Well      06/14/2019

How to water phalaenopsis. Proper watering Phalaenopsis orchids. With non-standard cultivation

You can determine the watering time by the flower itself, if you look at its roots. It is time to moisten when both the soil and the rhizome of the plant are completely dry. In the summer sunny season, it takes a couple of days to dry. In cloudy rainy weather, the substrate dries much longer. And in the cold season, the process is even more delayed. However, if we take the average option, then watering is recommended to be carried out according to the following scheme:

  • summer period - every 2-3 days.
  • autumn and spring months - once a week.
  • winter time - once every 2 weeks.

Phalaenopsis roots

Phalaenopsis does not tolerate excessive moisture, and therefore excessive frequent and intense watering can cause significant harm to the plant. As for the time of day, it is recommended to start this activity in the morning, so that the orchid has time to dry before sunset. This is explained biological features of this plant, it prefers to absorb moisture from the substrate during daylight hours.

The phalaenopsis orchid itself will tell the attentive and observant owner about the optimal time for its hydration. So, if the rhizome of the plant has taken on a bluish or grayish tint, then the flower needs watering. But if condensation is observed on the walls of the pot in which the orchid grows, then the substrate still stores a sufficient amount of moisture and additional moisture is completely useless. Especially carefully you need to monitor the flower when the flowering period has come. More strength is needed, so drying out is easy to miss. Even the slightest violation optimal conditions moisture during flowering threatens to stop it.

The rhizome of a grayish plant

Another way to check the degree of dryness of the soil is to measure the mass of the pot. And in this case, you do not need scales. Just lift the orchid pot immediately after watering and try to remember the degree of its severity. Repeat the manipulation after a few days. If you feel that the pot has become much lighter, then it's time to water your pet. Of course, the method is very approximate, and you should not rely on it, for example, during flowering. At this time, you need to be more careful.

To catch the first manifestations of drying during the flowering period, you can use next trick with the help of an ordinary wooden stick. To do this, simply stick it into the ground, then take it out and see how dry it is. If traces of a wet substrate are visible on the stick, it means that it is better to wait a little with watering. Well, the easiest way: to dig a little the surface of the earth and check the degree of its humidity with your finger.

Humidification with hard chlorinated tap water can be detrimental to Phalaenopsis. Therefore, it is recommended to use boiled or distilled water. If time permits, then you can use the usual running water, allowing it to preliminarily settle for a day. You can also improve the quality of the liquid by adding oxalic acid to it in a ratio of 1:10.

Moisturizing an orchid with distilled water

Water for watering phalaenopsis should be slightly higher room temperature. Application cold water it is categorically contraindicated, since it is extremely unfavorably reflected in the appearance and condition of the plant.

There are several methods for moisturizing phalaenopsis. The first method is to directly water the planting soil. To do this, it is best to use a small watering can, thanks to which you can direct a thin stream of water and evenly distribute it over the surface, where. After a couple of minutes, when excess liquid seeps through the holes into special trays, drain them and repeat the procedure.

The next way to water an orchid is with a shower. To do this, wrap the substrate plastic wrap, put a container with a flower in the bath and bathe your beautiful orchid by directing a weak stream of warm water at it. Give excess moisture drain and gently wipe the leaves of the plant with a cloth or paper. After that, leave the phalaenopsis in the bathroom for half an hour to avoid temperature changes. It should be noted that it is recommended to arrange a shower for orchids no more than once a month, and in winter, when the plants are at rest, it is better to abstain from this altogether.

Some lovers indoor orchids prefer the following method of watering them, which is correctly called the full immersion method. In this case, it is necessary to fill a sufficiently deep container with warm water, and then lower the phalaenopsis pot there. Time is about 15 minutes and winter time- no more than 5 minutes. Then the plants are removed and placed on a special tray to allow excess moisture to drain freely.

In the article you will find information on how to properly water an orchid at home. The phalaenopsis orchid does not have a clearly defined dormant period, so they should be watered moderately all year round, allowing the substrate to dry between waterings.

Do not forget that in no case should you water an orchid under the root, a stream of water should only wet the edges of the pot. The best and most reliable way to water an orchid is by submersion watering.

A pot with an orchid is placed in a container, filled with water to the level of the pot (you need to make sure that water does not get into the axils of the leaves), in this position you need to leave the orchid in the container for 15-20 minutes. Then, you should get an orchid, allow the rest of the water to drain and put on permanent place. The frequency of watering an orchid depends only on the conditions in which your plant is located. beautiful flower. Determining when to water an orchid is easy enough and there are several ways. The first is when the bark dries out, the pot will become light. The second is when the roots turn a gray-green color (when watered, the roots turn bright green). If you see that the roots are still pronounced green, then it is too early to water the orchid, even if the roots are already gray-green in the top of the pot. If there is condensation on the walls of the pot, then it is also not worth watering the orchid.

Do not put the orchid in round vases, there should not be constant water in the pan and do not spray the plant, as all this can cause the plant to rot. Orchid leaves should be wiped with a damp cloth.

