Water pipes      06/17/2019

Rating of cast iron pans. The best non-stick coating for a frying pan

A frying pan is one of the indispensable purchases in every home. And really, what is a kitchen without a frying pan? And fry cutlets, and sauté onions, and, at worst, make scrambled eggs - for all these needs you simply need a frying pan. Yes, not just any, but a good one.

And today let's talk about how to choose the right pan.

Everyone has probably encountered the problem of too much choice in the grocery departments of supermarkets. And if there is little experience in this matter, then the buyer will be seriously puzzled: which frying pan to choose - coated or uncoated? Lighter or heavier? With a removable handle or will it do? ..

Cast iron: reliable, durable - cast iron frying pans

As everyone well knows, frying pans differ primarily in the material from which they are made. Each of us remembers from our grandmother’s kitchen with burnt edges, which produces excellent pancakes. Just a classic of Soviet cooking!

Experts believe that Cast-iron pan ideal for preparing products that require long-term heat treatment. Cast iron conducts heat very well, so it gets very hot. At the same time, burning of products to the surface is extremely rare.

This is due to the fact that cast iron is a rather porous metal, therefore, during cooking, it forms on the inner surface of the cast iron frying pan. non-stick coating of natural origin - fatty film.

Another good thing about a cast iron frying pan is that it is completely resistant to acids. You can safely add lemon juice or vinegar essence to your food - nothing bad will happen to the frying pan.

But ultra-modern detergents and cleaning products are contraindicated for such a frying pan, since they remove fat without a trace and destroy the natural protection of the frying pan.

If you ask your grandmother, she will tell you that . As a rule, it is wiped after use, or the heated one is rinsed with plain water, then wiped dry.

What other precautions do you need to know to ensure that a cast iron frying pan serves faithfully for many, many years?

The first and most important thing is not to store cooked food in it. Second, do not leave any remaining water in the pan.

The only downsides to cast iron frying pans are, perhaps, weight and... fragility. Yes, strange as it may seem, cast iron often breaks when dropped.

If in the store you opted for a brand new cast-iron frying pan, then remember: you can’t fry anything on it immediately on the first day without special preparation

The dishes must first be washed well, dried, generously greased with oil on the internal surfaces and heated in this form over a fire or in the oven for about an hour.

Now, after the formation of that very protective fat film, you can cook food in a cast iron frying pan!

Steel Aged - Stainless Steel Pans

Frying pan made from of stainless steel, is an option for lovers of tasty and healthy food. Why? The answer is simple: stainless steel is smelted in such a way that it does not interact with any other materials at all. Consequently, the taste of products cooked in such a frying pan does not spoil, and various oxides do not enter the human body.

The only thing bad that can happen to it is the colored stains that appear on careless housewives if they forget empty dishes on the fire.

The lightest - aluminum pans

It is known that aluminum is the lightest metal known to us. In this regard, a logical question arises: is it correct to use it for making frying pans?

On the one hand, such products are extremely light (even a guilty husband will not face the risk of going to hospital if he gets hit on the head by his missus), conducts heat well and is very inexpensive. On the other hand, everyone knows that frying food in such a frying pan is like flour. The food will certainly burn and be thrown away. You cannot use such a frying pan when baking in the oven: the food will stick, and you won’t be able to wash the dishes afterwards.

The disadvantages of aluminum frying pans also include the low acid and alkali resistance of this metal.

You can only turn and stir food during cooking in such a frying pan with a wooden spatula, otherwise the surface will be scratched. You cannot overheat aluminum - in this case, the dishes will become deformed.

When choosing an aluminum frying pan, carefully look at the thickness of the bottom: it should be at least 5 mm, especially if you plan to use the pan for frying meat. Also pay attention to this factor if you take aluminum cookware with Teflon coating. Any curvature of the bottom of the pan can lead to damage.

There is an option to buy not a stamped, but a cast aluminum frying pan. Such a product will be more reliable in operation due to thicker walls and bottom.

But in general, there are no long-livers among aluminum pans. Only if you use them once a week and only for a short time. For example, to cook scrambled eggs on Saturday morning.

Guest from America - Teflon frying pans

This continent gave us not only coffee and tobacco, but also Teflon.

In the 1930s, American specialists from a large chemical enterprise developed the new kind ethylene based polymer.

The new material turned out to be thermo-, acid- and alkali-resistant. And it received a market name - “Teflon”, since its chemical name - polytetrafluoroethylene - is too bulky and completely inconvenient for mere mortals.

