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How to refill a gasoline lighter with regular gasoline. Why can't you fill your lighter completely?

In this article I will tell you how you can extend the life of a lighter that does not have a gas filling valve.
To do this we need an empty disposable piezo lighter, gas canister with a set of adapters, two matches and tweezers.

We start by disassembling the lighter, remembering the location of the parts.

We take matches and sharpen their ends a little with a knife.

We put the bracket in place and put matches under it.

This way we raise gas valve. We select an adapter that fits tightly onto the tip of the valve, and put the lighter and matches in the freezer of the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes. By freezing the lighter, we will achieve better gas flow when refueling. We take the lighter out of the refrigerator and immediately begin refueling.

Attention! Refueling should be done away from open flame sources. With one hand, place the gas canister on the valve and press it. Hold for 10-20 seconds and, without releasing the can, pull out the matches with your other hand. Next, remove the can and begin assembling the lighter.
Turn the adjusting screw almost all the way. We put all the parts in place and check the height of the flame.

The lighter can withstand this method of refilling approximately 6-8 times. Then the valve wears out and begins to “poison” the gas. This method can also be used to refill silicon lighters. But if you have to remove the flint and wheel, then after refueling it is difficult to put them back in place.

It is not simple fashion accessory. This is a high-quality and durable lighter that will serve its owner for many years.

But, as with any good accessory, the lighter requires care. First of all, the lighter must be refilled regularly. But how do you refill a Zippo lighter?

Start by purchasing lighter fluid. Some people mistakenly believe that filling a branded lighter with any flammable liquid is beneficial. However, only original Zippo fuel will give you an exact guarantee of the durability of the lighter and the absence of unpleasant odor. If you already have the liquid, then read our instructions on how to refill a Zippo lighter.

  1. Remove the lighter from the housing. This can be done as follows: holding the flint wheel firmly with two fingers with one hand, carefully, using little effort, remove the metal part of the case. If this is not the first time you have refilled your lighter, disassembling it this way will not be difficult for you.
  2. Lift the corner of the valve from the bottom. It has the inscription “Lift to fuel”, which translates as “lift to refuel”. It's important to be careful here.
  3. Start filling the cotton wool with gasoline. Fill slowly, never overfill. If the purchased liquid comes in a large bottle, pour it into a smaller container for convenience.
  4. Avoid dripping gasoline on your hands as this may cause skin damage. If you spill gasoline on your hands, wash them with soap.
  5. After assembly, set the lighter aside for a few minutes until it is sufficiently saturated.

Refilling a Zippo lighter: how to check the effect?

In order to find out whether the lighter has been refilled correctly, you need to check it (preferably indoors). Open the lid of the lighter, hold it suspended, slightly lifting it up, and carefully turn the wheel until fire appears. If the Zippo refueling was successful, no failures should occur.

If any problems arise, try to determine what you did wrong, read again how to properly refill a Zippo, and, if necessary, repeat the procedure again, or replace the silicon or Zippo wick.

Features when refilling Zippo

It is necessary to take into account that Zippo refilling has its own characteristics, knowledge of which will help you avoid mistakes that could lead to damage to the lighter.

  1. It is recommended to use only Zippo branded materials (wicks, fuel, flint) when refilling, since they are guaranteed to be suitable for a high-quality branded lighter. You can easily purchase these products in our store. We are sure you will like our pricing policy.
  2. It is very important after refueling the Zippo to thoroughly wipe the lighter with a dry cloth in case you accidentally drop gasoline on the Zippo. The cost of a mistake can be high! For your own safety, do not refill your lighter alone and have fire-resistant items at the ready, such as a clean, damp handkerchief.
  3. Make sure that the lighter fuel container is at a safe distance before checking the quality of the refill.
  4. When refueling, do not rush, it is very important to accurately calculate the amount required fuel to avoid accidentally overfilling the Zippo fuel chamber. And in this case, it’s not just about saving. Lighters of this class are very delicate and require special treatment. If the chamber is overfilled, there is a high probability that this accessory will become completely unusable.

By the way, since you have disassembled your lighter for refilling, you can also clean it of dirt. This will affect not only its appearance, but also its performance.

Although the rules for refilling a Zippo lighter may seem complicated, the entire process will not take you more than five minutes. So that you can verify this and clearly see the process of refilling such a popular accessory, we invite you to watch a short video.

Detailed instructions on how to refill a Zippo lighter (Zippo)

If your favorite Zippo lighter runs out of gas, don't rush to throw it away. It will continue to please its owner with its bright fire if it is fueled. Below is step-by-step instruction, which will make it clear how to properly refill a zippo lighter.

Be sure to inspect the lighter from all sides and the place where the refueling process took place. Check to see if you have spilled gasoline anywhere - otherwise it may catch fire, because Zippo fuel fluid is highly flammable.

If you have already inadvertently doused yourself with fuel, immediately wash the parts of your body on which the liquid came in contact with soap. Avoid contact with eyes. To do this, try not to touch them or wipe them while refilling the lighter. It is recommended to wear closed clothing and gloves during the process of refilling the lighter. Safety comes first.

At first glance, refilling zippo lighters seems to be a fairly simple process, but you must strictly follow the instructions and perform each refilling step in the specified sequence. You are dealing with fire, so be extremely careful and follow safety precautions.

Zippo fuel fluid is completely natural, so it tends to evaporate relatively quickly, which continues even when the lighter is not in use. When going on a long trip, it is recommended to refuel the product before leaving, just in case.

To feel absolutely safe, you can purchase cases from the new collection from Zippo. The main material used in their production is genuine leather. The cases not only guarantee the safety of the owner and protect the product from scratches, but also look great, giving the lighters even more solidity.

How to properly refill a Zippo lighter: gasoline

For refueling, you can use special gasoline. Automotive gasoline is not recommended for use because its combustion temperature is too high, which means you will need to replace the filter frequently.
Refilling zippo lighters has one trick. A gas cylinder can be used several times, but after each refill the pressure inside it will decrease. Therefore, before proceeding directly to this process, you need to hold the lighter for some time. freezer, which will make it possible to fill it in a larger volume.

If you still don't understand how to refill a zippo lighter or just want to see how the process is done in practice, before you start, you can watch the video below.

When the lighter runs out of flammable substance, questions immediately arise about replacing the item. Just don’t rush, because first you should think about how to fill the lighter with gas or other flammable substance.

Security measures

Before direct work, you should think about your safety, as well as the people and objects around you. To do this, you should pay attention to some nuances and rules.


Well ventilated area. When the lighter is refilled with gas or another substance, it may leak. In this case, it is necessary to ventilate the room as quickly as possible.

No fire or ignition sources.

Skin and eye protection. It is better to wear closed clothing and gloves on your hands.

Do not use the entire lighter space. The gas in it is under pressure, so overfilling can lead to an explosion.

Refilling with a gas cylinder

When a safe place to work has been prepared, the skin and eyes are safe, you can start talking about how to fill the lighter with gas. Actually, it won't be here big problems. It’s also worth saying a few words about convenience during work, as well as the absence of objects that could interfere with the process.

On the back of the lighter there is special valve, which is actually intended for this process. It is also worth noting the fact that it can become clogged with various debris from your pocket. Therefore it needs to be cleaned. It is advisable to use a sharp object. It is necessary to press on this valve until a characteristic sound appears, indicating the release of gas.

Now all that remains is to pick up a gas canister and begin direct refueling. It is worth mentioning right away the fact that there are different valves, so you first need to choose a suitable adapter. These items come with all spray cans.

Now a few words about how to properly refill lighters with gas from a technical point of view. During the process, the lighter should be in such a position that the valve is at the top. Accordingly, the gas cylinder has an outlet downwards. Once you are sure of this, you need to press the lighter and hold it for no more than 7-10 seconds. During this time it will be refilled. Under no circumstances should the item be checked immediately after refueling. 3-4 minutes is enough for the pressure in it to normalize.

Refilling disposable lighters

Most people think that disposable lighters It is impossible to fill with gas from cans. Only in reality everything is a little different. This is possible, but with minor difficulties. Therefore, it is worth touching on the topic of how to fill a lighter with gas through the outlet hole.

To begin with, the item to be refilled must be placed in the refrigerator for a short time. After this, place two matches in the outlet hole where the front part of the lever is located. Now you can start refueling, just like with a lighter with a special valve.

Refilling a gasoline lighter

This type of lighter is the most expensive and original, so many people are often faced with directly refilling these aids in getting a fire. Above we talked about how to refill a lighter with gas, and now it’s worth touching on refilling with gasoline.

It is worth immediately paying attention to the fact that this moment available a large number of species petrol lighters. Therefore, when “reanimating” your assistant, you will have to think a little. Now we will consider this process using the example of the most common mechanism - Zippo.

These lighters consist of a body and an inner part. To refill the Zippo, you need to remove its insides. On this part there is a felt pad, when you bend it you can see the fleece. Actually, it needs to be soaked in gasoline. During work, be careful not to spill the substance.

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your purchase of an excellent ZIPPO lighter. After all, if you, dear reader, came across this article, then most likely you have a ZIPPO and still don’t know how to fill it with gasoline correctly. And since this brand is not just famous, but mega/super/very famous, it would be a sin not to congratulate. We hope that the ZIPPO lighter will serve you for a long time, which, in fact, we have no doubt about.

Beautiful, isn't she?

This time we bring to your attention a short photo review of how to properly refill a lighter. famous brand ZIPPO. Naturally, photos alone will not be enough, so we wrote a full-fledged article about this simple, but still responsible, process. So, let's go.

The container of gasoline looks huge compared to the lighter itself. But you can be sure that such a container will have enough gasoline for you for a year for sure.


Before you refill your ZIPPO lighter, remember: gasoline is flammable, the house or apartment is expensive, renovations have just been done, and so on. This leads us to the conclusion that refueling near a fireplace, stove or candle is prohibited and it is better not to tempt fate. Unfortunately, many naively believe that nothing bad will happen. Maybe so, but why take the risk? Gasoline vapors ignite much faster than you think.

Refilling the lighterZIPPO: step-by-step photo review

First of all, I would like to note that it is strongly recommended to use only branded ZIPPO gasoline everywhere and everywhere. If you purchased a lighter in a company store, then they will advise you of original gasoline from the manufacturer and, as a rule, you should not expect deception. Look at the photo: judging by the code, the bottle of gasoline came to us from the USA, ZIPPO is produced there, therefore, in our case, counterfeiting is excluded.

Many sites recommend using anything rather than buying gas from ZIPPO. Our advice is this: you can refill your lighter with rose nectar or cologne. But is it necessary to do this? Did you really buy (or give it to you) worthwhile thing, so why spoil it prematurely?

And here is a photo of the ZIPPO lighter itself:

To be fair, let’s say that the line from the song by Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky was engraved after purchasing the lighter. The owner is a big fan of the bard, so we exclude grins like “do Americans really know Russian so well?”

Now you need to fill the lighter with gasoline. And here the already mentioned bottle comes to the rescue, where everything is demonstrated on both sides with a picture and an inscription in English. All we have to do is translate these inscriptions for you and add something of our own.

The first inscription tells us that the bottle needs to be opened. The following is a tip directly related to preparing the lighter for refilling. To do this you need to remove inner part, turn it over, lift the felt and fill it with fuel. After this, install the “internals” back, wait a few seconds and you can use the ZIPPO for its intended purpose. But this is brief, let's take a better look at high-quality photographs and clarify the situation a little more broadly.

So, to open the valve of a bottle of gasoline, you need to lift the white watering can vertically. If you look carefully at the photo, you will notice that this very watering can is recessed deeply and the idea of ​​using something sharp and thin comes to mind. Nothing like this! Take a look at the photo:

The ZIPPO developers have already decided everything - you don’t need any additional things, just use the lighter cap, as we did in the photo above. We will warn you about one thing in advance for the second time: gasoline burns very brightly, so after opening it, you should not strike matches nearby or use another open source of fire.

Now we take out the inside of our lighter. All it takes is two hands and a little effort. The photograph captures the moment of being pulled out.
We warn you that the force is really insignificant, but when pulling out for the first time it can be noticeable. There is no need to be scared or stop; looking for a non-existent screw will also be unnecessary. Just keep pulling the outer casing and the inner tank apart in different directions.

Next, we advise you to install the tank back, but only upside down. You don’t have to do this, but when refueling, fuel often leaks out through the wick hole and can get on your clothes, hand, or somewhere else. And again, it’s better to worry about safety. The photo shows what it will look like.

Pay attention to the inscription “Lift to fill”, which is repeated three times on the felt lining. For those who are not fluent in English, we will translate: “Lift to fill.”
That’s what we do: lift the felt (a pin, needle, toothpick or something similar is useful) and pour gasoline inside.

This is where the moment comes that interests many, if not all, - how much gasoline should you pour when refueling? If you pour too little, you'll have to refill it soon. Pour a lot of gasoline and some of it will leak through the wick hole. Some advise pouring and counting to ten, others measure gasoline with a syringe, and still others do everything by eye. We admit, we chose the last option because we ourselves didn’t know how to refuel ZIPPO lighter.
But, having spilled fuel, we decided that it was better to find a better way to get the exact dosage. And you know what – it’s pointless to look for such a way out! If the first refueling requires about 5 “cubes” of gasoline, then you will probably carry out all subsequent refuelings by eye. After all, you need to go away for a few days and you decide to refuel your lighter before the fuel in it completely runs out. Either the fire will seem too weak to you, or you will simply play it safe - you will never or almost never “guess” the exact amount of fuel required for refueling. And waiting for all the gasoline to be used up, you see, is a very stupid thing to do. Well, as an option, it’s too rude to fiddle with an empty ZIPPO in your hands and only because you didn’t want to refill it in advance. Having such a thing and not smoking in a restaurant or even just on the street is no good. Practice will show how much a full refueling is enough for you and then you will already know approximately the amount of fuel required for your ZIPPO.

And a few final words...

Fun fact: You can easily find out when your ZIPPO was manufactured. Look at the bottom of the case: in original lighters there will definitely be a corporate logo, the city of Bradford and the state of Pennsylvania are indicated - that’s where they produce this product.
But you can decipher the date of manufacture on both sides of the logo. The letter will be indicated on the left English alphabet(A – January, B – February, C – March, and so on), and the year of manufacture will be stamped on the right. The photo shows that our lighter was released in August 2013.

3 months have passed since using the lighter. During this time it was found that:

  • One Zippo refill lasts about a week (if you smoke a pack a day)
  • It is better to carry the lighter in your pocket, where there is nothing foreign in the form of keys, coins, etc. — appearance will quickly “fly off”
  • It is advisable to buy flint in advance - the first one ran out in about a month and a half
  • Although the Zippo does not go out in the wind, in windy weather the flame “goes” to the side and you have to cover the lighter with your hand - otherwise it’s difficult to light it
  • A lighter is just perfect if you need some light but don’t have a flashlight nearby. It's a small thing, but nice.

PROTECTOR 23-10-2015 20:07

Besides the original fuel? otherwise it’s not budget....

Schnapps 23-10-2015 20:30

In addition to the original, you can fill it with Newport (England), it’s cheaper. Once I pressed 92 in Norilsk, it smoked, but it lights up as it should, there was no aftertaste when lighting it. You can use alcohol, but it evaporates faster. I don’t recommend using cologne, then lighting it is a complete ass and the whole place will stink life is cotton wool inside. They say you can also use kerosene, but I haven’t tried it.

User Drone 23-10-2015 20:37

Gasoline nefras or its analogue galosh is sold in hardware stores.

iluhaM 23-10-2015 20:37

PROTECTOR 23-10-2015 21:25

I need it for household purposes, so how does it smoke and with what flavor does it burn on the side? I have plenty of alcohol, so I’m thinking of switching to it, just because of the lack of knowledge in this area, I don’t want to damage the chik-fire.

Bonifatich 23-10-2015 23:49

Are you frying eggs on it, so that buying local gasoline can really hit your pocket?
Newport really is possible. The alcohol is too volatile.
All sorts of ersatz mixtures smoke and stink.

carrier 24-10-2015 12:00

for household purposes

For household purposes, these rule.

A zippo is for jerking off and always dirty thumb. Alcohol is not good for her.

PROTECTOR 24-10-2015 09:11

No, Zippo is a fetish and besides, I already have it, + it’s comfortable to wear, and wind resistance is important to me, but in principle, can it be killed with low-quality fuel or does it not give a fuck?

iluhaM 24-10-2015 11:12

There is cotton wool and a wick made of fabric with copper wire, what can be killed there? Everything is primitive

I-War 24-10-2015 12:42

quote: Originally posted by iluhaM:

Ordinary nefras, also known as "Galosha" gasoline

There are a lot of low-quality ones that are smelly and smoky. Lottery.

PROTECTOR 24-10-2015 19:09

I’ll probably try alcohol anyway, alcohol should have less volatility

I-War 24-10-2015 20:40

It burns worse than gasoline and runs out faster. Tested on Zipp personally.

PROTECTOR 24-10-2015 20:59

damn, that's unfortunate.

Andyukh 25-10-2015 10:29

PROTECTOR 25-10-2015 11:29

I-War 25-10-2015 11:44

quote: Originally posted by Andyukh:

But what is the best way to refill gasoline lighters - wait until the gasoline runs out and then fill it in, or regularly add a small portion?

I top it up once a week, it’s not a memory battery
quote: Originally posted by PROTECTOR:

By the way, I still don’t understand how to fill it up if it runs out.

To the brim.

PROTECTOR 25-10-2015 11:58

pours out

I-War 25-10-2015 13:16

quote: Originally posted by PROTECTOR:

pours out

Where? We wet the cotton wool to a “swamp” state, so that the cotton wool is wet.

IS90 25-10-2015 19:01

does not burn on gasoline 80 and 92...

Rusich 26-10-2015 11:10

Hexane or heptane.
In chemical stores.
Or I can pour it)

Ursvamp 26-10-2015 17:24

Purified naphtha is needed. In a country that blows oil into oceans and synthesizes pools of gasoline and kerosene, you have to buy an English Newport - pichalco. However, even Russian gas for lighters cannot be used so as not to spoil the device.
The galosh burns well but evaporates very quickly. Therefore, we are looking for ligroin or, as correctly noted above, one of its components is hexane or heptane.

ZEE 28-10-2015 12:27

No special options.
So that it burns normally and does not require refueling for a long time, only original gasoline. And then it’s a lottery ((One lasts for a couple of days, the other for a week and a half. It’s clear which of them is more original))
It burns on any gasoline (including 80 and 92), it just smokes “black” and you need to “pull” sharply and often to get the fire out)) and quickly dissipates.
A non-original lighter may not ignite at all with gasoline 92 and lower, this is true.
It’s difficult to say what it’s connected with. Everything is as simple as bayonet shovel. But, nevertheless, it is a fact. Relatives eat everything, fakes can even make you sneeze from good gasoline.
Experience of personal ownership and use different models and modifications are approximately 24-25 years old.

avkie 28-10-2015 08:48

quote: Originally posted by carrier:

For household purposes, these rule.

And a zippo for jerking off and an always dirty thumb. Alcohol is not good for her.

I have a friend who is the one who administers the alcohol. Yes, it is highly volatile, but it does not smell as much as gasoline.

PROTECTOR 28-10-2015 11:02

Damn, do I think that gasoline is more volatile than alcohol?

vovast 28-10-2015 13:19

quote: Originally posted by PROTECTOR: damn, I think that gasoline is more volatile than alcohol?
I don’t know how it is now, but in my youth, I remember, alcohol disappeared very quickly!

PROTECTOR 30-10-2015 13:27

In short, I’ll have to try it, it’ll be as soon as the gas runs out

Alexander NN 31-10-2015 21:55

I will support the previous posts, if you want to use the lighter without any problems - original gasoline. I used Nefras for one or two refills, then waited for a long time until the lighter “sneezed” with normal gasoline. My advice is not to save money, or switch to matches.

drsk 01-11-2015 06:38

what the hell are you talking about?
Foreva gas inserts

drsk 01-11-2015 06:39

there are both turbo and simple ones.
I use it, but the original internals generally lie idle.

B8F761 01-11-2015 08:28

It was a long time ago, before I switched to a telephone (at that time there were only matches) - I had a set of branded and not so branded Zipps. So, the best in this set was the gasoline Ronson. It was lit 18 times in a row, and the ZPP was only 8-10.
Sorry for the OFF
Only branded fuel. I grabbed some gasoline once, then changed both the cotton wool and the wick.
What is the percentage of fuel costs compared to tobacco costs? 0.5%?

p-f 01-11-2015 08:39

quote: Damn, do I think that gasoline is more volatile than alcohol?

the alcohol flies out with a whistle.
As far as jewelers know, regular gasoline for burners is cleaned with activated carbon. so that there is no soot and dust. dig in this direction.

Monolit-kbf 01-11-2015 10:58

quote: Originally posted by Ursvamp:

However, even Russian gas for lighters cannot be used so as not to spoil the device.

Well, you can’t spoil it, but it’s a fact that it burns worse. I bought a gas cylinder, manufactured in Omsk. The seller praised it, good gas, ours, Russian. After refilling the lighters, you have to unscrew the flame regulator, because it barely burns. There was no such crap with the previous Chinese cylinder.
Sorry TS for being offtopic.

Schnapps 01-11-2015 20:35

quote: Originally posted by drsk:

Foreva gas inserts

Yeah, especially in winter.
I had one like this. I didn't like it.

I'm currently using JOBON.

Ursvamp 02-11-2015 15:24

quote: Originally posted by Monolit-kbf:

Well, you can’t spoil it

that's all after that. The lighter gets clogged - it spits, the flame is uneven.

Ursvamp 02-11-2015 15:25

Imco holds gasoline even worse than Zippa.

drsk 06-11-2015 07:33

but the zipo cost $2...consider it a consumable

RomanSteff 17-12-2015 12:44

Newport is no worse than Zipp gasoline, but much cheaper.
In general, the Chinese are now making Zippo clones under the ZORRO brand, which are even better than the originals in some ways, and their gasoline is just as good.

Ursvamp 17-12-2015 12:21

You can try buying it at a chemical store. store and fill with heavy petroleum ether, as well as instrument naphtha. White spirit smells and smokes a little, especially at the end of the burnout. Kerosene is very bad. Fuel gasoline is also not suitable due to additives. Yes, it’s almost as flyable as a galosh.