Watering orchids photo

Watering orchids video

Dill spreads well by self-sowing, so many summer residents do not consider it necessary to sow this crop every year on the site. But at the same time, everyone understands that dill and dill are different. And the greens of carefully grown dill in the garden in their own way palatability and flavor tends to be superior to dill, which grows on its own. In this article, we will tell you how to have green dill in the beds in sufficient quantities from early spring to late autumn.

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Vegetarian cabbage rolls from savoy cabbage with mushrooms - steamed cabbage rolls for diet, vegetarian and lean menus. Cabbage rolls are unusually tasty, very appetizing, and, if applicable to food, beautiful, unlike their counterparts from white cabbage, stewed in a brazier or fried in a pan. Savoy cabbage is tastier than white cabbage, the head is loose, it is easier to disassemble into individual leaves. The color of the leaves is from pale green to emerald green.

In winter, every summer resident is looking forward to spring and is happy to open the season with the first crops of flower and vegetable crops for seedlings. But, unfortunately, the place on the windowsill is limited, and it is not always possible to place the required number of seedlings in cups in the apartment. In addition, some of the crops may simply not sprout, something will die ... And for us, summer residents, no matter how much you plant, it’s not enough! Therefore, at least some seedlings, but almost every gardener buys.

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Eggplants require sunny but short days, medium-warm temperatures without sweltering heat, sufficient moisture, but without flooding the root system. Provide such conditions in open field most regions of Russia is quite difficult. Therefore, earlier eggplants were grown only in protected ground conditions. With the development of breeding, it became possible to grow eggplants in open ground not only in the southern regions, but also in middle lane.

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Although the calendar spring begins in March, it is very difficult to call this month spring. But May is already a real long-awaited spring, filled with aromas and multicolors of awakened nature. Fresh young leaves on trees and shrubs attract the eye yearning for greenery during the long months of winter. In May, the parade of primroses continues in the garden, delighting with colorful foliage and flowering ornamental shrubs, perennials, conifers are updated.

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Beef with eggplant with vegetable sauce in the oven is a simple, very tasty and not very high-calorie dish, which is quite important in our time. Sauce only from vegetables, no flour, sugar, milk or cream. Meat without fat, and, nevertheless, it turns out juicy and tender. Can be replaced with chicken fillet or veal. Eggplants do not need to be fried first, just a little salt to make them soft. TO ready meal I advise you to prepare a light yogurt sauce.

Houseplants are much more dependent on top dressing than garden plants. Thanks to top dressing, they get everything they need for growth and flowering. The substrate is depleted several months after transplantation. And if nutrients are not replenished, plants quickly begin to show signs of macro- and micronutrient deficiencies. The leaves are the first and most obvious signal of it. About the deficiency or excess of which elements will the leaves “tell” indoor plants?

Duck with oranges in French - exquisite, juicy, with golden skin. Such a baked duck will decorate any festive table, and it is prepared simply, although, compared to traditional fried chicken, it takes a little longer. To speed up the process, to keep the secreted juices, use a sleeve or a baking bag of the right size, remember that not every bag can fit a large duck! We serve the duck on the table with the sauce and filling that remained after baking.

Purslane is a well-known, widespread weed throughout the world, which has a number of qualities for which all gardeners unanimously hate it. One of them is indestructibility. Purslane is so viable that even one seed can be the beginning of the capture of the site by this weed. To remove purslane from the garden and orchard, patience, knowledge and clarity in the implementation of measures to destroy it are required. In this article, we will consider methods for dealing with purslane on the site.

Having a phalaenopsis orchid in the house, most of the novice flower growers do not quite understand what watering is - how often it should be done and how to determine the need.

This negatively affects the development and flowering of the plant, and sometimes it can destroy the trunk.

Experts advise to be more attentive to the inhabitants of the windowsill, look at them.

Features and nuances

With non-standard cultivation

After insufficient watering, it is often necessary to reanimate phalaenopsis orchids, which have no horses at all.

How to water them? What will the plant absorb? required amount moisture?

As you know, epiphytic plants can absorb moisture from environment not only the root system, but also leaves.

It is in this way that the bole will be fed during the resuscitation period, when it will completely lack roots.

The irrigation process is carried out in the following way:

  • The settled acidified water;
  • A plant is placed above a vessel with water so that it does not touch the water;
  • As it evaporates leaves orchids will absorb the required amount of moisture;

This method will help not only to drink a dried stem, but also grow a new root system.

Sometimes tropical plants grown without flowerpots, this gives a certain exoticism to the room.

In such cases, watering is carried out with a sprayer, the water should be warm at any time of the year.

If we talk about how often to water the phalaenopsis orchid at home, then this procedure repeat once or twice a week depending on the temperature in the room and its illumination.

When transplanting

After transplanting a young or adult plant, water it not recommended for 7-10 days.

After transplanting, orchids are not watered for some time.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Before transplanting, an adult plant is usually cleaned of the old substrate by abundant watering, during this period the plant stores moisture in the roots;
  • The filler in a pot or bowl is washed and briefly soaked in water before laying, the substrate is saturated with sufficient moisture for a few days.

If you start watering the plant earlier than expected, increased risk of root rot.

