In a private house      03/08/2020

Bath or shower, which is better? Shower cabin, bathtub or corner: which is better to install? Hydrobox – combining a bath and shower

If you decide to install a structure for taking a shower in your apartment, house or summer cottage, then most likely you will be faced with the acute question of how a shower cabin differs from shower corner and what are the main differences between each type of system. This is exactly what our article will be devoted to; after reading the presented materials, you will clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Key Features Overview

To make the information as clear and understandable as possible, we will present it in the form of a comparative table:

Shower cabin Shower corner
The main difference between a shower cabin and a shower corner is the presence of partitions on all sides. This allows you to install the structure anywhere without additional waterproofing of walls and flooring. Corners most often have partitions on both sides, and back walls remain open. This feature forces additional work on waterproofing surfaces, since without this they will very quickly turn black, and over time mold and mildew will form on the surface.
Anyone who has assembled booths with their own hands will confirm that this process is very complicated, and even detailed instructions does not guarantee simple and quick installation. Most often, it takes at least a day to connect and put together all the necessary elements. Assembling this option is very simple: you need to connect the elements together and attach them to the walls and floor (or pallet). In the presence of the necessary tool the work takes half an hour to an hour, which is the most significant evidence of simplicity.
The price of the booths is quite high, especially when it comes to high-quality models produced by well-known European companies. If quality is important to you, then be prepared for the fact that the costs will be quite high. The cost of the corners is several times less than that of the first option, so you can save significant money. Wherein appearance designs are practically in no way inferior to, and often superior to, more expensive solutions.
A wide variety of modes and functions can be implemented in the booth, which allows for maximum versatility of the system. This is especially appreciated by those who love various special procedures. The range of functions in the corner is much smaller, and in addition to the standard options there may only be tropical shower and hydromassage sprayers, other options will not be available.

Whichever option you choose, it is important to purchase a high-quality design that has the appropriate documentation and certificates.
Reliable European and Chinese manufacturers always certify their products.

Main advantages of each option

For those who have never used either option, it is important to understand the advantages of using each of them. It is important to clearly understand the difference between a shower enclosure and a shower cabin and what the main advantages you will receive during installation.

Shower cabins

This solution has the following advantages:

  • A huge number of functions allows you to enjoy a variety of modes and even take bath procedures. For lovers of comfort, this solution will allow you to use a huge number of functions that are not available in other versions, and may also include additional amenities in the form of a radio or player and a built-in module for mobile communications. Technologies do not stand still, and the number of modes is growing every year.

  • The system is completely separated from the room. That is, you just need to connect the water supply, sewerage and electrical cable to the location of the structure. But the quality of the assembly is of great importance; if the work was carried out incorrectly, then constant leaks will be observed in the system, and repairs or even rework of the entire structure will be required.
  • Options with a deep tray even allow you to take a bath. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to lie down (although there are models whose size allows you to sit in a full-fledged bath), but if you like to soak in warm water, then such a solution can be a good alternative to a bathtub, especially if the area is small and it is not possible to place both options.

  • Such systems are great for use in apartments and houses, since their use allows you to carry out hygiene procedures quickly, but at the same time, you can also relax with their help if you have time. Some options have an aromatherapy function and others are very interesting solutions for lovers of relaxation.

If you need both a bath and a stall, then great solution.
This option is different large sizes and the presence of a deep tray. Which resembles a bath and can even have special functions like hydromassage.

We will continue our consideration of the issue of shower corner or shower cabin with an overview of the main positive qualities corners.

Shower corners

This option gathers more and more admirers every year for the following reasons:

  • Affordable cost of the system, when compared quality options cabins and corners, then the second solution will cost you much less, which is very important when buying a product for a country or country cottage area when you want to get a good product and not overpay extra money.
  • The systems have excellent light transmittance, which is very important for small spaces. In addition, you do not have to connect additional light sources, since the standard equipment is quite enough to provide the necessary comfort.

  • If we consider shower cabins and corners from the point of view of aesthetic appeal, then we can note the fact that the second option looks much more attractive. It is not without reason that corners are widely used by designers when decorating a wide variety of rooms; such a solution fits organically into almost any stylistic concept.

  • A huge advantage of this type of structure is its very low threshold.. Or you can do without a pallet at all; it not only looks very stylish and unusual, but also creates great convenience when moving, now you won’t trip over protruding parts. In addition, the lack of elevation will be appreciated by older people and those who find it difficult to raise their legs too high.

  • Despite the fact that the number of functions in the corners is limited, they have one very important advantage: you can choose plumbing fixtures from any manufacturer you like. In the cabins everything is different: all the components are included, and you buy what is available without the possibility of choice. In our case, you decide for yourself which modification to install and do not overpay for functions that you do not intend to use.


The answer to the question of which is better - shower cabins or shower enclosures depends only on your preferences. Therefore, choose what you like, and in no case skimp on quality. The video in this article will help you understand some important points even better and will open the topic even wider.

Just a few years ago, the question would never have occurred to apartment owners: what kind of plumbing fixtures to choose - a bathtub, a shower stall, or maybe get a corner. Cast iron baths on legs were considered a symbol of comfort, and it was possible to take a shower using a hose. True, times have changed, and in plumbing stores you can find hundreds of different models for every taste and budget - with massage functions, health treatments, fountains and other delights. The choice is becoming increasingly difficult.

The bathtub is a practical classic with for a long time a service that suits absolutely any family. It has several advantages:

  • Durable materials - steel, cast iron, acrylic;
  • Easy installation– securing the bathtub is extremely easy;
  • Low prices - especially compared to shower cabins;
  • Convenient to bathe a child;
  • You can wash delicate items by hand;
  • Gives you the opportunity to relax and pamper yourself after a hard day.

Fig 1.

However, when moving on to renovating a bathroom, every owner should understand that there are also disadvantages to bathtubs:

  • Plumbing takes up a lot of space - not suitable for small rooms;
  • The choice of models is very limited, especially in terms of shape;
  • High water consumption;
  • If you bathe carelessly, splashes and puddles of water will be all over the room;
  • Scratches quickly appear on the surface of many bathtub models, and the primary shine is lost.

Older people prefer this option, so if you want to buy a bathtub for your parents’ apartment, the gift will be appreciated.

Pros and cons of shower cabins

Each option of plumbing equipment has its own advantages and disadvantages, and to answer the question - which is better, you need to understand the needs of the residents of the house. The shower cabin has a lot of advantages:

  • Time saving - you can take a shower in a few minutes, unlike a bath;
  • Saving water - of course, provided that before you took a full bath, and now you take a short shower;
  • Space saving - for a small apartment with a tiny bathroom, this solution is the best, since the cabin takes up 2 times less space, although there are also non-standard models of impressive sizes;
  • It is safer to take a shower, including for medical reasons, heart disease, high blood pressure, pregnancy;
  • There is an abundance of offers on the market - finding a decent option will not be difficult;
  • Lots of built-in functions - for example, massage, radio, MP3, Turkish bath, aromatherapy, jacuzzi, unusual lighting.

Video 1. Tips for choosing a shower cabin

It would seem that a shower stall is a dream modern man, and you should definitely buy it if you are updating your plumbing. But there is no need to rush, there are also disadvantages:

  • High cost - especially for models with a large number functions;
  • Complex installation - it is necessary to install waterproofing, connect electricity, level the walls;
  • Often, a slippery floor is also a disadvantage - you can’t do without a rug;
  • Many functions of the device will not work if the water quality is low and the pressure is minimal;
  • If you choose a model with high sides, it will be difficult for an elderly person to enter here.

A shower cabin is a worthy option for young and active people who want to perform hygiene procedures very quickly before leaving for work.

Arguments in favor of a shower enclosure

A shower corner is essentially the same cabin, only consisting of two walls, its advantages are similar, but the purchase is much cheaper, because materials and labor costs are saved. It can be organized at any stage of construction; it is in demand not only in apartments, but also in commercial enterprises - hotels, fitness centers.

When figuring out which is better: a corner, a bath or a shower, you should focus on personal preferences. For those who cannot decide and have a good budget, we recommend combined plumbing equipment - a 2 in 1 bath-shower. You can buy such a device only if the bathroom area allows it - you will need a lot of space.

The bathroom is a place where you don’t just clean, but wash away fatigue, negativity and bad mood, relax and rest not only with your body, but also with your soul. Some people like to soak in a deep bath, others prefer an invigorating shower, but everyone tries to make this room as comfortable as possible. Ideally, of course, you would install both, but, unfortunately, not everyone has enough space to do so. Therefore, owners often have to do Difficult choice and stop at one thing. To understand which is better - a bathtub or a shower cabin, you first need to consider the types and advantages of each of them separately.

What types of baths are there?

Bathtubs can be systematized according to several parameters: material, shape, size, cost and even color. One of the main indicators will be the material of manufacture, namely:

  • cast iron,
  • steel,
  • acrylic,
  • quarried

Cast iron bathtubs are a classic from the times of our parents. They were very common during the Soviet Union, and still have fans due to a number of advantages. Cast iron bathtubs are quite strong and durable, retain heat for a long time, however, they do not heat up quickly, and have high noise insulation when filling with water. A one-time drawback can be called the large weight, but you set it and forget it, unless you decide to start repairs again. But the real disadvantage is the fragile enamel, which wears off quite quickly, especially under the influence of modern chemicals. detergents. After this, the surface becomes unpleasantly rough and may even scratch the skin. Of course, there are now many companies offering recoating of cast iron and steel baths enamel, but, as practice has shown, the second layer is also short-lived, and if applied poorly, it can quickly begin to peel. As a result, the plumbing acquires a completely unaesthetic appearance.

Steel bathtubs are the most a budget option. Probably, only this and their relative ease can be called advantages. At the same time, steel products have very fragile both the outer casing and the enamel coating (similar to cast iron), in addition, they cool quickly and are very loud when drawing water.

Acrylic and quarryl - modern materials that have revolutionized the concept of bathtubs

Modern materials used today in the manufacture of bathtubs can be said to have made a mini-revolution in this area. Thanks to them, we moved away from the standards of identical rectangular models, and a huge variety of choices appeared.

Acrylic bathtubs are the most popular today, they are widespread, and there are several reasons for this. Such models are quite light, durable, easy to clean, retain heat well and have low level noise. True, they can easily be damaged by a direct strong impact, for example, if something metal, heavy or sharp falls into the bathtub. But restoration is also not difficult and not expensive. And one moment: acrylic bathtubs They come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, which has also enhanced their reputation.

Quaril plumbing can be considered a new product. Such bathtubs have recently entered the market and are not yet as popular as acrylic ones. Quaril is a combination of acrylic and quartz sand. Due to quartz, they are more durable, warmer and in weight are between acrylic and cast iron. The downside is the rather high cost.

There are also stone, marble, glass, earthenware, and wooden baths. But this is for a higher budget; they are usually made to order.

Shapes and sizes

Previously, bathtubs were often classified by size, which, in fact, was not particularly difficult, since determining standard dimensions for several models is not a problem. Today, due to the availability of materials that are easier to work with, products of a wide variety of shapes are produced, and it is no longer possible to unify them. When choosing a bathtub, it is necessary to take into account the size of the room itself, since even an asymmetrical model should simply fit and not have protruding sides. And don't forget about the parameters of your family members. After all, if the average height of household members is above average, and the bathroom area allows you to determine only small size plumbing, it makes sense to change the bathtub to a shower stall. We'll talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the latter below.

What can you find now and what is popular? Until recently, there was no option for this; they chose from rectangular or... rectangular. However, today the variety is so great that it’s easy to get confused. The shape of the bathtub is:

  • rectangular,
  • square,
  • round,
  • oval,
  • corner,
  • asymmetrical.

The main thing is to consider the size and convenience of the location. Internal organization baths are also varied. For the comfort of consumers, headrests, armrests, handles are made, the tank can follow the shape of the body, etc.

Which is better - a bath or a shower? Advantages and disadvantages of baths

When trying to answer the question of what is better, you must first consider all the useful points and possible accessories that can improve your bathtub. An undoubted advantage: by taking a full bath and adding aromatic substances, you can completely rest and relax, wash away the stress of the past day. Some people can spend up to several hours in this type of rest. It is impossible to do this in the soul. Moreover, warm bath has many medicinal properties, it is prescribed for certain diseases. Yes, and bathing children requires a large space, and a shower instead of a bathtub will not help in this matter.

The downside of bathtubs is the rather large area they occupy. And if this is not a problem for large bathrooms, then in small rooms (a fairly common phenomenon in old houses) certain inconveniences arise. In such a situation, the best solution would be to replace the bathtub with a shower. Well, another negative factor is the large consumption of water required to fill the container. And if several people intend to pamper themselves, then the conclusion suggests itself...

Bath accessories

For greater objectivity, it is worth mentioning modern devices. We are talking about the hydromassage function. Previously available only in sanatoriums and special salons, today they have come to our home along with special hydromassage baths. Of course, such models are much more expensive than regular ones, but the pleasure is worth it. Moreover, manufacturers offer to purchase special hydromassage inserts, which are much cheaper, and they can be installed even on old plumbing fixtures.

For shower lovers, there are now excellent shower panels on sale with a wide range of functions, and they can be adapted to the bathtub. Of course, they do not completely replace the shower box, but they are much closer to it in terms of their purpose.

Differences between showers

Until recently, a shower stall did not evoke as many positive emotions as it does today. Its fans were only people who did not like to waste time taking baths, because the only function of the shower was... a shower. But now there are so many modern technologies, which is increasingly common for many families when asked “Which is better - a bathtub or a shower?” answer: definitely a shower!

The classification of shower cabins is somewhat different from that of bathtubs. There is no point in distinguishing by materials, since now everything is mostly made from acrylic and plastic, except that cheaper models may have a steel tray. They are divided mainly by shape (external and pallet) and by doors (sliding, hinged). There are also open shower cabins that have only doors (without a top), and closed ones - shower boxes. But the main difference between this type of equipment is the number of functions.

Functions of shower cabins

A shower cabin in a bathroom can be either the simplest or with a large number of functions - from small to entire boxes. Some modern models replace massage parlors and massage parlors combined. The most popular functions of shower boxes are as follows:

  • hydromassage (horizontal and vertical);
  • "Turkish bath";
  • tropical shower;
  • aromatherapy (inhalation);
  • chromotherapy;
  • voice control and others.

The quantity and quality of such functions directly depends on the cost of such shower cabins. More expensive models are equipped with the most modern devices, the list of which could take a long time.

Advantages of a shower cabin over a bathtub

Why Firstly, it is quite compact and does not take up much space. It is quite economical, moreover, it saves both water and time, which does not need to be wasted while the water is pouring. A wide variety of shapes and models will help even the most demanding buyer decide.

And, of course, a huge variety of functions, many of which are therapeutic, allows such equipment to win the love of more and more people. Also, shower cabins, depending on their parameters, have a fairly wide range of prices. Thus, anyone can choose a model to suit their taste and budget.

Small bathrooms

As mentioned, if you have a large bathroom, you can install both a bathtub and a shower. But, unfortunately, such an ideal picture does not always exist. Therefore, when decorating and equipping rooms with a very small area, there is always a difficult choice: which is better - a bathtub or a shower?

Having considered all the advantages of both, but still taking into account the tiny size of the room, they usually settle on a shower stall. Of course, this may upset those who like to get wet, but, as many people note, it’s better good shower than a tiny bathtub in which you can’t even stretch out to your full height.

However, what to do if you have small children for whom a shower is not suitable for caring for? In this case, an alternative choice may be a shower (hydromassage) box, which has a tray with fairly high sides. Of course, it will not replace a bath for an adult, but its size is quite sufficient for a child to bathe. Which the kids actually do with great pleasure.

Indulge your desires

So which is better? Bath? Or you can hear different things about this. Some people prefer to fill the tank hot water, add foam or sea salt and forget about the fuss and problems for about 1.5 hours. For some, it’s enough to recharge with energy under a cool shower. Give the third one exclusively a jacuzzi...

As they say, how many people - so many opinions. And, it is worth adding, financial opportunities. Therefore, you still need to base it on your personal preferences, and then on factors such as the size of the bathroom, the material of manufacture, functions and accessories, and design. If you are an actively living person who does not like to waste time on water procedures, then it is better to choose a shower. If you like to pamper yourself and relax in a pleasant environment, then it would be better to replace the shower stall with a bathtub. The main thing is that the purchase pleases you and brings you pleasure.

Any owner wants to equip his bathroom with maximum comfort and functionality. Therefore, the question of what is better to choose: a bathtub or a shower stall appears quite often. To solve it, you need to carefully consider the pros and cons of each of these plumbing fixtures.

Shower stall: what is good about it?

This type of plumbing is becoming more and more in demand. The main advantages of the shower cabin:

  • Perhaps the most important advantage due to which a booth is purchased is the space saving, because this modern sanitary invention can be compactly placed in a small bathroom or adjacent bathroom;
  • Less water is consumed and, accordingly, the bills for its payment are reduced;
  • The cabin doors are hermetically sealed, eliminating even the slightest splashing of water on the floor and walls. In this case, there is no need to additionally purchase a rug and curtain;
  • A variety of sizes, allowing you to choose a cabin not only according to the area of ​​the room, but also according to the dimensions of the body;
  • Thanks to the non-slip tray (you can choose its shape and depth), taking water procedures will become more comfortable for the elderly and people with disabilities;
  • Some models have a built-in mirror that does not fog up from steam and hot water, as well as special convenient dispensers for bath products (gel, liquid soap, shampoo). It is very comfortable.

And for those who like to shower, there are many additional functions:

  • “Tropical Rain” - a nozzle built into the ceiling sprays a stream of water into small splashes, creating the effect of a summer shower. This procedure will help relieve stress, calm down and relax;
  • “Turkish bath” - a steam generator creates a temperature of up to 60 degrees, allowing you to warm up the body, cleanse it of toxins and improve the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • “Aromatherapy” - some models are equipped with a connector that is filled with aromatic incense. Steam passing through them creates a pleasant smell and helps to relax;
  • Hydromassage - water is supplied to the surface of the arms, legs, neck and back with increased power thanks to special nozzles that can be independently adjusted and directed in the desired direction;
  • You can connect a radio to the cabin and take a shower while listening to music. You can also connect it to your phone, which will allow you not to miss an important call during water procedures.

Despite the huge list of advantages, of this device There are also disadvantages:

  • The most important disadvantage is its direct dependence on the pressure in the water supply system. Especially hot this problem rises in high-rise buildings. Therefore, before purchasing equipment, it is better to consult a qualified plumber;
  • It is very difficult to hand wash clothes in a shallow tray;
  • Bathing small children or washing pets is quite problematic;
  • Roll horizontally in large quantities water or foam will not work;
  • Quite a high cost of plumbing fixtures. If many additional functions are provided, the price increases even more;
  • Product service life even when required proper care is no more than 10 years. Pollution occurs especially quickly in regions where large quantities of various impurities are present in the water.

Bath: is the usual better?

Many people still prefer the already familiar high-quality plumbing fixtures and do not want to change it to modern ones. The following advantages of the bathroom can be highlighted:

  • An ideal place for relaxation - in the bathroom you can relax more comfortably, relieve muscle tension and calm down by taking a horizontal position. You can supplement water treatments with herbs, aromatics or sea salt;
  • It is better to wash while lying in copious amounts of foam. This will help wash away dirt and sweat from the body after training or hard physical work;
  • It is more convenient to perform water procedures with children and accustom them to water and hardening;
  • Easier to wash pets;
  • Easy to maintain and longer service life;
  • Buying and installing a bathtub will cost much less.

The two main disadvantages are increased water consumption and the need to allocate a large area for installation.

There will always be debate about which is better – a shower stall and a bathtub. But, before making a choice, carefully weigh all the pros and cons described above and select the desired option.

Video: Which is better: shower or bath?

When renovating a bathroom, close attention requires not only the design of the room, but also the choice of plumbing fixtures. Until recently, showers were rare, and most apartments had bathtubs. Today, consumers have the opportunity to choose between a bathtub and a shower. To figure out which of these plumbing fixtures is better, you need to familiarize yourself with the operating features of each of them.

Shower cabins

There are a great many modifications of shower cabins: from simple ones, consisting of a shower, tray and doors, to multifunctional designs. In most cases, such devices can make life more pleasant and comfortable.


When positioning shower cabins, sellers point to the following advantages:

  1. Compactness. Minimum size The shower cabin is 70x70 cm, which allows you to install the device even in a small bathroom. The freed space can be used to install a washbasin, washing machine or pieces of furniture. However, models equipped with additional functionality can reach sizes of 150x150 cm.
  2. Saving water. This statement is only true if the owner of the shower stall is limited to simply taking a shower twice a day. Those who like to pamper themselves with a long contrast or hydromassage shower will use no less water than those who like to take baths.
  3. Save time. Taking a shower takes much less time than filling a bathtub and bathing in it. The speed of adoption of the procedure will be appreciated by people whose lives proceed at an accelerated pace.
  4. Hygiene. Many are of the opinion that while basking in a hot bath, a person floats in dirt and germs washed from the body. While under the shower, jets of water immediately send them down the drain.
  5. Bathroom cleanliness. Sealed shower doors protect the bathroom from splashes flying in all directions and prevent flooding of neighbors below.

When choosing a shower stall, you should be guided not only by the size of the bathroom, but also by the size of your household to ensure comfort while taking a shower.


Consumers who have already used a shower cabin note the following disadvantages of the device:

  1. Difficult to care for. Rigidity characteristic of tap water, over time leaves on the walls of the shower stall limescale. Its untimely removal can lead to damage to the enamel of the tray and unsightly stains on the glass. Therefore, wipe inner surface The device is recommended after every shower.
  2. High price. IN Lately this drawback is not so relevant. Budget models have appeared on sale affordable price. Besides quality bath, equipped with modern devices, can cost much more than a shower stall.
  3. Pallet features. Various materials, from which trays for shower stalls are made, have negative features: cast iron warms up slowly, and plastic creates a lot of noise under water pressure.
  4. Inability to relax. For those who like to soak in hot water, this drawback is a strong argument in favor of a bath.
  5. Inability to bathe a baby. Water treatments Young children, according to pediatricians, should take place in the bath, since active games with the child in the water help improve muscle tone.

Options for shower cabins in the photo

Additional functions

The size and cost of the shower cabin depends on the number of built-in additional functions:

  • variety of shower modes. In addition to the pressure control function, the cabin can be equipped automatic system contrast shower (change of cold and hot water), rain shower head;
  • vertical hydromassage system. Represents nozzles with rotating mechanism, installed on the walls of the cabin and releasing targeted streams of water under pressure;
  • sauna. The function is carried out due to the built-in steam generator, which provides the necessary air temperature and humidity. In addition, the model can be equipped with a special container for aromatic oils;
  • backlight, radio, telephone. Expensive models are equipped with such additional functions, such as color lighting, speakerphone, radio.

The functionality of additional functions, such as sauna and hydromassage, depends on the pressure in the system. Residents should take this into account multi-storey buildings, which are characterized by the problem low pressure water.


Based on an analysis of the listed pros and cons of using shower cabins, their installation is recommended:

  • owners of bathrooms whose size does not allow installing a bulky bathtub;
  • young people or married couples who do not have small children and their birth is not planned in the near future;
  • elderly and disabled people for whom getting into the bathtub is not possible or is difficult;
  • people for whom hot baths are contraindicated for health reasons.


Since the times when only aristocrats could afford to install a bathtub, it has become a symbol of comfort and prosperity. Nowadays, everyone can afford to purchase such a plumbing fixture, especially since manufacturers have filled the market with hundreds of models of various sizes, shapes and price categories.


Bathtub owners have a number of opportunities that shower cabin owners do not have:

  1. Opportunity to fully relax. The lying position of the body allows you to completely relax the muscles of the body and relieve the tension accumulated during the day, which cannot be done when taking a shower while standing.
  2. Heat preservation. In the cold season, a bath allows you to warm up and “steam the bones” in a short period. To achieve a similar effect in the shower, you will need much more time or the presence of a shower with a sauna effect.
  3. Healing procedures. Adding medicinal herbs, oils, sea ​​salt turns taking a bath into a therapeutic procedure that can fight colds, skin and other diseases.
  4. Use for bathing small children. In the bath, you can easily carry out hygiene procedures for babies, hardening, as well as extremely useful educational games in the water. For bathing babies, you can put a special small bath in the bathtub to protect the room from splashes.
  5. Ability to wash away heavy stains. People whose work involves hard physical labor can easily wash off sweat and dirt in the bathroom.

The opinion that bathtubs have long gone out of fashion is erroneous. Bathtub manufacturers are constantly improving both the design of their models and the provision of additional functions. Last fashion trend- separately free standing bath original form.


There are few arguments against installing a bathtub, but they are quite significant:

  1. Occupies a large area. Standard bath takes up a significant part of the room’s space. Of course, a number of modern plumbing products include small corner baths, but in this case the main advantage of the device is lost.
  2. Consumes a lot of water. The bath volume is 150-250 l, so frequent bathing entails high water costs.
  3. Causes diving difficulties. It is difficult for elderly people and people with disabilities to overcome the height of the side.

Photo gallery of baths

Additional functions

A bathtub with handles on the side surfaces, a headrest, armrests, and an anti-slip coating would surprise few people these days. Modern models can be equipped with a number of additional functions:

  • built-in thermostat;
  • hydro or air massage system;
  • backlight;
  • automatic disinfection, etc.

Such plumbing will satisfy even the most demanding consumers. The choice depends only on the size of the bathroom and material capabilities.

When buying a hot tub, you should remember the quality of the tap water. An indispensable condition for its operation is the installation of a filter, otherwise the hydromassage system will quickly fail.


Thus, when renovating a bathroom, you will have to give up the bathtub in several cases:

  • if the area of ​​the room does not allow installing a bathtub of standard sizes;
  • if among family members there are people for whom getting into the bath is problematic;
  • if the apartment owners do not want to waste their time taking baths, but prefer to carry out hygiene procedures in the shower.

Compromise solution

If there is a disagreement in the family about which is better: a bath or a shower, you can find a compromise solution. The easiest way out of this situation is to install both plumbing fixtures. But this option can only be implemented if the bathroom area is sufficient.

For a small room, you can purchase a hydrobox, which is a symbiosis of a bathtub and a shower stall. It is equipped with a compact but deep tray, sealed doors and has the functions inherent in shower cabins.

A less expensive solution would be to install glass or plastic sliding screen for a bath. With its help, you can, if necessary, turn the bathtub into a shower stall. If desired, a hydromassage panel can be placed in one of the adjacent corners.

Hydrobox - a compromise option

Video: how to make the right choice

A clear answer to the question: “Which is better: a bath or a shower?” does not exist. The choice depends on many factors: family composition, usual rhythm of life, size of the bathroom, financial situation and others. IN as a last resort there will always be a compromise solution.