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How to grow broccoli in the garden. Growing broccoli in open ground: technology

16.10.2016 23 669

How to grow broccoli - rules and secrets of productivity!

Most agronomists are confident that broccoli, the cultivation of which is not difficult, can grow in the garden of most summer residents, the main thing is to follow the technology. However, the difficulties encountered in cultivation do not make the vegetable popular. To sort it out get a good one guaranteed harvest, need to know biological features crops, as well as agricultural technology. We tried to cover all the necessary points in the article, and also provided you with visual photos.

Soil for broccoli - preparing the bed

About to grow healthy vegetable in the garden, you need to take care of preparing the bed, preferably in the fall. It requires structural soil, fertile, fertilized and sufficiently moist. Suitable lands– fertile and heavy, medium loams.

At good conditions ripeness occurs 30-35 days after planting the young animals. If you don’t know what a mature vegetable looks like, focus on the date of transplanting the seedlings and count about a month (a picture of a mature head of cabbage can also help). By this time it is ripe and ready for harvesting. It is important not to miss this collection time, as it lasts only 2-3 days.

If you miss the moment, you will find that the crop has bloomed and lost its marketable appearance. It is better to remove the heads in the morning so as not to wither. The heads of cabbage must be cut along with a part of the stem 15-18 cm long. If harvesting is delayed, the heads will become loose, and the maturation of the subsequent harvest (lateral children) will be delayed. When the main head is cut, new shoots with smaller heads will grow on the stem.

It’s not for nothing that nutritionists around the world recommend broccoli to humanity: this vegetable contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and sugars. Broccoli prevents kidney disease and atherosclerosis, cleanses the body of heavy metals and toxins, and also protects it from the formation of malignant tumors.

How can you not love and grow her after this? Moreover, in the climatic conditions of the Moscow region and Middle zone Broccoli produces decent yields. We invite you to learn more about agricultural technology and the basic rules for growing broccoli in open ground.

Broccoli is a subspecies. It looks similar to her, only the inflorescences are not white, but green. Just like cauliflower, we eat the dense head, consisting of unopened flower buds.

It is important to know that two main types of broccoli are used as an agricultural crop:

Regular broccoli(this is what we are used to seeing in pictures and on store shelves). This type of broccoli is characterized by a large central head on a thick stem, consisting of inflorescences tightly adjacent to each other.

Italian or asparagus broccoli. This species is distinguished by many thin stems, each of which ends in small green heads.

Features of broccoli that you should pay attention to

  • Broccoli, like any other cabbage, is light-loving and moisture-loving. Optimal humidity soil for its cultivation is 70%, and air humidity is 85%.
  • Broccoli is better than cauliflower, tolerates heat and frost. It can withstand frosts from -4 to -7°C. But broccoli does best at moderate temperatures between 16 and 20°C.
  • Broccoli grows very quickly side shoots from the axils, so you should not pull the plant out of the ground after cutting the central head of cabbage. You will collect additional harvest from the side shoots.
  • Unlike cauliflower, broccoli heads do not need to be shaded.
  • Broccoli grows well on a balcony or loggia.

Growing broccoli seedlings

Preparing broccoli seeds for sowing as seedlings

Then the seeds are soaked for 8 hours in any growth stimulant. You can use it, or you can prepare a nutrient solution yourself using one of them.

After soaking, the seeds are placed on the refrigerator door for 24 hours, after which they are dried on a dry cloth until free-flowing.

Timing for sowing broccoli for seedlings

Growing broccoli is similar to the agricultural technology of early cabbage. In theory, broccoli seeds are sown for seedlings in early or mid-March, first in a common box, then planted in separate cups. But few people succeed in implementing this scheme in practice. The reason is simple: like any other cabbage, broccoli needs a special temperature regime. That is, the room temperature must be maintained at 15-17°C in sunny weather, 12-13°C in cloudy weather, and 8-10°C at night. It is very difficult to maintain coolness at home in March with hot radiators.

Therefore, it is best to sow seeds for seedlings not at home, but in a greenhouse at the end of March or beginning of April. After 30-40 days, when the broccoli seedlings have their fifth and sixth true leaves, they will be ready for planting in open ground.

And to obtain a later harvest, some of the seeds can be immediately sown in the ground in early May.

Planting broccoli seedlings in open ground

When to plant broccoli seedlings in the ground?

