In a private house      04/21/2019

When to plant marigolds for seedlings - we determine the most successful time. Marigold planting for seedlings and caring for flowers with video and photo

Good day to all readers!

Marigolds or Tagetes (Tagetes) are valued by flower growers for their decorative qualities and unpretentiousness. In the people, these plants are called Chernobryvets, lights, velvet. These beautiful flowers are planted in flowerbeds, along paths, fences, suitable for various compositions and mixborders, for planting on a balcony, in pots.

There are two ways to grow marigolds, this is planting seeds in open ground and growing with seedlings. Landing in the ground can be done no earlier than mid-April - early May (when the earth warms up) and in regions with a cool climate closer to summer. Flowering in this case is postponed for a month and a half. In some cases, the seeds are planted in the fall and after the snow melts, the seeds begin to grow on their own.

When grown by seedling method, you can get flowers from mid-spring to early summer. Correct calculation timing of planting seeds for seedlings allows you to speed up the process of growing plants, and as a result, it makes it possible to get earlier, abundant flowering.

When to plant marigolds for seedlings in 2019

When calculating the timing, you need to remember that for each region, the time for planting seeds is individual. Any grower can easily calculate them on their own.

Planting marigolds for seedlings directly depends on the age of the seedlings for planting in the ground.

Seedlings can be planted in open ground at one and a half to two months of age.

At the same time, night frosts should pass. They, depending on the region, stop in mid-May - early June. If you want to plant seedlings earlier, a non-woven cover is used.

Need to pick up suitable variety. There are over 50 varieties of marigolds.

They can be low, high, have large and small inflorescences, as well as a variety of shades: orange, yellow, white, red and green flowers. Each differs in growth time and the beginning of flowering and has its own characteristics in development.

Marigolds bloom one and a half to two months after the first sprouts appear. When counting in reverse side, (from the time of planting seedlings in open ground) you can get the exact timing of planting seeds.

Marigolds are planted in seedlings for seedlings from mid-March to early May.
Tall varieties bloom later than low-growing ones, and they are sown two weeks earlier. In early spring, marigolds are planted for seedlings from mid-March to the first half of April.

To obtain flowering marigolds in April - May, seeds are planted in late January - February. In this case, additional illumination of seedlings is used.

When to sow marigolds for seedlings in the Moscow region, in the Urals, in Siberia

Sowing marigolds for seedlings in the Moscow region, in the Urals and in Siberia is carried out with the expectation of spring frosts. Any, even short frosts are detrimental to seedlings. Planting of young plants should be carried out from the end of May to the beginning of June.

With additional shelter with a film or spunbond, the dates can be shifted by 2 weeks and planting can be done in the first days of May, the main thing is to provide the plants with sufficient watering.

  • Upright marigolds are sown first, in late March - early April.
  • After two weeks, you can sow undersized and small-leaved species. In this case, the first flowers will appear in June.
  • When sown in May, flowering occurs in mid-summer.
  • Marigolds are not cold-resistant plants, and when planting seedlings, it must be taken into account that the soil must be warmed up to 15 degrees when planting.

Planting marigolds according to the lunar calendar in 2019

You can choose the date for sowing lunar calendar.

Marigolds are considered unpretentious culture, which do not require the creation of special conditions for germination. Their seeds can be either pre-soaked or sown dry. Seed material can be collected in excess at your own dacha. Soaking the seeds, thereby increasing their germination, is only recommended for rare varieties that you got in small quantities. In this case, it is also recommended to add a growth activator to the water.

The following dates will be favorable for sowing marigolds for seedlings in 2019:

  • in February - 7, 11, 13, 16. With this sowing, plants can be planted in greenhouses and under a film in late March - early April.
  • in March - 10, 12, 15. At the same time, seedlings can be transplanted into the ground in mid-April - early May.
  • in April - 7, 11, 18. When seeds are planted in April, seedlings are transplanted in May - early June.
  • in May - 9, 10, 15, 17.

