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What are the benefits of sunbathing and how to prevent the development of melanoma. Heliotherapy, sunbathing: indications, time of admission At what time should you take sunbaths



Where the sun often shines, there is nothing for the doctor to do.
THEM. Sarkizov-Serazini

Summer is almost coming to an end, soon gray and rainy days are waiting for us, so while there is time, we advise everyone to take as often as possible sunbathing. Even in Ancient Hellas, the rays of the sun were used as a tonic. And the largest sports competitions of antiquity - the Olympic Games - were held, as a rule, in the hottest summer months. Exactly at noon, when the sun burned unbearably, tanned athletes went to the start. They performed naked and did not have the right to cover their heads to protect them from the scorching rays of the sun. Sun hardening became even more widespread in Ancient Rome. As the excavations of Roman cities have shown, literally everywhere: on the roofs of houses, in baths, in gladiatorial schools - solariums were arranged - places for sunbathing. In the Roman Empire, special climatic stations were created for sun treatment. Patients were sent here to receive the necessary healing procedures.

Who needs sunbathing

Sunbathing is used as prescribed by a doctor for a number of diseases of the skin, joints, sciatica, neuritis, tuberculosis of bones and joints, etc. As hardening procedures, they are used to prevent diseases of influenza, tonsillitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, etc.
Under the action of UV rays, the formation of vitamin D is activated, which is necessary for the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are "responsible" for strengthening muscles and bones and for wound healing. To maintain the required level of vitamin D in the body, it is enough to expose the sun to the hands and face 2-3 times a week for 5-15 minutes during the summer months. UV rays activate most of the processes occurring in the body - respiration, metabolism, blood circulation and the activity of the endocrine system.
UV rays affect mood, peace of mind and fight stress.

Sunbathing is contraindicated acute diseases, exacerbation chronic diseases lungs, gastrointestinal tract, etc.

What is sunbathing

Sunbathing can be general (radiation of the whole body) and local (irradiation of a part of the body). During irradiation, the total radiation of the Sun is used, which consists of direct exposure sun rays, scattered radiation (in the shade, without exposure to direct sunlight), reflected from the walls of the building, the surface of the earth, water, etc. Diffuse radiation (from the blue sky) contains less ultraviolet rays than direct radiation and is more gentle. Exposure to the sun (direct radiation) of healthy adults begins with 5 minutes. and, gradually adding 5 minutes, bring to 40 minutes, taking into account general state, fitness and degree of hardening. With scattered radiation, baths are taken initially for 10 minutes, increasing the duration of the procedure to 1-2 hours. in warm weather.

How to sunbathe properly

Sunbathing should be taken lying on a couch or sitting in a deck chair, exposing the sun to different sides of the body. It is advisable to take an air bath before sunbathing. In case of direct radiation, it is necessary to cover your head with an umbrella or shield. To protect the eyes, dark glasses should be used (the mucous membrane of the eyes - the conjunctiva, which does not have a protective stratum corneum, is more sensitive to radiation than the skin, and its inflammation may occur). It is not recommended to sunbathe on an empty stomach, immediately before and after meals. Finish the sunbath with a rest in the shade, after which you can swim or take a shower. Directly after swimming, sunbathing is not recommended. In people weakened after certain diseases, the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays is increased. Often such increased sensitivity is observed in northerners, people who are forced to carry out most days indoors, in adolescents, the elderly, pregnant women and especially young children.

It is best to take sunbaths in summer - from 8 to 11 hours, in spring and autumn - from 11 to 15 hours. In winter, it is best from February, in fine midday hours, in places protected from the wind, you can take sun mini-baths, starting from two to three minutes. Sunbathing is best on the move. Sunbathing is desirable only after 1.5-2 hours after eating. It is also not recommended to carry out irradiation on an empty stomach and immediately before meals. You can not take the procedure being very tired, before strenuous physical work, sports training or immediately after them.

It is a mistake to think that sunbathing is only possible in summer. In autumn, when it would seem that there is no time for tanning, it is useful to use the generous gift of the sun. At the end of summer, in August, at the height of Indian summer, do not miss the slightest opportunity for hardening. And during this period, the sun, although the fall of its rays is less sheer than in July, contains in its spectrum the power of ultraviolet rays that is quite sufficient for health purposes. In addition, in August and September the sun does not burn too much, there is no danger of an overdose of radiation. So now is the most fertile time for sunbathing.

Photo: Depositphotos.com/@ Syda_Productions

Summer, probably, everyone associates with the sea, warmth and, of course, the sun. From childhood, we are taught that sunbathing is harmful to the body. Of course, it is impossible to dispute this fact - too large doses of ultraviolet radiation can really do much harm. But in moderation, the sun not only does not harm, but can also provide the body with invaluable benefits!

