Well      07.04.2019

Osteospermum: choose an annual or perennial culture. Cape chamomile osteospermum - an unpretentious plant for the garden

Unusual name osteospermum (lat. Osteospermum) is still a little-known plant in the country, which looks quite familiar and pretty. This impression comes from the external resemblance to the familiar and beloved daisies, daisies, asters. Sometimes in the literature this genus is found under the names of the Cape daisy, African chamomile and etc.

The plant deserves the closest attention of amateurs and professionals for good combination excellent decorative qualities, unpretentiousness, long flowering, and beauty and a magnificent palette of shades and colors will impress the most demanding flower growers.


Osteospermum is a genus of plants in the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. Homeland consider South Africa, the Arabian Peninsula. The genus is represented by 70 species of heat-loving plants, unites annual and perennial herbs, shrubs, shrubs. Lushly leafy osteosperm bushes bloom profusely, elegantly, for a long time and continuously, from June until mid-autumn. Under natural conditions, these are evergreen perennials. In cold climates middle lane osteosperms are cultivated as annuals or biennials.

Stems erect, occasionally creeping. The leaves are dense, unevenly serrated, spatulate or oblong-ovate. The color is bright green, variegated, sometimes grayish, the leaves have a specific smell.

The inflorescence resembles a chamomile

The osteospermum flower, in the usual sense, is actually an inflorescence of marginal reed flowers and sterile central tubular flowers. Distinctive feature- seeds unconventionally form not internal, rather nondescript flowers, but external ones surrounding them with a spectacular crown. Marginal flowers are colored differently, depending on the species, variety, from white to purple hue, central - dark-colored, blue or light blue. There are varieties with large inflorescences of a rarer color of varying intensity - from pink, purple, to yellow, orange or even red. The inflorescence is a basket 3-8 cm in diameter, breeders bred plants with double and semi-double inflorescences.

bright flowers They usually open during the day in clear weather, this property protects their pollen from the harmful effects of moisture at night or with the onset of rain. Each individual inflorescence lives no longer than 5 days, however, new buds appear in place of wilted flowers, providing the most abundant flowering during the summer months, in July and August. If autumn weather is favorable, flowering may continue even until October. The fruit is represented by a rather large dark-colored achene.

Osteospermum is famous for its variety of species and varieties. Most cultivars are hybrid in nature. These are exceptionally attractive plants of the most diverse colors, they are characterized by more compact form, early, abundant flowering, endurance and adaptability to adverse conditions. Some varieties differ original form reed flowers, they are called spoon osteosperms. Some species have spread as ornamental flowering plants in many countries of the world.

Spoon osteospermum

O. Eklona(lat. Osteospermum ecklonis). In the conditions of our cold winters, it grows as an annual. Under natural growing conditions, perennial shrub, is distinguished by strongly branched straight stems up to 1 m high, narrow decorative-toothed leaves. Based on it, many elegant hybrid varieties, differing in the size of the bushes, color and shape of the petals.

O. conspicuous(lat. Osteospermum jucundum). Spectacular species, which is an evergreen perennial with low winter hardiness in areas with warm winters. Flowers change color from white to different shades purple, back side painted in lilac-violet tones. Varieties based on this species are also very colorful and elegant.

Photogallery of species

Cultivation and care

Osteospermums successfully grow in areas warmed by the sun, without losing their decorative effect even in bad weather. For them, it is better to choose the brightest place on the site, they grow well in partial shade, but they can stretch in height. They need loose, fairly fertile, well-drained soil. Preference is given to slightly acidic, neutral, the mechanical structure of the soil is not of decisive importance. The soil must be permeable and not too nutritious, otherwise the plant will quickly grow excess greenery to the detriment of decorative flowering.

On sale sometimes already flowering bushes osteospermum

Standard care for flowering plants in relation to osteosperum means the following:

  • Moderate watering;
  • Regular feeding with complex preparations during flowering;
  • Timely removal of obsolete inflorescences.

