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Wooden house with your own hands. DIY wooden house How to build a wooden house

Owners of suburban areas often plan to build a residential building on their own land. For construction, many choose wooden materials- it is both environmentally friendly and beautiful, and the work will not be particularly difficult.

A wooden house is environmentally friendly, beautiful, and most importantly, easy to build.

Construction technology wooden houses quite simple, it does not require a huge investment of time and effort. Even those of the builders who do not have much experience are able to build a wooden house with their own hands in a short time. Of course, for this you will need to study some information, it is advisable to consult with more experienced craftsmen who will be able to point out the nuances of this work and give advice on particularly difficult moments.

Future home project

Scheme wooden house.

An important stage will be the drafting of a residential building made of wood. To build a house with your own hands, the calculations should be performed as accurately and accurately as possible, since in the future this will seriously affect the amount that you will need to pay for materials.

You can draw the project yourself or contact the design company for this, where they will help you draw up a preliminary plan in strict accordance with the wishes of the customer. In construction companies, the drawing up of a plan is carried out in compliance with all geometric rules. In this case, seismic resistance and other equally important factors will be taken into account.

Foundation of a wooden house

After the project is prepared, you can start building the foundation. In the technology of building a house from wooden building materials, a foundation is provided, which is carried out in accordance with all standards of reliability and strength. The stronger the foundation, the more durable the house will be.

The type of base must be selected depending on the following parameters:

  • characteristics of the soil base;
  • expected load value;
  • features of a particular building.

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Screw scheme pile foundation for a wooden house.

The base can be made of wood or concrete. Some developers choose a concrete foundation. Posted on it brick plinth, and then they make walls from a beam. Others want the structure to be entirely made of wood.

There are the following types of foundation that can be installed under wooden house:

  • tape;
  • buried;
  • shallow;
  • columnar.

A shallow or strip foundation is usually laid at the base of a house made of timber. Prepare a platform for it. Remove everything that can interfere with work: grass and shrubs, stumps, bumps. When the site is cleared, it's time to move on to preparing the foundation pit. It must be dug in accordance with the dimensions specified in the project.

Soil that is removed during the preparation of the pit, clean away. Determine the depth of the foundation, depending on the type of soil and the depth of its freezing. Fill the bottom of the prepared trench with a mixture of sand and gravel, after which everything is watered and properly rammed. To strengthen the strength of the foundation, it is better to perform it with reinforcement. Concrete for pouring into prepared formwork can be made independently or purchased ready-made.

After the concrete is poured into the formwork, its surface must be periodically sprinkled with water so that it does not crack during the hardening process. It is possible to continue work only when the concrete gains the necessary strength. It is determined depending on specific conditions: temperature environment, used materials and so on.

How to make walls and floor?

It is necessary to build the frame of a wooden house exclusively from dry boards without any defects.

After the foundation for the house is ready, start building a log house. Assembly technology must be chosen as carefully as possible.

Before execution bottom strapping of the future structure on the base around the entire perimeter, lay out the roofing material in two layers. The bars should be chosen carefully, they should be even, without rot and cracks. At the corners, it is better to carry out the pairing of the bars using the tongue-and-groove connection.

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The bars are joined together using rectangular or round dowels and 200 mm nails. If there are curved ones among the bars, it is better to cut them and put them in openings, window or door. The selected material is laid on the base and fastened with staples.

Let's move on to laying out the genital lags. For them, the bars are laid in increments of 1 m. The ends of the log can be installed directly on the base, if its width allows this. If not, tie-ins must be made into the harness, into which lags can be inserted. For large spans, you will need to arrange columns. On the logs, a temporary flooring is created from unedged boards.

Now you can start building walls. Put the tow on the lower crown in an even layer 1 cm thick. Lay the second crown on the tow, and continue, covering each row of bars with tow. Each crown on nails is attached to the beams of the overlying and underlying crowns. window blocks fasten to the wall every 3 crowns.

Scheme of floor insulation in a wooden house.

