages, depending on the material of manufacture, size, stage of use.

Something else is important - different stages The "growing up" of plants and the need for their picking or transplanting suggest their own, different containers. For growing flower seedlings at the first stage - sowing seeds - it is best to use seedling boxes, but not the largest ones - medium or small sizes. After picking, it is better to move the seedlings into personal pots, cups, containers - it depends on the size of the future plant.

Seed selection

In addition to choosing from a list of ornamental crops, which are preferably propagated by seedlings, you need to know how to choose seeds. Here, the main parameter that you should pay attention to is germination.

Flower seeds, and any other seeds, do not have an expiration date. These are not food, and in the conventional sense, the seeds cannot go bad. But there is such a thing as the germination period. And if it is overdue, then there really is no point in planting seeds - they will sprout poorly and weakly.

Video - what flowers to sow in February

What flower crops are sown for seedlings in February

The last month of winter is the time of sowing almost all flowers that reproduce through seedlings. Not worth it middle lane propagate seedlings with flowers that can be sown directly into the ground (this is done only for earlier flowering). It is advisable to obtain seedlings from the following crops: ageratum, aster, azarina, marigolds, brachicoma, verbena, gazania, carnation, heliotrope, vendium, annual dahlia, delphinium, fragrant tobacco, iberis, cleoma, coleus, left hand, lobelia, snapdragon, nasturtium, petunia , salvia, annual phlox, celosia, cineraria, osteospermum, zinnia.

When to start sowing

Seedlings grow flowers that have a long germination period. When sown with seeds in the ground, they do not have enough time to develop properly and please with lush flowering. Such flower seeds are sown in February for seedlings, so that 2-3 months pass before planting in open ground - from the end of April to the end of May.

Today, when at the disposal of the florist Newest technologies and methods, seedlings can be grown much faster, and quality can be improved. Soil preparation, seed preparation, temperature, water, light conditions (read the article about), timely feeding - provide your seedlings with all the conditions, and start sowing seeds starting from February 15.

How to sow seeds

1. Before sowing, it is a good idea to disinfect flower seeds. Soaking in traditional potassium permanganate, which is usually done with vegetable seeds, is not always a method, because some flowers (petunia, lobelia) have very small seeds. It is easier and more efficient to carry out a disinfecting dusting with a fungicide. How to do it? Pour a pinch of powder into a bag with dry seeds placed in it, close and shake.

2. In the sowing containers, the soil is already prepared, moderately moist, with grooves or pits. For petunia and lobelia, grooves and indentations are not needed - only Smooth surface soil on which seeds are scattered, without covering anything. You can mix small seeds with sand or snow. Medium and large seeds are sown to a depth of 1 to 5 cm and sprinkled with peat. The planting depth of seeds is usually 3-5 times greater than the size of the seed in height.

3. While seedlings hatch, containers with seeds should be protected with a film or glass. Content before germination – at +18°С…22°С. The contents of the containers must be ventilated every day, and the soil should be moistened by spraying. Containers do not need to be illuminated at this stage.

4. After the detection of seedlings, protection, the containers are immediately moved to the light, provide a room temperature of + 22 ° С ... 25 ° С. Water (very carefully) and spray regularly. In low light - illuminate with lamps.

After the sprouts have looked out, we expose them to sunlight or artificial light.

5. For the first time, it's time to feed the seedlings of flowers in two weeks. When the seedlings are a month old, the next top dressing is done. Further, you need to fertilize weekly, alternating humic preparations and mineral complexes. In the phase of two sheets, a pick is carried out in personal pots for planting.

February sowing of popular flowers

The most common ornamental flowering crops are petunia, lobelia, and marigolds.

Features of sowing Petunias

If you already want to see multi-colored fragrant gramophones on your balcony or flowerbed in June, you can start sowing petunias starting on February 15th. - less than a poppy seed, but it rises for a long time. Petunia can only be sown superficially. Crops must be covered with protective glass or a thick film, creating a greenhouse effect.

Before landing in the garden or permanent flower pots it is necessary to make at least one transplant into a large container, ideally two - every month. Do not worry if the plant blooms right on the windowsill. Petunia seedlings tolerate transplanting in a flowering state. The main thing is that the seedlings do not stretch out and become thin. For this, when growing, it is necessary to use artificial lighting.

