Well      06/15/2019

Ticks. Invisible threat. Ticks: where they live, what they eat and why they are dangerous to humans Enemies of ixodid ticks

Every year the area of ​​distribution of ticks increases, there are more and more of them. Together with them, the number of deadly diseases transmitted to animals and humans by these dangerous predators is growing.

Today it is easy to pick up a tick in a city square or in a park, on personal plot and in the garden. Creatures in chitinous shells are increasingly squeezing the ring around a person.

You can learn about what the tick eats and its habits by reading this article.

About the types of ticks

All mites belong to the order of small arachnids, uniting about 20 thousand species. What does a tick eat besides blood? Some of the ticks below also feed on other types of food.

The largest group of soil mites are shell mites. They live in forest soils and litter. They chew on rotting plant remains with abundant microflora with their gnawing chelicerae. They carry tapeworms that infect livestock.

Small insects that gnaw with their chelicerae are barn mites (or bread and flour mites). They live in decaying plant debris and in the soil. In storage of agricultural products, they cause spoilage of flour, grain and cereals. In people working in such premises, they can cause severe skin irritation in the form of an allergic reaction. The tick feeds on insect tissue.

The best studied is a serious pest of poultry farms. What does chicken mite eat? They are active at night, when they come out of the crevices of the chicken coop and, attacking chickens, suck their blood. It also happens that when mass destruction birds die of anemia.

To learn more about what ticks eat in nature, let's get acquainted with the most dangerous ticks for humans.

Encephalitic mites

Below are the ticks that are the most aggressive.

The encephalitis tick is one of the most common and well-known. It is important to note that Tick-borne Encephalitis is not a separate breed (species) arthropod insects. Encephalitis can infect any variety of ticks, so it is impossible to identify the signs that determine the degree of danger. But it should be remembered that such an infection can lead to death of a person.

By appearance It is impossible to determine whether an insect is encephalitic or not, therefore, when going into the forest, you should take the necessary measures to protect yourself from contact with predators.

It is the ixodid ticks that most often act as carriers of dangerous encephalitis. They also have a second name - hard mites. They owe this name to a hard chitinous coating, which is a kind of protective shell. Ixodes include both dog and taiga ticks.

The habits of forest ticks

What do ticks eat in the forest? The blood of various animals and humans.

As a rule, ticks rarely rise above a meter from the ground, and when attacking a victim, they try to move higher to the softest areas of the skin. Female ticks are more voracious, they can suck blood for 6 days without stopping, while males need 3 days to saturate.

Relatively small, their size in a state of hunger in length does not exceed 4 mm. When sucking blood in large volumes, the size can increase up to 120 times.

The bite of the tick is not felt, because the insect injects a special saliva that blocks pain in a person. In this regard, the tick can quietly feed on blood for a long time.

An excellent sense of smell helps the tick to detect the victim. In order for a predator to climb onto a person, it is enough for the latter to stop in the forest even for a couple of minutes.

About diseases carried by ticks

Knowing what the tick eats, it should be remembered that it is a carrier of various diseases.

In fact, there are many, but 2 species mainly have a real dangerous epidemiological significance: Persulcatus (or taiga tick), which lives in the European and Asian parts of Russia; Ixodes Ricinus (or European forest tick) - in the European part.

Ticks can be carriers of the following diseases:

  • encephalitis;
  • tick-borne typhus;
  • Lyme disease (or borreliosis);
  • hemorrhagic fever;
  • spotted fever;
  • fever Marseilles;
  • babesiosis;
  • tularemia;
  • erlichiosis.

Many of these diseases are dangerous and not very treatable, and some show signs only 10-20 days after the bite.

Important information

After it became known what the forest tick eats and what it can lead to, you should know how to protect yourself from predatory insects, and what to do if the tick nevertheless sticks. Be sure to remember that the part that sticks into the skin (proboscis) is equipped with small "thorns". They are directed towards the back of the tick.

Therefore, if it is pulled along the axis, the "thorns" bristle and dig even harder into the skin, which can lead to the separation of its proboscis from the body of the tick, which can forever remain in the dermis.

To avoid this, the insect should be removed in a circular motion (unscrewed), and not just pulled out. In this case, the spikes on the proboscis will curl up to the axis of rotation, while the head will not come off.

If this could not be done correctly, the suction site (where the head remained) should be wiped with cotton wool moistened with alcohol, after which the head should be removed with a sterile needle as an ordinary splinter.


Ticks are creatures that, if necessary, can in nature long time(even for months), and in laboratories and for years, go without food.

This is due to their inactivity and, in connection with this, a rather economical expenditure of the body's energy reserves.

Fight against harmful insects attacking various plants, includes not only the use of insecticides and. One of ancient ways The destruction of pests was invented by Nature herself. This is a biological method using natural enemies or entomophages.

This method has a number of advantages over all others. The use of insecticides not only harms people, but also environment, Unlike biological method. In addition, attracting entomophages is much cheaper.

Groups of entomophages

There are several groups of natural enemies. They act in different ways, not only destroying mechanically, but also being introduced into the body, damaging it from the inside.

pathogenic microorganisms

These include bacteria, fungi and viruses. Having settled in the body of a pest, they cause numerous pathological processes, which ultimately lead first to the weakening of the insect, and then to death.

A series of preparations containing such microorganisms is produced. That's what they're called microbiological. These include Lepidocid, Bitoxibacillin, Dendrobacillin. The live bacteria that make up the composition are used against many lepidoptera (butterflies) and their larvae, Colorado beetles, herbivorous mites, leafworms, sawflies and other pests.

Predatory insects

In order to effectively control plant pests, a sufficiently large amount of beneficial insects. To increase their number, it is recommended not to use in the garden. chemicals, which do not have selective activity and destroy everyone in a row. The exception is the biological preparations Iskra-bio and.

Another significant group of entomophages, very effectively destroying harmful insects. By attracting them to your site, you provide a fairly powerful protection for your plants, as voracious birds can get rid of an entire population of pests.

You can increase the number of visiting birds with the help of baits. For example, tits are very fond of fat, so it’s enough to hang strips of unsalted product on fruit trees.

insectivorous animals

They are no less voracious and actively destroy pests. Some eat them whole, while others suck out internal fluids. The result is always the same - the death of harmful insects.

The greatest benefit is brought by various spiders. They hang a web, which comes across a lot of harmful insects. And it's not just flies.

Many butterflies, moths and their larvae become food for spiders.

Who helps in pest control

Among the varieties of this suborder of insects, there are those that live on the water surface. We often see them while relaxing by the water, not even realizing that we have a bug

Predatory and voracious mite, intensively used to control garden and garden pests. Phytoseiulus acts in natural and artificially created plant associations as a natural regulator of the number of phytophages.

Everyone has heard stories about army ants that travel in giant columns, devouring everything in their path. What are these insects and is the danger that they carry really so great?

The bullet ant is a large predatory insect common in the tropical forests of South and Central America. The pain from an ant sting is equal in intensity to the pain from a bullet wound, but it does not threaten a person’s life, except in cases with allergies

IN last years the study of biological diversity sharply intensified. The assessment of bioresources also affected hover flies, which not only actively pollinate various plants, but also significantly reduce the number of pests at a certain stage of development.

These insects are often confused by inexperienced gardeners and gardeners with pests. Meanwhile, the entomophages are playing important role in reducing the population of caterpillars, aphids and psyllids

Chalcides, belonging to the order of ichneumons, play an important role in protecting crops from various pests - aphids, caterpillars and scale insects.

Dragonflies are one of the most ancient insects. They have excellent eyesight and are virtuoso hunters. Dragonflies breed in water, where the adult fertilized female lays her eggs. Dragonfly larvae are characterized by poor survival, as many aquatic inhabitants are not averse to eating them. Dragonflies exterminate insects harmful to humans

Red beetle with black dots on curved elytra, popularly known as the sun or ladybug, is our main crop conservation assistant - a natural enemy different kind aphids that harm gardens, berries and orchards

Easily recognizable by their conspicuous orange coloration, two-spotted ladybugs are known throughout the world as uncompromising fighters with garden pests, such as aphids and mites, but the secrets of their lives are not known to everyone

Are you wondering what kind of insect this is, which has a strange name - the scorer beetle? Then read this article!

The most active representatives of entomophages

Ladybug (coccinellida)

The most effective enemy of any species of aphids. Moreover, it is not the adult beetle that causes the greatest damage, but its larva. If an adult individual destroys up to 50 aphids per day, then the larva is over 500.

Great fecundity is another plus of this bright cute bug. One female lays up to 300 eggs per season. In addition to aphids, it preys on whiteflies, mealybugs and larvae of the Colorado potato beetle.

Fast predatory beetles, actively feed in the evening and at night. They are distinguished by an oblong body of dark colors with a metallic sheen. It is one of the most useful predators in the fight against plant pests.

One adult beetle can eat up to 350 caterpillars in a summer. Having found the victim, he releases a poisonous liquid on it, which quickly dissolves the organs and tissues of the insect. The beetle eats the resulting thin homogeneous mass. The larva is even more voracious and destroys much more pests.

A spectacularly colored flying predator, often pretending to be something else, such as a wasp. Disguise is needed to escape from enemies. An adult fly feeds on flower nectar, and its larva brings benefits.

She eats spider mites, aphids and eggs of many insects. While the larval stage lasts, the individual eats up to 2000 pests. Flies can be attracted by planting hogweed, carrots, dill, and some other umbellifers.


An insect with a long bright green body. Quite prolific, some species can bring up to 1500 eggs per season. The larvae are very voracious and gladly destroy the eggs of pests, aphids and herbivorous small mites. They are often used to kill insects not only in garden plots, but also in greenhouses.

After emerging from the eggs, the riders begin to feed internal organs victims leading to death.


For the destruction of pests, tits, swifts, flycatchers, pikas, starlings, wagtails, nuthatches, redstarts should be attracted to the sites. All of them feed on numerous caterpillars, beetle larvae and adults, bringing very tangible benefits in the fight against harmful insects.

Birds are well attracted to hedges of branching shrubs such as acacia, wild rose, gooseberry. You can arrange feeders and bird houses (birdhouses and titmouses).

Ticks in most people are associated with dangerous bites, infectious diseases and other troubles. But, like any living organism in the ecosystem of our planet, nature needs ticks. From the point of view of biological balance, these arachnids bring almost more benefits than harm.

The greatest danger to humans is ixodid ticks, which feed on blood and are carriers of dangerous diseases. At the same time, these arachnids are indispensable in the ecosystem, since they act as a regulator of natural selection. Weak animals after the bite of such a tick die, giving way to the strongest, and those, in turn, develop immunity. Thus, in nature, the numerical balance of individuals is maintained.

Here is a vivid example of how an obvious good for nature at the same time has an extremely negative effect on a person. Therefore, the question of the benefits and harms of ticks should be considered in more detail, because the answer to it is completely ambiguous.

Is there any benefit from ticks?

The concept of "benefit", of course, is inseparable from human culture, therefore, despite the biased attitude of people towards ticks, the latter provide tangible assistance in various industries.

In addition, ticks are an important link in the ecological system, helping to produce natural selection and maintain balance, and they are also part of the food chain, for example, birds and frogs eat ixodid ticks with pleasure.

What harm do they bring?

The most dangerous for both people and animals are. And in the first place among them is the taiga (encephalitic) tick, which is a carrier of encephalitis, borreliosis, ehrlichiosis and other equally dangerous diseases. Since these arthropods feed exclusively on blood, infection occurs after a bite, along with saliva, viruses and pathogens of terrible diseases enter the body of the victim.

In addition to blood-sucking arachnids, human health can be threatened by subcutaneous, scabies and other mites, which are carriers of such unpleasant diseases as scabies, dermatitis and others.

Why do we need ticks in nature? Apparently then, in order to occupy the ecological niche clearly assigned to them and fulfill their direct duties, which appeared in them in the process of evolution.

Bloodthirsty and patient, they constantly watch over man and animals. They can wait for their prey for years. Evolution has made them first-class hunters. They are always hungry and ready to attack. Their prehensile paws won't let go of anyone who gets too close. These are ticks.

With the onset of warm spring days, we want to go to the forest to nature, sit on the grass, sunbathe, clean garden plot from last year's grass and dry garbage.

Green grass, the sun, all this is conducive to peace of mind. But we must not forget that we are constantly under the gun of these little arachnids. Peers of dinosaurs.

470 thousand people bitten by ticks turned to medical facilities for help. according to official data, until August 2017. How many haven't applied yet? Summer isn't over yet!

Ticks have no natural enemies and can adapt to any environment.

ixodid ticks

These mites (family Ixodidae) belong to the phylum Arthropoda, a class of arachnids. They do not belong to insects. Distinctive feature is the presence of four pairs of legs, not three. That's why. This family of arthropods includes more than 650 species distributed throughout the world.

IN different regions inhabit different types ticks. Different ticks carry different diseases. In everyday life, the concept is often used "pasture mite". This is the name of ticks that live mainly in the wild, not only in pastures, but also in flood meadows, forest edges, clearings, river banks, roadsides and other places where you can become a victim of a tick bite.

It is worth noting that although such a definition is accepted, it does not exist in the official classification of a huge class of arachnids, this is an exclusively popular name that has been assigned to ticks of the Ixodes family.

Lack of sight and hearing does not prevent ticks from sensing potential prey.
The tick gropes for a puncture site with special processes - palps

Types of ticks

Most cases of bites in Russia are associated with two types of ticks of the genus Ixodes: canine(Ixodes ricinus) and taiga(Ixodes persulcatus) ticks.

These species, along with some ticks of the genus Dermacentor (for example, D. silvarum), are the main carriers of tick-borne encephalitis, tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease) and several other diseases. In the common people there is a frightening name "encephalitic", i.e. ticks that carry encephalitis.

The male dog tick may never feed. However, they also crawl onto their "masters" since mating most often takes place on their bodies. There is a higher probability of meeting a blood-drinking female.

This tick is dangerous to humans in that it is able to transmit the tick-borne encephalitis virus during a bite, which is often observed in conditions middle lane continent from the Baltic Sea to Kamchatka, as well as anaplasmosis, babesiosis, borreliosis and other severe diseases.

A dog's ear covered in mites.
The blood-drinking female dog tick (on the left) grows to the size of a bean and outwardly resembles a castor bean seed, for which the tick got its specific name "ricinus" - castor bean. A satiated taiga tick looks exactly the same.

taiga tick

If earlier the taiga tick lived only in dense forest thickets, now it can be found on pastures near settlements and in park areas. It turns out that almost every person is at risk, so precautions are necessary.

In dachas, you need to mow the grass not only inside the site, but also around it, so you will deprive the tick of its habitat. Going into the forest, put on your pants from thick fabric, tapered to the bottom, boots, jacket or windbreaker with ties and a hood. Every 10-15 minutes you need to examine yourself.

As an example, you can take competitions in a forested, inaccessible area, where the likelihood of being bitten by a tick increases. Therefore, you need to know how to protect yourself from a tick bite in addition to vaccination.

The habitat of ixodid ticks is almost the entire globe, so you need to know what a tick looks like, since a meeting with it is quite real, both in the city and in the taiga.

Females are usually slightly larger than males. The length of the female is 3-4 mm in a hungry state (increases to 10 mm in a pumped female, the color of which changes to light gray). The back of the female can be greatly stretched, allowing her to absorb blood in quantities exceeding her weight by more than a hundred times.

Males up to 2.5 mm. In males, the dorsal hard shield covers the entire body, in females a third. In all Ixodes, only females feed on blood. They need it for the successful completion of fertilization. Males eat only plant foods.

As befits arachnids, ticks lack wings. Adult ticks have 4 pairs of legs, while pre-pubescent specimens have three pairs of legs. Having no eyes, ticks navigate in space with the help of a well-developed sensory apparatus, thanks to which they can smell the victim 10 meters away.

According to the structure of the body, all types of ticks can be divided into leathery, with a fused head and chest, and hard (armored), in which the head is movably attached to the body. The supply of oxygen also depends on the structure of the body: the former breathe through the skin or trachea, while the armored ones have special spiracles.

Reproduction and development

Female ixodid ticks lay up to 17 thousand eggs in the ground, but due to the complex development process, only a few “survive” to the adult stage. The larvae hatched from the eggs feed once, usually on small mammals (rodents, insectivores, mustelids).

A well-fed larva falls to the ground and after a while turns into nymph. The nymph, after feeding and molting, turns into an "adult" stage - into imago. Sexually mature females of ixodid ticks feed once and mainly on cattle.

Hatching from an egg, a forest mite goes through three stages of development:
larva (0.5 mm);
nymph (1.5 mm);
an adult (about 3 mm - male, 4 mm - female).

Ticks prefer moist, moderately shaded places: the bottom of ravines, dense grass on the edges of forests, undergrowth, thickets along the banks of streams, flooded meadows, overgrown paths, animal hair, dark warehouses with agricultural products, and the like. Ticks hibernate in dry bedding.

In the Eastern regions of the European part of Russia, both types of ticks are found.I. persulcatus, whose distribution covers the territory from the Baltic to the Far East.

Where do ticks bite?

Many believe that ticks can fall on a person or animal from trees. In fact, this is not so, because these insects almost never rise to a height of more than half a meter. However, getting on the body of the victim, the tick becomes active and deftly climbs up, reaching the most “delicious” areas in its opinion.

The tick is attached to the human body with the help of a hypostome. This unpaired outgrowth performs the functions of a sensory organ, attachment and bloodsucking. The most likely place for a tick to stick to a person from the bottom up:

  • groin area.
  • belly and waist.
  • chest, armpits, neck.
  • ear area.

How long does a tick live?

The lifespan of a tick depends on the species. For example, house dust mites or dust mites live 65-80 days. Other species, such as the taiga tick, live up to 4 years. Without food, ticks can live from 1 month to 3 liters.

Period of tick activity?

In general, ixodid ticks become active as soon as the temperature reaches +6 ° C and above, so tick infections are characterized by a clear seasonality.

The period of activity of ticks for months looks like a double sine wave - from April there is a rise, a peak at the end of May, then a decline and a new rise already in September. Spring is the time when tick larvae and nymphs emerge from the litter to feed, as well as the breeding season for adults, which is why the end of spring and the beginning of summer are the most dangerous times.

The autumn peak falls on the period of the release of larvae from eggs, which just happens after 10 weeks. Taking into account the time for the development and laying of eggs, the second peak occurs at the end of summer - the beginning of autumn.

Who eats ticks

Ticks are eaten by birds, lizards, toads, dragonflies, ants, spiders, and ground beetles. The main enemies of ticks are ground beetles and ants.

How to protect yourself from a tick

  • When going to nature, wear clothes that fit snugly to the body. Outerwear should have as few folds and places as possible through which ticks can crawl onto the naked body. Trouser legs need to be tucked into the tops, or better, pulled over them.
  • Color outerwear it is better to choose neutral pastel colors.
  • You can not sit or lie down on the grass, ticks cling to clothes and always crawl up;
  • Use substances that repel ticks (repellants), which can be purchased at any pharmacy or supermarket. If there were none at hand, you can use a concentrated solution of confectionery vanillin.
  • Every 10-15 minutes, conduct self- and mutual examinations for the presence of ticks, inspect clothes, paying attention to the seams, the collar, where ticks can hide.
  • Examine pets after walks in nature, on adjoining territory. For these purposes, it is convenient to use a hair dryer.
  • When you get home, take a shower using a washcloth.
  • In the event of a tick bite, contact medical care to a clinic or emergency room.
  • Be sure to hand over the removed tick for analysis to the laboratory.
  • Follow the annual tick-borne encephalitis vaccination schedule. In this case, the symptoms of the disease may be most smoothed out or absent altogether. It must be remembered that you need to use only the vaccine that is assigned to a certain region of residence or location.

The detection of a sucked tick on a human body is, of course, the very first and most important sign of a bite. The tick usually bites in places with delicate skin, with a developed capillary system. It is possible to suck mites of two age stages - imago (adult form) and / or nymph (one of the forms of the larva). Visually, they are distinguished by the number of limbs:

imago - four pairs of legs;

nymph - three pairs of legs.

Tick ​​removal methods

A sucked tick is tied with a thread, closer to the proboscis, and carefully, pulling its ends in opposite directions and up, pull it out. You can use tweezers, grabbing the tick at the surface of the skin and pulling vertically with uniform movements. There are also special tools for removing ticks. The procedure is carried out in special protective gloves.

Removing a tick with a thread.
Removing the tick with tweezers. Removing a tick with a special ticker. (Similar to a nail puller).
Removing a tick with special device with a loop at the end. A kind of plier remover.

The use of ointments, oils, creams, hot soaks, nail polish, and other similar products is not recommended, as it is believed that such methods increase the salivation of the tick, increasing the risk of infection.

But the tick must be pulled out as quickly as possible, so most of The population uses what is at hand - various creams, petroleum jelly, birch tar. I also somehow used petroleum jelly and tar to remove the tick, which can be said to help. Without access to oxygen, the tick begins to climb out. With the help of a thread, tweezers or other improvised means, you gently help him to come out.

If the head of the tick remains in the wound, you need to seek help from a surgeon or wait for it to come out spontaneously.

The removed tick is stored in the refrigerator, placed with a piece of damp cotton wool in a glass bottle with a tight lid. For microscopic examination, a live tick is delivered to the laboratory no later than two days from the moment of the bite. If this is not possible, then it is best to simply burn the tick.

Symptoms and signs of a tick bite

  • The temperature rises to 37-38 degrees.
  • Redness of the bite site.
  • Drowsiness and weakness, itching, chills, aching joints.
  • Photophobia.
  • Quincke's edema (swelling of the eyelids, lips and other parts of the body), swollen lymph nodes.
  • Also may be present headache, nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath, hallucinations.

Tick-borne encephalitis

Tick-borne encephalitis (spring-summer tick-borne meningoencephalitis) is a natural focal viral infection characterized by fever, intoxication and damage to the gray matter of the brain (encephalitis) or the membranes of the brain and spinal cord (meningitis and meningoencephalitis). The disease can lead to persistent neurological and psychiatric complications and even death of the patient.

According to statistics, six ticks out of a hundred are carriers of the virus (at the same time, from 2 to 6% of bitten people can get sick from an infected individual).

Often this disease is disguised as a cold or a common malaise. Also, often the symptoms of encephalitis begin to appear only 30 days after infection. These include the following conditions: - weakness in the neck, as well as in the arms and legs; - an increase in body temperature. Often the fever cannot be brought down within a few days. - the appearance and intensification of headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness; - development of photophobia, the appearance of hallucinations, stunning consciousness; - numbness of the limbs, weakness and pain in the muscles, the occurrence of convulsions, epileptic seizures and even paralysis.

Symptoms of tick-borne borreliosis

Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in the Northern Hemisphere. The bacteria are transmitted to humans by the bite of infected Ixodes ticks belonging to several species of the genus Ixodes.

Early manifestations of the disease may include

  • Headache.
  • Fatigue and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migrans (lat. erythema migrans).
  • In some cases, in the presence of a genetic predisposition, the tissues of the joints, the heart, as well as nervous system, eyes.

In most cases, symptoms are treated with antibiotics. The outcome of the disease largely depends on the timeliness and correctness of the diagnosis and early treatment of the infection. Untimely and inadequate therapy can lead to the development of "late stage", or chronic Lyme disease, which is difficult to treat and can result in disability or even death of the sick person.

As a rule, in the first 20 days after infection, there are no symptoms of the disease. But after that, some signs may appear: - The bite mark changes color and increases in size. - Appearance of nausea and vomiting. The occurrence of fever and pain in the joints. - The appearance on the body of characteristic spots, rashes, knots. - Violation of cardiac activity, the development of muscle weakness and convulsions. - After a few months after infection, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system may begin.

Tick ​​Remedy

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We are talking only about those cases where the child lives with a potential adoptive parent or guardian “due to the already established family relations» The State Duma adopted a law allowing HIV and hepatitis C patients to adopt and raise children, RIA Novosti reports. The document provides that when making a decision on adoption, the courts in the interests of the child will be able to deviate from the provisions of Article 127 of the Family Code. It is clarified that we are talking only about those situations where the child "by virtue of already established family relations" lives with a potential adoptive parent or guardian. The government introduced the bill to the Duma. It was developed after...

The reservoirs of the Volga cascade will receive end-to-end comprehensive monitoring. About this, commenting on the results of the 21st International Scientific and Industrial Forum "Great Rivers", "RG" said the head of the Department of Roshydromet for the Volga Federal District Vladimir Sokolov. Vladimir Sokolov, Head of the Department of Roshydromet for the Volga Federal District. Photo: Nikolai Nesterenko Let us remind you that the forum was held at the Nizhny Novgorod fair from 14 to 17 May. Considerable attention was paid to monitoring the state of rivers, as well as adverse and dangerous weather phenomena in their basins. Currently, monitoring is becoming more and more complex, which is dictated by the presence of dangerous phenomena that are not typical for our territory. For example - hurricane winds, long ...

The governor of the Ryazan region forbade filling up the reservoir, which is popularly called the Wild Duck Lake. The head of the region commented on the situation with this lake at a meeting of the regional government, the press service reported. Ryazan journalists complained to Vladimir Putin at a media forum in Sochi about the fact that Wild Duck Lake is systematically covered with earth and garbage. And on the change.org platform, a petition in defense of the reservoir has already collected about two thousand signatures. The petition states that this lake has existed for thousands of years, and that this is the largest colony of black-headed gulls in the region, and in general it is a habitat for 70 species of birds, in…

The muscles of the legs in the human body occupy 20-40% of the total muscle mass, and for weightlifters - up to 50%. IN Everyday life legs take on a lot of stress, so their muscles are very important to develop and strengthen. Girls need to do this without enthusiasm, so that the legs look slender and toned, and not pumped. Men should train more intensively, with large weights, otherwise thin, thin legs against the background of broad shoulders will look, to put it mildly, ugly. For pumping the leg muscles, there are a lot of exercises, the regular implementation of which will help to achieve results in a short time. Where is the best place to…

These are the problems that await you in a relationship if your partner is a typical narcissist! The narcissistic narcissist is more subtle with the victim than the average psychopath. Therefore, it is much more difficult to immediately make out “what is going wrong” in such situations. Read my new article, in which we talk about how a victim can feel in a relationship with a narcissistic partner. Because "Forewarned is forearmed!" The feelings of the victim next to the narcissist are a constant fear of doing something wrong and doing something wrong, so as not to disappoint him (not anger) the discomfort in his apartment house. If you…

On the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Volga and a number of smaller rivers became shallow. This is due to a drop in the water level in the Kuibyshev reservoir. Now it has already fallen to critical values: three meters below the norm. The reason for this shallowing and critically low level of water in the too intense discharges from the reservoir, which the Federal Water Resources Agency resorted to, fearing a large flood due to a large number snow. Vasily Sokolov, deputy head of the Federal Agency for Fisheries, noted that shallowing would have an extremely negative impact on the fisheries of the region: “The current year for the Volga will be, if not catastrophic, but very close to it.…