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Night beauty or mirabilis - planting and care. Mirabilis - perennial flower "Night Beauty"

The flowering plant night beauty is increasingly conquering corners of gardeners' plots. This plant is loved because it is hardy to weather conditions, tolerates drought well and is not demanding on the soil.

This is a fairly tall plant with a large number of straight shoots and beautiful bright flowers, the cultivation of which does not require special skills.

Description of the flower and growing methods

Night beauty, or Mirabilis Jalapa, a native of South America, or more precisely, from Mexico, was brought to Europe in the middle of the 18th century.

A distinctive feature of the night beauty is herself bud opening phase, it blooms in the evening and at night, while a unique aroma spreads throughout the entire area.

However, it is not recommended to plant this plant in the areas of those who have allergies or intolerance to strong aromas. It is grown in two ways, by sowing seeds or planting tubers. It has a large number of colors, while one bush can have up to 5 different colors of buds.

Types of night beauty flower or mirabalis

  1. Multi-flowered.
  2. Terry.
  3. Tall.
  4. Short.

The most impressive looking plants are those whose flowers have a color that goes from almost black to white buds. There are also varieties of flower stalks that have striped or iridescent.

There are two ways to grow your own personal plot night beauty:

  • seeds;
  • tubers.

Growing night beauty seedlings from seeds

If you want to grow mirabilis on your plot, growing from seeds is one of the possible ways. Sowing is done late March, early April, and in the regions of Siberia and Far East It is best to sow in early March.

In this case, you can be sure that the plant will fully develop and delight you with a riot of color. Before sowing the seeds should soak for a day in warm water. This is done so that the hard shell, saturated with water, becomes softer.

You can use universal soil for sowing seeds; the plant is not too demanding. Seeds go deep into the wet ground by 0.5 cm and spilled with warm water again. The container with the sown seeds is covered with glass or film and placed in a warm place.

After 2 weeks, the first shoots appear. The cover is removed and the plants are placed on a bright windowsill. In the phase of the first true leaves of Mirabilis dive into separate cups and make sure that the soil does not dry out.

In warm weather spring days young mirabilis can be taken out into the fresh air for hardening. They should be planted in open ground when the threat of frost has passed. It is best to disembark V rainy weather , then the plants will quickly take root in their permanent place of growth.

Growing from tubers

Tubers purchased in a store in winter are best stored in the refrigerator on the vegetable shelf until planting.

Night beauty tubers can be planted in open ground when the soil warms up to a depth of 10-15 centimeters, somewhere around mid-April, early May.

If quite large sprouts have already appeared on the mirabilis tubers, then the flowers should be grown overnight. cover plastic bottles or non-woven material.

After the period of night frosts has passed, the shelter is removed and the plant is given complete freedom to grow. However, if the mirabilis shoots are too long and weak, they should be pinched, leaving no more than 10 centimeters.

Planting mirabalis in open ground

The soil for the night beauty should not be too acidic. It's best if it's clay or loamy soil. In the area intended for planting mirabilis, there must be a sufficient amount of light, since in the shade or partial shade the plant blooms poorly and stretches.

Mirabilis is an aggressive plant and can displace neighbors in the flowerbed, so planting must be done on spacious areas or near a fence, thus forming a hedge.

However, there are also low-growing varieties of this flower, which can be grown in pots or planted to frame flower beds, rockeries, and borders. Low-growing varieties of mirabilis look good next to the following types of flowers:

  • Tall roses.
  • Delphiniums.
  • Peonies.

Mirabilis, planting and care open ground which does not require special skills and lends itself very well to shaping.

It can be pinch, trim, and the flowering will only intensify. The shoots formed by pruning the stems in the shape of a ball or pyramid look beautiful, as they are all instantly covered with flowers and become fully blooming.

Rules for caring for a night beauty

On hot days, the night beauty should be irrigated with water in the evening hours, and watering should be carried out once every 3-4 days. Due to excess moisture, the plant can stretch out and stop blooming.

Fertilize once a month, and mirabilis loves organic fertilizers, so it is best to apply it to the root zone mullein or bird droppings . If there are no natural organic fertilizers, then you can dilute the humate infusion and water the root zone.

Since the beauty of the night perennial, then in the fall after the first frosts you should cut off everything green shoots at a level of 10 centimeters from the ground and let them dry well, then dig up rhizomes, dry in the sun and put in boxes, covered with dry sand or sawdust. You can’t forget about this, it’s part of care.

Store, like other nodule plants, in the basement at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees. It is necessary to carefully ensure that mirabilis flowers do not grow too early, and when growth buds appear in the winter months transfer the tubers to the refrigerator.

However, in the southern regions of our country, the night beauty overwinters excellently in the soil; you just need to cut off the shoots and mulch the soil with straw or sawdust.

Growing a night beauty is not difficult. With proper care, every gardener can grow on his own plot beautiful plant with a lot of bright colors and an indescribable aroma, the envy of everyone around. And even at night you can delight your eyes with a beautiful view of a flowering area.

With the onset of spring, in the windows of flower shops you can see tubers similar to carrots, and in the attached picture there are flowers bright colors, which at first glance are difficult not to confuse with fragrant tobacco. The name of this amazing flower with a pleasant aroma - mirabilis.

The plant is striking in that its buds are closed during the day, and after 5 o’clock in the evening they begin to open, and remain so throughout the night, delighting with their delicate and subtle aroma. It is thanks to this feature that this plant is known among people as “night beauty”.

Besides, unusual characteristics Mirabilis doesn’t end there. Night beauty flowers look very graceful against the backdrop of lawns.

Since the inflorescences of the plant are known for their delicate aroma, the most unusual insects flock to them, looking forward to tasting the delicious nectar. Mirabilis bushes are completely covered with buds. Even if some of them fade, they will be replaced by new ones, and in larger quantities.

Unusual flowers. Night beauty: historical homeland

The countries of Latin America, namely Mexico, Peru, and Chile, where there are more than 60 species, are considered to be the birthplace of mirabilis. The plant is famous for its powerful stem and shoots, thanks to which mirabilis is not afraid of unfavorable climatic conditions.

Features of Mirabilis

Night beauty is a flower (see photo above), which is grown as a perennial or annual plant, which is a bush. Some varieties reach a height of up to 1 m. The small, broadly lanceolate leaves of the night beauty are dark green. The flowers have the shape of a funnel, five petals, fused at the base to form a narrow tube and a corolla shaped like a circle with a diameter of up to 2.5 cm. Typical colors for the night beauty are white, yellow, crimson or scarlet.

Fragrant delicate inflorescences open in the evening or in cloudy weather. Night beauty is a flower that is characterized abundant flowering, starting in July and until the onset of the first frost. Large mirabilis seeds, similar to a nut in a black hard shell, do not lose their germination capacity for 3 years.

Methods for planting mirabilis

In practice, the most common method of growing mirabilis is from seeds, which, under favorable climatic conditions, namely with sufficiently warm and dry summers, can be prepared independently.

In addition, it is possible to grow a night beauty by cuttings from tubers.

Night beauty flower: planting seeds

Most favorable time The time for sowing Mirabilis seeds is the end of March or the beginning of April. Planting is carried out in pre-prepared greenhouses or special boxes designed for growing at home on a windowsill. The preferred temperature for seed germination is 18-20 degrees.

Before sowing, it is recommended to first wrap the seeds with a damp cloth, so that seedlings will appear within two weeks. It is recommended to plant seeds in the ground to a depth of no more than 2 cm. When planting seeds in open ground, you must ensure that the soil is sufficiently warm and frost is not expected.

Growing Mirabilis from tubers

Tubers of the plant are found in flower shops, On the market. Also, if night beauty flowers were planted in the garden, you can dig up their tubers and place them in sawdust for overwintering.

Storing mirabilis tubers is similar to the method of storing dahlia tubers, for which the most optimal temperature is considered 5 degrees. When spring comes, it is advisable to germinate the tubers of the plant before planting them. However, in most cases, this method is not considered effective, since the tubers may simply dry out over the winter.

Growing Mirabilis by cuttings

This method of propagating mirabilis can hardly be called popular, and all due to the fact that preparing and planting cuttings of this delightful flower is an ineffective task, taking a lot of time and requiring the gardener’s careful attention. When growing a night beauty by cuttings, semi-lignified shoots are used, which before planting are recommended to be placed in a container with a growth stimulator, and only after that planted in a previously prepared substrate.

The rooting process of the night beauty will not take much time. Usually this requires no more than 2 weeks, provided that the shoots have been carefully cared for, implying regular moistening of the soil, as well as maintaining a temperature of +20 - +24 degrees. In addition, the option of additional heating of containers with planted cuttings cannot be ruled out. After the threat of possible frost has ceased, the rooted cuttings are planted in the garden plot.

How to choose the right site

Choosing the right site for growing a night beauty is a guarantee that the time spent will not be in vain. In Russia, due to climatic conditions, mirabilis is mainly grown as an annual plant, since the root system is not able to withstand low temperatures in winter.

The most common variety found in the country is Mirabilis Jalapa. It should be noted that night beauty flowers prefer well-lit places. In addition, the plant does not tolerate excessive stagnation of moisture. When choosing a site for a plant, it is recommended to give preference to fertile loams. If there is a greenhouse on garden plot, pots of night beauty can be kept there too.

Night beauty is a flower (photo), planting and caring for which requires minimal effort. Initially, it is necessary to decide on the location of the plant in the garden, and then provide timely watering, fertilizing, and loosening the soil. Mirabilis will be very grateful to the use of complex fertilizers, which are recommended to be applied at least 3 times.

The use of fertilizers will speed up the growth process of shoots and contribute to the appearance of more buds.

Night beauty flowers, planting and caring for which are quite simple, require timely and abundant watering, but overwatering and stagnation of moisture should not be allowed. You should also not forget about loosening the soil and timely extermination of weeds. If you follow the above recommendations, as a reward for the work of the gardener garden flower the night beauty (photo in the article) will delight you with its delightful inflorescences, thanks to which land plot It will not only be transformed, but also filled with a delicate, unforgettable aroma.

Pests and diseases of the night beauty

Removing damaged leaves, as well as thoroughly treating them with a fungicide, will help get rid of spotting. If there is excess moisture in the soil, the roots of the night beauty gradually begin to rot. In this case, diseased plants are removed, the soil is treated with a fungicide, and the frequency and volume of watering is reduced.

The use of mirabilis in landscape design

Depending on the variety, the night beauty is a flower (photo above) that reaches up to 100 cm in height, and dwarf ones - 30-40 centimeters. This is exactly what should be taken into account when planting mirabilis in a flower garden in the foreground or middle ground. Tall varieties of mirabilis are used as beautiful hedges.

Compact varieties of night beauty are usually planted in massive groups, which can be used in borders, mixborders, and ridges. The most suitable neighbors will be annual flowers such as daisies, marigolds and others.

Mirabilis is often used as decoration for balconies or terraces. In this case, low-growing varieties are useful, which are recommended to be planted in deep pots.

This amazing plant, which has defied the laws of nature, and reveals all its beauty and wonderful enchanting aroma under the bright moon and stars. And although the night beauty is a flower (photo), planting and caring for which can be done even by a novice gardener, it is quite rare.

In the genus of herbaceous annual and perennial plants there are exotic flower night beauty, or as it is called in Latin, mirabilis. The garden planting received its popular name due to one of its peculiarities: it blooms after sunset and delights with its elegant appearance before sunrise. It reaches a height of 25-75 cm. The flowering period is long: from June to September. Color palette varied: purple, snow-white, lilac and bright red petals. There are species with multi-colored petals.

The flowers of the night beauty have a subtle pleasant aroma. One inflorescence consists of about 16 flowers. The American tropics can be called the plant's homeland. Externally, the bush is spreading, with tightly closed branches. They are sticky to the touch, without leaves, sometimes with slight pubescence. The petiolate or sessile leaves are very thin. The root system, due to its ability to accumulate moisture reserves, has a pronounced ability to create tubers. The fruit is a nut-shaped box with seeds.

Use in landscape design

Mirabis is famous for its decorative value all over the world. beautiful bush with a pleasant aroma can transform any part of the garden. Thanks to its unpretentiousness, it is used to create:

  • flower beds;
  • discounts;
  • hedges;
  • border and solo planting.

The sweet smell attracts many butterflies at night, creating a unique atmosphere in the garden.

Dwarf varieties occupy the middle or foreground in group compositions. They are also planted as a way to decorate balconies, summer terraces and recreation areas. Tall representatives, due to the sufficient growth and density of the bush, are planted as a hedge. It can be used to zone an area, protecting it from wind, dust and prying eyes.

Combination with other plants

Combining the night beauty with other crops is a pleasure. She is unpretentious, and the rich range of colors allows her to become a member of any ensemble. Ideal neighbors are any small flowers. Such recognized leaders as are able to shift attention exclusively to themselves, leaving neighboring plantings in the shadow of everyone. Therefore, it is better to avoid planting next to them. Best combinations are obtained with:

  • daisy;
  • chamomile.

Flower propagation


Before sowing they are soaked in warm water for a day. They are planted in open ground in mid-May, maintaining an optimal distance of 45 cm.

For seedlings, planting material is sown at the end of March in a greenhouse. Pots must be covered with film or glass to create a greenhouse effect and retain the necessary moisture. Before emergence, the soil is watered moderately. Shoots appear after 2 weeks, then they are carefully planted in separate peat cups. For the full development of the root system, they must be tall.

After the first 2 leaves appear and warm weather sets in, the seedlings are planted in open ground, maintaining the required distance (at least 30 cm).


Less popular way. Most often used if it is difficult to get seeds. Before planting, the cuttings are left to dry so that they are a little woody. To stimulate growth, the bottom of the planting material is treated with special phytostimulants. The cuttings are placed in a special nutrient mixture or in a regular glass of water. Her temperature should not be lower than 21 degrees. Otherwise, the roots will never appear. The root system should form within 2 weeks to a month.

If the cuttings have not taken root within the specified period, then you can throw them away and try with a new one. planting material. But most often such troubles do not happen. Each sprout must have its own container in which it will grow and adapt.

Dividing the bush

Rare and least effective method, but there are also his fans. Soil is dug around the bush, 45 cm in diameter. The plant is carefully removed from the soil. The earthen lump is lightly shaken off. Using a sharp knife, divide into several parts, each of which should have a fragment of the root.

They plant them on their permanent place immediately, watering abundantly. The process is carried out at the end of May, when there is no risk of frost. Due to the ability to grow strongly, the distance between divisions is about 40 cm.

Planting and care

Site selection and soil preparation

The right site is a guarantee of lush and long-lasting flowering, active growth. An open sunny area, with slight shade, protected from drafts and gusts of wind is the best option.

The most favorable soil is loamy or clayey. To improve growing conditions, add a little lime to each hole before planting. Acidic soil is strictly prohibited. The night beauty will not be able to grow on it. Each hole must have a good drainage layer of fragments of brick, stone or pebbles.

Loosening is carried out every time after moisture or rain. This will provide the necessary oxygen access to the tubers. Thanks to this, the bush does not become too dense. All weeds are removed simultaneously with loosening. Neighborhood with them deprives the bush of necessary useful substances and moisture from the soil.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering is required in exceptional cases. Mirabilis is a drought-resistant crop and is capable of storing moisture. Only abnormal heat and a long period without natural precipitation can become reasons for additional moisture.

Feeding is done complex fertilizers 4 times during the season. If the soil is initially fertilized before planting, then fertilizing is no longer required.

Diseases and pests

It has sufficient resistance to various types of diseases. But there are cases of infection rust or spotting. Infected parts must be removed. The night beauty is treated with a special chemical agent- fungicide.

Violation of the rules of care - excessive moisture leads to rotting of the root system.

Pruning and preparation for winter

The perennial does not need molding. Only faded flowers are trimmed.

Mirabis is grown as a perennial only in warm climates. It does not survive a long winter and is planted as an annual. Experienced gardeners They find a way out by removing the bush in the fall and storing it in a cool room until spring, insulating it with peat or sawdust.

Species and varietal diversity

  • night beauty red lollipop

Today, the 4 most popular varieties are actively used in gardening:

  • iolanta. The crown is spherical. Reaches a height of up to half a meter. The stems are wide and knotty. The flowers are medium in size, with a bright juicy color. A distinctive feature of the color is the ribbed stripes on the petals.
  • Elvira. The crown of a low perennial bush is rounded. Dark green leaves are pointed. The bright variegated color attracts various insects.
  • red lollipop. Tall representative (90 cm). Stems are smooth, quite branched. The flowers are massive, much larger than other varieties, funnel-shaped. The color is bright red.
  • jalapa. The bush reaches medium size (55 cm). Green stems frame succulent leaves. The flowers are tubular, deep purple in color. Reveals at 4 pm, after recession solar activity. Flowering lasts until the end of October.

How to grow Mirabilis jalapa from seeds, is special care required? Night beauty - unpretentious plant, which even an inexperienced gardener can cope with growing.

All people love beautiful flowers, but many are stopped by the need for complex plant care. In such cases, we recommend growing mirabilis. These bright tropical flowers with a wonderful scent are unpretentious and do not require a doctorate in horticulture.

Description of Mirabilis

Mirabilis - in Latin Mirabilis - is a genus of plants that belongs to the Nyctaginaceae (Night-flowered) family. It includes 50 species, but only one of them is widespread in the Russian Federation - Yalapa, which is sometimes called a laxative.

Among gardeners, this plant is known as “Dawn” or “Night Beauty” because it blooms in the evening and blooms until dawn.

Where does Mirabilis grow?

Mirabilis is native to South America. It grows in warm tropical countries, and therefore in our country it is more common in the southern regions. In warm regions, mirabilis is known as a perennial plant, and where it is much colder, it grows as an annual, since the roots freeze in winter.

Mirabilis are often called "the novice gardener's delight" because they are so easy to plant and care for. Not only personal acquaintance with the plant, but also just photographs - bright, juicy, colorful - make you want to grow such a miracle in your garden. Growing mirabilis from seeds does not require special equipment or complex skills, just follow the instructions for caring for seedlings - and enjoy the delightful twilight aroma of the Night Beauty.

The buds bloom in the afternoon, fade after a few hours, but are immediately replaced by others - and this happens all night. Sometimes mirabilis begins to bloom in bad weather, when the sky is covered with clouds. The season lasts from May until the first frost.

Appearance of the flower

Mirabilis jalapa – herbaceous plant, growing in strong compact bushes. In rare cases, they reach more than a meter in height, but usually do not exceed 80 centimeters. The roots are swollen and tuberous. Mirabilis flowers look like patterned funnels or the bell of a gramophone. They are striking in their variety of shades: there are white, yellow, pink, red, orange, crimson-purple, lilac, violet.

Many photos of mirabilis show that the flowers come in either one color or painted in two or more shades. An interesting feature: on one bush there can be flowers of various colors! Sometimes the petals are striped.