Planting these days allows you to get abundant flowering of marigolds in more early dates than sowing seeds in open ground.

In warm regions, you can sow marigolds in April and May immediately in open ground. If you will be soaking the seeds, the date of sowing should be considered the day when the seed got into a humid environment. It is from this moment that the process of germination begins.

Unfavorable days for sowing are:

  • March - 6, 21;
  • April - 5, 19;
  • May - 5, 19;
  • June - 3, 17;

These days, planting marigolds for seedlings is not recommended.

The lunar calendar helps you navigate the timing and allows you to accurately grow good seedlings.

The quality of future plants depends. Good planting material and compliance with all requirements during planting guarantee strong seedlings.

Seedlings can be grown in boxes stretched out or peat pots, containers, cups, cassettes, peat tablets. When grown in common containers, picking is required. When sowing in separate pots, an intermediate transplant is not performed.

When growing several varieties, containers are supplied with a label with the name of the variety. The container must have holes to drain excess water. The bottom is lined with paper, a drainage layer (2-3 centimeters) of expanded clay, coarse sand, crushed stone or perlite is poured on top. Soil mixture is being prepared.

Land preparation

Marigolds prefer loose, light and nutrient-rich soil. For good growth seedlings, a mixture is taken from:

  • fertile soil layer (2 parts)
  • peat (1 part)
  • humus (1 part)
  • river sand (0.5-1 part).

For greater breathability, coconut fiber is added to the mixture. In a specialized store, you can buy a universal ready-made substrate for flowers or garden plants.

The mixture is stirred and poured with a hot pink solution of potassium permanganate. For additional soil disinfection, you can use a solution of Maxim, Fitosporin, Vitaros or any other fungicide with a similar composition and action. The cultivated land is calcined in the oven for 0.5-1 hour or in microwave oven for 10 minutes. Store substrate can not be calcined in the oven.

Then the soil is poured into containers and left for 3 days at a temperature of 20-22 degrees. Then you can start sowing.

Seed preparation

To grow marigolds for seedlings, you need to buy or collect seeds yourself.

Seeds are collected 45 days after flowering (closer to autumn). Buds and pedicels should turn yellow. Ripe seeds are easily removed from the calyx, dried and stored in a paper or woven bag until spring. Seed germination persists for 2-3 years.

For better and faster germination of seeds, they must be moistened with water. Seeds are aged in damp cotton cloth and plastic bag(in a bright place) for 3 days.

After swelling, the seeds are treated with Epin or Zircon for faster germination.


Grooves are made on the surface of the soil mixture at a distance of 3-4 centimeters from each other.

Marigold seeds are quite large and when planted in the ground, a depth of 0.8-1 centimeter is taken into account.

When distributing seeds, a distance of 2 centimeters between them is observed. Grooves with seeds are sprinkled with a mixture of earth and sand (1: 1). To the mixture for falling asleep, you can add sifted wood ash. Ash protects plants from the appearance of a black leg.

Seating container is covered with glass, plastic lid or a transparent film and placed in a warm place with an air temperature of 22-25 degrees. Before the appearance of the first shoots, the greenhouse is ventilated once a day. The condensate is removed. Seedlings appear on the 4-7th day.

When sowing in separate pots, 2 seeds are placed in each container with earth. One seed is placed in peat tablets with tweezers.

When growing seedlings of marigolds in a greenhouse, sowing is done when the soil warms up to 15 degrees (mid-late April). This temperature is optimal for seed germination. When growing, the air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.

Seeds are laid out with an interval of 8 centimeters, otherwise thinning will have to be done in the future. To avoid the appearance of a black leg, the greenhouse is periodically ventilated.

Seedling care, photo of flowers

After germination of sprouts, the container with seedlings is transferred to a room with a temperature of 16-18 degrees. The film or glass is removed.

Watering is done as the earth dries up, waterlogging, as well as drying out of the soil, is detrimental to young plants.

