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Two-story beds for children of different sexes. Design of a children's room for children of different sexes - the best photo interior ideas. Furniture for storing things: cabinets, racks, shelves

Properly arranging a children's room is not easy, the task becomes even more complicated when we are talking about children of different sexes. After all, it is the parents who must foresee all the options in advance and make sure that the kids get along well in the same area. And so that everyone feels good and comfortable!

Territory in half

The main difficulty in designing a nursery for children of different sexes is not to offend anyone. Therefore, think about how to delimit the territory for two. Having your own space is especially important at a young age. After all, it is at this time that the perception of the outside world is formed and relationships with it are built.

Parallel zoning

An excellent scheme for spacious, and best of all, square rooms. Although you can think of an elongated room: you just need to experiment with the layout and location of windows and doors.

The room is simply divided in half. To do this, use a closet, rack, partition, curtains. The color scheme of both parts may differ. To prevent the nursery from looking too tacky, leave the general style, background or accents. For example, plain walls or beds of the same model, but with different colored textiles.

Diagonal zoning

Diagonal zoning differs from parallel zoning only in the location of the partition. This scheme is suitable for rooms with two windows on adjacent walls.

Diagonal division of the nursery is convenient to use in private houses or corner apartments.

Common areas

This division involves two separate sleeping places and common areas for games. This is convenient for small children of different sexes of about the same age. They happily play together, and cribs are enough for them to have privacy.

But when children grow up, problems may begin. You will need at least two separate workstations and two storage spaces.

Methods for zoning a children's room

Designers have long come up with many tricks for zoning rooms. You don't even have to “reinvent the wheel.”

Mobile partitions

Mobile partitions are the simplest tool for zoning. For example, folding screens. They can be removed during the day, and put back in at night or for classes.

From stationary structures Such partitions are also distinguished by the fact that they are visually lighter. This means they look less bulky in small rooms.

Plasterboard structures

From plasterboard you can create structures of any complexity and configuration: from lightweight interior walls to graceful semi-arches or low pillars.

Plasterboard structures, unlike mobile partitions, cannot be folded or removed. But they have another advantage: you can build a whole storage system for things inside. And use the surface of low partitions instead of a table or shelf.

Cabinets and shelving

Now there are a lot of furniture options suitable for dividing a room. Of course, these are not bulky wardrobes in the ceiling. But racks with shelves for books and cute little things look lighter and immediately give the nursery a certain style and mood.

Pay attention to modular designs. Especially those that have access from both sides. They can easily replace a closet, chest of drawers or pencil case. And in modern interiors they can be played out in an interesting way with the help of decorative lighting.


Thick curtains are usually built into the ceiling instead of a partition. More precisely, the cornice is mounted into a plasterboard structure. But this also has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that the curtains are easy to close and open as needed. They can always be removed for washing or replaced with new ones if children want to refresh the interior.

Disadvantage: textiles attract dust, get dirty easily and are a fire hazard. This is not the best option for small children. So first weigh the pros and cons.

Visual zoning

Visual techniques include zoning with materials, colors and textures. This also includes podiums and ceiling structures.

But in the case of dividing a children's room for children of different sexes, it is better to use such tricks as an addition, and not as a basis. Light and color alone can change the perception of a room, but not create two private corners.

But with the help of a podium and lighting you can perfectly highlight the gaming or work area.

Bed installation

The most difficult thing in a nursery for children of different sexes is to separate the sleeping places. Suitable for small rooms bunk beds or modern transforming systems, they take up less space.

But if space allows, it is better to divide the sleeping areas more clearly, because the older the children get, the more they need their own corner.

In an elongated rectangular room, try placing beds against one wall and placing a mobile or sliding partition in the middle. Or build a curtain rod into the ceiling structure.

The easiest way is to install beds against opposite walls. And in the center of the room there will be a common area that the children themselves can share when they need it.

A convenient option is modern transformable furniture. In one such complex there will fit a bed, a table, and shelves with cabinets for storing things. Then in the rest of the room you can safely install a sports corner, a TV with a console or any other entertainment.

Correct lighting

The right light is especially important for children's growing bodies. Moreover, kids are engaged in creativity, reading, studying, and doing homework. Therefore, you need to approach the organization of lighting no less carefully than choosing a bed or workplace.