Flower - ampelous petunia

Features of sowing Lobelia

The second favorite of flower growers. The exact opposite of petunia in appearance - graceful, with small blue and pink or white buds. Her seeds are also small. Therefore, sowing is carried out in the same way as petunias.
The difference is that lobelia does not like transplanting very much, so it is better to sow several (no more than four) seeds in one small pot. Then the lobelia bushes will turn out to be stronger and lush.

flower - lobelia


Tagetes are also grown by sowing directly into the ground, but getting seedlings allows you to have flowers a month earlier, so most flower growers prefer to propagate these cheerful and cheerful yellow-orange-red flowers with seedlings.

Sowing is best done in boxes. Grooves are made in them and seeds are sown in increments of three centimeters. The depth of the grooves is 1-1.5 cm. The crops are covered with a mixture of peat and sand.

Marigolds are very beautiful flowers

Marigolds sprout quickly - sprouts will appear as early as 5-6 days. Sprouts immediately after their emergence need supplementary lighting for at least 12 hours. You can also dive marigolds into boxes, but bigger size and in increments of 7 cm. This is done when two true leaves appear on the plant. A month later, you can re-pick. They dive well, even with blooming flowers. In the flower bed, these unpretentious and not capricious flowers take root also perfectly. Therefore, they gained fame and love of flower growers.

Video - what can be sown in February and early March

Growing flower seedlings is a low-cost way to get a wide variety of flower crops, from which you can make amazingly beautiful compositions in your summer cottage. Try to grow seedlings of your favorite flowers on your own, following the recommendations for choosing soil, containers, seeds, varieties, seed preparation, sowing rules, and seedling care. You will definitely like the result.

Spring has not yet arrived, and many summer residents and flower growers are already starting to think in February about what flowers can be planted for seedlings. By sowing early, plants with a long growing season can prepare for summer flowering. In February, you can plant seedlings using annual, biennial and perennial flowers. Let us consider in more detail which flowers are suitable for sowing them in February for seedlings.


This flowering plant, like, today you can see in the flowerbed of every gardener or florist. The peculiarity of the petunia is its unpretentiousness and endurance. Today, this type of plant has a huge number of varieties and colors. Thus, everyone will be able to choose an option to create their own unique flower arrangement.

Hybrid petunias can take on a variety of sizes and unusual colors, while they are weather resistant. Some varieties of petunias lose their attractive appearance over time if exposed to rain or strong winds. But for resistant hybrids, such tests are not terrible.

There are certain varieties of petunias that have long shoots. Their length reaches 150-180 cm. They look very attractive when planted in hanging baskets or balcony boxes.

In this case, you need to choose a place that can protect the plant from the wind. The fact is that such a petunia has fragile branches that are very easy to break.

On the video - growing Petunia flowers:

It is necessary to sow petunia in late February - early March. The seeds of the plants are very small, so sowing should be done only on the surface of the soil. Do not deepen the seeds. Shoots are formed amicably in 10-14 days. Grown seedlings must be dived into separate containers. It is possible to achieve a better development of seedlings if, at the time of growth, it is transplanted 2-3 times. At the same time, the volume of the pot is gradually increased. Already in mid-May, grown seedlings can be planted in flower beds. At this point, the plants have already formed buds, and some varieties may even bloom.


This plant is liked by many gardeners because of its charming appearance. It can be used to create absolutely any composition. When the lobelia blooms, it is impossible to see its leaves. This is due to the abundance small flowers. All of them have bright and interesting colors.

Among the wide variety of varieties, ampelous and compact cushion lobelia are in great demand. Their flowers can take on a bright blue, blue, pink, white color. You can see the first flowers in June, and flowering lasts until frost. In the summer, lobelia can stop flowering. During this period, it is necessary to cut it heavily and water it abundantly. Then she will again delight everyone with her unusual and bright flowering. It will also be useful to learn about how flowers are grown.

Lobelia refers to ground cover and ampelous plants. It can be planted near the borders or in a regular flower garden. Lobelia is also great to fill the space in a ball where tall crops are located.

Lobelia should be sown in late February - early March. Roll the crops a little, while covering the seeds with soil is not worth it. Be sure to moisten with a spray bottle. The first sprouts can be found after 14 days. Seedlings must be dived and placed in a bright, well-ventilated place. Already from mid-May, they can be sent to the soil.

On the video - growing Lobelia:

Carnation Shabo

This type of plant must be sown at the end of February, since 5-6 months must pass for it to bloom from the moment of planting. Not so long ago, white and red carnations were considered a necessary attribute of various events. Today, the number of varieties is so large that sometimes you don’t immediately understand what exactly is suitable for creating a particular flower arrangement. At the same time, they are all incredibly beautiful and are presented in various color solutions.