When planting seeds early (in late January - early March) or when pulling seedlings, plants require additional illumination fluorescent lamp daylight. Illumination is carried out at least 3 hours a day. Daylight hours gradually increase to normal (15 hours a day). Most decorative varieties demanding good lighting.

Two weeks after sowing, top dressing is carried out with a solution of any mineral fertilizers.

Picking is done after the formation of 2 main leaves on the sprouts. The soil for transplanting should be the same as when sowing seeds.

For better growth 1 spoon of mineral fertilizer and ash are mixed into the soil (in the ratio of 5 liters of earth 100 grams).

Plants are seated at a distance of 7 centimeters from each other (according to the scheme 7 by 7). When transplanting, the central root of the seedling is plucked off by half. This strengthens the roots and the plant becomes stronger.

  • The seedling is placed in a recess to the cotyledon leaves.
  • The roots are straightened and covered with earth.
  • Then the plants are watered warm water. In this case, the soil above the roots should not be washed away.
  • When the earth settles, a fertile mixture is poured. Seedlings after a dive quickly take root and grow.

Seedlings in peat tablets are planted in cups or peat pots. Seedlings growing in separate containers are not transplanted. The weaker sprout is removed from the pot.

If fertilizers were not added to the soil when planting, after 2 weeks complex mineral fertilizers are applied to the ground (during irrigation).

A week before planting, the plants are taken out into the fresh air for hardening and getting used to new conditions.

When the plants completely braid the cups (pots) with their roots, you can land in open ground. Seedlings in boxes or a greenhouse are planted with a small earthy clod on the roots.

When choosing a place for planting marigolds on permanent place The soil does not need to be fertile. The main requirements for the soil are: air permeability, water permeability and friability.

The place should be closed from the wind and bright. Marigolds are unpretentious and can grow in shade and partial shade, but the flowering will be less lush and the plant more compact. Excess moisture harms plants and leads to disease and death of marigolds.

The site is dug up, mineral fertilizers are applied. For 1 square meter 30 grams of top dressing is taken. The earth is crumbling again. A mixture of sand and peat is introduced into heavy clay soil.

Holes are prepared for transplanting seedlings. The distance between the bushes depends on the characteristics of the variety. Between undersized varieties the distance is about 15 centimeters, for medium-sized bushes - 20 centimeters, for high ones - 35-40 centimeters.

  • Plants in peat pots are planted directly in them.
  • Seedlings from cups and cassettes are rolled into the hole along with the ground.
  • Plants are placed in holes. The upper part of the roots should be at a height of 1-2 centimeters from the surface of the earth.
  • Pits with plants are covered with earth. The soil is compacted.

When planting different varieties side by side, it must be taken into account that with the further collection of seeds for the next year, varietal characteristics may change due to cross-pollination of flowers.

Watering is done under the root or on the leaves.

Plants easily tolerate transplantation and can be planted in an overgrown state (with buds, flowers). If there is a threat of frost, plantings are covered with any non-woven material.

Further care for marigolds consists in weeding weeds, regular watering, loosening row spacing and a single application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. To preserve moisture, the soil around the plants is mulched with fine straw, sawdust, hay, needles.

Plants are resistant to pests, but in some cases, aphids or spider mite. They need to be washed away soapy water and treat the area with flowers with any systemic pesticide.

For longer flowering, dry buds are removed, so the plant grows again and is covered with new flowers.

sow marigold into the "snail". Simple and effective: video

Proper planting and care of marigolds makes it possible to admire beautiful flowers throughout the season.

Good marigold seedlings will provide you beautiful flower garden in the garden. How to grow marigolds for seedlings, read further in this article.

DIY marigold seedlings

Marigolds take their name from the Latin Tagetes.

This plant belongs to the Asteraceae family and can be either annual or perennial.

Marigolds originated in American territory (center, south).

Since ancient times, they have been used by the Indians in their ritual activities, as well as as a remedy for many ailments.