Natural light

The best light is always natural. That is why the brightest room is traditionally chosen for children's rooms. Ideally, with windows facing east or southeast.

Sunlight affects the entire lifestyle of children, their emotional background, vigor and performance.

Artificial lighting

The current trend is multi-level lighting. This is especially valuable in a children's room.

A bright overhead light is suitable for the play area. It is better to place the central chandelier above it. If this zone is in a corner, two-tiered ones will solve the problem. plasterboard ceilings with built-in spotlights.

The middle level is a shifted diffused light above the sofa, computer desk, at the TV.

The third level is work lighting. These are tabletops and swivel sconces above the desktop. It is important to think through this area so that children do not interfere with each other.

Don't forget about the light above the bed. Choose soft, adjustable lamps for this. Especially when there are two children in the room. This way, one of them can, for example, read a book in bed without disturbing the other.

Power and brightness

Calculate the power of the lamps based on the following considerations: 10-15 Watts per square for the entire room, 50-60 Watts per square for the work and play areas.

Don't forget about color temperature. For living rooms Two types of light bulbs are used:

At 3000-4000K. This is a warm yellowish light for chandeliers and wall lights in living rooms;
- At 4000-5000K. This is a neutral background for functional rooms. It is used instead of daytime.

Lamps up to 3000K produce warm orange light. It's cozy for evening gatherings, but not suitable for everyday activities. Temperatures above 5000K are bluish white lamps, as in museums, hospitals, laboratories, and shops.

Color solutions

Each child is an individual with his own tastes and preferences. Naturally, children may like different colors and styles. Interests begin to form at the age of 3-5 years.

common topic

If a compromise has been reached between the children, the easiest way is to decorate the room in one color scheme. This will simplify the selection of furniture, textiles and parts.

Remember that children's preferences can change quickly. Therefore, for such global decisions, it is better to choose neutral themes that can be easily refreshed or changed with small details and accessories.

Simple modern interiors, natural, marine or space theme, laconic technological styles - be sure to consider these options.


You can visually divide a room even within the same color. For example, decorate one part of the room in darker and richer emerald shades, and the other in pastel light green or bleached khaki.

Natural textures and colors look very stylish in this interpretation: wood, sand, brown shades. And children will create accents for themselves with the help of their favorite toys, crafts and decorations.


To separate the room of children of different sexes, you can use completely different colors. But don't forget about color. And that the child’s psyche is sensitive to visual stimuli.

Choose different shades, but not too loud or harsh. For example, purple with gray, brown with green, yellow with blue.

Which style should you choose?

Decorating the interior of a room for children of different sexes is always more difficult. Therefore the most popular design solutions– compromise.

Children's room in minimalist style

Minimalism itself is “bland” for a child’s room. But it will become a universal unifying background, on the basis of which you can design different zones using accents. This way, even a bright nursery will not be tacky.

Children's room in high-tech style

Technological high-tech is, first of all, lightness and functionality. For example, a frame metal shelving unit for zoning a room is much lighter than a classic closed bookshelf.

Any sports and gaming corners easily fit into the hi-tech.

Children's room in loft style

Loft interiors are ideal for creative children. They are deliberately rough, simple and eclectic. This means they create an ideal basis for self-expression.

Children's room in Scandinavian style

Scandinavian style warmer and more comfortable than ordinary minimalism. He gravitates towards natural materials and colors. And also - to hand-made, so that children can decorate the room with their own crafts.

Children's room in classic style

The classic desire for symmetry is an excellent basis for zoning and arrangement of furniture. Massive furniture is functional and roomy. Natural wood, stone and textiles are environmentally friendly and safe.

Classic interiors are suitable for older children.

Small nursery for children of different sexes

Planning a comfortable nursery for children of different sexes in a small room is very difficult. After all, you can’t just give up toys, textbooks and other important little things.

If possible, move the closet outside the room. Leave only the most necessary areas in it: sleeping, working, playing. In the same way, it is better to take out the sports corner or musical instruments.

If the nursery has access to a balcony, feel free to insulate it and take down the partition. You can remove it completely and expand the space, or you can leave it in half and arrange its surface as a work area.

