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Lunar eclipse February 11th time. Astrology of lovers in Life. Maybe the influence of lunar energies will push you to look for ways to solve problems in relationships with loved ones. You will move away someone from your environment, and bring someone closer

The lunar eclipse on February 10, 2017 occurs at 22 degrees Leo. There are many positive aspects to the eclipse horoscope, so you can be optimistic about the coming months. The harmonious relationships of the Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are the real magic of the stars, promising us the fulfillment of desires and practical results.

Eclipse start: February 10, 2017 at 23:34 UTC (GMT) or February 11, 2017 at 01:34 Moscow time (Moscow time)

Maximum phase: February 11, 2017 at 00:43 UTC or 00:43 UTC

End: February 11, 2017 at 02:53 UTC or 05:53 UTC

It can be observed in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America. In Russia, if the weather permits, it is available for observation in most of the territory, with the exception of the Far East. Since this is a penumbral eclipse, it is not easy to see it, because the Moon will not darken, but only slightly change its brightness.

The meaning of the eclipse in terms of astrology

In the properties of a lunar eclipse, draw attention to the topic of relationships. Like a spotlight, it
illuminates everything that was not previously obvious. Thanks to this, you can objectively look at your personal relationships, identify sources of imbalance and disharmony in them.

Maybe the influence of lunar energies will push you to look for ways to solve problems in relationships with loved ones. You will move some of your surroundings away, and bring someone closer.

The harmonious relationship of the axis of the eclipse with Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries portends changes for the better. Existing relationships will flourish, and perhaps the birth of an amazing new love story.

The impact of beneficial planetary aspects extends not only to personal life, but also to social activities. Contribute to the common cause, be kinder to people, then you can count on the favor of the stars and good luck for yourself.

Saturn in the eclipse chart February 11, 2017 is very strong, this planet collects many positive aspects. Saturn gives patience and inner strength, which allows you to cope with any difficult situation, achieve practical results and not make mistakes.

If in doubt about anything, use your common sense. Relying on traditional values ​​will help in solving problems.

However, along with positive influences, there are also negative planetary influences. Jupiter Opposition Uranus complicates personal problems by exaggerating the need for freedom. You will feel a strong desire to rebel against the restrictions and rules imposed on you. There may be sudden events that will lead to significant changes.

If you decide to let go of a relationship that has exhausted itself, it will be easier to do this, because the lunar eclipses are associated in astrology with completion.

But it's not all about relationships. Unexpected opportunities may come your way that relate to both career and finances. Be open to the world, allow yourself to try something new and interesting, then you have a better chance of success. We look forward to pleasant events, interesting meetings and surprises.

The lunar eclipse on February 11 will take place in the Zodiac Sign Leo. Thus, the darkened Moon opposes the Sun in Aquarius: the Moon and Leo will gravitate towards the emotional, personal, and the Sun and Aquarius towards the collective and rational.

Despite the opposition of the Sun-Moon and Leo-Aquarius, astrologers consider this position of celestial bodies to be favorable. Especially if you correctly build the next few days.

The lunar eclipse will coincide with the Full Moon. The full moon will greatly enhance the influence of the zodiacal Leo, which will not decrease even during an eclipse. Ambition, the desire to show oneself, to stand out, to some extent even to amuse the ego will come to the fore.

On days like February 11, it’s good to build self-esteem and impress others: you will demonstrate those qualities that can be safely considered your strengths. An excellent chance for performances, in order to appear before the eyes of the public, to express yourself.

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On the other hand, the influence of Aquarius will require you to interact with others, and they will not always want to become a retinue for the King of Beasts. What to do so that the day is not overshadowed by conflicts? First of all, think about how you will spend the next day after the eclipse. It is better not to cross paths with unpleasant people. If the meeting cannot be avoided, do not strive for conflicts or quarrels.

By focusing on yourself, try to show your best side. You will prove more by actions and deeds than by words. With close and dear people, astrologers advise to be more careful.

It is important to remember that the lunar eclipse on February 11 coincides with full moon. Energy is at its peak, at such a time you can master a task that seemed difficult and even impossible for you, as well as emerge victorious from a difficult situation. But you should not create new problems or obstacles for yourself, because, having received the charge of the Full Moon, they can grow to a significant extent.

The moon on this night contributes to the awakening of creative and creative energy, so on the morning of the 11th, many can wake up with new ideas or bold decisions.

After an eclipse, it is much easier to leave behind unpleasant memories, difficult thoughts, bad habits, or other negative events and emotions. The phase of the Moon also favors this: after the Full Moon, it will begin to decrease, and on the aging Moon, they traditionally get rid of any negativity.

The day when the lunar eclipse occurs, as well as the week before and after this date, can bring emotional events. Sensitivity and irritability are growing, so it is undesirable to make fateful decisions on such days. Leave them for another time. It is better not to plan anything important for this period, continue to do your usual things. But this is a good time for spiritual practices, meditation and reflection.

Intuition and imagination are sharpened, you can use these abilities for creativity, or, if you wish, for magic. A lunar eclipse is a particularly strong full moon, all magical actions are multiplied by the energy of the full moon.

This is a really good time for magic, you can perform rituals to attract love, money or wish fulfillment.

For three days before the eclipse, it is recommended not to eat meat, nuts and seeds, take a contrast shower for 5-10 minutes in the morning and evening (men alternate cold-hot-cold water, and women start and finish hot).

An hour before the eclipse, you need to drink a glass of clean water in slow sips and take a contrast shower. Then sit by a lit candle and think again about what you want to get rid of and what to get in return.

10 minutes before the eclipse, lie with your head to the north, before that, looking in the mirror and remembering your reflection. Looking mentally at your mirror double, endow it with all your complexes, problems and illnesses.

Then squeeze your reflection to a point and, as you exhale, move away from you and dissolve. Imagine yourself rejuvenated. The meditation should be finished again with a contrast shower and a glass of water, performing the steps in reverse order.

You should not tell anyone about this, so as not to waste the energy received. The results will not keep you waiting.

I continue the topic related to eclipses. Most people tend to think that an eclipse is a very rare phenomenon that can only be seen a few times in a lifetime. There is some truth here, if we mean visual observation, then not in all parts of the planet we can see this or that eclipse.

As you already know, during periods of eclipses we become the most receptive, vulnerable and irritable, especially for those people who were born near a particular eclipse. During eclipses, it is useful to engage in spiritual practice. It is not recommended to start new business during the eclipse, since the mind is clouded during this period, there is a possibility of making a mistake, and it will be almost impossible to correct, since the events that occurred during the eclipse become fatal.

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The moon symbolizes our mind or subconscious. Therefore, any lunar eclipse primarily affects the deep layers of the psyche (subconscious and instincts), causing mood swings, sometimes hysteria, irritability, tearfulness, concentration is lost, attention is scattered, our fears come to life, we react inadequately to situations that at other times would not evoke such a reaction.

At the time of the eclipse, we may be overwhelmed by subconscious experiences, a sense of vulnerability. The intensity of these feelings varies from person to person. Sometimes it's hard to know exactly what you want. There is background anxiety. Headaches, dizziness, pressure drops, loss of activity, or vice versa hyperactivity, weakness and lethargy are possible.

It is better for people with high or low blood pressure to spend the day of the eclipse in a calm atmosphere, not to overexert themselves. Reduce mental stress.

How does an eclipse affect our lives?

In order to understand exactly how an eclipse affects our body and mind, imagine a stone thrown into water. There will be circles on the surface of the water. Continuing our analogy, we can say that the vibration of the surface of the water (the impact on our mind and body) is most pronounced in the visible part of the eclipse.

The eclipse can be observed in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America. In Russia, if the weather permits, it is available for observation in most of the territory, with the exception of the Far East. Therefore, we are in the zone of direct influence of this event.

Sutak is a particularly unfavorable time
In astrology, there is the concept of Sutak - a particularly unfavorable time before an eclipse. At this moment, the destructive energy of the eclipse accumulates in the Earth's atmosphere. Sutak is the nine-hour gap before a lunar eclipse. This time is considered even more unfavorable than the eclipse itself.

Do not schedule anything important at this time. Keep a moderate fast to soften the impact of the eclipse. It would be a bad idea to succumb to the mood and arrange a showdown. If you feel that your emotions are out of control: drink a calming tea.

The impact of the eclipse is most felt three days before and three days after its exact date.

During the eclipse and for another month after, refuse to start any transactions such as the sale of property, appeal to the judicial and executive authorities, refrain from vacations and long-distance travel associated with them, and if it doesn’t work out, then you can only travel in case of emergency.

Be very abstemious in food, and it is better to refuse alcohol altogether. Make sure that all consumed products are not expired, and fruits and vegetables - without spoiled barrels.

If possible, during periods of indisposition, try to use the natural pharmacy and the achievements of traditional medicine. Infusions of fruits and herbs, tea and kefir mushrooms, mineral waters, acupressure and general massages (including using oils and stones of your Zodiac sign), baths with sea salt, or with milk, or with essential oils will help you.

All of the above only seems difficult, in fact, our recommendations are quite feasible! If you try, then the lunar eclipse itself and its trail will be experienced by you without loss.

"Handbook of the Eclipse Corridor"

You will discover:

Pros and cons of eclipses;

Lunar and solar eclipses - what is their difference;

Two eclipses in a row. What is the risk;

What precautions should be taken;

The practice of conducting rituals in any eclipse;

The most important: some of the most effective rituals for a lunar and solar eclipse, including:

Rite for a radical change in fate on the day of the eclipse

(This rite is aimed at the accelerated burning of karma and fundamental changes in fate).

The practice of repentance.

Ritual for liberation from negative traits of one's character.

A rite to get rid of unwanted people in your life, etc.

Don't miss this wonderful time!

Astrologer's recommendations
On eclipse days, it can be difficult for children to cope with their fears. Don't leave them unattended before bed.

Make sure that the child does not get moonlight during sleep.

On this day, intimate relationships and even more so conception are not recommended.

A tendency to unrealistic ideas, so during the eclipse it is better not to plan.

If your child and loved ones are passionate about astronomy and are going to look at the moon, invite them to take a shower after watching.

You should not load your psyche with watching exciting films and working at a computer for a long time.

Ablution. Water is the strongest cleansing agent that can withstand the destructive energy of an eclipse. It is recommended to take a shower, bring wet cleaning and be sure to wash the altar, if there is one in your house, on the morning of February 11th.

We get the result of the eclipse late, so these days it is important to monitor your thoughts and desires, the results of what you thought about, planned or what you passionately did not desire - can be obtained, unfortunately, in a distorted form, 6 or 18 months after the eclipse .

The eclipse time is not suitable for transplanting and pruning plants.

If you experience strong mood swings, fasting is recommended - drink more water.

Take a shower more often.

Drivers should not disregard the rules of the road and exceed the speed limit.

Perhaps inappropriate behavior of pets.

Pregnant women are shown to take a shower on the evening of February 10th.

On September 11, it is not recommended to visit shopping centers and events involving the accumulation of a large number of people.

In order to get distracted, the best way to wash the floor in the entire apartment.

We strongly recommend:
do not look at the eclipse;
not to leave the premises (and even more so not to be on trips or travels) and is in a closed room;
do not eat 3 hours before and after the eclipse;
do not drive, or at least drive carefully;
avoid financial transactions;
do not interact with the crowd;
it is recommended to engage in spiritual practices (or just relax).

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the most effective remedy against an eclipse is fasting, prayer and spiritual practice.

“Practical course “Magic of Eclipses””

The time of eclipses and the corridor between them (from February 11 to February 26) is called a dangerous period. At this moment, logic and consciousness work poorly, wrong decisions are made, intuition ceases to help in situations that are important for a person.

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on Practical course “Magic of Eclipses”

eclipse corridor

And again, about eclipses. Eclipses usually happen twice a year. And between sunny and lunar forms a two-week corridor of eclipses. Like now. February 11 will be lunar, February 26 will be sunny. The period from 11 to 26 is the same corridor. Plus a week from both ends.

We can talk about what a difficult emotional period this is, how difficult and difficult it all is. Yes, emotions these days are usually not lived easily. But let's look from the other side.

The role of the eclipse is extremely clear - to bring out all that is hidden. What we have hidden, but not lived. Why do some people experience eclipses easier? In their lives, there are fewer unresolved and latent conflicts and problems that are waiting in the wings. They are more sincere with themselves and try to solve problems rather than accumulate.

Most people put emotions aside for later, conflicts are hushed up, and they have not even heard of sincerity with themselves. This is where astrology comes to the rescue. It uses such tools as eclipses, phases of the moon, periods of Saturn, retrograde motion of the planets - it exposes our problems, taking us out of a stable emotional state.

Eclipses and their corridor are, in a way, days of absolute honesty with yourself, when you suddenly see yourself and your life as it is. Without illusions. Nude. And to disgust frankly, in all details. Therefore, be prepared for this.

If you have relationship issues with your partner, areas where you disagree that are difficult for you to accept, be prepared to face them again. And to understand what other front of work in the relationship lies ahead.

If you are not completely open to your children, if at all your heart is full of incomprehensible things, be prepared for their tantrums, whims and your own disgusting breakdowns.

If you are still small children with pretensions in your relationship with your parents, get ready to see yourself in all its glory.

For what? To be horrified by what he saw and start to change something. To finally quit the hated job that sucks all the juice out of you. Or start in a relationship with your husband not only to consume, but also to give - with love.

Or stop putting yourself off the shelf and take care of yourself, finally, take care of your self-esteem, self-esteem, find an outlet. Unload the heart from old grievances and emotions - drop by drop, step by step. .
Yes, the eclipse corridor is a difficult period. It is better to pray more and not make any fateful decisions. This is an ideal time to cleanse your life and your soul, to move to a new level. And if you succeed in this transition - you will definitely see in the next corridor.

Recording of the flash mob for the Lunar Eclipse “PUZZLE NAMED 'ME' OR BLOODY LUNA ECLIPSE”

You may find yourself:

  • - at the broken trough;

  • - lose prospects;

  • - in quarrels and conflicts;

  • - lose success;

  • - in anxiety and restlessness;

  • - in a tense situation in the family;

  • - loss of image and status;

  • - a hostage of negative people and goals.

A lunar eclipse is a particularly strong full moon, when all magical actions are magnified many times over.

It's a really good time

  • - for love rituals;

  • - attracting money in a special way;

  • - to start the fulfillment of desire;

  • - to transform the "shadow" side of the personality;

  • - curb idleness and apathy;

  • - complete the unfinished;

  • - get rid of bad habits;

  • - for radical changes in personal life;

We invite you to turn on the green light with us and start the right spiral of life.

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The day when the lunar eclipse occurs, as well as the week before and after this date, can bring emotional events. Sensitivity and irritability are growing, so it is undesirable to make fateful decisions on such days. Leave them for another time.

It is better not to plan anything important for this period, continue to do your usual things. But this is a good time for spiritual practices, meditation and reflection.

Emotions can reach a peak. A lunar eclipse in Leo makes the expression of feelings too demonstrative, even theatrical - these are the properties of this zodiac sign. But by expressing your emotions, you will feel liberated and shine with your own light.

On a day like this, it's easy to let go of the past. It is good to do meditation, it will help ease the burden of negative memories. By looking into the depths of your soul, you will reveal hidden fears and become aware of what creates anxiety.

The Full Moon highlights what we do not want to see in ourselves, other people and the world around us. Such discoveries can generate emotional reactions. If you feel irritated or angry, try to translate your emotions into physical activity.

Strengthen your inner strength, do something creative, because Leo is the most creative among the signs of the Zodiac.

The day of the lunar eclipse is a great time for magic, when cosmic energies amplify your intentions. For example, you can perform a simple magic ritual on this day to fulfill a wish. Light a yellow or orange candle (the colors of the zodiac sign Leo), then take paper of the same color and write your wish on it.

Spend some time thinking about what you want to attract into your life, visualize the positive outcome. After that, extinguish the candle, fold the paper and put it in a secluded place. Your dream may come true within six and a half months, by August 2017.

Summing up the astrological forecasts and expectations of astrologers, we can say that a promising day awaits all of us, on which it will be possible to change fate, get rid of negativity, or conduct a couple of suitable rituals for the occasion.

Moon eclipse- it's time to say goodbye to bad habits, complexes, fears, illnesses, old problems or obsolete relationships, this is a time of change and transformation.


Correcting the mistakes of past lives and working out karmic programs.

Eclipses always cause in a person the need to change something. Using the experience of the past and the circumstances of the present, it is possible and necessary to find creative forces for the future and get rid of the factors that limit the freedom of the individual.

Lunar eclipses occur during a full moon when emotions are climaxing and yearning for release. During the lunar eclipse, you can eliminate the psychosomatic causes of many diseases, get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, gambling and other types of addiction), as well as complexes and weaknesses.

Catch this wonderful time and get the most out of it!

Until October 10, Jupiter's trine from the ninth astropolis favors education, teaching, travel, foreign affairs, legal issues, publishing and publications, research and academic work, writing and defending a dissertation. Higher education topics will be relevant, including abroad or emigration. Businessmen may have ideas to expand their business with the participation of foreign partners. Issues of work or business development will be an important topic. At this time, you can get a promotion in your career. During a year important role your contacts, people from your circle of friends, relatives, circumstances related to travel will play in business.

The opposition of Jupiter and Uranus along the axis of learning, contacts and travel makes these topics intense and significant, promotes changes in the perception of familiar things, renewal of views on the world and life in general. Unexpected trips possible interesting contacts, meetings with extraordinary people who will expand your understanding of the world. New ideas may come, non-standard ways of solving problems. From late February to late April, from mid-September to early October, success will depend on your ability to reformat long-term projects if they no longer meet the new requirements.

But the first four months of the year, the period is unstable, economic factors will affect the operation of enterprises, business circumstances and cooperation. In February-April, there may be financial problems if miscalculations were made in financial matters, in loans, and investments. February 26 is associated with material matters and gives the result and completion of situations started in the previous two years. This is the time of parting with illusions. The theme of this eclipse is related to your financial relationships with other people. This is also the time when your value system after the events of past years can change significantly, updating the scale and coordinate system.

This year's eclipses highlight the importance of relationships in marriage and business. February 11 and August 07 and August 21 will be in the field of partnership, marriage and in your sign. In February, March, but especially in August, relationships in marriage and partnership will be tested for strength. This time will require certainty. For strong relationships, this is a time of constructive renewal and strengthening, formalization of relations during 2017. For the fragile, there is a risk of parting.

During the year, your planet Saturn will be in harmonious aspects with the planets that determine social opportunities, and you will have a chance to succeed. From January to the beginning of March and from the end of July to the beginning of October, the sextile of Saturn to Jupiter provides opportunities for advancement in a career, social activities, in solving educational issues, the opportunity to get the support of influential people, leadership, official organizations. The friendship and advice of those who are older than you in age or position will be useful. This aspect will help to cope with difficulties. During the year, both of your planets Saturn and Uranus will be in trine to promote constructive change. This good time for those who work in the field of communication, IT, science, are engaged in the implementation of scientific developments in production and business. This is a good time for scientists, politicians, programmers, leaders of public figures. This auspicious time to learn something new, to innovate, to take initiatives in the use of new technologies, to establish strong friendships.

If new work and business opportunities pass you by in the first months of the year, use the first ten months of the year to prepare the ground. Upgrade your skills, learn new methods at work and start applying them, the knowledge gained at this time, everything you do in this regard will become useful from October 2017.

On October 10th, Jupiter will enter your career, status, and goals quadrature and square your sign. Jupiter will be in this position until November 08, 2018. You can take on something new in your career or business, take on tasks that previously seemed overwhelming. This time opens unexpected opportunities for professional growth, expansion in business, your popularity in the profession. However, there will be a tendency in business to take on more than you can handle. Therefore, it is important to feel the context. The opportunity may be tempting, but you need to do thorough research before investing money or weighing the pros and cons when accepting a job offer. If you start new projects or make changes before the fall of 2017, you will need to make an effort from the fall of 2017 to ensure that your undertakings develop at the right pace. During this period, your ambitions may increase, but their implementation may be difficult. Depending on the personal horoscope, for some Aquarians during this period, obstacles to success are likely, for others - overcoming obstacles to success. You will have to defend your professionalism and competence, but you will have a good chance to succeed.

More about some periods of the year.

The first two decades of February are a good period for new initiatives in work, business, for starting education, trips, including abroad, for new business contacts, for romantic acquaintances, for commerce, resolving issues with documents, for public projects, publications, for the beginning of a foreign partnership to address issues of higher education, dissertation defense, relocation, emigration issues or obtaining a residence permit abroad. New acquaintances will be useful, so take the time to contact interesting people and improve your skills, all this will help you later.

February 11, 2017 at 22 ° 28 "Leo - this is the time when misunderstanding and disagreements with partners become obvious and you need to change your approach to cooperation or marriage so as not to carry problems into the next stage of life. This is the time for healing or ending relationships, if positions are not agreed But the gap is not necessary, the aspects accompanying this eclipse provide circumstances that help overcome disagreements in relationships and bring them to a new level of mutual understanding.But if problems arise now and they are not recognized and resolved, but August the conflict will become inevitable, a break and divorce is possible. Therefore, be prudent and do not forget about the possible consequences of your excessive love of freedom or stubbornness. But now it may be an agreement to part, as it will become obvious that the relationship in the previous format has exhausted itself. This is the case when people can part as friends and it will be a peaceful solution.

A week before and after the eclipse, you may meet a person who can play an important role in your life. This is a good period for starting new partnerships, collaborations, joint projects, business initiatives, especially in the field of the latest technologies and communications, for romantic acquaintances and the beginning of relationships. In business during this period, some of your previous initiatives will come to fruition, you will need to evaluate the work done, take into account shortcomings, and determine tasks for a new stage; understand how to build relationships with partners, employees, including financial relationships, so that joint work becomes more efficient. You may have to part with someone as not meeting your expectations, or give the employee a chance by reformatting his task. Now it is important for you to pay attention to your image, health and think over your new image, which will better suit you.

February 26 at 08 ° 12 "Pisces falls in the field of values ​​\u200b\u200band income. This is the time when you need to draw conclusions and develop a more realistic approach to joint finances, determine the measure of your responsibility for your financial situation. This is the time to "pay the bills", or pay for miscalculations Caution is needed in new financial initiatives - ill-conceived financial transactions will lead to losses This eclipse is unfavorable for business ventures, new partnerships and financial decisions The theme and impact of the eclipse is realized within six months From the end of February to the beginning of May it is not recommended to take and give in debt, make investments, sign new financial obligations, risk money.From February 22 to March 06, an unfavorable period for making important decisions, including financial ones.Mistakes, miscalculations, communication with unreliable people, theft, deception are possible. complications arise in relations with the immediate environment, with relatives, neighbors.

March 4-April 15 Venus will be retrograde in the sectors of finance and contacts. You should reconsider your financial relations, income and expense items, the nature of investments, think over new sources of income, which may be your talents that have not yet been used. But do not invest money at this time and make large purchases. March is a good period for claiming debts, but not in court. This is a good time to strengthen relationships, reconnect in your personal life and business. Devote this time to creativity, please your loved ones with gifts, “water” friendship, but do not strive for new relationships, they will not be reliable either in your personal life or in business. In April, forced expenses, losses are likely, it is better not to lend more than what you are ready to lose. financial solutions, important purchases it is better to postpone to the period after.

From April 09 to May 03 in your astrofield of everyday contacts, trips and communication with your inner circle. Relations with neighbors or relatives may require your attention, complications are likely, it will be necessary to coordinate positions or resolve misunderstandings. Do not dismiss the facts that have surfaced, be attentive to the opinions of other people. This is a good time to delve deeper into the subject or cause you are interested in. Relationships with other people will likely force you to see things from a different perspective, which can be quite instructive. The ideas that appear at this time can be productive, but it is better to postpone their implementation to the period after May 03.

From June 28 to July 16, pay attention to health, distribute loads, overstrain will affect health. During this period, complications in the work team, squabbles, quarrels are likely. Businessmen need to pay attention to the atmosphere in the team, an unhealthy psychological environment will slow things down. At this time, the work of the business will be influenced by external economic factors, the machinations of ill-wishers or internal discord in relations between staff. You may feel dependent on circumstances that are difficult to influence. This is an unfavorable period for undertakings, signing important contacts.

From July 20 to September 05, Mars will be in opposition to your sign. During this period, your personal and business relationships will go through difficulties. Public opinion and the position of opponents will influence your personal affairs. Public life will become more active, you will be involved in the affairs of partners, spouse, friends, the solution of your personal problems will depend on other people, so you should choose who you are dealing with. The last week of July and the first half of August is the time of intensification of competition and misunderstanding in relations. This is one of the most difficult times of the year. On August 03-07, problems in marriage or business relations, disagreements and conflicts are likely, the activation of competitors in the business.

August 07 at 15°25" Aquarius is a time when you will need to keep a balance between personal tasks and the interests of partners. You will be more dependent on other people than usual. You may feel that your life revolves around your spouse or business partner Nowyou have to find a compromise between the demands that others make on you and your need to be yourself.This period causes a desire to get rid of obligations. Possible breaks in previous agreements, contracts, refusal to cooperate or participate in joint projects, legal problems. You should not get involved in conflicts and proceedings, so as not to make yourself additional problems. You should reconsider your expectations from the partnership. At this time, the termination of relations in business is likely, in weak unions there may be talk of a divorce. Do not ignore the needs of others, do not discount their achievements and merits, this will help you find new approaches and give you a chance to build relationships after a crisis. Pay attention to health, appearance, image. At this time, a partner can stimulate your desire to take care of yourself, and now it will be very helpful. Think over your external image to match your new understanding of yourself.

From August 13 to September 05 in your eighth astropolis. The topics of finance, earnings, debt and payments, joint investments can cause concern and create problems. Old secrets and hidden facts may come to light. There may be misunderstandings in financial relations, unforeseen expenses, the need to pay off debts. This is not the right time to take out a loan and invest in a new business. Review your financial policy, take into account the shortcomings and limit expenses. There may be sexual problems that need to be discussed, negotiated with a partner. This is a time to better understand your emotional and sexual preferences and clear your mind and relationships of painful fears. Care must be taken in financial matters and documents, attention must be paid to the preservation of confidential information. Do not delegate important issues to others, control documentation and pay attention to the security system in business, including in matters of information.

August 21st at 28°52" Leo in the field of marriage and partnership gives a period of renewal in old relationships. This is a chance to start again, with " clean slate"and breathe new energy into your union, taking into account the wishes of each other. If in the first half of August, you come to the decision that the relationship has exhausted itself, now there will be an opportunity to disperse relatively peacefully. But for this it will be necessary to make certain concessions and sacrifice something. This approach will not be a weakness, now it is the best way out of a relationship. This time initiates legal conflicts, so concessions will make it possible not to delay the divorce or termination of the partnership, and allow you to get out of the situation with the least losses. At the same time, this is a time of active social life, when you can re-present a project, restore cooperation or partnership. At this time, new solutions for old ideas or delayed projects may appear. Now is the time to finalize them and start implementing them after September 06.

From September 07 to the end of November, the time is favorable for settling disputes, for undertakings in the field of education, for contacts with foreign partners and friends, for the implementation of planned changes in work, business and life. You will be able to develop existing projects or start new ones, implement plans. However, there are times that you need to pay attention to.In September, there are financial risks, there is a high probability of miscalculations, and you can bet on “the wrong horse” in investments. Therefore, be careful and careful: September 19-20, September 23-25, September 28-30, October 03, October 08-13, October 16 - purchases, contracts are unfavorable these days. There is a high probability of errors, illusions, deceit and unreasonable steps. Don't get involved in illegal activities.

November 08-28 until the end of November is a favorable time for career advancement, business, transition to a new job, negotiations with superiors, implementation of new ideas, important purchases.

December 03-23 ​​in your astropole of plans, hopes, friends, participation in communities and groups, joint projects. You should rethink your plans. If before, setting tasks and goals for yourself, you were guided only by personal interests, now you should listen to the opinion of friends or those people you trust in order to enlist their support and adjust your further steps taking into account common interests. This way you will get what you want more quickly. This is a good time to strengthen relationships with friends, patrons, superiors, to finalize projects and plans. Friendships can develop into romantic ones. Good time to travel with friends. At this time, it is worth returning to the pending ideas and projects, finalizing them and starting implementation after December 23.

December 23 is a good time for new beginnings in career and business. But it is important to pay attention to health, not to dismiss ailments and keep your secrets. What is said out loud loses most of its significance, so until it comes down to it, not all of your plans should be announced, say only what is necessary. This is a good time for undercover business.

Now some clarifications on the deans.

From October 10 to November 28, Jupiter will square your decan. This is the time of professional achievements and recognition of your merits and the most dynamic period of the year. It gives the result of previous undertakings and projects, and how favorable it will be, the sweat of previous efforts or their absence is curled. Career advancement is possible at this time. In business, this period creates conditions for development and expansion, but requires purposeful action. During this period, you may be subject to additional requirements. For some of you, this will be associated with difficulties in achieving the goal, there may be problems with career advancement, and you may have to fight for your “place in the sun”. Avoid conflicts with superiors. During this period, there will be a tendency to exaggerate your importance, you can overestimate your strengths and capabilities. Do not get carried away with ideas that promise mountains of gold, keep balance and pragmatism.

Aquarius born on 31.01-09.02 (Sun 11°-20°, 2nd decan of Aquarius)

The first half of February is favorable for the start of new initiatives, projects and thoughtful changes. It is also a time of determination in the relationships that are important to you. If there are problems at this time, they can lead to a serious crisis in August. From March 16 to August 26, Jupiter will be in trine to your dean, and this time gives you new opportunities in work, in cooperation, in interaction with representatives of other cultures, establishing contacts with foreign partners, solving issues of education abroad and emigration issues. The most productive period for new beginnings in business will be from May 04 to mid-July. Plan new initiatives during this time, prepare projects, look for new ways to express yourself, send out resumes if you want to find a more interesting job. August is a difficult period for marriage or business partnerships. August 07 refers to your dean in the first place, so read the recommendations for this period in the main part of the forecast. From November 26 to January 26, 2018 Jupiter will square your decan. It's result time. If you started new projects in the first half of the year, you may now encounter difficulties that will be essentially positive, because they will help correct the course. During this period, you can receive an offer for business cooperation or work, but from the beginning of December until December 23, it is better not to make important decisions, at this time you also need to be careful with investments, purchases and finances. Wait for additional information that will come after December 23rd. Now there will be a tendency to take on cases that will require more funds and resources than you expect.

Aquarius born 10.02-19.02 (Sun 21°-30°, III decan of Aquarius)

Your dean has the most dynamic influences. For you, 2017 will be a year of unusual opportunities, unexpected twists and turns and the implementation of important ideas. From the beginning of the year until December, your planets Uranus and Saturn will be in trine and bisextile to your decan. But there are two periods when the Jupiter trine is connected to these energies - from the beginning of the year to March 24 and from mid-August to October 10, Jupiter will contribute to favorable changes, settling problems, advancing business, new opportunities at work. At this time, difficulties or problems can be solved more easily if one door closes in front of you, another one can open nearby. Therefore, be flexible, catch new trends, trends, do not be afraid of change, even if at first they will be perceived as problems. This year important relationship in your life I will be tested for strength. February and August are two key periods for relationships in marriage and business. February 11 and August 21 are directly related to your dean. Therefore, read the recommendations for these periods in the main part of the forecast. I will only add. The accumulated contradictions in relationships can cause a serious crisis, there is a possibility of legal problems with business partners, for some Aquarius, complications in marriage can lead to divorce, someone will have to radically change their views on the union in order to save the relationship. But in many situations of the year there will be an unusual chance, an extraordinary way out, which will allow you to transform problems into new opportunities or save relationships. Use this year for new initiatives, the beginning of new projects, thoughtful changes that you have not dared to make before. This is the time to lay important foundations in business and career, in the implementation of long-term life programs. Such a combination of aspects rarely develops, so use this year in full.

In this forecast, I describe only the general trends of the year relative to the solar sign, without taking into account other planets in your natal chart. It cannot replace, for which the exact date, time and place of birth of a person is needed.

In the bustle of our days, we do not notice the key astronomical events, which, of course, have an impact on fate and determine many events. Every year, the inhabitants of our planet observe solar and lunar eclipses. Perhaps this year you will decide to follow all the eclipses, which will lead to significant changes in all areas, improve the inner spiritual climate and lead to harmony with the outside world.

2017 will be rich in eclipses. Most The first lunar eclipse will be February 11 on Friday. It will pass on the Leo-Aquarius sign axis, and is a logical transition from the Virgo-Pisces axis: from inner work to external implementation. This lunar eclipse brings us to the realization of the inner potential that we must realize in the outer world.

Astronomically lunar eclipse on February 11 in Russia it is characteristic that the planet Earth occupies a convenient position between the Sun and the Moon. Thus, the eclipse is complete.

The eclipse can be clearly seen in the southern sky late at night, in Europe, Africa, Western Asia, this event will be visible. On February 11, 2017, a lunar eclipse can be seen by residents of all regions of Russia, except for the Far East, and second lunar eclipse will be in August 2017, which will fall in August, will be available for observation by almost all residents of Russia. But it will be especially visible in the USA, this event already has a name, like the great American eclipse. The next such eclipse will occur in 2033 in the United States for the first time in 40 years.

What to expect from the lunar eclipse on February 11?

At this moment, the determining factors for fate - actions, actions, reactions - will be those zodiac signs that are activated by eclipse points. The energy of these signs is multiplied many times and affects those life situations, which are decisive.

In this case, the combination of signs Leo and Pisces directly tells us that the key events in January-February will be creative projects and work in the arts. Here, adventurous rash steps are quite possible, which can lead to undesirable consequences, as well as to sudden romantic stories, sometimes to the comprehension of some secrets that were not known before, in addition, to gaining new opportunities for the realization of previously conceived.

Past lunar eclipses associated with the crossing of the Virgo-Pisces axis influenced the search for meaning in life, the realization of one's mission and main purpose. In February 2017, the axis of the eclipses smoothly shifts into the signs of Leo-Aquarius, which leads to a new period, this time is favorable for starting active actions in the outside world, gaining new social connections and the necessary life experience.

The meaning of the lunar eclipse on February 11

Shortly before the lunar eclipse on February 11, opportunities open up for us to find solutions to those issues that were not completed before. Pisces influence the discovery of secrets that you would like to hide. If with colleagues at work will unfold conflict situations try to keep balance and inner balance. During lunar eclipse minor disagreements can lead to big quarrels in your personal life. And relationships that can no longer be restored and returned will now come to their full completion.

It is important to remember that during this first lunar eclipse of the year, it is best to postpone all important decisions until the end of the month or even later. The possibility of the unreliability of the facts obtained is very high and, most likely, it will take time to properly verify everything.

How to meet the lunar eclipse on February 11

In February 2017, it is best to devote yourself to those things that you are well aware of, which do not require drastic changes and additional energy, as well as unreasonable financial expenses. Carefully observe the situations of this period to identify the limiting factor hindering your development, so that in the future you will get rid of everything unnecessary and focus on peace of mind.

During lunar eclipse 2017 year, you need to part with everything that hinders your development and interferes with a harmonious life: bad habits, character traits that destroy relationships. Lunar eclipses affect not only your personal life, but also the life of our entire society, the life of the entire planet. During periods of lunar eclipses, as a rule, fateful changes occur, important decisions are made, and total lunar eclipses are the most important shifts both in the life of one person and in the life of all mankind.

Pay close attention to lunar eclipses, because the choice you make at this pivotal moment in the universe will affect your life in any case. In some cases - within six months, and in some cases - for 18 years. This is due to the fact that lunar eclipses cause situations of the highest emotional stress and energy activity.

It has been known since ancient times that an eclipse is a favorable time for spiritual growth and inner work on oneself, reflections on one's life. And the lunar eclipse has always been the most powerful full moon, so at this moment the main rituals of the full moon are most often performed - for success, for money, for love.

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In astrology, eclipses are of great importance. They have a huge impact both on the whole world as a whole and on each person individually. Many astrologers, like myself, include eclipses in their predictions. The harmonious relationship of the Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus with any eclipse is the real magic of the stars, promising the fulfillment of desires and practical results.
The lunar eclipse on February 11, 2017 occurs at 22 degrees Leo.
Eclipse start: February 10, 2017 at 23:34 UTC (GMT) or February 11, 2017 at 01:34 Moscow time (Moscow time)
Maximum phase: February 11, 2017 at 00:43 UTC or 00:43 UTC
End: February 11, 2017 at 02:53 UTC or 05:53 UTC
It can be observed in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America. In Russia, if the weather permits, it is available for observation in most of the territory, with the exception of Far East. Since this is a penumbral eclipse, it is not easy to see it, because the Moon will not darken, but only slightly change its brightness.
Astrological recommendations:
Since the lunar eclipse in 2017 is on the Aquarius-Leo axis, numerous catastrophes and chaos are expected, primarily in the public and political sphere. In addition, the eclipse will form an unfavorable configuration - "tau-square" with Proserpina in the sign of Scorpio. Therefore, it is not advisable to take part in mass events, as well as go on long trips, hold meetings. The lunar eclipse of February 11, 2017 generates in a person not only aggression and a passion for leadership, but also a desire to influence people with the help of hypnosis and magic.
By the way, the eclipse also includes such a harmonious configuration as a bisextile at the top with Jupiter at 24 degrees Libra. This is a very good aspect to strengthen family relations, establishing partnerships, acquaintances with the prospect of marriage.
Try to get rid of envy and resentment during the eclipse. Help in this - work, training, physical activity and all types of physical recovery.
During any eclipses, crime is activated. In people suffering mental disorders, drug addiction and alcoholism is exacerbated. Try to protect yourself and your loved ones, especially children. Be careful. Avoid dark green places, deserted wastelands and parks. Limit important external affairs (do not start or finish anything). Avoid crowded places a large number of people. Leave important decisions for other days.

Esoteric advice:
For people engaged in esoteric practice or simply with a developed intuition, an eclipse will become a mystical event. Knowledge, access to which will be opened on this day, will help to significantly advance in spiritual development. The day has a strong energy charge. You can “model” your program for the future, improve and correct your destiny. You can just make a wish and get the results within a few months. But, people involved in the occult, February 10-11, must be extremely careful to perform magical rituals. The consequences can be negative and irreversible. In addition, this eclipse on February 11 falls on the 15th lunar day. And the 15 lunar day is a satanic day, the day of Anubis, a period of carnal temptations and astral battles. In some texts, he is referred to the tempter Ahriman (Angro-Mainyu) - the spirit of the flesh, which relaxes a person, makes him malleable, suggestible, lazy, succumbing to any earthly temptations. On the 15th lunar day, the inner serpent of each person is activated, so you need to practice any form of asceticism, conquer your flesh in order to be pure (otherwise the astral plane is destroyed). On the 15th lunar day, which coincides with the eclipse, all the evil spirits from the interferal world are activated. It's not a secret for anyone now that there is a war between Darkness (the interferal world) and Light. And on such days, as never before, there is a struggle for every soul. Demonic forces - the forces of Darkness are fighting for the soul of each of us - through negative habits and actions - alcohol, drug addiction, prostitution, black magic, murders, sexual perversions (bestiality, same-sex sexual contacts, pedophilia, etc.). It is very important to avoid temptations in every possible way. It is useful to defend justice, turn on the inner light, kindness, love.
The influence of the eclipse begins 9 hours before it begins. Therefore, it is very important:
- Spiritual practice. Any actions will be enhanced by the energy of the eclipse.
-Do not look at the eclipse (especially for pregnant women). Curtain the windows.
-Practice for cleansing and forgiveness
-Do not eat 3 hours before and after the eclipse
If food or water gets eclipsed by moonlight, everything must be thrown away. You can't eat them!
After the eclipse, take a bath, put on clean clothes, carry out a wet cleaning of the room and the altar. Finish by reciting prayers and mantras.

Health impact:
The psyche and nervous system these days are more vulnerable than ever. Postpone important negotiations and affairs. Very sensitive during the eclipse on February 11 - the heart, the circulatory system, the digestive tract. Possible strokes, heart attacks, ulcer attacks, stomach cramps, exacerbation of pancreatitis and cholecystitis. People. those suffering from hypertension also need to be extremely careful. It is necessary to reduce the load on the legs. And it is desirable for athletes to reduce the physical load on the legs. Since the eclipse falls on the 15th lunar day, it is advisable to eat viburnum - to improve memory, tame one's base nature. Food is good both spicy and lean, hot. Recommended Japanese cuisine: legumes, barley. You can’t eat apples (too Yin food). You can’t do surgeries and other health procedures (nail and hair cutting, cosmetology, etc.).

Preparing for the Lunar Eclipse:
-3 days before and after the eclipse, it is necessary to reduce mental and nervous stress.
-Three days before the eclipse, it is favorable to exclude heavy and unhealthy food: meat, seeds, nuts, legumes, alcohol.
-Three days before the eclipse, read protective mantras or prayers.
-Twice a day take a contrast shower for 5-10 minutes. men finish cold water, women - hot.
-Prepare the house: wash, clean, get rid of unnecessary.
-Do not make large purchases and conclude important transactions
-Do relaxation practices to make it easier to set your mind on positive intentions.
- Think in advance how you will spend the eclipse, what you want to get rid of and what to attract

February 2017? a month rich in events that affect the life of Aquarius. The onset of the lunar eclipse on February 11, 2017 (about 3-40 Moscow time) can affect personal relationships and business contacts. There is a high probability of the onset of fateful changes. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is not recommended to make hasty decisions during this period. Moreover, it is far from best time to get married and start new business contacts. The horoscope for Aquarius for February 2017 advises that it is better to wait a while with the formalization of official relations.

The material well-being of Aquarius can be affected by a solar eclipse, which will begin on February 26, 2017 at approximately 18-00 Moscow time. During this period, it is also not worth making significant decisions, since the risk of losses is high.

Love horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius

The upcoming eclipses may not be the best way to affect the personal relationships of Aquarius. Possible emotional outbursts will only provoke conflicts, sow discord between loved ones. This is not the best time to get married. The horoscope for Aquarius for February 2017 recommends not rushing to formalize the relationship during this period. To create a stronger family, it is worth waiting a few months.

Favorable days for love in February 2017 for Aquarius: 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 25, 26 February.

Financial horoscope Aquarius for February 2017

Despite all the efforts and efforts made in the business sphere, the upcoming eclipses can negatively affect the financial environment. The decisions made run the risk of subsequently being wrong, will require additional time to fix problems.

For the rest of February 2017, Aquarius should continue to fulfill the tasks set earlier. But the horoscope of Aquarius does not recommend entering a new place of work in February 2017. On the contrary, as never before, the best period for dismissal from an inappropriate position. However decision it will be impossible to change.

Favorable days for money in February 2017 for the sign Aquarius: 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23 February.

Aquarius health horoscope February 2017

If Aquarius in February 2017 make a choice in favor of proper nutrition, a lunar eclipse, during which the body's resistance is weakening, will pass almost imperceptibly for them. The use of light and almost lean food, partial, or better, complete rejection of alcohol, will help to avoid additional stress. With medication, the horoscope for February 2017 also recommends being careful.