After the plant blooms, ribbed dark brown fruit-boxes appear, each of which contains one seed, which will certainly be useful when growing mirabilis. Germination remains until three years. The seeds are large, oval-shaped, dark, the surface is wrinkled and hard.

How to raise a Night Beauty

Growing from seeds is one of the most reliable methods. In the southern region, plant seeds directly into the soil, but not earlier than the first numbers of May. Then the earth is already warm enough, and the seeds have a chance to take root. If you use a semi-warm greenhouse, then plant mirabilis in early April. Still, this method of planting is risky.

It is more effective to plant seeds at home.

Planting seeds for seedlings

Take deep cups for seedlings and plant one or two seeds there. The sprouts will be quite large, and if you plant more, the seedlings will have to be thinned out. In a few days, the mirabilis will sprout, and after about another month and a half (in June), plant it in open ground.

When planting for permanent residence, observe the interval between shoots. The gap ranges from 25 cm (for dwarf plants) up to 60 (for tall bushes).

It is not necessary to soak the seeds before planting; just wet the substrate well. Keep in mind that soaked seeds will sprout much faster - in just 1-2 days. Yulia Petrichenko, expert

For seedlings, you need a substrate consisting of the following parts:

  • turf;
  • peat;
  • river sand or fine gravel.

Take a little more sand than turf and peat. Some gardeners plant seeds in loam or clay soil with the addition of lime - the unpretentiousness of mirabilis allows for variations. Remember: the flower does not tolerate acidic soils!

The containers for growing mirabilis must be deep because the roots grow downwards and not outwards. Before planting the seeds, add ash to each hole - ash soils have a beneficial effect on the growth of the Night Beauty.

Other ways to propagate Mirabilis

Mirabilis can also be propagated by budding, but this is more difficult than growing from seeds. To do this, separate the semi-lignified cuttings from the plant and dry the cut area. Then place it in a special growth stimulator to activate rooting, and plant it in steamed nutrient soil. With careful care and regular watering room temperature the cutting will take root successfully, and in May you will plant it in open ground.

There is another way to propagate Mirabilis - using tubers. Most botanists and gardeners agree that this method is not optimal. Dig up the tubers and place them in sand or sawdust. Store at approximately +3-5 until the next sowing season. However, practice shows that this method is unreliable, and most tubers die due to insufficient moisture and lack of nutrients.

Mirabilis care

Mirabilis - unpretentious flower and does not require constant monitoring and care, easily tolerates drought.

Important growing principles:

  • Mirabilis loves warmth;
  • arrange good lighting, but protect the flower from direct sunlight;
  • Pamper it with feeding several times a season (no more than 3-4 times);
  • fresh compost and manure are destructive to the plant;
  • the soil should not be overdried (mirabilis will react to this by temporarily stopping blooming), but it should also not be allowed to become waterlogged;
  • Carefully pick off wilted buds.

Useful properties of the plant

Mirabilis in landscape design

Mirabilis is best known as ornamental plant. It is beautiful and fragrant, so gardeners are happy to use it to decorate their garden plots. Some lovers keep mirabilis at home, in spacious tubs filled with clay soil - this option is not suitable for everyone due to the strong and pungent odor of the plant.

Mirabilis is often used in landscape design. Dwarf bushes are planted in flowerbeds and garden beds, and colorful hedges are formed from tall, almost meter-high bushes. The aroma of flowers always attracts large evening and night butterflies.

Application in medicine

In addition to decorative functions, mirabilis has beneficial properties. Its tubers are often used as a laxative, and its flowers as a food coloring. Some parts of the plant (such as leaves and stem elements) are believed to have anti-inflammatory effects. A decoction of the leaves is a good remedy for abscesses. Mirabilis leaf juice is known as a wound healing drug.

In some cases, mirabilis leaves can be eaten, but this is not recommended unless absolutely necessary.