Nursery design for children of different sexes - photo

To finally decide on a suitable solution for such an important task, first study different examples and projects. For this we have prepared a selection of photographs already existing interiors rooms for children of different sexes. Watch and get inspired!

The interior of a children's room designed to accommodate two children of different sexes is sometimes an impossible task for parents, especially financially. The design and zoning of such rooms has many nuances, both from the point of view of ergonomics and from the point of view of design solutions. How to properly plan and divide space for a boy and a girl - in our article.

Renovating a room for a boy and a girl must begin with preliminary planning and zoning, because both children need their own personal space. But it is better to maintain a single design style, dividing the room with color or another method of zoning - this is exactly what we will talk about.

At first glance, there are no advantages to the fact that a brother and sister will share the same room. Especially if they are of different ages. However, this is not quite true:

Firstly, none of them will be bored and, if necessary, each can turn to the other for help or advice.

Secondly, it is living together that strengthens the relationship between brothers and sisters.

Thirdly, children learn to respect the personal space of others, not to spoil other people's things, and to better maintain order and discipline.

Also, when decorating a room in different color shades children understand their belonging to a certain gender.

It should be noted that by placing children in the same room, parents, in a sense, save space, especially if they share with children two-room apartment. Well, ideas for rooms for girls and boys will help you get out of this situation.

How to divide a room for a boy and a girl

If we are talking about a room with an area of ​​more than 18 square meters, then for separation you can erect full-fledged plasterboard partitions in order to allocate each child his own space, even a very small one. Most often, parents allocate the largest and most spacious room in the apartment for children of different sexes - this is the only way to talk about some kind of separation. The erected partition will help not only divide the room into two living areas, but also serve as a support for the built-in wardrobe.

But if the room has an area smaller than the specified one, then every square meter counts and we are no longer talking about a major partition. Then a reasonable question arises: how to zone a room for a boy and a girl living together?

  • Open shelving and cabinets. They serve not only as a partition, but also as a place to store toys and books.
  • Drapes, curtains. Light and airy curtains will not overload the space, but will make it clear that the room has two purposes.
  • Screen. Advantage of this subject in its mobility - if you remove the screen, you get a large, spacious room. The screen can be used, for example, in the evening, when one of the children is already getting ready for bed, and the second is still doing homework.
  • Different floor levels. For one of the children, you can arrange a space on the podium, and if you have high ceilings, you can arrange an “attic”.
  • Partitions from wooden beams and bars. A modern solution is to use wooden beams to divide space. Such a partition allows light to pass through, but can be used as a support for a table or hanging shelves.

A modern approach to arranging the interior of a children's room for a girl and a boy will allow you to make the most of the entire space, using it both horizontally and vertically.

What zones should be provided in a room for two children - a girl and a boy together, and which ones should be separated?

The place near the window is considered the brightest and can be used to arrange a work area. If the children are both schoolchildren, then they will need two desks or one large one. Designers suggest using a window sill combined with work surface arranged along the window. On both sides of the window you can arrange racks or shelves where educational materials will be stored.

Sleeping places are usually located near the wall, away from sounds and drafts. In addition, children will need a place to play and create. If the guys attend some kind of club or section, then it will be necessary to provide a place for sports equipment, stationery and other tools to help children develop.

If you decide to make one common closet for storage, then it is better to place it at the entrance, and so that both children have free access to it.

Children's room for girls and boys: design

After the parents have decided on the functional purpose of each zone and divided the room into two equal parts, they can begin to choose a style direction. The task is complicated by the fact that not every style is suitable for a girl and not every style is suitable for a boy. For example, the characteristic “girly” style of Provence does not fit in with the masculine brutality necessary for a teenage boy. Well, a purely male loft is certainly not suitable for a preschool girl. So, what style should you choose to decorate a room for a girl and a boy together?

Modern or modern minimalism

The most ideal solution for a children's room where two children will live - a girl and a boy. Modern style involves the use of only a minimal set of furniture, the absence of unnecessary decor, and the presence of pieces of furniture that do not clutter up the space. Thanks to its versatility, the style is suitable for both toddlers and teenagers, as well as children of different ages. In minimalism they are mainly used light colors and shades that push boundaries and visually expand space.

Modern style also involves the use of transformable furniture that can be moved and quickly change its purpose. Another advantage of the modern style is its cost-effectiveness - parents do not need to incur additional costs for decorative details.


Of course, classics in its classical sense (pardon the pun) require quite a large space, however, for two children it is more advisable to use modern classics with a minimum of decorative elements and stucco.

As designers say, “classic is always in fashion,” and this involves the use natural materials and fabrics. And it is not at all necessary to have a rubber budget to arrange a beautiful classic bedroom for children.

Children's room classic style provides for the presence of minimal decor, for example, moldings on the ceiling, walls and furniture facades. It is not at all necessary to choose a central chandelier for lighting, although its presence characterizes the classic direction. You can supplement the lighting wall lamps, matching the style of the entire room. Light shades will create a relaxed and uncluttered space.

High tech

Technological progress forces us to follow many rules, including in the interior design of a room for a girl and a boy. Although high-tech can be called cold and reserved due to the abundance of metal and glass, it will fit perfectly into the life of the younger generation. The technical equipment of the room will look especially organic - computers, laptops, modern LED lightening, built-in cinema. But this does not mean that parents will go broke buying equipment; one or two gadgets that catch the eye are enough.

As for the color for the high-tech style, in the case of a small room it is better to give preference to light shades - white, gray, milky with bright splashes.


Many may call loft too masculine, brutal and cold. However, this is not quite true. The loft is multifaceted, so it can be safely used in the case of interior design for teenage boys and girls. Character traits loft:

  • open communications (in this case the main thing is safety), in a nursery this could be ceiling beams, decorative ventilation duct, lamps without lampshades;
  • high ceilings and big windows no textiles. Of course, this point hardly applies to our apartments, but if such a possibility still exists, then it is better not to block the windows from natural light with heavy curtains;
  • open brickwork or concrete walls. The role of such decoration can easily be performed by plaster or gypsum brick.
  • industrial elements - metal lamps, headboard or bedside table with rivets;
  • deliberately rough furniture, as if made hastily from scrap old boards.

Themed interior for girls and boys

Many parents are afraid to decorate a room for two children of different sexes in a certain theme, arguing that children's tastes and hobbies change almost every day. An older child may no longer take several children's interior with butterflies or cars on the wallpaper. Well, if the children are also of different ages, then you can forget about the themed interior? Not at all: you just need to choose a topic that will be relevant for a child at any age.

These areas could be:

  • Lego style, where all interior elements are folded and unfolded according to the principle of a transformer constructor;
  • forest or zoo (safari, jungle, basic color scheme in this case, green or yellow and their shades will appear;
  • a medieval castle: in the girl’s half it can be something beautiful and magical, but in the boy’s half it can be knightly and more brutal;
  • marine theme, relevant for both kids and teenagers;
  • fairy tales and cartoon or comic book characters.

Having chosen a theme, determine with what details this theme will be revealed: photo wallpaper or a fresco on the wall, textiles on the windows and on the bed, decorative elements in the form of wall posters, paintings, clocks. Even the design matters bookshelves and work chairs.
Create a room design for a boy and a girl together with your children, listen to their opinion, because they will have to live in this room for more than one year, and an imposed interior can suppress the child’s creativity.

Choosing a color for the nursery

When the question arises: how to make a room for a boy and a girl—two children of different sexes—you need to listen not only to architects and designers, but also to psychologists. Color content affects both the development of the child and the mood at a particular moment in time. According to experts, the following colors and their shades are suitable for children's rooms:

  • Yellow is truly sunny, lifts your mood and increases brain activity. The most neutral shade of all, suitable for both boys and girls.
  • Blue or blue. If there is too much of this color, the interior becomes too cold and depressing. Well, in measured quantities, shades of blue are calming. In a room for a girl and a boy, it can be used together with other shades and highlight the area for the boy.
  • Green. It is a well-known fact that green has a positive effect on vision and gives rest to the eyes. It is this that we associate with nature, which means it gives us a certain peace and tranquility. The interior for a boy and a girl can contain green shades in any of the zones.
  • Red and its shades. Quite aggressive, enhances brain activity and is more suitable for phlegmatic people. Well, in a nursery it should be used in small quantities, only to highlight some details.
  • Peach or pink. Quite gentle, positive colors. Ideal for decorating an area for a girl in a common room - in such a space she will feel comfortable and cozy.

Of course, when a room is decorated for a boy and a girl together, the interior contains at least two distinct colors - this is often how the space for children is divided. You don't need to be a design expert to understand that these shades should be combined with each other. The following are possible color solutions and combinations (for boy and girl space):

  • Blue + pink or peach;
  • Blue + yellow;
  • Green + yellow;
  • Green + pink;
  • Gray + pink;
  • Brown + cream;
  • Turquoise + beige.

Of course, this does not mean that the entire area for the child should be highlighted in one of the colors. It is more advisable to choose neutral and light shades for the background, while bright and contrasting tones are suitable for accents.

When choosing a room design for a boy or a girl together with your children, take into account their color preferences, because only in such an interior will they be pleased to stay and develop. It will be much easier to choose a color if the boy and girl like the same ones - in this case, you can only designate personal areas different shades one color.


Of course, the most important furniture in a room for two children is the bed. They are the ones who are allocated the most “trump” place - where there are no drafts. Most often, beds are placed with the headboard or one side facing the wall. If the parents decided to use a two-tier structure, then most often it takes up space along the wall.

Bunk beds

How else can you put two beds in a room (you can find out from the article:) where children of different sexes live? The most optimal arrangement is tiered, when the entire height of the room is used.

You can even “move” both children into the attic, under which you can arrange a work area or play area. This solution will especially appeal to parents who cannot allocate more than 10 square meters for two children.

Such furniture should always be safe: sleeping area equipped with special railings. Please note that there should be enough space up to the ceiling for the child to sit comfortably.

Transformable beds

A sofa bed, a chair-bed or a sleeping place hiding in a closet - such transformable furniture will always save space, but at the same time provide comfortable stay at night. Another furniture option is a bed that rolls out from under the podium. The sleeping place itself in such structures is quite spacious, and during the day it can be hidden, freeing up space for games.

A sofa bed or chair-bed will allow you to lie down and relax during the day without wasting time folding and unfolding transformable beds. But such models also take up more space.

Working space

Even if a girl and a boy living in the same room do not go to school yet, they still need a place for creativity, drawing, modeling and crafts. Moreover, it is unlikely that parents will want to make repairs in a couple of years. This means that it is necessary to provide a corner for arranging the workspace in advance.

If the children are already schoolchildren, then in addition to the desk, they will need a rack or cabinet for educational materials and stationery. We have already said that it is more advisable to select the brightest place for studying - near the window.

You can create a spacious work area by using the surface of the window sill, combining it with a table top. And on both sides of the window you can make shelves or bookshelves.

Storage space

Storage space in a children's room for a boy and a girl is not only closets or closets for clothes and shoes. Parents need to plan where toys will be placed, Board games and books, stationery and items for study.

If the children get along well with each other, then you can arrange for them one spacious wardrobe, divided into sections. In this case, each child is allocated half of the closet, and shelves and rods for clothes are built. Designers recommend taking a closer look at corner models cabinets that save space.

Toys can be stored in drawers under the bed or on the bottom shelves of a closet. But for the office and books you will have to arrange separate places, closer to the workplace. After all, while doing homework, the child should not be distracted by anything, which means that all important books and supplies should be at hand.


To keep your children's eyes healthy and create a cozy atmosphere, you will have to think through the lighting scheme at the planning stage. After all, the laying of electrical wires and switches depends on where and what kind of lamps will be located.

When there are two children living in a room, and even of different sexes, one central chandelier will clearly not be enough, so you will have to think about the placement of the following light sources:

  • main lighting - built-in ceiling or central;
  • directional light source for work and study;
  • night lights in personal areas that can be turned on if necessary.

When choosing a lighting design, you should take into account that in the children's room there should not be a sharp transition between light and shadow, and the light itself should not tire the eyes. Which means one more important aspect- choosing the right lamps. Modern LED bulbs with neutral light they do the job perfectly.

Depending on the chosen style for a children's room for two children of different sexes, you can also mount lighting for niches, furniture, and cornices.

Room for a girl and a boy together - interior photos

Of course, you can talk quite a lot about the topic of cohabitation of two children of different sexes, but, as they say, “it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times” (or read), so we have prepared an impressive collection of photos of room interior ideas for a boy and a girl together. Perhaps the photos we saw will help many parents decorate a similar room in their apartment, creating a cozy and safe environment for their children.

Many families in our country cannot afford to have separate rooms for children of opposite sexes. For this reason, parents have to select various design solutions that will help make the room space comfortable and convenient for both children. Design of a children's room for two children of different sexes - 80 photo examples in our article:

Experts recommend visually dividing a room for a boy and a girl when they grow up and go to school. It is necessary to allocate a place for play and a work area for doing homework, and we must not forget about sleeping places.

When developing the design of a children's room for children of different sexes, it is worth taking into account the psychological, physical and aesthetic aspects of the influence of the interior on children.

Interior design of a children's room for children of different sexes

Unlike adults, children need much more space in the house, since their development directly depends on the amount of energy released. Therefore, the first thing you need to pay attention to when decorating a nursery is to allocate as much space as possible from the total area of ​​the room for games.

Usually the middle of the room is left free, and furniture is placed along the walls or windows. Two children of different sexes will need even more space, so you need to purchase compact and multifunctional furniture for the children's room for children of different sexes, and if the size of the room allows, one for each child.

Junior school age

A children's room for two schoolchildren of different sexes must have comfortable tables, a bed or sofa, closets for clothes and textbooks.

The easiest way is to allocate a place near the window for a working area - you can place it next to it. long table, behind which both schoolchildren will fit perfectly, while natural light will allow them not to strain their eyesight.

You can separate workspaces on the table with a modular shelf with books, and it is recommended to place bedside tables on the sides for school supplies. See photo design - children's room for children of different sexes:

To divide a children's room for a boy and a girl into two zones, you can use different colors or smooth transition one tone to another.

In stores there are children's modular walls of the same design, but in different colors, which include:

  • bed,
  • closet,
  • dresser,
  • table,
  • various shelves, etc.

Before purchasing, be sure to check how spacious all the drawers, shelves and storage spaces are. outerwear. Experienced parents also advise purchasing beds with lower drawers on wheels - if there is a shortage of space, it is convenient to store toys in them.

For children of different sexes, you can purchase a bunk bed for a narrow room. Now models are being produced that have a sofa at the bottom and a regular bed at the top.

Buying such furniture will allow both children to sit, play or watch TV during the day, and in the evening the sofa can quickly transform into a sleeping place.

For small rooms They also advise choosing compact equipment - very thin TVs, all-in-one computers or laptops that can be easily folded and stored away. drawer table. Children's room for children of different sexes photo gallery:


Zoning a children's room for children of different sexes - experts advise using transparent partitions made of tempered glass. They do not darken the room and at the same time help to allocate a corner of personal space for each child without any special financial expenses.

Transforming partitions are also produced that move apart and rotate around their axis. Having installed such a structure, it will be possible to divide the room at night or while doing homework.

When planning a children's room for children of different sexes, of course, more opportunities for imagination are provided by a room with two windows and a large area, in which, without building a solid wall, but using only transforming cabinets, you can create a design of different styles.

Another interesting option that children will really like is a transparent partition, inside of which there is a special gas. Using the remote control, you can make the glass panel completely transparent or covered with a slight haze.

Children's room options for children of different sexes

  1. When decorating one room for two children of different sexes, it is advisable to choose bright hues furniture and translucent curtains - this approach will help visually expand the room.
  2. What color to choose for a children's room for children of different sexes? A room decorated in pastel colors can be made bright by choosing a colored rug or photo wallpaper for the walls.
  3. A dark room will brighten up if you hang transparent curtains on the windows and install miniature lamps on the walls and ceiling.

Finally, I would like to say that when arranging a nursery, it is imperative to take into account the children’s opinions. In addition, if possible, buy furniture made from environmentally friendly materials and, preferably, there should be less space on tables, chairs, bedside tables and cabinets. sharp corners and ledges, because children are not always careful during noisy games.

Brother and sister: one room for two

Children of different sexes living in the same room demand special attention adults. Start with the decor in the children's room, paying attention to the sleeping area.

Often in a family where children of different sexes are growing up, the question arises about sex education for such children in a small apartment.

In a situation where there is no opportunity to purchase a more spacious living space, where each child could have his own room, taking into account puberty, as well as the obvious difference in the rest and sleep patterns of children, it is necessary to take other measures.

How to arrange a children's room for children of different sexes? If there is an older child in the family who is about to go to school, he must be allocated a separate table, and must also be isolated from the younger child so that there is no interference when doing homework.

However, when the younger one needs nap, you need to ask the older child to stay in another room. Simply put, it is in the best interests of all children that everyone should try to carve out their own space in their shared room.

Divide common room zones can be divided using curtains or screens, shelving, mobile partitions and so on. The room should have two tables, two chairs, and so on.

As a rule, as soon as one baby starts doing something, the other wants to do the same. A separate table and chair will help avoid many problems. Of course, each baby should also have their own bed.

Children's room ideas for children of different sexes

Children of different sexes who are over three years old should under no circumstances sleep in the same bed. At this age, children for the first time begin to pay attention to the difference between girls and boys and begin to explore their own genitals. This is a normal process, however, it is not recommended to artificially stimulate such interest.

If you are buying furniture for a children's room, sofas can become great solution. The choice of sofas is very rich, however, if you are looking for an option for sleeping and relaxing, then you can choose a sofa bed.

When a children's room for children of different sexes has small sizes to achieve comfort and the greatest possible convenience - this type of sofa may be the best option.

The sofa bed folds out, thereby increasing the sleeping space. When assembled, such a sofa significantly saves space. Transformable wardrobes with a folding bed are also produced.

Also, pay attention to the mattress. It is better that the sofa is equipped with a built-in orthopedic mattress and has a drawer for linen.

Sofas from the manufacturer are manufactured various types However, it is important that the children's sofa bed is very durable, so that a mobile child will not break it.

Thus, when planning the interior design of a children's room for two children of different sexes, it is important to take into account many points, as well as take into account the size of the room and the age of the children.

In large families, a problem may arise such as a lack of living space. This problem becomes especially acute when two children of different sexes appear, and there is only one room for them. The new review collected examples of how this problem can be solved.

1. Marine motifs

The nautical theme of a children's room is universal and suitable for both boys and girls, and stylish accessories And bright design, will surely appeal to teenagers.

2. Contrasting zoning

A clear example of zoning a room where two children of opposite sexes coexist: yellow indicates the territory of a girl, blue - a boy.

3. Color Quartet

A room decorated in neutral tones with a pair of spacious bunk beds featuring different colored linens.

4. Town

Can't allow children of different sexes to have separate rooms? A room stylized as a town is an excellent solution for a shared nursery, and beds hidden in separate houses will allow each child to have their own personal space.

5. Entertainment complex

Spacious children's room black and white colors with minimalist beds and a huge, well-equipped area for active games.

A charming children's room, decorated in yellow and blue tones with two separate work areas and a place to relax on the balcony.

7. Clear boundaries

A modern nursery, divided in half with contrasting rugs and an open partition, will allow each child to have their own space in a common room.

8. Eclecticism

A dreamy children's room decorated in pastel shades of pink and blue with medieval-style furniture and accessories will appeal to both boys and girls alike.

9. Separation

An excellent example of competent zoning of a room for children of different sexes. Neutral walls and furniture, plasterboard partition, separating the beds, and a spacious common area.

10. Developmental design

A bright children's room with a huge world map on the wall, identical chairs that form a single whole, and functional furniture is an excellent solution for decorating a preschooler's room.

11. Luscious design

Positive design of a small nursery, decorated in a cheerful orange color, with a functional bunk bed equipped with many drawers and shelves.

12. Personal property

It is important for even young children to have their own space and personal possessions. Therefore, a children's room decorated in neutral beige tones, with personalized beds, stylish drawers that serve as bedside tables, and an impromptu attic will be an excellent solution for a bedroom where two children coexist.

13. The illusion of intimacy

A small teenage bedroom in a modern style, separated by a curtain, will give each child the illusion of intimacy.

14. In half

Stylish interior with striped white and blue wallpaper, two twin beds and beach-style accessories - universal solution to decorate the bedroom of two children or teenagers of different sexes.

17. Adjoining rooms

An adjacent room, divided by an open partition wall, which, if necessary, can be covered with a curtain - what is needed to create a comfortable space for two friendly children.


Arranging a child's room to please one child can be difficult. And if two children live in it (also of different sexes!), then the task becomes doubly complicated.

Fortunately, designers have developed a lot interesting ideas, which parents can take into account. And the selection of photos below will help you choose the option that suits the area and layout.

Basic principles of arrangement

In a narrow nursery, a wall of shorter length will help to visually lengthen wallpaper with a discreet horizontal pattern and a pronounced perspective.

2. Choosing furniture.

It would be reasonable to give preference to multifunctional options:

  • children's corners;
  • transformable beds;
  • loft beds;
  • two-tier structures;

Such furniture saves space and solves the problem of zoning. For children of different ages, choosing a bed for the youngest child will save money.

Classic models of neutral color made of solid wood, fiberboard or MDF, simple in shape, without carved patterns, will be universal.

For teenagers of different sexes, curtains will help highlight their personal space.

Small children of about the same age will enjoy the house bed. It will become not only a sleeping place, but also a cozy play area.

A wardrobe-bed or sofa with a pull-out bed in a room for a girl and a boy up to 7-9 years old will solve the problem of a lack of square meters.

For children with different hobbies, you can order a loft bed with separate play areas.

Room small area requires more space and freedom. “Smart” storage systems will allow you to maintain order even in a huge kingdom of toys. These can be built-in wardrobes, chests of drawers, equipped with bed drawers, additional shelving on the side surface of multi-level structures.

Children's room 14-15 sq. meters

Such a room gives more freedom in choosing decor and furniture.

1. Color design.

In a medium-sized or large-sized nursery, it is appropriate to combine different colors in the decoration. For example, you can paint opposite walls traditionally pink and blue or peach and gray, thereby visually separating the boy and girl halves.

The use of neutral colors also remains relevant, especially if children a big difference aged or they are different in temperament.

2. Selection of furniture.

Rational and ergonomic furniture with “smart” storage systems will always be a priority. In fairly spacious children's rooms, 16 or 18 square meters. m you can put two separate beds. These can be regular single options with built-in drawers or shelves, or two two-level structures, then each person can have their own study or play area below.

The size of the room allows you to install two separate cabinets or two walls to completely separate the toys and thereby avoid quarrels.

From large room from 20 sq. m you can make two full-fledged children's rooms. The only limitation in this case will be the location of the window. In most cases, a partition can separate sleeping and playing areas and leave a common area where cabinets and storage racks can be located. This option is ideal solution for teenagers, so it deserves special attention.

For teenagers and children of all ages

During this difficult transitional period, both children have a heightened sense of independence and a possessive attitude.

There may be several ideas on how to divide the room of a boy and a girl.

1. If possible, the best solution would be to install a partition using drywall or a shelving unit with maximum separation of all zones.

2. A good option- partial separation with common areas. IN narrow room, for example, where the window is centered on a smaller wall, it is impossible to completely allocate a separate half to each. The window space can be used to organize a study area by installing. In another part of the room you can put loft beds, as suggested above, bunk beds with curtains, or two separate beds with a small partition.

3. For a small bedroom, a good idea would be a loft bed with a personal space allocated for everyone on the lower tier and the use of curtains in the sleeping area. For young girls, you can also arrange a personal dressing room under the upper tier.

Teenage children feel like adults and independent individuals. This should be reflected in the interior: modern style and decor in the form of modular paintings, photo wallpapers depicting night cities or on the theme of cinema and fashion.

Decor features

The peculiarity of arranging a children's room for children of different sexes is primarily manifested in accessories, textile design, and finishing design. The decor reflects the interests and hobbies of the boy and girl. The following tips will help you create a harmonious interior:

  1. The more differences between children in character, temperament, and hobbies, the more neutral the walls should be. Refuse.
  2. If children have common favorite cartoons or fairy tales, then the characters from them can be used as the theme of the image on the photo wallpaper.
  3. Use different textile designs for boys and girls: bed linen, pillowcases sofa cushions etc. Curtains on the windows should be neutral, universal colors.
  4. To avoid children's quarrels, visually separate the furniture using color design. For example, the blue half of the closet will be for a boy, and the yellow or pink half will be for a girl.