In a private house      04/12/2019

Do-it-yourself playhouse for your summer cottage. How to build a children's house at the dacha with your own hands: photo ideas of houses, step-by-step instructions, video

“Chick-chirk, I’m in the house,” is the kids’ favorite saying when they are playing tag. It turns out that each of them dreams of their own premises, so caring parents are ready to build a house for their child with their own hands in an apartment, in the yard or on a summer cottage.

Having separate apartments that you can furnish yourself with personal belongings is a truly worthy desire for a child. Here he will be able to spend his leisure time usefully, dream about a wonderful future, “fly in the clouds” and prepare for adulthood. This makes it easier for parents to do important household chores without worrying about their child.

Currently, many versions of such play structures are produced. They can easily be purchased in the children's section of any supermarket. But if the budget does not allow you to give such a gift to your baby, this is not a reason to leave him without his own “abode”. Wise parents remember school labor lessons and find suitable materials, tools and get down to business.

According to most psychologists, play buildings develop useful skills in children that will be useful to them in adulthood.

DIY child's house in an apartment: purpose and importance

A miniature house, built with your own hands on the territory of the apartment, plays important role in the development of the baby as a person. Here he feels like a rightful owner. Responsible for its execution. Maintains order and spends his leisure time. As a result, the child develops the following qualities:

  • thrift;
  • responsibility;
  • love of home;
  • careful handling of valuables;
  • independence.

But the most basic function of a house for children is a useful pastime. On the one hand, here he has the most convenient playing area, on the other hand, it is unique. Child psychologists say that such “buildings” are one of the most common dreams of children. They imagine themselves as masters;

  • a fairy-tale house on chicken legs;
  • Indian wigwam;
  • a decorated royal tent;
  • forest wooden hut.

The benefit of such dreams about a children's house is the development of the psychological state of a small inhabitant of the earth. Parents often notice how their child huddles in a corner, hides in a closet, under a table, or secludes himself in his room or on the balcony. And this does not mean that he is planning to do some kind of prank (cut the dog’s hair or test the “taste” of his mother’s lipstick). Probably, the time is already coming when he wants to create a personal space away from the “caring” eyes of his parents. Now is the time to design a house for a child in an apartment with your own hands to meet his needs.

A tool for proper development

For a child, such a structure becomes the real center of the Universe. Here he keeps his “jewels”, personal belongings, toys dear to his heart. When guests come to him, he receives them on his territory, so he decides what to entertain and treat them with. He tries to care for him 24 hours a day, for which he is responsible to his parents.

In such a developmental house for children it is easy to retire to:

  • read your favorite fairy tale;
  • create masterpieces from plasticine;
  • paint pictures;
  • prepare lunch for the doll and feed it;
  • wait patiently for your prince.

What little kids dream about when they retire to their amazing dream oasis.

Parents should not forget that the child feels safe in such houses. Therefore, they need to fully support their endeavors.

With the help of a homemade house for a child in an apartment, parents help develop self-esteem. Over time, they will become self-confident, ready for new difficulties. The lack of such a play area often leads to the following factors:

  • growing up, the child does not want to equip his nest;
  • he has complete indifference to his place of residence;
  • increased desire to have a personal home.

Although the latter factor seems noble, it often leads to family discord. The unbridled desire to create your own little world at any cost causes a lot of suffering to people dear to your heart. Therefore, sensible parents try to take a balanced approach to parenting issues, using expert advice. But how to make a house for a child in an apartment in order to develop positive traits? Let's consider wise advice specialists.

Types of designs

No matter the size of the children's room, the child still wants to have his own personal space. In it he will be able to hide from others, relax and do his own things. important matters. Manufacturers offer many different types of playhouses for children. To an apartment or to a dacha, to a playground or to a private house. Having become acquainted with the options, everyone is free to make their own choice, the main thing is to please the kids.

There are designs different sizes, therefore it is necessary to take into account the living area of ​​​​the room. Compact houses suitable for apartments, spacious for country houses.

Often, children's houses for apartments are made from the following materials:

  • natural wood;
  • plastic;
  • textile;
  • cardboard;
  • plywood.

The main selection criteria are the design shape, material and purpose.

Wood products

Playhouses made from this material often resemble a real home. Therefore, they are installed not only on the street, but also in the apartment. The design looks good in a child’s play area and requires special care. It must be frequently ventilated, and the parts must be treated with anti-fungal agents.

Do children's playhouse In an apartment you can do it yourself from plywood. This will be a wonderful analogue of a structure made of natural wood. If you decorate it beautifully, it will also resemble a real residential building.

Plastic structures

A modern alternative to wooden houses is plastic products. Such designs are preferred by those parents who are not able to make a house on their own.

Often prefabricated houses for children are made from plastic. Original red roof, stable “stone” foundation, carved windows, a chimney, a canopy protruding above the porch. In just a few minutes, your baby can become the owner of this exquisite masterpiece. He will arrange the interior of the building: he will put a chair, throw a rug on the floor, and cover the windows with curtains. Indeed, houses for children made of plastic are a cozy abode for dreams!

