Mixer      06/15/2019

Benefits of concrete countertops DIY concrete countertop DIY concrete countertop

Amazing durability and endless design versatility make concrete countertops a great choice for any kitchen.

Concrete, an unremarkable material used for building foundations, is used to make almost indestructible kitchen countertops in a variety of shapes and colors. These enviable figures contribute to concrete rising higher and higher in the ranking of materials for kitchen worktops. You will read in more detail below and decide whether a concrete countertop is appropriate in your kitchen.

Main characteristics

Concrete consists of water, a binder and aggregate.

  • The binder is cement. Most often it is Portland cement, but slag cement and fly ash are also used as an addition, products that are industrial waste.
  • The aggregate may be sand, gravel, stone, broken glass, glass chips, or a combination of similar materials. Perfect for the kitchen countertop with marble chips.
  • Factory countertops are made by craftsmen according to a specific pattern. Polished concrete is often used, because the specialized factory has all the necessary equipment.
  • Monolithic countertops are created directly at the place of their further location. The top of the cabinet is poured with concrete - and the countertop is ready.

Concrete countertops either manufactured in a factory or cast on site (monolithic countertops).

Price: from 35 to 60 thousand rubles. per sq.m. with installation.


The durability of concrete is its indisputable advantage. If we talk about monolithic work surfaces made according to an individual sketch, then it is easy to change the shape, choose a color or relief. Architects and designers note the ability of this material to harmoniously echo other concrete elements of the interior, creating a single ensemble.


It is not uncommon for a countertop to be cast in situ to develop tiny micro-cracks on the surface that are usually non-structural.

Making colored concrete: 3 ways

  1. Dye as a component concrete mix- powdered pigment is added to the concrete during the mixing process. Thus, the color is distributed evenly over the entire depth of the plate. This is the most common and reliable way to stain concrete, the range of colors is almost limitless.
  2. Acid staining is a less predictable option that makes the process of concrete interacting with metal salts a little magical. Such staining is carried out on hardened plates, the color of the countertop will constantly change, however, the choice of shades is small compared to the previous staining method.
  3. Paint is a liquid dye that is applied to the finished slab and penetrates only into upper layer concrete. Not all paints are UV resistant.

If you already know how the countertop will be installed, you can choose the most appropriate staining option.


Like most work surfaces, concrete countertops need to be cleaned regularly. warm water with soap using a soft cloth. Abrasive cleaners are best avoided.

The life of your countertop depends on choosing the right sealant.

Sealants can be of 2 types:

  1. Penetrating sealants soak into concrete and are virtually invisible once dry. They don't protect concrete surface from spilled liquids, but prevent the penetration of liquid into the concrete. This means that a stain may remain on the countertop, which is excluded when using local sealants.
  2. Local (local) sealants such as wax, silicone and acrylic change appearance countertops and their surface properties. Epoxy sealants create a fairly thick and durable glossy layer. Beautiful in appearance and easy to use wax as a sealant does not work well. Acrylic coating looks great and has a good set of characteristics, but such a countertop is easy to scratch.

We believe that it is impossible to determine the ideal concrete countertop sealant. Using the information provided in our article, you can choose the type of sealant that best suits you.

Concrete is virtually indestructible, while sealant is not. Sealant can be damaged by cutting kitchen tools, aggressive cleaners, acids, hot dishes. Treat the surface of your countertop with care, use cutting boards and coasters for hot dishes. Then the sealant will last a long time and will not become a breeding ground for harmful microbes.

Temperature resistance

Concrete is not afraid hot dishes or pots / pans, so there are no restrictions in this regard.

A beautiful and comfortable kitchen is the desire of every person. Some make this dream come true with the help of designers and expensive building materials while others use personal imagination and skill. For example, a do-it-yourself concrete countertop is absolutely doable. In addition, it will not differ in any way from similar countertops made of marble. And the use of countertops can be found in any home. You can just be proud of your own product.

