In a private house      04/13/2019

How to easily and quickly clean the stove from carbon deposits. How to clean a stove: the best ways to effectively deal with grease and dirt

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 13 minutes


Every housewife knows that cleaning grease in the kitchen is not so easy. All sorts of things are coming to help metal brushes, sponges, chemical grease removers sold in stores, as well as folk remedies that anyone can use.

Let's consider the most effective methods kitchen cleaning household appliances from grease stains , proven by the experience of many housewives.

10 best products from the store for grease in the kitchen - we buy the best!

All modern means, sold in stores, are effective. They perfectly remove dried fat in a short period of time - 5-20 minutes, but to varying degrees they are toxic and harmful to the body.

Therefore, before cleaning the kitchen, you should purchase a pharmaceutical respirator; it will protect you from the fumes emitted by the chemical. In addition, you should protect your hands by wearing gloves.

We list the 10 best products that will help transform your kitchen furniture into its former, original appearance:

Very effective and strong remedy, which can really remove fat deposits in 1 minute. If you wait 5-10 minutes, you will not recognize your oil-stained stove at all. It removes any kind of dirt and is an antiseptic. But despite this, it is better to apply the product with gloves.

With this product you can clean the stove, hood, frying pan, microwave, pots and even tiles.

Many housewives like the result, so this product takes a leading position.

The cost of Sanita is approximately 100 rubles.

Very effective remedy. Perhaps it is the only one that contains a natural ingredient - soda, which allows you to easily and quickly clean stubborn, dried, old grease stains. It can be used for various surfaces, liquid should be sprayed through the dispenser.

The only drawback is the quick use. And the reason is that the product is universal and is used wherever possible.

Cinderella costs around 100 rubles.

Designed for stoves, frying pans, oven, is also great for cleaning other kitchen appliances. This is another product that does not contain harsh chemicals and is 100% biodegradable.

It is available in the form of a spray and gel. Their effectiveness is the same - they easily remove not just fat and oil, but also carbon deposits and soot.

This product has no disadvantages. Can be used in children's institutions. But for safety's sake, you should wear gloves.

The price of such a miracle remedy is 250-300 rubles.

You can buy it at any household store. According to reviews from housewives, it copes well with burnt-on stains, dry grease, oily stains, limescale and even mold.

It can be used to clean not only the stove, but also the microwave oven, range hood, and other equipment. It is intended for cleaning enamel, glass, plastic, ceramic surfaces.

They also note the convenience of packaging - using a spray you can save liquid consumption. Despite the non-irritating odor, the product emits harmful fumes.

Costs around 150 rubles.

Slightly inferior in terms of efficiency. It takes longer for the product to work.

Glass, plastic, ceramic, chrome and stainless steel surfaces are well cleaned from grease. You can clean the refrigerator, fume hood, inner side microwave and other household appliances. It has an antibacterial effect and can be used daily.

But there are disadvantages: it cannot be used on wooden, painted, varnished, aluminum objects, and also avoid getting chemicals on the skin.

The cost of the product is 120-200 rubles.

Works great on dirt different types and even bacteria, fungi, mold. This is an indispensable product that everyone who has pets should have.

They can be used to clean any surface, and can even be used on household appliances. Thanks to the packaging with a dispenser, you can not only reach difficult places, but also save on the consumption of cleaning fluid.

Despite the fragrance included in the composition, it is not recommended to use the spray without a protective mask and gloves.

The price of the product is high - from 200 to 300 rubles.

Cheaper than the previous product, and the effect is less. But it easily removes grease, dirt, and soot from any surface.

This product is excellent for cleaning kitchen stoves, grates, ovens, refrigerators, microwave ovens, convection ovens, and deep fryers. That's why it's universal remedy, since it can clean any surface.

There are also disadvantages. Firstly, it is quickly consumed, as it comes in the form of a gel. Secondly, it has a pungent odor that negatively affects the human body.

The product costs around 100 rubles.

Available in the form of a spray or gel. The effect is the same.

Can be cleaned on any surface. The action of the product is fast - less than 5 minutes. If the stains are too old, it is better to wipe them with warm water, and then apply Sif for 15 minutes and wipe off the grease with a sponge.

Many housewives do not notice the shortcomings. The result corresponds to the cost - from 150 to 200 rubles.

But a heavily contaminated surface, soot and carbon deposits may not be cleaned with this product. Gloves are required when using.

An inexpensive, but effective product that can clean kitchen appliances from fresh deposits to the oldest grease stains in a matter of minutes.

Copes with its task 100%, despite not being very well known trademark. Some housewives even liked the smell of the product.

The only downside is that the chemicals are harmful, so don’t forget about gloves.

The cost of the product is from 30 to 80 rubles, it is the cheapest of those listed.

The most expensive remedy of all of the above costs about 500 rubles.

The product is universal, so it is suitable for any surface.

Note that Shumanit is especially effective in removing stains that form on electric stoves Oh. Removes fat quickly and easily.

The main disadvantage is toxicity and harm to the body. The pungent odor can cause an allergic reaction, so you should use the product in a well-ventilated area and wear gloves and a respirator.

The best folk recipes for cooking grease on household appliances - write down and use!

In order not to spend money on buying chemicals, every housewife will have everyday substances at home that perfectly clean all kitchen appliances.

We list the 10 most common and relevant methods:

  • Baking soda

An excellent helper for fatty stains.

You should make a paste of soda, apply it to the surface and rub it a little. In a matter of minutes you can clean your microwave, stove, refrigerator and other household appliances without harming them. Dirt is removed without scratches and very carefully.

Another advantage is that baking soda can whiten surfaces, e.g. kitchen stove.

  • Steam

You can use a steam cleaner, or simply boil water in a saucepan and then bring it to a horizontal surface.

This way you can clean the oven, hood, the inside surface of the microwave or individual household items.

  • Vinegar

They can wash any surface. Pour this cleaner into a pump bottle and then spray onto grease stains.

Which one to use is up to you. Many housewives choose folk remedies , since they are always at hand and you don’t need to spend a lot of money on them.

What products do you use to clean household appliances in the kitchen? Share your secrets with us!

A kitchen stove with soot and a layer of fat is far from uncommon. After all, any housewife does not like to work in dirty kitchen equipment. It looks ugly and not very hygienic. Cleaning can be done with store-bought and folk remedies.

A kitchen stove with soot and a layer of fat is far from uncommon

Cleaning the kitchen stove

To achieve high-quality cleaning of a gas stove from soot and grease, you need to follow several rules:

  • The stove must be turned off and cooled before cleaning;
  • completely turn off the gas;
  • remove the burners from the stove;
  • Prepare rubber gloves for working with detergents.

When cleaning, you can use household chemicals or folk remedies. You just need to refrain from using abrasive substances. They can leave scratches on the surfaces, in which new dirt will subsequently settle.

To clean a stove with ceramic surfaces, you need to choose a detergent. It can be soda or special cleaning compounds. For heavy stains, wash like this:

  • the surface is filled with cleaning and washing agent;
  • after 10 minutes, wipe the stove with a sponge;
  • Wash off any remaining grease and detergent with clean water.

Soup or other liquid is often spilled on the stove and burners. It also pollutes the burners. Cleaning is done as follows:

  • preparing a soap solution;
  • the top parts of the burners are immersed in it;
  • then they are rinsed with clean water.

After cleaning, all surfaces of the kitchen stove are wiped with a soft cloth. But do not use scrapers or metal jaws. You can remove fat with baking soda. It is applied to the surface with a sponge or soft cloth. The stove cover also needs to be washed, as stains appear on it too. You can remove grease from it with dish soap. It dissolves fat perfectly. The remaining product is washed off with water. The glass lid can additionally be treated with a product intended for this material. Then there will be no streaks left on the lid.

When cleaning the stove, you can use household chemicals or folk remedies

Cleaning a gas stove is a big deal, but there's also the grate. In order to wash off the carbon deposits from it you will have to tinker a lot. Housewives often leave this part for a later time. As a result, it simply becomes overgrown with fat and soot. It is very difficult to wash it. The lattice is made from various materials. It can be made from:

  • cast iron;
  • enamels;
  • become.

Cast iron products are the most difficult to clean.

They usually have to be calcined. You can do this in several ways:

  • turn on the burners and heat the grate over them;
  • put a rack in the oven and turn it on to maximum heat;
  • heat with a blowtorch flame;
  • use the fire.

How to clean carpet at home

With enameled gratings the situation is much simpler. You can wash them easily and simply by placing them in dishwasher. Before this, the grate is soaked for about an hour in a soap solution. Remaining grease from the grate is removed with a damp sponge. It is prohibited to use sharp and metal objects and scrapers to avoid damaging the enamel.

Products from of stainless steel clean from carbon deposits and grease stains using the usual detergents. This is done like this:

  • the grid is placed in a bath with soapy water;
  • after an hour you need to take it out and put it on oilcloth;
  • wipe the grill with a sponge;
  • After 12 hours, wash off the remaining grease and completely wipe the grate.

How to clean a gas stove and handles from grease (video)

Cleaning the grill with folk remedies

It is quite possible to clean a gas stove from carbon deposits and grease residues using home remedies. They have already saved millions of housewives. The recipes are:

  1. Pour water into the bath and add a few tablespoons of soda and vinegar. The grate is soaked in this solution and washed with warm water under high pressure.
  2. You can use products designed for cleaning car engines. To remove any remaining detergent, you will have to rinse the grates and the surface of the stove with water several times.
  3. An enamel or stainless steel product is first coated with dry mustard. After 2 hours, the grille is cleaned with a sponge, the remaining dirt is washed off with water.
  4. Cleaning carbon deposits is possible using ordinary river sand. This method takes a lot of time, but works quite effectively.

How to remove brilliant green at home

After using any method, you need to dry the grate. Fat sticks to a wet surface much faster than to a dry one.

It is quite possible to clean a gas stove from carbon deposits and grease residues using home remedies.

Cleaning the handles and oven of the kitchen stove

You can clean the stove from carbon deposits with your own hands quite simply. But she also has hands. Removable and non-removable options are washable different ways. You can dip the handles in a solution of water and soap. The last component can be replaced with powder or another detergent. After 15 minutes, they need to be removed from the solution and cleaned with an old toothbrush.

Handles can also be washed with regular vinegar. First, a solution is made from water and vinegar. You should take 700 ml of water, 200 ml of vinegar. The handles need to be placed in a container and filled with solution. Then the container is placed on the stove for 10 minutes. Then the solution is cooled, the handles are removed from it and dried with a towel.

Handles that are not removable are more difficult to clean. To do this you need to prepare:

  • an old toothbrush;
  • cotton buds;
  • some means.

Some remedies include: ammonia, lemon juice, wet wipes, soap solution. Ammonia is diluted with water in proportions 1:1. A cotton swab is moistened in this solution and all handles are wiped with it. All that remains is to wash them in clean water and dry with a towel.

Lemon juice can quickly remove dirt from your handles by mixing it with water and baking soda. Wet the brush and clean the handles. Rinse off any remaining residue with water.

Wet wipes already contain citric acid. All that remains is to wrap your finger and start wiping the taps. Napkins need to be changed as they become dirty. After cleaning, wipe the products with a rag.

How to clean the grout between bathroom tiles

To remove dirt and greasy spots Many cleaning products will work on the stovetop, grates, and handles. Household chemicals are not very suitable for cleaning the oven. It is better to use a soap solution. First wipe the oven walls with a towel, then moisten them with soap solution. After 30 minutes, pour the same solution into a baking tray and place it inside the oven, which should be turned on at a temperature of 120 °C. The door must be tightly closed. After half an hour, turn off and cool the oven. All that remains is to wipe it and rinse with clean water.

You can also wash the oven with vinegar diluted in water 1:1. Moisten the walls and bottom generously with this mixture, leaving them for 15 minutes at a temperature of about 50 °C. Next you will need to wash off all the dirt.

Ammonia does a great job of removing carbon deposits in the oven. The surfaces are wetted with it and left overnight. In the morning, the cabinet is wiped and washed with water.

How to clean the oven (video)

additional information

Everyone faces the problem of kitchen stove contamination. When cooking food, water, oil and other liquids often get on food surfaces, handles and burners. Over time, the spots grow to large sizes. To prevent this from happening, you need to periodically clean the equipment. This can be done in several ways using folk remedies and household chemicals. Folk remedies include soap and citric acid, vinegar and ammonia, soda and water. It is necessary to remove the lid, grate, and burners from the stove. Each of these parts is cleaned separately from the others. For cleaning, sponges, soft rags, old toothbrushes, and toothpicks are used.

The external parts of the stove, including the electric one, cannot always remain perfectly clean, because even with very careful handling, splashes of cooking food get on them from time to time. If you do not delay cleaning, then wash the functional surface of the household appliance and its individual elements it won't be difficult.

If you do not get rid of carbon deposits in a timely manner, then after some time you will have to use aggressive agents that can ruin the coating of the device, which will negatively affect its condition. For regular cleaning of electric stoves, experts recommend using soft profile products, and for severe contamination it is better to use folk remedies.

Rules for processing the hob depending on the type of material

Cleaning begins with exposure to the hob surface. The cleaning agent and option are selected depending on the type of material. Among the variety of modern stoves, two groups of devices can be roughly distinguished:

  • With metal surface. Stainless steel panels look impressive, but their polished surface quickly becomes stained and stained. It is possible to get rid of grease and other traces without a trace only if you respond to contamination in a timely manner. Fresh stains on the panels of such a stove must be removed immediately using special means. For thicker or dried plaque, you should first apply a little soap solution and clean the formation in half an hour. The metal reacts normally even to caustic compounds. For cleaning metal plates It is not recommended to frequently use brushes, wire wool and pastes. These funds are best left for desperate situations.
  • With a surface made of glass, ceramics, enamel. Only a foam or foam sponge or cloth is suitable as a tool. During aggressive mechanical cleaning of such slabs, scratches and chips may form, so the emphasis is on the quality of the detergent. To clean this device from sugar that has melted into caramel, you can use a paste of baking soda and water. Apply it to the surface of the stove, wait a few minutes and wash with a sponge and clean water. Ammonia will help remove stains from burnt milk, but it must first be diluted in 10 parts of water.

Advice: Despite all the safety measures taken by manufacturers of modern household appliances, before cleaning, even superficial cleaning, the electric stove must be unplugged.

How to properly clean handles and grilles?

Knobs, switches and other small elements are easiest to clean if they are removed first. Soak the parts in a soapy solution, rinse with a sponge or toothbrush, removing dirt from hard-to-reach places. If necessary, use soft natural abrasives, such as soda. At the end, rinse and dry all products.

If time does not allow for such a labor-intensive undertaking, you can get by with surface treatment at home. To do this, we take a remedy that has been proven over the years - anise drops with ammonia. If you approach the problem correctly, you can easily wash off fresh and old dirt from all small parts. Wet a cotton pad with the composition and distribute the product over work surface, wait five minutes and wipe everything with a clean damp cloth.

If there is a grating on the slab model, you need to take care of its processing. In the case of a cast iron product, we proceed according to the following plan:

  1. We heat the material over the fire so that the remaining dry dirt falls off on its own.
  2. Apply a caustic agent to the surface of the product and leave it overnight.
  3. Then we treat the element with a composition for cleaning engines, wash off its residue and dry it.

When working with steel products at home, proceed as follows:

  1. Soak the grate in warm water with the addition of soda and vinegar for several hours, or overnight. In the morning you need to wash off the dirt, rinse the product with water, do not dry it.
  2. Apply a thin layer to the still damp object. mustard powder, leave for half an hour. Then we wash everything off and dry it.
  3. If it was not possible to completely remove the dirt, then spread it with soda paste and rinse in clean water after 40 minutes.

Specifics of cleaning an electric oven

Processing of electric stove ovens can be carried out according to one of the following scenarios:

  • We prepare a solution from laundry soap, pour it into a baking tray and put it in the oven. We wipe everything with the same composition internal surfaces cameras. Close the door and warm up the cabinet for half an hour at a temperature not exceeding 100ºC. Then open the door and wait for the metal to cool. After this, you can easily wash the surfaces from dirt with a simple damp sponge.
  • The dough leavening agent has a pronounced effect in the fight against fat. Scatter the powder over the problem surface and sprinkle with water. After a few minutes, all the fat will form lumps and they can be easily removed.

It is often recommended to use salt to clean stoves and their ovens. This approach is very ambiguous. It can either give a positive result or irreversibly damage the coating.

It’s nice when the aroma of freshly prepared food is in the house, cabbage soup is steaming, cutlets are frying in oil, pies are baking. But after each cooking, not only a mountain of dishes is left, but also an unwashed stove. It’s good when the housewife has enough time to wash it immediately after preparing food, but more often her hands reach her after some time, when it becomes difficult to wash off the grease and runaway food.

How to care for slabs made of different materials

Cookers are currently made from a variety of materials, and each hob requires a special cleaning approach.

Enameled plate

The enameled surface is considered the most durable and easiest to use. This reliable material By affordable price. The metal base is covered with enamel of various colors, which can be easily cleaned with gel and liquid cleaners that do not contain abrasive substances.
The following products will help clean the enamel surface:

  • Dishwashing gel, rub the wetted surface with it and leave for 15-30 minutes. After this, these places are rubbed with a sponge, the remaining carbon deposits are easily removed with a sheet of paper. The surface is wiped dry with a dry cloth;
  • For severe contamination, use a creamy mixture of baking soda and water. It is applied to the areas of contamination, then the carbon deposits are treated with an aqueous solution of ammonia (1 small spoon of alcohol per 1 liter of water). The surface is washed and wiped dry;
  • The composition from the glass works well cold water, 30 g of any washing powder, ½ cup soda ash and ¼ bottle of office glue. Pour the liquid over the hob and leave for 15-20 minutes. The carbon deposits will come off without any problems.

The enamel surface does not tolerate abrasive substances and acid-containing products. It should not be rubbed with rough metal brushes.

Made from stainless steel

These slabs fit organically into any interior; unlike enameled appliances, they are easy to clean, but require constant attention and care, since the slightest dirt is immediately visible on the surface. Because of this, a stainless steel stove often looks untidy.

  • In order for this equipment to always please the eye, it should be washed every day using detergents and a soft sponge. They easily remove burnt food residues, grease and other contaminants. Then the surface is wiped with a soft cloth;
  • To clean, you can use a slice of lemon, then wipe with a dry cloth. It is possible to use a glass cleaner; it is used after basic cleaning to avoid streaks;
  • Dark stains and carbon deposits can be cleaned with cleaning gels or creams. For application, use a microfiber cloth. Be sure to wipe the stove dry after cleaning. After cleaning, apply special oil for stainless steel to the surface.

It is rubbed over the surface, resulting in a protective layer that protects the slab from moisture. You cannot use abrasive, bleaching cleaners, brushes or rough sponges to care for this stove.
Advice! Wipe the stainless steel plate with point movements so that there are no streaks left.

Glass ceramic plates

These are beautiful hobs which have an elegant look. Design and layout may vary, smooth surface easy to care for. But dirt should be removed immediately after cooking so that it does not have time to dry out.

  • Burnt-on food is removed with a scraper. After the surface has completely cooled, a special product for glass ceramics is applied to it with a sponge. Leave the product on the surface for up to half an hour, then wash off the dirt and wipe it dry;
  • It should be noted that you need to have a separate sponge for cleaning the stove. If you don’t have the product on hand, it can easily be replaced with regular baking soda, which should be diluted with water to a cream consistency. Soot stains are smeared with the composition for half an hour, then washed off with clean water;
  • The accumulated carbon deposits are removed with soda slurry with the addition of a drop of vinegar or lemon juice; the resulting reaction will allow you to remove even complex contaminants;
  • If it was not possible to remove the carbon deposits in time and the stains have dried out, you can spread them with sunflower oil, cover with a wet cloth and leave for 10-15 minutes. It will be easier to clean off the carbon deposits.

In order not to bring the stove to an unpleasant state, before cooking you should make sure that there are no remnants of previously escaped food on the surface, otherwise it will burn and will be more difficult to clean.

You should not use abrasive products or brushes for cleaning, so as not to damage the stove. Dishwashing detergents are also not suitable; they damage glass ceramics and change the color of the surface. And the special cream has protective properties; it perfectly washes even sugar syrup, which is most dangerous for glass ceramics.

Induction cookers are a type of glass-ceramic hobs, but their action is based on electromagnetic heating of the dishes. Free zones do not heat up. Their care is simple; you can use products suitable for glass ceramics for cleaning.

Caring for removable and non-removable parts of the stove

When cleaning the stove, do not ignore glass lids, burner handles, and metal grates.

  • Removable switches can be separated and placed in a soapy solution for a while to make it easier to clean them from dirt, grease and carbon deposits. The solution can be prepared from hot water, soap or powder. Special attention to the places where the metal part of the handles connects to the stove. Places that are difficult to reach can be treated with an old toothbrush, cotton swabs or toothpicks.

If the removable elements are heavily soiled, it makes sense to soak them in a soda solution. A mixture of soda with vinegar, lemon juice, or ammonia diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio will also help. You can soak the removable elements in water with diluted washing powder.
Cleans well removable handles vinegar solution. They are placed in a saucepan, 250 ml of vinegar is dissolved in a liter of water, the container is heated over a fire, boiled for 10 minutes and drained. After cooling, the regulators are wiped dry.

  • Working with non-removable handles is somewhat more difficult. They are permanently attached, and it is difficult to clean from the inside. But the outside should be cleaned with a cotton pad, toothbrush or cotton swab. For cleansing, improvised means are used - ammonia diluted with water 1:1, lemon juice with soda.
  • Dirt, grease, and carbon deposits accumulate on the glass lid that covers the stove. You need to get rid of them in a timely manner; for glass, an aerosol is used to cleanse fat; after a few minutes, you can wash off the product with warm water. To keep this surface clean, after cooking, just wipe it with a damp cloth.
  • Before cleaning the grille, you should determine the material from which it is made. In any case, you will have to tinker a lot with this element. Many housewives put off cleaning the grill until later; this leads to even more contamination, which becomes difficult to get rid of. And a thick layer of fat and soot on it looks very unattractive.

Cast iron grates are the most difficult to clean, since they cannot be washed off with water and cleaning products. Cast iron requires calcination; this can be done over a gas stove, in an oven, or in an area over an open fire. Men can clean it blowtorch. You cannot clean carbon deposits and grease from a cast iron grate with sharp objects; they can damage the metal.

Enameled grates are easier to clean and can even be washed in the dishwasher. An easier way to clean it is to soak it in a soapy solution and then work it with a soft sponge and soda. It is not recommended to clean the enamel with hard objects so as not to damage it.
The stainless steel grill can be cleaned with ordinary soapy water. It is placed in the bathroom and filled with warm water. You can clean this material with dishwashing detergent; the grate is placed on oilcloth, treated with liquid or gel and left overnight. The next morning, wash it with warm water.

You can use available products - baking soda and vinegar, car cleaner. Enameled and stainless steel grates can be effectively cleaned with dry mustard.

It is worth remembering that all manipulations must be performed with gloves to protect the skin of your hands. All these methods are effective and bring good result, allowing your stove to sparkle clean!

Many owners of modern gas stoves do not know how to effectively clean a gas stove, and what products are best used for this purpose. The choice of the latter should be taken especially carefully so as not to damage the slab coating and remove all contaminants. From this article we will learn how to clean a gas stove at home, how to clean cast iron grates and handles of a gas stove, as well as others important details on which contaminants accumulate. Each device owner must adhere to certain rules during the cleaning process and follow the sequence of actions.

Before washing the gas stove and cleaning the dirty grate on gas stove, it is necessary to disconnect the device from the gas supply, as this is required. This simple manipulation will prevent accidental gas supply and significantly reduce the risk of possible injuries and damage. Then you need to carefully remove the grille— this part usually accumulates the most contaminants, including greasy deposits, which are especially difficult to remove.

You can clean the grate of a gas stove using popular folk ways. First, it must be placed in a basin or bathtub filled with hot water with addition laundry soap. Prepare yours soap solution It’s not at all difficult: to do this, you need to dissolve pieces of 72% soap in 5-7 liters of water. In this case, the grate must be completely immersed in the solution.

A gas stove has special burners and electric ignition, which also accumulate a lot of grease and dirt. If the design of the device allows, they will need to be removed and immersed in a soapy solution along with the grill, where they will remain for several hours. Now it will be much easier to clean the free surface of the slab. First you need to collect food debris and simple dirt, which can be wiped off using dry sponge with a hard surface or coarse fabric.

Every stove owner is always concerned with the question of how to clean the handles and how to wash these hard-to-reach parts. To do this, you will need special cleaning products and a little practical skills. If you have an oven, you will need to wash its internal parts and external parts.

You can buy any product suitable for cleaning a gas stove or use folk recipes, which will be discussed below.

The most popular folk methods

Not all owners of gas stoves know exactly how to clean a gas stove with their own hands, and what is needed for this. Special folk remedies are suitable for those people who prefer not to purchase synthetic household chemicals, but to use safe and time-tested methods. Among the disadvantages of ready-made products, it is necessary to note them low level safety, the ability to cause allergic reactions, as well as storage requirements. You can also use them only with rubber gloves so as not to damage the skin of your hands.

If you still prefer synthetic products, it would be a good idea to learn about alternative and more safe ways. A new cleaning and washing solution can be prepared at home using improvised means, which everyone is guaranteed to have. Often, such products remove dirt no worse than popular household chemicals, and they are completely safe for health. To clean the oven and gas stove from grease, you can use:

  • Laundry soap dissolved in warm water;
  • citric acid;
  • vinegar essence;
  • ammonia or ammonia-anise drops;
  • baking soda.

How to remove fat

To wash the device as efficiently as possible and remove all dirt, you will need preliminary preparation. Using hot water poured onto the surface of the stove, and baking soda You can soften old dirt. The baking soda should be spread evenly over the damp surface of the device and then left for about 30-40 minutes. This simple method allows you to clean both the stove and the oven, the insides of which can also be scrubbed with soapy water. After some time, you can start cleaning; the soda and water must be removed from the surface with a soft sponge.

You should not use steel wool, as they can seriously damage the surface; in addition to a sponge, it is best to use toothbrush or cotton swabs for the most difficult to reach areas, such as handles. For those who want to know how to clean the grate of a gas stove, the best option will be the homemade soap solution mentioned above. Excellent auxiliary agents are also vinegar essence, as well as lemon juice and acid; they can be used separately or together. A solution of ammonia and vinegar will help remove dried and burnt areas of the tile surface.

Cleaning the handles

Many device owners admit that it is very difficult to clean the handles of a gas kitchen stove, but at the same time, they always accumulate a large number of pollution. Dirt usually accumulates in the most hard to reach places, so we should talk about cleaning pens in more detail.

Many people are interested in the question of how to remove the handles? They should be removed following the instructions for the stove - as a rule, it says how to do this (if such a possibility exists at all).

The removable handles can be washed in the same way as the grill: by placing them in a container filled with a solution of laundry soap and leaving them for 30-40 minutes. After soaking, it will be much easier to remove the softened dirt. For the same purposes it is quite possible to use vinegar essence, a couple of tablespoons of which dissolve in a liter jar of water. You need to wear gloves to use this cleanser so as not to damage the skin of your hands. The handles are boiled in the essence solution for 5-7 minutes, then the water is drained. Wait for the handles to dry naturally and screw them back on.

Unfortunately, not all models of household stoves are equipped with removable handles; in this case, other auxiliary items and tools are suitable, for example:

  • toothpicks and cotton swabs;
  • hard toothbrush;
  • baking soda or soda ash;
  • ammonia.

Each area to be cleaned must be treated with a damp sponge on which soda has been applied; usually even old dirt is removed the first time, but if we are talking about hard-to-reach places, you will have to use cotton swabs, soaked in a solution of ammonia.

Oven cleaning methods

To clean the oven correctly and completely remove all dirt the first time, you should use special means at hand that you need to prepare yourself in advance. For fans of traditional cleaning methods, there are recipes that have proven themselves over the years of use, which will also be useful for those who want to learn how to clean the burners on a gas stove.

  1. Interior surfaces must be cleaned soap solution, applied to a sponge, which is best left for 15-20 minutes - this manipulation will help dissolve old fat.
  2. To clean the baking sheet and internal parts, you can pour the same solution into it and put it back in the oven, turn it on, set temperature regime at 120 degrees and leave for half an hour. After time, all internal parts must be wiped with a soft cloth.
  3. One more in a good way is cleaning with soda or citric acid . One of the products should be dissolved in warm water and applied to the oven walls, then wait 15-25 minutes and wipe with paper or newspaper, rinse with water.
  4. Light dirt inside is quickly removed aqueous vinegar solution, which is prepared in a 1:1 ratio. To clean, you need to set the oven to 50 degrees and wait 15 minutes, then softened dirt can be easily removed with a sponge.

Burner cleaning

The burners of the Hephaestus gas stove and devices of other brands also need to be cleaned, and only experienced stove owners can do this task. Each burner consists of several parts, the list of which includes:

  • nozzle or removable jet;
  • protective cover.

You should always promptly clean the burners of a gas stove from carbon deposits; they can be removed quite easily, they can be disassembled and all parts can be washed separately. The burner covers can be cleaned with a soapy solution and rubbed with a toothbrush if it is heavily soiled.

Since the burners are made of aluminum, they must be cleaned with chlorine- and acid-free products and should not be soaked.

Before cleaning the nozzle, be sure to turn off the gas supply; if the holes are clogged, they must be cleaned with a thick needle or wire. If necessary, you can remove it. You can perform this procedure yourself or call a specialist from the gas service. In general, cleaning the gas stove grate and the entire device does not take much time if you do everything correctly and use proven products. Now you know exactly how to clean the grate on your gas stove, oven and other appliance parts.