Toilet      04/22/2019

How to grow good seedlings of white cabbage at home: methods and techniques. How to grow cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse

Cabbage can be found on almost any table as part of a variety of dishes. Classic cabbage rolls with cabbage leaves, stewed broccoli with mushrooms, Beijing cabbage in a salad - this is only a small part of the possible use. This cruciferous vegetable is used in many recipes. traditional medicine and home cosmetology, making various infusions and compresses, it was not for nothing that in Rus' she was always called the “lady”.


In our country, with the onset of spring, cabbage can be seen in almost every garden or on suburban area. Nevertheless, without basic knowledge of agronomy, it is quite difficult to grow strong heads of cabbage from ordinary seeds. Not too capricious about the temperature regime, cabbage loves a lot of moisture, sunlight and fertilized soil. The best conditions for planting seedlings there will be a greenhouse made of polycarbonate or plastic film.

Cruciferous vegetables can be of several types:

  • Late ripe- It is practically not eaten raw and is perfect for preservation.
  • Mid-season- such a vegetable can be eaten as soon as it reaches maturity, and it can be used to prepare stocks for the winter.
  • early ripe- small loose heads of cabbage weighing up to 1.5 kg. This type brings an average yield, but requires special conditions for storage in cellars or preserved.

In addition, you can choose from various hybrid varieties bred by artificial selection. The yield of such cabbage can reach up to 40 kg per 10 square meters. m.

Regardless of what type of seedlings were planted in the ground, any cabbage will not ripen until August. Even an ordinary unheated greenhouse will speed up the ripening process and get a harvest in late June or early July. If the greenhouse is equipped with special lighting, then you can regulate not only the air temperature, but also the length of daylight hours, which will also increase the growth of the vegetable.

It is not necessary to plant already sprouted seedlings in a greenhouse, it is also convenient to grow it directly in it, regulating the air and soil temperature.

The process of growing in a greenhouse

Even a beginner can grow cabbage inside the greenhouse, since for this it is enough to study all the intricacies of caring for the vegetable itself and for seedlings. Planting of seeds begins in February, and planting of finished seedlings begins approximately from mid-April. Experienced gardeners can take the risk and plant the seeds as early as December. Such seedlings will require additional phytolamp lighting during the winter months, but the crop can be harvested as early as early June. The long process itself can be divided into several main stages.

Selection and sowing of seeds

In order to get healthy strong seedlings you need to sow the largest and darkest seeds. Such seeds are sown in steam beds, which are formed using biofuels. Outside, the greenhouses dig small trenches 100–200 cm wide and no more than 30 cm deep. Animal manure, sawdust, straw or any other type of plant and animal biofuel is laid on the bottom of such a groove, and everything is covered with earth from above.

by the most the right option The soil is turf, peat and sand, mixed in equal parts. Above such a bed, a film is installed on a frame, to a height of about 30 cm, forming a small greenhouse.

You can plant seeds only in soil warmed up to at least 20 degrees. If necessary, heating with phytolamps is used, after which the seeds are placed at a depth of 1 cm. The first shoots are shown after 4-6 days, they do not need to be watered yet. If the air temperature is above zero, the greenhouse can be opened for a day in order to "harden" the crops. After the first leaves become visible, the temperature rises to 10-12 degrees.

Seed care

As soon as the sprouts have released a pair of leaves, the seedlings must be thinned out so that they do not interfere with each other. After that, active daily watering and top dressing begins with potash, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. It is better to water the cabbage in the morning, so that during the day it has time to absorb all the moisture.

For the entire time of seedling growth, it needs to be fed only 3 times. The first - with a mixture of equal parts of all three components, the second time with an exclusively nitrogen supplement, and the last time - almost before planting seedlings from a greenhouse into a greenhouse - again with a mixture of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.

Preparing the growing area

The most difficult part of the work is done, it remains to plant ready seedlings inside the greenhouse and wait for the beginning of the formation of heads. Before proceeding with this, the soil and lighting of the greenhouse must be prepared in a certain way. The earth in the greenhouse must be dense to hold water, which this delicious vegetable loves so much.

But acidic soil adversely affects its growth, so in the fall, after harvesting the previous crop, the greenhouse must be carefully dug up, sprinkled with lime and fertilized from humus, manure or mineral mixtures. Lamps for additional lighting are hung on the ceiling of the greenhouse, which will help the leaves of plants receive as much heat and light as they need for rapid growth. It is extremely important to observe crop rotation and not plant cabbage in the same greenhouse for two years in a row, it is better to alternate it with onions, cucumbers or legumes.


Seedlings can be transplanted already when each sprout has at least 4 leaves, and its color has become green-purple. Seedlings a couple of days before planting are again hardened by lowering the temperature to 15-17 degrees and regular airing. Plants are planted using the transshipment method, that is, an earthen clod of old greenhouse soil is left on the roots.

In the greenhouse soil, at a distance of approximately 30 cm from each other, small depressions (holes) are made, which are poured with water and covered with minerals. A seedling with earth on its roots is lowered into this hole and everything around it is carefully crushed.

