Well      03/30/2019

Homemade benches. Garden benches (59 photos): views. Features of wooden, metal and combined, stone benches

At the cottage, we take a break from everyday worries, merge with nature, contemplate, relax. In anticipation of the upcoming holiday season the site offers a selection of ideas for wooden benches that you can make yourself or order from the craftsmen.

It will be enough just to print the bench you like and show it to the specialist. This is quite enough, since a person who knows his business, even from a sketch, is able to understand what is required of him. So, let's see what is now in the assortment of country decorators ...

Solid classic wooden bench with a back. The photo clearly shows the design, which boards were used for work. How nodes are attached.

A simple do-it-yourself shop

A simple bench made of boards and a metal base. This is probably one of the most simple designs. Such a wooden bench can be made with your own hands in just one hour.

Do-it-yourself bench from boards

Modern bench made of boards made by hand. Pay attention to docking "in a spike". From the inside, the bench should be additionally fastened into a corner with a beam planted on glue and self-tapping screws so that the structure does not “walk”.

Wooden bench from boards

Another idea for such a connection. Only here the shortcomings of the previous version are already taken into account. This bench is extremely stable and reliable. The legs are made from a board 100x50 mm, with jumpers 100x25 mm, the seat of the bench is made from a board 100x50 mm.

Do-it-yourself wooden bench chaise longue

Wooden bench chaise longue. If you make a more gentle slope, then you can rest reclining. The design of the bench is made of thick plywood, sawn with a jigsaw. For stability, three vertical racks are made.

DIY bench around a tree trunk

Bench around a tree trunk. Do it with a margin, as the trunk will become thicker over time.

DIY bench with pallet armrests

Bench with pallet armrests. After construction, a fair amount of this material remains, so it can be put to work.

Set of table and benches made of iron frame

Set of table and benches made of iron frame. If you own welding, then by purchasing metal channel, you can easily make a reliable set for outdoor gatherings with your own hands.

A simple bench made of saw cuts of wood and boards

A simple do-it-yourself bench made from wood cuts and boards. For one summer season, or for a reception a large number guests. Such shops are common in villages, often, when driving through the village, you can see such structures near houses.

Small wooden garden bench

Small wooden garden bench. On such a bench, you can weed the beds or practice in the flower garden, near the flower bed.

Bench from a cut of a dense tree. This is already a work of art - such masterpieces cost a lot of money. I met such exotic benches in Asian countries - they are at a premium there.

Bench with drawer tray for things or toys. It will require a certain skill from you during the construction, but it will serve, among other things, also as a repository.

Decorative bench made of slats - very airy and light.

Rural bench made of halves of logs. It will look good in the bosom of nature! If you have a forest near your dacha, then you can easily find dry logs, splitting which you can make yourself an exclusive garden bench.

Swing from crooked trunks. Very decorative and stylish!

Bench decorated with a wagon wheel. The design is complex, I give it just for beauty.

Bench made of thick boards with a figurine of an animal. If you set up such a bench in front of the house, from the side of the street, then for sure there will be those who want to take a picture while sitting on it.

A variant of dies and crooked tree trunks. Bench for lovers of natural forms.

A bench made of halves of a log, taken in one of the city parks.

Bench - pergola. Lianas are skillfully inscribed in the design of the structure.

Bench from a slanting saw cut of a tree. I understand that it is unlikely that it will be possible to make such a cut on my own, without the use of expensive equipment, but the idea is very original.

Bamboo bench with hanging seat made of thin planks tied with strong rope.

A do-it-yourself bench made of boards and timber is also a very easy design.

Family bench with a table for a large family.

Do-it-yourself massive wooden benches

Massive benches and a wooden table. The boards are processed in such a way that they look as if they were doused with water in the sea.

Classic bench sofa.

Rustic furniture is very popular with Western homeowners. The most difficult thing in such things is the collection of branches that are suitable for the curvature.

A simple bench made from half a log. The legs are realized in the form of bast shoes.

Collect the cut trunks of your trees and branches and create from them decorative furniture. For a couple of seasons of filing fruit trees you can accumulate material on a bench or bench.

An example of a rocking sofa. A good option For summer holidays in the country.

An interesting "double" version of the bench - chair.

Bench with pedestals and flowerpots on them.

Round wooden bench around a tree. The elements of the seat are made of thick plywood, which made it possible to make a bench of a rounded shape.

Do-it-yourself fun bench from a board and logs

Cheerful bench from a board and blocks of wood. Very simple idea, the main thing is to paint everything brighter and write something original.

A very rich bench - a swing ... It remains only to lick your lips!

Like these ones original ideas wooden benches and benches with their own hands. This, of course, is not all! There are a lot of ideas around, the main thing is to capture the beauty in the photo, and then embody it on your site!

In suburban areas, I want to not only work to get good harvest. There is a desire to admire the fruits of their labor, admire the sunset, communicate with relatives and friends, and breathe fresh air. In order to comfortably spend time on your suburban area you need to get comfortable garden furniture. Bench - perfect option for inexpensive and efficient arrangement garden, decoration of the natural landscape and quality leisure activities.

Some stone, metal or wooden benches can be a real decoration of the site. IN traditional garden a wooden bench, made in the Victorian style, will certainly attract the eye, a rough log bench in combination with similar gazebo and house structures will become part of the whole countryside ensemble. Therefore, it is very important to choose appearance benches in advance, even before its manufacture. If you already have dominant solutions in the landscape, for example, a recreation area built in Japanese style, then the bench should be made in a restrained, strict form, without pretentiousness and catchy colors. But if the bench will complement children's Corner for games and pastime for kids, then its elements can be painted in bright, multi-colored juicy tones.

The appearance of the bench is of great importance, but the most important thing is the comfort of the model. Be sure to carefully consider the height of the bench, the width and depth of the seat, the slope of the backrest and the quality of the finish, as they say, without a hitch ...

Before you make a bench, you should provide for the conditions for its operation. If you plan to make a stationary bench with long term use, its deepening into the ground is thought out, preferably to a freezing depth, but not less than 40 cm. If the bench is moved around the site or hidden for the winter season, it should be as light as possible and occupy a minimum of space. So at this stage, first of all, the practicality and functionality of the product are taken into account. Usually bulky stationary benches are made for use in large areas, and in small areas it is rational to place light, portable models that can be moved to the recreation area upon arrival of guests, and then placed in a quiet, secluded corner.

Also pay attention to exterior finish garden bench. Currently, modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of different finish coatings for any surfaces.

Note! Wooden products can be coated with yacht varnish with a special primer, or painted with moisture-resistant paint for external works. Metal elements on top are protected with solutions and paints with an anti-corrosion effect. Even stone surfaces that have been treated can be impregnated with a special compound that will protect them from temperature changes, give them shine and depth.

The construction of a wooden bench begins with the development of a sketch. At this stage, it is determined what elements the shop will consist of. The width and length of the bench is calculated depending on the space it occupies. The height of the product from the ground to the seat should be about 50 cm. The height of the back is usually made from 40 to 50 cm, and it should have a slope of about 20-30 degrees.

All curly elements of the bench in the form of templates must first be drawn on paper or thick cardboard, and subsequently made using a hacksaw or electric jigsaw. When all the measurements and sketches are made, they start cutting out the blanks.

The next step is the surface treatment of the wood. Using a grinder, remove all notches and smooth the surface. If the bench is installed permanently, then it is necessary to fix the supports by digging into the ground to a depth of at least 40 cm. After installing the supports, the bench is assembled. To do this, the remaining elements of the product are installed in the prepared mounting grooves, which are fastened with self-tapping screws or bolts.

For the manufacture of wooden, stationary or portable benches, stable and practical rounded wooden blanks of a round shape can be used for the legs. You can buy them in any specialized store or in the market with goods for the garden. Most affordable option- these are pine rounds with smooth surface and a diameter of 80 mm (minimum). For the seats and back of the bench, boards with a section size of 20 × 120 mm are suitable, for armrests you can purchase wooden bars with a section of 35 × 55 mm.

After assembly, the surface wooden bench treated with an impregnation that protects the structure from fungi and moisture, and coated with a protective varnish or paint.

The base of the garden bench can be made of brick or any stone that can be finished on top. facade tiles, the same as on the house or gazebo. It will look very harmonious and beautiful.

Before laying, it is necessary to prepare the base, dig a trench 10 cm deep. After preparation, crushed stone and sand are poured into the recess, rammed, constantly spilling water. The substrate is concreted from above and leveled. Stone columns can be of arbitrary width, the main thing is that the height with a bench should not be higher than 45-50 cm, and not lower. After the masonry mortar has set, after two days, you can lay two wide ones on top of them. wooden planks, not less than 20 mm thick. Boards, of course, are pre-treated, sanded and sanded.

For a stone bench, the base can be made of stone, brick, metal or wood. The bench itself is made of natural or artificial stone. In the form of a natural surface, you can use any solid piece that comes on sale. The main thing is that one surface of it should be perfectly flat, and the second can be easily adjusted during the manufacture of the legs of the bench. An artificial stone slab can also be made independently, from a concrete solution with the addition of fine gravel or marble chips (for beauty), reinforcement and a special shape (which can also be made independently). If in concrete mortar add special plasticizers for extreme climatic conditions, the finished stone will last for many years.

The base for a garden bench made of stone must be mounted to the depth of freezing of the earth so that the product stands stably and for a long time. In our climatic conditions, this size can be up to 70 cm. This design of the bench will serve you reliably and efficiently for many years.

A stone bench will give the site solidity, it will last longer and will cost less than a bench made of wood. You can arrange your own flower beds from slabs or blocks, or build a bench that will be connected to a stationary barbecue. During operation, benches made of stone may not be very comfortable. This problem is solved by placing on a bench decorative pillows or mattresses, which will become an additional decoration of the landscape area.


Convenient bench-table transformer:

How to make a simple wooden garden bench step by step:


Wooden benches and benches, which are on personal plots, provide an opportunity to relax. But you can't install simple bench, but to make with your own hands a whole corner for relaxation, with a table and other components of the ensemble, moreover, from improvised materials. In this case, rest will complement the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature and the results of your own efforts. There are many attractive ideas on how to make a bench. Simplified versions of do-it-yourself wooden benches can be created by anyone, there would be a desire.

I would like to place more greenery in the garden or near the house. Flower beds can be combined with a bench. You will need 2 wooden boxes in which flowers grow, planed, polished planks are placed between the boxes. The bench can be placed near the wall, stuff several long planks onto the wall to make a back.

Wooden boxes can be replaced with stone or concrete bedside tables. They last longer and require less maintenance. There are ready-made flower beds made of concrete. The board can be purchased already processed, or you can process it yourself. Instead of a board, use a half of a log. The option is selected based on the design style of the plot / garden. The seat is fixed with a metal corner with dowels (if it is metal), it is attached to the tree with screws from below or bolts through.

In the presence of large plants in flowerpots, you can do this: the bench will cover the plants. Flowerpots need strong, because they will be legs. There is a similar version of a bench made of planks without plants. Supports are created from boards of equal size, the seat is equipped with timber.

A support for a bench made of wood in the garden can also be hollow building blocks. Processed bars are inserted into the holes, a bench seat is obtained. The edges of the beam should be rounded for ease of sitting. It is preferable to use large blocks with thick walls. In the absence of such, they are well fastened together. First, blocks are attached (for example, with studs), then - bars (with bolts or dowels).

Benches made from logs

If the site is decorated in an ethnic style, then you will have to move away from the usual options for garden benches with your own hands. It is preferable to use logs, with or without bark. The seat for the garden bench, made with your own hands from logs, will be sawn along the trunk. The back of a bench made of wood will be a smaller diameter trunk or a cut closer to the edge. legs wooden bench are made from narrow pieces of logs.

Another version of a log bench without a back - with a seat made of a very thick board, with legs from a deck large diameter. A groove is made in the deck for laying the seat of a wooden bench. With an ax, a grinder or a chainsaw, you can make a recess without much difficulty.

On suburban area often need a desktop. It is possible to make both a wooden bench and a table from a log. Make the tabletop from boards, the rest of the components - from logs of different diameters or from halves.

Using branches

The back, legs, armrests can be created from thick and not very thick branches, the seat can be equipped from sanded and processed (peeled, sanded) unedged boards. Another option beautiful bench made of wood, which can be installed in the garden or at their summer cottage - located in different direction boards and branches. Such a wooden bench does not require special skill. And the more careless the work, the more attractive outwardly the result.

Wicker back can be seen on the benches infrequently. Around the tree, you can arrange a recreation area and a bench. The structures are simple, as is the flooring. A swing and a gazebo will complete the picture. Above the bench, you can place a pergola - a light gazebo. Complete relaxation contribute to the arrangement of a pond, fountain or waterfall.

Wooden and metal options

All-metal garden benches can be beautiful, but in summer such products get very hot, and in winter it is impossible to sit on them, because they are cold. These imperfections are not present in shops made of metal and wood. The legs and supporting structure are made of metal, the seat and back are made of wood.

You can make a bench from a profile. Rectangles are welded from it, jumpers are welded to the sides. They hold the seat boards. In a more perfect form - with armrests, backrest, pillows, the design looks very comfortable. The large seat makes the bench a sofa, the pillows are cloth-covered foam for furniture. The same style decision is presented in the tables. A frame is taken from a professional pipe, and a tabletop is created from boards.

Significant nuance: if the seat or tabletop is made of several adjacent parts, then they should not be joined back to back. Between adjacent boards or bars, a gap of 3-4 mm should be made. The wood will swell and shrink, and the gap will allow the surface to remain nearly flat during these processes.

To achieve smooth lines will allow options in which the pipes are bent. It turns out garden benches and a table with rounded edges. Such garden furniture is safe to use. A round or profiled pipe is bent, leaving on the sides in the shape of the letter "P" with a large back. Its length is equal to the length of the bench. For the table, the dimensions are slightly larger.

  • We need 2 identical blanks for the table and bench.
  • Boards are cut to the same length. For the seat, boards of 40 cm are needed, for the table top - at least 55 cm.
  • Fastening to the pipes is made with furniture bolts with a flat head. The hats will not stick out, a hole of a slightly larger diameter is made under them.

Benches made from boards

Even ordinary thing It will be possible to make it unique if you treat the task creatively. For example, legs and armrests can serve wooden wheels. The simplest option- a board with legs made in the form of the letter "X".

From the boards it is possible to make a shop in the form of the letter "P". The main task is to fix the legs and seats well. You should use a thick board or timber that does not bend. You can put the board "on edge" to make it harder. Reliability will give the corners installed from below.

An interesting option: the legs are made from boards that vary in length. Every second is made shorter by the width of the board for the seat. The task is simple: you should not violate the dimensional parameters, the connection is made with nails in the seat.

Non-trivial and familiar options

You can attach the seat to a large stone. Beautiful, but sitting on it in the winter is unpleasant. You can also make beauty from bamboo trunks. Not everyone can make a bench out of stone - not everyone has the appropriate equipment. Consider more familiar options.

A simple garden bench will look unusual thanks to the use of a special material. Suitable for furnishing bar with rounded edges. Logs of small size are hewn on the sides, the same result is obtained. The legs are unusually assembled: the bars are laid flat one on top of the other.

How to make a garden bench about 120 cm long, about 45 cm wide, 38 cm high? The edges of the beam are rounded with a cutter or a profiled beam is used. The price will be more expensive, but the work will be simplified. It is well crafted and easy to put together. 5 bars are spent on one leg. 45 cm multiply by 5 pcs. - it turns out 2.25 m. For 2 legs, 4.5 m of timber is required. The seat needs a board 40 mm thick and 90 mm wide. For the seat of the bench, 5 boards 1.2 m long are required. Multiply 1.2 m by 5 pieces - it turns out 6 meters.

  • Planks for the bench seat are cut and processed. The edges are rounded. With absence grinder or a milling cutter you need to use sandpaper. You can also arrange for processing and grinding at the sawmill so that there is less work.
  • Boards of the same length are sanded and varnished.
  • The bars for the legs are folded one near one, aligned along the edges.
  • Lines are drawn at the places of fasteners. The distance between them is 7-10 cm.

The pins are suitable from metal, you can make wooden dowels. Holes of a slightly smaller diameter are drilled under them, the depth of the hole will be half the length of the pin. They are hammered into one part, a second part is pushed into the hole from above. Glue can be added to such a connection, but the design will come out one-piece. With pin connection the main task- Be sure to arrange the holes one above the other. This will give you a smooth edge.

  • You should measure the same distance from the edge according to the template. You need a piece of plank with a width of approximately 1.5 cm. Holes are made at this distance from the edge of the bars.
  • Having applied exactly along the edge, it is necessary to mark the intersections with perpendicular lines.

The pins are staggered, holes are made through one intersection. Holes on one bar from different sides are placed in a checkerboard pattern. The legs are connected to the seat on the pins: 2 pins go to each bar.

Technologically, this type of connection is correct, but it is not easy, a certain skill is required. Can make the task easier: fold the bars one on top of the other, secure with clamps, make a hole through in two or three sets, placing them in the center and edges, connect with a long hairpin, with washers under the cap and nut. To the legs of the seat trim garden bench nailed on top or attached with pins.

The wooden bench is made by hand, it's time to move on to finishing. If the seat is attached with nails, then take wood mastic, add small sawdust, mix the mixture. Cover the joints, after drying, smooth with sandpaper until smooth. Then varnish or paint for wood for outdoor use (not covering, leaving a visible texture of the tree).

Bench made from broken chairs

Everyone has old chairs. They should be the same and fairly strong. Disassemble 2 chairs, leave the part with the back and legs. Connect 2 backrests with bars with a suitable section. For greater rigidity, at a distance of about 20 cm from the floor, make a frame with transverse crossbars. It will serve as a footrest or a place to store things.

After grinding, paint the resulting product with ordinary paint. different breeds wood is painted over only with covering paints. Apply with a brush or from a can. Cut the seat out of thick plywood (8-10 mm thick), cover with foam rubber, fabric.

Garden chair or bench made from pallets

It can also be made from cargo pallets garden furniture with your own hands. You don't have to parse anything. The seat will come out of one, the back will come out of the second. We need well-crafted planks for the armrests, bars are required for the legs.

In the pallet, the attachment areas are reinforced with pieces of bars, screwed on with self-tapping screws on both sides. From a bar with a section of at least 100 * 100 mm, 4 identical segments 80 cm long are cut. They are screwed in places that have been reinforced. 20-25 cm are allotted to the legs. Fastening is done with 4 self-tapping screws with a length of at least 150 mm.

The armrests are screwed on. It is necessary to adhere to verticality and provide for the same distance on the legs so that the seat is level. If there are errors in height, you can file it, but you will have to do it from above. Deviations from the vertical can only be corrected by screwing the leg back on.

The legs are screwed on, now a second pallet should be attached to the rear racks, and plates for the armrests should be placed on the sides. A piece is cut out of furniture foam rubber, which is covered with fabric. You can sew pillows for the back with your own hands. Want to get a loft-style chair? Then go with sandpaper or grinder, process surfaces to a smooth state. The coating can be done with paint, which gives the wood a dark color.

A bench is simply necessary in the country or in the garden. Its main purpose is as a place to relax. He who knows how to work, he must be able to rest. Someone simply sets up a bench, while someone creates an interesting corner, which certainly has a good rest. You can just relax, or you can just enjoy the surrounding nature and the results of your work. There are many ideas worth considering. Of particular interest are ordinary designs that can be repeated by anyone familiar with wood and owning a primitive set of tools.

Everyone can imagine what the most ordinary bench looks like, but not everyone likes simplicity and most opt ​​for original solutions. Everyone wants to have something that is not, for example, a neighbor in the country. Almost all summer residents start with decorating a country or personal plot, and there are also many options. As an option, you can do the design of the site from the installation of a bench, having previously decided on a place of rest. After all, a place of rest is not needed later, it is needed now. Therefore, the design of this place should be taken up at the first stages of the process of decorating a summer cottage or personal plot, and only then proceed to the design of the rest of the territory.

As a rule, summer residents are very keen on growing various green spaces and flowers. Especially, there are a lot of them near buildings. Alternatively, you can combine plantings with a recreation area by installing a bench not far from the cottage. In this case, everything will look organic: green spaces, flower beds, and an original bench.

Two flower beds made of boards and a bench between them

There are a lot of options: from the simplest to the most sophisticated. The simplest option would be two wooden boxes, in which flowers are planted, and two boards built between these boxes. Boards must be planed and well sanded. This design can be placed directly near the wall of the cottage. You can attach a pair of the same planed boards to the wall, which will serve as a kind of back. Instead of wooden boxes, you can install concrete pedestals that can last much longer than wooden elements.

It is very simple to build such a structure, and most importantly quickly. As for the boards, they can be bought ready-made or made to size yourself using unprocessed boards. But in this case, you will have to work hard, but the bench will not cost anything, and the result will certainly please. If concrete flowerpots are used, then the boards can be fixed with metal corners. The only problem is the difficulty of drilling holes in concrete. In no case should a puncher be used, since a flowerpot, even a concrete one, will easily crack, especially if it is made independently.

You can not fasten the boards, but instead of the boards put a huge log, which is not necessary to fasten if you install it correctly.

As mentioned above, there are many options, and they are created on the basis of the real possibilities that the owner of the cottage has. Alternatively, you can simply set up a bench to relax away from flowers and green spaces. After all, it is not a secret for anyone that various insects are hiding in flowers and between the leaves of plants, which do not in any way encourage rest, but, on the contrary, make them leave behind the worst memories of the rest.

Hollow blocks can be used as a bench, into the voids of which processed boards are simply inserted, which can serve as seats.

To make it comfortable to sit, the sharp corners of the blocks should be rounded. Well, if these blocks are heavy and large. If the blocks are small, then they can be fastened with studs into one piece.

log bench

The site can be designed in any style, but almost everyone is moving away from standard approaches to solving the problem. Everyone wants to have something of their own. But not everyone knows that the new is the improved old. As a variant of the new, but somewhat improved old, this is the option of using a log as a bench. As a seat, you can use a log of large diameter, sawn lengthwise. A log of a smaller diameter, also sawn lengthwise, is used as a back. Or a smaller diameter trunk, but cut closer to the edge. Narrow pieces of logs are used as legs.

Log bench - quick and easy

Legs and seats are connected to each other with metal pins. Holes of a slightly smaller diameter are drilled under the pins. The pins must fit into the holes with force. At the same time, half of the pin is hammered by blows on the pin, and the second half is driven by blows to the tree. As a rule, they do not hit the tree itself, since traces of the hammer may remain, but with the help of a wooden tip. Such a connection must be reliable, although there are many mounting options.

In the photo, a little higher, you can see another option, in the style of "ethno". Its organization is associated with the presence of a stone, although this option is quite feasible in the presence of a log. A fairly thick log is used as a seat, and part of a large diameter deck is used as legs. In one and the other part of the deck, grooves are cut out for the seat. An ax or grinder is used as a tool. Alternatively, you can resort to using a chainsaw. These are not post-Soviet Friendships or Urals, which have significant weight, and they, perhaps, are convenient for felling pine trees in Siberia. If you adopt the Stihl chainsaw, then with its help you can make not such works of art.

It is also possible to make a table out of logs, which is simply necessary in the country. In the photo you can see the results of such actions. The table top is made of boards, and the rest of the ensemble is made of logs of different diameters.

Table with benches made of logs

The next bench, built in this style, has a completely original performance. Here, the legs and armrests are made of branches of various thicknesses, and the seat is made of processed, high-quality unedged boards.

Another bench is made in the same style. The only difference is that the boards and branches have the opposite direction. The result is a completely different look. As far as execution is concerned, no special skill is required here. The more careless the end result, the more valuable it is. In any case, this is how others perceive such an approach. Most likely, people are tired of imaginary perfection and they prefer handicraft and primitivism.

Wicker back - you will meet infrequently

Alternatively, you can arrange a recreation area around the tree and install a bench.

Resting place under the tree

It is not at all difficult if you install a swing and a gazebo nearby. Above the bench itself, it is better to build a pergola that looks like an arch. For a good rest, only a pond, fountain or waterfall is missing.

Benches made of metal and wood

As a rule, no one dared to build a metal bench. In the summer, they can heat up to such temperatures that it makes no sense to talk about rest at all. In the case of a cold snap, the picture is the same. The bench becomes so cold that it is impossible to sit on it. But the benches, where a combination of metal and wood is used, are the most in demand. As a rule, the frame is made of metal, which ensures high reliability of the structure, and the seat and back are made of wood, which provides a certain comfort.

Bench from a profile pipe

If the design is improved and soft armrests, soft seats and backs are made, as in the photo, then such a design can compete with the most modern options benches for rest. To make the seats, armrests and backs soft, it is enough to fit suitable material furniture foam. In a similar style, it is possible to build a countertop.

On a note! When using wood, it is advisable to leave between separate elements gaps up to 5 mm. This is due to the fact that when the humidity environment, the sizes of elements also change.

Stylish benches made of metal and wood

In the process of creating a recreation site, care should be taken that there are no sharp corners, especially in metal structures. This is very important if you have children. All elements of the ensemble, such as benches, tables, garden chairs, are made of round and square pipe, bending them so that smooth transitions are obtained.

Table and bench made of pipes and boards

The presence of metal allows you to bend structures of any shape, although you can’t do it that easily and you need a special device. The presence of such opportunities allows you to bend structures in one go, without using other tools for this, such as a grinder and welding machine. The main thing is to think over the design to the smallest detail. If a tree is used, then only well processed. It must not be allowed to wooden elements burrs or chips were present.

Board benches

The most popular option is plank benches. There are quite a lot of options. There are even designs similar to sofas. If you put them on soft pillows, then you can lie down.

This garden bench is more like a sofa: with sufficient dimensions, you can lie down

Designs of garden furniture, based on a modern approach, are assembled in an elementary way. As a rule, they consist of rectangles with partitions made of more thin wood connected to each other as one.

If you strain and make your imagination work, then from an ordinary shop you can build a work of art if, for example, wooden wheels are installed instead of legs and armrests.

A bench made of boards with a back and wheels instead of sides - looks interesting

One of the simplest designs country shop consists of one board, to which legs are attached in the form of the letter "X". Similar shops were built by our ancestors, although they can be found today.

Traditional shop design

Using a tree, you can build a bench in the form of the letter "P". In this design, it is very important to ensure a secure fastening of the seat and legs. This option involves the use of a thick board or timber for reliability. Alternatively, you can install the board "on edge", for greater rigidity, and for greater reliability, it is recommended to fasten it with metal corners.

This photo shows an option where washed down is carried out at 45 degrees. With the help of a special tool, this is not difficult to do. If all the parts are connected, you get an angle of 90 degrees. If the board is thick and the seat does not sag, then the bench will last quite a long time.

In the photo below you can see another option. interesting solution which is characterized by high reliability. Boards of different lengths are used as legs. The difference in length is the thickness of the board: every second board should be shorter. The structure is connected with nails. Moreover, through one board, the nails are hammered either into the board for sitting or into the board for the legs.

Bench in modern style

original solutions

Along with the classical approach to the process of making benches, there is also an original one, although appropriate materials and tools are needed to solve such a problem.

For example, a bench can also be built from a large stone if an appropriate wooden platform is attached to it.

Bench made of stone and boards

In the presence of bamboo, a seat is also made from it, which will take on a more exotic look.

From bamboo, and whole

Or stone.

Sitting in winter will be unpleasant, but beautiful ...

It all depends on the flight of fancy. The real owner does not have unnecessary things or materials in the country. With a reasonable approach, you can attach any thing, and it will not just lie around in the country or lie dead weight in the garage or in the barn.

How to make a bench: photo reports

Naturally, not every owner has a set of tools for making stone benches, but everyone has a minimum set of tools for working with wood, especially since these are very simple and available tools. Therefore, it makes sense to consider wood structures. Everything that is done with one's own hands is ultimately a matter of pride.

Bench without back

The design, although simple, has a rather spectacular appearance due to the material used. A bar with rounded edges serves as legs. IN last resort, such a beam can be prepared independently from round logs of small diameter, trimmed from 4 sides. The result is the same beam. Therefore, there should be no problems with the construction of the bench. The legs of the bench will be made from this material. To do this, lay the cut bars flat (horizontally) one on top of the other. It is this design solution that brings a certain exclusivity to the design.

A simple shop looks interesting due to the material

The backless bench is 120 cm long, 45 cm wide and 38 cm high. It is possible to round the edges of the beam in any way. In order not to strain too much, you can already find a ready-made, profiled beam. Although, it will cost a lot more, but working with him is a pleasure.

Depending on the size of the bench, it is not difficult to calculate how much timber is needed. If a bar is taken, with a section of 70x70 mm, then with a height of legs of 380 mm, it is enough to put 5 bars one on top of the other. We consider: 45 cm multiplied by 5 pcs. and get 2.25 m of timber. Since there are 2 legs, the timber will go 2 times more, which means 4.5 meters of timber. A board is taken as a seat, 40 mm thick and 90 mm wide. Given the width of the bench, you will need 5 boards, 1.5 meters long. If you calculate more accurately, you will need 1.2 m x 5 pcs. = 6 m board.

At the first stage, boards are cut according to size. In this case, it is necessary to round off all sharp edges. To do this, you can take a planer or just large sandpaper and carefully process the boards. In order not to do much on your own, there is another option: you can simply negotiate at the sawmill and get a well-crafted board, especially since they have all the possibilities for this. It remains only to take and cover them with varnish.

Finished boards

After that, they begin to manufacture the legs, for which the beams are cut into identical segments, 45 cm long, after which they are stacked one on top of the other in 5 pieces. The next step is to connect the legs for stability. In this case, the bars can be fastened with metal pins or using wooden dowels. The distance between the fasteners is 7-10 cm. As a rule, such a connection is made using glue, then the connection is more reliable.

Lines where pins will be placed

Pin connection requires precision drilling of holes, otherwise the bars will not be on the same line. For this, it is better to use a template. In addition, the dimensions of the elements of the legs must be the same, then it will be possible to accurately mark the place for drilling the holes. For those who are familiar with drafting, tape measure and pencil, it will not be difficult to get everything right.

The pins should be installed in a checkerboard pattern, so it is necessary to mark with this feature in mind. In the same way, the boards are attached to the legs at the rate of two holes per board.

From a technological point of view, this is not a bad connection option, but it requires a certain skill and experience with wood. The connection step can be simplified if the leg bars are stacked one on top of the other and rigidly connected with a clamp. Then the accuracy of drilling will be ensured. Alternatively, the beams can be connected using long metal studs and nuts with washers. In this case, it is enough to drill through 2-3 holes.

The seats can be nailed to the legs, which greatly simplifies the entire manufacturing technology of such a bench.

The bench is made by hand. Remaining finishing work

When using nails, it is advisable to hide the caps, as they will then rust, which is completely undesirable. To do this, the nails are hammered so that the hats hide almost 5 mm deep into the tree; for this, you can use a guide. After that, putty is taken, a little sawdust is added to it so that the color matches, and the recesses are puttied. After complete drying, the places are carefully sanded sandpaper. So that the place where the nails are hammered does not stand out against the general background, they are covered with a suitable varnish.

Varnishing technology wooden surfaces quite simple, especially since it is described in detail in the instructions for use.

Bench for giving from broken chairs

If there are two old chairs and there was not enough imagination to adapt them somewhere, then you can make a bench out of them. Only the same and strong enough will go. If they are loose, then they will have to be repaired. The chairs are dismantled so that the backs and legs remain. After that, two chairs, or rather what is left of them, are installed side by side and connect their backs with the help of slats of the appropriate thickness.

Bench from old chairs

To make the structure rigid, at a height of 20 cm from the floor, the structure is connected with the same rails around the entire perimeter. Subsequently, these slats will serve as a footrest, and if the bottom is sewn up, for example, with plywood, then you can store some things here.

We paint the made structure

After the structure is reinforced and sanded, it can be painted. Suitable in this case regular paint, which can hide some of the flaws in the whole structure and especially in old chairs. It remains only to cut a sheet of plywood, lay foam rubber on it and cover it with some kind of fabric. At the same time, one should take into account the fact that the bench will mainly stand on the street until the very cold weather. Therefore, it is better to opt for, for example, leatherette. In any case, the material must be moisture resistant.

Finished bench from strands

Pallet Garden Bench Chair

For a reasonable owner, any material has its own value. Garden furniture can be easily made from cargo pallets. Moreover, it is not particularly necessary to disassemble them: a back is made from one pallet, and a seat is made from the other. It remains only to think about what to make the armrests and legs from.

Here's what should happen

One of the pallets is reinforced with additional bars, which are fastened with self-tapping screws.

Strengthening the corners of the pallet

After that, a timber is taken, with dimensions of 100x100 mm and an arbitrary length, after which 4 identical segments are cut off, up to 80 cm long. They are attached in those places where the reinforcement bars, set in advance, are located. As a result, there will be enough legs, 20-25 cm long. For fastening, self-tapping screws are used, at least 150 mm long. In the process of work, it is necessary to make sure that the bars are screwed correctly so that the legs of the same length can be installed.

Attaching the legs for the armrests

If after these steps it is not possible to obtain an absolutely even structure, then the legs can be filed at the end if the bench does not settle evenly.

A light and comfortable garden bench can be placed on a cozy veranda or placed in the shade of trees so that you can hide from the heat and enjoy reading a book or a pleasant conversation. So, we will describe the main stages of its manufacture.

Whatever material you decide to make a bench from, so that it is as convenient as possible, certain proportions should be observed during its construction:

  • height: the seat is always located at a level of 0.5 m from the ground;
  • width: not less than half a meter;
  • back height: 0.45 m;
  • angle of inclination: ideal 45°;
  • armrest height: calculated from the level of the seat and should be 20 cm.

If the bench is dug into the ground, the length of the legs increases by at least 70 cm. In this case, its legs are lowered into the prepared pits, covered with stones and poured with concrete. Do not forget to pre-treat the wood with a solution that protects against rot and mold.

DIY bench step by step

The back and seat of the garden bench is best done not with a solid canvas, but with a small distance between the boards. In this case rainwater it will drain completely from them, the boards will be better blown, and the product will be less prone to rotting:

You can replace the stain with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. A tree treated with a similar composition acquires a dark and saturated color. Depending on the amount of manganese, you can get a shade of walnut or a rich mahogany color.

Bench from wide boards

Flexible vine or wicker bench

Eco-friendly garden furniture, not only a bench, but also chairs and even a table, can be made from pre-soaked willow or vine twigs. You can also use branches of hazel, willow, aspen or even birch, but in the latter cases, the product will last much less, and it will look more rough.

To collect raw materials, it will be necessary to wait for the time of "ripening" of the shoots. The optimal season for harvesting branches is from September to March. It is at this time that the rods acquire the required flexibility:

Types of benches

We have described only the simplest options for making a garden bench. You can make it from almost any material:

If you are planning to make a wooden outdoor bench, it is better to use conifers or larch, which is difficult to rot. Remaining by inheritance old furniture from oak or hazel can also be used as a material to create a durable and very original garden product.

Is it worth buying a bench or should you make it yourself?

Buying a bench for the garden, of course, is much easier. Moreover, the simplest of them are quite cheap.

But still, the work done by one's own hands will bring more satisfaction. And with a certain patience and skill, even made from improvised means, it can become an exclusive work that you will not be ashamed to show off to friends and neighbors. For example, in the next photo, the bench is made of ordinary pallets, painted with bright paint and decorated with decorative pillows.