The process of growing Shabo cloves is not complicated. The main thing is not to miss the sowing time. Otherwise, the plant does not require increased influence, although it develops best on fertile soil.

When the carnation blooms, it has an expressive color, so you need to place it in the flower bed so that it is perfectly visible. The plant is photophilous, cold-resistant and drought-resistant.

After sowing has been done, store the containers at a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees above zero. When the first shoots form after 7-10 days, it must be provided with proper lighting. So you have to make a pick, distributing the seedlings into separate pots. This way they won't obscure each other. To prevent the carnation from stretching, it is necessary to provide them with a lot of light and coolness. Watering should be moderate. Here's how it's grown Turkish cloves from seeds, will help to understand the information from this

On the video - how the sowing and cultivation of Carnation Shabo takes place:

Begonia evergreen

This plant is different from others unpretentious care and incredibly amazing appearance. Begonia can be placed in the garden different ways. You can use it as ampelous plant or create a flowering border out of it. It is planted in containers for balconies and terraces, and also carpet paths are formed.

Depending on the variety, the ever-flowering begonia may have leaves of green, bronze color. But the flowers take on a white, pink or red color. But that's not all, as two-color varieties can be seen today. There are undersized plants, the height of which does not exceed 20 cm.

Begonia seeds should be planted in February, as they take a long time to germinate. Lay the seed on the surface of the soil, press down a little. This will increase the area of ​​​​contact of the seed with the soil. Moisten the soil after planting.

For seeds to germinate, it is necessary to create temperature regime+20 degrees. After 45 days, young seedlings dive into a separate container. In early June, the plant is ready for planting in a bud. You may also be interested in information about what it looks like

lavender angustifolia

This plant is characterized by its amazing aroma. It grows well even in winter conditions. Thus, narrow-leaved lavender can be grown on a terrace or balcony. In the flower bed, her neighbors can be roses, herbs.

The seeds of the plant in question need stratification. Due to this, its early sowing occurs. Send the seed into the soil to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm. At the same time, it must be pre-moistened. Cover the container with seedlings with a film or glass, and then place in the refrigerator. The duration of the stratification will be 3 months.

In the phase of 2-3 pairs of leaves, the plant will dive. Landing in the soil occurs after the frost has passed. Compared to mature plants, young plants are not very resistant to cold. And from this, you can emphasize more information on how to grow lavender.


This plant loves warm climates. Another name for salvia is sparkling sage. Most often, the plant blooms with red flowers, but today breeders have been able to develop varieties with purple hues. Most often, salvia is used in group plantings. It will attract attention with its brightness and juiciness if planted in a large area. Also, the plant can be used for planting in containers.

Plant seeds are sent to the ground in late February - early March. They do not need to be deepened much, just sprinkle with earth. Picking occurs in phase 4-5 of this leaf. You can plant a crop in open ground in late May - early June. It is better if it is a sunny place. You may also be interested in information on how the cultivation takes place.


In order for this plant to delight you with its unusually beautiful flowering throughout the summer, it is necessary to sow its seeds for seedlings at the end of February. Viola is a very popular plant. This is a two-year culture that gardeners actively use when compiling various flower arrangements.

The peculiarity of Viola is that it blooms for a very long time. In addition, her flowers can be presented in various colors. The culture is unpretentious in care and can easily transfer the transplant even when it blooms. It grows well, so it can be grown both in flower beds and in various containers. But how the cultivation from seeds for seedlings of Violla takes place is described in great detail in this

After planting the seeds, the grown seedlings are picked, planting them in various containers. For the full development of the viola, it is necessary to grow seedlings in a cool room, where the air temperature is 14-15 degrees above zero and good lighting.

The culture in question loves warmth and sun. It is also demanding on the quality of the soil. To see the amazing flowering of heliotrope is possible only under the condition regular care. And although it is difficult to care for the plant, when you see it bloom, you will understand that your efforts have not gone in vain.

Heliotrom looks great in a flower garden when combined with bright orange flowers. There is also an option in containers.

It is necessary to sow the seeds superficially, because they germinate only in the light. Press the seed to the ground and lightly crush it with earth. In a month, the seedlings will grow up, so that they can be sent to separate pots.

Also will learn about when to sow lawn grass autumn or spring.

Have beautiful flower bed near the house dreams of almost everyone. Thanks to the beautiful and unusual flowering of plants, it is possible to transform your home by making it appearance more presentable. But first you need to select the desired varieties of flowers and plant them for seedlings in the month of February. This method will bring the process of flowering plants closer and extend it until the first frost.