Flowers came to European territory in the 16th century and were the first exotic flowers that appeared in our country.

The flower culture of marigolds owes its name to K. Linnaeus, who named their flowers in honor of Tages, a demigod, the grandson of Jupiter, who became famous:

  • gift to predict the future;
  • grandeur;
  • beauty.

Nowadays, marigolds, or, as they are also called, Chernobrovtsy, are represented by a huge number of species and are bred by flower growers around the world.

Marigold varieties popular in Russia

A great abundance of marigold species is known, but the following varieties are most in demand in our country:

  1. Mary Helen.
  2. Hawaiian.
  3. Rejected.
  4. Naughty Marietta.
  5. Petite orange.
  6. Mandarin.
  7. Fighter.
  8. Jolly Joster.
  9. Red gem.
  10. Foxtrot Rio.

These and other varieties of flower culture can be purchased at a specialized store, and we will talk about how to grow marigold seedlings below.

How to prepare marigold seeds for planting seedlings?

Chernobrovtsy seeds need to be bought exclusively for the first planting, since when the plant fades, it will be possible to collect the seeds and use them in the future.

You just need to let 2-3 inflorescences dry thoroughly directly on the flower bed and, if there is no precipitation, you will be able to get ripe seeds from the cup, dry them and save until spring.


Professionals warn that all Chernobrovtsy represented in the culture are hybrid plants, which means that every 4th flower will not save the quality of the variety and may inherit the characteristics of the father or mother.

How to germinate marigold seeds for seedlings?

Many gardeners plant flowers for seedlings with germinated seeds.

In order for the material to germinate, it is necessary:

  • Arrange the seeds on a plate.
  • Cover with damp cloth.
  • Send the plate in a PE bag.
  • Remove to a warm place.
  • When 72 hours have passed, the seeds should hatch and they can be planted in prepared containers with high-quality soil.

When to plant marigold seeds for seedlings?

The sooner the seeds are sown for seedlings, the faster the color will go.

From germination to flowering, the plant usually takes 1.5 months, depending on the variety, so it is necessary to sow marigolds for seedlings in the first decade of April.

If you plan to grow different kinds flower culture, it is important to know that Chernobrovtsy is sown earlier than others:

  • In March 1-15, they are upright and undersized.
  • In early April, small-leaved.

Approximate dates for sowing marigolds by region:

  • Siberia and the Urals - 2-3 decades of April,
  • Moscow region and middle lane Russia - 1-2 decade of April,
  • Far East - the third decade of April, transfer to the ground when the threat of frost has passed.

What soil is best for marigold seedlings?

Growing seedlings is a fairly simple process, but there are nuances that must be foreseen.

The land must be:

  • Humus.
  • Peat.
  • Turf.
  • Sand.
  • Proportions - (1; 1; 1; 0.5).

The earth must be disinfected by spilling the composition with a disinfectant fungicide solution or manganese diluted in water.

Drainage should be provided at the bottom of the tank.

It is allowed to use:

  • Sand.
  • Rubble.
  • Expanded clay.

The height of the drainage layer should be 30 mm.

The earth must be fertilized (any organic compounds, but not manure).

How to plant marigold seeds for seedlings and care for them?

At a distance of 15-20 mm, it is necessary to make recesses, put seeds in them and cover them with a light layer of earth.

Watering should be done very carefully so that the water does not wash the seeds out of the soil.

Pots or boxes should be placed in a room where the temperature is approximately 22-25 oC. it is important to spray the soil, it should not dry out.

Seeds hatch after about 5-7 days, then the containers must be rearranged to the light and the temperature reduced to 15-18 oC.

How to care for and dive barakhattsy?

After Chernobrovtsy ascend, they must be transferred to the light.

It is very important that there is enough lighting, since it depends on how rich and beautiful the color of the flowers in the flower bed will be.

When 2 leaves appear, marigold seedlings require a pick.

For this you need:

  • Dig up the sprout.
  • Pinch his spine.
  • Plant the sprout in another pot.

The plant must be deepened to the level of 7-lobes, thanks to which the root system will be better formed. After the sprouts are planted in separate containers, the pots must be removed from the light for 2-3 days.

About a week and a half before planting seedlings in flower beds, it is necessary to harden it.

The container with seedlings should be taken out to the balcony, for 5 minutes, then for 10, etc.

When it gets warmer outside, the seedlings can be left on the loggia for the entire night period.

Evening watering is not necessary, otherwise the seedlings will stretch and be unstable to diseases. Watering should be carried out before noon and only with settled water at room temperature.

Marigolds love warmth, they are afraid of frost and returning cold weather. Therefore, it is necessary to plant seedlings when it becomes warm.

When to plant marigolds in the ground on the site?

Seedlings are planted on the site when the night frosts are gone.

This flower culture arrived on our territory from warm lands and does not tolerate low temperatures, it may die.

In addition, it is necessary to wait until the seedlings have at least 3 leaves and strong roots.

Usually planted in late spring or early summer.

The soil must be:

  • enriched;
  • well moistened in the first half of the summer period;
  • loamy and neutral.

If the land is scarce, it is necessary to fertilize 2-3 times during the growing season.

The distance between seedlings depends on the variety and variety of the plant.

High varieties are planted every 400 mm, the distance between rows is also 400 mm, medium - according to the scheme 300x300 mm, low - 200x200 mm.

After planting, plants should be watered abundantly and often, because, despite the fact that they are considered drought-resistant, if the flowers are not watered, they will result in weak, nondescript.

Features of growing marigolds

Marigolds should be systematically weeded and loosened the ground, otherwise they may suffocate.

In the summer, if Chernobrovtsy have grown, they can be cut off, so spectacular bushes are formed.

Inflorescences that have faded must be removed, then the flowering will be even stronger.

The unusual smell of marigolds and the phytoncides contained in them will protect not only the plants themselves, but also their neighbors from the fungus.

Have a nice garden!!!

Marigolds are annuals herbaceous plants Asteraceae family comes from hot Mexico.

What does marigold look like externally? The stems, depending on the species, are usually erect, have many branches, form a bush with a height of 20 to 120 cm. The leaves look like feathers. The shape is slightly serrated. Foliage color ranges from light to dark green.

Reference! A flowering bud is a basket. There are a lot of varieties: simple or terry, yellow, orange or brown. In diameter, the flower reaches from 3 to 4 centimeters. They bloom profusely from June until frost.

In nature, there are about 30, but only three of them have decorative value: upright marigolds, rejected marigolds and thin-leaved marigolds.

You can learn about the varieties of marigolds, as well as see photos of the plant, and from you will learn about the varieties and rules for caring for undersized marigolds.

Where to get seedlings?

Growing seedlings means sowing the seeds of a plant first for the first shoots to appear in more favorable conditions for this, and then, after the plant reaches a certain size, it is transplanted to a permanent place.

Useful video

Watch a video about sowing seedlings of marigolds:


Thus, we were convinced that independently growing marigolds for seedlings is not at all a difficult task.

  1. Decide on the varieties you like.
  2. Decide on the methods of growing seedlings: in the ground under cover on garden plot or in trays on the windowsill of a city apartment.
  3. Prepare a soil mixture of peat, compost and sand. Disinfect.
  4. Sow seeds. Create a greenhouse effect.
  5. Periodically ventilate after the appearance of the first shoots.
  6. When 4-5 leaves of planting appear, dive.
  7. After all the above steps, in late May and early June, you can safely plant young plants in a flower bed.

We hope that our tips will help you grow a real decoration for your garden plot.

Since the flower is sensitive to frost, early planting it in the ground is not recommended. Transplantation of the finished planting material is carried out as a standard in May-June after frosts on the soil have passed.

Can it be transplanted during the flowering period?