Watering can be started only after a week, when it will be clear that the seedlings have taken root in a new place.

How to achieve a good harvest?

The vegetable loves moisture, warmth and a lot of light, so to get a good harvest, you need to water it daily and extend the daylight hours to 14-16 hours with the help of lamps. The soil around the head must be periodically loosened, saturating with oxygen, and fed with manure solution every couple of weeks. You can also sprinkle the leaves with ash - this is not only top dressing, but also protection from pests. The optimum temperature is 16-20 degrees.

Vegetable varieties

In addition to the usual white cabbage other types of it are often grown in the greenhouse.


An excellent addition to homemade green salads and soups is the early-ripening Beijing, which yields a crop 50–80 days after seed germination. The seedlings themselves are grown at a temperature of 10 degrees for 20 days, after which they are transplanted into a greenhouse. Often it grows together with other vegetables as a "compacter" of the soil. A mature head of cabbage weighs about 300 g, and about eight kilograms of crop can be harvested from one square meter of land.


Due high content broccoli methionine and choline should be included in the diet of adults and children. Growing it in a greenhouse is no more difficult than ordinary white cabbage. Since it is frost-resistant, seeds can be sown as early as March, and after a couple of weeks, the finished seedlings can be transplanted into the greenhouse. The ideal temperature for broccoli is 12-18 degrees, the soil must be thoroughly loosened and sprinkled with fertilizers. The central heads are cut before flowering so that they do not grow to looseness and the cabbage loses its taste.


This type of cruciferous vegetable is more difficult to grow on its own, as it is more demanding on temperature and humidity. With sufficiently moist soil, the air temperature should in no case fall below 15 degrees and rise above 18 degrees. You can feed seedlings only with potassium and urea sulfates added to the mullein infusion.

For top dressing during transplantation, it is imperative to add molybdenum so that its head does not change color and structure. A ready head of cabbage weighs about 300-500 grams and will allow you to add it to your diet by the beginning of August.

Vegetable grown with my own hands, several times more useful than products purchased on the market. The process of growing cabbage is simple even for a novice gardener. The main thing in this long process is to be patient and strictly follow step by step instructions. If everything is done correctly, the harvest will be plentiful and enough for the whole family.

For information on how to sow cabbage for seedlings in an unheated greenhouse, see the following video.

In the old days, a peasant's garden was impossible to imagine without cabbage. So today, even on two acres, a couple of heads of this useful and delicious vegetable. But in modern greenhouses today they grow not only white cabbage, but also no less useful Peking, and Chinese, and cauliflower, and Savoy, and Brussels sprouts, and even broccoli. This is because, although cabbage itself is a cold-resistant plant, it can still be destroyed by long-term low temperatures. That's why only a greenhouse can guarantee it good harvest. And cabbage cannot do without increased moisture, especially its seeds. But an overabundance, of course, can lead to the death of the roots. Therefore, in the cultivation of this particular vegetable, everything is good in moderation, and this measure is just the easiest to control indoors.

In the greenhouse for moisture-loving cabbage - just the same ideal conditions. That is why growing in it far from one dozen goals per season is within the power of even a novice summer resident. The main thing is to correctly calculate the timing of planting seeds, and growing cabbage in a greenhouse will be an easy and enjoyable experience.

Option # 1 - early cabbage

The most important thing is to choose the right variety early cabbage. So, from the most well-proven ones we can name the following:

  • "Dietmar early". This is an early ripening variety, which will give the first harvest already 50-70 days after planting the seedlings in the greenhouse.
  • "Golden Hectare 1432". This variety has a period from planting seedlings to the first heads of cabbage - 105-129 days. This variety is distinguished by the resistance of heads to cracking, which in itself is important.
  • "Number One K-206". If you use this variety, then about 100-125 days will pass from the appearance of the first shoots to heads of cabbage. But all heads of cabbage will ripen together, giving from 25 to 40 kg of yield for every 10 m 2. It is only important to remove everything on time - otherwise the heads of cabbage will have time to crack.

There are no special tricks for growing such cabbage, so we move on.

Option #2 - Chinese cabbage

Delicious and beautiful Beijing cabbage - early ripening. It is most convenient to grow it in seedlings. First of all, high humidity is needed for Beijing cabbage - 70-80%.

Also, in order to successfully grow Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse, it is important to maintain optimal temperature regime. After all, this cabbage is a cold-resistant plant, and exceeding the temperature in the greenhouse by more than + 15-20 ° C will immediately lead to the formation of a flowering stem. And in general, a violation of the temperature regime is fraught with plant disease, which may simply not form a head.

Option #3 - cauliflower

It is not difficult to grow cauliflower in a greenhouse, although it is considered the most demanding - it is only important to provide optimal temperature and air humidity. So, if the temperature is too high and the humidity is low, then the cauliflower heads will lose their density and begin to crumble. That is why the soil for growing cauliflower must be well fertilized and moistened - these are indispensable conditions.