In fact useful properties the sun's rays have a lot:

  1. Under the action of the sun, many pathogenic viruses and bacteria are destroyed. In addition, after a well-conducted course of solar procedures, a person develops.
  2. Useful and even moderate tan. Under the layer of pigment in the body accumulates internal energy, which helps to resist various diseases.
  3. Sunbathing is the main source of extremely useful vitamin D, which is responsible for most metabolic processes and takes part in the formation of healthy bone tissue.
  4. The sun contributes to the production of serotonin - the so-called.
  5. Even after a short exposure to the sun, a kind of enlightenment occurs in a person - the brain begins to work more actively, efficiency increases noticeably, memory improves.
  6. Experts also note that sunbathing contributes to weight loss. Under the influence of sunlight, the gastrointestinal tract begins to function normally, respectively, while fats are broken down faster than usual and proteins are absorbed.

How and when is the best time to sunbathe?

Scientists have conducted many experiments, studying how the sun affects the body, and how to get the most out of contact with it. So, one of the experiments showed that people sunbathing in the morning hours (from 8.00 to 12.00), the body mass index is significantly lower than that of those who did not deny themselves the pleasure of soaking up the sun at any time of the day. True, these data are relevant for the summer. In autumn and spring, the sun is less active and aggressive, so you can safely sunbathe even at lunchtime.

The very first sunbathing procedure should last no longer than a quarter of an hour, after which you should spend several minutes in the shade. Increase the duration of the procedures gradually - by five minutes a day. Sunbathe alternately on the stomach, then on the back. It is advisable to cover your head during procedures.

Sunbathing is the effect of sunlight on the skin during relaxation. Usually sunbathing is carried out on the beach, lying on a sunbed or sand. Sunbathing in another way can be called a gentle and soft tan. Sunbathing is good for the body, if you do not overdo it. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the composition of the blood improves (hemoglobin increases), the body's defenses strengthen, the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as metabolism, normalize.

In reasonable doses, the sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the skin, while blood vessels expand. Under the influence of sunlight in the body, the amount of vitamin D increases, which plays important role in maintaining bone health.

Sunbathing activates the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Thus, sunbathing is useful for people with dry skin, which becomes more elastic.

Sunbathing, however, must be used in moderation or else will result in backfire(burns, sunstroke, headache).

Rules to follow

In order for sunbathing to benefit the body, some rules must be followed. You must remember that the most useful rays of the sun are useful to receive in the evening. It is advisable to avoid exposure to the sun between 12:00 and 16:00. In addition, it is important to observe the principle of gradualness. Always start small, i.e. from 10 - 15 minutes, then gradually extend the time to 1 - 2 hours. Longer exposure to the sun is not desirable.

Before sunbathing must be applied to the skin sunscreen with the corresponding protective factor. If the sun is inactive, then the cream is not necessary.

During sunbathing, simultaneous reception occurs air baths(), which also bring no small health benefits. Air and sun baths effectively harden the body, have a beneficial effect on the skin. Air baths can be taken at home according to the Katsuzo Nishi method ().

Sunbathing benefits almost all people, they increase the absorption of calcium, iron, increase hemoglobin, immunity, promote the production of vitamin D3 in the skin. However, for fair-skinned people or people who live in temperate climates with little sun exposure per year, active sunbathing can be harmful. Such people are more vulnerable to the effects of sunlight. In addition, today more and more people talk about excessive amounts of solar radiation. Thus, while sunbathing, it is necessary Special attention give individual characteristics(skin color, pigmentation).

Experts recommend moving more while relaxing on the beach so that the rays of the sun envelop the body from all sides, and the tan lies more evenly. It is not recommended to lie under the scorching rays of the sun. People with sensitive skin should start sunbathing from 2 to 5 minutes, then extend the time to 1 hour.

Do not allow redness of the skin, burns. Even a slight reddening indicates that the dose of sunlight has been exceeded. It is contraindicated to sunbathe between 12:00 and 14:00, because. there is a high probability of getting sunburn and a high dose of radiation.

While in the sun, it is important not to forget to drink (non-alcoholic non-carbonated drinks) to avoid dehydration (). It is also useful to take breaks during sunbathing, i.e. some time to be in the shade, or water.

To reduce skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays (hot countries), use creams with a high SPF factor. In addition, it is always necessary to protect your head from the sun with a hat.

Sunbathing is contraindicated for athletes before competitions, people with cardiovascular diseases, malignant and benign neoplasms.

Know the measure of sun tanning

The gentle rays of the sun promote health as well as well-being. However, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause negative changes in the skin: acceleration of the aging process, allergic reactions, etc.

The negative effects of sunlight are cumulative. Human skin's defense mechanisms and its ability to repair damage caused by UV rays decline over the course of several years. The sun causes irreversible changes in our skin, which leads to its photoaging. In addition, the structural proteins of the skin (collagen, elastin) are destroyed, the lipid barrier, which protects the skin from drying out, is reduced.

As a result of such changes, the skin becomes dry, rough, wrinkled, pigmented (). Studies confirm that intensive tanning accelerates skin aging by 6 months.

How to choose the right sunscreen?

Sunbathing should be done gradually, in addition, you need to choose the right sunscreen for yourself. The first days of exposure to the sun, the body develops protective mechanisms that protect the skin. Therefore, you should always start sunbathing from 5 to 15 minutes (the first day).

Before going to the beach, you should put on a sunscreen that suits your skin type. There is a total of IV phototype from which you should choose yours.

Phototype I- very high risk of sunburn - red hair, fair skin, freckles, blue, green eyes. SPF 40 should be used in the first days, then 30.

Phototype II- high risk of sunburn - bright blond, dark blond with fair skin, blue or green eyes. The first days it is recommended to use SPF 25, then 16.

Phototype III- average risk of sunburn - hair from dark blond to brown shades, eyes gray, brown. In the first days while sunbathing, it is recommended to use SPF 16, then 6.

Phototype IV- slight risk of burns - light brown, brown, olive skin, black hair, brown eyes. In the first days, it is recommended to use sunscreen SPF 10, then 3.

Sunscreen is recommended to be applied 20 minutes before sunbathing. Its effect, as a rule, depends on the amount of cream applied to the skin. Approximately 30 ml of cream, spread over the entire surface of the skin, will provide adequate protection. Remember that after water procedures (swimming in the sea), the protective activity of the cream is reduced by 50%. After swimming, sunscreen should be reapplied.

If you still get sunburn, then you should use folk ways pain relief. For example, vinegar + water, kefir, skim milk - prevent pain, treat sunburn. You can also use preparations with aloe extract, which soothe pain and do not contain any toxic substances that can cause an allergic reaction in addition.

Why sunbathing remains one of the most effective ways health promotion? The sun is the source of life on earth. Plants, animals, people need the beneficial rays of the sun. The inhabitants of the North suffer from its shortage. On gloomy, winter evenings, all living things are looking forward to the warmth of spring, the lush flowering of gardens, the rebirth of joy and hope in the hearts.

How you want to soak up the intoxicating bliss of the sun's rays, exposing your tired bodies to the golden rain. But sunbathing can become insidious enemies, turning a wonderful vacation into serious illness. It is necessary to know the whole truth about them so that joy does not turn into trouble. For information on how and when is the best time to sunbathe, read the article.

All about the benefits of sunbathing. Sunbathing can be enjoyed at any time of the year, without waiting for the scorching rays in the July heat. And the good May sun will gently and gradually help the skin of a person to make friends with his touches. What are the benefits of sunbathing and why are they so necessary?

The infrared rays visible to the eye endow the earth with warmth, warm the bodies and souls of people, bestow joy and positive thoughts. Autumn depression lies in wait for many sensitive hearts due to lack of solar energy. The sun is an excellent natural antidepressant. The lack of sunny days in winter takes away activity and enthusiasm, the desire to think and create, increases fatigue and drowsiness.

Under the influence of solar energy, the body produces serotonin, which is called the "hormone of happiness." It endows its owner with joy and ease, wonderful emotions, strengthens willpower.

Invisible but priceless ultraviolet rays have an excellent antibacterial effect. They destroy germs and viruses of colds and many infectious diseases. They increase the body's resistance, strengthening the immune system, to harmful factors. environment.

UV rays produce vitamin D, which is vital for adults and children. Without vitamin D, the body cannot absorb calcium and phosphorus. Only in such a community will strong bones and teeth be formed. And only this trinity saves babies from the development of rickets, and protects the elderly from osteoporosis and severe fractures. The latest research scientists have proven that vitamin D inhibits the development of cancer cells, helps in the treatment of psoriasis and is necessary in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Sunbathing, warming the body, dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and increases the level of hemoglobin. Sweating and in, toxins, toxic salts amplifies. A person experiences a surge of vivacity and activity. Under the influence of the sun, dry and sluggish skin is filled with energy, becomes elastic and silky. Sunny rain heals problem skin, drying acne and degreasing foci of infection.

How to take sun baths?

Acquaintance with solar streams after a long winter is desirable to start in the spring, away from the gassed quarters of the metropolis and closer to nature. A May picnic on the banks of a river, lake or on the sea coast is a wonderful holiday for adults and children.

The May sun is safe and pleasant, so sunbathing can be taken at noon and not limited to 10-15 minutes. Gentle heat can warm the skin for 3-4 hours. Sunbathing is most beneficial when taken on the move, playing ball or badminton. Ultraviolet during this period will give a lasting tan without harm to health.

The most “ruthless” months for tanning are July and August. For a joyful holiday, you need to go to nature at dawn, and enjoy the sun from 8 to 10 in the morning. Fans of evening baths will be able to soak up the beach after 16-17 hours.

Before leaving the house, you should protect yourself with sunscreen with a sunscreen (SPF30 for fair skin and SPF15 for dark skin). In the bag, in addition to fruits and vegetables, you need to put a bottle of still water and grab an umbrella from the sun. A bucket hat and sunglasses complete a fun, light outfit.

Toddlers up to 3 summer age and older people will get more benefit and pleasure from being under the scattered sunlight, under the crown of trees or in the shade of an umbrella. The first sunbath should not exceed 10-15 minutes. Daily communication with the sun is extended by 10 minutes. You should not go to nature after a hearty breakfast in order to get maximum joy, health and not fall asleep under the direct rays of the sun.

Fighters for the right lifestyle will be interested in information that at dawn the sun's rays have a tonic and invigorating effect on the body. At sunset, the sun relaxes and relieves nervous tension, and UV rays have the longest wavelength and actively produce vitamin D.

Possible side effects and contraindications. Excess solar rain can spoil the rest and "reward" with unpleasant and severe complications. With prolonged exposure to the sun, the skin turns red, touching these areas causes severe pain and burning. A sunbather gets a burn that provides him with a sleepless night. Underwear, careless movement cause soreness. Later, the burnt skin begins to peel or hang in shreds. In addition to the burn, overdried skin ages quickly. Solar radiation destroys collagen fibers and the epidermis loses elasticity.

Excessive passion for relaxing under the scorching rays can lead to sunstroke. This serious condition is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature, tachycardia, nausea, and weakness. The patient is concerned about severe dizziness, headache, darkening in the eyes. Sometimes there is a loss of consciousness.

The possibility of the formation of moles, age spots is especially dangerous for owners of light, thin skin. These "decorations" can degenerate into skin cancer and lead to death. Excessive heat can result in rupture of the walls of the subcutaneous vessels and the formation of a red mesh. Reflected from the water surface, the sun's rays dazzle the eyes and affect the quality of vision. It is important to know that UV rays penetrate underwater to a depth of 2 meters and can be harmful to health during a long swim.

SUNBATHING SUNBATHING- a therapeutic and hygienic procedure in which the naked human body (or individual parts of the body) is exposed to more or less prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Solar radiation contains visible and invisible (infrared and ultraviolet) rays. The influence of these rays on the human body is very great. Proper use of sunbathing improves blood circulation and blood composition of a person, calms the nervous system, increases metabolism in the body, improves appetite, sleep, has a beneficial effect on the skin, and helps to harden the body. Sunbaths are dosed in absolute units of solar radiation (in calories), the amount of which is determined by a special device - an actinometer. Sunbathing usually starts at 5-6 feces(about 1.5 feces on each surface of the body: back, chest and sides) and adjusted to 30 - 60 feces adding daily 5 feces, rarely more (in temperate climates middle lane Soviet Union in the summer in the morning, the initial dose of solar radiation is 5 feces equals 5 minutes of exposure). Sunbathing is best taken in the morning: from 7 - 8 am to 12 pm (1/2 hour after a light breakfast), when the air is cleaner and less warm (to avoid burns or general overheating, which is especially dangerous for the elderly and children under the age of 5 years, whose body reactions are unstable and imperfect). Before sunbathing, you should consult your doctor. As a preparatory procedure, it is recommended to take several air baths(cm.). When sunbathing, it is necessary to take into account the humidity of the air and the strength of the wind; in calm weather, overheating can especially easily occur. Sunbathing can be used daily for 25 - 35 days, after which it is good to take a break for 1 - 2 weeks.
Sunbathing with therapeutic purpose you can start with a longer time if you expose only the part of the body that is subject to irradiation (legs, arms, chest, lower back); the dose is determined by the doctor.
Sunbathing is carried out on a special platform (solarium) or on the beach, where couches (with the foot end facing south) are installed with a raised headboard and a shield or umbrella above it. On the sea or river bank, you can lie on dry sand, spreading a rug or towel. After a sunbath, it is recommended to douche, shower or bathe, before which you need to cool down for 10 - 15 minutes in the shade.
Excessive sunbathing, especially for sunburn(see), harmful, as it can cause sunburn, disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, exacerbation of chronic tuberculosis processes, etc.
Persons weakened, recovering from illnesses, are prescribed moderate sun treatment through a trellised awning. Sunbathing is absolutely contraindicated for patients with decompensated heart defects, with hypertension, active forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, with general arteriosclerosis, with tumors, and persons with a tendency to bleed.

Brief Encyclopedia household. - M.: Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. A. F. Akhabadze, A. L. Grekulova. 1976 .

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