In addition, they resemble a construction set that can be assembled and disassembled at will. And how convenient it is to care for them! Each part is thoroughly washed in soapy solution once a year, which helps keep the structure clean. Exist different kinds design of such “toys”:

  • designs Pink colour with turrets for young princesses;
  • dark fortresses for boys;
  • multi-deck boat for kids.

All of them are made of high-quality material that is odorless and durable.

Inflatable structures for strong one-year-olds

Most best option- an inflatable house for a child in the room where he spends his leisure time. Since it is considered the safest “structure”, it is used for active games with children. They are made from PVC fabric. They do not have sharp corners, but children really enjoy jumping on the slightly undulating surface. The design is convenient to fold and move around the house.

Under the canopy of a colorful tent

A bright house tent for children in an apartment is a great opportunity to give your child a real fairy tale. It’s easy to imagine yourself as a treasure hunter, a brave traveler, and even an Indian. The house can be purchased at finished form or make it yourself. In any case, the child will love such a colorful play structure.

To raise productive members of society, moms and dads make great sacrifices to achieve this goal. They communicate with them, educate them, teach them and, of course, play with them. Create a house for children in an apartment with your own hands through joint efforts - Right way touch their young hearts. To do this, just follow these steps:

  • set a goal;
  • design a building;
  • choose a place in the room;
  • purchase materials;
  • prepare tools;
  • consult with family;
  • allocate time;
  • act.

When your heart is full of enthusiasm, all you have to do is figure out how to make it yourself small house for your beloved baby. Useful tips masters will help young parents cope with this task.

Fabric tent

To build a spacious playhouse, you will need a large area, so this option is suitable for those who have large apartments. If you don’t have that luxury, it doesn’t matter. Even in a small room, you can create a house for children with your own hands - a tent from multi-colored fabrics. To do this you will need to make a frame from a suitable material:

  • wooden slats;
  • aluminum tubes;
  • plastic structures.

The master himself chooses what he likes best. Some use parts old furniture. You can even take a regular table as a base and cover it with a piece of fabric. Of course, initially they measure the parameters of the table, calculate the size of the canvas and sew a kind of cover. Ready product pulled onto the prepared table.

When creating a house for children in an apartment with your own hands, it is not necessary to purchase new fabric. Tents made from old bedspreads or remnants of thick curtain fabric look original. Windows made from polyethylene will help give the house a special look. A secure lock in the form of a regular zipper is installed at the entrance. In this case, the structures are made from a mattress or a thick blanket. Here the child will be comfortable, warm and pleasant to spend his leisure time.

The fastest option for a playhouse is an Indian wigwam. Several supports, a fabric sheet and the structure is ready. It is easy to move around the room, which is especially popular with kids.

Play tunnel for developing motor skills

Caring parents carefully monitor the physical development of their child. An invaluable help in this matter is a fabric tunnel for children. How to sew such an original device with your own hands? Luckily, it's quite simple. For construction you will need:

  • thick fabric;
  • several metal or plastic hoops;
  • strong threads;
  • sewing machine.

The first step is to calculate the structure. The next step is to cut out necessary details. They are sewn together in the form of a long bag, inside of which several hoops are installed. With the help of such a device, the child will be able to actively and cheerfully spend his leisure time in the apartment.

Construction for children made of cardboard

An original version of a playhouse for busy parents is to make it from scrap materials. Often this can be thick cardboard. It is better to use standard sheets that are easy to cut and then join into a structure.

When cutting the material, accidental creases or cuts should not be allowed. Otherwise it will suffer appearance structures.

More affordable way make a house for children out of cardboard with your own hands - using packaging boxes from large household appliances. First, mark the openings (windows, doors). Next, using a sharp utility knife, cut these holes on the box. Together they begin to decorate the playhouse. Children can paint it to their liking, and parents can add decorative items.

If you plan to make a house for a girl in the apartment, you should also think about interior.
The “room” should have enough space for all the necessary things. This includes a crib for a doll, a stroller, a “closet” for clothes, a toy kitchen, and a hospital. Young housewives will undoubtedly be grateful to their parents for such participation in their lives.

Made from cardboard, they are intended for dry rooms because they are resistant to moisture. They are also easy to destroy. Therefore, such designs are suitable for calm, rather than dynamic kids.

Playhouse made of cardboard - video

All children's cottages for summer cottages can be roughly divided into two groups: indoor and outdoor with a slide and other extensions. Building children's houses with your own hands is quite an accessible and entertaining activity.

Project of a house for children with a veranda

Among the indoor children's houses, the following options are distinguished:

  • house from cardboard box(with balls and garlands);
  • house - tent;
  • plastic house.

House out of a box

Most simple option To furnish your baby’s home with your own hands, you can make a house from an ordinary cardboard box. To make it, you need a large box (for example, from under a refrigerator, large TV, etc.), a construction knife, markers, a stapler and tape.

The design of a home for children out of a box can be very diverse: from the simplest (four walls, a roof and a window with a door) to a complex design (with a porch, several rooms, built-in furniture, etc.).

How to make a playhouse for children from a cardboard box?