On permanent place Broccoli seedlings are planted 30-50 days after emergence. If we sowed the seeds in April, then in the middle or end of May we can safely begin planting. This is best done in cloudy weather or in the afternoon.

Do not plant broccoli in areas where any type of cruciferous vegetables grew last year: cabbage, turnips, radishes or radishes. for her, legumes, potatoes or carrots are considered.

The best soil for broccoli

This cabbage prefers loose, fertile soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline pH.

Some summer residents prefer to prepare beds for broccoli in the fall: they fill the soil with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers (manure, potassium nitrate and superphosphate), and carry out liming. By the way, powdered egg shells, which are easy to use, are perfect for liming.

Those who have not prepared their beds since the fall do not despair and perfectly compensate for the lack of nutrients with the help of fertilizing.

How to properly plant broccoli seedlings in the ground?

Planting pattern for broccoli: 40 centimeters between holes, 50-60 centimeters between rows.

The holes for seedlings are dug deep. If fertilizers have not been applied to the soil in advance, the holes are filled with a mixture of ash, compost and dolomite flour. Each plant is lightly sprinkled with soil, just a couple of centimeters above the root collar so that most of its stem remained in the hole. As the cabbage grows, you need to pour soil into the hole until the level of the hole is equal to the level of the bed.

To protect newly planted seedlings from the cruciferous flea beetle, it is recommended to cover the bed with a thin non-woven fabric. If the flea beetle is rampant and there is no remedy against it, young broccoli is sprayed against flea beetle. This can be done no later than 20 days before setting the inflorescences. In the future, dusting with ash mixed with tobacco dust or spraying with an infusion of ash is used against fleas.

Watering, caring and feeding broccoli

For the first three to four days, it is advisable not to expose broccoli seedlings planted in a permanent place to direct influences. sun rays. So covering the bed will not only save young seedlings from the pest, but will create light partial shade.

IN further cultivation Broccoli comes down to timely weeding, frequent watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil after each watering or fertilizing.

Watering broccoli

It is recommended to water broccoli every other day (in hot summers - up to twice a day) in the evening. For normal growth and development of plants, it is necessary to maintain a moist soil layer with a depth of 12-15 centimeters. On the driest and hottest days, in addition to watering, it would also be good to spray the leaves of the broccoli cabbage. The more often you spray, the greater the harvest.

Fertilizing broccoli

Broccoli loves feeding, so even in beds that are manured and filled with other fertilizers, this cabbage is still fed.

As soon as the seedlings take root in a permanent place and begin to grow, the broccoli is fed with an infusion of mullein (1:10) or chicken manure (1:20). After two weeks, fertilizing is repeated.

When the first inflorescences begin to form, a third feeding is carried out. For this you can use:

  • organic fertilizers with potassium humate;
  • mineral fertilizer solution - 40 grams of superphosphate, 20 grams of ammonium nitrate and 10 grams of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.

The following fertilizing is carried out after cutting the central head to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots. To do this, dissolve 30 grams of potassium sulfate, 20 grams of superphosphate, 10 grams of ammonium nitrate in 10 liters of water).

In addition, broccoli responds well to watering and incorporating into the soil wood ash at the rate of 1 glass per 1 square meter.

Harvesting broccoli and storing it

Broccoli heads cannot be overgrown - they must be collected green, without waiting for the buds to open and small yellow flowers to appear. Overripe broccoli is not suitable for food.

The central stem is always cut off first when it reaches a length of 10 centimeters. Then the harvest is “pulled up” from the side shoots. The inflorescences are cut off along with the shoot, since the top of the broccoli stem is no less juicy and tasty than the heads.

Resembling cauliflower in appearance, broccoli has gained recognition for its excellent taste, low calorie content and beneficial features. Nowadays, many gardeners plant broccoli as the main crop on their plot of land. Broccoli not particularly whimsical in cultivation and care in open ground, and at the same time it brings quite a good harvest even in the short, cold summer season.

Features of broccoli

The main feature of broccoli is its famous dietary and anti-cancer properties. It also has a positive effect on blood formation in the human body. Broccoli is indispensable in the diet of people with diabetes or various diseases hearts. And because of the content in it large quantity folic acid and fiber, it is recommended for pregnant women.

Remember! Even those people who spend little time caring for vegetable crops on their plot can easily grow broccoli.

Let's first look at what it is broccoli. Broccoli is a vegetable crop of the cruciferous family. Its stems grow up to 0.8-0.9 m in height, as seen in photo, forming many buds at the top - the edible part. Unlike cauliflower, broccoli produces several heads at once.

There are two types of broccoli:

  1. Asparagus. It has many heads of cabbage on thin stems reminiscent of asparagus. It is the stems that are edible. Blooms with green or purple inflorescences.
  2. Calabrian. It has a strong stem with a fairly large one head of cabbage. Resembles cauliflower, but blooms green or white, depending on the variety.

Among the cruciferous family growing conditions seedling Broccoli is considered the simplest and most unpretentious. The main thing is to plant it in places with sufficient light, otherwise the heads may grow too small. And the pH of the soil acidity should be from 6.7 to 7.4. The predecessors of broccoli are:

  • Cereals;
  • culture;

We must remember! You cannot plant broccoli in the same place where cabbage has been growing for four years.

There are two known planting methods:

  1. From seeds;
  2. From seedlings.

Each of the methods is good in its own way and is suitable for obtaining a high-quality broccoli harvest on a plot of land.

Growing from seedlings

Growing from seedlings- a very popular, convenient method that allows you to predict the number of final harvests and save as many plants as possible during growth.

Broccoli seeds should be prepared in early spring. To do this, with the advent of the first warm spring days, the seeds are sorted out, leaving only whole and large specimens. Next, the seeds are planted in boxes V home conditions, filled with a neutral or slightly alkaline substrate.

Advice! To make the soil most favorable for seeds - loose, permeable, drainage is placed at the bottom of the boxes.

The seeds are placed in pre-prepared small grooves at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Optimal temperature indoor air should be from +20ºС and above. You can reduce the temperature after the seedlings have germinated, but not less than +10ºС.

Planted seeds germinate quickly, so after about 14 days they will need to be replanted (picked). Usually transplanted into small peat pots. When the time comes, the broccoli will be planted in the ground along with the pots.

Planting grown cabbage in the garden 30 days after sowing, when the broccoli seedlings have 5-6 leaves. Planting of seedlings in the Moscow region and regions with cold climates is carried out no earlier than May, when the surface of the earth warms up well.

Watch the video! Sowing broccoli for seedlings

Agricultural technology for growing broccoli from seeds

To get rid of cultivation seedlings and its subsequent transplantation, you can immediately plant the seeds in open ground. This seed planting occurs at the end of April in regions with warm climates, and on sunny days in May in regions with cold climates. The seeds are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm in moist soil, then the cabbage will sprout much faster. To obtain a harvest in regions with a cold climate, for example in the Urals, you need to buy only early and cold-resistant varieties of cabbage. If you plant cabbage varieties of late harvest in such regions, there will be no harvest, since the broccoli will not have time to ripen.

Broccoli care

Growing and caring for a crop such as broccoli is no different from cultivating other types of cabbage. This unpretentious culture, but timely watering, fertilizing with fertilizers and regular loosening are necessary.


Water broccoli must be done at least once every seven days. In order for the crop to please with an abundant, juicy harvest, it is watered not only at the roots, but also along the entire length of the stem, and the leaves are also sprayed.

Top dressing

Fertilizer application must be carried out at least three times per season:

  1. The first feeding is carried out 14 days after planting seedlings in the garden. In this case, chicken or cow droppings are used as organic fertilizers.
  2. After several weeks, the second fertilizing is done with a solution of saltpeter (add 1 teaspoon of saltpeter to 10 liters of water).
  3. The third feeding follows after the formation of the first inflorescences and is done with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (nitrophoska - nitrogen 11%, phosphorus 10% and potassium 11% - 50 g per 10 liters of water).

Pests and diseases

Growing and caring for broccoli can be complicated by pests that love this type of cabbage:

  • slugs;
  • aphids;
  • cabbage butterflies;
  • cabbage flies.

Various parts of young cabbage are susceptible to the following diseases:

  • blackleg;
  • clubroot;
  • rot;
  • peronosporosis;
  • mosaic

Important! Used in the fight against harmful insects chemical solutions. Moreover, they are used only on healthy inflorescences; sick ones are obviously removed before treatment.

Harvesting Rules

Kochany cabbage Harvested while they are still green. If the inflorescences have turned yellow, they are left to obtain seeds from them, since they are no longer suitable for food.

After cutting the head of cabbage, you should not pull the broccoli out of the ground, as new shoots quickly grow from the side axils, from which a new crop appears.

From the article it is clear that it is not difficult to get a good harvest when growing such an unpretentious and healthy crop as broccoli.

Watch the video! How to grow broccoli in the country: secrets of success

In contact with

Very similar to cauliflower, broccoli is highly prized for its low calorie content, health benefits, and great taste. Many modern summer residents choose it as the main garden crop, since broccoli, which is not particularly difficult to grow and care for in open ground, produces a good harvest even in regions with short and cold summers.

There are two main methods for planting broccoli:

  • seedless (from seeds);
  • seedling

Each method has its advantages and is suitable for growing broccoli on summer cottage and vegetable garden.

Growing from seedlings

Growing broccoli in open ground from seedlings is the most convenient and widespread method, which allows you to anticipate the amount of harvest and save as many plants as possible.

Preparation of seeds for growing seedlings begins in early spring. To obtain good and high-quality seedlings, the seeds are sorted, selecting only large and undamaged specimens. They are sown in boxes, which are filled with a neutral or slightly alkaline substrate.

The soil for sowing seeds must be loose and permeable, so drainage material is placed on the bottom of the boxes.

The seeds are placed in the soil at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other in shallow grooves. Before the first shoots appear, the air temperature in the room where the seedlings are grown should not be lower than +20ºС; after the seedlings have germinated, it can be reduced to +10ºС.

Broccoli seedlings develop quickly, so after two weeks they need to be pruned. It is best to pick in small peat pots, which can be planted in the ground with the onset of warm weather along with young plants.

Typically, broccoli seedlings are planted in the garden no earlier than a month after sowing the seeds, when the cabbage has 5-6 leaves. Planting broccoli in the ground in the Moscow region, as well as in other regions with a cold climate, is done no earlier than May and only in well-warmed soil by the sun.

Technique for growing broccoli from seeds

In order not to bother with boxes and seedlings, you can grow broccoli in the garden from seeds. As a rule, seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of 2-3 cm at the end of April. In order for the first shoots of broccoli to appear as quickly as possible, the soil should be moist when planting the seeds.

Growing broccoli in open ground in the Urals, as well as in other regions with cool and short summers, should be done only with the help of cold-resistant and early varieties cabbage The use of late-ripening varieties in these regions will be inappropriate, since the cabbage will not have time to ripen. You can plant broccoli seeds in open ground in cold areas no earlier than May.

Features of caring for broccoli

Growing and caring for broccoli in open ground is practically no different from cultivating other varieties of cabbage and will be within the power of every summer resident. Broccoli is one of the unpretentious plants. However, in order for the plant to please with its abundant harvest, the soil in the broccoli bed must be regularly loosened, and the cabbage itself must be fertilized and watered.


Watering broccoli should be done at least once a week. In order for the cabbage to grow juicy and large, it is necessary to water not only the roots of the plant, but also generously spray its leaves.

Top dressing

To make broccoli happy bountiful harvest, it must be fed three times a season. The first time - 2 weeks after planting the seedlings in the garden. In this case, they use (for example, chicken droppings or mullein) as fertilizer.

The next feeding is done with saltpeter a few weeks after the first. The third feeding is carried out during the appearance of the first inflorescences.

Pests and diseases

Growing and caring for broccoli in open ground is sometimes complicated due to pests and diseases to which this variety of cabbage can be exposed. The main pests of broccoli can be:

  • cabbage butterfly;
  • cabbage fly;

Seedlings, leaves and inflorescences can be affected by diseases such as clubroot, black leg, rot, mosaic, and downy mildew.

To control pests, use special chemical substances. In case of broccoli diseases, diseased specimens are removed from the garden bed, and healthy inflorescences are treated with special solutions.


Cut the broccoli heads green, without waiting for the yellow flowers to appear. If broccoli blooms in open ground, it becomes unsuitable for consumption. It is better not to cut off such heads and leave them in the garden to obtain seeds.

Do not pull broccoli out of the ground after cutting the head. In broccoli, shoots grow very quickly from the side axils, from which you can get another harvest.

The presented photos of growing broccoli in open ground demonstrate that with regular watering and following the basic rules of care, every summer resident can receive a generous and high-quality harvest of such healthy and tasty cabbage.

Video about planting broccoli in open ground

Broccoli is a subspecies of cauliflower from the cabbage family, one of the most ancient vegetable crops. More Ancient Rome about two thousand years ago they knew how to grow broccoli correctly. From this state it was brought to Byzantium, after which it ended up in other countries. Now it is a widespread vegetable throughout the world. Many gardeners would like to get an answer to the question in the garden.


Broccoli is an annual plant, with a stem 60-90 cm high. The yield of the vegetable is high, which is ensured by additionally formed heads on the side shoots. The shape of the head of the plant is similar to cauliflower, but its inflorescences are less dense and the leaves have a corrugated surface.

Types of broccoli

There are more than 200 varieties of this vegetable. The most famous are two: Calabrese and Asparagus, or Italian. The first variety is the most common. Broccoli of this variety has a thick stem and a hard head of dense inflorescences.

Second grade vegetables develop many stems that have small heads. The stems of this plant are also edible, their taste is reminiscent of asparagus.

Additionally, there are other varieties of broccoli.

Early ripening varieties

These varieties include:

  • Emperor F1. Is different high yield. The heads are dome-shaped, large in size, and have a smooth surface.
  • Vitamin. The heads of this variety are green in color and have medium density and size.
  • Vyarus. Vegetables of this variety have small heads with excellent taste qualities, grey-green vesicular leaves form a horizontal rosette.
  • Corvette F1. It has powerful leaves, a large dense head of gray-green color, and is not afraid of adverse weather conditions. It has many lateral inflorescences and can be frozen.
  • Comanche. Very good variety, blooms later than other varieties, is not afraid of low and high temperatures.
  • Laser F1. It ripens quickly, the heads are dark green and dense.
  • Samma King. Excellent variety, suitable for late growing, tolerates heat well.
  • Tone. Has excellent taste characteristics.
  • Tribute F1. The heads are medium in size, suitable for growing in unfavorable climatic conditions.

Mid-season varieties

  • Atlantic. It has a tall stem, a powerful rosette of leaves, and large heads.
  • Balboa F1. This variety is characterized by a large light head and excellent taste.
  • Genoa. Suitable for compact planting, it has a dome-shaped head with small flower buds.

  • Greenbelt. It is large in size and has a dense head.
  • Green Favorite F1. This is an exceptionally high-yielding variety.
  • Caesar. A large and dense head of green color with a purple tint.
  • Arcadia. It has large gray-green heads, tolerates low temperatures well, and is highly productive.

Late ripening varieties

These varieties are less common. The most worthy of attention in this category are the following varieties:

  • Lucky F1. A plant with a large head and a very delicate taste.
  • Marathon F1. The green head is large in size, has a delicate texture and good taste.
  • Continental. It has a large green tuberous head. Great taste.

Beneficial features

Thanks to its properties, broccoli has a healing effect on the human body. Eating this vegetable helps eliminate toxins and heavy metals, and also prevents the accumulation of cholesterol, prevents and treats atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and nervous systems, gastrointestinal diseases. You can take advantage of all the unique properties of the plant if you know how to grow broccoli in the country.

Broccoli is an excellent antioxidant that can destroy cancer cells. In addition, by including this in your diet, which is capable of producing serotonin in the body, you will notice a significant increase in vitality and mood.
Eating broccoli has a positive effect on visual acuity, and is also useful for people with diseases such as cataracts, due to its beneficial effect on the lens and retina.

Valuable elements and vitamins present in cabbage have a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, heart, liver, duodenum.
Such useful qualities This vegetable makes many people think about how to grow broccoli in the garden.


This vegetable of the cabbage family consists of 90% water. In addition, it contains proteins, fiber, fats, carotene, as well as vitamins K, PP, U and vitamin C.

Broccoli is also rich in minerals - zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron. Like other members of the cabbage family, this vegetable also contains selenium.

Even without listing all the elements included in it, we can draw a conclusion about its enormous benefits for the human body.

Growing cabbage is not difficult; even a novice gardener can do it.

Seed preparation

Before growing broccoli from seeds, they must be prepared by sorting, leaving the largest and most complete ones.

Before sowing, they need to be warmed up in hot water at least 15 minutes. After this, the seeds are placed in cold water and then soaked for eight hours in the solution boric acid, potassium permanganate. An infusion of ash is also suitable, in which they should be soaked for 5 hours. After this, the seeds are washed and placed in the refrigerator. After this treatment, they need to be dried and can be sown.

Broccoli is not as demanding on growing conditions as cauliflower. In addition, its resistance to diseases and pests is much higher. But a high yield can only be obtained if the soil is thoroughly and deeply tilled.

You can start growing seedlings in mid-spring. Before growing broccoli, you need to prepare the soil. Treated, non-acidic soil is good for cabbage. In order to reduce the acidity of the soil, add chalk or lime. IN wooden box fill the prepared soil, level and compact it. Then cabbage seeds are planted in it. After five to six weeks, the seedlings are planted in open ground. Since the plant is light-loving, it is necessary to choose non-shaded places.

Before planting the seedlings in the ground, prepare holes, the distance between which should be about 40 cm, leaving about half a meter between the rows. The holes are watered with water, then seedlings are planted in them, covered with soil on top and lightly compacted. First add to the wells mineral fertilizers and ash. After completing all these simple steps, you will receive excellent harvest broccoli.

How to grow seedlings directly in the garden? You can start growing seedlings this way in April, covering them with film. Cabbage seedlings are not afraid of the cold, so they will feel comfortable outside. In addition, after such hardening, the plant takes root better when transplanted and is less susceptible to diseases.

How to grow broccoli without seedlings? You can sow cabbage in the ground in May-June in a permanent place. To do this, make holes in which several seeds are placed and watered. After the seeds sprout, the best seedlings are left. Harvesting with this method occurs in August-September.

Before growing broccoli in the garden, you need to remember that cabbage, turnips, and radishes are bad predecessors for it. You can plant legumes, potatoes or carrots in place.

Many gardeners who are thinking about how to grow broccoli in Siberia make one main mistake- this is the wrong choice of variety for this region. For example, when choosing a late-ripening variety, the head is planted when it is already getting cold and frosts begin. In Siberia, it is necessary to plant broccoli of these varieties in heated greenhouses. Then by mid-autumn the plant will have strong, large heads.


For getting good harvest you need to know how to properly grow broccoli and how to care for it. Broccoli needs regular watering and weeding. In hot weather it is necessary to spray it with water. In addition, feeding of growing cabbage is necessary. This is done for the first time 10 days after planting with diluted mullein with urea. The next feeding is done after fruit set begins. Saltpeter is used for this. It is more convenient to feed with ready-made fertilizers, which can be purchased in the store. In order for the roots of the plant to have enough oxygen, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil.

Diseases and pests

Can kill clubroot. To avoid this, you should not plant it in place of turnips, radishes, radishes and other types of cabbage.

Finely chopped will help fight slugs eggshell, which needs to be scattered near the plants.

You can get rid of caterpillars by planting marigolds where you grow broccoli. Pests cannot tolerate the smell of these plants.

To protect cabbage from it, use ash, pepper, and tobacco. But in hot and dry spring this is not always effective; in this case, you need to cover the plants until they get stronger.

When to harvest?

Harvesting occurs in several stages. First, the central head is cut off when the buds are fully formed but closed.

In hot weather it is necessary to collect every two to three days, as heat leads to rapid growth and opening of buds. If the weather is cloudy and damp, you can harvest cabbage less often - once every 7-10 days.

After the main inflorescence is cut off, the side ones begin to develop faster. They need to be cut off as they grow.

Cabbage is harvested early in the morning before it withers in the scorching sun. Harvest harvested early summer, is not suitable for long-term storage, so cabbage should be eaten immediately or frozen.

Broccoli that is harvested in October can be stored in the basement or refrigerator for two to three months. In addition, when harvesting there is another important point: uprooted plants should be left in the garden for a month. A plant that can tolerate frost, even if removed from the ground, will set inflorescences, providing another late harvest.

Growing seeds

In order to collect the seeds, you need to leave one large inflorescence. The plant must be looked after, hilled and tied for stability.

When the pods have turned yellow and the seeds have become dark, you can cut off the seeds. This usually happens in September.


Store broccoli in the cellar without tearing off the outer leaves. In the absence of a cellar, the vegetable can be stored for a short time in the refrigerator, placed in an open plastic bag. It is not advisable to freeze cabbage, as this will lose its taste and benefits.

This vegetable is not demanding to grow and care for, but at the same time brings many benefits to our body. Therefore, knowledge of how to grow broccoli in the garden will be necessary for those who want to grow it for their own needs.