And after a few years, the finest hour of the new polymer came - it began to be used in production kitchen utensils. In particular, Teflon-coated frying pans are so beloved by housewives that the price of such products sometimes skyrockets.

Modern aluminum or steel frying pans are often coated with Teflon.

The advantage of Teflon is that it allows you to fry any food well without sticking.

True, some manufacturers also claim that such miracle frying pans can be used to cook “without fat, water and salt,” but this, of course, is nothing more than an advertising gimmick.

If vegetables rich in moisture can still be fried in a Teflon frying pan like a grill, then it will be much more difficult to cook fish and meat without adding oil.

Therefore, when buying a frying pan, you need to think about whether it is suitable for your type of stove.

As we already wrote above, if there is a gas stove in the kitchen, then the housewife can safely use any type of frying pan.

If – normal electric stove, then you can buy everything except aluminum ones made using stamping. But you need to use frying pans in proportion to the diameter of the electric “pancakes”.

If the kitchen has glass ceramics, then only pans with a flat bottom are suitable. Do not use stamped aluminum cookware.

If you use an induction panel, then the ideal option for you would be aluminum or stainless steel frying pans with a steel bottom.

Purpose and reason

Agree, in the kitchen you can’t get by with just one frying pan. Every housewife – and even more so the chef! – there is a clear division of which frying pan is intended for what.

Sometimes there are standard round frying pans - for all types of cooking. They are good for frying vegetables, preparing side dishes, frying cutlets and meat.

For fish, many people buy special oval-shaped dishes.

For baking pancakes, there are pancake pans - these are round frying pans with low walls and a non-stick coating.

There are also grill pans on sale, which come in both round and square shapes. They have a very ribbed bottom, and the juice released by the food accumulates in the gutters, as a result of which the dish turns out juicier than when cooked under normal conditions.


The modern world knows many manufacturers of frying pans and many non-stick coatings.

Therefore, before buying kitchen utensils, you need to know exactly for what purpose you need a frying pan and on what stove it will be used.

The same Teflon - it can be applied directly to the multilayer bottom of a steel base, or it can be part of a non-stick ceramic coating, which is safer from the point of view of the environment and human health.

A product in a supermarket may even indicate such know-how as “granite coating”, but we do not recommend buying such copies - the likelihood that you will not come across a fake is too small.

It is important to look at the brand of the product: large concerns use advanced technologies in production, which significantly improves the properties of the cookware and is directly proportional to its price.

If you can’t buy an expensive branded frying pan, then pay attention to middle-segment manufacturers, in particular domestic goods. So, in hardware departments and stores you can find good frying pan with non-stick coating in the price range from 500 to 1500 rubles, while European brands will cost 3-5 times more. But resist the temptation to buy dishes for 100 rubles on the “lying” market. Such a frying pan will not last long for you, and besides, it may turn out to be unsafe.

Happy shopping!

Frying pans – necessary element in the kitchen. With their help, a variety of dishes are prepared, and not necessarily fried ones. Depending on the type of cookware, you can use it to stew, create desserts and even soups. However, which frying pans are the best and safest? To answer this question you will have to understand a number of factors.

Now in stores it is easiest to find standard options with Teflon non-stick coating, but in fact there are many more types. This applies not only to the shape of the frying pan, but also to the thickness of its walls, and also, of course, the material of manufacture. When choosing the best option, you need to pay attention to all aspects.

Types of frying pans

Most often people buy in stores classic version round shape. These frying pans are quite versatile, you just need to buy a few pieces and you can fry and stew almost anything. However, there are also more highly specialized species. For example, a grill pan is square in shape and has ribs on the bottom. It is very heavy, but it allows you to fry fish or meat as if on coals.

In any Chinese restaurant you can find dishes with high sides and a very small bottom. Theoretically, it can be round or flat, but round would not allow the use of woks on stoves. This has led to the fact that food in such a container needs to be constantly stirred; it heats up unevenly.

Something between a saucepan and a standard frying pan is a sauté pan, which is most often used to create sauces. It is distinguished by thick walls, which allow heat to be evenly distributed. At the same time, there is a grooved bottom, which reduces the likelihood of food burning. Sauté pans allow you to prepare not only sauces, but also almost any dish.

Pans designed for creating pancakes have a minimum side height. This design makes it easier to turn them over. Crepe pans are always small, round and, as a rule, covered with a non-stick coating. Usually in the kitchen it is enough for a housewife to have a couple of standard frying pans of different sizes and one pancake maker.

What should you pay attention to?

When choosing the best and safest frying pan for yourself, you first need to decide on the type. You need to think about what is cooked most often, and depending on this, choose a classic type or, for example, a stewpan. You shouldn't buy all the options, since most likely, most of the time they will only take up space.

The next aspect is also individual – the shape of the handle. There is no one best option that would suit everyone. Even in the store, you need to hold the handle of the frying pan and evaluate how convenient it is. An additional bonus is the ability to remove the handle, in which case the dishes can be used for the oven, and are also easier to clean in the dishwasher.

After this, it remains to deal with two very significant indicators. The first is the thickness of the bottom. This determines how food will cook under low heat and how evenly the heat will be distributed. The thickest bottom (about one and a half centimeters) can be found in cast iron frying pans. They are especially good for making stews.

Finally, you need to decide on the type of coverage. In specialized stores you can find a wide variety of options. In addition to Teflon, marble, titanium and even pearl coatings are sold, but most often the choice is between Teflon, ceramics and cast iron.


The cheapest and most common type of non-stick coating is Teflon, which is also called fluoroplastic or polytetrafluoroethylene. Only DuPont, which patented it, has the right to use Teflon to create frying pans. However, this does not interfere with other companies at all; they simply indicate the name of the chemical compounds on the labels.

In fact, Teflon is a slightly modified plastic, and therefore for many years scientists have been arguing about how safe it is to use. Perfluorooctanoic acid is used to create this component. People don't have to worry about buying a new Teflon frying pan, but everyone knows how easy it is to damage the non-stick coating.

If this happens, or the dishes overheat, the perfluorooctanoic acid will begin to release carcinogens into the food. At the same time, “overheating” does not mean really serious temperatures. Negative reactions in Teflon begin to occur after the thermometer shows more than 200 degrees.

According to studies, the carcinogens released during this process lead to a variety of diseases, such as pathologies of the endocrine system and oncological processes. In this case, Teflon surfaces are damaged even if only plastic or wooden spatulas are used for cooking. Such frying pans are dangerous and short-lived, but they are the cheapest.

Food steel and alloys

Food grade steel is usually labeled as 18/10 medical grade steel. This means that it is created from chromium and nickel, 18 and 10 percent respectively. In general, this is high-quality stainless steel, which is not only resistant to corrosion, but also durable and meets GOST standards.

To be sure of the quality of food grade steel, it is better to look for the brand or specific requirements on the packaging. For example, GOST 27002-86 may be indicated or the steel grade AISI 304 may be specified. Some researchers believe that nickel contained in the material can get into food and poison it, but this is only true for utensils that do not comply with GOST.

A wide variety of frying pans are made from alloys. By combining minerals and hard metals, manufacturers began producing stone, marble, titanium and other non-stick coating options. They stand out from many of their own kind due to their ability to use metal blades and durability.

Dishes of this kind have two main disadvantages. The first is the very high cost. Secondly, sometimes manufacturers are cunning and keep silent about the fact that, in addition to alloys, Teflon was used in the manufacturing process. You need to carefully study everything that is written on the label to make sure that there are no such substances.

Cast iron

Just a few decades ago, almost all frying pans were cast iron. And now they can be found in kitchens, and owners will note that food in such containers turns out especially tasty. Over time, many abandoned cast iron for one simple reason - dishes made from it are very heavy, in this regard Teflon is significantly superior this material.

But cast iron can be used both in the stove and in the oven. It is not afraid of various acids, and therefore you can safely cook food with a large amount of it. citric acid or vinegar. The material has pores in which oil gradually accumulates, which is why a natural non-stick coating is formed.

With all these advantages, cast iron stands out for its main thing – safety. Reaction with temperature or environment does not lead to the appearance of any harmful substances. Moreover, during cooking, iron ions can enter food, which, on the contrary, are beneficial for the human body.

Unfortunately, in addition to its heavy weight, this material has several other disadvantages. It cannot be placed in dishwasher, and not all cleaning products are suitable for it. Unlike stainless steel, cast iron is quite susceptible to corrosion, and therefore you need to try to remove ready-made food from it.


According to experts, ceramic is now considered the safest non-stick coating. Ceramics are made from very simple elements- earth, stone and sand. Even in case of any damage hazardous substances cannot stand out from them. In this case, the coverage:

  • Withstands calmly high temperatures,
  • Doesn't scratch
  • Can easily be washed in the dishwasher,
  • Does not cause food to burn even without the use of oil.

The most important thing is to avoid sudden temperature changes; no similar frying pan will survive this. Also, this type of cookware is not suitable for use on induction cookers. Modern ceramic coatings are usually painted white or black.

Manufacturers use stainless steel and several types of aluminum as a base for ceramics. Thin stamped aluminum is considered the worst, as it is not functional and does not last long. The cast version and stainless steel are approximately at the same quality level.

When choosing the best and safest frying pans, many choose the Fissler Protect Alux model. Over cast aluminum body There are two layers of ceramic coating that can withstand temperatures up to 450 degrees. The disadvantage here is the high cost.

When choosing a frying pan with a ceramic coating, you should give preference to the option whose walls are not narrower than 4 mm. It is better that not only the walls, but also the bottom are thicker than these indicators. The handle must be heat-resistant or at least removable so that the cookware can be used in the oven.

Each frying pan must come with instructions that describe all its characteristics. In particular, the proprietary ceramic composition must be specified. This can be found in products from companies like ILAG Ceralon, Whitford Fusion, Greblon Ceram and others. Every frying pan should have two types of warranty, one covering the body and the other covering the coating itself.

A frying pan is an indispensable attribute of any cook, a decoration for the kitchen and, in general, a sacred thing. So, in the old days, a frequently falling frying pan signaled that the brownie was angry and that there was trouble in the house. Previously, frying pans were universal and almost eternal, although they were not particularly beautiful. They were inherited from great-grandmother to great-granddaughters. Today everything has become more complicated: a huge selection raises a lot of questions. How to choose a frying pan in which you can fry pancakes and stew chicken? And isn’t it better to buy several frying pans for different purposes at once? Or maybe just take a set of a dozen shiny frying pans of the most bizarre shapes? In order not to worry too much about choosing a frying pan, you should consider a few basic points.

What stove do we cook on?

The type of stove you have will determine the type of pan you buy. For gas stove it doesn’t really matter what profile and diameter the bottom of your frying pan is, and what it’s made of: gas will heat a frying pan made of any metal. Electric stoves also do not place high demands on frying pans. True, it is desirable that the bottom of the frying pan coincides in diameter with the burner, and that the bottom itself is smooth. For an induction cooker, regular cast iron frying pans or stainless steel frying pans, that is, those that are magnetic, are suitable. However, it is believed that special frying pans with a multilayer thick bottom made of ferromagnetic alloys are optimal for this type of stove. But it’s hard to say whether marketers are being disingenuous by imposing expensive frying pans for induction cookers on consumers. But it is interesting that such frying pans are not very durable and must be replaced 5 years after purchase, mainly due to damage to the non-stick layer.

Which metal is better?

The type of metal or combination of metals determines the effectiveness of the pan. It is the metal that determines whether the pan will heat up and cool slowly, and whether it will allow you to quickly regulate the temperature at which the dish is cooked.

Nowadays, frying pans are made using aluminum, stainless steel, cast iron and copper.

Cast iron is a wonderful metal for a frying pan that will be passed down through generations in your family. Cast iron frying pans are strong, durable, heavy, do not heat up very quickly, but to almost any temperature, retain heat for a long time and release heat slowly. Such frying pans make an excellent stew; they are convenient for stewing poultry, game, and simmering cabbage rolls. The cast iron surface is not afraid metal brushes and does not require special silicone spatulas. Maintenance of a regular cast iron frying pan is minimal: just rinse it thoroughly hot water and dry. There is no need to use new-fangled dishwashing liquids: during use, a fatty film forms on cast iron, which prevents food from burning, and you should not remove it.

An aluminum frying pan heats up quickly and evenly, and cools down fairly quickly. The advantages of aluminum also include weight: an aluminum frying pan is as light as a feather. But that's where all the positives end. Aluminum reacts with acids, giving dishes a metallic taste, and is easily scratched and deformed. Aluminum frying pan cannot be used on induction hobs. Therefore, cookware manufacturers combine aluminum and stainless steel, creating pans with a multi-layer bottom and sometimes walls. In such frying pans, aluminum is enclosed between layers of steel, and can exhibit its excellent heat distribution properties without compromising the food being prepared. There are also frying pans made of pure stainless steel, but it should be taken into account that such frying pans heat up unevenly, since steel is not a very good heat conductor.

Copper pans are the chef's pride. They are very expensive, but beautiful and comfortable. If handled improperly, these pans often warp and tarnish. Therefore, copper is combined with stainless steel: this makes the frying pan stronger and more durable. If you want to buy a copper frying pan at any cost, but you have an induction stove, it doesn’t matter. Today, special metal discs are sold, using which you can cook on induction hob in both aluminum and copper pans and pans.

As for non-stick coatings, most modern frying pans made of aluminum and ferromagnetic alloys are equipped with them. But the consumer’s attitude towards such coatings is no longer as enthusiastic as it was before. It turned out that at temperatures above 200°C, coatings such as Teflon begin to burn out with the formation of toxic compounds. Such coatings last for at most five years, after which the pan has to be changed. Yes, and you need to take care of such a coating carefully: do not scrape it with a knife and fork, use only a wooden or plastic spatula, wash it with a soft washcloth, and protect it from accidental scratches. Frying pans with a ceramic coating also do not last long, and are also quite expensive.

What are we preparing?

Ideally, our kitchens should have several frying pans of different sizes and purposes. It is convenient and, in the end, justifies spending on quality dishes. But you don't have to use a luxurious 28cm copper frying pan to fry a couple of eggs in the morning.

For scrambled eggs, it is better to buy a small one. light frying pan with a modern non-stick coating, which can be replaced in two or three years with a new one.

For stewing and frying, the frying pan should be large, with high sides, a thick bottom, a lid and a comfortable handle.

Those who are interested in Asian cuisine need a wok pan with a flat bottom adapted to modern stoves. It is convenient to quickly fry meat, seafood and vegetables.

If you like to fry pancakes, buy a medium-sized flat pancake pan. It has practically no sides and it is very convenient to flip pancakes.

Steak lovers should definitely take a closer look at the grill pan. These are usually heavy, rectangular pans with a ribbed interior. These pans make excellent chops, chicken breasts, fish fillet, as well as fried vegetables.

Before you go to the store, think about how many and what kind of pans you need. Don't buy beautiful sets with many items. Usually, most of The fancy-shaped and sized frying pans from such sets get bored in the cupboard without any use. However, don't skimp on a good frying pan; it will definitely be worth your investment.

Whatever your frying pan is made of, it must have a thick bottom. If you knock on it, the sound should not be ringing, but dull.

Your future frying pan should have a comfortable handle, preferably a cast one, that does not heat up during the cooking process. Ideally, the handle is heat-resistant or removable, and the pan can be put in the oven without fear.

You should like the chosen frying pan and be comfortable with it. If you've got your eye on a very heavy cast iron frying pan, consider whether cooking with it will turn into a kind of strength training. Perhaps something lighter should be chosen?

Take your time when choosing a pan, buy the best you can afford, and follow the manufacturers instructions for caring for the pan. Then your frying pan will last a long time, and the process of preparing any dishes will become an act of real creativity.

A frying pan is an essential item in any kitchen. With its help, you can cook the most unusual dishes in many ways. In the old days, frying pans were not very diverse and were most often passed down “by inheritance” from the eldest housewife in the kitchen to the youngest. Now everything is different: the range of frying pans is so large that a lot of questions immediately arise. How to choose a frying pan? Which would be better suited for frying vegetables or pancakes? And which one is able to withstand long thermal loads and last for many years? We will answer all your questions and tell you how to choose a good frying pan for your home and which one is better to buy.

For housewives, purchasing kitchen utensils is a very important step, because a frying pan in the kitchen is an indispensable “weapon” for any cook, even a beginner. Therefore, it is important not only appearance and ease of use, but also functionality and quality. Let's look at the main characteristics of frying pans that affect their service life and the quality of the prepared food:

  • Weight. The more weight a frying pan has, the higher quality it is, and, therefore, its service life will be considerable.
  • Size. Small frying pans are very compact and heat up quickly. This -great option for small families of 1-2 people. Large frying pans are suitable for large families or as utensils for cooking large holiday dishes. The optimal solution in this situation would be to purchase several frying pans at once. This will not only help speed up the cooking process, but will also be more practical.

  • Pen. The frying pan may have a removable handle, screwed on or monolithic. It has been noticed that the coating of a screwed handle is deformed more often than that of a monolithic one. Frying pan with removable handle will be good for preparing oven-baked dishes.
  • Coating. We are talking about long-known and beloved Teflon and ceramic coatings, which allow you to get a well-fried product, browned on all sides.

Advice. If in a store you see 2 apparently identical frying pans, differing only in the thickness of the walls, then don’t hesitate - feel free to take the one that is heavier.

What stove will you cook on and what exactly?

Yes, indeed, depending on the type kitchen stove The choice of frying pan depends to a large extent. So, if you are the owner of a regular gas stove, then the size of the frying pan and the metal from which it is made do not play a special role.

If you have an electric stove in your kitchen, then you should focus on pans made of any metal other than aluminum. To shorten the cooking process and make it more enjoyable, choose a frying pan with a bottom diameter that matches the size of the burner.

For cooking on an induction hob, experts advise purchasing steel and cast iron pans, that is, magnetic. An ideal option is a frying pan with a special bottom made of ferromagnetic alloys. True, the price of such a product "bites", and it fails after a few years. So is this a good marketing move or a necessity? It's up to you to decide.

The products that are cooked most often also influence the choice of pan to a certain extent. Ideally, the housewife should have several frying pans “stored” in her kitchen different sizes and from different material to perform many functions. For example, to fry a couple of croutons and eggs in the morning, you don’t need a large cast-iron frying pan. Suitable for these purposes small sizes frying pan with non-stick coating.

If you often stew or fry foods, make sure that you have a massive frying pan with high sides, a comfortable handle and a high-quality lid.

For pancake lovers an indispensable assistant there will be a special pancake pan - it has a very small weight and low sides.

The grill pan is great for cooking meat and fish steaks, chops and fried vegetables. Usually it is different large size, rectangular shape and ribbed inner surface.

Types of materials

Frying pans may differ in shape and size, but their main difference is the material from which they are made, since the functionality of the product depends on it. Consider the classification of pans depending on the material used:

  • Cast iron frying pans. Very high quality and reliable. Suitable for cooking dishes that require long-term cooking, since cast iron is an excellent heat conductor. That is, a cast iron frying pan heats up quickly and strongly, but at the same time prevents the food from burning. This is explained quite simply: cast iron has a porous structure, so during cooking a protective film of fat forms on the surface of the frying pan. A significant advantage of cast iron frying pans is that they are not afraid of acids, that is, you can add lemon juice to a dish or fry foods containing large quantities acid. But under no circumstances should various abrasives be used to clean a cast-iron frying pan, as they deprive it of its natural oil protection.

Advice. In order for a cast iron frying pan to serve you for many years, never store leftover food or water in it or drop it on the floor, since cast iron, oddly enough, is very fragile and the frying pan can burst if dropped.

  • Stainless steel pans(stainless steel). With their help you can prepare delicious and healthy food. After all, stainless steel is made in such a way that it does not interact with any material during operation, so the taste of the food will not deteriorate and oxides will not enter the body.
  • Aluminum frying pans very light, have good thermal conductivity and are relatively inexpensive. But at the same time, they also have significant disadvantages: the metal can be easily scratched by metal cutlery, it is not suitable for frying and baking - the food will simply burn, most likely forever. Also, aluminum frying pans are unsuitable for cooking dishes that require long-term heat treatment - if overheated, the metal can become deformed.

  • Teflon coated pans. At one time, Teflon made a real splash in the kitchen market. It is resistant to acids, alkalis and prolonged exposure to temperature. But at the same time, the Teflon coating is “afraid” of metal cutlery and overheating (at 200 degrees, Teflon becomes gaseous). Teflon frying pans wear out quite quickly: their service life on average is no more than 5 years.
  • Frying pans with ceramic coating. According to its properties ceramic pan is very similar to Teflon, with the difference that it can easily withstand high temperatures (even up to 450 degrees), when overheated, it does not change its physical state, does not emit harmful substances and in most cases it comes into contact with metal cutlery quite normally.
  • Titanium coated pans- “newcomers” in the kitchen utensils market. They have a set of characteristics of cast iron and do not rust, but their price is appropriate. It should be clarified that titanium frying pans do not consist entirely of it - only upper layer covered with a titanium shell - the “filling” can be anything.

Finally, we offer you a few tips on choosing a frying pan that will help you “not get lost” among the store variety:

  1. If you have opted for an aluminum frying pan with a non-stick coating, then give preference to a cast design with thickened walls and bottom.
  2. When you determine the optimal diameter of a frying pan for yourself, learn that the number indicated by the manufacturer is the diameter of the outer part of the frying pan.
  3. Have you almost decided on a model, but next to the one you like there are several more frying pans of the same type? The solution is simple: choose the one with the thickest walls and bottom and several non-stick layers.
  4. When choosing a frying pan, pay attention to the handle of the product: it should be removable, or as a last resort metal.
  5. If you have a glass-ceramic panel, then exclude aluminum and copper frying pans from the list of possible models - they can ruin work surface slabs
  6. If we are talking about a high-quality frying pan, then you must understand that it will obviously not cost 500 rubles, but somewhat more.

We told you a lot of useful information about how to choose for home use quality frying pan, and also shared tips on which models are best suited for which cooking processes. May your choice be successful!

How to choose a frying pan: video

How to choose a frying pan for your home: photo

For housewives, baking pancakes is an everyday activity. Fragrant baked goods with lots of holes are always in demand and loved by all household members. How to choose a pan for pancakes so that there are no incidents when making them? On what kind of dishes pancake dough does not burn and is easily removed - we will dwell on these and other questions below.

A little history

Sour flatbreads, the predecessors of modern pancakes, were baked by the ancient Egyptians back in the 5th century BC. In Rus', the first mention of them was closer to 1000 AD. Yeast was added to the dough and it turned out thicker than today's dough. Years passed, and by the 11th century they became the main symbolism of the Russian holiday Maslenitsa. In other historical chronicles there is another explanation - the round shape is similar to the pagan sun god Yarilo. The ancient Slavs worshiped him and other deities.

Since ancient times we have seen off every year with pancakes harsh winter, waiting for the arrival of spring. The Church failed to eradicate the custom and officially recognized Maslenitsa on the eve of Lent. Pancakes were baked from different flours and recipes:

  • traditional wheat;
  • rye;
  • oat;
  • buckwheat

The tables were bursting with variety; the golden sunshine was served with dairy products - cow's butter, milk, sour cream and cheese. The first frying pans were made of cast iron, small in diameter (comparable to the size of a saucer). We used several round shapes, secured together by welding. Only pancakes were baked on such dishes.

What are modern pancake pans made from?

In the market of modern kitchen utensils, pancake makers occupy not the last place. Here are the types of frying pans based on material:

  • traditional cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • copper;
  • from glass ceramics.

There is one more difference between frying pans - uncoated and with a non-stick layer. Each representative has advantages and disadvantages. The choice of “yours” is individual, it depends on the preferences of the housewife, requirements, and price category.

With non-stick layer

Application of a special coating provides a non-stick effect and a minimum of oil for frying. The product quickly heats up to the required temperature (up to 215 degrees). They are lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to care for. Advantages of the non-stick layer:

  • minimum time for warming up;
  • acceptable price;
  • don't require a lot of oil.

There are significant drawbacks - you need to monitor the temperature (no more than 220 degrees), you need to turn over and remove ready-made pancakes with special spatulas. The bottom should not be rubbed with abrasive products, it should be washed carefully with a soft sponge. For the novice cook, these frying pans a good option to gain experience.

Ceramic coated

Aluminum frying pan with a ceramic coating from light to almost chocolate shades has smooth surface. Unlike Teflon, the ceramic layer:

  • more resistant to metal objects;
  • does not emit toxic substances when heated;
  • better in terms of non-stick characteristics.

A significant disadvantage is that the cost of the utensils is higher than those with Teflon coating. To prepare you should:

  • wash thoroughly;
  • wipe dry;
  • Heat gradually, add oil and heat.

If everything is done correctly, then almost no oil will be needed when frying pancakes. Ceramics absorbs it when heated, this will be enough. When it's over ceramic coating do not leave dirty. The cooled pan must be washed thoroughly.

Marble pans

New technologies are used in the production of coatings. Continuing the tradition of ceramic bases, marble and granite are used here. The cast aluminum product with a thickened bottom is distinguished by its light-colored bottom. According to the characteristics of the frying pan, it ranks first in the rating by:

  • scratch resistance;
  • safety when heating;
  • minimum oil consumption.

The downside is the high price of frying pans with marble coating.

Aluminum pancake pan

The huge selection of kitchen utensils made of food-grade aluminum is amazing. Products with a reinforced bottom are quite suitable for baking. Let's name the advantages:

  • weighs little;
  • easy to care for;
  • budget price.

Disadvantages to keep in mind:

  • eliminates the appearance of any scratches further use due to the toxicity of the material;
  • subject to deformation when heated;
  • the metal heats up quickly (high thermal conductivity).

If you decide to purchase an aluminum frying pan, choose products with a thick bottom and walls. How to properly care when preparing for use for the first time? To do this you need:

  • Rinse soap solution in warm water;
  • dry with a paper towel;
  • heat, grease with oil.

If the dough still burns and sticks, it means that the pan is not heated enough or there is not enough oil.

Copper products

Copper cookware, like cast iron, has been used for cooking since ancient times. Lovers natural coffee They know a lot about copper Turks. The material has many advantages:

  • heats up evenly, excellent thermal conductivity;
  • maintains temperature for a long time after turning off the fire;
  • easy to care for dishes;
  • The weight of the products is optimal for use and care.

One of the significant disadvantages is the price is higher than dishes made from other materials.

Induction cookware

A special feature is a protective layer of the bottom with diamond coating. It is almost impossible to scratch the coating. Inner surface with a fine-grained structure quickly helps distribute the oil. The pancakes do not burn and are easy to remove. Long term use pays off the purchase costs. The handles are not afraid of heat; you can safely hold the frying pan by them without oven mitts.

Pancake maker without stove

Appearance electrical device made the baking task easier. Advantages of pancake makers:

  • there is no need to oil the surface before frying;
  • coating only with a non-stick layer;
  • The kit includes a special spatula;
  • Fast heating saves time.

Which pancake maker to choose? Let's look at the main criteria:

  • the surface dimensions should be familiar to the housewife;
  • the industry offers devices with different functions - for pancakes and baking waffles, shortbread treats, you need to take these varieties into account before purchasing;
  • the power of the product is proportional to the size and number of modes;
  • the cost of the device depends on the given parameters.

If you are not put off by the lack of sides or the high cost of a multifunctional gadget for different dishes - pancakes, waffles and cookies, you have a good purchase.

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About grandma's cast iron...

Time-tested cast iron cookware is not inferior to its position today. The advantages of the products explain their demand and popularity:

  • reliable and durable;
  • keep warm for a long time;
  • easy to remove and bake.

Among the disadvantages we name:

  • a heavy frying pan is difficult to carry and turn;
  • difficulties with care;
  • difficult preparation for first use.

These disadvantages pay off long term operation. Often pancakes have been successfully baked on old cast iron frying pans for more than 30-40 years. These are dishes that can be given to children for use. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the quality of the bottom. Perfect option slightly rough, smooth surface without chips.

Product care

If you bought a cast iron frying pan, read the rules for use:

  • wash with soap and warm water;
  • wipe thoroughly;
  • to put on hob, evenly sprinkle salt inside with a layer of up to 1 cm;
  • leave the stove on for an hour, lightly stirring the contents with a spatula;
  • after the color of the salt changes (from burning and technical oil during the production of cast iron), you need to turn off the heating;
  • let cool a little, rinse again;
  • dry, put back on the fire;
  • pour about 80-100 ml of oil, heat it until smoke appears, reduce the temperature to minimum, hold for 18-20 minutes;
  • Carefully pour all the oil into a container and rinse the pan without soap.

The purpose of manipulation is the appearance protective film on cast iron, non-stick. If the result is thin, golden-brown pancakes, you have the best frying pan.

Which dishes to choose

When comparing all the characteristics of the proposed kitchen utensils, you must adhere to general rules. First of all, let's talk about the size of the bottom and walls of the frying pan. For lovers of fluffy, tall pancakes, we advise you to consider purchasing small products with a bottom diameter of 16 to 18 cm. Regardless of the material, it is better to cookware with a thick bottom (4 mm or thicker).

For ease of turning over and removing, the height of the sides should not exceed 1-1.5 cm. From reviews of baking lovers, the angle between the base and the walls is more convenient than 90 degrees. In this case, dough residues will not accumulate, and caring for the product will be easier.

If you prioritize products with filling, you should pay attention to large frying pans with a diameter of 20 to 26 cm. To turn over, it is better to hold the frying pan by its long handle. Therefore, its length of 18 cm or more will be optimal.

Then drops of hot oil will not reach the skin of your hands. The handle should not be hot during cooking. Better wooden handles or made of a special alloy with silicone inserts.

The shape of the bottom depends on the requirements for pancakes. What is better to buy - a square or round frying pan? For baking filled products, choose dishes in the shape of a square. In large families, a product with pictures or emoticons on the bottom will be in maximum demand. Children will enjoy eating pancakes with patterns.

Advantages of a special pan for pancakes

Every housewife has a lot of frying pans at her disposal in the kitchen. Vegetables are stewed on them, potatoes and cheesecakes are fried. Of course, you can bake pancakes in regular dishes.

From practical experience, better products are obtained using utensils specially designed for this purpose. It should not be hazardous to health.

Advantages of using a special frying pan.