The frame of the box house is ready. Now you can start decorating it. At this stage, you can easily involve your child, the future resident of the cardboard home, in decorating the structure. You can decorate the windows of your house with chintz curtains, and lay a rug on the floor, which, by the way, you can also make with your own hands. Don't forget to crown the finished creation with balloons and garlands.

To build a house from a cardboard box, you need to pay attention to the following points:

House - tent

This children's playhouse is a fairy tale tent, covered with fabric. To build it you need 5 wooden or plastic sticks (on average 1.5-1.7 m), rigid wire, planks (5 pieces per meter), fabric (it can be an old bedspread, a sheet or just a piece of fabric).

Building a tent house with your own hands is quite simple:

The tent is ready, now you can start decorating it. Inflatable balls, homemade garlands, a non-toy rug on the tent floor, etc. can be used as decoration.

Plastic house

A plastic children's playhouse can be located both indoors and outdoors. Plastic houses for children can be manufactured industrially, or they can be made by hand.

The advantages of such houses include:

  • relatively low cost;
  • ease of assembly of the finished structure;
  • product safety (rounded corners, lightness of plastic, inability to create fragments when splitting);
  • environmental friendliness of the product;
  • ease of assembly and disassembly, which allows you to transport it from nature to home and back;
  • attractive appearance, fabulous design, bright coloring.

Advantages plastic houses a lot, but there are also disadvantages:

  • small standard sizes houses;
  • due to the lightness of the structure, such houses require anchoring to the ground;
  • It is possible to use non-certified plastic, which can lead to problems with the child’s health.

To avoid the disadvantages of ready-made plastic houses, it is recommended to make a plastic house with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself construction of children's houses made of plastic has a number of features.

Children's houses for the street

There are a lot of options for children's houses designed for installation on the street:

  • children's houses made of wood and plywood;
  • house made of plastic bottles;
  • a fairy-tale house with a slide and swings;
  • inflatable houses - tent;
  • tent.

And these are not all the ideas for outdoor children's facilities.

Among them, only inflatable houses are not made by hand, while all the rest can be made by yourself.

House made of wood and plywood

It is quite difficult to build children's houses from wood and plywood with your own hands. The whole process begins with planning. A drawing is created where the dimensions of all the main structural elements are noted. Everything must be taken into account: whether the structure of the house will be open or closed; height, number of rooms and their sizes; presence of doors and windows; the presence of additional structures (slides, sandboxes, stairs, dry pool with balls, etc.).

When planning a house, pay attention to the following features:

A house made of plywood and boards is built with your own hands according to the following algorithm:

The house is ready. Next, proceed to its external and interior decoration. External and internal surfaces wooden houses for children are first treated with an antiseptic, an anti-bug substance and a stain. And further decoration of the house is purely individual.

Such houses are often equipped with a slide and. It would be nice to organize a ceremonial “handing over of the keys” to the owner of the property with inflatable balloons, festive posters, music and treats. Then the child will remember this holiday for a long time.

Children's tree house

For children who are no longer old enough to play with fairy-tale buildings on the ground, you can build a treehouse with your own hands. It is important to remember some features here:

Inflatable houses

Inflatable houses - a tent - are an inexpensive option for purchasing ready-made housing for children. Inflatable houses, as a rule, are equipped with a slide, a dry pool with multi-colored balls, a roof, and several rooms. Inflatable houses are small in size and therefore suitable only for children under 4 years old.

Inflatable houses have good review, and therefore the baby can play in it under the constant supervision of elders. Inflatable structures are easy to assemble and install, and therefore can be compactly stored in the room as needed.

To organize a child’s leisure time, parents have to rack their brains in search of a suitable solution. In fact, the answer is quite simple: in order for a child to spend the day in active games, it is necessary to organize his personal space. The way out of this situation would be a do-it-yourself children's house. In any yard you can allocate a small area for the construction of a playhouse. All that remains is to select a diagram, materials, tools and get to work. Acquainted with detailed instructions you can in our article.

Common types

In order to make a children's house, you can use the most various materials that remained after construction or renovation, if there are none, purchase them from hardware store. Undoubtedly, the most popular lumber is:

  • bars;
  • plywood;
  • boards.

Let's look at common options.


The construction of a plywood playhouse begins with design, that is, they create a drawing or layout, which can then be used to calculate required amount material and make blanks. At this stage, the places allocated for the door and windows are marked. To build the simplest summer hut, a couple of sheets of the selected material will be enough, but in general, the consumption will completely depend on the dimensions of the structure. Consider a few more important points:

  • windows are located from the floor at a height of 60 cm;
  • the doorway should be 15–20 cm higher than the child’s height;
  • the dimensions of the future house should allow the child to feel comfortable;
  • the roof is arranged at an angle of 45°;
  • plywood sheets can be cut regular saw and fasten with nails;
  • All corners must be sanded sandpaper so that the child does not get injured during the game;
  • When choosing paints and varnishes, it is best to give preference to safe and non-toxic types.

Note! The location of the house should be advantageous for parents: it should be as visible as possible from the windows or from the porch of the house in order to constantly monitor the child.

Wooden boards

If you want to equip a durable and reliable house at your dacha in which your child can play all year round, then you should choose wooden boards. This material has a clear advantage - wood correct processing practically not subject to wear. The following points are taken into account:

  • for the frame choose beams with a cross section of 5 cm;
  • to enhance strength, the frame is covered with planks 2 cm thick;
  • the finished house is covered with deck varnish;
  • approach the coloring stage from a creative side, choosing bright colors and drawing your child’s favorite cartoon characters.
Note! As is the case with any wooden structure playhouse it is necessary to provide waterproofing for the roof.

Hut on legs

To make not a simple house, but a fancy place for playing games, it is best to choose a fairy-tale hut on legs. An important step is precisely the initial one. Having a drawing that is correct and calculated to the smallest detail, you can count on getting a practical and good-quality house. Choosing material to create your own interesting element– legs, you can stop at:

  • wooden blocks;
  • metal pipes;
  • stones.

A variety of combinations are suitable for decoration. In addition, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The height of the legs should not exceed 70 cm.
  • The base of the legs is poured with concrete for stability.
  • For convenience and comfort, there should be a low staircase or open steps.
  • The whole house is assembled from wooden planks: first the frame is knocked down, which is then sheathed with boards.
Note! Since the house is a place for active games, the legs should not be high. The structure must be safe and stable.

Step-by-step construction instructions

To make a simple children's house made of wood, you will need to allocate a little of your time, collect the material with the tools and get to work.


Any construction must begin with planning. Only a clear diagram will allow you to calculate the required amount of material and make a purchase. For the described playhouse you will need the following materials:

  1. Board panels (180×240 cm) – 6 pcs.
  2. Treated timber (with a cross-section of 10×10 cm, length 180 cm) – 4 pcs.
  3. Treated timber (with a section of 5×10 cm, length 240 cm) – 6 pcs.
  4. Treated timber (section 5×7.5 cm, length 240 cm) – 2 pcs.
  5. Ruberoid – 1 roll.
  6. Screws (30 mm) – 2 packs. 500 g each
  7. Screws (75 mm) – 1 pack.
  8. Tar paper nails.
  9. Wood stain – 10 l.
  10. Thin planks.

The racks are formed from timber with a cross-section of 5×7.5 cm and a length of 240 cm. It is from these that the base for the board panels is made.

Note! When choosing a stain, you should choose two colors: 7 l - “light cedar” and 3 l - dark green.


From construction tools you will need:

  • shovel;
  • tamping;
  • level;
  • hammer;
  • drill-driver;
  • Circular Saw;
  • beat;
  • tassels;
  • stationery knife.

Note! Make cuts circular saw necessary with inside panels so that chips do not form on the outside.

Completing of the work

Before you do beautiful house To play games with your own hands, just familiarize yourself with the following algorithm of actions.

Floor and walls

  1. A site for the future house is selected, leveled and compacted. If desired and available funds, it is recommended to dig trenches and fill a layer of crushed stone for support beams with a cross-section of 10x10 cm.
  2. The length of the support beams is equal to the distance between the two outer posts of the board panels, that is, 140 cm. For convenience, you can take a beam with a cross-section of 5x7.5 cm and a length of 240 cm, attach it to one panel, and mark the locations on it. Thanks to the existing markings, you can install the logs without much difficulty.
  3. The soil is leveled, focusing on the lowest point. First, the first support beam is installed, which will be the front, after which it comes to the rear. They check the evenness and horizontality, and then you can install the two central ones.
  4. To fasten the supports together, use 2 beams with a cross-section of 5x10 cm and a length of 240 cm. They must pass between the posts of the plank panel that will be the floor. They are fixed with screws. The resulting voids must be filled with soil, leaving an air gap of about 3 cm, which is necessary for normal air circulation.
  5. The plank panels are cut to the required sizes and the smoothest one is selected for the floor. It must be laid so that it does not come into contact with the ground anywhere. To achieve this, you can additionally use timber trim. The edges must completely coincide with the support bars.
  6. To cut the side panels correctly, first mark the height of the side panels, that is, 150 cm. You also need to leave a margin of 5.5 cm. Cut only from the inside.
Note! Don't forget to leave a little extra width for the back and front panels. Thanks to this, they will be able to cover the side pillars. To ensure overlap, it is necessary to measure another 2 cm from the outer edges of the posts.


  1. Since the roof is the most complex element design, you will have to concentrate and give all your attention. Labor intensity also lies in the need to unscrew all the rear panel posts in order to reattach them later. On the front panel, measure the distance from the top center point to the side point located below. This will allow you to decide where to place the roof panel racks.
  2. Please note that the post that runs along the ridge must be placed exactly 5 cm from the center line. In this case, during installation, both racks will not overlap each other.
  3. It is best to use beams with a cross section of 5x7.5 cm as additional racks (if any are needed). During installation, you should constantly check their perpendicularity to the top of the roof. If necessary, they are aligned along the bottom edge.
  4. All irregularities on the tops are successfully masked by the ridge.
Note! Only remove and reposition the posts one at a time to maintain rigidity and strength.

Final stages

  1. For a doorway, dimensions of 60x120 cm will be quite sufficient. This size will fit perfectly into the span between the racks. But if necessary, you can choose other sizes.
  2. First of all, cut out the window(s), and then move on to the door. Please note that you need to be careful and attentive with the door; do not cut it completely, as the panel is not yet fully secured and the structure will lose its rigidity.
  3. All elements are covered with stain and varnish. Apply paints and varnishes should be done both from the inside and outside to form a protective layer.
  4. Using 75 mm screws, all elements are fixed to each other and to the support bars. Once the frame is secured, you can completely cut out the doorway and install the roof.
  5. The door and shutters are made, the porch is assembled and fixed.

The very last touch is the interior decoration of the house, making furniture, for example, a table and chairs.

Note! It is not necessary to insert glass into window openings; you can do without them altogether. Plexiglas, which is safe, will also work.

Don't forget that interior design also plays a big role, especially when it comes to little princesses who imitate adults during play. Regardless of what material and design was chosen to create the play space, your baby will be happy. It is in the house that he will be able to spend hours of active recreation every day with pleasure, developing his imagination.


Look what a beautiful house can be made from boards, timber and siding:

And here it is shown how to build a house from OSB:

Who among us as a child did not build huts from furniture and blankets at home or similar buildings from scrap materials on the street? How fun and interesting it was to build such a structure, and then hide in your home and feel like a real master. You can remember your childhood a little and give these happy moments to your own child. Building a children's house with your own hands is not such a difficult task. And if you manage to involve a child in the construction, then joint work will unite and strengthen mutual understanding.

Small house for a child

It’s easy to find a huge variety of children’s toys on sale now. This number includes all kinds of structures from tents to houses. Ready option All that remains is to purchase and install.

Independent construction will require some skills, an indefinite amount of time, and imagination. But this option will save a lot of money, and will also give you repeated satisfaction with the result.

Little children's house

Building a playhouse with your own hands is an investment of warmth. The structure is being built “for oneself,” which means that all the nuances, requirements, and wishes will be taken into account.

Assembling a “shelter” with your own hands together with your child will be doubly useful. This way the baby will get involved in work, acquire the necessary skills, invaluable knowledge and experience. Joint actions will help the educational process and give unforgettable moments of communication with each other.

Children's playhouse frame

What you can build with your own hands

The easiest way to build a children's house with your own hands is from fabric, cardboard, or plastic. This design will be less reliable, but it is suitable for the smallest. It is acceptable to install this option outdoors or indoors. A children's house of this type is usually easy to disassemble. The ability to quickly transform ensures safety from weather conditions. This design does not take up much space, so it can be easily used even in a city apartment.

Assembling a children's house

Wood can be used to make a more substantial playhouse. The following types of buildings are possible:

  • panel;
  • frame;
  • log.

Such a do-it-yourself children's house will take much longer to build and will cost more. If the structure is made of sufficient size, glazed, and equipped with a real door, then the children's house can be used not only for games, but also as a summer guest house.

Example of a children's house

Construction of a fabric hut

Main advantages of the design:

  • elementary construction;
  • low cost;
  • ease of transportation.

Children's house for a child

A fabric hut must have a frame. The basis can be wooden beams, aluminum or plastic supports. Often elements of old furniture are used for this. A children's textile house can be mounted on a rope base. “Attach” one of the sides to a tree or building.

Having decided on the frame, we begin to choose the main coating. The fabric is used depending on the purpose of the structure. If this is a home playhouse, it is better to use light, breathable materials. Linen or cotton will be a great solution. For an outdoor model, it is better to choose denser ones, perhaps resistant to moisture. If an awning or tarpaulin is used, it is necessary to provide for ventilation.

Large children's house

You can choose the fabric with a cheerful pattern or give your child the opportunity to participate in creating their own decor. The children's house can contain thematic coloring or be decorated to the taste of the young owner.

For street version In addition to the frame, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a foundation. Wood flooring will become the best solution. You can make a platform out of plastic, but it is less environmentally friendly and will not allow the structure to “breathe.”

Children's house diagram

For kids, you can make a children's house with your own hands from foam rubber covered with fabric. In this case, large window and door openings should be left so that the baby does not feel hot and the air can circulate freely. Structural elements can be connected using Velcro or zippers. This option involves not only using a piece of fabric, but also cutting and sewing. You will first need to make a drawing and calculate the proportions. This is not difficult at all because the assembly principle is simple and does not require special skill.

Children's house with a slide

The Indian wigwam is the simplest and most interesting thematic construction option. Such a children's house will not leave any child indifferent. It’s easy to build it even just by studying the photo in detail. The lightness and mobility of such a hut allows you to easily move the structure as needed. When the playhouse loses its relevance, it is extremely easy to dismantle it and use the materials for other purposes.

Diagram for assembling a children's house

Making a cardboard house

A cardboard children's house, along with a fabric one, is the easiest to make. You can assemble the structure from separate sheets, but in this case you will need to make a drawing, make calculations, transfer the parts according to the dimensions onto cardboard, cut them out, and connect them.

Preparation and assembly of parts is carried out extremely carefully. It is necessary to exclude the formation of unnecessary creases and incorrect cuts. You can connect the elements using grooves, glue, tape, or a furniture stapler.

Children's house in the country
DIY children's house frame

The easiest way to make a children's house out of cardboard is to make it from a ready-made box. As a base, take any dense packaging from large household appliances. Make the necessary openings - windows, doors. Next, the necessary decor is completed and the playhouse is ready.

A cardboard children's house is afraid of moisture, so it will have to be used exclusively indoors or on a fine summer day outside. To prevent the material from absorbing moisture from the ground, install it on outdoors it needs to be on the base. The lightness of cardboard will allow you to easily rearrange the box.

Scheme for a children's house

Games in such a home should be calm, otherwise the structure will simply be damaged and the playhouse will very quickly become unusable. An “apartment” out of a box will be an excellent temporary shelter for a small child because the structure is not capital and has small dimensions.

The design of a cardboard children's house is very easy to select according to need. It’s easy to create a wigwam from such material, spaceship or princess castle. It is only necessary to clearly design the future model and correctly connect the elements. And for this, it is better to complete the drawings in advance and cut them according to them.

Children's cottage for a summer residence

Construction of a wooden house

The construction of a children's house made of wood must be approached with all seriousness. This is not just a toy, but a real miniature of a building. Depending on the chosen option, the level of complexity of execution, tools, materials, and costs will vary slightly.

Children's playhouse frame
Wooden children's house

What you need for work

Before the beginning construction work should stock up necessary materials, a tool. To build a children's playhouse made of wood you will need:

  • board, timber to get the base;
  • lumber for sheathing (plywood, hardboard, lining);
  • roofing (ondulin, tiles);
  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • window and door block.

Children's house diagram

As a working tool, you need to stock up on the following devices:

  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw;
  • plane;
  • chisel;
  • metal corners;
  • drill;
  • glue;
  • screwdriver, hammer, nails;
  • a set of keys, chisels, screwdrivers, utility tools;
  • sandpaper for sanding wood;
  • brushes, paint for finishing work.

Depending on the chosen model, the required set of materials and tools undergoes minor changes.

Children's house frame diagram
Green children's house

Panel house for games

A panel children's house is quick and easy to make. The technology is extremely simple.

  1. They make a drawing diagram of the future structure, calculate the dimensions, options for fastenings, and openings.
  2. Based on calculations, each surface is assembled separately: walls, floor, roof. The material used can be boards or finished panels. You can use elements of old furniture, leftover materials from construction.
  3. All finished surfaces are connected using a screwdriver into a common structure.
  4. The frame of the house can be installed on piles, a kind of foundation (elevations on beams), drainage fill (crushed stone on sand). It is not necessary to create a permanent foundation for such a building.
  5. If desired, the house is additionally sheathed with plywood or clapboard.
  6. For convenience, the finished structure can be equipped with a ladder, porch, and other elements.

This construction option is simple and convenient. Good summer house for games can be assembled in just a few hours. Such work does not require special skill or knowledge of construction. The result will delight the little inhabitant for more than 1 year.

White children's house

Frame children's house

This option is more difficult to perform, more skills are required, and a partner is desirable. Construction is similar to the production of a standard frame structure, perhaps with some simplification. Construction consists of the following stages.

Children's house made of solid wood
  1. Laying the foundation. It is necessary to remove the soil, lay bricks around the perimeter of the future building, or fill the corners, and add a bunch of timber on top. There is no need to overdo it - the house is not permanent, laying a real foundation is not required.
  2. Flooring. This stage It’s worth going through all the rules: laying the logs, and nailing boards or plywood onto them. The floor in the playhouse for children is supposed to be used intensively, so you should worry about reliability and safety.
  3. Frame and wall structures. In the corner parts of the foundation and where openings are made, bars are placed in the ground as supports for future walls. To ensure that the structure has good strength, fasteners are made with metal corners. Finally, the resulting base is sheathed with lumber. Additionally, insulation can be provided.
  4. Roof installation. At the corners, gables are knocked down - triangles made of timber. If necessary, several more are installed between them. It turns out a kind of frame that needs to be covered with boards. On top - roofing material.
  5. Installation of windows and doors. If you have the necessary skills, you can make the structures yourself. It is better to use safety glass or cover it with a special film.
  6. The final stage is decorative design.

The frame model is more durable, lasts much longer, and will delight children and adults.

Children's house from a tree
Children's playhouse frame

Decorating a playhouse

The most enjoyable stage of the work is decoration. When the structure is erected and the house is in a hurry to receive its inhabitants, it is worth preparing it for occupancy. External design is best done in accordance with the general style of the surrounding space. It is advisable to fit the children's house organically into landscape design. It can be a great addition to your existing arrangement. At the same time, we should not forget that the building must be attractive to the child, enticing the little naughty one to play in it.

Wooden children's house

Children like original performance. The princess's castle, the hobbit's home, Pirates' ship- just a few ideas to implement. It’s good if you can add a ladder, a slide, and sports equipment to your home.

The interior decoration is carried out taking into account the wishes of the owner. A children's playhouse must be safe, so all kinds of soft elements will come in handy. Rich colors in the design will be the main task.

Children's house in the yard

Building a children's house with your own hands in a city apartment or in a country house is not such a difficult task, but you will get a lot of pleasure, joy, and enthusiastic emotions. The child will be able to use such a building until he grows up, and the impressions from the games will remain with him until old age.

Video: DIY children's house

50 photos of ideas for children's house designs:

It is also worth thinking about placing a house in which the baby can enjoy playing and constantly fantasize. You can make it from the most different materials that remain after repair or construction. If you live in an apartment, then you can always find a corner in it that can accommodate a small structure. Building a children's house with your own hands is not at all difficult. This will be discussed in the article.

Undoubtedly, the choice of materials for making a house is quite large. Almost everything is suitable for making a simple design. The most common types of gaming houses are:

  • wood;
  • cardboard;
  • fabric (like a wigwam);
  • plasterboard.

Since we are talking about a miniature house, it should be decorated according to all the rules. At a minimum, pillows, boxes of toys and a table should be placed here. If the place allows, and the parents’ imagination has no limits, then the resulting children’s home is decorated and decorated not only inside, but also outside. This will only add interest and intrigue the baby. If you want to make a site with a house in the country, it is worth considering the impact of atmospheric phenomena.

If the child is old enough (over one year old), then it is worth involving him in the process. This way, the baby will be able to learn simple skills and develop fine motor skills through the game.

Before drawing up a drawing of the future building, you need to think through several main points, namely the type and type of house, as well as its dimensions. To do everything correctly, you need to define the following parameters:

  1. Type: open or closed.
  2. Dimensions: total area and height.
  3. Placement: on the ground or on a tree.
  4. Material for production.
  5. Incorporation of windows and doors into the design.
  6. Additional elements: extensions, fencing, slide, stairs, sandbox and others.
  7. Interior design.

Also, when developing a building plan, you should consider a few more points:

  • mobility or stationarity;
  • the height of the doors should be at the ceiling;
  • exclude places of injury (corners and protruding nails);
  • The roof should not be flat so that a child cannot climb on it.

The drawn up diagram will allow you to assemble the structure exactly according to the specified parameters, which means the result will be excellent. If there is no time to develop a sketch, then you can use the ready-made drawings that are given in the article.

The windows and doors provided in the children's house must face the house so that parents can constantly monitor the child.

Since a wooden house is one of the most common for outdoor placement, we will consider it in more detail. The list of its advantages includes: practicality, strength, durability and safety, which is important. To make a children's house out of wood, you need to follow this stage of work.

First of all, you need to decide on the place on which the house will be built. This point is especially important when it comes to a permanent structure. Undoubtedly, every child's biggest dream is to have their own playhouse in a tree, but this, in turn, increases the possibility of injury, so we will focus on a hut built on the ground. If desired, it can be supplemented with other children's elements for the game.

When choosing a place, focus on an area where there will be shade after lunch. It will not be hot in such a house, and the child will be able to play throughout the day. Also, do not forget that there should be no obstacles nearby, since a child who is keen on playing will not notice flower beds, beds or building materials. This will also provide high level security.

Separate the children's play area with a low border, for example, made from car tires.

All dimensions are chosen arbitrarily depending on wishes and available material. If we are talking about a small playhouse, then the following dimensions will be sufficient:

  • width – 160 cm;
  • height – 150 cm.

At the first stage, the foundation is prepared. Despite the fact that we are talking about a simple structure, in order for it to last at least 5 years, it is worth considering the presence of an elementary foundation layer. So, as a base, it will be enough to fill the site with a small layer of crushed stone or compact the soil well with the addition of sand.

When decorating the floor of the house, you can choose one of the common options:

  1. Support beams are laid on the prepared and compacted base and the floor is covered.
  2. Aerated concrete supports are placed only at the corners of the house. The prepared floor frame is fixed only at the corners.

Don't forget about this important point, as waterproofing, which can be a simple roofing material. Special mastics are also suitable, if any remain after construction. This stage will extend the life of the playhouse.

The base of the floor will be simple wooden boards 3 cm thick. They are connected into a rectangular box and fixed with metal corners, which will add strength. For greater reliability, experts recommend installing additional cross bars. In the role finishing material sheets of MDF or chipboard will serve, you can even use wooden boards. After the floor is ready, it is necessary to treat it with protective agents (antiseptics) and paint it.

The presence of a small gap will allow air to circulate well and ventilate the house after rain or winter.

To build the walls of the playhouse, it will be quite enough to use the beams from which the frame is mounted. After this, it is sewn up with clapboard or the same shields. During the installation process, do not forget about windows and doors:

  1. Wooden beams with a cross-section of 6×4 cm and the required length (depending on the height of the building) are installed in all corners.
  2. Installation of beams under doors and windows. Nails or special corners can act as fasteners.
  3. Installation of additional spacers between the rafters (half height). This will add more strength to the base.
  4. Horizontal beams for windows and doors are prepared in advance: they cut off the required length (the calculation is made depending on the width of the cladding material).
  5. For the roof frame, you need to take two bars and knock them together into a corner (the shape of an incomplete triangle, the wall will serve as the base). The free ends are reinforced on the upper beams of the walls. Depending on the size of the house, from 2 to 4 pieces of such triangles are prepared.

