Mixer      06/12/2019

Private house without heating. Types of heat pumps. Option #1: Solid fuel

This article is about how to heat a house if there is no gas. In it I am going to talk about possible alternatives to gas heating, evaluate them in a number of ways key parameters and offer the reader the most profitable and practical solutions. Let's get started.

Gas is the cheapest source of heat. But it’s not available everywhere.

Can you see everyone?

Here is a complete list of possible heat sources for a home without gas:

  • Solid fuel(firewood, coal, pellets);
  • Liquid fuel (diesel fuel, used motor oil);
  • Electricity;
  • Solar heat recovered through solar collectors;
  • Liquefied gas (from a gas tank or cylinders). If your locality is not supplied with main natural gas, this does not mean that you cannot use a gas boiler for heating or.

What we evaluate

By what parameters do we compare possible solutions?

There are only three of them:

  1. Minimum operating costs (that is, the cost of a kilowatt-hour of thermal energy);
  2. Cost of equipment;
  3. Ease of use of the home heating system. It should require as little attention as possible from the owner and work offline for as long as possible.


Operating costs

Here's how our participants line up when assessing their cost-effectiveness:

  1. The undisputed leader is solar heat. Collectors convert it into heating coolant completely free of charge. Electricity is consumed only by circulation pumps;

Usually, solar collectors are used only as an auxiliary heat source. Their problem is fickleness. thermal power: It varies depending on the length of daylight and the weather.

  1. In second place is a solid fuel boiler that runs on wood. Yes, yes, I am aware that we are in the 21st century. These are Russian realities: in the absence of main gas and with short daylight hours, firewood is still more economical than all other heat sources and provides a cost per kilowatt-hour of 0.9 - 1.1 rubles;
  2. Third place is shared by pellets and coal. Depending on local energy prices, a kilowatt-hour of heat obtained by burning them will cost 1.4-1.6 rubles;
  3. Liquefied gas from a gas tank provides a kilowatt-hour cost of 2.3 rubles;
  4. The use of cylinders increases it to 2.8 - 3 rubles;

  1. Liquid fuel boilers running on diesel fuel produce heat with an average cost of about 3.2 rubles/kWh;

Used motor oil with the same calorific value costs 5-6 times less. If you have a constant source of waste, this type of fuel can successfully compete with main gas.

  1. Clear outsiders - electric boilers. The price of a kilowatt-hour of heat obtained by heating water with a heating element or any other direct heating device is equal to the cost of a kilowatt-hour of electricity and, at current rates, is approximately 4 rubles.

Let me emphasize: the so-called economical electric boilers (induction or electrode) are fiction. They, of course, work, but the method of heating the water does not in any way affect the cost of a kilowatt-hour of thermal energy.

Induction electric boiler. Its undoubted advantage is reliability. But in terms of efficiency, it is no different from a device with heating elements.

Installation costs

How much will it cost to make heating in a country house or in country house?

In order not to cause confusion due to the variation in the parameters of the heating system, I will compare the average cost of heat sources of the same rated power - 15 kW.

  • Gas boiler - from 25 thousand rubles;

Without a gas main, the owner will have to invest in the equipment of a gas station or gas holder, which will increase costs by another 150 - 250 thousand.

  • Pellet boiler - from 110,000;
  • Electric boiler - from 7000;
  • Solid fuel boiler - 20,000;
  • Liquid fuel (diesel or exhaust) - from 30,000;
  • Solar collectors with a total power of 45 kW (three times the power reserve compensates for downtime in the dark) - from 700,000 rubles.

Obviously, only wood and coal provide a reasonable balance between the cost of a kilowatt-hour of heat and the heating equipment itself. A good alternative to them - used oil - cannot participate on equal terms in our competition due to the inaccessibility of this energy carrier.

Free solar heat turns out to be prohibitively expensive at the installation stage: the cost of a thermal energy accumulator will be added to the exorbitant costs of the collectors themselves.

Ease of use

Laziness, as you know, is the engine of progress. You want to heat your home not only cheaply, but also with minimal expenditure of time and effort.

What are the different heating options with autonomy?

  1. Electric boilers are in the lead. They work indefinitely and do not require any maintenance at all. The coolant temperature can be adjusted automatically using a remote electronic thermostat. Electrical equipment allows you to program daily and weekly cycles (for example, reduce the temperature while you are away);

  1. Gas boiler with gas holder provides autonomy for several months, or even an entire season. It differs unfavorably from an electric boiler in the need to remove combustion products, so the location of the device is tied to the ventilation, chimney or external walls private house;
  2. Autonomy liquid fuel appliance limited only by the volume of the fuel tank;

A separate room must be allocated for a diesel boiler. The reasons are the high noise level when the burner is operating and the smell of diesel fuel.

  1. The use of several parallel-connected cylinders reduces the autonomy of heating equipment by up to a week;
  2. A pellet boiler can work approximately the same amount of time on one load;
  3. Solid fuel boiler needs to be refilled every few hours and periodic cleaning of the ash pan. This period can be increased by limiting the thermal power with a covered air damper, but in this case, incomplete combustion of the fuel will reduce the efficiency of the device and, accordingly, increase the owner’s heating costs.

What's the result? But in the end, comrades, we have to choose between the limited autonomy of a pellet boiler with its rather high cost, the continuous kindling of a solid fuel appliance and the sky-high cost of thermal energy from an electric boiler.

the main problem solid fuel heating- frequent kindling.


How can you heat a living space, combining acceptable autonomy with low operating costs?

We can go one of two ways:

  • Try to increase the autonomy of the system with a solid fuel boiler;
  • Minimize electric heating costs.

Now - in more detail about each possible solution.

Pyrolysis boiler

This is the name of a type of solid fuel device that splits the combustion process of coal or wood into two stages:

  1. Smoldering with limited air access (so-called pyrolysis). Incomplete combustion of fuel produces flammable mixture volatile hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide CO;
  2. Afterburning of pyrolysis products in a separate firebox. It is usually located under the main one and ensures its heating to the temperature required for pyrolysis.

What does such a scheme provide?

  • Flexible power adjustment by simply changing the speed of the supercharged fan;

  • Maximum efficiency over the entire range of power values ​​(since the products of incomplete combustion of fuel are burned in the second combustion chamber);
  • Autonomy 10-12 hours. It is achieved precisely by limiting the combustion rate of solid fuel.

Top combustion boiler

Another step towards increasing the autonomy of solid fuel heating equipment was taken by engineers of the Lithuanian company Stropuva. They just transferred the process of smoldering fuel from the grate to the upper part of the firebox. As a result, as the filling volume increases, it is not the thermal power of the boiler that increases, but the combustion duration.

How was this result achieved?

The boiler is a vertical cylinder with a telescopic air duct ending in a massive steel disk with fins (called staskoblin). As the fuel load burns out, the air duct lowers down under its own weight, at every moment providing air supply directly to the area of ​​smoldering fuel.

The same disk separates the smoldering region of the fuel and the afterburning region of incomplete combustion products, turning the upper combustion boiler into a type of pyrolysis boiler. A small amount of ash remaining on the surface of the firewood is carried away by the rising flow of hot gases.

Maximum autonomy was demonstrated by the Stropuva boiler running on coal. He worked on one tab for 31 hours.

Thermal accumulator

Is it possible to heat a country house with an ordinary solid fuel boiler without spending a significant part of the day on kindling and cleaning it?

Yes. A heat accumulator will help with this - a regular water tank with thermal insulation and several outlets for connection heating circuits. Water has a fairly high heat capacity. Thus, a tank with a volume of 3 m3, when the coolant is heated by 40 degrees, accumulates 175 kWh of heat, which is enough to heat a house of about 80 m2 during the day.

How to install a heating system with a heat accumulator with your own hands?

It forms two circuits with forced circulation:

  • The first connects the boiler heat exchanger to the battery;
  • The second combines a heat accumulator with heating devices - radiators, convectors or registers.

As a result:

  • The boiler is heated once or twice a day and operates with the damper fully open, at rated power (and, accordingly, with maximum efficiency);
  • The rest of the time, the heat accumulator gradually releases the accumulated heat to the house.

This scheme will also help to heat the house at minimal cost to owners of electric boilers, but only if they have a two-tariff meter. At night, during the minimum tariff, the boiler heats water in the tank, and during the day the accumulated heat is gradually released by radiators.

Warm floor

Underfloor heating systems transform the entire surface of the finished flooring into the heating device.

For heating can be used:

  • Pipe with coolant laid in a screed;

  • Heating cable laid in a screed or in a layer of tile adhesive under the tiles;
  • Film heater is a polymer film with high electrical resistance current-carrying tracks. The heater is placed under a finishing coating of sufficient thermal conductivity - laminate, parquet or linoleum.

Warm floors can reduce heating costs by 30-40% compared to convection devices - radiators or convectors. Savings are achieved through temperature redistribution: the air is heated to a maximum of 22 - 25 degrees at floor level, while the temperature under the ceiling is minimal.

With convection heating, for a minimum comfortable +20 at floor level, the air under the ceiling will have to be heated to 26 - 30 degrees. Heating only affects heat leakage through the ceiling and walls: they are directly proportional to the temperature difference on both sides of the building envelope.

I used film heaters to heat the floors under my desks. With a ridiculous electricity consumption (on average 50-70 watts per square meter), they provide subjective comfort during operation even at a room temperature of 14 - 16 degrees.

Infrared heaters

Traditional heating heats the air in direct contact with the heating device. However, with relatively small area heating element and its high temperature, another method of heat transfer begins to predominate - infrared radiation. This is what infrared heaters use, positioned as devices for economical heating with electricity.

How infrared heating better than convection?

Placed under the flow or on the wall, the device warms the floor and all objects in the lower part of the room with radiant heat. The effect is approximately the same as when using a heated floor - below the air temperature is made maximum, under the ceiling - minimum.

Moreover, radiant heat warms the skin and clothes of people in the room. It creates subjective feeling heat, allowing to reduce comfortable temperature in the room from 20-22 to 14-16 degrees. We have already found out how the temperature difference with the street affects heating costs.

At -10 outside the window, reducing the average temperature in the room from 25 to 15 degrees will reduce heat consumption by (25 - -10)/(15 - -10) = 1.4 times.

Heat pumps

What is a heat pump?

Structurally, it is identical... to a regular refrigerator. The design of this device allows you to take heat from a colder environment (ground, water or air) and give it to the warmer air inside the house.

How is this achieved?

This is what the operating cycle of any heat pump looks like.

  1. A compressor compresses a refrigerant gas (usually freon), turning it from a gas to a liquid. In full accordance with the laws of physics, it heats up;
  2. Freon passes through a heat exchanger where it gives off heat;
  3. Next on the path of the refrigerant is the expansion valve. With a sharp increase in volume, freon returns to a gaseous state and cools sharply;
  4. Passing through another heat exchanger, it takes heat from the environment that is warm compared to the cooled freon;
  5. The heated refrigerant is returned to the compressor for a new cycle.

As a result, electricity is spent only on the operation of the compressor, and for each kilowatt of it electrical power the owner receives 3-6 kilowatts of thermal power. The cost of a kilowatt-hour of heat is reduced to 0.8 - 1.3 rubles.

Moreover, all types of heat pumps fully possess the advantages of electric heating devices:

  • They do not require maintenance or removal of combustion products;
  • They can be programmed for daily and weekly cycles, further reducing heat consumption.

It is useful for a potential heat pump buyer to know several things about these devices:

  • The warmer the low-potential source of thermal energy, the higher the COP of the device (coefficient of performance, the number of kilowatts of heat per kilowatt of electrical power when operating for heating);
  • COP also increases when the temperature of the internal (located in the house) heat exchanger decreases. That is why low-temperature heating is usually used with heat pumps - heated floors or convection devices with an increased fin area;

  • The lower temperature of the external heat exchanger is limited by the freon phase transition temperature and cannot be lower than -25 degrees. That is why heat pumps operating according to the “air-to-water” and “air-to-air” circuits can be used for heating only in the southern regions of the country;
  • The Achilles heel of geothermal and water pumps is the high cost of installing external heat exchangers. Vertical soil collectors are immersed in wells several tens of meters deep, horizontal ones are placed in pits or trenches, and their total area is approximately three times the heated area of ​​the house.

A water heat exchanger requires a non-freezing reservoir or well with sufficient flow. In the latter case, the manufacturer’s instructions require that waste water be drained into another well—a drainage well.

A special case of a heat pump is a conventional air conditioner. In heating mode, it uses heat collected from the outside air by an external heat exchanger. The COP of a modern inverter split system reaches 4.2 - 5.

The main source of heat in my house is split systems installed in each room. How profitable is it to heat a house with air conditioners and how expensive will their purchase and installation cost?

Here's a short report:

  • Two floors with a total area of ​​154 m2 are heated by four inverter air conditioners— three with a capacity of 9000 BTU and one with a capacity of 12000 BTU;
  • The cost of one air conditioner at the time of purchase ranged from 20 to 25 thousand rubles, depending on the model and manufacturer;
  • Installation of one inverter cost an average of 3.5 thousand rubles;
  • Electricity consumption in the winter months is about 2000 kWh. Of course, electricity is consumed not only for heating: the electric stove, washing machine, lighting, 24/7 computers and other equipment.

On the picture - external unit split system responsible for heating the attic.


As you can see, even in the absence of main gas, a house can be heated at moderate costs and without much discomfort. As always, the video in this article will provide you with additional information. I look forward to your additions and comments. Good luck, comrades!

As you know, natural gas in our country is the cheapest source of heat. However, not all settlements can boast of gasification. In this article, the reader and I will study alternative views heating and evaluate them in terms of operating costs and ease of use of heating.

Head to head

The economy must be economical

Since our goal is to save on heating costs, let's start by assessing the cost-effectiveness of alternative heat sources. We will compare the cost per kilowatt-hour of thermal energy obtained in different ways.

Everything is simple and clear: if there is no gas, the cheapest type of fuel is firewood. Other types of solid fuels lag behind by a small gap. Electric heating is an outsider.

An electric boiler is the source of the most expensive heat.

Laziness was born before me

However, the assessment of a particular heat source does not end with its economic efficiency. It is also important for us how convenient it is to use the corresponding heating system: it should be as autonomous as possible, not requiring constant maintenance.

For this parameter, a completely different sequence emerges:

  1. The undisputed leader is heating with electricity. All types of electric heating do not require the attention of the owner, provide unlimited autonomy (the house can be heated indefinitely in the absence of residents) and do not require the removal of combustion products;
  2. Honorable second place in absence gas equipment goes to the diesel boiler. It is also capable of operating without maintenance until the fuel runs out. The disadvantages of heating with diesel fuel include the accompanying odors, the noise of the burner (a diesel boiler requires a separate boiler room) and the need to store several hundred or even thousands of liters of fuel;

  1. The third place is given to the pellet boiler. Fuel bunker and automatic system its dosed supply ensures autonomy for up to one week;
  2. The gas cylinder will have to be changed and taken to a gas station once a day. By connecting several cylinders in parallel, you can get autonomy of 5 - 7 days;
  3. Firewood and coal are trailing behind. A solid fuel boiler requires cleaning the ash pan, adding fuel and cleaning the ash pan every few hours.

Let's sum up the sad results

The results of our comparison are disappointing. Available heating options country house without gas they force us to choose between an empty wallet and sleepless nights spent lighting the boiler.

Is the situation absolutely hopeless?

You're lying, you won't take it

Comrades, this is not the time to panic. A number of solutions will allow them to either reduce operating costs or increase the autonomy of solid fuel heating equipment.

And we have gas in our apartment

Who said that the pipeline is a prerequisite for the availability of gas?

When I was a child, every yard had a fenced-in gas holder area. An underground tank with liquefied gas ensured the supply of surrounding houses. This gas supply scheme is still popular now, but in the private sector.

Here is a brief excursion into the economics of this enterprise:

  • The gas holder itself has a volume of 2700 liters (this is enough to heat a house with an area of ​​150 m2), its installation (including earthworks), gas supply to the house, installation shut-off valves and pressure testing of the gas supply system will cost 185,000 rubles. This solution will ensure the operation of heating equipment with a power of up to 15 kW;
  • The cost of one liter of gas mixture is from 14 rubles;

It varies depending on seasonal demand. Gas is more expensive in winter, cheaper in summer.

  • If the required volume of the gas tank is correctly assessed, its refilling is required once a year. Thus, seasonal costs for heating and operating a gas stove will be 14*2700=37800 rubles;
  • The cost of a kilowatt-hour of heat will be approximately 2.3 rubles.

Plus electrification of the entire country

Yes, electric heating is more expensive than all alternatives. However, there are ways to reduce overhead.

Everything on the floor

Film or cable is noticeably more profitable than an electric boiler with heating radiators.

The fact is that using the floor as a heating device leads to a redistribution of temperatures in the heated room:

  • The maximum temperature is set at floor level - that is, where heating is most needed;
  • The temperature under the ceiling decreases. As a result, heat loss through the ceiling and the top of the walls decreases: they are directly proportional to the temperature difference between the house and the street.

Make no mistake, underfloor heating will not turn electric heating into the most economical solution. However, it will reduce your costs by 15-20%.

Golden ray of sunshine

Infrared heating is another solution that will allow you to heat your home relatively inexpensively. An IR panel located under the ceiling heats the floor and objects in the lower part of the heated room, thereby turning them into a functional analogue of a heated floor: the room is heated more strongly from below, rather than from above.

Moreover, infrared radiation warms not only objects under the device, but also the skin and clothing of the inhabitants of the house. As a result, the subjective assessment of temperature changes: the comfort zone moves down several degrees. Reducing the average room temperature from 22-24 to 14-16 degrees allows you to reduce heating costs by 25-30%.

Pump - don't pump

The optimal heating of a country house without gas from the point of view of the balance of convenience and efficiency is heating with a heat pump.

What is a heat pump?

The most obvious model of this device is a regular refrigerator. Electricity is spent only on the operation of the compressor moving thermal energy.

How it works:

  1. The compressor compresses the refrigerant, causing a change in its phase state: gas turns into liquid. At the same time, it heats up in full accordance with the laws of physics;
  2. The refrigerant then passes through a heat exchanger, where it releases excess heat;
  3. The next thing on its way is an expansion valve (in other words, a sharp increase in the diameter of the line). When the pressure drops, freon returns to a gaseous state and instantly cools by several tens of degrees;
  4. Passing through another heat exchanger, it takes away excess heat from environment;
  5. The refrigerant then returns to the compressor. The cycle repeats.

This scheme has two very attractive properties:

  1. It allows heat to be pumped from a colder environment to a warmer one;

There are restrictions associated with the lower limit of the temperature of the refrigerant expanding as it passes through the expansion valve. The best heat pumps are able to operate at a temperature of a low-grade heat source of about -25C.

Air source heat pump Mitsubishi Electric Zubadan. The operating temperature declared by the manufacturer is up to -25C.

  1. The energy consumption of the compressor is several times lower than the effective thermal power of the device. Having spent a kilowatt-hour of electricity, it can pump up to 6-7 kilowatt-hours of heat into the house. In practice, the COP of heat pumps (coefficient of performance, thermal power per kilowatt of electrical power) is usually in the range of 2.5 - 5.

COP decreases as the temperature delta between the heat exchangers of the device increases. The more heated the medium from which the pump extracts heat, the cheaper a kilowatt-hour of thermal energy will cost.

What can serve as a low-grade heat source?

  • The soil is below the freezing level. Depending on local conditions, ground heat exchangers can be vertical (placed in wells tens of meters deep) or horizontal;

Ground-to-water heat pump with horizontal heat exchanger.

  • Water (ground or non-freezing reservoir). When using groundwater, two wells are drilled: the first is used to draw water, the second is used as drainage for the waste liquid (which has given up heat);

A common feature of ground and water heat pumps is the fairly high cost of equipment and its installation. Turnkey prices range from 40 to 90 thousand rubles per kilowatt of thermal power.

  • In warm regions - air. Along with air-to-water heat pumps, conventional split systems can be used for heating without fuel.

My house is heated this way.

How effective and cheap is this heating without gas?

  • The house is heated by a total of four inverter units that operate continuously during the cold season;

The photo shows a 12,000 BTU inverter responsible for heating a 60 m2 attic.

  • At the time of purchase, each of them cost 20-25 thousand rubles;
  • On an area of ​​about 150 square meters the temperature is maintained at 20-22 degrees;
  • The lower limit of the street temperature at which this heating system was able to operate is -20C. Location: Sevastopol, Crimea peninsula;
  • The average electricity consumption during the winter months when heating two floors is about 1500 kWh per month. According to current Sevastopol tariffs, they cost approximately 5,500 rubles. Electricity is spent not only on heating: an electric stove, washing machine, lighting, computers, etc. make their contribution.

Dark night

Unfortunately, inexpensive air-to-air and air-to-water heat pumps are unable to operate in most of our country due to low winter temperatures. Potential buyers are deterred by their high cost from ground and water devices that remain operational in severe frosts.

Is it possible to make heating in a private house without gas cheaper using direct heating electrical appliances?

Of course. The instructions are pretty obvious.

Keywords - " night rate". If you install a two-zone meter, you can pay at night not 3.8-4 rubles per kilowatt-hour, but 1-2. It is the time of preferential tariffing that is used to heat the coolant to the maximum temperature; During the daily tariff, the boiler turns off.

Excuse me, but the house will freeze within a day!

Calm down, comrades! The situation will be saved by a heat accumulator - a thermally insulated tank with a volume of 200 - 3000 liters.

This heating scheme works as follows:

  • At night, the coolant in the tank heats up;
  • During the day, water circulates between the heat accumulator and the heating devices, gradually releasing the accumulated heat to them.

In areas with many sunny days a year, solar collectors are often used to heat water. They are mounted on the roof (flat or pitched), as well as on the south side of a private house. The average daily power of collectors is not enough to use them as the only source of heat, but they can significantly reduce heating costs.

Where do the firewood come from?

In the most remote corners of our country from civilization, there is often not only a lack of mains gas, but also periodic power outages. In this case, the only source of heat for heating the cottage is coal and wood. As we have already found out, their main problem is minimal heating autonomy.

How to heat a house without gas and electricity, without spending most of the day at a solid fuel boiler?

Laziness is the engine of progress. One day, a lazy but smart engineer thought about how to increase the interval between kindlings - and came up with a pyrolysis boiler that required adding firewood once every 8-10 hours.

How do solid fuel boilers of this type work?

Fuel combustion is divided into two stages:

  1. Initially, firewood smolders with limited air access. At the same time, they burn down to the state of the smallest ash, leaving no coals. Due to the lack of oxygen during smoldering, flammable gases are formed - a mixture of volatile hydrocarbons and toxic carbon monoxide CO;
  2. Thanks to forced draft, pyrolysis products enter an additional combustion chamber located under the main firebox. In it, air is mixed with superheated volatile hydrocarbons. Afterburning of furnace gases in the chamber under the firebox maintains the temperature necessary for smoldering firewood.

The process of smoldering and afterburning of gases is easy to control by dosing the air supply - with your own hands, with a regular damper, or using a primitive mechanical thermostat.

Even greater autonomy is provided by heating a house without gas with a top-burning boiler. This is a type of pyrolysis boiler in which the process of smoldering wood or coal begins at the top and moves down. Smoldering is ensured by air supply through a movable air duct, which descends as the fuel burns.

By the way, it is precisely when operating at rated power that classic wood-burning and coal boilers provide maximum efficiency and thereby save the owner money. Reducing power due to restriction of air flow leads to incomplete combustion of fuel.


As you can see, the absence of a gas main is not a disaster. Alternatives aren't always as convenient or cheap as gas, but they do exist. The video in this article will tell you more about how to heat your home. I look forward to your additions in the comments. Good luck, comrades!

Most large settlements have a branched centralized system gas supply, which meets the needs of residents. In remote places, the situation is not always good.

Long distances to main pipelines and significant gas costs force the use of alternative options space heating. When studying the issue it turns out that efficient heating in a private house without gas can be provided using different kinds liquid and solid fuel, and in some cases do without it at all.

Gas saving

IN climatic zones With harsh winters there are additional reasons for concern. Too low outdoor temperatures cause the need for high gas consumption, which significantly increases the financial costs of maintaining comfortable conditions.

Heating payments in winter make up a significant part of a family's budget. There is a natural desire to reduce the volume of payments where possible. Therefore, attention is focused on everyone possible ways saving gas without compromising temperature conditions.

Insulation of the house

You can significantly reduce heating costs in advance, during construction. Proper thermal insulation of walls, foundations, and roofs will prevent thermal energy from escaping into the atmosphere. Upcoming heating costs will be acceptable. If the house is no longer new, you can insulate it at the renovation stage.

There is a wide range of materials that provide thermal insulation of buildings in general, individual apartments and houses in particular. Qualified professionals will help you choose an effective and economical solution insulation of the house. In addition to working with walls, floor coverings, and ceiling structures, window and door openings should be carefully sealed.

Additional sources of savings

When building and technically equipping a house, it is important to correctly calculate the required boiler power. Excessive equipment capacity will lead to excessive consumption of gas fuel and an increase in the amount of payments.

Proper layout of the thermal piping can reduce costs by up to 15%.

Installation allows you to save your budget collector system coolant distribution. In the bedrooms you can increase the heating at night, in the living room - during the day. It is advisable to install automated temperature sensors in the house or country house. You need to do this once, enjoy the result constantly. When the outside air temperature drops, the gas supply and the operating intensity of the heat boiler increase. The sensor can operate remotely, which is especially convenient for adjusting the heating of a country house.

It allows you to significantly reduce gas consumption for heating modern version ventilation devices. Installing a recuperator, in which hot air leaves the room through the inner pipe, and cold air enters through the outer jacket, warming up at the same time, allows you to heat the house with minimal fuel consumption.

You can install heated floors in living areas. This is an economical way to raise the air temperature in your home at minimal cost. Of course, you need to install gas consumption meters. They help to significantly save money on heating.

How to do without gas

In a country with enormous resources, there is always an alternative choice of fuel. It is possible to inexpensively organize home heating without gas or electricity. There are several options, the choice of which depends on the specifics of the place of residence, the availability of one or another organic raw material.

Solid fuel

In many houses in the villages there were wood stoves. The tradition has been preserved to this day in the corners of the forest zone of the country, which has no problems with the delivery of wood. In addition to firewood, other raw materials can be used for heating.

Exist modern designs boilers with an automatic device designed for the use of various types of solid fuel:

  • firewood;
  • straw briquettes;
  • peat;
  • coal;
  • pellets from various raw materials.

In many regions, solid fuel is the cheapest source of heat. Sometimes boilers are made for a specific type of raw material, but universal equipment is popular. This autonomous heating method involves the need to constantly monitor the operation of boilers, add organic raw materials, regularly remove ash and clean chimneys.

The use of coal stoves is not environmentally friendly; a lot of harmful gases are released. It is best to use pellets or briquettes as fuel.

A good option for heating a private home is to install a fireplace. In addition to conventional fireplaces that heat one room with warm air, you can build a pipeline system with coolant that can heat completely without gas country house. Water entering the radiators or air, distributed to all rooms through air ducts with adjustable dampers, are used as a heat carrier. Fireplaces have a high inertia, so you will have to wait until the entire home warms up. Some inconvenience of heating is compensated by the special comfort that the fireplace creates and pleasant aesthetic impressions.

Liquid fuel

You can heat your house cheaply and without gas using liquid raw materials. The efficiency of liquid fuel boilers and stoves is high, although they are large in size and weight. To install heating stoves, you need to provide a separate room with good ventilation and a smoke waste removal system. How heat sources can be used:

  • kerosene;
  • fuel oil;
  • diesel fuel;
  • waste fuels or lubricants.

Liquid fuel has a sharp bad smell, for storage you need to build a separate structure. Outdoors at low winter temperatures, flammable liquids will freeze, so the storage room must be heated or be prepared for the fuel to be brought to the required condition before use. Taking into account all the difficulties of heating wooden house liquid fuel only makes sense if there are no other available options.

Electrical heating

Regardless of your geographic location, you can use electricity to heat your home. There are many models of electric heating equipment on sale that work effectively without any gas and are easy to use. It will not always be possible to save money. Costs are comparable to gas heating costs, which makes us think about other technologies.

However, if you use infrared film heaters, your energy consumption will be more economical. Sometimes heating with gas or wood is combined with the installation of electric heating devices, making living conditions more comfortable. Using electricity, separate areas of the room are heated, portable heaters are installed in utility rooms, at the dachas.

Modern alternative

There are completely different approaches to using energy for heating purposes without the use of gas. The choice depends on your readiness to take the equipment seriously new system, financial capabilities of the home owners.

Heat pumps

An as yet unusual option for organizing home heating is the use of a heat pump, the operating principle of which is based on converting the energy of soil, air or water into heat. The unit takes low-temperature potential from the environment, heats the coolant in the evaporator and transfers it to the heating system.

The energy source can be:

  • soil located close to the surface of the earth;
  • wells;
  • heat from non-freezing reservoirs.

In the first case, the contour is laid horizontally under a layer of soil located just below the freezing level. This occupies part of the local area. After installation of the heating complex is completed, the soil can be used to grow plants with small roots.

Wells are made in deep systems. Curved collectors made of polyethylene pipes. The number of wells and their depth are determined by calculations. Installation of the heater can be done quite quickly.

Laying polyethylene heating pipes on the bottom of a reservoir is more difficult to do. The fasteners should not only firmly fix the pipeline under water, but also weigh down the plastic structure. There are unsuccessful examples when, due to savings on fasteners, polyethylene fragments of the collector floated up, broke, and the coolant poured into the reservoir.

You can take regular air from the street to operate the heat pump. This is the simplest option, which is economically justified only in places where frosts do not exceed 20 ° C.

All types of geothermal heating equipment are environmentally friendly. For their operation, a compressor is needed, it is good if it can be powered not only from the central power supply, but also from a mobile generator. Heat pumps are more than three times more efficient than gas boilers, but first you need to invest a considerable amount of money, which will not pay off right away.


Increased environmental literacy and the level of general awareness of the population make it possible to use non-traditional energy sources, an example of which are various types of biofuels. Biological materials produce gas as a result of fermentation. The combustion of gaseous products produces energy that can be used to heat a private home or greenhouse.

Any organic waste from animals or plant origin. Most often, they take manure and mix it with sawdust, peat, fallen leaves, straw, and other plant waste. This must be done in a sealed bunker or pit. To initiate fermentation, the mixture is heated to a temperature of 35 ℃. After the start of the reaction, heating continues spontaneously, organic gas is released, which must be sent into the pipeline system and used for heating as usual gas fuel. It is important to take into account that the composition of biological gas differs from natural gas. Therefore, the burners must be adjusted to operate under the given conditions.

Most often, biofuels are used to heat greenhouses and utility rooms. The popularity of the technology is growing, the benefits are obvious. In the near future, biological fuel will begin to be widely used for heating homes.

Solar collectors

The possibility of using solar energy for heating purposes is interesting. There are systems that convert solar energy into electrical and thermal energy. The former are called solar panels, the latter – collectors.

Batteries powered by the sun are rare in our country. But heating collectors are gaining popularity every year, although they also have their own characteristics that complicate their widespread use.

It will not be possible to install heating without gas throughout the entire country using solar collectors. For this purpose, in winter there will not be enough daylight hours and radiation intensity. However, from spring to late autumn, the sun's energy is quite sufficient to heat water as a coolant. The heat accumulated in the collectors is forced to circulate in the system due to the operation of the pump.

There are gravity-fed models that operate completely autonomously without the use of electricity. A pump is not needed in such heating systems.

Any types of solar collectors cost a lot. Additional costs are required for the purchase of a storage tank. They will pay off in at least 10 years. In the southern regions, the use of solar energy for heating is justified solar activity. It is quite possible to do without gas here.

Innovative and traditional technologies make it possible to consider alternative sources of energy supply for heating without the use of natural gas. In addition to those listed, there are heating systems that use wind and geyser energy.

When planning the construction of a new house or the refurbishment of an old home, you should study the issue thoroughly, assess the availability of a particular source, and calculate the fuel consumption for heating the entire area. In this case, you will be able to save significantly on heating and do without gas.

If there is no gas in the house, then heating can be built using solid fuel or electricity, or better yet, a combination of both. The more diverse the heating sources, the less likely it is that the system will fail.

For example, the installation of a solid fuel boiler can be supplemented with an electric convector for each room. You can combine a Russian stove on the first floor of the house and infrared heaters on the second floor. However, electric and solid fuel energy sources are not the whole list. So, let's start in order...

To heat a house without gas or electricity, you should think about the energy of burning solid fuels:

  • brick kilns;
  • metal furnaces;
  • solid fuel boilers.

There are also fireplaces, but it is difficult to classify them as a home heating system, since they can only be used to heat one room.

Boiler operating conditions

The main models of solid fuel boilers are designed so that the air flow that ensures combustion is directed mechanical thermostat with chain drive. In this case, natural draft of the chimney must be ensured. However, for normal operation of the boiler, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Place the pipe so that it is no higher than the incoming pipe.
  • Provide the system with free communication with the external environment using an open expansion tank, located at the top.
  • Create a pipe system with optimal diameters and a minimum number of dead-end branches.
  • Equip the boiler with fire safety equipment.


The cost of solid fuel boilers varies in a very wide range - from 20 to 300-400 thousand rubles. It all depends on the design and capacity.

However, despite the price, solid fuel boilers are the best sellers among home heating equipment without gas or electricity.

The difference between a liquid fuel boiler and a solid fuel boiler is insignificant. To obtain thermal energy, liquid fuel is poured into a liquid fuel boiler instead of coal:

  • diesel fuel;
  • fuel oil;
  • kerosene;
  • vegetable oils;
  • alcohol.

The last two are provided only as an illustration of the possibilities. The use of oil and alcohol is an unaffordable luxury. And the point is not even that alcohol, for example, is very expensive, but that this fuel is obtained from plant raw materials, which could be used to produce food.


A distinctive feature of liquid fuel boilers is their high efficiency - up to 92%. In addition, for installation and operation, permission from special services is not required, unlike, for example, gas boilers.


The price range for such boilers ranges from 25,000 to 180,000 rubles and depends on the manufacturer and the volume of the combustion chamber. The average annual cost of heating a private house is 150 sq.m. without gas and electricity on diesel fuel about 150,000 rubles.

Which is higher than the cost of solid fuel and even electricity.

It is possible to convert solar energy into thermal energy only if the sun shines frequently and for a long time over the roof of your house. Unfortunately, 80% of Russian territories have nothing to do with this. However, even in warm climates you cannot rely solely on solar heating; a backup source is definitely needed.

Principle of operation

Light-absorbing batteries are installed in place “under the sun,” which process solar energy directly into thermal energy and then transfer it to the coolant. There are two types of solar collectors - vacuum and flat. Vacuum ones are considered the most efficient and economical. Using solar energy is an achievement of science.


Plus solar heating is the small price of solar collectors. Flat devices can be purchased at prices ranging from 1,500 to 60,000 rubles. Vacuum ones are much more expensive - about 80,000 rubles. However, if you consider that you don’t have to pay for fuel, the price is quite reasonable.

Biofuel use

Biological fuel is any organic matter that can burn. However, under these terms in Lately began to understand the use of gases released by rotting organic matter.

Principle of operation

Anything that rots with sufficient intensity is suitable as a source of such gas. Typically, manure, food waste, and plant matter are used. All gases formed during the decay process burn well and replace natural gas.

The biofuel heating installation itself consists of units that collect the emitted gas, purify it and feed it into boilers for combustion. And then the operating principle is the same as that of a natural gas boiler.


A significant disadvantage of this heating method is the low rotting performance under natural conditions. In order to speed up this process, you need to increase the temperature, which costs energy.

For this reason, it is impossible to use biofuel as the main method of heating a large house, but heating a small house or creating an auxiliary system is quite possible.

Biofuel heating is widely used by farms in countries such as Greece, Spain, and Portugal.

Such heat is extracted from nothing, just from the air. This is an air conditioner in reverse. The pump itself does not produce heat, it only extracts it from the medium and sends it in the desired direction.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of the pump is to take heat from the environment in which it is placed. However, the pump needs starting energy. For example, in order to move 10 kW of thermal energy, it needs to consume about 3 kW of electricity.

The difference is impressive! And if electricity is available, it allows you to choose a heat pump for economical heating private house without gas.

Features and prices

However, the problem is that in severe frosts such a pump malfunctions. Works well in frosts down to −15, stops working at −30. There is one more drawback - with practically free energy, the pump itself is very expensive - from 200,000 to 1,500,000 rubles.

Once upon a time they were called potbelly stoves. This name dates back to ancient times. civil war and subsequent devastation, when the simplest pleasures of life were associated with great wealth.

Much has changed since then, but an iron stove is still called a potbelly stove. They look different now. Many of them are equipped with fireproof glass windows, but their essence has not changed - they heat up quickly and cool down just as quickly.

Maybe that’s why this stove was called a potbelly stove, because maintaining a constantly high temperature requires a lot of wood, bourgeois style.

Folk fantasy

In the Siberian taiga huts, where it is possible to install a cast-iron stove, but it is difficult to deliver bricks, the potbelly stove is lined on three sides with large stones, rolled in by the river. It turns out beautiful and functional - the stones heat up and slowly release heat to the air.

This technique is quite applicable in the conditions of a country house - when the house is built, but the heating is not yet ready. To some extent, stones perform fire-fighting functions, absorbing random sparks and excess heat. Stone structures can serve as a reason for the designer’s flights of fancy.

Efficiency metal furnace will increase if you equip it with a coil for heating water and connect heating batteries to it.

Brick stoves or Russian stoves

In its classic form, the Russian stove is a miracle of engineering soap with a very efficient heating system. Not only did the stove heat the entire hut, it was also a multifunctional kitchen, a heated bed and even a bathhouse.

Nowadays, a number of functions of the Russian stove are not needed, but as heating in a private house without gas and electricity, it is effective!

In modern conditions

Making an ancient Russian stove modern is quite simple:

  • If one of the sides is built into the wall separating one room from another, then two rooms will be heated. However, the stove has four sides.
  • If you manage to build a stove into two walls of two different rooms, then you can heat almost the entire house.
  • If the house is large, then you cannot do it with just one heat source - you will have to make a system of pipes and batteries with a water heating element.

A Russian stove differs from a simple brick stove in its size and the absence of a stove bench. A brick oven has great inertia - it takes a long time to heat up, but it also takes a long time to cool down.

To make the cooling process last longer, there is a damper system that retains hot air. However, it is in this system that the greatest danger of the stove lies - if the damper is closed ahead of time, then carbon monoxide from the firebox it will not go into the chimney, but into the house.


Construction cost brick oven depends on a number of factors: firstly, on the size, secondly, on the selected materials, thirdly, on the remuneration of the stove maker. Moreover, the work costs the most.

So, if the stove maker charges moderately, and you are not going to decorate the stove with marble and ceramics, then you can spend 20-60 thousand rubles. Whether it is expensive or not - everyone evaluates it differently. However, you should take into account the fact that the stove will last for decades.

How to light the stove

You can drown anything that burns. Classic version- firewood and coal. However, the following sources of thermal energy have also been used in the furnace at all times.


Dung is completely dried cow dung. It burns well and leaves almost no ash. Horse manure can be used for the same purpose. By the way, there is no smell from such fuel.


Peat, or more precisely, peat briquettes. In terms of calorific value, it is somewhere between wood and coal. Briquettes burn in an already heated firebox. This means that you need to first heat the stove with wood, and then add briquettes.

Advantages - peat is environmentally less toxic than coal.

More precisely, the toxicity of peat smoke can be equated to the toxicity of firewood. Only peat produces more ash and smoke. You can only talk about the benefits of using peat if you have the opportunity to buy it at a low price. In all other cases, it is better to use firewood and coal.


Wood burns quickly and is not always hot. To support high temperature You don’t just need a lot of firewood in the house, you need to put it in the firebox all the time.


It is best to use coke. Coal burns for a long time, and good coked coal is also hot.

If you use black coal with low ash content and high calorific value, then one measure of coal can provide as much heat as 3-5 such measures of firewood. The only argument against coal is its high ash content.

Coal ash is toxic, so there will be a problem with its disposal.


There are other firewood substitutes. For example, seed husks or corn cobs. Both burn well, but not for long, and without intense heat. However, these types of fuel should not be considered seriously.

Thus, among all types of solid fuels, it is worth choosing firewood and coal. Moreover, precisely in combination. Firewood is good for lighting the stove, and coal is good for long and slow burning.

Instead of a conclusion

There are a dozen systems for heating a private home without gas or electricity - from a classic stove to solar energy. It’s difficult to advise which one to choose. However, I can give one universal piece of advice - try to create a multifunctional system with duplicating functions and minimizing risk, as on warships.

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Gasification of “rural” areas, unfortunately, lags behind the pace suburban construction. And even for residents of the suburbs of administrative centers, the question of what kind of heating in a private house is the most economical if there is no gas sounds relevant. Taking into account energy prices for domestic market, the cost of a kilowatt of thermal energy looks like this: second place - solid fuel, third - liquefied gas, the fourth is liquid fuel, the last is electricity. But even in this hierarchy, not everything is so simple. How do you heat a house if there is no gas?

Heating a house without gas should ideally be combined - using traditional and alternative energy sources

Eat different variants heating a country house without gas, each of them is worth special attention.

Solid fuel

Not so long ago, solid fuel had no competitors. At first, firewood, and then coal, were the main types. Of course, they also burned peat, straw and even dung, but, as now, it was “local” fuel that was not widely used.

The primitive hearth in the cave is very reminiscent of a classic fireplace

With the beginning of the “gas era,” heating, firewood and coal faded into the background, but still remain in demand. Moreover, their prospects are “rosy”, since there are much more proven reserves of coal than gas, and firewood and “wood” fuel are renewable energy sources. The only modern difference is that previously only stoves or fireplaces were used to heat a house, but now a boiler is considered the main source of heat. Although there are exceptions.


They are still found today, especially when it comes to a small country house or dacha. The main advantage is absolute energy independence. Therefore, they are used when it is necessary to provide heating for a private home without gas or electricity.

Depending on their purpose, stoves can be either heating or heating-cooking. The first option includes a Russian stove and a Swedish stove, the second - a Dutch stove and a classic fireplace.

Their effectiveness largely depends on the design of the chimney system, of which there are three types:

    Straight-through. The chimney has a minimum number of bends in the direction from the firebox to the pipe. This category includes classic open-hearth fireplaces and Russian stoves. The radiator of heat is the body and part of the chimney that runs indoors or inside the wall. By the way, thanks to its special design and massiveness, the Russian stove is considered one of the most efficient. And a traditional fireplace has the lowest efficiency. And in modern realities it is more of a decoration or a means of relaxation while contemplating an open flame than a full-fledged heater.

    Duct. Combustion products are removed using a system of channels passing inside the furnace body, which not only emits, but also accumulates heat. The “Dutch” belongs to this type. It, like a Russian stove, takes a long time to warm up, but also takes a long time to cool down.

    Bell bells. Hot gases first rise into the “hood”, where they give up some of the heat, cool, fall along the walls of the hood and are drawn out into the chimney through the “hood”.

In addition to non-volatility, the advantage of classic stoves is their “omnivorousness” in relation to solid fuel. Firewood, coal, peat, briquettes - everything that can be put in the firebox with your hands and set on fire. Moreover, unpretentiousness extends to the ash content of coal and the moisture content of firewood.

The Russian stove is still relevant and can heat several rooms on two levels

The disadvantages are no less significant than the advantages:

    radiation type of transfer of thermal energy - one stove heats a house where the entire living area is contained in one or two adjacent rooms;

    labor-intensive maintenance - frequent refilling of fuel and cleaning;

    low efficiency (efficiency on average about 20%) - the fuel does not burn out completely and most of the heat “flies down the chimney” along with the smoke;

    complex design“handmade” production, which can only be performed by an experienced craftsman.

Modern solid fuel boilers and factory fireplace inserts do not have these disadvantages.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Solid fuel boilers

Another not the worst option than heating the house. Modern solid fuel boilers have an efficiency of 80-95%. That is, the best examples of operating efficiency are at the level of gas boilers, and only three economic factors “throw them back” into second place:

    higher cost of coolant per kilowatt of thermal energy;

    higher price of equipment;

    “there are” maintenance costs (costs of transport, fuel storage and disposal of solid residues).

If we talk about cost, then in the Moscow region, heating with wood is approximately one and a half times more expensive than gas - about 90 kopecks. per kilowatt versus 53 kopecks. (at tariffs for natural gas for the second half of 2017, subject to the availability of metering devices).

Pyrolysis boilers have the highest efficiency - the wood in them burns almost completely, with a minimal “solid” residue

The use of fuel pellets increases the cost per kilowatt to 1.3-1.4 rubles. and is almost comparable in price when using coal, but still 15-20% cheaper than heating with anthracite. But there are nuances here.

If the task is how to heat a house cheaply without gas, then wood boilers long burning or pyrolysis (gas generator) models best meet this condition. The only drawback is that laying firewood is done manually and it is impossible to automate this process. Although this should be done infrequently - 1-2 times a day.

Pellet or coal boilers are available with automatic loading of fuel from the bunker. And although the bunker also needs to be loaded manually, it is much larger than the volume of the firebox. A regular boiler model with a standard hopper with a capacity of 1 m3 can operate continuously from three days to a week, and with an enlarged hopper - up to 12 days (taking into account high-quality insulation of the house and low heat loss). And when it is not possible to frequently load fuel, then these boilers are the most best option(if you do not take into account higher prices for equipment).

Long-burning solid fuel boilers with a large-capacity hopper do not require daily maintenance from the owners

Note. There are even automatic modular coal boilers with a bunker volume of up to 14 m3, their own crusher, auger fuel supply to the firebox and automatic soot removal into their own bunker - practically a mini-boiler room for a private home. Moreover, this is a domestic development and the cost of the equipment is also “domestic”.

Fireplace inserts

Modern fireplace inserts, fireplace stoves and stoves do not differ in operating principle from solid fuel boilers. They also have the function of long burning and secondary combustion. Their efficiency differs from gas generator boilers by only 5-10%, which is at least four times higher than that of classic fireplaces with an open firebox.

Demonstration model of a fireplace insert closed type with water circuit

The intraspecific differences between such devices are that fireplace inserts require additional installation of a decorative portal and are used only for heating, fireplace stoves have a complete design and some models belong to the heating-cooking class (there are even models with a built-in grill), and all stoves have two functions - cooking and heating.

Fireplace stoves and stoves have a limited power range - a maximum of 25 kW. This, of course, is less than that of boilers, but they can heat a house up to 250 m2.

Heating and cooking stove-fireplace - the best option for a small country house

The power of the fireplace insert can reach 40 kW, which allows you to heat a house with an area of ​​up to 400 m2.

Stoves and fireplace inserts can heat a home in three ways:

    heat radiation in the common space with a free layout of the entire level (studio type);

    in a water heating system, if the firebox has an appropriate heat exchanger with pipework;

    in an air heating system.

Note. Air heating is the first system known in history, which appeared several thousand years earlier than water heating. And now it is successfully used, but only in a modern version - the use of forced feed warm air to adjacent rooms or to the second floor via air ducts.

Video description

To see how to heat a house without gas using air heating, watch the video:

Liquefied gas

In terms of cost per kilowatt of energy, liquefied gas ranks third.

Eat different ways its delivery and storage, but the smaller the volume, the more expensive the final price. Therefore for home permanent residence a gas tank is required, and for small dacha, which is rarely visited in cold weather, you can get by with several 50-liter cylinders. When using a gas holder, the price of a kilowatt of heat from burning liquefied gas is 2.3-2.5 rubles, the use of cylinders raises the bar by 50 kopecks.

You can also heat yourself in different ways.

Most simple system– direct combustion of gas to produce heat without heating the intermediate coolant, pipework and radiators. For this purpose, gas convectors and infrared heaters are used. Their operating principle and design are different, but they have one thing in common - availability of equipment, compactness and operation from bottled gas. The disadvantage is the power limitation and heating of only one room. For example, in infrared and catalytic gas heaters AYGAZ company maximum power 6.2 kW.

So compact infrared heater can heat up to 40 m2

The gas holder allows you to build a complete autonomous system water heating, and the frequency of refueling depends on the volume of the container, heating area and operating mode. In terms of ease of use and maintenance, the system ranks second after electric heating. But it requires significant initial investment for the purchase of a gas tank, its installation (usually underground) and the laying of communications (pipes for connection to the boiler and electrical cable for the tank heating system).

Another difficulty for a gas tank is choosing a location. It should be located close enough to the house and be accessible for gas refilling

Liquid fuel

This is probably the last option that should be considered when solving the problem of how to heat a house if there is no gas. It's not even about the price of energy resources - they can be different. The most expensive diesel fuel allows you to obtain thermal energy at the same cost as using liquefied gas from cylinders. The price of heat when burning fuel oil is the same as that of coal-fired boilers, and “working off” practically compares heating costs to the level of natural gas. But…

In terms of equipment cost, this is one of the most expensive fuel-using systems. In addition, these boilers are “capricious”; they require regular care and the same complexity of maintenance as the fuel supply and injection systems of a diesel car. There are also disadvantages such as air pollution from liquid fuel combustion products, as well as high noise levels from the operation of the fuel pump and burner.

Maintenance of an oil-fuel boiler is much more difficult than any other

Electric boilers

Electric boilers have the highest efficiency - up to 98%. Moreover, it does not depend on the type of boiler. heating elements, electrode and induction boilers They differ only in the method of heating the coolant, and they have no losses from incomplete combustion of fuel - electricity is almost completely converted into heat. In principle, it would be correct to talk not about the heating system (there is no fuel and combustion chamber), but about the heating method.

In terms of equipment cost, simplicity of design, complete automation and ease of maintenance, electric boilers have no competitors. But their cost per kilowatt of thermal energy is the highest. Although there are loopholes here.

Video description

In addition, you can use modern geothermal pumps, which are clearly explained in the video:

Since July of this year in the Moscow region for settlements and rural areas with electric stoves and heating appliances, the one-rate tariff is 3.53 rubles. per kWh Taking into account the efficiency, a kilowatt of thermal energy will cost 3.6-3.7 rubles. But there are two- and three-part tariffs that allow you to save money. To do this, you need to install a heat accumulator, which allows you to accumulate warm water for a heating system at night, when the tariff is 1.46 rubles. per kWh If the house is small and the capacity of the heat accumulator is sufficient, then the night supply (from 23-00 to 7-00) may be enough for the rest of the time or for most of it. This compares the cost of heating with electricity to solid fuel boilers on coal. And significantly cheaper than burning liquefied gas. And the battery capacity is no more expensive than a gas holder or a coal bunker with a screw feed system.

The heat accumulator can optimize the operation of any heating system

But the main disadvantage of heating with electricity is the poor quality of networks and power limits.


There are several other ways to heat a house if there is no gas. For example, alternative methods of heating a house without gas are solar panels and heat pumps. But the widespread use of the first option is limited by the insufficient level of insolation of our latitudes precisely in winter time. And for the only stable and efficient type of ground-water heat pump, the cost of equipment and installation is such that without government support (as in some European countries) it makes it unprofitable compared to traditional heating systems.

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