In the logs that are used to build buildings, special grooves are made, thanks to which individual elements are firmly connected to each other. Raw pine timber is used when they want to get a simplified version of the construction of a log house. It does not even require the use of special equipment, since the beam is very light. In order to carry out work in the upper part of the structure, it will be necessary to make scaffolding.

Wood is a rather capricious material, and it is desirable to treat the walls of the building with special compositions to ensure fire resistance and strength.

Laying out the walls can be completed when the distance from floor to ceiling exceeds 2.4 m. Check the last of the crowns diagonally and elevation marks, fasten with brackets in the corners.

Roof and floor installation

You can choose different materials for the roof, depending on the selected truss and roofing systems. For different areas, the use of boards is recommended. different size. So, for racks, braces and rafters, materials of different lengths and thicknesses will be required.

The technology of building a wooden house from a bar with your own hands in stages. Those who have country house, like no one else are interested in building a wooden house. If you build a residential building from a bar, you will have comfortable housing, which differs from many buildings in high quality.

The technology of building a house from a bar is simple, and anyone who knows how to use or an electric saw can take up this business.

Let's take a look at how it all works.

With the choice of materials, construction begins. The main thing at this stage is to choose quality material. What do you need to know to make the right choice?

Properties such as strength and density are inherent in wood, and this can even be compared with metals, which means that the requirements for choosing a material for are many times higher. In a wooden house, the walls must be strong, have long term operation, and will also be excellent sound insulators. In addition, wooden walls must support temperature regime in the house. But wood also has a number of disadvantages, since it does not have fire resistance, with sedimentary deformation, which can appear soon after construction.

Building a house

We design

Next, you need to be even more careful, since creating a project at home is not so simple. When planning, you should carefully calculate everything, as it will play important role when purchasing material. You can draw the project yourself, but there are many companies that will provide you ready plans corresponding to the wishes of the customer. If you contact a construction company, the plan will be developed according to all geometric rules, and such a factor as seismic resistance and others will also be taken into account.

Foundation set of timber

When you have dealt with the project, you should proceed to. The technology for building a house from a bar is also designed for the presence of a foundation, which must fully comply with all standards of strength and reliability.


The foundation and its choice depends on such factors:

  • Characteristics of the soil on which it will be.
  • Estimated load weight.
  • Structural features.

The foundation is wooden and. Some developer companies prefer a concrete base on which to lay out, and only after that, walls made of timber. But there are those who want a completely wooden house.


Another foundation happens:

  • Shallow
  • Deep laying.

The most common of them are shallow and. According to technology, it should have a depth of 0.5 to 0.7 m.

Building a house

After everything is ready with the foundation, the construction of the log house begins. In this case, it is important to choose correct assembly. The technology for building walls from timber is produced in rows. By analogy, in such houses, timber is laid on timber, like layers of lettuce, on top of each other. Thus, you will gradually build walls.

The logs that will be used for construction have special grooves that make it possible to make a tight connection. For insulation at the joints, a special material is used. You can strengthen the walls and make them stronger thanks to the spikes that connect the bars.

In a simplified version of the construction, raw pine timber is used. It is very light and does not require the use of a crane.

After that, when building a house from a bar, you need to take into account some of the nuances. The seams must be caulked so that there is no blowing, and the walls must be treated with certain substances to ensure their fire resistance and strength.

Floor installation and roof construction

Quite often, when building a house from beams, they use cheap material like . But the roof in such a house should not be of poor quality, which means that it is impossible to save on this element. It can be of any kind, it all depends on truss systems and type of roof. On each section of the roof you need to install boards. For braces and racks, boards of 10 * 4 cm are usually taken, and for rafters 15 * 4.

After the construction of the roof, you need to proceed to. It is done in two stages: first they lay floorboard, and after intermediate, between them you need to lay a heat insulator.

Interior decoration

The final stage in the technology of building a house from profiled timber is the finishing of the house from the inside. This includes the installation of partitions and frames, door frames, lay the rough flooring, on which the insulation will be laid afterwards. In the end we get it all out top coat. In addition, all communications are laid - water supply, electricity, sewerage and heating.


Regarding exterior finish it all depends on the wishes of the owners of the house. You can not finish the house and thus get housing in rustic style, or you can paint with your favorite color - it all depends on you!

Wood is a practical and convenient building material with excellent performance characteristics. It is relatively inexpensive, environmentally friendly and safe for humans. Therefore, a wooden house built with their own hands is perfect for people who are used to taking care of their health and using safe and natural products. possible without the help of professionals. It is enough to have elementary skills in construction, time and desire.

Preparation for the construction of a wooden house

Before you start building a house with your own hands, prepare a sufficient amount necessary materials and tools. To work, you will need the following:

  • concrete mixer;
  • wooden beam;
  • tow;
  • saw (preferably gasoline);
  • ruberoid;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • antiseptic;
  • screws and nails;
  • corrugated board;
  • drill;
  • electric planer;
  • scaffolding;
  • wooden sheet.

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Foundation for a wooden house

As a rule, houses from a bar are built in conditions of low-rise construction. It is not recommended to build a wooden house with more than 2 floors. If you are planning to build two-storey house, then the upper floor is strongly recommended to be made an attic.

A wooden house can be built on a shallow foundation, because. the finished structure will be quite light. The most commonly used are shallow columnar and strip foundations. The tape structure must be reinforced.

In the case of a prefabricated base, reliable fastening should be used to achieve the required strength. It must be fixed along the entire lower harness.

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Step-by-step instructions for building a frame

A wooden house can be built on a wooden and metal base. Metal frames are less popular, because. they are 40-50% more expensive. However, they are lighter in weight, which further saves on the construction of the foundation.

If finances allow, then oak should be used for the basis of a frame house. However, if it is not possible to use this material it can be replaced. Corner connections are carried out according to the thorn-groove method. Adjust the bars close to each other, without gaps. The beam must have a cross section of 15 cm².

When building a wooden house, it is not recommended to use metal mounts. Over time, the metal will begin to oxidize and cause rotting processes in the wood. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to refrain from using nails and self-tapping screws. They are perfect instead wooden dowels. They allow you to extend as much as possible, built with your own hands.

In the process of arranging a wooden house, its thermal insulation is necessarily carried out.

Insulation is easiest to install in wall gaps. However, in order to achieve the necessary spatial strength, the foundation of the house must be installed with braces. Otherwise, under the influence external loads your wooden house can warp and even collapse. In accordance with building codes and regulations, the frame must be erected using three braces. They must be made of the same material as the vertical frame posts.

The outer side of the frame is sheathed with wood panels. It is recommended to mount it at an angle of about 45 degrees, and not strictly horizontally. Most often, lining is used for sheathing.

A grooved board with a width of 60 mm is also suitable. Be sure to take into account the fact that during the first few years after the completion of the construction of a wooden house, the material may dry out due to various atmospheric influences. So no need to nail the skin with special zeal.

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Floor Installation Guide

First of all, a beam with a section of 150x150 mm is laid along the perimeter of the future walls of the house. He must be best quality. Before laying the timber, it will be necessary to lay the roofing material and apply a special antiseptic composition that will protect the wood from moisture and pests. To fasten the beam, use anchor bolts in increments of 200 cm. Be sure to use a level when setting corners. They must be set as accurately as possible. Make sure that the deviations do not exceed 10 mm.

Bearing structures, floors and walls of a wooden house are made of the same material. If you break this rule, then due to the different expansion coefficients, your wooden house may squint very soon. For the device of the subfloor, it is allowed to use the cheapest material, for example, uncut boards are well suited. Install lags. In the future, between them will be mounted thermal insulation material. Finished floor boards are laid on top of the thermal insulation.

After completing the arrangement of the floor of a wooden house, you can proceed to one of the most important stages - the construction of walls.

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How to build walls and roof?

The walls of a wooden house can only be built on a flat and dry surface. Otherwise, they will be oblique. To assemble the wall frame, use boards of the same width and length. It is best that their height is equal to the height of the rooms of your future home. If possible, make the ceilings high (at least 250 cm). This will ensure more intensive air circulation and optimal temperature conditions inside the house. However, building a house with high ceilings will require more wood. Do not make ceilings lower than 2.5 m. In such rooms, you will feel constant pressure and discomfort.

When calculating wall sections, consider the planned and permissible loads on the floor. The beams are installed in increments of 30, 40 and 60 cm. The width of the boards used is selected taking into account the quality of the selected sheathing.

Siding can be used to cover the walls of a wooden house. In this case, take a step equal to 20-30 cm. Take into account the plastic properties of the skin and its low resistance to stress. Siding is one of the most practical and, which is also very important, durable materials. Its installation will not cause you any difficulties. After the device, it does not need to be painted and varnished. The main disadvantage of siding is its artificial origin. If chipboard, pseudo-beam and similar materials will be used for sheathing, increase the step to 40-60 cm.

As a rule, sandwich panels are used in the construction of a wooden house. They weigh and cost little. This allows you to significantly reduce the load on the base and reduce construction costs. And the finished wooden house will be quite light. Another big advantage of such panels is their low thermal conductivity. They allow you to solve the problems associated with the thermal insulation of a wooden house much faster and easier.

At the end, the construction of the roof is carried out. Can be used for roofing different materials: corrugated board, natural tiles, ondulin, etc. Specific solution choose according to your preferences and available budget.

The roof device begins with the installation of the ceiling. Raise the ceilings up, set them in place and secure with special nails. On the mounted floors, make a temporary flooring.

Next, you will need to assemble and install the rafters. It is best to do them right on the roof. This will save you from having to lift a fairly heavy structure onto the roof of a wooden house. To connect the rafters, it is recommended to use not nails, but bolts. This option much more reliable.

With its lower part, the rafters should rest on a protruding beam. At the joints, they need to be nailed, and for greater reliability, additionally tightened with staples. Install all the rafters and proceed to the device of the crate. It is fastened with a screwdriver and screws.

Proceed to the roof deck. Lay roofing material on the finished crate (at least 2 layers), then fix the metal corrugated board. In the modern construction market, special screws are sold for fastening corrugated board. There is a special rubber gasket between the thread and the head of such screws. Such fasteners prevent metal corrosion.

Now you know how to do it yourself. Successful work!

Our article today is more specific - about wall materials for wooden housing construction.

And FORUMHOUSE users will help us understand them.

From our material you will learn:

  • About the features of wooden houses;
  • About what forest it is better to build a house from;
  • About the pros and cons of wooden houses;
  • What is the difference between a hand-cut log and a rounded log;
  • What are the types of timber.

Features of a wooden house

One of the main advantages of living in a wooden house is a favorable microclimate. It is easy to breathe in a house built of wood, it is cool in summer and warm in winter, it has a special, "home" atmosphere.

These features are due to the properties of the tree. Wooden walls have low thermal conductivity - like in a stone building, but the walls in a wooden house are thinner.

This reduces construction costs. Since a wooden house weighs less than a stone one, there is no need to build a strong foundation under it. And with an appropriate wall thickness, a wooden house does not need to be additionally insulated.


- In my opinion, for a house for permanent residence in Moscow and the region for walls, it is enough to take a profiled beam with a thickness of 190-195 mm. If you take ordinary timber 150 mm thick, you will need additional insulation on the facade in 50 mm. A rounded log must be at least 260 mm in diameter.

The greatest heat losses do not go through the walls, but through a poorly insulated floor, roof and improperly installed windows.

It is also necessary to build from a log, paying attention not to the diameter of the material itself, but to the width of the groove (the place where the logs are stacked on top of each other). You can put a log house with logs with a diameter of more than 300 mm, but with a groove only 5-7 cm wide. As a result, the actual thickness of the log wall will be the same 5-7 cm and, despite the spectacular appearance a house made of such logs will be very cold in winter. Even heating on the main gas will not save.

Therefore, before starting the construction of a wooden house, it is important to understand why it is being built and how it will be operated: how summer cottage or as a permanent residence.

If wooden house is used in the "dacha" mode, then upon arrival at the site it warms up quickly, and a well-heated wooden house, built of thick logs, thanks to their heat capacity, retains heat for a long time (the walls act as a heat accumulator).

Even in an unheated wooden house there is no feeling of dampness, because. wood, due to its good vapor permeability, removes excess steam and moisture to the outside. Studies have shown that the movement of steam and air in a log occurs more in the longitudinal than in the transverse direction.

Thermal energy from a wooden house goes out the other way around - across the log.

Because steam, tending outward, moves in a perpendicular (along the annual rings) direction, there is no mixing of these flows.

Steam does not reach the outer, cooled layers in wooden wall and is removed through the ends in the logs, and does not condense when a "dew point" occurs.

Therefore, a favorable microclimate is maintained in a wooden house.

When building a wooden house and choosing materials for its decoration, it is important to follow the principle: the degree of vapor permeability of materials should increase from the inside out.

Among the advantages of wooden houses are:

  • spectacular appearance;
  • finishing appearance of the walls: they do not need additional external and interior decoration except for coloring.

Despite all the advantages, a tree, like a wall construction material, is not without a number of shortcomings.

A wooden cottage takes a long time to sit down, so you can’t immediately start finishing it - insert windows, doors, etc. The house should "stand" under a temporary roof. On average, this process takes about a year. Shrinkage of walls: the change in their height depending on the degree of moisture saturation of the source material can be from 3 to 12%. Therefore, even at the stage of the project, it is important to include this coefficient in the height of the streams.

Timber can start to rot, it can be driven or “helicoptered”, it is prone to cracking and attack by pests. Also, the tree needs comprehensive protection from the damaging effects of water and sunlight. To combat these phenomena, the wood is treated with fire-bioprotective agents, painted and impregnated with special compounds.

Wood is a “living”, capricious material, which is constantly influenced by external adverse weather factors. Find out from our news how and what to protect

The best tree for a log house

Photo report on the construction of a wooden frame house A 8x10 do it yourself.

Project plan

A decision has been made, we are building a frame house according to new technology. Specific plan:

  • The house is designed to accommodate no more than 4-5 people
  • In the summer the house is used daily, in the winter between Friday and Sunday.
  • Estimated footage up to 150 square meters.
  • The selected site is located 20 kilometers from the city limits.
  • The heating system includes a heat pump, with a special geothermal circuit element.
  • The technology "heat-insulated floor" is used.
  • The design of the sewerage system is based on a septic tank with three channels, the discharge of compounds into the drainage pipe.

Preparation for work

All that is available is a plot unprepared for construction, there is no gas, water supply and electrical energy. There are 20 tons of sand, about 10 tons of gravel and within 3 cubic meters boards. On preparatory stage a working temporary hut is being built to store materials, working tools. The temporary building is built of wood, covered with metal.

Foundation construction

A frame house 8x10 is being built from the construction of a high-quality foundation. The trench is prepared by means of a standard dig; a grillage built on bored piles is selected as a foundation. It is used when working on well development, first a drill using TISE technology, after which special machine, with its help, 38 holes are prepared, the depth of which is 220 centimeters. For a pile diameter of 30 centimeters, reinforcement with a diameter of about 14 millimeters is accepted.

Fits 10 centimeters sand mixture, control of work is carried out by means of lasers. After checking the level, another 10 centimeters of gravel are laid, and the reinforcing cage is tied. It was planned to choose a foundation using TISE technology, but the fertile layer under the structure is not the optimal solution. Rostverk made it possible to quickly build an 8 by 10 frame house, making it an excellent alternative. The columns are cleaned, smeared with a special concrete contact.

Manufacturing grillage

Formwork is made of high quality laminated plywood and OSB material - 9 mm. Next, the structure is poured with a mixer, the material is dispersed over the surface of the formwork. The last procedure is simple, but when the formwork is extruded by the earth, we must strengthen the structure. The construction of a basement structure is in progress, for which bricks are imported. Sorting of bricks is carried out, marriage is excluded, reducing its quantity to a minimum.

Plinth structure laying

Next, we build a frame house from the stage of laying the basement. The operation is carried out with the direct placement of bricks in three rows, while a special masonry mesh is located between the second and third rows. After we proceed to the assembly of the formwork. During the installation of the formwork on the beams, the planned position of the septic tank is necessarily marked, after which an excavator is used to carry out the digging work. When we build a frame house, we take into account that the septic tank is located directly away from the house itself and closer to the level of the road. On the site, one section of the fence is expected to be removable, which will allow you to get quick access to the pit for a sewage truck.

Sewer preparation

From the septic tank, two drainage pipes. Corresponding pits are drilled in the brick, having a depth of 3 centimeters, after which the corresponding rods are inserted into them. In a dug trench under the right and left branches of the geothermal type circuit, it is planned to install a well for water, as well as a collector. Water pipes are laid in the trenches, of which there will be three.

We reuse the formwork at the beam construction stage, the second span is already installed by 50 centimeters, which makes it easy to use no more than four sets of beam formwork. When to create fixed formwork, the work uses an inch board. A septic tank, a geothermal circuit have already been added to the foundation, a water well has been worked out.

A pit with a width of three meters and a similar depth is being built as a septic tank. The depth is chosen by the reserve, the bottom is filled with sand, it is done by leveling, sewer pipes. The length of the pipe is 20 meters, in case it is cleaned, inspection pipes are inserted in the central part so that a technological hole is provided for cleaning. The slope of the pipe is 2.5 centimeters by one meter, the entire length is 0.5 meters, the end will be above the established ground level exit.

The pipe is wrapped in geofabric, which is fixed with lavsan twine. Drainage pipes are filled up in the reverse order, with gravel, sand. The septic tank was chosen as three-chamber, although in fact from one, but additionally equipped with special partitions. Asbestos-cement plate is used for partitions, the liquid outlet is adjustable check valve. The volume of the septic tank is 7 cubic meters, which is enough for 11 people.

Filling the floor

When pouring the floor, the structure is not tied to the outgoing reinforcement beams. The floor is reinforced with fiberglass, thickness 6 cm, construction - "shell". Beacons are nuts, they are screwed onto rods that are installed at a higher height. For control, a cord was pulled through the span, according to the level of the nuts. After pouring the floor, we strengthen the strapping beam. The structure is drilled through at the points where the rods pass. A recess is drilled in the upper part for a nut with a washer.

Installing the wall frame

We start the pipes of the geothermal circuit into the boiler room, fix the second end in the well of the well, and place the collector. Three water pipes PND-40 are brought into the bathroom. Water is supplied through one of them, electricity is supplied to the well through the second, and the third will be a spare in case of freezing.

The wall frame is being laid, the attachment points, problem areas are calculated. In the process of installing walls, attention is paid to strengthening the problematic beams, the loads on the surface of the material from the side of the second floor structure are taken into account. The decision was made to strengthen general design frame by adding a row of beams (in areas with a distance of 1.5-2.0 meters). After mounting the frame, walls are installed, bosses are nailed to the bottom of the racks, OSB forms the rigidity of the walls.

Construction of the second floor, roof

By the time the second floor is erected, electricity is being supplied to the first. On the beams (the base of the floor of the second floor) are installed at the joints through the racks. To lift weights, a hoist is used, placed in the structure of the house. The walls are blown out with glass wool (approximately 2/3), GKL is stuffed around the entire perimeter. For waterproofing inner surface upholstered with reinforced film, pressed with 4 mm plywood.

For blowing, a grate is used, dividing the space into separate pillows. Beam fasteners are used as ceilings. The spans between the lags are hemmed with plywood, technicol is used as a heater, 40 cubes, which are covered with a membrane on the ceiling from above. The rafters in the structure lie on the racks, due to the presence of windows with different pitches. After the first slope, the second one is laid, the same insulation is used. Onduvilla was chosen as the material for the roof, it was decided not to use any iron.

Window installation

Among the two options for installing windows, one with unpacking, or installing immediately with a double-glazed window, it was decided to choose the second one. Complexity - the high weight of the frame structure, about 50 kilograms. Option - a ramp is being built to lift the structure to the second floor. Frames were made to order, the installation was done independently.