Is it possible to transplant during the flowering period? Flowering plants can be transplanted during the period when the buds are picked, the main thing is to follow simple rules: do not thicken the planting, there should be a distance between the plants for ventilation. Marigolds are herbaceous flowering plants , in shape they resemble small bushes with a strong and rather thick stem and equally strong branches. Seedlings should have a well-formed root system and 3-4 healthy green leaves.


Marigolds will grow well and delight you with their colorfulness on nutritious, loamy, acid-neutral soils. If marigolds are grown on poor soils, then regular top dressing is necessary, which should be carried out during the growing season - 2-3 times per summer (how to feed marigolds for abundant flowering, read).

For these flowers, it is important that the soil is airy and loose, and also passes water well. They do not like dark and damp places. The soil for planting should be dug up and applied mineral fertilizer , it will also not be superfluous if, in the hole prepared for planting, you add expanded clay or other small stones to ensure good drainage.

Details about the features of marigold care and design rules beautiful flowerbed, you can find out.


ATTENTION: In growing conditions on a balcony, the pot is supplied with good drainage of about 3 cm: pebbles, expanded clay or small stones. Take soil for garden plants and mix it with peat or wood shavings.

All this is necessary in order for the earthen lump to breathe. When planting, remember that marigolds, or another name for them - Chernobrivtsy, are a bush, so planting many bushes in one pot does not make sense, do not allow thickening in plantings: the risk of rot increases greatly.

Read about the features of growing marigolds in pots or boxes at home.

Start time for gardening

Reproduction of marigolds is carried out in two ways:

  • sowing seeds in open ground;
  • planting prepared seedlings.

spring-summer season

It occurs in June, when the temperature of the upper soil layer (about 5 cm) reaches 15-20 °C. The planting depth is from 1.5 cm to 3 cm. If the sowing is late and is done in soil that is not saturated with moisture, then it should be increased to 7 cm.

If you are interested in earlier flowering, then marigold seeds are sown for seedlings in April, while already grown plants are planted in a permanent place in May (read about how to grow marigold seedlings yourself and when and how they are sown). If there is a chance of frost, then simply cover the newly planted seedlings with a covering material. As practice shows, plants after such greenhouses are stronger.

Some varieties of marigolds have earlier flowering dates.. For example, marigolds rejected, or "French" (T. patula), they gained their popularity for their compact appearance, which is suitable for decorating balconies and a shorter period before flowering, on average, about 60 days from the time of sowing the seeds.

ADVICE: Plant out after all night frosts have passed. Marigolds do not like frost, especially young plants.


Look at the photo how marigolds planted in a flower bed look beautiful.

Can you sow in August?

Transfer to decorative purposes possible in pots or boxes, for open ground it is important to take into account the climatic features of the area (early soil frosts). It is not advisable to sow seeds in open ground in August..

Under the winter

Now let's talk about sowing marigolds before winter. There are subtleties here. Cultivation in regions with a milder climate, gives good results by germination. But since the flower is thermophilic and does not tolerate frost, and also does not like excessive moisture, the experiment on planting before winter in northern latitudes may become rather unsuccessful. But our grower is not looking for easy ways, let's try to formulate the basic rules for preparing marigold seeds for sowing before winter.

To begin with, let us clearly define for ourselves what a place for planting marigolds must be prepared in the fall, preferably in September, well, or in the case of a protracted autumn in early October, cut furrows-grooves in the garden. Make sure that it is not in a lowland, a place with a slight slope is perfect.

The soil should not be dense, if this is the case, then it is necessary to add peat, tree bark, humus or sand in equal proportions and good loosening (digging). Further, planting seeds should be done only in well-frozen soil. Because a sudden thaw, which will bring excess moisture into the soil, will destroy your seeds, they will simply rot.

It is a good idea to prepare the soil for the top backfill in advance and leave it in a warm room.. After planting the seeds and filling them with soil, it would be useful to cover them with a layer of leaves or thin wood chips of about 10 centimeters, and so that the wind does not scatter them around the site, cover them with any net for bushes on top.

IMPORTANT: Please also note that when planting before winter, you need to take seeds 1.5-2 times more than in the spring-summer period. By following this small set of requirements, you can get blooming glade marigolds from hardened seeds earlier than your neighbors.

For several weeks after planting, marigolds need constant watering. But do not overdo it, as the plant is prone to a number of diseases caused by excessive waterlogging: gray mold, black leg and bacterial sores.

  1. loosening(air access to the roots and exclusion of weed pressure);
  2. watering(moderate, although marigold easily survives dryness, the plant may look wilted, but after watering the leaves gain strength);
  3. top dressing(mineral fertilizers).

Marigolds can and even need to be cut, as this will form a beautiful flowering bush, for this you just need to pinch a couple of lower branches. After the marigolds have begun to bloom, do not leave wilted inflorescences, but break them off, this will contribute to more lush bloom and the formation of new inflorescences.

If you decide, then leave a few withered plants, and after complete drying, collect seeds from them. Marigolds are distinguished by good preservation of seeds until spring..

Do not forget that all marigolds are hybrids, flowers from seeds will grow different, not like the parent plants. Having bought the seeds once, you can then not think about buying new ones (if you don’t want to try a new variety), marigold has a high germination rate, it will be quite enough for you to collect seeds already from your grown plants.

If there is a flower so common throughout the world, it is solar. Purchase seeds and subject to simple rules planting, you will see this piece of the sun in your garden.


Many novice flower growers ask the question: When is it better to plant these flowers for seedlings and seeds in open ground, immediately to a permanent place. In this article we will try to answer this question, as well as touch on the basic rules for growing marigolds.

Marigolds are considered one of the most popular flowers found in gardens and on summer cottages Russia. These flowers are also very often planted in city flower beds. In another way, marigolds are called Tagetes. Tagetes is the Latin name, according to legend, that was the name of the grandson of the god of heaven and light Jupiter. To date, there are a little more than 30 varieties of marigolds.

In the wild, marigolds are most common in America.

Marigolds have straight stems. The length can be different - up to 1 meter, depending on the variety.

Blooms in single buds. Flowers can be of various colors - yellow, orange, red. To the touch can be smooth or terry.

Flowers do not have a special smell, but the leaves smell very specific. Flowering is very long - from the beginning of June until the first frost.

A little about growing.

Marigold seedlings

Growing marigolds, you can go in two ways - plant seedlings or plant seeds immediately in open ground. Each of these methods has its own advantages. If planted through seedlings, then marigolds will bloom much faster. If you plant seeds immediately in a permanent place, then flowering will be longer.

When grown through seedlings, in the future it will be much more convenient to plant in flower beds. When planting seeds in flower beds, the plants will then have to be thinned out, the marigold seeds are very small.

Before landing in a permanent place, you must select appropriate place. A sunny location is best.

Marigolds look very beautiful along the edges of flower beds or paths.

Marigolds are very unpretentious in care. Grow quickly, resistant to drought and cold. However, they do not tolerate transplantation well.

When to plant marigold seeds for seedlings?

Of course, you can land immediately in open ground. But then you have to forget about early landings. Plant seedlings may die when negative temperature. If you want to get early flowering, then you need to plant only through seedlings.

Marigolds are planted on seedlings mid-March to mid-April, depending on the variety. By planting at this time, you will receive flowering by the beginning of June.

The soil for planting seedlings should be loose and saturated with nutrients. You can plant in any container - from boxes to pots. Seedlings should be grown at home at a temperature of 17-22 degrees.

When to plant marigold seeds in open ground?

Late landing can be carried out immediately to a permanent place. You can plant marigold seeds in open ground from the end of May to the end of June. The first shoots appear 5-10 days after sowing. Plants begin to bloom in early - late July.

Did you know that the sharp aroma of marigolds repels many pests.

Now you know when to plant marigolds for seedlings and seeds in open ground. Good luck in this business!

Video about sowing marigolds: