In a private house      06/26/2020

Making crafts from tires. DIY tire crafts - beautiful crafts made from car tires (125 photos). Instructions for making a car from wheels

« Changing tires is not the most pleasant experience. Especially when I didn’t plan to do it and wanted to hold out on the old one for another season! - says my husband. But unforeseen circumstances happen, and buying new tires does not mean that you need get rid of old tires! And this was proven by our neighbors in the country, who used the tires wisely.

Aunt Zina once took several old tires from her husband’s garage and began experimenting. And this process fascinated her so much that within a month, friends began to flock to their garden to look at this miracle.

Tire crafts for the garden

And indeed, decorate your summer cottage or the courtyard near the house can be covered with ordinary old tires. Many masters make real masterpieces out of them!

In addition, in our country, recycling of used tires is not yet available. high level, and we can see rubble from tires thrown directly onto the street. But you can combine business with pleasure and create jewelry for summer cottage, DIY gardening, these crafts will be both functional and beautiful.

Editorial "So simple!" I have prepared 15 ideas for you, how to recycle old tires for decorating the garden and home.

Tire crafts

  1. The most simple idea- use tires to create a small flower bed.

    To do this, leave the tire as is, just decorate it brightly and fill it with earth. Nothing complicated. Even this can be done elderly woman or a child, but such a flower garden will look wonderful.

  2. Or you can put the tires on top of each other and make seats and armrests from the scraps of the top part of the tire.

  3. Stylish and unusual decoration for the garden!

  4. An original place to relax in the fresh air.

  5. Flower beds from old tires in the form of various objects are made like this: the tire is cut into two unequal parts and the larger one is turned inside out.

    It is worth noting that the edges of tires can be made various shapes, it’s all just a matter of imagination and sleight of hand. Using this technique, flower beds are made in the form of a mug, flower, or vase. A huge rubber cup made from tires looks very funny. And some craftsmen build an entire tea set on their site in this way.

  6. Or you can turn old and unnecessary tires into a wonderful space for children to play!

  7. Another idea - figures of animals from old car tires . They will create the mood in the garden or garden.

  8. What can you say about this original sink?

  9. Have no doubt: everything that is done for children is the most important. In the simplest version, you need to pour sand inside a large wheel - and you get a sandbox. A painted wheel, and even with a pattern, will decorate the site.

    And by installing an umbrella in the sand, we get an option for little VIPs. For them, we put insulation for water pipes on the inner rim of the tire so that the kids don’t get scratched.

  10. Tires make great chairs!

  11. An unusual idea for a fence - tires laid on top of each other, sprinkled with earth and planted with climbing plants.

  12. Children will be indescribably delighted with such a wonderful swing.

  13. Original staircase to the house.

  14. You can also make shoe soles from old tires!

  15. I really like this low one coffee table with glass. Simple and stylish, isn't it?

Do you have a garden or vegetable garden and old unnecessary tires? Then you simply must make a cute craft. It will become the pride of your site if you do everything diligently and carefully. This does not require any special financial expenses, but the time needed is from a couple of hours to a couple of days.

Complex tire products

Now let's move on to considering more labor-intensive options for crafts made from tires. In fact, they are only slightly more complex than the previous ones. You will see this for yourself when you take a look at the master classes.

Making a swan

Manufacturing involves cutting, so it is better to take very worn rubber with a longitudinal pattern. The first stage of work is marking. Draw a swan's neck on the tire as shown in the photo. It should take up approximately half the length of the tire. Next, draw the outlines of the head (length about 10 cm) and beak (slightly shorter). The tail will begin where the beak originates, and therefore will have a forked end. Make it the same width as the neck, and let the length be about 30 cm.

Now it's time to move on to cutting. Depending on the condition and thickness of the rubber, perform the work using a shoe knife, grinder or jigsaw. It is better to cut on both sides of the tire in parallel. Having finished cutting, we begin to turn the workpiece inside out.

Tire swan - master class

The next stage is strengthening the neck and tail. To do this, make two holes along these parts every 15 cm. You will thread metal staples into them that will hold the rigid rod. After this, the neck and tail need to be given a beautiful bend.

The final stage is painting. You can make yourself either a white or a black swan. Let the beak be red. That's all.

Glamorous flowerpot

Previously, we looked at simple flowerpots made from tires for the garden plot. Now turn your attention to a more complex and attractive option. Draw a gigzag line on the tire and cut along it. When finished, turn the tire inside out. The cut piece usually serves as a stand. Now take some paint outdoor works any color and decorate your flowerpot to completion.

Flowerpot made from tires for the garden - master class

quiet lake

It’s always nice to make something useful out of a junk item, and if the craft turns out to be beautiful, it’s double the pleasure. One example is crafts made from tires. They are used to make decorations for the country house or garden plot, various flowerpots and flower beds, build children's attractions and even make country furniture- tables and chairs.

Flower beds and flower beds made from tires

Let's start with, perhaps, the simplest flower beds and flower beds. Do you think it’s difficult to make a multi-tiered one? Maybe, but not from tires. Take a few pieces different sizes, paint them in bright colors and stack them in a pile - one on top of the other. To prevent your slide from falling apart, fasten the tires from the inside using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Two per connection will be enough. You fill the soil inside and plant the plants. To prevent the soil from spilling out, you can cover the inside of the tire with a piece of . It will remove excess water, but will not allow the soil to spill out. A beautiful tiered flower garden is ready.

If you like flower beds correct form, you can do something like this. For example, making a flower bed in the shape of a chamomile out of tires. First, the tires in the lower tier are laid out and fastened together. Fill the middle of the tires with earth, as well as the free space inside the circle. You can put it there for better drainage. broken brick or other construction garbage, sprinkle a little earth on top and tamp down. On the prepared surface, stepping back from the edge by more than half the diameter of the tire, lay out the second tier. They are also fastened together, the middle is covered with soil, and the core is placed on top. You can plant tall flowers at the very top, and border or low-growing flowers on the lower tiers.

Another option for a flowerbed made of tires in the shape of a chamomile - in one tier. To do this you will have to cut the tires.

How to cut tires

In general, when making crafts from tires, they often need to be cut. This is far from easy. Can be cut off more or less easily lateral surface from the tread. People with strong arms and good knives do this manually. By the way, a good workout for the hands and the entire shoulder girdle. If you are going to cut with a knife, lubricate the blade with grease: the rubber constantly “jams” the metal, and the blade covered with grease slides out well.

You can also cut off the sidewall with a jigsaw or grinder. Cutting with a grinder is relatively quick, but the stench is wild. Therefore, with a grinder, even if there is one, only the first cut is made so that the jigsaw file can be inserted. Then they work with this tool. To cut rubber, take a blade with a reverse tooth made of good steel.

If you have to cut the tread, doing it with a jigsaw or, especially, with a knife is useless. Anyway with a regular knife. Blades made of special steel can even cut iron cord, but it is unlikely that anyone would want to disfigure such a tool about old tire. That’s why they most often work with an angle grinder. To avoid any troubles, the protector is secured: always think about safety. If the sidewalls have already been cut off, the tread tape is quite elastic and can be compressed with a clamp. Once cut, it will not spring back.

Flowerpot from a wheel: turning the tires out

If you have a tire with an old rim, you can use it to make a flowerpot with a leg.

To do this, cut one sidewall along the tread. And they turn it inside out. This is not an easy matter: considerable physical strength and perseverance. The rubber is elastic and it is impossible to turn it out the first time. If absolutely not possible, notches are made on the outside side across the tread. They should be quite deep, but not through. It will also help if you make cuts along the edge with a depth of at least 5-7 centimeters. They will look like fringe on an inverted tire.

Why do they turn it inside out? Inner surface smoother, and the shape may turn out to be more interesting, especially if the edge is made not linear, but jagged. The result will be a gracefully bent decoration.

For details on how to turn out a tire, watch the video.

In a similar way, you can turn out a tire without rim. The sequence of actions is the same. First, cut off one of the sidewalls - straight or zigzag. To ensure that the “petals” are even, it is advisable to mark them. It is convenient to do this with chalk. The mark is then cut with a jigsaw or knife (if the cord is synthetic).

They turn it like this: they step on inner part tires, grab the edge with your hands and pull up and towards you. It is important to achieve the first result: when at least some part is bent. If the tire looks like the photo below, it's already a success. It is developed by successively turning the edge inside out and standing on the already turned part so that it does not turn back.

Watch the process again in the video. This time they turn out the tire without the wheel (they cut it, by the way, with a knife).

Even by itself, such a tire turned inside out looks good. If you paint it, it becomes even better. If desired, they can be combined - different colors, sizes, installed differently: on a tire or on legs.

A tall flower bed always looks beautiful. Especially with hanging plants. It can also be made from tires, and there are several possibilities. The photo below shows two ways to secure cut tires at different levels. The first is to use stumps for this, to which flowerpots are attached with nails or screws. The second is to use reinforcement - three or four rods on which to put rubber. By putting on the right level tier, it needs to be secured; on metal this can only be done with the help of clamps.

It is not always possible to place a flowerpot on the ground: some areas are so developed that even one square meter it is problematic to single out. For this occasion, people came up with various hanging flowerpots, also made from old tires. Only a small part of the whole tire remains, so you have to cut a lot... be patient. For example, you can do hanging planters in the form of a dolphin, parrot, rooster and other strange birds. For some ideas, see the photos.

Tire planter - parrot, rooster and dolphin

All these crafts made from tires. Only a small part of them - the heads - are often made of dense foam. Cutting and sanding the part the desired shape, it is attached using self-tapping screws coated with glue (this is a secret, remember), and then painted. Watch the video to see how to make a parrot from a tire.

Below are posted step by step photos, which depict the main stages of creating a table or ottoman from a tire. You will need two more circles of plywood or fiberboard of a suitable diameter; hemp rope is used for finishing. From available materials you will need glue and a glue gun, as well as varnish and a brush for applying it. To connect the circles to the tire you will also need self-tapping screws - 8-10 pieces on each side.

Next we take glue gun and after heating the glue, apply it to the sidewall. If you don’t have such a luxury on your household, take the glue that’s in the tube bigger size, like " liquid nails" It's easier for them to work with mounting gun. Apply a stripe to the side and glue the hemp rope. So - all the way to the top.

Using the same technology, we decorate the lid of the table (ottoman). You need to start laying from the middle: apply glue, lay the rope.

Finishing the work - applying varnish. We do it slowly, soaking it well. This is what should happen as a result. If you made a table, you can put glass on top - a rope, even coated with varnish, is not the best best coverage for the table, although beautiful...

Variety can be achieved through the cover. It can be sewn from the dense material you like.

Cute ottoman...

You can knit it - large knitting looks interesting.

Large knitted cover - looks interesting

If you don’t want to sew or knit, you can use old knitted items cut into strips. They are cut into long strips 3-5 cm thick, rolled into balls and then wrapped around the ottoman. It turns out interesting, especially if several colors are combined.

If you need a taller ottoman, screw the two tires together with self-tapping screws and continue working with them in this form.

Another option, see the video

There is no need to rush to get rid of old tires by throwing them in a landfill.

And not only for the reason that this can harm the environment, but also because tires are easy to turn into useful and beautiful things.

You can do this with your own hands, without special skills, and necessary tools you almost always have it at home.

Options for what can be done from car tires, so many. Let's talk about the most interesting and useful ones.

It’s easy to create a house for flowers – a flower bed – from tires.

We divide the tire flowerbed like this:

  • put three wheels of different diameters on top of each other, starting from the widest;
  • We paint their outer sides (preferably with acrylic).

We fill the finished craft with soil and plant the plants.

Tire borders for flower beds

To separate the flowerbed from garden path or garden plot, we create tire borders-fences:

  • we mark the area where we will install rubber curbs;
  • cut the tires in half;
  • We dig in each part and paint it.

You can also create a fence that is also a flowerbed itself:

  • remove the tire (preferably with a special knife for rubber);
  • paint ( oil paint) and place it on the surface in a checkerboard pattern;
  • pour inside the tires mixture of gravel and sand, place soil on top of it;
  • we install the second tier of “wheels” on them;
  • we plant plants.

There are many more ways to install tires in your garden:

  • flowerpots;
  • beds;
  • decorative wells.

About how to do various crafts for flowers, read in detail.

Tire jewelry

It’s easy to make a variety of crafts, decorative items, and DIY garden decorations from tires.


We “plant” the plant like this:

  • cut the “wheels” into ribbons (5-6 pieces);
  • paint it bright green;
  • attach to wooden pegs driven into the ground or real tree trunks.

You can also create figurines of a swan or a parrot, which will also serve as flower beds.

Flower well

Garden furniture

You can make a comfortable sofa from tires, which can be placed in the country house or in the garden.

At first:

  • we create a place for a seat near the sofa - for this we use two or three wheels, put them in a row;
  • We put synthetic pads into the tire holes;
  • Now let's move on to creating the back— take the tires and secure them one above the other;
  • We place synthetic padding pillows in the middle.

If you want to learn how to make other pieces of furniture from car tires for your summer house and garden, get step by step instructions with photos, we recommend reading.

Paths for garden and vegetable garden

We create garden paths as follows:

  1. We free the tires from the tread.
  2. Cut into ribbons.
  3. We stretch them along attach to the board and nail it in.
  4. We place it on the site of the future path.

On our website you can also learn how to make crumb rubber with help .

Video on the topic

From the video you will learn many ideas for creativity so that worn tires can be put to good use.


Even if you don’t have the opportunity to deal with tires yourself, it’s still no need to throw them away. What to do in this case? Best option- This .

Used car tires do not need to be thrown away. After using them for their intended purpose, you can use the tires to decorate your yard or garden plot. More interesting ideas you can see it in others, but why not try to do the same near your home? After all, the process of making many crafts is very simple.
For this interesting figure, you need to dig one large tire into the ground, up to the middle of the circle. Secure a tall round log in front with self-tapping screws. You need to attach a muzzle to it - a small frame of a tree. Eyes and ears can be cut out from plastic bottle or a piece of linoleum. All that remains is to paint everything yellow and make brown spots.

This figure is made in exactly the same way as the giraffe, only the paint needed is white and black.

To make this you need 2 tires of the same size. Fix them together with self-tapping screws and attach them to the board (base). The elephant's head is a 10 liter plastic canister, ears are ovals from the same canister. The trunk is a piece of old corrugated pipe, the eyes are lids from canisters. Eyelashes can be cut from a plastic bottle. It's better to paint the elephant grey colour, or you can turn him into a cartoon orange hero.

This figure is made from two tires of different sizes connected to each other. The large tire is the body, and the small one is the head. To make the structure more stable than a tire, you can put it on a thin metal rod. You cut out the ears from plastic or linoleum. To cover the circles in the middle of the tires, you can use hardboard. If desired, the figurine can also have paws cut out of linoleum. After painting the bear becomes attractive decorative decoration garden

An original Russian toy – matryoshka. It can also be made from used tires. A total of 7 tires will be required. Five of them are attached to one another in a horizontal position - this is the torso. For greater fixation, you can place a tall log buried in the ground inside. A tire is attached vertically to the edge of this log - this is the head, the hollow holes are closed with circles of hardboard. On the sides you can place hands from a tire cut in half. Afterwards everything needs to be painted bright colors and draw a face. It turns out to be an interesting lady-madam.

Mickey Mouse
You can make two cartoon characters: a boy and a girl. Each character requires 4 tires. Two bearings are placed on the ground in a horizontal position, and two figure-eight tires are attached to them. The entire structure is supported by wood. Mickey Mouse's ears are made from plastic bucket lids, and his arms are made from pieces of plastic pipes. The bows, skirt, palms and faces must be cut out of linoleum. The lower tires are filled with fertile soil and can be used as mini-flower beds.
After painting, the characters look simply gorgeous and attractive!