If foam is used in the substrate, watering is done more often. Moss and expanded clay extend the time the plant stays without watering by 2-3 days.

Moss extends the time between waterings.

In a dry microclimate

Dry air in the apartment may adversely affect the growth of Phalaenopsis orchids.

Such a microclimate can destroy the plant. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly water and spray the bole.

Important! The intervals between watering in rooms with dry air are reduced to 2 days in summer and 4-6 days in winter. Spraying can be carried out daily, but before that, the plant should be well inspected.

With top dressing

For weakened stems you can irrigate using materials prepared from improvised materials:

  • With insufficient watering, orchid leaves wither, you can fight this with the help of sweet water, which is watered with a bole. It's easy to prepare: a teaspoon of sugar is diluted in a liter water and water the plant once a week. If you do this more often, you can provoke a violation of the microflora of the substrate;
  • succinic acid will help the phalaenopsis orchid cope with the adaptation period after transplantation, will facilitate the assimilation useful substances from the substrate. Watering with the addition of this drug is carried out once a month, this is quite enough to stimulate growth and forcing flower stalks.

In addition, other equally effective means are often used, this is a topic for a separate article.

Useful video

Watch the video on how often to water an orchid:

Watch the video on how to water by immersion:

Watch the video on how to water phalaenopsis during the flowering period:

Watch the video personal experience grower about watering phalaenopsis at home:


Watering Phalaenopsis Orchids important just like any other plant. Lack or excess of watering negatively affects the development and life of the bole.

In contact with

Every orchid owner has their favorite watering method. Someone uses a wide basin for these purposes, others special orchid drinkers. Some water orchids like traditional house flowers - from a watering can. When choosing the most convenient way of watering phalaenopsis for yourself, it is important to remember that it is CORRECT watering that is fundamental to success in growing these beauties. Drought to phalaenopsis is not as terrible as waterlogging. For this reason, let's substrate opportunity to dry completely.

How do you know if the substrate is dry?

  • By weight of the pot. If the pot has become light, it's time to water. However, the need for watering an orchid by the weight of the pot can only be determined by professionals and people who have been dealing with phalaenopsis for a long time.
  • Root color. Phalaenopsis roots become light, whitish (pictured right). This means they are dry. But it is worth remembering that the substrate dries unevenly. If the outside of the roots brightened, this does not mean at all that the bark inside the pot has dried out.
  • By type and condition of the substrate. You can remove some of the bark and try to look inside the pot.

Such observations are necessary only at first. Then you will certainly learn to understand when to water the Phalaenopsis orchid, and make your own watering schedule. It is impossible to name the exact number of waterings at a certain time. The frequency and intensity of watering an orchid depends on the microclimate of the room in which it is located. If it is hot and dry, then let's say 1 watering in 3-4 days. If cool and humid, then 1 time in 1-2 weeks. It is important to learn to understand the needs of the orchid, and there will be no problems with watering.

Watering Methods for Home Orchids

. From a watering can or bottle with a narrow neck, the entire substrate is spilled along the edge of the pot, while water is avoided in the leaf axils and sockets. Strait time is from 10 to 20 minutes, until the entire substrate is saturated. After spilling, be sure to drain the water from the pan.

. A pot with an orchid is placed in a container filled with clean soft water. In this case, the level should be such that the water does not reach the neck. Orchid immersion time is from 10 minutes to an hour (each orchid owner has his own preferences). This method of watering is convenient when fertilizing and treating plants, as well as when it is necessary to solder orchids after a long drought.

. This method is used for watering orchids with open roots living on blocks. In this case, the atomizer is set to fog mode.

SHOWER. This method of irrigation is possible only in regions with mild tap water. The water temperature is about 35-40 degrees. Watering time from 1 minute to 10 minutes, depending on the degree of wetting of the substrate. After bathing under a hot shower, the orchid is left in the bath to cool for about an hour, then the axils of the leaves and the growing point are wiped and returned to their place. The hot shower experiment is described. The result of the experiment.

How to water Phalaenopsis orchids?

As I said, everyone chooses their own watering method, depending on the conditions and the time spent. Main principle watering - completely wet the substrate. The most popular method of watering is immersion. We take a container (basin, deep ladle, planter), put a pot with a plant, begin to pour warm settled or filtered water from a watering can around the entire perimeter of the pot until it covers 2/3 of the pot. We leave for 10-20 minutes. At this time, you need to wipe the leaves. To do this, soak a cotton pad in a simple warm water or solution succinic acid. Next, we take out the pot, let the water drain, and put the plant in place.


- It is better to water in the morning, so that the bark dries out a little by the cool evening.

- Use only soft water. If appears on the bark white coating(hardness salts), water is not suitable. Distilled water is not recommended, as it lacks trace elements and salts. When watering with distilled water, you will have to additionally make suitable fertilizers.

- In winter, watering is reduced significantly. The peak of rotting orchids is autumn and winter. It is at this time that people forget to turn down watering, while the sunny day is shortening and orchids consume less liquid. As a result, the roots rot and require plant resuscitation .

- After watering, be sure to let the water drain. Residual water in the pan at low temperatures can cause rotting.