In a private house      06/20/2020

We choose a heating system for a house made of profiled timber. Methods for heating a log house Heating a two-story log house

The heart of any wooden residential building is the heating system. The most important task when building a house is to design and assemble this heart. If you have patience and you have golden hands, then heating installation in wooden house you can do it yourself. To do this, just read the technical literature and watch the thematic video.

Before installing your heating wooden house, you need to choose the type of heating that will be appropriate in your home and will meet your needs and requirements. The task of installing heat in a house requires a long calculation process and careful planning. A mistake made when conducting heat in a house can be costly. This is the defrosting of the entire system and burst pipes, with a water heating system. With electric - this is a minimum short circuit.
With an air system, in general, the complexity of dismantling, after installation, does not make it possible to fix something.

The choice of the type of heating of a private house largely depends on what kind of access to energy is available. The type of energy carrier for heating a private wooden house can be:

  1. Hard fuel (coal, wood).
  2. Electricity.
  3. Liquid fuel (diesel, kerosene)

The choice of the heart of the thermal system - the boiler - depends on which source will be involved.

Choosing a boiler

If the source is gas, then it is best to choose an automatic wall-mounted gas boiler. Such a generator is equipped with a pump and protection. If a chimney is not provided, then you need to opt for a boiler with closed camera combustion. And to remove air in such a boiler, you can use a coaxial pipe. This will save money on the installation of the pipeline.

Wall-mounted boilers already have full automation, but with a water volume of more than 100 liters, install an additional expansion tank, even if there is a built-in. It will make it possible to compensate for the expansion of water when heated. Otherwise, the pressure in the boiler will increase greatly as the temperature rises, and the automation will often turn off.

If the choice fell on an electric boiler, then it is best to choose a full automatic, with a built-in pump and expansion tank. This option will be more convenient in installation and will avoid many mistakes.

Be sure to use a special device to stabilize electricity for such a boiler.

If the fuel is hard, then such a boiler can be installed by yourself, only by being able to weld. And they are able to weld heating pipes with their own hands. The outlet temperature of this type of boiler can reach 100 degrees and it will be difficult to install any pipes other than iron pipes without the use of professionals.

Can also be used plastic pipes in a system with a hard fuel boiler, but a special decoupling is required. Only highly professional heating engineers can perform it.

When the boiler is selected, you need to choose the right pipes and radiators. The material for pipes today is used differently. But when installing with your own hands, it is best to use plastic. It is easy to mount. The quality is metal pipes today it got worse. So from the proposed option, choose metal-plastic or polypropylene.

The material is selected, it remains to draw a diagram and choose a project for your home. The project will depend on the type of heating you choose.

Radiators are chosen depending on what kind of heat transfer you want to get and which ones are suitable for your interior. The more sections the radiators have, the warmer it will be in the house. The calculation to see each other is 1 section per 1.5 square meters.

The appearance of radiators should not spoil the overall appearance. Right choice you will do by watching the video:

The calculation of materials is carried out after compiling detailed diagram heating systems for your home.

For a wooden house, radiators with a lower entry are usually taken. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to hide pipes in the wall of such a house. They are hidden under the floors between floors.

Installation of heating in a wooden house

Gas heating today is the most affordable for 80% of private households. In Russia, gas is cheaper than in the rest of the world. And this makes it possible for the Russians to use such heating even with a large living area. Gas equipment Simple enough to install, but requires the approach of specialists.

The first thing to do is to draw up a diagram according to which the amount of material will be calculated and the entire system will be mounted. It is very important to draw up a project for the heating system of the entire building in general. The project will include a heating scheme for a particular house, installation of the system, a list of required materials, costing and budgeting.

Heating schemes

The most popular scheme is the heating scheme by means of water. Water heating, is based on the circulation of water in a system of pipes. Water is heated in the boiler and enters the pipes, from which it enters radiators or other types of heating appliances. There is heat transfer. After that, the water returns to the boiler.

The type of scheme chosen will depend on how the water will move through the pipes naturally or artificially. The scheme can be drawn up from the number of heating circuits, two-pipe or one-pipe.

If the circulation process occurs naturally, that is, the water moves under the influence of its chemical functions (expansion during heating), then the circuit will be single-pipe.

If water moves in the system under the influence of a pump (artificially), then the system may already have a two-pipe scheme.

When using a one-pipe system, it is difficult to regulate the temperature throughout the house. She will be different. The farther the radiator is from the source, the lower the temperature in it. The two-pipe system makes it possible to avoid this.

Installation of a one-pipe heating system

Fig No. 1 Scheme of a one-pipe system

For example, imagine two installation schemes for a single-pipe heating system for two-story wooden houses. Using them, you can simply mount such a system with your own hands.

The disadvantage of installing such a system is that lower radiators will heat up a little less. And a wooden house on different floors will have different temperature. But on the other hand, subject to the exact scheme, it is easy to mount it yourself. And another advantage of this installation is the small amount of materials involved in the design. And to equalize the temperature, you just need to increase the number of sections on the radiators installed at the end of the system. For faster inlet circulation cold water you can install a circulation pump.

Fig No. 2 Scheme of a one-pipe system

It is worth noting that schemes with natural circulation are possible if it is possible to install the boiler below the installation level of the radiators. Otherwise, simply water will not circulate in the pipes. During installation, it is necessary to observe the natural angle of inclination with hot water towards the radiators and back, from the cooled radiators to the boiler. Expansion tank must be mounted in such a scheme. When installing a pump in such a system, its efficiency increases several times and it will make it possible to install the boiler at any level. If the boiler already has a pump in its configuration, then the question of installing separate equipment is no longer raised.

The system shown in Figure 2 (horizontal arrangement of pairs of radiators) implies the use of such a pump. To maintain an even temperature throughout the system.

The difference between the two schemes lies in the connection with a shut-off valve.

Installation of a two-pipe heating system

Fig No. 3 Scheme of a two-pipe system

Figures 3 and 4 show diagrams two-pipe systems heating. Figure 3 shows a diagram with natural water circulation in the upper circuit. Radiators in this case have the same heating temperature. But the material costs for such a system are higher than for a single-pipe system. Shut-off valves are used for each radiator in such a system, which will allow you to control the temperature in each of them separately.

In figure 4 we see exactly the same system as in figure 3. But with bottom wiring.

Fig No. 4 Scheme of a two-pipe system

This a good option for those who plan to install the boiler in basement, and pipes are additional sources of heat. This scheme is more popular for heating gas heating two-story wooden houses with their own hands. Wooden houses are distinguished by the fact that you can mount radiators on the walls directly or by first nailing two bars.

These schemes are also suitable for hard fuel boilers. The only thing that should be changed in this case is the material of the pipes.

Electric heating

If gas is not available, then electricity can be used. There are many options for a wooden house. This is a "warm floor" system, which is sold in finished version or do it yourself.

It is not very convenient for homes with wooden floors(see) the fact that its installation requires concrete screed. But if you make a warm floor from a water electric boiler, then this is a very real project.

Such a system has its advantages. This is a silent operation, the accuracy of the temperature regime in the room.

Metal-plastic pipes with a diameter of 16 - 20 cm are taken. They are laid on a heat-insulating layer. The laying pattern is usually spiral, as shown in the scheme, or combined. From the ground collector pipe, which is connected to the boiler to be seen 10 cm from the walls. The second circuit has a distance of 40 cm from the first. This is done in order to then put the pipe back here. So the laying step will be 20 cm.

It is necessary to fasten the pipes to each other in a straight section after 1 m, more often on bends.

After fixing, the reliability of the system is checked. Simply put, they fill the pipes with water and see if there are any leaks. Then, in a wooden house, a second wooden formwork is made and the floor is laid on top.

The peculiarity of such a system in a wooden house is that the pipes are obtained as between two formworks, lower and upper. Thermal insulation does not allow heat to go down and it, rising up, warms the floor and the room.

Such a system can be used in homes where there is access to electricity or no gas. Solid fuel boilers still exist today. Their installation is difficult, and requires the skills of not only a heat engineer, but also a welder. The design of such systems, in principle, is not much different from a single-line natural circulation heating scheme. Only the pipes will go either from the furnace or from the hard fuel boiler.

If the boiler has a more modern equipment, then the installation of such a system is the same as in Figures 1 and 2

When installing this type of heating, metal pipes must be used.

Good day, Dear colleagues!

In this thread I would like to collect feedback from homeowners on the costs of and hot water supply of own wooden houses .
I emphasize (!) - exactly wooden throughout the cross section external walls(i.e. without additional insulation for various technologies).
In personal topics, some of the happy owners have already spoken on this issue, but I did not find such a library in a concentrated form. But the awareness of their capabilities / abilities to subsequently maintain the built house is one of the important factors.
In my opinion, the topic would also be useful for many novice developers to make a decision regarding the choice of wall sections for construction, the thickness of insulation pies, planning the heating system and hot water supply, and other points.

To facilitate the questioning and bring to a common denominator that is convenient for readers to understand, I would suggest answering the following questions:

1. Type and cross-section of external walls(for example, "House made of logs, section 26 cm").
2. Heated area(sq. meters) or volume(cubic meters).
3. Operating mode(seasonal, year-round, other).
4. Roof insulation(type of insulation, total thickness of the insulation pie).
5. Insulation of the floor of the 1st floor(type of insulation, total thickness of the insulation pie or other brief information floor covering).
6. Windows(glazing area, material, presence and parameters of double-glazed windows, other).
7. Entrance doors(material and brief characteristics).
8. Heating and hot water system (short description composition, type of energy carrier used).
9. Costs for and DHW(monthly/yearly averages).
10. Other necessary information (briefly).

(!) And by tradition) ... we leave questions, discussions, exchange of opinions, criticism, disputes, etc. outside the scope of this topic. If you want to clarify something, please contact the author's topics or PM.

Too many items. You need to take a ruler to measure everything, remember what and how it was done. Difficult to analyze. Everyone's house is different. And then for whom it is done. Lots of details. Even type entrance doors, material. According to such a questionnaire, one can estimate common home, the cost of operation and the financial situation of the owner. I would not fill out such a questionnaire. Why can't it be easier. Only four points.

1. The area of ​​the heated room

2. Type of heating

3. Energy consumption per day at a specific external and internal temperature. The temperature should be the most common (for example, minus 5 degrees and + 20 inside.

And that's it. If necessary, you can contact the owner in a personal and find out how he achieved this. Did you want to know on heating and hot water costs for own wooden houses.

    Each of these types of heating can be used under certain conditions and has certain advantages and disadvantages.

    Furnace heating of a wooden house

    This is the oldest version of heating, known to people for many hundreds of years. Its main advantage lies in the simplicity of design and the ability to quickly warm up the premises. However stove heating a house made of timber with an attic cannot provide uniform heating of a large building, and if there are several rooms, two or even three stoves will have to be installed. Therefore, ovens are used only in small houses country type.

    Water heating system of a house from a bar

    Water heating in a wooden house with an attic provides efficient heating houses, differs in economic work and well distributes heat on the building. In this case, a boiler operating on:
At the same time, the boiler itself can be installed in non-residential premises without taking up useful space inside the house.

However, these systems cannot be installed in houses with temporary residence of people. Because when the system is turned off during the cold season, the water in the pipelines and radiators can freeze and the heating elements will be damaged.

Heating a log house with underfloor heating

Most Effective electric heating of a wooden house with an attic is mounted in the form of a conductive heating cable laid in the floor structure. Possible less efficient use case electric convectors or steel panel radiators.

Heating through the use of electrical energy is convenient, has little inertia and can be used in temporary residences. But the main disadvantage is the high cost of the energy carrier. Operating costs for the heating period will be very decent amounts.

Air heating at home

Air heating of a private wooden house is widely used in Western Europe, where the climate is milder and the winters are warmer. Its main advantages are the ability to filter the supplied air from dust and harmful microorganisms, as well as the most even distribution of heat.

In such a system, heating occurs in a special air heater due to the combustion of gas, liquid fuel or the use of electric heating elements. The main disadvantages are the need to install air ducts that occupy the useful volume of the premises, and the relatively low heat output of the system, which poorly provides heating of the building at negative critical temperatures. And the increase in productivity entails the appearance of noise from a large number supplied air.

Combined heating option

In this case, two heating systems operating in parallel are used. For example, air and electric. At an outdoor air temperature of +8°С to -15°С, the air system, and with a further decrease in the temperature outside, you can turn on additional electric heating. This will reduce the cross-section of air ducts and buy cheaper ventilation equipment.

Combined systems are the most efficient and easy to use, but require significant additional costs during construction.

The listed elements of heating are very important. Based on this, the correspondence of each part of the installation must be planned correctly. Garage heating installation has some devices. On this tab of the web project, we will try to determine the necessary construction components for the desired dacha. The heating system includes radiators, pipes, pressure increasing pumps, thermostats, an expansion tank, air vents, a connection system, boiler fasteners, collectors.

If you set out to build yourself a beautiful secure home, from which it breathes warmth and comfort, it is difficult to find a more worthy material than timber. If the construction of the house was carried out by specialists high class, then you do not even have to think about the subsequent finishing. A separate point worth considering heating log house .

In our Savard company you can order heating 2 x storey building or heating a three-story house made of timber. Nothing is impossible for our designers, and heating in log house is one of the easiest tasks to complete. Our specialists have repeatedly encountered such orders, so such a task will not be something new.

It is possible to carry out communications to the house from a bar, which will allow heating the dwelling with natural gas, electricity. It is also possible to install a boiler unit that runs on solid fuel. It is important to remember that quality heating is only possible if home heating has been very well thought out. And the results of such “thinking” resulted in the form of a competent project.

Heating a house from a bar: project, installation

The project must specify exactly where the boiler will be located with all the necessary components. This will help to increase the efficiency of work on equipping the house with heating communications. Although any type of heating that is planned to be installed in a dwelling requires such a stage as heating design. You can't do without it. Even timber house heating will be carried out without the use of a boiler, the technical documentation will help the installers.

In some cases, you can choose the infrared heating of a private house from a bar, which requires connection to high voltage lines power lines. Although in this case it is possible to equip electric boiler equipment. However, if there are gas pipelines in the immediate vicinity, it will be better to equip gas boiler units. This is due to the cost of this fuel. Economical heating of a log house with the Savard company will become a reality!

Communications, heating log houses

However, not only heating is worth considering. The indoor climate is also very important. But in your case, the building itself is already a guarantee of excellent microclimatic conditions. After all, a profiled beam conducts heat perfectly, which means that communications at home from a bar will have a great opportunity to show themselves favorably. By the way, it is precisely such material as timber that will allow you to choose the power of the equipment less - again, because of the excellent thermal conductivity. This is an added plus!

Our company can offer you the most competent selection of heating communications and the highest quality implementation of these solutions. We are always ready to fulfill engineering Communication turnkey in buildings made of timber and give them the level of comfort that their owners require! Hurry up to order quality inexpensive heating in a log house in Moscow and the Moscow region from reliable company!


Building a house from a bar is not only laying the foundation and erecting wall structures. After the completion of the construction process and the installation of the roof structure, you will face the question of providing engineering communications networks. This includes:

  1. heating system;
  2. water supply;
  3. sewerage;
  4. power supply.

If the electrification of a log house can be carried out at any stage, then water supply and sewerage should be taken care of already at the stage of foundation construction. The same can be said about the construction of a turnkey log bath.

Features of heating a timber house

Wood is one of the most ancient and practical building materials. Until now, not a single building material has been created that would fully possess the properties of natural wood. After all, the walls of wood literally breathe, passing fresh air outside of the building while keeping the heat inside. In addition, wood absorbs excess moisture in the room or releases it when the air is too dry. That is why in the especially popular now log houses 6x8 never feels too hot or too cold, too dry or damp. Log garden houses themselves maintain an optimal microclimate, which makes them very comfortable.

How to equip high-quality heating of a log house?

For this, you need to take into account whole line factors that significantly affect both the comfort of a person's stay in the house and the life of the building itself. Optimally, the heating of a log house should meet the following requirements:

  • temperature uniformity in different seasons;
  • absolute fire safety, especially in terms of the possibility of spontaneous combustion;
  • constancy.

When constructing a timber house, it is necessary Special attention devote it to heating. The thermal conductivity of wood is quite low and depends on the specific type of wood. However, when building a house from a bar, it is very difficult to provide absolute thermal insulation. Maximum suitable option in this case it could be water individual heating.

Optimal options for heating in a house made of timber

The essence of such heating is that the production of thermal energy is carried out independently and then fed into required quantity in commercial and residential premises. The device of water heating of a log house is possible during its construction almost anywhere. However, often the supply of gas or central heating to the construction site of such garden house or impossible due to remoteness from communications, or simply unprofitable due to the cost of such work. In such cases, it is the individual water heating of a 6x8 timber house, given its size, that is most appropriate for supplying heat to various rooms. In our time optimal heating can be provided using energy sources such as solid fuel(firewood, coal, peat, etc.) and liquid fuels (fuel oil, diesel fuel, etc.). Note that a variety of boilers for individual water heating are on sale. In general, they can be divided into three categories:

  • liquid fuel;
  • solid fuel;
  • mixed type.

Of course, when installing such heating, it is necessary to personal plot equip a special place for storing the appropriate fuel.

Individual heating system in a log house: principles of operation

The principle of operation of water individual heating of a house made of profiled timber is quite simple. Thermal energy is produced in the central boiler, while heating the water in it. Then this water heated to the desired temperature is circulated directly through the heating system. The heating system itself consists of pipes and radiators (batteries). Such a system is usually installed by specialists according to a specially designed scheme. In conclusion, we note that for a 6x8 log house, individual water heating is the most rational. This is, firstly, its economy. Secondly, it provides a constant temperature of the set parameters in various rooms of the house. Thirdly, the heat supply in such a system is carried out automatically. And, finally, by installing an individual water boiler, it is also possible to provide for the simultaneous heating of other objects on the estate, for example, baths.


As already mentioned many times, a tree is a unique natural material, which has been used to build houses for many centuries.

Ability ordinary house, built of timber, perfectly store heat, great appearance, unique microclimate - all this lures many people to build houses from ordinary timber .

Log houses are distinguished by obvious quality and durability.

Most likely, directly because experienced builders are advised to use materials of wood origin when decorating wooden houses.

A suitable option for such a house is wooden ceiling . In every interior there is now a place for the personification of a wonderful idea - installing a ceiling made of natural wood.

Due to the unique wood pattern, texture and different colors, there is always the opportunity to choose the most best option for a particular house.

Technology today makes it possible to unique design ceiling. Practice shows that wood goes very well with any other material in the interior: stone, glass, including plastic. Therefore, it will not be difficult to withstand a specific style direction.

There are several varieties of wood ceiling finishes.

The oldest and most common option is clapboard lining. Something like a classic ceiling finishes. The lining is selected with a template thickness, which is 12.5 millimeters. Fasten it in two ways - nails or cleats. In order to give shine and aesthetic appearance, the ceiling from the lining is covered with a colorless varnish.

The second method is sheathing board. From the sheathing board, the ceiling is obtained in the same way as option No. 1. The only difference is the thickness of the sheathing board, which is 23 millimeters. Among other things, to add shine, the sheathing board ceiling is covered with a colorless varnish.

The last method is to cover the ceiling with OSB panels. This method is considered the most expensive. Designers on an affordable budget love to bring the freshest ceiling ideas to life. OSB panels are fastened with special screws, after which the surface is puttied, then covered with selected paint. There are no color restrictions.

Once a traditional Russian stove was the only source of heat in the house. Today, homeowners have complete freedom of choice. Log houses are quite suitable for living in them. all year round. But their heating is associated with some features. First of all, heating a house from a bar requires strict adherence to all applicable safety standards and rules. After all, wood is a highly flammable material, and any oversight during installation or operation heating system can result in complete destruction of the home.

How can you heat a house from a bar?

It is desirable to decide on the future heating system at the design stage. Indeed, unlike brick or block houses, unused technological holes, after any alteration, cannot be hidden behind plaster here. As for the main options, the following deserve attention:

  • water heating;
  • warm floor;
  • air heating.

When choosing a final decision, you can be guided by the following factors:

  • simplicity and efficiency of system installation;
  • cost of equipment;
  • the cost of maintaining the system;
  • expediency of use in a particular region;
  • aesthetics.

Although in general, one can rely on one universal rule here - the simpler the better.

Water heating

At the moment, water is the most efficient type of coolant. Therefore, water heating is the most common solution. The operation of the system is ensured by the circulation of water in a closed circuit "boiler-radiator-boiler". This process can be either forced or natural. TO forced circulation with the help of pumps they resort in large houses with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bmore than 100 square meters. m. Natural circulation is managed in small houses, where the movement of the coolant will be quite effective due to the difference in the mass of hot and cool water.

The main advantages of water heating:

  • low cost of installation and subsequent operation of the system;
  • high efficiency;
  • versatility (equally effective for heating houses with any area);
  • high level system reliability.

The water heater in systems of this type can be a gas, electric or solid fuel boiler.

Underfloor heating systems

If water heating is considered a traditional solution, then underfloor heating is an interesting novelty that is becoming increasingly popular today. Heating a house from a bar warm floors It is beneficial primarily because it allows you to spend a minimum of energy for high-quality space heating. In addition, heat is distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​​​the room, which is an absolute advantage, since the air becomes warm, but does not dry out and remains fresh. Another plus is stealth. The system is hidden under flooring, without taking up space and without violating the integrity of the interior.

The warm floor itself consists of a heating cable, which is located under the finished floor covering or a system of water pipes. The latter functions by analogy with conventional water heating, however, given that it operates in low-temperature mode, along with gas, solid fuel and electric boilers heat (geothermal) pumps can also be used here as the main source of heat.

air heating

If we talk about timber houses, systems air heating can be considered the most cost-effective solution. Not without reason in the northern states of the United States, as well as in Western Europe, more than 80% of private houses are heated in this way. As the name implies, the heat carrier here is the air itself, which is first warmed up and then supplied to the premises through a duct system. As for heaters, they are different types and can run on electricity, natural gas, as well as solid and liquid fuels.

The main advantages of air heating:

  • high efficiency;
  • lack of pipes and radiators (air ducts are hidden in the walls);
  • easy control temperature conditions;
  • lack of local temperature drops and condensation on the windows;
  • efficient heating of large areas.

As for the shortcomings, only one of the tangible ones can be distinguished - the high complexity of installing the system, which is assembled in stages and in parallel with the construction of the house.

What other options are there?

At the moment, such exotic things as stove or fireplace heating are still found. But it is used in isolated cases, and its effectiveness, despite all the tricks and technical modifications leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it will not be practical to use a stove or fireplace in a house intended for year-round living of an ordinary family. The same can be said about electric radiators, convectors, IR panels and other similar options. They are not efficient enough to fully warm up the house in winter and are more suitable for installation in a country house or in guest cottages.