Cauliflower seedlings can be planted in greenhouses and greenhouses at the end of March. Portable greenhouses are best suited for this purpose, because the growing season of this plant is quite large. In any case, the most important thing is to harvest the cauliflower in time so that the plant heads do not have time to crumble.

Option #4 - white cabbage

The most difficult thing is to correctly grow seedlings of white cabbage. For this, a special biofuel greenhouse is most suitable, which can be used since March. And after that, the finished seedlings are transplanted into the greenhouse.

Growing seedlings

A good alternative to such a greenhouse is steam beds, which can be made by digging a pit 125 cm wide and 30 cm deep. Biofuel should be laid at the bottom, and sprinkled with a layer of earth on top. Finally, cover with foil. And the simplest shelters for growing seedlings are film, frame type. You can install them directly on the ridges in the spring. The main thing is that their height should not be less than 30 cm.

So, as soon as the soil in the greenhouse or under the shelter is warmed up to 18-20 ° C, the sowing itself can begin. For this, it is advisable to choose the darkest and largest seeds, soak them in water at 50 ° C for 20 minutes, cool quickly by immersion in cold water for 3 minutes, and dry on a newspaper, scattering in a very thin layer. It is also advisable to disinfect the seeds of white cabbage even before planting by treating them with a solution of nitrophoska.

After that, the seeds can be sown in a greenhouse, covering it with frames and throwing any warming material on top of it. The first shoots will already be on the 4th day, and the shelter for the day will need to be removed. But when the first true leaf appears, all seedlings must be picked, or at least thinned out. After that, it is important to raise the temperature in the greenhouse by 2-3°C and maintain it already within 10-12°C.

After the seedlings have a few leaves, you need to intensify watering - but without waterlogging. It is best to water the seedlings early in the morning. And after picking, you can start feeding cabbage by taking 20 g of nitrogen fertilizers, 10 g of potash fertilizer and 40 g of superphosphate in a bucket of water - this is all for one greenhouse frame. And the second time, the seedlings will need to be fed only with nitrogen fertilizer, taking 25-20 g per bucket of water. And, finally, before moving the seedlings to the greenhouse, it is desirable to feed it for the third time - 30 g of nitrogen fertilizer + 20 g of potassium + 20 g phosphorus + 1 bucket of water. If, by the way, fertilizers accidentally get on the leaves of plants, they must be washed off immediately with clean water.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place

And now, already a couple of days before the relocation of seedlings, greenhouses should be ventilated, leaving the frames open for the whole day and even at night, if the weather is good. And on the day of sampling, seedlings need to be well watered. Ideally, it should have at least 3 leaves per early varieties, 5 leaves in late ones and a developed root system. It is not necessary to shake off the earth from the roots. And if it is possible to select seedlings, then preference should be given to one in which the stems are lilac-green in color, and not pale green in color - this is a sign of an underdeveloped root system that will not be accepted well in greenhouse soil. As a result, from one such frame you can get up to 600 seedlings.

The first watering of cabbage can be done only when the cabbage takes root in the greenhouse, but not earlier than 8 days.

Greenhouse cabbage care

By the way, you need to pay attention to the fertilizer of cabbage with potassium and nitrogen in the greenhouse. Special attention- the formation of its head of cabbage depends on this. Cannot stand white cabbage and shading - it needs a lot of light.

It's interesting that experienced gardeners it is advised to sow cabbage seeds for seedlings as early as mid-December, illuminating the seedlings with special lighting. And the heated greenhouse should be planted already on permanent place only at the age of 55-60 days. Moreover, nitrogen nutrition will need to be applied only in the first month, and then only potassium and phosphorus.

But, no matter what method of growing cabbage in greenhouses is chosen, the most important thing is compliance with the technology. That there is a sure guarantee that the harvest will please.

To be successful when growing cabbage, you must strictly follow the rules. They start with the choice of variety, after which they prepare the soil, maintaining the processing technology planting material. It is necessary to sow the seeds in the soil saturated with useful microelements. It is not enough to sow the seeds, but the seedlings should be cared for to prevent pests and fungal spores. For this, bio- and chemicals, folk remedies, fertilize each crop to achieve high yields.

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    How to sow cabbage for seedlings?

    Subject to the primary conditions, it is possible to achieve success in growing cabbage seedlings:

    • correct selection of varieties;
    • preparation of seeds for sowing;
    • qualified preparation of planting soil;
    • adhere to the exact landing dates;
    • care of seedlings and their cultivation.

    Variety selection and seed preparation

    There are many varieties of garden cabbage. But many prefer white cabbage, red and cauliflower are less common. Peking, kohlrabi, broccoli and Brussels sprouts are also planted. Each species has a variety of varieties and hybrids.

    Varieties are selected according to the goals that are pursued when growing a crop. For summer salads, early varieties are suitable, which ripen within 40-50 days after sowing the seeds. These include the Skorospelka variety or ultra-early F1 hybrids: Parel, Start and Express.

    For conservation and fresh use, medium-late and mid-season varieties and hybrids are suitable, such as Slava, Gift, Amager, Megaton, Snow White. For pickling and winter storage choose Moscow late, Kolobok, Kharkov winter, Belarusian and many others.

    Seeds are prepared for sowing as follows:

    1. 1. The most full-weight, large ones, with a diameter of at least two centimeters, are selected, dipped in a 3% saline solution, specimens that have settled to the bottom are selected, washed with warm clean water and slightly dried.
    2. 2. For disinfection, the seed is placed for 30 minutes in a thermos with hot water, after - in the cold clean water and dry again.
    3. 3. You can treat the seeds with Fitosporin by reading the instructions on the package.
    4. 4. Growth energy is increased by a solution of microelements. They advise the funds "Epin" or "Ideal", there are others. An infusion of ordinary wood ash is no less effective.

    Brightly colored or coated raw materials cannot be processed, as they are already ready for use.

    How to prepare the soil?

    Land for seedlings should be stocked in the fall. Having gathered the earth in containers, for example, in buckets, it is left to freeze under cover so that rain or melt water does not fall on it. If it was not possible to stock up on soil, then it is possible to prepare it in the spring, but a nutritious soil mixture is required, otherwise the seedlings will grow poorly. To do this, take sand or gravel, sod or garden soil, peat, humus in equal parts and mix. It is advised to disinfect the planting base in order to prevent infection of seedlings with diseases and bacteria, fungal formations.

    A soil mixture is also prepared from sawdust scalded with boiling water, river sand, compost substrate in a ratio of 1:1:2. A little wood ash will not interfere with plant growth, but on the contrary, it will improve the composition of the soil with micro and macro elements, which will prevent the appearance of a black leg.

    You should not take garden soil from those areas where radish, radish or cabbage grew, that is, crop rotation should be observed. In such soil, pathogens characteristic of cabbage infections remain. The material is not suitable after tomatoes.

    The addition of agroperlite will loosen the substrate, and when the soil is moist, it absorbs excess moisture and distributes water between young seedlings. Perlite is added after the calcination and steaming procedure.

    Experienced gardeners sift the soil so that they do not get into pots with seedlings earthworms, since in a limited space they harm sprouted crops.

    Soil preparation also includes treatment against diseases and pests.

    Disinfection of land for seedlings

    Proper disinfection will save the life of young seedlings by ridding the soil of pathogens, fungal spores and insect eggs.

    They offer a simple method of disinfection:

    1. 1. Should be treated twice with a solution of potassium permanganate or blue vitriol by diluting one gram of the product in a liter of water. It is better to do this seven and three days before sowing. They are treated with Fitosporin or Extrasol, if they do not trust folk remedies.
    2. 2. Put the soil watered with water on a baking sheet with a layer no thinner than 5-7 centimeters and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 90 ° C.
    3. 3. Steam in a water bath for about an hour, then dry slightly.
    4. 4. When baking in foil or a sleeve for cooking meat, the effect of calcination and steaming is achieved, while the substrate retains moisture.
    5. 5. Repeated freezing and thawing of the soil. Effective method weed control, but does not protect against late blight.
    6. 6. Treatment with EM preparations 20 days before planting.

    Heat treatment reduces soil fertility, as it destroys beneficial soil microorganisms along with pests. Therefore, biohumus is introduced into the soil in a ratio of 5% of the volume.

    Sowing dates

    Sowing dates vary depending on the type and variety of crops. During the sowing period, the presence of a greenhouse or a greenhouse, a nursery, make their own adjustments. The climatic conditions of the region are taken into account when growing any crops. But it is possible to determine the timing of sowing, given that the seedlings appear a week after sowing and the development of plants takes from 40-45 days for early and a little more for medium-late and late species.

    Early varieties of cabbage are sown already in February-March in the presence of heated greenhouses, but if they are not available, one should not rush to sow. The end of March and the first week of April are better suited for this, as amateur gardeners grow seedlings in the house, on windowsills.

    Late varieties are sown in mid-April and early May. But one should not be late with the deadlines, since the seedlings are transferred to a new habitat long before the end of frost, since the culture is frost-resistant, and insect pests are not so active in spring.

    How to sow?

    To plant cabbage for seedlings, pots or boxes are filled with prepared soil. Grooves are made with a depth of 10-12 mm, the distance between rows is 30 mm. Scatter the seeds along the grooves with an interval of 10 mm, cover them with soil. Sprayed with water from a spray bottle. cover with glass or film, leave warm.

    It is convenient to grow cabbage in transparent cups or special cassettes for seedlings without subsequent picking.

    Seedling care at home

    The sown seeds and emerging shoots love warmth and light, moisture. Therefore, these indicators should be kept under control in order to create favorable conditions for seedling development.

    The optimum temperature for seedlings is considered to be 20-25 ° C. Illumination is important after the emergence of seedlings, and for newly sown it is not too necessary. With the appearance of small sprouts, the film is removed from the surface of the pots and rearranged to a bright place, close to sunlight. The temperature in the room should be at the level of 10-15 °C during the day and 9-10 °C at night. This is important in order to prevent seedlings from stretching.

    More suitable for urban environments glazed balcony, but it should be remembered that white cabbage is more resistant to low temperatures, and cauliflower is not stable. Therefore, for cauliflower, the temperature is maintained by 5-6 units more.

    After seven days after germination, seedlings dive. Dive Benefits:

    • no need to thin out seedlings;
    • selection of strong seedlings and rejection of weak ones;
    • development of a strong root system, which contributes to good survival in open ground and increase in yield;
    • the root system is located in the upper part of the soil, more fertile and warm.

    Along with pluses, there are also minuses. Dive somewhat delays growth and fruiting, as it takes time for rooting. Dive reduces the endurance of plants in the heat, as a result they look lethargic, oppressed, need plentiful and frequent watering.

    Cabbage develops even without diving, so it is up to the owner of the site to decide whether to dive or not.

    Dive seedlings into seedling pots

    The dive technique looks like this:

    • seedlings before diving should be watered abundantly and left for about 15 minutes alone;
    • fill the seedling cups with soil and slightly compact;
    • make holes in the cups with a special picking stick or just with your finger, so that the roots fit freely;
    • pry off part of the seedlings together with the ground and separate one of the seedlings without damaging its stem and rhizomes;
    • pinch off up to a third of the main root;
    • lower the seedling into the hole to the cotyledon leaves, sprinkle with earth, slightly crush the soil to get rid of voids around the roots;
    • water the transplanted seedlings;
    • after absorbing moisture, add soil to the glass to the first leaves;
    • for prevention from the black leg, you need to sprinkle the soil with calcined sand;
    • before rooting, pickled specimens should be placed in a cool place, then returned to the windowsill.

    Watering and fertilizing young seedlings

    Regular airing is vital, especially after watering. .

    No watering is required between sowing and germination. Then moisten once a week, but you should be guided by the state of the topsoil. Water when it dries up.

    Water should be warm, used at room temperature. Do not use tap water if bleach is added to it. It is considered ideal rainwater. Water is poured onto the root system, and the leaves should be protected from liquid ingress, as they will turn yellow and fall off after a while.

    To prevent plant disease, monitor appearance sprouts. If the leaves are green and the stems grow quickly, the legs are strong, then they do not feed. Otherwise, use one of the following:

    • infusion of wood ash;
    • urea, used if the leaves are pale at the rate of 30 g per 10 liters of water;
    • infusion of mullein or bird droppings;
    • ready-made fertilizers with trace elements, they contain the necessary composition for the development of young plants.

    Preparing feeds at home

    Ash infusion is prepared as follows: after boiling 10 liters of water, pour 200 grams of ash, leave for about 24 hours, filter and use, adding a liter of infusion to clean water. Infusion of bird droppings: 1/3 of a 10-liter bucket is filled bird droppings, pour water to the neck and insist 3-4 days. When feeding, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:20. Top dressing is carried out after watering to preserve useful material concentrated around the roots.

    Pest prevention

    Most often cabbage is affected by voracious cruciferous fleas. They are able to destroy seedlings in a matter of days, if the seedlings are not treated with drugs. Young seedlings are advised to spray with Iskra-M, Bankol, Fury and others.

    Biological products are safer. "Actofit" is effective against sucking and gnawing pests. They act only at temperatures above 18 ° C, and at low temperatures, the use of chemicals cannot be avoided.

    Folk remedies are also useful and harmless. Use tobacco dust or a mixture of ash and dry mustard powder.

    How to plant seedlings in open ground?

    Strong squat specimens with 5-6 leaves are planted in open ground. The culture tolerates short-term frosts calmly, but if it is cold all week, then early varieties shoot arrows.

    Preparation for transplantation goes like this:

    1. 1. Hardening seedlings 10-14 days before planting. Take it out into the yard during the day, and bring it back at night. Gradually accustom to the wind and the sun. By the day of disembarkation, the time spent in the fresh air is adjusted to a day.
    2. 2. A week before the procedure, stop watering, but do not allow the soil to dry out so that the leaves do not fade.
    3. 3. On the eve, feed with potash fertilizer, it is possible to treat with Epin.
    4. 4. Prepare the soil: remove debris, dig, fertilize, on square meter introduce a bucket of humus, compost and a glass of ash.

    Cabbage planting scheme

    Seedlings are located in the garden with a fairly large distance, depending on the variety. For example, early varieties are recommended to be planted at a distance of 30-35 cm and left between rows of about 45-50 cm, and between late varieties leave from 40 to 50 cm, as they are more voluminous, and the distance between rows in this case is from 50 to 60 cm . You can determine at what distance to plant cabbage in the ground according to the diagram below.

    Bushes are planted on a cloudy day in the morning or evening. Holes are made with a spatula. At least a liter of water is poured into the wells. The plant is taken out of the pot one at a time with an earthen clod together, set in holes. Seedlings are deepened to the first leaf, covered with soil, covering the roots and watered.

Cabbage loves moisture, and the easiest way to create conditions high humidity- use a greenhouse

or a greenhouse. Growing cabbage in a greenhouse is characterized by some features, we will consider this process in more detail.

Choosing a variety of late cabbage for a greenhouse

Not every proposed variety will give desired seedlings in a polycarbonate greenhouse even with proper cultivation in a greenhouse, so you need to choose the type that was specially developed and bred for the greenhouse. Need to pick:

Only high-quality seeds of varieties, not artificially bred hybrids.

Seed material of early, middle and even any late variety.

Variety of late cabbage Snow White

Late universal variety white cabbage. Harvest, subject to necessary conditions stored for at least eight months. Specialists, as well as many experienced gardeners, marking it healing properties, recommend growing this variety for those who have small children. It is extremely useful for a growing organism. Saves beneficial features And taste qualities when stored in a room with a temperature of +8 degrees.

Variety of late cabbage Moscow

Magnificent variety late cabbage ideal for long term storage. Many summer residents note that heads of this variety reach a weight of up to ten kilograms. The head is very dense. It is slightly flattened and has an oval shape. Does not require complex special care during the growing season. Cabbage Moscow late is perfectly stored - up to a new crop.

Variety of late cabbage Valentina

The variety is very late, from germination to full ripening takes from 140 to 180 days. Ripens to hard frosts. It tolerates short-term freezing during a sudden cold snap. Defrosting does not harm further storage. Suitable for both amateur and farm growing. Valentina's head is dense, flat-oval. Covered with dark green leaves with a bluish wax coating. Weight 3–5 kg, average - 3.8 kg. On the section of the forks is white. Can be stored up to 10 months.

Late cabbage variety Amager

Variety Amager is one of the late varieties of cabbage, ripening lasts about 150 - 170 days from the moment of seedling germination. The leaves are green with a grayish tint. On the edge of the leaves are wavy, without pronounced teeth. The veins of the leaf are formed in a half-fan. A head of cabbage grows large, on average about 2.5 - 4 kg.

The stalk inside is small, the outer part grows up to 15 cm from the ground. The forks ripen evenly, which contributes to the harvesting technique.

Variety of late cabbage Megatons

Megaton is a medium-late ripening cabbage. The variety was bred by the Dutch seed company Bejo Zaden. The task of the breeders was to create a variety capable of producing large heads of cabbage and at the same time resist the main cruciferous diseases, as well as various vagaries of the weather. In 1996, it was included in the State Register and zoned in all regions, with the exception of the Middle Volga.

Variety of late cabbage Aggressor

Cabbage "Aggressor F1" got its name for a reason. She really shows increased vitality and endurance even in the harshest conditions. Variety "Aggressor F1" is able to bear fruit well on depleted soils and withstand a long period of drought. Unfavorable weather conditions also do not have a significant impact on the development of heads of cabbage. Such resistance of cabbage to external factors is the result of the work of breeders. By crossing several varieties at the genetic level, they deprived the Aggressor F1 cabbage of the shortcomings characteristic of the progenitors.

Soil preparation in a polycarbonate greenhouse for late cabbage

To grow the desired cabbage in a greenhouse, simple fertile soil will do, but it should be thoroughly mixed with ashes and ordinary peat. good soil help achieve desired effect. If you do not take this moment into account, the seed simply will not be able to germinate, give the desired seedlings, which must withstand temperature changes and transplanting into the soil.

How and when to sow late cabbage seeds in a greenhouse

Seeds of late varieties of cabbage can be sown from early April to early May. Cabbage seeds before sowing in a greenhouse must be dry. Cabbage seeds should be sown in the following sequence:

  • First you need to make the required number of lines, the distance between which should be from 15 to 20 centimeters, and the depth should not exceed 3-5 centimeters.
  • After this, the lines must be watered abundantly.
  • High-quality seeds should not be sown thickly (there should be 3-5 per 1 square centimeter).
  • After sowing, the rows must be sprinkled with soil, only so that the seeds are immersed to a depth of no more than 2 centimeters and at least 1 centimeter.
  • Each line with a new variety must be marked with a flank with the appropriate inscription.
  • Caring for seedlings of late cabbage in a greenhouse

Attention! Feed cabbage seedlings carefully, avoiding fertilizer getting on the leaves. If this happens, immediately wash off the top dressing from the leaves with a stream of water.

Hardening seedlings of late cabbage in a greenhouse

If there is enough good biofuel (horse or cow manure on a straw bed), late cabbage seedlings can also be grown in a greenhouse. To do this, in mid-March, a greenhouse is stuffed with horse manure, heated up, a mixture of humus and soddy soil is poured on top in a ratio of 3: 1 with a layer of 12–15 cm and slightly compacted. Then it is watered with mullein infusion (1:10) and hot water. Then the soil is marked into squares with a side of 10 cm. In the center of the squares, depressions are made with a stick, 2–3 seeds that have been pecked are placed in each of them and covered with humus. Then the greenhouse is closed with frames and insulated with mats in two layers.

After 3-4 days, the mats are removed and they cover the greenhouse with them only at night or in severe frost. When seedlings appear, 1-2 plants are left in each hole, a mixture of earth and soil is added to them. wood ash in a ratio of 1:1 to avoid blackleg plant disease. After 6–7 days, one plant is left in the hole and the earth is poured again.

Top dressing seedlings of late cabbage in the greenhouse

After the appearance of the third leaflet, nitrogen, potassium fertilizer and superphosphate must be applied under the root in liquid form.

In the process of further growth, they are fed only with nitrogen.

Before transplanting, a mixture of potash, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers is again applied to the garden.

Attention! Feed the seedlings carefully, avoiding getting fertilizer on the leaves. If this happens, immediately wash off the top dressing from the leaves with a stream of water.

Pests of late cabbage in greenhouses Cabbage aphid

Appears in mass in the second half of summer. The high abundance of the pest is observed in years with warm and humid summers. Aphids live in colonies. The color of the colony is ash-gray, the ground near the plants is showered with whitish larval skins. Larvae and adult insects suck plant sap, causing the leaves to discolor, curl, plant development slows down, which leads to a decrease in yield. In addition, the commercial quality of products is reduced as a result of contamination of heads with sticky secretions of aphids.

cruciferous bugs

The bugs damage the cabbage in the phase of the rosette of leaves. With severe damage, yellowing and death of parts of the leaf are observed, especially from the edges, and sometimes the death of young plants. Harm in May - June.

Whites on cabbage

The most dangerous of them is cabbage white (cabbage). A newly hatched ocher caterpillar with a large black head. The adult is yellowish-green with black dots, the body is covered with hairs, with a yellowish stripe on the sides, the body length is up to 4 cm. Young caterpillars gnaw the underside of the leaf without touching the upper skin, adults gnaw the leaves from the edges, leaving only coarse veins intact.

cabbage scoop

Gives 1÷2 generations. Caterpillars up to 5 cm long, almost cylindrical, thick, naked, very variable in color - from grayish green to almost black.

The larvae first scrape the leaf tissue from the underside, then spread and gnaw holes on the leaves. irregular shape. They feed at night, during the day they hide at the base of the head of cabbage. Caterpillars of older ages eat the leaves almost completely, also penetrate into the heads of cabbage, making passages in them and polluting with excrement, as a result of which the heads of cabbage rot and acquire an unpleasant odor.

From time immemorial, cabbage has been a favorite crop for summer residents, although it is quite capricious and constantly requires attention. It is from fresh cabbage that delicious, rich cabbage soup is obtained, and how healthy a snack from sauerkraut with cranberries! The variety of cabbage varieties has increased the number of recipes for diligent housewives. Along with the traditional white cabbage, they grow Chinese, Savoy, colored, Brussels, Peking and even a storehouse of minerals and vitamins - broccoli. It has long been noted that all varieties of cabbage are very moisture-loving, but, although they are not afraid of cold weather, low temperatures can kill them. In order for the harvest to be generous and the heads of cabbage to be tight, it is advisable to grow cabbage in a greenhouse, where ideal conditions are created for a demanding vegetable.

If you decide to choose "early ripening" for planting, you should pay attention to the most popular varieties among summer residents:

  • "Number one K-206" grows in 120 days and yields 30-40 kg per 10m². Heads of cabbage ripen at the same time, they are small in size, medium density, rounded and weigh up to 2 kg. The leaves grow in small rosettes. The stump is short. The variety is recommended to use in salads, fresh. In areas of the north-west of the country, during a protracted spring, shooting is possible.

"Number one" should be harvested on time, otherwise the heads of cabbage will be covered with cracks, and the quality of the product will decrease

  • "Golden hectare 1432" ripens in 110-130 days from the moment of germination, a little later than "Number One". A couple of weeks after the appearance of the first decorated heads of cabbage, you can harvest the entire crop. This variety is not prone to cracking. Heads are white, rounded, medium density, their weight reaches 3 kg. The socket is larger than that of the "Number One". The stump is medium - 7-18 cm.

"Golden hectare 1432" is suitable both for fresh consumption and for fermentation

  • "Ditmar early" grows earlier than other varieties - 50-70 days after planting, and this is much earlier than "Number One". Differs in high marketability of heads of cabbage and friendly productivity. The shape of the heads is round, slightly flat, the density is medium. Average weight- one and a half kilograms. From 10m² you can harvest 30-40 kg of crop.

"Dietmar early" and other early ripening varieties are recommended to be grown in greenhouses

Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse

Beijing cabbage is early ripening, and planting it in a greenhouse guarantees very early ripening. Growing up, it forms a rosette of leaves, in other words, a loose head of cabbage. After 20-40 days from the moment of emergence of seedlings, it is already possible to harvest.

Seeds have the ability to germinate even at 4-5°C, although optimal conditions cultivation - 16-18˚С. Loose fertile soil allows the root system to fully develop. Usually 1 or 2 g of seeds are sown per 1 m². Until shoots appear, the temperature should be about 20 ° C, then it is gradually reduced to 10 ° C. Further, the temperature indicators depend on the time of day: up to 16˚С at night and up to 22˚С during the day.

If seedlings are used for cultivation, then they are taken at 20 days of age and placed in the ground, taking into account the feeding area of ​​20x20 cm.

Beijing cabbage is used in greenhouses to compact tomatoes or cucumbers. In this case, the soil should be carefully fertilized, and 30 g of superphosphate, 4 kg of humus per 1 m², use ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride. During the growth process, 1 or 2 top dressings are carried out with ammonium nitrate, potassium salt. The temperature regime remains the same as that of the main culture.

Growing cauliflower

Cauliflower is one of the most demanding crops. She doesn't really need heat And high humidity, since under other conditions the formation of heads is disturbed.

The aisles of cauliflower are filled with dill, lettuce, radish, sowing them in rows, the distance between which is 10 cm

Seedlings are placed in greenhouses in March or early April, planted in two rows, the distance between which is 60 cm. The age of the seedlings should not exceed 45 days, otherwise it will not take root well.

Regular care for plants includes the following operations.

Heads are harvested before they fall apart. By the way, healthy plants with powerful leaves are able to re-harvest if you carefully cut off the first head. Leave 1-2 strong shoots, the rest are not needed. Watering and fertilizing are carried out as usual. If you properly care for the plant, you can get heads up to 500 g in weight.

Growing broccoli in a greenhouse

This plant is able to tolerate low temperatures, even frosts, therefore, in middle lane it is often planted in open ground, in beds. In the regions of the Non-Black Earth Region, broccoli seeds are sown in greenhouses as early as March. Shoots appear on the 3rd or 4th day, and after 10 days 3-4 true leaves grow.

Broccoli heads cut early in the morning last longer

If seedlings are taken, then planting takes place at the end of April. The temperature in the greenhouse should not exceed 18°C ​​during the day and 12°C at night. It is recommended to plant plants 35-40 days old, with 5-6 true leaves.

It is important to properly prepare the area allotted for planting broccoli seedlings. Since autumn, it has been dug up, limed and fertilized: 30 g of superphosphate, 5 kg of manure, 20 g of potassium salt, 25 g of ammonium nitrate - per 1 m². In the spring, you can also effectively fertilize the soil, compost or humus, superphosphate, garden mixture, ammonium nitrate are suitable.

Broccoli care is traditional: loosening, timely weeding, hilling, watering to a depth of 40 cm. Even before the flowers bloom, the central heads should be removed so that they do not become loose and tasteless. Cutting heads 10-20 cm in diameter, they also grab a 10-cm part of the stem, which is also edible. After 2-3 weeks, slightly smaller offspring ripen - up to 6 cm.

White cabbage

First, seedlings of white cabbage are grown, and then they are transplanted into a greenhouse. The yield of plants depends on the quality of seedlings.

Cabbage does not tolerate acidic soils, so they should be neutralized with lime

  • Growing seedlings

Experts recommend using biofuel greenhouses, in which case you can start seedlings from March. Some summer residents arrange home-made steam beds: a pit 30 cm deep is covered with biofuel and a layer of soil, and covered with a film on top.

Sowing is carried out in the ground warmed up to 20 ° C, having previously prepared the seeds: the largest of them should be kept for 20 minutes in warm water(50˚С), cool quickly, dry and treat with a solution of nitrophoska. When the seeds are sown, the greenhouse is closed and insulated. Approximately on the 4th day, the first shoots will appear, therefore, during the day the shelter must be removed. Picking occurs when the seedlings hatch the first leaf. After that, the temperature in the greenhouse should be 10-12˚С.

“Correct” seedlings are strong, a clod of earth is braided with roots

Top dressing of seedlings should be done carefully so that the leaves of the plants do not suffer from fertilizers. Watering is moderate, without waterlogging, better in the morning.

  • Relocation of seedlings to a permanent place

Before transplanting seedlings, the greenhouse should be ventilated, leaving the windows open around the clock. There are requirements for seedlings: early varieties have 3 leaves, late varieties have 5 leaves. In addition, it must have a sufficiently developed root system. The stem of healthy seedlings is lilac-green. When transplanting seedlings, do not shake the earth from the roots. After about 8 days, the first watering should be done when the plant takes root in the greenhouse.

  • Caring for cabbage in a greenhouse

Balanced fertilizers for cabbage contribute to its full development

The main condition is to observe the temperature regime and not overheat the plants. In addition, they need to be watered regularly, fertilized with nitrogen and potassium, and do not forget that cabbage does not tolerate shade - it develops correctly only with an abundance of light.

Proper Care– high yield guarantee

Whichever variety you choose, growing cabbage in a greenhouse is much easier than growing it outdoors.

Water the cabbage and take care of it and it will thank you bountiful harvest

If you properly prepare the seedlings and follow the principles of growing cabbage, you are guaranteed a stable and rich harvest. Do not forget folk wisdom: cabbage loves water and good weather.