Benefits of a concrete product

Such a solution for the design of the kitchen space helps to solve several problems associated with the durability of the product, cost and originality. If, nevertheless, a decision is made to make a countertop for concrete, then it is important to follow the technology. In this case, the resulting product will turn out to be strong and resistant, because concrete is not too susceptible to the influence of environmental factors.

The cost also speaks in his favor, this will help to save a lot when decorating the kitchen. But the resulting countertop can be visually almost indistinguishable from marble. And those who love original things will like that you can make such a unique thing that there will simply not be another one like it.

The resulting concrete countertops for the kitchen can be finished and decorated with any different components - stones, shells, coins, tiles. The scope of elements for decoration can be limited only by your imagination and taste preferences.

It is worth knowing that at the stage of drying the concrete solution, everything decorative materials will be influenced by liquids. Therefore, all trim elements must be resistant to such influence. If there is a desire to use different photographs or pictures in the scenery, then they must first be laminated. After decoration, the film will be invisible, but it will help to preserve the content.


Regardless of the end result of the manufacturing process, you first need to create a project. The completed drawing will facilitate the presentation of the entire production process, help to foresee and eliminate possible mistakes and difficulties. Generally speaking, the drawing will greatly facilitate the implementation of all work.

Initially, you should find out what components your kitchen set consists of. To do this, you need to study the existing list of similar products and opt for the required option. After that, it is necessary to find out the exact dimensions of the upcoming concrete countertop. To find out, you need to measure the length with the width of the empty area, taking into account the pieces of furniture that are nearby. In the event that the product will be in contact with the corner, you need to measure the corner, as in reality it may not be straight.

For normal and full functioning, the thickness of the concrete countertop should not be less than 5 centimeters. But it’s not worth doing much thicker either, because in this case the mass of the product increases significantly.

Of great importance is the location of the sink in the kitchen, its size and shape. It would be much better to purchase a sink before starting to manufacture the product. In this case, it will be easier to make a hole, and the result will be more accurate. Not less than important detail- the location of the tap, because it will also need a hole.

In the case of a built-in sink, you need to check if it overlaps the countertop. If everything is in order, then you can start making a template for the hole. To do this, turn the sink over and circle it with a construction pencil.

In the case of an overhead sink, it is necessary to measure inner part where it will be in contact with the overlay part. If the inner part does not have a rectangular shape, then it is worth making a rectangular template according to the largest measurements of the inner part. The main thing is to make such a hole so that the sink fits without fail. It is even possible for the hole to be slightly larger than required.

Now you can draw a real-size drawing using the received data. To do this, you need a sheet of plastic or chipboard. We carry out design on it. We apply everything the right dimensions and holes very carefully and carefully, everything should be as close as possible to the intended product.

Necessary materials and tools

Before you go to the store for shopping, it is worth determining everything that will be needed. Even with an accurate knowledge of the size of your countertop, it would be better to purchase building materials with a small margin. Situations can be different, so it's best to be prudent.

Worktop processing grinder.

Countertop under concrete for its manufacture may require the following list the right materials and tools:

  • concrete mortar(components for its mixing - cement, sand, water);
  • container for mixing;
  • industrial mixer or drill with a special nozzle;
  • roulette;
  • Master OK;
  • rule;
  • building level;
  • putty knife;
  • you can purchase a ready-made concrete solution, but then the components for mixing are not needed;
  • profiles will be needed to finish the edge of the tabletop;
  • wooden bars and MDF board to create formwork;
  • reinforcing bars;
  • formwork will be needed to collect;
  • plasticizer for solution;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • liquid Nails;
  • grinder with a set of nozzles;
  • materials for decoration and decoration;

You should definitely prepare special shoes with clothes, because the manufacturing process of the design is quite brands. In order not to breathe concrete dust over the countertop, it is worth preparing a protective mask with glasses. It is better to overdo it initially than to get hurt later.

You must be aware that the original color of the building material is the shade of the countertop being made. To recreate some special shade or color, you can use a special color for concrete.

Stages of work

Regardless of the product being made, first you need to find out its size and shape. If you have to replace the old countertop, then you can use its measurements. If a completely new product is being manufactured, then it is worth taking measurements of the base, as well as taking into account the existing requirements for the selected room.

In order to have a template in front of your eyes, you can try to make a drawing of the countertop on paper, it is even allowed not to make marks for different type holes. Next, you will need a full-fledged life-size template. To do this, you need to take a sheet of thick cardboard, of such a size that a full-fledged template eventually comes out. If cardboard small size, then for the real volume of the product you will have to glue the parts. If there is a large cardboard, then simply cut out the required layout. When the template is ready, you need to check that it fully matches the dimensions. To check, it is worth attaching it to the desired area and making sure that everything is accurate and there are no distortions. After such checks, the concrete countertop will turn out quickly and easily. Now you need to divide the template into separate parts. Once you have ready-made detailed templates on hand, you can begin the production of the product itself.

Formwork preparation

When making your countertop, it is important to perform this area of ​​​​work as accurately and accurately as possible. After all, the strength of the product and its appearance in general will depend on the quality of the workpiece.

After a decision has been made regarding the height of the structure, it is necessary to cut off the details of the required length from the beams - these are the vertical parts of the future formwork. They will need to be fixed to the floor. To do this, you need a profile. If the contact with the walls is direct, then the racks must be drilled through. They are fixed with anchor dowels. After fixing, the vertical parts are connected to the horizontal ones. Thus, the formwork frame is ready.

To make the lower part you will need wooden sheet MDF. The formwork must be made in such a way that the concrete can later be pulled out without damaging it. If a sink is provided in the countertop, then inside in the required place you need to lay out a metal ring. Also, at further use hob, you must also mark this place.

The dream of almost every housewife is a cozy and functional interior kitchens. IN modern conditions The countertop takes center stage in this room. It is made from various materials. However, in Lately the concrete countertop is gaining popularity.

This product can be made independently without the involvement of third-party specialists and designers. It is enough to have prepared concrete for the countertop on hand and make drawings / sketches of the product in such a way that it easily fits into the allotted space. Individual approach will allow you to orient the horizontal work surface as clearly as possible.

What are the benefits of concrete countertops?

The created concrete countertop with your own hands is fake diamond, obtained as a result of molding and solidifying a mixture of a certain composition. It includes the main components:

  • an astringent, in the role of which high-quality cement acts;
  • aggregates, they are selected by fraction (large and small) and by color;
  • solvent - water with a low salt content;
  • additives (mineral and organic), which improve the quality of the finished product.

One of the types of fillers is marble chips - made by hand, or purchased in ready-made. The second molding material is pure sand. The amount of organic binders does not exceed 2%.

In addition to the original texture, colorization can be applied. For it, special coloring powders are provided. They are pre-mixed into a dry composition to get the desired shade.

Imitation of natural stone with concrete

The structure of interior concrete is a strong and solid texture. According to its characteristics, it is slightly inferior to natural granite, but has a much lower cost. When using such countertops, it is necessary to take into account their features. Concrete has a porous structure. Small microcavities can become clogged with organic residues, which forces the use of a special technique in surface care.

It is important to protect the space from exposure to acidic products. This feature comes from the fact that the main chemical element that contains a cement countertop is calcium. It can be destroyed by acids. Even a small drop of lemon juice on an unprepared surface can leave a noticeable mark.

A polymer coating is used to protect the concrete countertop from acid, alkali and other reagents.

The disadvantage is eliminated by applying a protective polymer layer on the working side. This allows you to make the concrete countertop more practical and resistant to external stimuli. The material is applied after the final hardening of the structure. As a result, a homemade product will serve long time. It will no longer be possible to use such a coating for a hot pan, since polymers are sensitive to high temperatures. Also, the coating is less resistant to mechanical stress.

The aesthetic tabletop with a polymer layer will be a great decoration for a living room, bedroom or office. Most of the harmful factors are absent there.

Without a polymer coating, the surface will gradually break down. But when applying it, you should be careful with hot objects.

VIDEO: Examples of concrete countertops

Preliminary Operations

Before you make a concrete countertop with your own hands, you need to carry out some preparatory operations. One of them is the collection required amount materials.

Concrete is prepared in the traditional way. For him you will need:

  • cement of strong grades without impurities;
  • coarse-grained and fine-grained sand;
  • marble chips or its analogues in any form;
  • color pigment or more different shades;
  • water.

Special dyes help to give a special color. They are sold in hardware stores.

Further according to established instruction preparing formwork. It is made from wooden beam. For the frame, a material of 50x30 mm is suitable. The walls are formed from laminated chipboard with sufficient moisture resistance.

The base in the manufacture of countertops from concrete pouring should be as even as possible without possible deformation under the load of its own weight.

Since the work is supposed to be done on your own, you will need a tool:

  • trowel or trowel;
  • metal bucket for solution;
  • shovel;
  • concrete mixer for small volume;
  • grinder;
  • hydraulic level not less than 100 cm;
  • roulette.

To assemble the frame, you may need a screwdriver and a jigsaw. If they are not available, it is enough to use their mechanical counterparts.

Preparing the drawing of the countertop

It is necessary to prepare a sufficiently detailed calculated sketch or drawing in advance. It is desirable to perform it on a certain scale in order to have a visual picture in front of you.

Measurements of the room must be carried out with maximum accuracy, so that in the future the made concrete worktop with your own hands can easily fit between the cabinets and the stove, and also harmoniously combines with the built-in plumbing. Dimensions are applied to the sketch with an accuracy of 1 mm.

It is not recommended to make a deliberately large surface, as it will be difficult to install it. If there are no other options, then it is preferable to divide a large area into two or more smaller surfaces. It is important to provide the joints between the parts in a transverse view in order to ensure their easy coincidence and support on wooden pedestals.

Usually, corner structures divided into two parts connected at right angles. The joint falls on one of wooden poles under the tabletop. This will avoid the formation of cracks and chips.

We assemble the formwork for pouring concrete into the countertop

To make a concrete countertop, you need to knock down the formwork frame. We put moisture-resistant plywood on a flat horizontal surface. We transfer the dimensions from the drawing to the real plywood surface. We turn the edge of the future tabletop with a board of 50x30 mm boards. Accordingly, the height of the plate will be 50 mm. It is not advisable to make a thin plate, as this will increase its fragility.

Concrete will create a significant force on the bars. They can be additionally supported with a metal corner on the back side.

Strengthen the design will help metal fittings. We prepare a conditional grid from it with a cell of 20x20 or 25x25 cm. It should not reach the edge of the plate 3-4 cm.

We place the film on a horizontal surface in such a way that there are no folds that can subsequently be imprinted on the texture. The supporting structure can be assembled separately or on site. Self-tapping screws are used for installation.

Radial corners will decorate the future design

Before pouring concrete, we process all joints with sealant. It is important that it fills only the mating cavities, and does not penetrate into the future plate. For greater aesthetics, you can prepare templates with radius corners. For this operation, you will need to cut the template in advance with a jigsaw.

The solution is prepared by the traditional method, in compliance with the proportions:

  • cement - 1 part;
  • sand - 2 parts;
  • marble filler - 4 parts;
  • water - 0.5 parts.

Mixing begins with the formation of a solution of water and cement. Next, the remaining elements are placed in a carefully assembled mixture. It is necessary to mix everything as thoroughly as possible.

Decor to imitate natural stone

When decorating the surface, you can realize all the most daring fantasies. Different components can be placed on polyethylene in a pattern:

  • beads;
  • pieces of small broken glass;
  • metal wire in the form of a pattern;
  • colored stones.

It is desirable to fix the decor with glue. That way it stays in the right place.

If it is intended to use multi-layer pouring, then the front layer should be made using fine-grained sand. In this case, water must be supplied in a dosed manner, since its lack will lead to cracking, and its excess will cause everything to float or dry for a long time.

For citizens who doubt the concentration of the solution, ready-made dry mixes for screeds can be purchased in advance. The instructions on the package will tell you all the necessary proportions.

Half an hour after the front layer, fill in the main one. Expanded clay can be added to its composition, which facilitates the total mass of the structure.

For a concrete countertop, it is important to sand and polish the outer layer with high quality. In this case, you can not do without a grinder. The first operations are carried out with coarse-grained wheels, and then fine-grained grinding wheels or diamond discs are used.

Be sure to grind the surface of the countertop after hardening

On front side there may be technological gaps. Acrylic-based sealing mixture, which is sold in staymarkets, helps to get rid of them.

VIDEO: How to make a concrete kitchen worktop

Something new is constantly appearing in the creation of interior design, and the latest novelty is the elements of concrete present in various furniture, especially in the kitchen or in the country. However, do not limit yourself to kitchen set, a coffee table in the living room with a concrete top will look very original and interesting.

And to make such a tabletop is quite simple with your own hands, and you don’t need a lot of experience to create it, almost anyone can make it, the main thing would be desire.

  1. These tables are simply irreplaceable. For country furniture : do not get wet, do not deteriorate!
  2. , it is enough to cover a worn-out table with it - and you will get a super modern thing.
  3. For the kitchen - they do not deteriorate and are very durable!


In order to make a coffee table with a rectangular concrete top, we need:

  • Wooden boards.
  • Wire mesh for strengthening concrete.
  • A piece of 1/2-inch chipboard or plywood to make the desired shape.
  • Drywall.
  • screws.
  • Pneumatic nailer to attach the sides to the bottom panel.
  • Large plastic container for mixing cement.

Instructions for making countertops

Step 1: Making the box

No matter what size and shape the countertop will be, wire mesh should be two inches smaller in width and height than chipboard or plywood panels.

We make a box of the shape and size we need from panels and drywall. After the workpiece is completely ready, you can start mixing concrete.

Step 2: Pouring Concrete

  1. We knead the cement in a plastic container, for this you can use an ordinary shovel, which you need to mix the mixture thoroughly.
  2. After that, carefully pour the concrete into the mold to half, distributing it in the corners.
  3. We cover wire mesh mix, and then fill the form to the top so that the mixture protrudes slightly from above. This is done so that it is easier to level the surface and make it smooth, for this purpose it is best to use a spatula.

TIP: After this, you need to leave the mold for a few days for the cement to dry completely.

Step 3: Sanding

After that, you need to remove mold and sand from the surface. To smooth the countertop, 120 grit sandpaper works well.

Then you need to wipe the surface well with a sponge, roller brush or soft cloth.

If you want to cover the surface with nothing coffee table, then the best seal the countertop with concrete sealant, then it will look very beautiful and be more practical.

Step 4: attach the tabletop to the legs

  1. After the top of the coffee table is completely ready, you can use absolutely any base.
  2. Very beautiful and practical option will be like this table on wooden legs on wheels so that it can be easily moved.
  3. Attaching the table top to the legs liquid nails or silicone adhesive.

Such an original concrete table will become a real decoration. home decor and make the interior irresistible.

Ideas and photos of concrete countertops and tables

With a flower bed in the middle

For giving great option- when pouring concrete, leave a chute where flowers can be planted. Looks very amazing.

How to lighten the design

  1. Ideal option and great idea leave a hole in the middle make a glass tab. To do this, you need to cut a gutter for a glass tab.
  2. Also put a concrete countertop on legs with wheels- this is especially true for coffee tables which often have to be moved.

Concrete countertops are all the rage these days, with many even replacing granite countertops, which have been the most popular choice for the last 10-20 years. It is possible that you did not know that a copy of a concrete countertop can be made from a concrete floor screed mix called Ardex Feather Finish, applied to the surface of an existing countertop and secured with numerous layers of sealant. What's more - it will cost you a lot less than a custom-cast concrete countertop. You can also find out on our website.

In this case, an old, scratched, damaged laminate countertop was turned into a modern, industrial-style concrete countertop.

Here's what the countertop looked like before starting work:

And here's the "after" photo:

Ready to get started on your DIY concrete countertop? Here's how to do it.

Difficulty: medium

Necessary materials:

  • concrete mixes for Ardex Feather Finish screed (Sold in bags of 4.5 kg. The amount of material depends on the footage of the surface of your countertops. In our case, about 1.5 bags were used);
  • large stroke (minimum 20 cm);
  • small spatula for putty (5-10 cm);
  • bucket and stick for preparing the mixture;
  • measuring buckets;
  • sandpaper: coarse (20-H, 25-H), fine (5-H) and very fine (M28 \ H-2, optional);
  • paint mask;
  • sealant (in this case 511 Impregnator Concrete Hardening Liquid and Safecoat Acrylacq were used);
  • not necessary:electric grinder, dry and wet vacuum cleaner, paper towels, wet wipes.

Step 1: clean kitchen countertops; It is very important to start work on a clean, grease-free surface. You can use your favorite cleaning agent for cleaning.

If your countertop has bulges or peeling areas, it's time to get rid of all the excess. Our countertop had a bulge where the laminate had melted a bit, so we just removed it.

If your countertop has scratches, holes or chips, our new finish will take care of it - no worries.

Take Special attention area around the sink. If in this place you used silicone sealant and it is noticeable, remove it before you begin to apply the concrete mixture to the countertop, because concrete does not adhere well to elastic rubber-like surfaces.

(FYI, if you forget this, don't worry. You can remove the silicone after the concrete has been applied, along with the concrete when it dries and cracks on the silicone surface).

We removed the crumbling cement mortar behind the sink and left that area clean. Concrete filler will cope with this.

Step 2: Sand the countertops with coarse sandpaper. In order to properly clean the countertops, 20-H or 25-H paper is suitable. The point is to leave as many scratches as possible so that concrete pavement could well "grab" with the surface. Wash the countertop and let it dry thoroughly after sanding before moving on to the next step.

Step 3: Prepare a small portion of the concrete mix. The manufacturer's instructions advise mixing it with water in a 2:1 ratio. This proportion is suitable for starters, and you can see if this consistency suits you personally. It is very important to use the same proportions when preparing each batch for a single layer, because even small differences in the amount of water can (and will) change the shade of the dried concrete. Most likely, for each of the layers you will have to prepare several portions of the mixture.

Gently stir the mixture so that the concrete powder does not scatter and the mixture does not splatter around.

Ideally, you want the consistency of chocolate paste: the concrete mixture should not be too liquid and stick to the spatula when you hold it upright.

Step 4-a: working one small area (approx. 30x30 cm) after another, apply the concrete mixture to the surface of the countertop. It will be easier if you just lay a small amount of the mixture in the center of the countertop.

Take the stroke and, pressing it against the surface, spread the mixture in an even layer over the entire surface of the area with a sliding motion. Start in one of the corners and slowly stroke across the tabletop. Take a little more of the mixture on the stroke and spread it again over the surface in the same direction, so that the new stroke overlaps the edge of the previous one a little.

If you notice gaps where you didn't have enough mix, take some mix with a spatula and spread some mix over the gap, then smooth it out with a rake.

While it's not a good idea to constantly stroke a layer of the mixture that has already been applied to the surface of the countertop (it will start to dry out and the scraper will negate all your efforts to smooth the surface), it is possible to stroke in a perpendicular direction after one of the sections has been covered. This will help smooth out the large furrows left by the stroke earlier.

Continue in this vein, working section by section until the entire countertop is covered with a layer of concrete mix. It is very important to make sure that each section is properly completed before moving on, because this concrete mixture dries out quite quickly.

Using a small trowel, spread the concrete mix around the edges of the countertop. It's best if you apply a thicker layer of mix to all corners (especially the corner between the tabletop surface and the edges) because these areas can be sanded smooth later, which is much easier to do if the concrete mix is ​​thicker.

Tip: After letting the corners dry for 5-10 minutes, you can try smoothing out the wet concrete with your fingers. By this time it will be drier, but still quite plastic. Of course, don't forget that you'll be sanding these areas later anyway, so don't try too hard.

In any case, DO NOT apply water to dry concrete. When smoothing it, DO NOT wet your fingers with water if it seems to you that the concrete is no longer ductile enough. Because of this, stains will appear on the concrete after drying.

While the concrete is still wet, wipe it down paper towel or a damp cloth around the edge to clean it up a bit. Don't be afraid to skip a section: the concrete can be easily removed even after it dries.

Step 4-b: Take care of the area around the sink. During the process of applying the first layer of concrete, we left the area around the sink untouched.

If necessary, spread the concrete in the area behind the sink not with a stroke, but with your fingers. This will ensure that the mixture is applied evenly and smoothly.

Clean the edges of the sink of concrete while it is still damp and easy to remove.

Step 5: Let the mixture dry. Remember that any imperfections and unevenness can be removed later with sandpaper, so at this stage you can leave the concrete alone until it dries. This will take at least 24 hours.

Step 6: When the concrete is dry, work the edges with a trowel or narrow chisel (as shown in the photo) to smooth them out properly.

Tip: After the concrete has dried, you may find air bubbles on its surface. They can be cleaned with sandpaper, but some will still remain. To reduce the chance of bubbles, apply the mixture by stroking in slow, smooth strokes. Do not smear the mixture carelessly, in a hurry. In addition, keep the layers of concrete thin so that air does not linger in the drying concrete.

Step 7: Sand the surface with coarse sandpaper. Pay more attention to the smoothness of the surface, not its shade: different strokes can vary in color, even if the surface is perfectly smooth.

FYI: Sanding concrete with sandpaper is a pretty messy job. We recommend that you use a vacuum cleaner while sanding, but concrete dust will still be everywhere. Be prepared for this and don't forget to wear a mask.

When processing the edges with sandpaper, do not overdo it so as not to clean off the concrete layer at all.

Tip: Wrap your sandpaper around your sanding iron for better control, and don't forget to wear gloves to protect your hands. Before proceeding to the next step, clean the surface after sanding.

Step 8: Repeat steps 3-8. We recommend applying 3-4 coats of concrete mix, sanding each coat before proceeding with the next. After you apply the last coat, replace the coarse sandpaper fine-grained.

When the final layer of concrete is completely dry, and after you've sanded and cleaned it well, your countertop is ready to be sealed.

Step 9-a: Take the sealant. We recommend using two different types sealants that serve different purposes. 511 Impregnator Concrete Strengthening Liquid seals the concrete so it doesn't absorb water and acts as a stain so it's the first thing we apply.

Step 9-b: Apply 511 Impregnator to the concrete surface. Pour a small amount of hardening liquid into a disposable plastic pail and apply it to the concrete in smooth, free strokes with a paint brush.

After 5-10 minutes, wipe off the excess, if any. As a rule, this liquid is very quickly and almost completely absorbed, but it does not hurt to lightly wipe the surface of the countertop. Don't be alarmed if the concrete surface seems too dark during the application of the sealant; it will lighten as it dries.

Leave to dry for 24 hours, then apply a second coat of 511 Impregnator. Make sure that not only the surface of the countertop is treated with liquid, but also its edges.

After applying two coats of sealant, the dried countertop will be very smooth to the touch and will have very little sheen.

Step 9-c: Apply Safecoat Acrylacq. This sealing liquid also protects the concrete surface from moisture and stains, but it also creates a lacquered, glossy finish that protects the concrete from scratches and chips. Pour a small amount directly onto the countertop and spread with a slow, free motion over the entire surface with a paintbrush.

If Safecoat varnish is spread too quickly, air bubbles will appear on the surface of the varnish, which will not disappear on their own, but will simply harden when the varnish comes into contact with air. