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What is a mezzanine window? Mezzanines design features. Main types of warehouse mezzanine

There are several options for using attic space. First of all, this attic room, located under the very slope of the roof, as well as an additional extension to the attic - a mezzanine. This is a separate structure on the roof of a building, which, as a rule, has three windows and a separate mezzanine in old Russian houses was usually decorated wood carving, identical to the decoration on the facade of the building.

What it is?

The meaning of the word “mezzanine” in Italian is “middle” or “located in the center.” In Italy, this name for the extension came from France as a derivative of the word “house”. Sometimes people get confused about the name of the topmost room in the house and the mezzanine is called the attic. The fundamental difference between them is that the attic is equipped in the attic room under the general roof of the building, and the mezzanine is a small bright room that is not under common roof, but has its own roof and walls.

Design features

The location of the mezzanine in the center of the roof allows you to increase the amount of usable space in the building. The height of the side vertical walls in the classic design is almost always 150 cm. The ridge of the extension, as a rule, is raised to a height of 240 cm. Such a steep roof slope allows timely, without accumulating, winter time remove the snow.

If the designer conceives a different form of mezzanine, then the roof configuration changes accordingly. There are many design options ranging from the simplest gable to multi-tiered fantasy ones.

Regardless of its shape, the mezzanine is that part of the building that can be arranged not only above the newly erected structure. Very often, owners of private houses make such an extension on fairly old buildings. In new private cottages, this additional area is organized through a specific arrangement of rafters and often combine gable and pitched roofs.

Main characteristics

The main advantage of a classic mezzanine over an attic is that interior space gets significantly more Windows in such extensions can be enlarged with an additional glazed extension above the opening. Not only the aesthetic qualities of window openings increase, but also the level of lighting.

Also, modern architects, when constructing such structures, use the opportunity to create additional lighting without making any overlap between the mezzanine and the room on the lower floor. This allows you to increase the volume of the lower room and create dynamics at different levels.

Very often such superstructures are decorated with external or internal balcony. The mezzanine is a good place to accommodate any purpose. Such an extension may well contain a bedroom, a nursery or a library. Any solution will be appropriate, the main thing is that there is light and fresh air. We should not forget that the meaning of the word "mezzanine" relates to in French words"house", "dwelling". And this means coziness, comfort and home warmth.

Interior colors and styles

For correct design rooms should be taken care of to preserve natural light as much as possible. It is better to arrange furniture so that it does not create obstacles sunlight. Wallpaper or wall decoration is also recommended to be done in light colors. Designers advise keeping furniture and wall decoration in the same style and in a dull color. color scheme. The mezzanine is a place to relax, so you shouldn’t clutter it with various rubbish.

The stylish interior will allow you to use the space for the pleasure and joy of the whole family. If you want to retire in this room, you can organize a separate office. Mezzanine (superstructure) is not easy extra bed, but also a kind of sophistication in the architectural appearance of the building.

Mention in art

Many writers, poets and artists describe the romanticism of this room. For example, the American artist John O’Brien depicts attics and mezzanines in many of his canvases. And it’s not surprising, because you want to live in such houses for all eternity. And the English writer Lucy Maud Montgomery from Clifton gave the world a magnificent series of works for children about the adventures of the girl Anya, in which green mezzanines are mentioned. Russian writers also did not ignore this beautiful and airy room. For example, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in his work “House with a Mezzanine” very well and figuratively describes all the romance of this room.

The main charm of such a building lies in the atmosphere home comfort, silence, comfort and plenty of light. The design of the mezzanine practically does not create additional load on the foundation of the building, therefore, to give a private house special chic and elegance, its construction can be recommended. Knowing what a mezzanine is, what a useful and elegant building it is, you will probably not be afraid of the difficulties associated with construction and additional costs. All your efforts will be richly rewarded!

Tiered shelving

Mezzanines are also commonly called tiered racks in warehouses. There is no romance here, so it’s worth limiting ourselves to describing only some of the features of such metal structures. With significant ceiling heights in warehouses, several levels are created for storing goods. Such tiers are connected by stairs and passages.

At the same time, the entire volume of the room is rationally used and the equipment pays for itself quite quickly. The rapid assembly of such metal mezzanines is based on the connection of ready-made standard elements for fastening metal racks and floorings. Particular attention is paid to the strength and stability of the entire structure, since the load on the tiers can be increased. Fastening, as a rule, occurs using bolts through mounting holes. Depending on the height of the room and the purpose of its use, the design cross-section of beams and supports is also adopted.

Many buildings use attic space to create additional living space. This can be either an attic space located in the space between the sloping roof rafters, or an independent addition to the attic - a mezzanine. This type of room at the top of the structure has own roof and windows.

History of the additional extension

In Russian buildings of past centuries, such an upper addition to the main dwelling appeared after Italian students settled in France. They completed the construction of rented dwellings and increased the occupied living space. This is where the name of this room under the roof came from. In Russia, the windows of buildings began to be decorated carved platbands and all sorts of other works of wooden architecture.

Sometimes there is confusion in the names of additional volumes under the roof of a building. The difference between a mezzanine and an attic is that it has a separately equipped roof and walls. The mezzanine does not occupy the already created area of ​​the structure, but forms an addition to it.

Such a superstructure above the roof, as a rule, has a wall height of at least one and a half meters. The ridge of the structure is sharp and rises to a height of about two and a half meters. This height of the structure is especially relevant in the northern regions of the country. The snow, not staying on the roof slope, slides down.

Design features

The configuration of the mezzanine roof can be completely different. Since an extension to the main building can be made not only over newly erected structures, but also over existing ones that have already existed for a long time, then for architectural fantasies designers have a lot of freedom. Roofs over mezzanines can be either simple single-pitched or multi-tiered. Combining several types of roofs gives very interesting architectural solutions.

Another characteristic feature of a mezzanine is the presence of large windows. Additional lighting in such an extension to the house is also provided by glass extensions above window openings. The lightness of the structures and access to natural light create a special atmosphere in this room. favorable climate. Additional insolation can be increased using a balcony equipped with front side extensions. The balcony can be either external or internal.

How to use

The mezzanine is often used to organize a summer bedroom, library or separate office. Sometimes the superstructure serves as additional lighting for the lower floor. In this case, there is no overlap between the lower room and the mezzanine. Multi-level dynamics with such architectural solutions help to increase the space of the lower room and create more comfortable lighting.

A large amount of light and an atmosphere of isolation from the entire usable area of ​​​​the residential building create a special pleasant atmosphere for relaxation on the mezzanine and give the building style not only in the interior of the entire structure, but also on the outside. The lightness and elegance of the building does not create any special difficulties or large financial costs during construction.

Due to the fact that the construction of additional volume is not required a large number of building materials there is no heavy load on existing foundations and there is no need to strengthen newly constructed ones.

Industrial mezzanines

There is another building construction, which is also called mezzanine. These are racks in warehouses. Most often, these are lightweight metal structures that allow you to store goods, placing them on several tiers.

Standard metal elements are fastened in a certain sequence using bolts. Such structures can have several tiers and are designed for storing goods.

The mezzanine, unlike the attic, rises above a separate part of the house, and not over the entire floor, has its own roof with a pediment and several windows, most often three, it can also have a balcony with columns, although such superstructures can be of very different shapes and part of a building of almost any architectural style.

You can build a mezzanine in an apartment with sufficiently high ceilings. In production and warehouse premises, warehouse mezzanines have become widespread, on which goods can be stored and equipment can be placed.

Doma with mezzanine

Houses with mezzanines were common in Russia in the 19th century. Such a superstructure had not only a practical, but also a decorative function. Usually they were in houses of classicism or modern style.

It is now also possible to build a private house in the style of a cozy Russian estate. Houses with mezzanines usually have identical facades on the street and courtyard sides, hipped roof, mezzanine superstructure with a balcony. Some construction companies may offer you standard project houses with mezzanine.

Usually such houses are one-story, but a mezzanine can also be built above the second floor of a residential building. Despite the “antique” appearance, the house can be built from quite modern materials: aerated concrete, foam concrete, ceramic blocks, porous brick. Is it possible to build wooden house with a mezzanine in Russian style.

Mezonin indoors - residential mezzanine

A mezzanine in an apartment or house differs from a real mezzanine in that it is not directly connected to the supporting structures. This means that it can not only be immediately included in the house plan, but also done later, when such a need arises. A sample house plan with a mezzanine might look like this.

A mezzanine in an apartment can be built with sufficiently high ceilings. In mansions in modern style you can build it both outside the house in the form of a superstructure, and inside in the form of a mezzanine with high ceilings. This internal vertical division of space using modern materials will suit almost any style and will increase the usable area. It can serve as a corridor or gallery between two parts of the building. It can be equipped

Mdo-it-yourself ezonin

In some new houses, an additional mezzanine is already included in the apartment plan, but you can build a mezzanine in the apartment yourself. To do this you need to choose the right materials. Wood is usually used - it is a cozy and environmentally friendly material. The main supporting structures are best made of metal. You can use plywood, boards, fiberboard, OSB as flooring. It is important to correctly calculate the load on the supporting structures. Typically, a mezzanine is located between two walls to which a load-bearing beam is attached. As a beam, you can use rolled metal beams or wooden beam, for example, LVL timber. Additionally, if the mezzanine is long, you can install metal or wooden supports.

RRecommendations for placing the mezzanine

It is important to ensure that the new mezzanine has windows, otherwise the mezzanine room will turn out dark and gloomy. Therefore, it is good to arrange such mezzanines in apartments with panoramic windows. If there is not enough natural light, sufficiently bright artificial light must be provided. As lighting fixtures it is best to choose sconces, Wall lights or eaves lighting if there is a cornice above the mezzanine. Not worth installing ceiling lamps, especially long ones.

Consider the height of the ceiling: the lower floor should be high enough to make it comfortable to walk. It is best to make a mezzanine in a square or very elongated room. In a large room, you can create a mezzanine gallery running along three sides of the room. The best option will be if the mezzanine occupies no more than a third of the room’s area.

To build a full-fledged mezzanine, the ceiling height must be at least 3.8 m. The new tier is placed at a height of at least 2.1 m from the floor. This will allow you, if not to stand, then at least to sit on the mezzanine without touching the ceiling with your head. Then it will be possible to place on it sleeping area, this will be especially relevant for children and youth. For safety, provide a strong, stable ladder (not a ladder), handrails, railings or guardrails. It is not recommended to place a mezzanine above windows or doors - it is inconvenient, it will look like a side shelf on a train.

If the ceiling height is insufficient, you can not make a full-fledged mezzanine under which you can walk, but simply raise the floor in part of the room, as, for example, in this photo.

Then under the podium there are drawers and cabinets for storing things, you can arrange a dressing room this way. You can arrange a nursery this way. The room takes on an unusual and interesting view. A mezzanine in an apartment of any design is a way to rationally use space. For example, you can arrange boxes in the steps leading upstairs. In a studio apartment with high ceilings, it allows you to get almost a second room in which you can equip an office or bedroom.

NIs it really possible to approve the construction of a mezzanine?

The construction of a residential mezzanine is not listed either among the redevelopments that require approval or among those that do not. The mezzanine can be considered built-in furniture, so it does not need to be approved, except in cases where there will be interference with the supporting structures of the house, when the mezzanine will have a lot of weight, for example, if heavy metal or reinforced concrete structures.

Sergey Novozhilov - expert on roofing materials with 9 years experience practical work in the field of engineering solutions in construction.

The word mezzanine in English letters (transliterated) - mezonin

The word mezzanine consists of 7 letters: e z i m n o

Meanings of the word mezzanine. What is a mezzanine?

Mezzanine (Italian mezzanino - “intermediate”), superstructure, tower, half-tier, half-dwelling - a superstructure over the middle part of a residential building, often has a balcony. It often has the shape of a cross or square, sometimes a hexagon.


Mezzanine (from Italian mezzanine), a superstructure over the middle part of a residential (usually small) building. M. often has a balcony. In Russia, M. became widespread in the 19th century. as part of stone and especially wooden low-rise buildings.

TSB. - 1969-1978

House with a Mezzanine (film)

“The House with a Mezzanine” is a 1960 feature film based on the story of the same name by A.P. Chekhov. In the estate of the landowner Belokurov lives in idleness famous artist(Sergey Yakovlev).


Anya of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables is the first and one of the most famous novels by Canadian writer Lucy Maud Montgomery, published in 1908 in Canada. The novel has been filmed several times. Panorama of the Green Gables farm.


Caught in the mezzanine; second group

Caught in the mezzanine; second group Members of the group of securities underwriters whose participation is such that they are placed in the second group relative to the largest participants.

Financial and investment dictionary. — 2002

Russian language

Mezzanine, a.

Orthographic dictionary. - 2004

All you have to do is tell someone that you built it in your dacha wooden “house with mezzanine”, as a cozy, neat manor immediately appears before your eyes somewhere in the depths of a cherry orchard on the shore of a pond.

Such a romantic image of an ordinary dacha building is given by the famous work of one of the most beloved Russian classic writers of the 19th century, A.P. Chekhov, who describes in his works the everyday life of his heroes in small towns and on country estates century before last.

From the first lines of Chekhov’s famous work, it’s as if you are plunging into the environment of that leisurely noble aristocracy of estate life in which contemporaries of different classes of the Russian writer lived their lives: “To the right, in the old orchard, an oriole sang reluctantly, in a weak voice, probably also an old woman. But now the linden trees are gone; I walked past a white house with a terrace and a mezzanine, and in front of me suddenly unfolded a view of the manor's courtyard and a wide pond with a bathhouse, with a crowd of green willows, with a village on the other side, with a tall narrow bell tower on which a cross was burning, reflecting the setting sun. For a moment I felt the charm of something familiar, very familiar, as if I had already seen this same panorama once in childhood...”. (A.P. Chekhov “House with a mezzanine”)

A leisurely and calm country life on an estate - what could be more beautiful for a metropolitan resident tired of the crazy rhythm? Live like a gentleman or landowner in own home, distancing yourself from the modern realities of the digital age, immersing yourself in the everyday worries of a Chekhovian tradesman: you can leisurely fix a rickety gazebo, throw crucian carp into your own pond, break a new one flower bed, and then, in the late afternoon, visit a neighbor, going for tea with freshly brewed raspberry jam from the berries of the current harvest. If a summer resident has a real wooden house with mezzanine, then he can rightfully consider himself the heir to the traditions of that Chekhov’s Russia, the way of Russian antiquity, in which it was customary to travel out of town for the whole summer, forgetting about all the hectic city affairs, go fishing and pick mushrooms and berries in the nearest forest.

What is a house with a mezzanine? Mezzanine(from the Italian mezzo - in the middle) is a superstructure above the middle of the house, a mezzanine, which does not occupy the entire area at the top of the house, but only a part, located in its center, like a separate “house” on top of the house structure. The mezzanine has a separate roof; this type of architectural technique is often built with a balcony. In most cases, a mezzanine is an attic building, i.e. serves as a summer room, without heating. In the old days, the mezzanine of a house was often decorated with carvings on large windows and along the eaves of the roof.

The famous researcher of Russian literature V. Dal lovingly calls the mezzanine “teremka” and “gorenka”. And in the reputable “Architectural Dictionary” the following definition of mezzanine is given: “...a superstructure over the middle part of a residential (usually small) building. The mezzanine often has a balcony. In Russia, the mezzanine became widespread in the 19th century. As part of stone and especially wooden low-rise buildings".

The mezzanine was invented in France by the architect Mansard at the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th century, who decided to erect a small dollhouse on a stone structure.

In the 19th century, urban and rural residents of different classes of Russia began to actively adopt this French architectural idea, which was so loved by residents of private estates. When reading the works of Russian writers, a picture of an ancient street built along the road often comes to mind. wooden houses with mezzanine, so popular was this technique in architecture, adopted from Europeans and undeservedly forgotten today.

In many surviving wooden buildings In the 19th and early 20th centuries, this attractive architectural element can be traced in private buildings and there is a growing interest of modern developers in this expressive type of outhouse extension in the project. This is due to the fashion for reviving the passion for antiquity. A craving for retro style is now considered good form. Therefore, some developers show interest in this type of architectural technique, wanting, when constructing their own property, that the new building be not just a house with an attic, but "house with mezzanine", which sounds very impressive and looks impressive.

If you think that your simple wooden log house looks too simple, then you should think about whether to improve it appearance mezzanine? First of all, the usual wooden box The house will immediately take on the appearance of a stylish building in the spirit of a manor from the century before last, and, secondly, additional living space will be added to the house.

House with mezzanine - design features and layout options

The construction of a mezzanine will not be too expensive for the owners, and the construction wooden house the additional superstructure will not be too burdensome and heavy for the structure of the log house. In addition, the mezzanine can serve not only as a summer room, but with additional heating equipment and insulation of the walls and roof of the superstructure, it can be used all year round.

When planning to use the mezzanine during the cold period, you need to pay attention Special attention insulation of the house: the roof, which is both the ceiling and the walls.

Great illumination of the room is one of the main features of the mezzanine. Thus, for this room you need to select a layout so that big windows occupied the front part of the wall so that light flooded the entire room (or rooms) of the mezzanine.

The mezzanine, like an attic space, is traditionally loved by creative family members who sometimes require complete privacy from all the inhabitants of the house. In addition, the mezzanine room can be equipped as an office for a family member working even on vacation, as well as a guest room, nursery, summer bedroom, library, billiard room, etc.

The configuration of the mezzanine can be very diverse, since this type of structure can be erected for a long time existing house, and since wooden structures quite light, that is, where fantasy can run wild. It can be a simple quadrangular design, as well as a hexagon, octagon, cross, cylinder, etc.

The mezzanine roof can also have a wide variety of shapes: single-pitch, gable or multi-tiered. Combination different types roofs provide very interesting architectural solutions. And if you add a small balcony to the design of the mezzanine, then the formerly simple wooden structure in the form of a log house, a completely different type of private estate will take on...

Thus, if you are bored with the simple look of your log house, then you should think about changing its appearance, and adding a mezzanine will be the most profitable solution. The construction of a mezzanine will not be too burdensome for the budget; additional living space will be added to the house, similar architectural solution will not load the log frame with its weight, and for experienced carpenters, cutting down and installing an additional small log frame for the mezzanine will not be too burdensome. And most importantly, you become the owner of a noble houses with mezzanine, from whose name one emanates respectable respectability and old-fashioned aristocracy...

This term has other meanings, see Mezzanine (meanings).

Mezzanine(Italian mezzanino, French mezzanine “intermediate”; from Greek μέσος “middle”), superstructure, tower, half-tier, semi-housing- a superstructure over the middle part of a residential building, often with a balcony. It often has the shape of a cross or square, sometimes a hexagon. May have the shape of a cylinder, less often an octagon. Often this add-on is not functional in nature, but is simply a decorative element.

In Russia, the mezzanine became widespread in the 19th century.

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It has become a distinctive feature of stone and wooden estates.

The term also refers to a low theater balcony or the first row of seats in a balcony.

This architectural element is included in the title of Chekhov’s textbook story “The House with a Mezzanine.”

Merchant's house with a wooden mezzanine (Romanov, 1862)


What is mezzanine and what is it used for?

Mezzanine window decoration
For stone and wooden estates.

Plastic windows in St. Petersburg

After the windows began to be glazed, they became larger in size. Until the 18th century, glass was incredibly expensive and only very wealthy people could afford to have such windows. Glazed windows could only be found in rich houses.

During this period, houses with mezzanines appeared. A mezzanine is a superstructure over the central part of the house, which, as a rule, is just decorative decoration, and not a functional part of the house . The window located in this part was called the mezzanine. The superstructure could be of various shapes: from a cross to a hexagon.

The mezzanine window was usually located above the main row of windows(in one or two tiers) in large rooms. It had a square shape and was small in size. Mezzanines were often located under such windows. The mezzanine window was built for better lighting Houses.

In our country, such windows became widespread in the 19th century, when glass became more affordable.

Mezzanine windows have become an integral decoration of stone and wooden estates.

fan window

Article 32. Number of floors and number of floors of residential buildings

1. For the purposes of these Rules, the following terms with corresponding definitions are used to determine the number of storeys of residential buildings:

Above-ground floor - a floor with the floor level of the premises not lower than the planning level of the ground.

Underground floor - a floor with the floor level of the premises below the planning ground level for the entire height of the premises.

The first floor is the lower above-ground floor of the building.

Basement floor - a floor with the floor level of the premises below the planning level of the ground to a height of no more than half the height of the premises.

Basement floor - a floor with the floor level of the premises below the planning level of the ground by more than half the height of the premises or the first underground floor.

Attic floor - a floor in the attic space, the facade of which is fully or partially formed by the surface (surfaces) of a sloping, broken or curved roof.

Technical floor - floor for placement engineering equipment buildings and communications, can be located in the lower part of the building (technical underground), upper (technical attic) or between above-ground floors. A space with a height of 1.8 m or less, used only for laying communications, is not a floor.

The planning level of the ground is the ground level at the border of the ground and the blind area of ​​the building.

Warehouse mezzanine racks

The underground space under the building, regardless of its height, as well as the interfloor space and technical attic with a height of less than 1.8 m are not included in the number of above-ground floors.

At various numbers floors in different parts building, as well as when placing a building on a site with a slope, when the number of floors increases due to the slope, the number of storeys is determined separately for each part of the building.

3. When determining the number of storeys of a building, all above-ground floors are taken into account, including the technical floor, attic, and also ground floor, if the top of its ceiling is at least 2 m above the average planning level of the ground.

5. When determining the number of floors, all floors are taken into account, including underground, basement, basement, above-ground, technical, attic and others.

6. The maximum number of floors is not established by these Rules.


The meaning of the word Mezzanine according to Efremova:
Mezzanine - A superstructure above the middle part of a small residential building.

The meaning of the word Mezzanine according to Ozhegov:
Mezzanine - Superstructure over the middle part of a small residential building

Mezzanine in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
Mezzanine - (from Italian mezzanino) - a superstructure (often with a balcony) above the middle part of a residential building. Common in Russian architecture of the 19th century.

The meaning of the word Mezzanine according to Ushakov’s dictionary:
(or mezzanine), mezzanine, m. (Italian mezzanine - middle). A small superstructure above the middle of the house, a partial floor. house with mezzanine.

If your house has high ceilings, organize a mezzanine: it’s beautiful, comfortable, original

(They write mezzanine vm.

mezzanine, due to confusion with fr. maison - house.)

The meaning of the word Mezzanine according to Dahl's dictionary:
m. mezzanine, superstructure, tower, half-tier, half-housing; teremok. -ny, relating to him.

The meaning of the word Mezzanine according to the Brockhaus and Efron dictionary:
Mezzanine- the top floor, a superstructure above the house, which does not occupy the entire width of the facade.

Definition of the word “Mezzanine” according to TSB:
Mezzanine(from Italian mezzanine)
a superstructure over the middle part of a residential (usually small) house. M. often has a balcony. In Russia, M. became widespread in the 19th century. as part of stone and especially wooden low-rise buildings.
Mezzanine (indicated by an arrow) in Nikitin’s house in Yaroslavl (late 18th - early 19th centuries).

Mesonephros Mezzanine Mezzanine