Well      03/24/2019

Automatic water pressure booster pump. Pump to increase water pressure in the apartment

Why quarrel with the city water utility or utility workers over a thin trickle of water, when you can safely organize a normal water supply in your apartment. Choose any portable pump, connect it to a water pipe and get a normal stream.

On the upper floors of apartments, it sometimes happens that the water in the system flows at low pressure. To eliminate such an obstacle, you should not quarrel with the water utility employees, but just buy a small pump, install it on the water supply pipe and get as much water as the family needs. To do this, it is necessary to study the features and capabilities of at least several models of such pumps. After all, now such household goods are in demand on the market and have a wide range of models and brands.

Why do you need to buy a silent pump to increase the water pressure in your apartment?

In general, pipes always use a pressure to supply water of mainly 1 bar, equal to 1.0197 atmospheres = 10.19 m column of water flow. In total, according to the norm in cities, the pressure in the pipes of the city water supply should be no less than 4 atmospheres for all apartments. However, the differences can be so significant that residents of the upper floors have to purchase pumps that increase the water pressure in the water supply, the prices of which on the market vary, depending on the model and power of the model.

If the pressure increases significantly, at least by 6 or 7 atmospheres, this can harm the water supply pipes in apartments. And with a water pressure in the pipes of 2 atm. in the system, it won’t even work washing machine or Dishwasher. Therefore, when purchasing, you should ask the seller whether household pump adjust the most optimal pressure– 1.7-2.5, which will allow all equipment in the house to work normally and people to receive a sufficient amount of water. Although according to the norms fire safety, the pressure in household water pipes should not be less than 3 atmospheres.

What to look for when you need to buy a water pump to increase water pressure in an apartment

In addition to the operating pressure, which can be achieved using a pump installed on the pipes in the apartment, you also need to pay attention to other subtleties when choosing. If you buy a water pump for your apartment from our company to increase pressure, the price should concern you along with the following factors:

  1. Pump specifications - for example, what is the flow rate, created pressure in system.
  2. Does it correspond to the task that it must perform - not just increase the pressure, but optimize it to normal.
  3. Quality of construction details.
  4. Easy to install and clear operating instructions.
  5. What room and how many people are the water consumption and pump power designed for?
  6. Quiet operation after installation.
  7. The operating modes of pressure-increasing pumps should be in two directions - manual and automatic.
  8. The prestige of the brand and the final price that is actually obtained in comparison with the money that you planned to spend on purchasing the pump.

It is desirable that the household pump can be easily installed in the apartment independently, without resorting to the services of specialist plumbers. If you need to obtain qualified information on a particular pump model, installation or cost, our specialists are always ready to help you figure it out in order to make the final choice of model.

What types of pumps are there that increase water pressure in a water supply system, and how to buy them?

For an example of what devices are installed in the plumbing system, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some models. Any pump for an apartment creates an increase in pressure, but you can buy a high-quality one only through direct suppliers. We offer Moscow residents models only from the manufacturer, so they are all original and have the appropriate stamping - serial numbers. Any household pump purchased from us is far from fake.

Affordable pump "Comfort"

Advantageous characteristics and features of “Comfort” pressure booster pumps:

  1. Manufacturer – Russia.
  2. Low cost.
  3. Electricity consumption – 90-120 W.
  4. Maximum pressure – 10-18 m, design – 8-10 m.
  5. Throughput (nominal) – 8-12 l/min.
  6. There are two operating modes - manual and automatic.
  7. Installation on a pipeline.
  8. Can be used for hot and cold water.
  9. The pump operates silently.

You need to check the price with our manager, especially since there may be discounts and promotions for such a model.

“The Russian Comfort pump, according to consumers, lasts longer than the service life indicated by the manufacturer”

High build quality – WILO pumps

Key features of models such as Wilo booster pumps:

  1. Production - Europe.
  2. The pump is absolutely silent.
  3. Maintains hot and cold water supply.
  4. The rotor is “wet”.
  5. There is a water flow sensor.
  6. Types of protective functions – “from dry running” and from overheating.
  7. Electricity consumption – 90-550 W, depending on the operating mode.
  8. The highest pressure is 9-20 m.
  9. Throughput – 2.4-35 l/min (depending on operating mode).

If you need just such a pump for an apartment that creates an increase in pressure, then its price will be significantly higher than the domestic one. But it will also work longer.

Durable Grungfos

Looking closely at options such as the Grundfos booster pump, you will find the following popular features:

  1. Production - Europe.
  2. Quiet operation is guaranteed.
  3. It has its own water flow sensor.
  4. Types of protection – from overheating and “dry running”.
  5. Two operating modes - automatic and manual.
  6. The rotor is “wet”.
  7. Electricity consumption – 118 W.
  8. Head – 8 m.
  9. Maximum throughput – 1.5 l/min.

Can perform tasks not only to pump up water, but also to optimize circulation in heating system, if there is an autonomous system in the apartment.

There are also many other models that are similar to the above options. So the choice is yours! Our specialists will very quickly place your order and deliver the pump to your address if delivery is required. Ordering installation is easy - call us so we can formulate your request and agree on a time for you to be at home. Our technician will arrive on time and do his job efficiently and reliably.

In a situation where low liquid pressure in the water supply makes it impossible to use the washing and dishwasher and take a shower, many of those who live in apartment buildings. One of the popular and most available ways The solution to this problem is to install a pump in the apartment’s water supply system to increase water pressure. However, such a measure does not always solve the problem completely, and in some cases it does not solve it at all. In order not to find yourself in a situation where a pump to increase water pressure in an apartment turns out to be a useless purchase, to solve the problem with low water pressure, you should use not a superficial, but a deeper systemic approach.

What can cause low water pressure in an apartment?

Before finding out why the pressure in the water supply has decreased, you should understand in what units it is measured and what the value is this parameter considered normal for domestic water supply systems.

In information tables, as well as on the scales of control devices, the value of liquid pressure can be expressed in four basic units of measurement: bar, technical atmosphere (at), meter of water column (m water column), kilo- and megapascal (kPa and MPa). When measuring pressure in household systems water supply, where too much accuracy in recording parameters is not required, you can use the following relationships between different units measurements:

1 bar = 1 at = 10 m water. Art. = 100 kPa = 0.1 MPa

What is the normal water pressure in an apartment's water supply? According to current standards, the value of this parameter should be about four bar. This water pressure is quite enough so that all plumbing fixtures and household appliances connected to the water supply system (taps, cisterns, showers, washing machines and dishwashers, etc.). However, this regulatory requirement is strictly observed in very rare cases. Usually in water pipes apartment buildings There are constant pressure surges, which can occur in the direction of either increasing or decreasing.

If the issue of high pressure in a household water supply is solved quite simply (by installing a water reducer at the entrance to the system, equalizing the water pressure throughout the entire internal pipe distribution), then in order to eliminate the problem with a decrease in pressure, it is necessary to determine why this is happening.

In order to find out where the decrease in pressure occurs - in the water supply system of only your apartment, in the entire house or in apartments that receive water from one riser, it is necessary to interview neighbors living in the upper, lower and side apartments. If it turns out that your neighbors also need increased water pressure, you need to contact the utility service that services your home with this issue. If this problem is local and occurs only in your apartment, then you must personally look for ways to solve it.

First of all, it is necessary to localize the section of the apartment water supply that needs increased water pressure. To solve this problem, a conventional pressure gauge is used, with which water pressure is measured at various points in the water supply system. The data obtained as a result of measurements will allow us to draw conclusions about the negative factor, the impact of which leads to low pressure of water flowing from the taps in your apartment.

  • Helps identify clogged pipes different meanings pressure in individual sections of the apartment’s water supply system. Most often this situation occurs when using old steel pipes, the inner walls of which are characterized by high roughness. The only way to effectively solve this problem is to replace old pipes with new ones.
  • It is also possible that the sump filter (coarse filter), which is usually installed in front of water flow meters, may become clogged. If the reason for poor water pressure lies precisely in this filter, all sections of the water supply located after such a device will experience the same low pressure. The problem of a clogged coarse filter is solved quite simply: it is opened and the accumulated debris is cleaned out of it.
  • The least critical and easiest to solve problem that caused low pressure water, is the clogging of the aerator - the filter mesh, which is equipped with the faucet jaws. A pressure gauge will also help determine that this is the reason, which in such cases will show that the liquid pressure in all parts of the water supply system corresponds to the norm, but at the same time only a weak trickle flows from the tap. To fix the problem, the filter mesh is unscrewed from the faucet gib, thoroughly cleaned and installed back.
If the water pipes in your apartment, the filter and aerators are not clogged, and the water initially enters the water supply under weak pressure from the central riser, then to increase the pressure you can install a household booster pump in the apartment.

In many cases, installing a compact pump to pump water from a central water supply system leads to an increase in pressure in water pipes apartments to standard values.

Types and design features of household pumps

Pumps for increasing water pressure in an apartment can be divided into two large groups according to their design:

  • devices with a “wet” rotor;
  • water pumps with a dry rotor.

Pumps for increasing water pressure, belonging to the class of devices with a “wet” rotor, are compact in size, less noisy during operation and do not require special maintenance, since the lubrication of their internal parts is provided by the liquid they pump. The connection diagram for such devices to the water supply is quite simple: they simply cut into the pipe and work like flow pump. Such booster pumps are installed directly in front of the water intake point or in front of household appliances, into which water must flow under a certain pressure.

Wet rotor pump design

If we talk about the disadvantages of booster pumps of this type, then these include:

  • low productivity;
  • not too high levels of additionally created water pressure;
  • the possibility of installation only in such a way that the rotor axis of the electric drive of the pump is located in a horizontal plane.

Water pumps for home plumbing, belonging to the class of devices with a “dry” rotor, are distinguished by higher power and performance when compared with models with a “wet” rotor. Such booster pump at making the right choice and the installation can be used to simultaneously service several water intake points. The power unit of this type of electric pump is located away from the main body of the device and is equipped with its own air cooling system. Because of this, a booster pump with a dry rotor must additionally be cantilevered to the wall surface.

Pump design with a dry rotor

A booster pump with a dry rotor requires regular lubrication of internal components subject to friction. In addition, this high-pressure water pump creates noticeable noise during operation, which must be taken into account when choosing a place to install it.

The booster pump for the water supply should only be started at those moments when the liquid pressure decreases. This requirement is met using pump control systems that can operate in manual or automatic mode.

The water pressure booster pump, equipped with a manual control system, is turned on by the user himself when the need arises. Accordingly, the user of such a device is responsible for the serviceability of the pump to increase water pressure in cases, for example, when it runs dry, without water.

An automatic pressure pump, controlled by a water flow sensor, turns on independently when liquid appears in the pipeline, and turns off when the pipeline is empty. Equipping the pump with this automatic sensor allows you to prevent cases of equipment operating on Idling, which inevitably leads to overheating of the device and, accordingly, to its rapid breakdown. When choosing a pump that increases pressure, you can immediately purchase a model equipped with a water flow sensor, or purchase such a sensor separately if it is not provided in the factory configuration of the pumping device. If the flow sensor is purchased separately, it should be placed after the pump that increases the water pressure.

For installation in domestic water supply systems, in which the liquid pressure can periodically be either normal or reduced, it is better to use an automatic booster pump, additionally equipped with a water pressure sensor. The task of such a device, which also operates in automatic mode, is to turn on injection pump in cases where the water pressure drops below normal, and turn it off if the liquid pressure meets the required parameters. In this case, the injection pump will not turn on even if it receives a control signal from the flow sensor, if the water pressure meets the required values.

In cases where living space allows, increasing the liquid pressure in the water supply can be provided by a pumping station for the apartment. Such a pumping station, the design of which, in addition to the pump itself, consists of a membrane-type hydraulic accumulator and a pressure sensor, does not just increase the pressure to the required level - it creates it itself.

The efficiency of pumps used to increase pressure in water supply systems is largely determined by the correct choice of such equipment.

When purchasing a water booster pump, you need to pay attention to the following parameters.

  • The power of the device is a parameter that determines the number of water intake points that a pressure-increasing water supply pump can serve. When choosing a pump based on this criterion, you should first of all decide how many taps and household appliances in the apartment it will need to supply water at the required pressure.
  • The noise level that the pump makes when pumping water into the system should also be known before purchasing.
  • Certain models of pumps for increasing water pressure are installed on pipelines of only a certain diameter. Otherwise, such a device will not only not help increase water pressure, but will also begin to work with overloads, which will lead to its rapid failure.
  • The height of water level rise that the pump can provide is a parameter that is relevant in cases where not ordinary apartment boosters are selected, but pumping stations used to increase the water pressure in the pipelines of several consumers at once.
  • The performance of the device is a parameter on which the amount of liquid pumped by the pump to increase the pressure in the water supply per unit time depends. When choosing a high-pressure pump for water, it should be taken into account that the value of this parameter must be higher than the average water flow consumed by the water supply system or water intake point at which it is planned to install such a device.
  • It is also important to take into account the maximum permissible temperature pumped water. The type of pipeline (cold or hot water supply) on which the pump can be installed depends on the value of this parameter.
  • The dimensions of the device determine the choice of water supply section for connecting the pump.
  • The manufacturing company, its fame and authority in the market are no less important than all of the above parameters. When choosing high-pressure water pumps, it is better to give preference to models from well-known manufacturers that produce high-quality products, provide reliable warranties for them and ensure Maintenance and repairs.

How to ensure high water pressure throughout an apartment building

The problem of low water pressure, which worries residents of apartment buildings, can be solved in a more radical way - by installing a pumping station to increase water pressure, which will serve the entire house. Such pumping stations for supplying water to the apartments of the entire building, operating in automatic mode, are equipped with self-priming pump centrifugal type, hydraulic accumulator and pressure switch. Pumping stations similar types are also used in systems autonomous water supply for a private home or cottage.

Another way to increase water pressure in a residential pipeline is to install storage tank, in which the liquid will accumulate and then, when the pressure in the pipeline drops, be released back into the system. Of course, considering small areas typical apartments, installing such a container inside the housing will be quite problematic. However, many of those who constantly face problems associated not only with low water pressure in the pipeline, but also with its regular absence in it, install small storage tanks (200–500 liters) in their apartments.

A multi-pump station allows you to “remove” the effect of the upper and lower floors in terms of supplying water to them

It is possible to place a storage tank of a much larger volume on the roof apartment building or in its attic part. To install such a container, the volume of which can be very impressive, it is better to cooperate with the other residents of the house in order to divide the upcoming financial costs among everyone who wants to use the water supplied to the taps or household appliances under the required pressure.

A water pressure boosting station, equipped not only with a hydraulic accumulator and elements of the automation system, but also with a large-volume storage tank, is another way effective solution issue with weak fluid pressure in water supply systems of apartment buildings. Such a pressure booster installation will provide all apartments in the building with water not only in cases where the liquid pressure in the central water supply system needs to be increased, but also when water does not flow into the pipes at all.

- This is a device that ensures forced movement of water through pipes, thereby creating the necessary pressure.

The advantages of installing equipment are obvious:

  1. The pressure in the tap increases, water runs well around the clock.
  2. The column lights up, heating the water to the desired temperature.
  3. Comfortable shower.
  4. It becomes possible to use other household appliances, which require water, for example, washing machine, dishwasher and so on.

Of course, we are not talking about such global problems as:

  1. Pipe blockage(on the way to the house or in front of the apartment) - in this case, only replacement will help old pipe to a new one.
  2. Burst of a central water supply pipe– in this case, you need to wait for the city service to fix the problem.

How to choose a device?


According to control, devices are classified into 2 types:

  1. Manual.
  2. Automatic.

At manual control, the unit operates continuously. The disadvantage of this control is that it must be turned off periodically so that it does not deteriorate due to overheating. Also, if for some reason it was disabled central water supply for some time, the so-called “dry running” is ensured.

In this case, the device must be immediately disconnected from the network, otherwise it will become unusable and the breakdown will not be repaired.

At automatic control, the device starts only when the faucet in the apartment is turned on. This is very convenient - the device does not work all the time and, therefore, does not overheat (plus it consumes much less electricity). Also, you don’t have to worry that the owners of the apartment will not be at home when the water is turned off, in this case the device will not turn on and “dry running” will not occur.

Liquid temperature

All devices are designed for different types water supply:

  1. Working only with hot liquid.
  2. Works only with cold.
  3. Works with any type of water supply(universal).


wet rotor

dry rotor

According to the method of cooling the motor, devices are divided into:

  1. Dry cooling.
  2. Wet cooling.

Dry cooling– “dry rotor” is the most universal and most popular type of cooling. Air cooling occurs due to small fan– an impeller located near the motor under the device body. When the fan operates, a slight squeak is heard, not at all loud and not disturbing. A “dry rotor” is considered a more reliable device.

Water cooling– “wet rotor” - occurs due to the liquid pumped by the pump. Cooling occurs silently, however, motors of this type are considered impractical, as they require regular care and prevention due to the ingress of impurities and sediments from the water.


The pressure of moisture supplied to the tap depends on the power of the device. For all devices different power and when choosing, it is undoubtedly important to take this factor into account.

For a small family of 2 people, the sufficient power of the device will be 60-120 W. For a large family, it is advisable to choose equipment with a power of 120 W and above, depending on the amount of liquid consumed in the apartment.


Noise- this is undoubtedly important factor, which you need to pay attention to when choosing a unit. However, if you plan to install it in front of the entrance to the apartment or in a place where, in principle, audibility does not play a role, then the noise emitted by the device will not be the most important element when purchasing a pump.


The sizes of the equipment are completely different. Before purchasing a device, you first need to decide on the installation location. Depending on it, choose the device.

It should be taken into account that devices with low power have and small sizes. Also, devices that have a water cooling method for the motor also take up little space due to the absence of a housing (cup) for the fan.

Water level rise

When choosing a pump, the parameter of the maximum height of water level rise must be taken into account.

This factor is extremely important because if it is low, then the device simply will not be able to retract required amount water.


Circulation pumps, on average, have a fairly flexible pricing policy and are quite affordable for every citizen. The average cost of a completely high-quality device (not a Chinese counterfeit) starts from 3 thousand rubles and has an upper limit of up to 8 thousand rubles.

Many plumbing specialists who work with many devices from different companies believe that there is no point in overpaying for the manufacturer, but it is better to purchase a not very expensive device that will have the same characteristics.

Other criteria

When selecting a device. The following criteria must also be taken into account:

  1. Pipe section size. It is very important that the cross-sectional size of the pipe matches the cross-sectional size of the pump pipe, otherwise the device will work “for wear,” that is, under heavy load and with less water pressure output than indicated in the instructions. In some cases, if the cross-section of the pipe and equipment do not match, water may not be pumped at all.
  2. Pressure generated. For all devices, this parameter is completely different, and when choosing a device for your apartment, you need to take into account the amount of water consumed by your family, and based on this, the pressure created by the pump.
  3. Number of water consumers. This refers to all equipment that uses water:
    • washing machine;
    • Dishwasher;
    • toilet;
  4. In addition to these water consumers, it is also important to consider the number of taps:
    • in the kitchen;
    • in the bathroom;
  5. Bandwidth- this is the amount of water that the device itself passes through itself. This parameter directly affects the water pressure produced by the device.

Equipment installation

Equipment installation occurs in the following order:

  1. Determine location for installing a pump (as a rule, this is either in front of the entrance to the apartment, or already in the apartment itself in a centralized highway).
  2. Clear the place where the equipment will be inserted.
  3. Mark the pipe section taking into account the size of the equipment.
  4. Shut off the water supply to the apartment(or if the installation is in front of the entrance to the apartment, shut off the central water supply).
  5. Then you need to cut off a section of the pipe, according to predetermined marks.
  6. From the outside of the pipes that will be connected to the device, it is necessary to cut sections for connecting adapters.
  7. For freshly cut pipe sections screw on adapters having internal sections.
  8. Then the fittings are screwed into the adapters included in the equipment package.
  9. To fittings, according to the instructions, the device itself is connected, which must be installed in exactly the position specified by the manufacturer, otherwise the device will not work correctly or will not function at all.

The equipment is connected to the water main, now it needs to be connected to electricity.

If there is already an outlet next to the device, then there will be no problems. If it is not there, then the problem will not be solved by connecting an extension cord. The pump will require a separate outlet; it is also advisable to install a separate circuit breaker for the device in the power panel.

Installation Features

Basically, installation circulation pump does not require any special skills or abilities - everything is quite simple and elementary.

However, when installing equipment, the following points must be taken into account:

  1. All connections and fittings needs to be sealed well, you can use a special fum tape that is wound around the thread (sold at any hardware store).
  2. The device is installed strictly in a certain order specified by the manufacturer.
  3. Before purchasing and installing a pump it is necessary to check the performance of the central water supply line - the pipe may be so clogged with sediment and rust that no pump will help - only changing the pipe itself.

Manufacturers and models

The most popular manufacturing companies in this moment are:

  1. German company.
  2. Danish company.

These companies currently occupy the largest percentage of sales in this market segment.

Grundfos pumps

Wilo pumps