Plants are hardy, but thermophilic. Their frost resistance is low, usually these plants can withstand only weak frosts. Osteospermum is quite drought-resistant, easily tolerates a temporary lack of watering, hot weather, however, with a lack of moisture, the inflorescences can become smaller, decorative terry is lost. Overwatering is unacceptable. The plant does not tolerate extensive shade.

The bushes will respond to feeding with a noticeable increase in leaf and flowering mass, but they may well live without any special "tenderness". It is preferable to plant osteospermum on the sunny side of the site. Protection from strong winds is not necessary - the plant has a stable root system and a strong aerial part.

Osteospermum in a sunny area

Bushes grow widely and branch well, so it is usually recommended to keep distances between them 40-50 cm, requirements may differ for different varieties.

Caring for osteospermum necessarily include pinching. This allows you to stimulate the formation of new branches in the plant and form attractive outwardly bushes.


Osteospermum can successfully winter in a mild climate, some varieties can withstand temperatures as low as -10 C.

Can be cultivated as perennial if the room allows you to keep it until spring. It should be light, with a low positive temperature, watering should be reduced as much as possible. A plant transplanted from open ground into an individual container is returned to the site in the spring. This eliminates the need to spend effort on seedlings, growing flowers from seedlings for a long time.

Osteospermum in the landscape


The following methods of propagation of osteospermum have been used: seeds and cuttings.

Growing from seeds presents no difficulty and good results. You can sow the seeds of osteosperm immediately into the ground, the seedless sowing period begins in May. In this case, subsequent thinning is necessary. Flowering with this method of cultivation will come relatively late, so for early flowering it is preferable to use the seedling method.

To achieve flowering in June when growing osteosperm from seeds, they are sown as early as March. Since they are quite large and easily give friendly shoots, you can do without picking, sow immediately in pots, preventing possible intermediate damage to the root system.

Features of seed reproduction:

  • germination lasts up to 4 years;
  • seeds sprout together in 7-10 days;
  • the plant gives abundant self-sowing, which can be used for seedlings;
  • during seed propagation, significant splitting is observed external signs in color, terry.

The soil for seedlings should be loose from a mixture of soddy, humus soil, sand. Seeds are slightly buried, sprinkled with earth. Future seedlings are placed in the light at a temperature of +20 C, regularly watered.

The high cold resistance of the plant does not eliminate the need for hardening of growing seedlings, gradually lowering the temperature to +12 C and increasing the time interval from 10 minutes or more. Planting time for mature young plants permanent place occurs as soon as the last threat of night frost disappears.

cuttings It is used in the reproduction of valuable varieties to preserve their unique properties inherent only to them. For osteosperm propagation by cuttings, it is desirable to select them from shoots that have not bloomed, preferably from the top of the plant as early as February. Rooted at +20 C, then transplanted into individual containers and proceed by analogy with seedlings from seeds.

Cuttings of osteospermum

This method has been successfully used for winter storage selected decorative samples. In early spring, the cuttings are cut just below the node, removing the lower leaves. The cuttings are placed in peat with sand, perlite, sprayed, if necessary, the container is covered with a film. The appearance of the roots will have to wait at least a month. Rooted young plants are kept cool, planted in flower beds in the spring after the complete cessation of frost.

Any seedlings need pinching. Good nutrition liquid fertilizers on the subsequent splendor of the bush and the intensity of flowering.

Diseases and pests

This amazing plant so resistant to diseases that, when caring for it, you can not worry about time-consuming methods of protection. In rare cases, the threat of aphids infestation has been noted. Much more dangerous for osteosperm is abundant soil moisture, as is planting in heavily shaded areas.

Osteospermum flowers on the plot

Use in landscape design

Osteospermum is traditionally grown in flower beds, it allows you to create bright accents in rock gardens, in the foreground of shrub borders, indispensable in flowerpots and decorative tubs on terraces, in internal compact courtyards.

For flower growers - amateurs, its versatility is most attractive - osteospermum is equally good both in classic flower beds and on terraces, verandas or balconies.

In empty areas, compact or semi-dwarf varieties are used as ground cover.

Osteospermum, as well as possible, is suitable for decorating a container garden, for central flower beds, for artistic framing of flower beds, in groups in mixborders it looks just great.

A flowering plant is really very hardy and unpretentious, so it is suitable for areas with poor soil, slopes, rocky hills.

Growing osteospermum and caring for it is not difficult.

Osteospermum (lat. Osteospermum) - is an annual and perennial herbaceous plant, shrub or shrub. The flower got its name from Greek word"osteo" - bone, and the Latin word "spermum" - seed. The flower belongs to the aster family. By appearance it resembles a camomile or a daisy.

general description

The birthplace of this unique flower is South Africa (Cape Province of South Africa), therefore it is called "African chamomile", "Cape daisy".

To Europe this unique flower introduced by the British in the 10th century where he gained immense popularity. And all because the "African Chamomile" is very beautiful and unpretentious.

It is grown by seeds and cuttings. The seed method of cultivation is most preferable, as the plant develops quickly and does not require much care. But if varietal qualities are important to you, then it is better to grow by cuttings. The cuttings will convey all the parental qualities of the variety you love.

Growing osteospermum from seeds at home will not be a problem.

Seeds can be planted directly in open ground, but then flowering will come late. That's why it is better to grow spermum flower through seedlings.

If you want to save the variety, you can dig up a bush, plant it in a spacious pot and bring it into the room. From December to March, provide osteospermum with winter rest. The temperature in the room where the flower will be kept should not be higher than 15 - 17 degrees. Watering should be reduced to a minimum. In the spring, plant the overwintered bush in the garden.

Lunar calendar - assistant florist in planting plants

Diseases and pests

Osteospermum is resistant to diseases and pests. Sometimes it can be attacked by aphids, which can be easily dealt with with any drug purchased from a specialized store. The main rule when caring for osteospermum is not to plant in the shade and not to fill it with water. And then all summer this wonderful flower will delight with its unique flowering.

Types and varieties of osteospermum

Osteospermum (African chamomile, Cape daisy) - in the natural environment is a perennial herb, shrub, shrub. In a cold and temperate climate zone, it is cultivated as a single or biennial plant. Belongs to the Asteraceae family, native to South Africa, Arabian Peninsula.

Botanical description

Stems erect, rarely creeping. Plant height is about 30 cm, varieties up to 75 cm high are bred. Leaf plates are dense, ovoid, oblong, with smooth or jagged edges. Stems and leaves may be bright green or grayish in color.

Delicate inflorescences look like daisies. The core can have a blue, blue, smoky black color. The color of the petals (reed inflorescences): white, various shades of purple, pink, yellow, orange, blue. Their shape is oblong with pointed tops, but the so-called spoon osteosperms have been bred: the shape of the reed inflorescence resembles a spoon.

The diameter of the inflorescence is 3-8 cm, they are simple, terry and semi-double are bred by breeders. It blooms almost throughout the summer, and if the weather is favorable, it can bloom until October. Each inflorescence lives for about 5 days, they continuously replace each other. Flowers open in clear weather.

A variety of shades, long flowering, unpretentious care contribute to the popularity of osteosperm.

Growing osteospermum from seeds at home

The plant successfully reproduces by seeds: they remain viable for up to 4 years, friendly seedlings appear 7-10 days after sowing. It reproduces well by self-seeding.

In open ground, seeds are sown in April. No seed pre-treatment is required.

When to plant osteospermum for seedlings

To get more viable plants that bloom earlier, seedlings should be grown.

  • Sowing seeds of osteospermum for seedlings should be done in early March.
  • It is better to sow one or two seeds at a time in separate pots - the seeds will definitely sprout and you will not have to carry out an intermediate transplant.
  • If there is no possibility or a lot of space, you can sow the seeds in a common container at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other, and then carefully transplant them into separate cups.
  • To grow seedlings, loose soil is needed (a mixture of humus, soddy soil and sand).
  • The seeds are simply shallowly pressed into the soil.
  • Maintain the air temperature at 20 ° C, lighting should be diffused.

  • When 5-6 true leaves appear, pinch off the tops to encourage forcing of side shoots and good bushiness.
  • Harden seedlings, gradually lowering the temperature to +12 ° C. You can simply take it out to the balcony for a short time at first, and then increase the time spent on the street.

As soon as the threat of frost recedes, transplant the seedlings into open ground.

How to plant osteospermum with seeds for seedlings, the video will tell:

Hardened seedlings, planted by transshipment, practically do not get sick and take root immediately, especially with careful care. Do not be too zealous and flood the plants: it is enough to keep the soil slightly moist.

Propagation of osteospermum by cuttings

To preserve varietal characteristics, propagation by cuttings is used. This method is suitable for plants that have been moved indoors for the winter.

  • In February, select a shoot that did not bloom and cut apical stalk, the slice must pass under the node.
  • Remove the leaves from the bottom and plant a cutting to root.
  • The soil is a mixture of peat, sand and perlite.
  • Cover with jar cut off plastic bottle or film.
  • Rooting lasts about a month. Ventilate regularly, moisten the soil.
  • With the onset of heat, transplant rooted cuttings into open ground.

Landing in open ground

The best place to plant will be an open sunny area, light shading is possible.

The soil requires loose, moderately fertile, permeable, neutral or slightly acidic.

  • Dig up the area, loosen the earth and let it settle.
  • Plants are transshipped along with an earthen clod - the hole must correspond to this size.
  • Keep a distance of 30-40 cm between the bushes.
  • Press the surface of the soil around the seedling a little, water well.

How to care for osteospermum in the garden

Osteospermum Sky and ice - blue-eyed daisy photo


The plant is drought tolerant, but moderate watering is required to maintain abundant flowering. Do not overwater, water only during severe drought.

Pinching and feeding

  • Pinch off the tops of the shoots to encourage branching.
  • Feed three times a season: a couple of weeks after planting in open ground, then during bud set and at the end of summer. Use comprehensive mineral fertilizers For flowering plants.
  • Constantly remove wilted inflorescences.


Osteospermum in open ground hibernates only in regions with warm winters (maximum temperature drop to -10 ° C). For a successful wintering, it is necessary to cover the plants with dry leaves in the fall.

If in your area the temperature drops below -10 ° C, the plants will die, but in order to keep them until spring and propagate by cuttings, you can dig up the bushes and keep them in a cool room. Carefully dig up the bush without disturbing the earthy coma and place in a wide container. Keep at low air temperature, water occasionally. In the spring, replant in open ground.

Diseases and pests

From waterlogging the soil, rot is possible - remove the affected areas, treat with a fungicide, and adjust watering.

Aphids may be affected - treat the plant with an insecticide.

Types and varieties of osteospermum with photos and names

There are more than 70 species, many species, varieties, hybrid forms are cultivated.

Osteospermum Eklona Osteospermum ecklonis

Grown as an annual crop. The shrub is strongly branched, erect stems are extended by 1 m, the leaves are narrow with jagged edges. The core of the inflorescence has a red-violet hue, the petals are white, and pink veins are similar along the lower part.


Osteospermum Eklon Osteospermum ‘Sunny Philip’ photo

Zulu - inflorescences of a bright yellow hue.

Bamba - the color of the inflorescence varies from white to purple.

Sky and ice are the core of blue color, white petals.

Volta - pinkish petals turn white as they bloom.

Buttermilk - bright yellow petals turn white as they bloom.

Silver Sparkler - white inflorescences.

Congo - purple-pink inflorescences.

Pemba - reed inflorescences are twisted into a tube up to half.

Sandy Pink - spoon-shaped pink petals.

Sterry Ice - reed inflorescence folds in half lengthwise, inner part has a white color, the outer one is a gray-blue hue.

Peshn is a hybrid series of this species. Here it should be noted the varieties Pink Lace, Dwarf Salmon, notable for the spoon shape of reed inflorescences.

Osteospermum conspicuous Osteospermum jucundum

The color of the petals is white, purple, the reverse side may have a lilac-violet tone.


Buttermilk is a plant up to half a meter high. The color of the petals is pale yellow, their reverse side acquires a bronze hue.

Lady Leitrim - the core is almost black, the petals are light lilac.

Bengal fire - inner side reed inflorescence is white, and the outer one is blue.

Osteospermum fruticosum

It has the form of a compact bush. The color of reed inflorescences is white, pale lilac, red.

The best varieties of osteospermum with photos and names

Variety Akila has many shades from white and pink to burgundy and dark purple. Looks great in mixed plantings.

Passion is also excellent in mixed beds, its compact, low bushes with powerful erect stems are densely dotted with beautiful flowers with neatly outlined petals, on which longitudinal voluminous stripes are pronounced.

It is impossible not to admire the white daisies with blue centers, which are scattered with rare yellow spots of stamens. This is a unique variety Ice White.

Osteospermum Sunny Philip Osteospermum ‘Sunny Philip’ photo

The stunning Sunny Philip variety really resembles small suns with radial rays. The tips of the petals seem to be pinched, curled into tubules.

The Impassion variety has a special shape of petals, the flowers look very neat, as if stamped, one to one are similar.

Terry variety Double Parple With tubular central petals, it is somewhat reminiscent of a chrysanthemum.

Another amazing terry variety 3D with several rows of petals is crowned with a central tubular center. The color is saturated, the lower petals are oval-elongated, the middle petals are slightly shortened and dissected at the tips.

Osteospermum in landscape design

Low-growing species are planted as ground cover plants. They are also good in pots for decorating balconies, terraces, porches.

Osteospermum will become a bright accent in any flower bed, looks good in rocky gardens, frame borders, plant in groups in mixborders.

Cuff, yaskolka, geranium, cinquefoil.

Osteospermum - herbaceous plant with large flowers. Its homeland is the Cape Valley on the African continent, so the plants are often called "Cape daisy" or "African chamomile". The flower belongs to the Asteraceae family and blooms beautiful pink-lilac baskets with a blue-black or purple center. Thanks to the long and abundant flowering osteospermum is a welcome guest not only in the garden, but also on the windowsill. It decorates the room great and can serve as a charming gift instead of the usual bouquet.

Botanical description

Osteospermum is a herbaceous perennial that is grown in culture as an annual or biennial plant. Its shoots branch strongly from the very base and form a spherical bush or grow vertically. Part of the lateral processes tends to the ground. The height of the vegetation can reach 1-1.5 m, but varieties with a height of 30-50 cm are more popular in the culture.

Cylindrical, slightly pubescent stems are covered with petiolate foliage. Dense dark green leaves are oval or ovoid. Their edges are unevenly covered with teeth and notches. On the leaves are fragrant glands, exuding a specific tart smell.

The flowering period begins in June and lasts until late autumn. In the upper part of the stem, large inflorescences-baskets bloom on bare peduncles. Their diameter is 3-8 cm. Flowering of one basket lasts no more than 5 days. After withering, new buds appear. In the center of the inflorescence are sterile tubular flowers, painted in dark blue or purple tones. Rare reddish-orange dots are visible over the core. Reed flowers grow along the outer edge. Their petals are pink, purple, yellow, red or orange, plain or with overflows, flat or twisted into a narrow tube.

Unlike other members of the family, osteospermum sets seeds precisely in the extreme, reed flowers. After pollination by insects, large dark achenes ripen. When moisture gets on the flowers, they quickly fade. Therefore, to protect against rain and dew, the petals are closed at night and in cloudy weather. The buds open with the first rays of the sun.

garden varieties

In total, there are 70 plant species in the genus osteospermum, but only a few are used in culture, which became the ancestors of many ornamental varieties.

The most popular variety with strong branched stems forms dense thickets 50-100 cm in height. The shoots are densely covered with obovate serrated foliage. Plants do not tolerate cold very well, so they are considered annuals in temperate climates.

A heat-loving and very decorative variety, which is covered with flowers almost all year round. Purple-pink large inflorescences consist of several rows of flat petals and a dark blue-violet core. It was on the basis of this species that several varieties appeared, whose petals change color.

This group brings together many interspecific hybrids that are most interesting to gardeners. They are resistant to weather conditions, the unusual structure of the inflorescences and the ability of the petals to change color. The most interesting varieties:

  • Sky and ice are simple baskets with snow-white linear petals and a bright blue core.
  • Congo - pink-purple petals.
  • Pemba - lilac-pink petals in the center are twisted into a tube and resemble small spoons.
  • Osteospermum coolness - annuals resistant to heat and frost form bushes up to 50 cm high. They are abundantly covered with large (6-8 cm) daisies.
  • Passion - dissolves a large number of simple baskets of pink or lilac color up to 5 cm in diameter. This is a very compact variety that is suitable for growing in pots.
  • Akila is a cold-resistant variety with beautiful dark purple flowers that exude an intense pleasant aroma.
  • Cream symphony - on the surface of lemon-yellow flat petals is a narrow purple stripe.
  • Bengal fire - a bush 25-30 cm high is covered with unusual flowers. The surface of the petals is white, and the underside is painted blue. On the leaf blades there are golden-cream stripes.

Reproduction methods

Most often, osteospermum is propagated by seeds. Near the flower bed, if the inflorescences are not removed in a timely manner, abundant self-sowing will certainly appear. You can sow the seeds yourself immediately in open ground at the end of May. However, flowering will come only by August. To see the first flowers already in June, seedlings are grown. During seed propagation, decorative features of varieties (color and doubleness) are not preserved.

In early March, seeds are sown in peat pots or tablets in groups of 2-3. They are deepened by 5-10 mm. The soil is moistened and covered with a film. They are kept in a room with a temperature of + 18 ... + 20 ° C. Shoots will appear in a week. In a cooler place, some of the seeds may not sprout. With the appearance of a pair of true leaves in the seedlings, it is transferred daily for several hours to a cool place for hardening. The temperature is lowered gradually, by the time of planting in open ground it should be + 12 ° C.

To preserve rare varieties, they are propagated by cuttings. Use the upper part of the shoot 7-9 cm long with 3-4 leaves. Cuttings can be cut throughout the year. The lower leaves are removed and the branches are placed in a glass of water. They are kept at a temperature of about +20°C. With the appearance of roots, osteospermum cuttings are planted in small pots with a mixture of sand, leafy humus and greenhouse soil. Watering is carried out moderately. On warm days, plants are exposed to the street. Transplantation into open ground is planned for next spring.

Landing and care

Osteospermum is considered a very easy plant to care for. It should be planted in open, well-lit places, as flowering will be less abundant in the shade and the buds will often close. The soil can be of any density, but flowers grow best on loose nutrient soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. To determine the planting density, the height of the variety is taken into account. On average, the distance between the bushes is maintained at about 30-50 cm. The top of a young plant is pinched for better branching.

Osteospermum withstands temperatures down to -5°C and intense heat. The first wave of flowering occurs in June. On hot July days, a short period of rest begins. In mid-August, when the heat subsides, flowering begins with renewed vigor.

Water the osteospermum sparingly. The plant tolerates some drought well, but can reduce the number and size of flowers. It is important to ensure that water does not stagnate in the soil, otherwise root rot will develop.

Since the beginning of May, the osteospermum has been fertilized twice a month. Alternate organic and mineral complexes for flowering plants. Young plants may suffer from weed dominance. The soil near the flower bed should be regularly weeded. The stems of high varieties are tied up so that the bush does not fall apart from gusts of wind or heavy rain. Withered inflorescences are removed in a timely manner, then new buds will soon appear in their place.

If in winter the air temperature does not drop below -10 ° C, osteospermum will safely survive until spring, retaining foliage and shoots. In colder regions, in order to preserve the flowers, plants are dug up for the winter and transplanted into pots. Osteospermum tolerates transplantation well and recovers quickly. In winter, plants are kept at a temperature of +5 ... + 10 ° C and good lighting. Watering is significantly reduced. In the spring, the bush is planted again in the garden or taken out to the veranda right in the flowerpot.

The use of osteospermum

Beautiful bushes, densely covered with multi-colored daisies, are actively used in landscape design. They are good in group plantings in the middle of the lawn, along the border, in a discount or in a mixed flower garden. Osteospermum creates bright accents and pleases with beautiful and fragrant flowers for a long time. Low-growing or creeping varieties are suitable for creating a solid carpet or ampel cultivation. Dwarf varieties grow well in flowerpots and planters, which are placed on verandas, balconies and indoors.