Well      04/23/2019

Moles are the most effective way to combat them. Fighting moles. Traditional methods

Moles are underground inhabitants and belong to the class of insectivores. Under natural conditions, they eat both small invertebrate organisms and plant roots. There are 3 types of moles: forest, field, black. The most dangerous for agronomists are field and forest species. By digging tunnels in a vegetable garden or garden, they can significantly injure the root system of all green spaces encountered along their path. It is known that this mammal can dig the ground at a speed of 4.5 m/h in search of food. The fact that a mole has settled on the site is immediately obvious - earthen embankments are located throughout the entire territory, which significantly spoils the aesthetic appearance. In order not to be left without a harvest, it is necessary to urgently take action.

How to get rid of moles in the garden

Factory-made repellers

Mole repeller "Tornado"

There are many methods to help get rid of the “unwanted guest”. For example, various ultrasonic or electronic repellers, which are completely harmless to humans, have a radius of action of up to 600 m2. They come in 2 types:

  • stationary;
  • portable.

It is enough to place the device in a hole to a depth of 20 cm. The device repels not only moles, but also all other rodents on the site.

Homemade wind repellents

You can use windmills, they are inserted into holes, and in windy weather they begin to spin, creating vibration. Moles don’t like this, and they leave this habitat forever. This method is good because it is absolutely safe for both humans and pets. Moreover, children will be happy to learn how the design works. This method does not require financial costs; just take an empty plastic bottle and make a wind repeller with your own hands. It was found that 1 windmill creates vibrations within a radius of 4 m.


Gardeners often use traps. These mole control products are indeed very effective when pest populations are small. Spring - made of durable steel - small width (about 9 cm), allows you to place such a trap in the hole itself. The animal, moving forward with its paws, will catch the plate and the trap will work. In practice, a tunnel trap is often used. It is elongated in shape, resembles a piece of pipe, so placing it in a deep hole is not difficult. However, it is worth remembering that if you do not first place a sign above the place where the animal was caught, then this type of trap will be difficult to find, since it is invisible above the surface of the earth.

Water jet

The most in a simple way The fight is plain water. Simply insert the watering hose into a freshly dug hole and open the tap. Water under high pressure will quickly fill all underground passages. The animal will escape to the surface of the earth to escape.

Chemical control of moles

Exists whole line drugs that help exterminate moles on the site, including:

  • Detia Lavandin Oil Balls;
  • chemical granules "Antikrot";
  • repellent for repelling moles “Krotomet” with a herbal composition;
  • granules based on bromadialone “Nutcracker”;
  • Argus gels.

Before use chemicals You need to wear rubber gloves and work clothes. To chemical control with moles in a summer cottage was effective, you need to adhere to a certain algorithm. The animal's hole is torn open so that numerous passages are visible. The prepared poison is placed in each turn, in the amount recommended by the manufacturer. A molehill is being buried.

Important! Before using poisons, it is worth considering that plant roots can absorb poison, and this is not at all safe for the future harvest.

Fighting moles with folk remedies

We remember from biology lessons that these animals have well-developed hearing and sense of smell (smell). Therefore, the smells of some plants have a repellent effect and animals leave their “homes.” Such plants include:

  • black beans;
  • sagebrush;
  • spurge caper;
  • marigold;
  • bird cherry;
  • garlic;

A beautiful variegated plant, fritillaria, whose flowers resemble gramophones, effectively repels moles. Animals, smelling the scent, become wary, thinking that it is a fox. For the effect to be 100%, you need to put fragrant plants in the holes.

Simple, but effective fight with moles can be done using conventional means:

  • standing urine;
  • rotten fish brine;
  • ammonia;
  • kerosene;
  • naphthalene;
  • rotten eggs.

It is enough just to moisten a rag in these substances and put it in the hole. Persistent bad smell will expel moles from the area.


  • Perhaps you don’t have moles on your property yet, but your neighbors already have them - you need to take the necessary measures to prevent these animals from entering your garden.
  • Alternatively, you can fence yourself with a fence on a concrete foundation. By nature, the mole digs tunnels in the upper layers of the soil, where it is likely to encounter larvae of harmful insects on its way. Therefore, such a barrier as a foundation will be insurmountable for him.
  • The lawn mesh is installed around the entire perimeter of the area where the lawn will be. In a horizontal position, place it at a depth of 10 cm from the surface of the earth. Now you can spread the rolls with lawn grass, or simply sow the seeds. A plastic mesh will prevent the animal from getting to the surface.
  • In order not to attract these small mammals to your site, refuse for several seasons organic fertilizers(manure). It safely harbors beetles, worms, and mole crickets. Moles will not leave such a place, no matter how much you send them away.
  • The dachshund is an excellent hunter. By its nature it is a very lively and vocal animal. She has a natural interest in wild animals that live in burrows. The bark of this dog can scare away moles from your area.

Advice! If you have a dislike for dogs, get a cat; she, like a true predator, will protect your area from moles.

Pros and cons of fighting moles

The European mole lives in Russia. It can survive without food for only 14 days, so the animal is constantly in search of food. Thanks to the moves made, the soil is saturated with oxygen (aeration), this contributes to good harvest. They are the ones who rid the area of ​​the larvae of harmful arthropods. The downside is that moles eat earthworms that play important role in the formation of vermicompost. Even when the mole is full, he will put worms in reserve.

These animals can significantly damage plant roots. As is known, the absorption zone of mineral substances of shrubs consists of numerous root hairs; the mole, injuring them, dooms the plant to death.

The soil collected from the mounds of mole holes is crumbly and clean. It does not contain harmful insect larvae or plant debris. Experienced gardeners, mix it with humus 1:1 and fertilize the summer cottages. Many gardeners use mole soil for planting indoor flowers. The soil is well loosened, which means the plant’s root system will easily receive the necessary nutrients.

Before choosing methods to combat moles on garden plot, it is worth weighing the role of the animal in the biological cycle. From a humane point of view, it is better to scare away the animal with modern devices rather than kill. Or use traps that do not kill the caught mole. You can release it away from the site into a forest or steppe zone, where it will do more good than harm.

Some people believe that a cute little animal, dressed in a beautiful velvety coat, is a harmless animal. Actually this is not true. Of course, there is no arguing that these mammals provide certain benefits to farmers and summer cottages. They destroy many insects and their larvae, which are pests of gardens and vegetable gardens. Having appeared on the site, he begins to make moves in the ground with increased force, obtaining food for himself, which disrupts the root system of all plants, shrubs and trees that come across his path. How to deal with moles in a summer cottage will be discussed in this article.

Appearance of the animal

Moles belong to the class of mammals, belonging to the genus Insectivores of the Mole family. Animals of small and medium sizes from 5 to 21 cm, weighing up to 100 g. There are 6 main species and 11 varieties. They all differ in size, weight, jaw and skeletal structure. The mole's body cylindrical, dense. The fur grows perpendicular to the surface of the skin, allowing it to move freely back and forth underground. Fur color ranges from black to dark gray. On the triangular head there is a proboscis with vibrissae (hairs) that help find food.

The animal has 44 teeth. Vision and hearing are poorly developed, but he has an excellent sense of smell and touch. Eyes without lens or retina. The forelimbs are well developed, stronger than the hind limbs, shovel-shaped, the feet have five toes connected by a membrane, the claws are long and strong.


In order to find out how to deal with moles, and whether it is necessary to do so, you should familiarize yourself with their lifestyle. They do not hibernate, they dig tunnels all year round. In winter, they do not make new passages, but deepen the old ones. The main nesting chamber of the mole is up to two meters deep. By tearing it out and the ring galleries around it, the mole does not throw the earth out, but squeezes through the soil. The hole is covered with dry leaves and grass. In addition, there are feeding passages used for obtaining food, from which the earth is thrown to the surface. They can reach a length of up to one and a half kilometers. The animals lead a solitary lifestyle and pair up only during the mating season. They give birth to up to eight cubs, ready for independent life after two months.

Mole nutrition

In order to understand how to deal with moles, you need to know what they eat and what harm they cause to gardeners. Moles are also carnivorous animals and can only occasionally eat the roots of some plants. The main food is found underground and consists of:

  • earthworms;
  • mole cricket;
  • insect larvae;
  • Zhukov;
  • wireworm;
  • slugs;
  • woodlice

The diet of moles consists of garden and vegetable pests. The only exceptions are earthworms, which loosen the earth, saturating it with oxygen. On the one hand, moles are useful animals for a personal plot. On the other hand, this is why gardeners don’t like them; by breaking through tunnels, they damage the roots of plants. Moles are voracious animals, and in a day they can eat a little less than their own weight in food. Moreover, they feed constantly; 17 hours of fasting leads to the death of the animal. In winter, moles feed mainly on earthworms. To do this, they make supplies: they bite off the heads, and store the immobilized bodies in special storerooms.

Mole habitats

They live in any soil, but they prefer light and moist soil that is easy to dig. These are underground inhabitants; they only occasionally, usually in the dark, come to the surface. It is necessary to know the structure of a mole hole in order to decide how to deal with moles in a summer cottage without causing harm to the plants. The home looks like this:

  • The main nest (bedroom) is located in the center of the mole system, often under the roots of trees and shrubs, stumps and buildings at a depth of up to two meters.
  • The main chamber is surrounded by passages consisting of rings for resting and raising offspring. They have a connection both with the main nest and with each other.
  • At a depth of 20 to 50 cm from the surface layer of the earth there are constant passages from which it pushes soil to the surface. The animal uses them to go to watering places and feeding areas.
  • Feeding passages are located shallow, horizontal to the surface, forming earthen ridges; there are a lot of them.

The mole digs its tunnels all year round. IN spring period notice the fruits of its life activity on the site.

Reasons for the appearance of moles on the site

If pests occur on the site, before looking various ways How to deal with moles in the garden, you need to find out the reason for their appearance. They may be as follows:

  • Loose soil. Well-fertilized soil, with frequent watering and timely digging, has a crumbly structure, contains a large number of earthworms and attracts moles.
  • Presence of insects. Agricultural plants attract many insects, which in winter bury themselves in the ground or lay larvae there, which is food for animals.
  • Lack of enemies. There are no predators near human habitation that can attack moles.
  • Presence of rodents. Mice that live in houses and gardens are a treat for animals.
  • Fighting moles in neighboring areas. Underground inhabitants dig new passages and move to their neighbors.

Appearing on the site, they develop more and more new areas, digging underground passages throughout the site in search of food. Therefore, the fight against garden moles must begin immediately after they are discovered.

How harmful is a garden mole on the site?

Every day, the voracious animal, working hard, eats a large amount of food. And in search of food, it digs many tunnels, throwing part of the soil out. Having encountered plants or root crops on his way, he will also throw them to the surface of the earth or damage them so that they will soon die. Summer residents often wonder how to deal with moles on country garden, and are looking for suitable ways to do this. After all, not only do they suffer from this animal vegetable crops, but trees and shrubs, when as a result of excavations, it damages their root system. Soil thrown out of holes on lawns and lawns can damage the mechanism of a lawn mower. And after a while the grass may turn yellow and die. It should be taken into account that the land also becomes infertile over time, as impoverished soil is thrown out from the depths.

Harm from moles for animals and humans

The mole tunnels that they dig to hunt for food are located near the surface of the earth. There are times when he falls into a hole and breaks or dislocates his leg. This poses a great danger to the animal. Small mammals can carry some serious infections. Piroplasmosis and tularemia can be fatal for people with weakened immune systems. Such problems make people often think about the question, how to deal with moles on the site? In addition, the mole is a carrier of ticks, fleas and worms. Animals rarely come out of the ground, but when they appear on the surface, there is no need to pick up the furry animal. You should get rid of such unwanted guests.

Biological methods of mole control

The fight against moles can begin with the elimination of food supplies for them. Their hourly need for food requires large amounts of food. The destruction of insects, snails, small invertebrates, spiders, and caterpillars will force moles to look for another place to live. What other methods should be taken and how to deal with moles on the site? One such method is the use of pets. Noble dogs of the terrier and dachshund breed are capable of chasing moles for training before hunting. Some gardeners claim that cats are also fond of hunting animals. Such methods may not bring much effect, but it’s worth a try. It must be remembered that domestic animals will dig up much more soil in the garden than moles.

Shrew in the vegetable garden

This is petty insectivorous mammal very similar to a mouse. The only difference is the elongated muzzle. The head is large, the nose is extended into a mobile proboscis, the eyes are small, the limbs are short, the fur is thick, short and velvety, the tail is long. It is useful for the garden because it destroys plant pests. And in search of food, like a mole, it makes many moves, damaging the roots of plants. Often uses the passages of moles and mice. Gardeners and gardeners are looking for new means of combating both moles and shrews.

How to deal with moles and shrews?

The appearance of small predators in their summer cottage forces the owners to fight them. There are many ways, here are a few of them:

  • Use various chemical means of protection. We must remember that this method can harm the health of humans and animals.
  • Bury fish entrails and heads in minks. The spread of a strong odor forces the animals to leave the developed territory;
  • domestic and wild cats.
  • Pour a large amount of water into the hole from a hose.
  • Use modern ultrasonic repellers.

We fight moles on the site on our own

The best way getting rid of moles is prevention. This work should be done constantly to prevent pests from entering the summer cottage. To do this you should use:

  • Special fence. If mole holes appear among your neighbors, you can make a fence on your property to prevent uninvited animals from coming to visit. Sheets of tin, slate, linoleum or metal mesh are used as fencing. Bury the material vertically into the ground along the perimeter of the site to a depth of one meter and leave a protruding edge of 10 cm on top. This fence is used together with mechanical traps.
  • Poles with unbalanced propellers. How to fight moles in the garden with their help? To do this, you need to dig devices around the perimeter of the site. When exposed to wind, the blades rotate and create vibrations that are transmitted to the ground. Moles, feeling discomfort, leave this area.
  • Various hand-made weather vanes, pinwheels, bottles buried in the ground. All these devices, under the influence of the wind, create vibrations in the earth, and underground inhabitants leave uncomfortable places.

Electronic repellers

Except homemade devices repelling moles, you can buy them in the store. And the problem of how to deal with moles will immediately disappear. They are placed around the perimeter of the site at a certain distance specified in the instructions. The repeller consists of a hollow metal or plastic cylinder.

Inside it there is a battery and a motor that transmits vibration to the body, and it to the ground. The moles begin to get nervous, they leave the area, but not instantly, but after about 2-3 weeks. At first, their activity may even increase.

Mechanical means of control

How to deal with moles in a country garden? Various traps are often used for this. They can be purchased at the store and made by yourself. Let's consider several options:

  1. Ready mole trap. It consists of a plastic hollow pipe. There are galvanized metal flaps attached to the ends, which easily let the animal in and prevent them from getting out. The trap must be placed in an earthen passage along which the mole runs, and the top must be covered with a board from sun rays.
  2. Homemade trap. To do this, you can take a small pan or jar. Bury it in the ground below the level of the underground passage. A running animal will simply fall into the trap.
  3. Mechanical homemade repeller from a plastic bottle. Moles have a well-developed sense of touch, so they feel vibration well. The simplest noise device is made from water pipe and a plastic bottle. Bury the pipe in the ground below the animal's path and insert a metal pin. Make a hole at the bottom of the bottle larger diameter pin. Cut four holes in the sides and bend the flaps. In the wind, it will spin and, hitting the pin, create a vibration that scares away moles.
  4. Noise installation made of reeds. Take long stems of reeds up to 2 m. Insert them into the ground so that they rise 80 cm above the surface. In the hollow stem, when the wind blows, a howl arises, which causes the earth to vibrate. Moles are leaving their homes.

When using such control measures, it becomes possible to get rid of moles in the garden without harming the animals. For effective destruction pest control, it is necessary to simultaneously use several methods to get rid of unwanted neighbors, not excluding prevention. In the event that all the measures taken do not give the desired result, you need to turn to professionals. Workers special service will determine the necessary control measures and help cope with the problem.

Folk remedies for fighting moles

Have moles appeared on the site? How to fight these animals with folk remedies? There are simple, natural ways to get rid of moles that do not require drastic measures. The best method is to force the pests to change their place of residence. To do this you need:

  • Reduce soil moisture. Frequent watering greatly moistens the soil, and moles begin to dig tunnels close to the surface. Getting rid of this problem is easy.
  • Destroy insects and their larvae that the animals feed on.
  • Plant onions, garlic, marigolds, daffodils, and imperial hazel grouse around the perimeter of the plot. Animals do not like the smell of these plants.
  • Black beans planted around the perimeter of the site at a distance of 30 cm from each other will help scare away the animals.
  • Decompose into plot of land rags soaked in kerosene, antifreeze or gasoline.
  • Chop gooseberry branches, mix with manure and bury.
  • Vinegar essence repels well, but when it evaporates, it quickly loses its properties.
  • Castor oil and its persistent smell are not liked by animals. Small containers filled with this substance are distributed along the length of the stroke.
  • Dig up the soil periodically.

Choosing suitable option How to deal with moles using folk remedies, we must remember that not a single method gives a 100% guarantee of getting rid of them. Animals with poor vision from birth have a very developed sense of smell. The use of folk remedies is mainly designed for this feature of moles. With the help of various unpleasant odors, affecting the animals’ sense of smell, the owners are simply trying to force the underground inhabitants to leave their site.

Chemical control methods

How to deal with moles in your garden if you have tried all the methods and nothing helps? In this case, it remains to contact chemical preparation. Such specific means of control are rarely used exclusively in large concentrations of animals. Such funds include:

  1. Various poisons. They are also used to kill rats and mice. Often they take earthworms as bait, the animals’ favorite food, sprinkle them with rat poison and place them in mole tunnels. If the poison is handled incorrectly, birds and pets can be harmed.
  2. Smoke bombs. They are lit and placed in the passage hole, tightly covered with a bucket, a sheet of linoleum, plywood or felting felt. The smoke spreading along the passages scares away or kills the mole. This is, of course, an inhumane way of fighting animals. In addition, smoke bombs adversely affect soil microorganisms.
  3. The can is sprayed into an open passage, the animal may die. When using, safety precautions must be observed.

When using chemicals, keep in mind that moles have an excellent sense of smell and may not eat suspicious foods. In addition, this is a very inhumane way of fighting.


How to fight moles? This question often worries owners of summer cottages. The fight against these animals, which can spoil the soil throughout the entire garden area with their presence, has been waged by more than one generation of people. A large arsenal of means of getting rid of uninvited inhabitants of country plantations has been accumulated. Often you have to use several methods simultaneously to obtain good effect. Which of them to use and how to use are described in the article, so all that remains is to try.

A mole is a small animal. Its body is very smooth, and this helps it move along the passages at the maximum speed possible for an animal. Moles feed on worms and various bugs, finding them in loose and fertile soil. They interfere with cultivation by digging their underground galleries. Gardeners will stand up for their beautiful lands. Moles harm summer residents. That is why the latter mercilessly exterminate them in every possible way.

Animals, first of all, destroy the already existing structure of the soil, destroy beneficial insects, for example, ground beetles, and worms. Added to this is the complete destruction of the landscape.

Since the roots end up suspended in the air inside the mole tunnel, as a result they die. Moles do not eat roots, but plants are very badly affected by their presence. Because of this, they try to exterminate moles, using all methods from scaring away to complete destruction.

Moles do not occupy any place in the food chain, so their absence will not cause harm; the environment only suffers from its presence. Moles are a dead-end branch in the food chain, since due to their underground habitat they have no natural enemies, so in nature they die a natural death. The biggest danger is a hungry fox who decides to rummage in minks or domestic cat. But no one will specifically catch moles. If the mole did not encroach on the territory occupied by humans, then people would not pay attention to this animal at all, but, alas, moles really like gardens and vegetable gardens, for which they pay. Usually unpleasant consequences Mole activity is detected after the snow melts.

In fact, there is little information about moles, but there is some information about the habits of moles:

  • Moles do not live alone. So there are at least five animals on your site, since these animals live in a friendly and large family, and all families “communicate” with each other. An ordinary family of moles consists of several adults and several small or newly grown individuals. You won’t find moles anywhere, so you won’t be able to get rid of them quickly.
  • In winter, moles, like hedgehogs, sleep, making a warm den for themselves in the depths of the soil. The location of the den can be identified by a large pile of soil. Usually moles choose a dry place on a hill for their nest; such a place should warm up well in the spring.
  • Working passages can reach hundreds of meters, but they are located no deeper than 20 centimeters underground, since this is a fertile layer, and it is in it that bugs and worms, so beloved by animals, live.
  • Mole activity continues throughout the day, except for a few hours from 11.00 to 16.00. The greatest activity is early in the morning.
  • A mole is not a worm. It does not gnaw the soil and does not let it pass through itself. The animal only rakes it with its paws and pulls it to the surface. For this he needs heaps of earth - molehills. If the ground can simply be moved apart or raised, then the mole will not push it to the surface. If you destroy a mole tunnel, the animal will either build a new one, or lift the ground, or dig a new one, but a little deeper.
  • Moles are very strong and agile. It is almost impossible to hold them in your hands. If you catch them, you need to do it with thick leather gloves - moles bite. You are more likely to strangle the animal than to contain it. The easiest way to do this is to hold the mole by the scruff of the neck. Moles have very strong muscles and disproportionately large paws. The animals run very fast - about 5 kilometers per hour.
  • Moles are extremely careful animals. Yes, poor eyesight makes them vulnerable, but the animal’s hearing and sense of smell are excellent.
  • Moles eat a lot. It is because of this that they constantly dig new tunnels in search of protein-rich food, because they need to feed this lump of muscles.

Best control methods: preventing the appearance

Here are the methods that gardeners usually use:

  • Preventing the appearance of moles
  • Frightening
  • Traps, traps, bait
  • Animal hunting
  • Complete destruction with mole-cutters

Occurrence prevention is one of the most humane ways. Homemade repellers will not affect moles in any way. We need very powerful protection against.

Dig a metal mesh, preferably galvanized, around the entire perimeter of the site to a depth of 50 centimeters.

It should protrude beyond the edge of the earth by at least 15 centimeters. The mesh will not become an obstacle to the movement of insects and worms, but rodents and moles will not crawl through it.

Also, instead of a mesh, you can dig several sheets of slate or three layers of roofing material into the ground. But worms will not crawl through such obstacles. You should not wait for moles to come if there is a lawn or an expensive lawn in front of your house. Yes, there are no moles on the site yet, but they may well escape from the neighbors. Don't wait for this misfortune - protect yourself from it in advance!

Many people view this method with a fair amount of skepticism. Moles are smart animals; they are unlikely to pay attention to rattling noisemakers and rattlers. If the moles run away, it will be for some other reason, and not at all from repellers. Moles do not run away from dachas located near a large highway or from areas located near railway tracks. The animals are not afraid of noise, squealing, or squeaking, even if it is accompanied by the destruction of passages - the moles will simply restore them.

Self-made noise makers and scares are absolutely ineffective, since they do not cover the entire area of ​​the site.

You won't be sitting at seven at the same time. different places and pound the empty buckets with all your might. This is simply physically impossible. And if it were possible, the moles would quickly get used to it. Expensive electronic repellers are too expensive, but also ineffective. They only emit an ultrasonic whistle.

It will also not work to scare away moles with a variety of strong-smelling substances. They do not care. Yes, these animals are not in landfills, but turning your beautiful garden into a huge garbage dump. Of course, there will be no moles in places where waste and various types of dirt accumulate. But this is not the option. The mole will block the hole and continue digging in the other direction. It will not be possible to drive him away from the site. Some summer residents are trying to pump sulfur dioxide from a bomb into mole holes. There will be no effect. You'll only waste time.

Poison baits are useless. Moles are predatory animals. They are not interested in granules with poison or poisoned grains. Poisoned insects cannot be obtained. So you can't poison the moles. The animals will ignore the poison, throw it out of the hole or bury it. You can cut the worm into several parts and stuff it with poison. The worms will move for about 20 minutes, this will attract the mole. The animal will eat the poisoned pieces and most likely die.

Catching moles is very difficult, as they do not like open space.

The animals need something above their backs at all times, because they are used to very narrow burrows and cramped living conditions. The trap is almost impossible to place in a hole.

There are many types of mole traps in stores. One of them represents a pipe with a pair hinged lids On the sides. But the mole lives in the ground, the ground has roughness, but the pipe is completely smooth. A mole will not want to crawl into a narrow tube with completely smooth walls. The animal’s claws will lose support, and because of this, the moles will ignore it in every possible way.

According to the instructions, such pipes need to be buried in mole tunnels, but the animal will stubbornly bypass them from the side or from below. Animals will not climb inside. Perhaps the moles were repelled by the smell or the material, and if the manufacturers had made the surface more similar to earthen ground, the animals would have crawled inside. Moles are strong animals, but very small, so their weight will not trigger serious traps.

The downside is that the traps will have to be placed in the ground, and the mechanisms do not work very well in the ground.

The principle of operation of the trap is extremely simple:

  • The traps' grips diverge and are held in place only by a partition.
  • The trap is placed in the mole tunnel and sprinkled with loose soil.
  • When the mole begins to resume its movement, it will bury itself in the partition blocking its path and move it.
  • The springs will work, the mole will be clamped with scissors.

Many people start catching moles after realizing that many methods are ineffective. The easiest way to dig up moles is to dig up moles alive.

Moles quickly destroy collapsed passages, so the easiest way to catch it is this way:

  • You need to block the mole passage with one shovel (stick the shovel into the ground right up to the handle) and trample the passage on both sides of the shovel.
  • Soon the mole will come and begin to repair the move. When the ground begins to move, you can easily determine where the animal is.
  • Block the mole's return path with a second shovel.
  • Using a third shovel, dig out the mole. In addition, the mole will bury itself in the second shovel and immediately begin to dig another tunnel, so be quick.
  • It is best to drive the mole into a bucket so that it does not run away.

​More information can be found in the video.

- an animal about which we can confidently say that the cure is worse than the disease. This insectivorous representative of the fauna can completely dig up a garden in search of food. When making passages, it damages the root system of garden plants. According to gardeners, pests are better than moles. The former causes less damage. Since the mole is an “ambiguous” animal, many people feel sorry for killing the animals. , capable of harming these digging animals. But when choosing how to deal with moles, gardeners prefer folk remedies.

Types of folk methods

It is impossible to get rid of moles on a site forever using folk remedies, since they tend to develop new territories. As a consolation: you can’t get rid of the animals using industrial methods either. If you stop taking precautions, the mole population in the area will quickly recover.

Traditional methods of struggle take into account the physiology of the mole:

  • subtle sense of smell;
  • subtle hearing;
  • movement through dug tunnels;
  • the desire to clean your home of garbage.

Ineffective but applicable methods

The mole feeds on live earthworms and larvae living in the ground. To feed him he needs:

  • dig up a large enough worm;
  • cut it lengthwise;
  • put poison in the worm;
  • excavate a mole tunnel;
  • place a “charged” worm at the bottom of the tunnel;
  • fill up the excavation and hope that an insectivorous predator will stumble upon the worm before it finally dies.

In this case, it will be possible to destroy only one animal, but they live in entire families. That is, even within one wormhole you need to lay a lot of such baits.

Digging up animals one at a time is also a very ineffective and labor-intensive way to fight moles. In this case you need:

  • Having found a molehill, crush it to fill the passage;
  • wait until the mole begins to restore destroyed communications;
  • very quickly, so that the animal does not have time to escape, dig out the animal with a shovel;
  • kill/carry very far.

No one can call this method of fighting moles effective. The loss of one individual is unlikely to have a fatal impact on the entire mole family, but a lot of time will be lost.

Sometimes the fight against moles in the garden is carried out with the help of water. The hole is flooded. It may help if construction is at the very beginning or the soil is clayey. In other cases, this method is good for deep watering of trees. It will not make much of an impression on the animals.

On a note!

When fighting moles, you should not destroy earthworms. Among the folk methods of struggle there is this one. But worms bring much more benefit by making tunnels in the soil. Through the passages, plant roots receive oxygen. In addition, underground predators feed not only on worms. The absence of earthworms cannot guarantee that moles will not come to the garden.

Average efficiency level

Fighting moles in the country during weekend visits by digging or poisoning is futile. Lovers of beautiful flowers can take advantage of the moles' dislike for the smell of some plants and plant Imperial Fritillary in the perimeter of the garden. The bulb of this plant emits an unpleasant odor for underground hunters, which can drive moles out of the garden. With the help of folk remedies you can not only use imperial hazel grouse. Other options are also used:

  • Validol. They claim that the smell of the tablet is enough to repel.
  • Kerosene. A moistened rag is placed in the mole tunnels.
  • Fuel oil. Used in the same way as kerosene.
  • Naphthalene. The tablets are laid out in holes.
  • Vinegar essence. It may be intimidating, but it evaporates quickly.
  • Bleach solution. The container with liquid is placed in molehills. Chlorine evaporates quickly.
  • Tobacco. Any product with a tobacco scent is effective until the tobacco gets wet.
  • There is little castor. Small containers of oil are placed evenly throughout the area.
  • Ground red pepper. Effective until wet.
  • Herring heads, whey, rotting vegetables, rotten eggs and other organic matter prone to rotting effectively help get rid of moles in the garden and at the same time from neighbors in the area. Sometimes from the owner of the site himself.
  • Tear gas. When using this remedy, it is better not to fight moles on your own, but to entrust this matter to professionals.
  • Wormwood or peppermint. Suitable only fresh. You will have to change it every day.
  • Legumes. They allow you to effectively fight moles in the garden using folk remedies, fitting well into the overall composition. It is enough to plant plants around the beds and along the perimeter of the garden.

The effectiveness of these folk remedies depends more on the enthusiasm of the owner of the site, who will constantly update them.

We were literally tormented by moles at the dacha. There are a lot of them everywhere in Belarus, the soil is convenient for them. We have tried all possible plants that should repel these monsters. I can say that folk remedies of this type help little. The animals avoid living plants, and the odorous “gifts” placed in the holes caused discontent among the neighbors. Oddly enough, ordinary tins hung on ropes throughout the area helped. They rang even in almost calm weather. The moles couldn't stand this.

Svetlana Kazlova, Gomel

You can use it to protect against moles. This is not a completely folk remedy and, if desired, a trap can be bought in a store. But it's not hard to do with my own hands. To make a mole trap you will need:

  • Segments plastic pipe with a diameter equal to the size of the wormhole. The number of segments is optional and depends on the size of the mole family.
  • Sheet of thick tin. Needed to install a “curtain” at the entrance to the trap.
  • Not very soft wire that can bend at right angles.
  • Shears for cutting sheet metal.

After harvesting necessary materials, you can start making mole traps:

  1. The tin is cut into pieces with a width slightly less than the diameter of the pipe and a height greater. It is better to round the future lower corners.
  2. Cut pieces of wire, calculating the dimensions so that they extend beyond the walls of the pipe in the upper part.
  3. The tin pieces are bent around the wire so that the tin rotates freely around the wire.
  4. Holes for the wire are drilled in the upper part of the pipe.
  5. The tin is installed in the tubes so that the lower edge is directed into the trap.
  6. The wire is threaded through drilled holes and the upper edge of the tin curtain and bend the ends.
  7. A similar curtain is made on the other edge of the trap.

The mole trap is ready. A tin curtain will freely let the animal in, but will not allow it to get out. The devices are placed on personal plot in molehills. In fact, they replace a real tunnel. Then you can periodically check for the presence of animals in the mole trap or “bury” the moles there alive. There is a chance that next year the smell of rotten meat will scare away the next family.

From my point of view, mole traps are not the most effective fight against moles. Industrial ones kill animals like rats, and shaking out these flattened corpses does not bring much pleasure. Homemade mole traps are also not very convenient to use. If you put them “tightly”, then you feel sorry for the living creatures. And digging up traps periodically and shaking out moles from them is very tedious.

Alexey, Bryansk

Highly effective folk remedies

Such means include devices that produce sounds that are unpleasant for animals. There are stores, but the devices are not complicated.

To scare away you can use:

Cans and plastic bottles are placed on sticks stuck in the ground. You can make cuts in the bottle to create a pinwheel effect. When exposed to wind, empty containers spin and rattle. In addition to sound, vibration is transmitted through the stick to the ground.

On a note!

But fighting moles in this way has some disadvantages: the repellers can be blown away by strong winds and they do not work in calm weather.

Empty glass bottles are buried in the ground at an angle to the horizon. In windy weather they howl, scaring moles and people. Using bottles is more labor-intensive than cans on sticks: you have to dig in the containers, taking into account the wind rose. In calm weather, this folk method of fighting also does not work.

With the advent of cheap electric battery-powered alarm clocks, these became the most effective means of repelling moles. chinese watch. They work in any weather and do not require any care for six months. The only drawback is that after six months it’s easy to forget where the alarm clocks are buried.

It is very easy to make such a means of control:

  • buy 4 small alarm clocks;
  • install them on different time;
  • place alarm clocks in a half-liter jar with a wide neck and a screw cap;
  • put a condom on the jar, stretching it approximately to the middle of the container;
  • bury alarm clocks in different corners of the garden, not forgetting to mark the burial sites.

A condom is needed to ensure that no moisture gets into the jar during heavy rains. Alarm clocks ring twice a day at different times. Call duration is 1 hour. Of all the folk remedies, this one is the least dependent on weather conditions, does not emit a smell and does not harm the environment.

When moles suddenly appeared in the garden, we thought for a long time about how to deal with moles in our dacha plot, if we needed the dacha as a place of rest and the unpleasant smell and rattling of the cans did not suit us. One forum advised us to bury alarm clocks. The moles capitulated without a fight.

Mikhail, Tver

The last method of fighting moles in a summer cottage using folk remedies is reliable, but very labor-intensive and expensive. They dig in around the entire perimeter of the site to a depth of about a meter. The advantage of this method is that the mesh lasts for several years. Instead of mesh, summer residents often use slate. In this case, the fence will be “eternal”. But slate will disrupt the natural exchange of bacteria between the enclosed space and the “free” one.

Important! The nesting site of moles is located at a depth of up to 2 m, and feeding passages are located under the turf layer in loose soil and at a distance of up to 50 cm below the surface in hard or often drying soil. When fighting moles using mesh or slate, this circumstance must be taken into account.

Mole crickets, aphids, mice, snakes - this is not all that a summer resident may encounter. Moles cause great inconvenience. Therefore, today’s material is dedicated to everyone who wants to know how to get rid of moles in the country. This can be done in a simple way, using pesticides, repellents or folk remedies. Let's look at everything in order.

Pesticides against moles in the country

Each remedy for moles in the country can compete with folk remedies in its effectiveness. Study the list of herbal pills that will obviously be useful to you.

No. 1. Stop-Mole tablets

The drug is aimed at exterminating moles and has a fumigation effect. It’s easy to use, just throw a couple of pieces into a hole and bury them. When the tablets come into contact with moisture, fumigation begins. Toxic substances fill the burrow cavity, as a result of which the living creatures die. If you follow the manufacturer's recommendations, you need 2-3 units of the drug per mole hole. Summer residents advise throwing pills during the daytime; this is most effective.

No. 2. Alphos Krot+ tablets

If a mole appears in your dacha, then before you get rid of it on your own, study the effects of modern and effective drug"Alphos Krot+". The base includes aluminum phosphide, an active substance that by its nature is a full-fledged toxin. Thanks to insecticides, you will get rid of animals and insects living in the soil. The effect, in contrast to the drug described above, is 2-3 times higher. It is enough to throw a few tablets into the dug hole, sprinkle it again and wait for the tablets to combine with moisture. As a rule, moles completely go away after a couple of days.

No. 3. Calcium carbide

Still wondering how to get rid of annoying moles in your dacha? We suggest doing this in a simple way - using calcium carbide. When the substance combines with a moist environment, it breaks down into toxic vapors that quickly destroy moles. To start scaring away animals, prepare plastic bottles. Place a couple of large pieces of carbide into a container and pour a little water into each bottle. Immediately place the bottle in the mole's hole with the neck down. That's it, it's done. But this product is flammable, so be careful.

No. 4. Natural remedy "Detia"(in balls)

If you do not want to use poisonous mole repellents, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the biological product “Detia”. In its form, this product is a repeller; moles will leave your area because the composition emits unpleasant odors. When the beads combine with moisture, strong-smelling essential oils are released. Following the manufacturer's recommendations, the granules are buried at a distance from each other in places where mole holes form. Reviews from summer residents confirmed the effectiveness of the drug “Detia”.

No. 5. Bait-bait "Green House Antikrot"

How to get rid of moles in the country? There are few means of such action, so we will definitely consider “ Green house Antikrot." The drug kills pests in a simple way because it contains aromatic and nutritional substances that attract moles. If the animal eats the bait, it will die in 2-3 days. If you follow the reviews, the product is extremely effective; moles are happy to fall for this kind of delicacy. If after a couple of days you see new burrows, it means that the moles have changed their location. Reinstall bait baits.

Mole repellers in the country

Among the variety of mole repellers, it is quite difficult to choose a model that is suitable in terms of pricing, range and method of use. Let's review popular devices.

No. 1. "Tornado OZV.01"

The device is suitable for large areas as it operates within a radius of 1000 m2. The device continues to work during surges temperature regime, so it can be used at any time of the year. The action occurs due to the release of aromatic essential oils. The animals immediately leave the area. The price of “Tornado OZV.01” is 800-1200 rubles, it all depends on the specific manufacturer.

No. 2. "EcoSniper"

“EcoSniper” refers to an ultrasonic device, which is famous for its built-in generator and small in size. The impact range is 400 GHz with a range of 88 m 2. The device is attached to the ground, after which it immediately begins to emit high-frequency waves. The mole's hearing system suffers, the animal perceives this as a sign of danger and leaves the area. Safe for humans and other pets. The cost of “EcoSniper” is 1500-2000 rubles.

No. 3. "Anti-Crote"

When deciding how to get rid of moles, you should definitely consider this device for use in the country. The Anti-Crote repeller helps to drive out rodents in a simple way. The action is equally effective in any weather. It works using ultrasound on solar or conventional batteries. As for the radius of influence, it is 900 m2. The pricing policy varies between 800-1100 rubles.

No. 4. "EcoSniperLS-997MR"

This installation repels underground animals ultrasonic waves. First, the device is installed in the ground, after which it is connected through an outlet. Effects within a radius of 25 m2; for a plot of 6-8 acres, 3-4 devices are needed. After a week, all the moles will leave the area. The cost of one installation is 1900 rubles.

No. 5. "SolarMole Repeller»

The device operates using a solar battery. There is a transparent LED lamp, as well as a comfortable foot. “Solar Mole Repeller” is enough to be deepened into the ground, leaving the cap at the top. The downside is that in the absence of sun the device begins to work with less efficiency. As for the price, the cost of “Solar Mole Repeller” is 750-1000 rubles.

No. 6. "Pest Reppeler"

Another effective mole repeller is Pest Repeller. The main positive feature is that this device works over large areas. That is, it is enough to purchase one installation that will get rid of pests forever. Cost – 550 rubles. This is very profitable, and reviews from summer residents confirm its effectiveness.

No. 7. "Sititek Led"

When thinking about how to get rid of moles in the country, you should take a closer look at another effective repeller. The device has a built-in special generator that creates mechanical waves. It is enough to turn on the device to get rid of pests in a simple way. The radius of action of the repeller is up to 500-700 m2, the price is 3000 rubles.

No. 8. "ProGarden"

The product in question works thanks to solar panels. It is considered universal, as it eliminates not only moles, but also other pests. The radius of influence of the device is only 10 m. “ProGarden” emits vibrosonic pulses every 20 seconds. Price - about 1000 rubles.

No. 9. BROS Sonic

This device is an analogue of the one described above. The principle of operation is practically no different. "BROS Sonic" also works thanks to a solar battery, which lasts for a day. The operating principle of the device is to emit vibrosonic pulses. Price - 700 rubles.

No. 10. "Remiling AN-A316"

Since you can get rid of moles in the country using various devices, consider this device. It runs on a solar battery and creates waves that the mole perceives as a threat. As a result, you will get rid of pests in a simple way. Price - 2800 rubles.


The means presented are humane. They are able to perform their task quite long time. If you do not intend to kill pests, the device will become excellent option for household plots and summer cottages. To completely get rid of moles in this way, you will have to wait more than 1 week.

Folk remedies for moles in the country

If you are tired of moles in your dacha and you don’t know how to get rid of them, you should use proven folk remedies.

No. 1. Kerosene solution

To prepare the solution, dilute 20 liters in a bucket. water and 100 ml. kerosene. Mix the mixture and wet unnecessary rags with it. Rags soaked in the solution must be placed in the underground passages created by the pests.

No. 2. Castor oil

It's not difficult to figure out how to get rid of moles. If you use the product at the dacha, you will drive away pests in a simple way. Moles cannot stand the smell of oil. Combine in a 120 ml container. dishwashing detergent and 200 ml. castor oil To make a solution, you will need 30 ml. ready mixture and 4 l. water. Spray the soil where mole activity was noticed. Carry out the procedure after rain.

No. 3. Herring

For pest control you will need herring heads. They must be placed in wormholes and holes. A positive result begins to appear only when the product rots. The rotten smell will quickly spread underground.

Plants that repel moles in the country

This method has proven to work well. You won't have to do anything else except plant some plants on your site. Let's consider the most popular:

No. 1. Siberian scilla

The plant in question will not only help control pests on the site, but will also become an excellent decoration. Scilla blossoms beautiful buds. The bottom line is that the plant grows strongly and covers large areas over time. Moles cannot crawl through roots.

No. 2. Imperial hazel grouse

When thinking about how to get rid of moles in the country, it is worth considering various ornamental plants. This way the problem will be solved in a simple way. The hazel grouse is famous for its beautiful flowering. Pests leave the area due to the specific smell of the roots. In addition, the roots grow quickly in the soil.

No. 3. Onion plants

You can plant any plants from the onion family in your summer cottage. They do an excellent job and drive out all underground pests. You can plant decorative types onion or regular garlic.

No. 4. Marigold

Marigolds belong to ornamental plants. They repel many pests, not just moles. The positive effect is achieved thanks to the strong aroma.

No. 5. Caper spurge

The plant has a beautiful appearance, so it is suitable not only for repelling moles, but also as decoration. The plant is an annual, but reproduces without problems by self-sowing. Prune stems systematically. White poisonous juice will ooze from them. It has a pungent odor that pests cannot tolerate.

If you are faced with a similar problem and do not know how to get rid of moles in your country house, you should consider all the options described above. Choose the one that suits you best to deal with pests in a simple way.