When installing the roof frame, the front and rear elements are first secured, and then the middle parts are placed.

Now you can begin to directly cover the frame of the playhouse. Common materials in this case are:

  • lining;
  • shields;
  • boards.

In the case of lining, the process is much simpler, since there is no need to adjust all the elements to the specified dimensions. They also connect easily to each other. In this case, the roof is closed edged boards, and is protected by roofing felt. If there are tiles or ondulin left, then they will do. Everything will depend on your imagination and capabilities.

Here is a real and full-fledged playhouse. The final touch is the design and decoration. How to do this? This will also completely depend on the available materials and desire. It is enough to be guided simple tips and recommendations:

  • paint the building in bright and colorful colors;
  • involve children in work;
  • You can buy appropriate fittings for doors and windows;
  • A table and chairs are installed inside, which are also pre-painted.

Always remember safety. Everything that is inside the playhouse and the structure itself should not have sharp elements.

A simpler design is the structure made of simple sheets plywood. But, despite its simplicity, such a house will delight every child and allow him to expand his imagination for games every day. This type of construction has a lot of advantages, but the main thing is that it requires a minimum of time and effort.

As in the previous case, a plywood house should first be sketched on a piece of paper in order to know the exact result. Consider the scale and calculate the required amount of materials. The construction site is cleared and leveled.

You should also collect all the tools that will be needed during construction:

  • stationery knife;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • sandpaper;
  • jigsaw;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • brushes and rollers;
  • screwdriver

The list of materials must include:

  1. Sheets of plywood 8-12 mm thick.
  2. Wooden beam with a section of 5×5 cm.
  3. Soft tiles.
  4. Plexiglas for windows.
  5. Glazing beads.
  6. Fasteners: nails and screws (give preference to stainless steel elements).
  7. Hinges for doors and window shutters (if provided).
  8. Paints and varnishes.

You should also take care of personal protective equipment in advance: gloves, work clothes, goggles and a respirator.

Using a hacksaw, the timber is cut into pieces for mounting the frame. All elements are cleaned with sandpaper and treated with antiseptics against fungus.

  1. We cut sheets of plywood using a saw or electric jigsaw to the elements according to the existing diagram. To maintain accuracy, we use a tape measure. Edges are also trimmed and processed. protective compounds. During the work there will be a lot of dust, which is removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. We select a place. The site must be absolutely dry, without tall vegetation around. It is ideal if there is a specially designated children's area, where a sandbox, slide and swing are already equipped.
  3. We clear the selected area of ​​grass by removing upper layer soil. A layer of sand or expanded clay is poured and compacted. For convenience, limiters are placed in the form of wooden boards. Rubber or foam can serve as a water barrier. In order to completely limit the contact of the house with water, it is recommended to provide for the construction of a support.
  4. There should also be no difficulties in building the frame. In the process, the width of the plywood elements is taken into account. A frame is being built with a certain step for bars. Since the house is summer, there is no question of insulation.
  5. After the frame of the house is ready, you can move on to arranging the roof. A gable shape with a slope that a child cannot climb is best suited. Flat roof it is much easier and faster to do, but in this case the baby may be injured if he decides to climb on it.
  6. The roof frame is also made of beams, after which the sheathing is filled (the pitch corresponds to the width plywood sheet). When everything is ready, you should treat the surface with protective agents against rain and snow. Among the great variety roofing materials it is best to give preference to soft models that do not highlight harmful substances and are not dangerous.
  7. Sheathing the frame is carried out using a screwdriver or a hammer. In the latter option, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the ends of the nails do not come out and cause injury to the child. If this happens, then you need to grind them off with a file. All cracks and holes are sealed polyurethane foam to avoid drafts.
  8. Before painting, the playhouse is carefully primed. You can paint using any of the methods you prefer. Posters with images of children’s favorite heroes will complement the decoration.

When developing a drawing, it is worth taking into account the age and height of the child. The first indicator will set the theme of the gaming house, and the second - the dimensions.

Do not forget that the final stage of the arrangement will be the installation of windows and fixing of doors. Windows are cut out of plexiglass in accordance with the window opening. They are fixed with glazing beads and small nails. For greater strength and reliability, the edges should be treated with sealant. The picture will be complemented by beautiful platbands, which will add more comfort.

There is no need for a massive door in a playhouse. In most models it is completely absent, but for a greater sense of usefulness it is worth providing for them. Only 1 layer of plywood is suitable for it, which is reinforced with transverse dies. Fixed on door hinges and painted.

A house on supports provides for a staircase or a small threshold. Its width should correspond to the doorway. The steps should be wide so as not to fall during active play.

Any children's building will not be difficult for a person who knows how to use a hammer. All you have to do is pick correct scheme or compose it yourself, and then strictly follow the specified parameters and data. Don’t limit your imagination, and also involve your baby, who will tell you what and how will be more convenient for him in his own playhouse.


This video shows an example of how to do wooden house for a child:

Photo instructions

The photo instructions we offer show you step by step how to make a playhouse:


Ideas different types houses for children:


These diagrams show how to make calculations for a children's house, which will allow you to quickly think through your project: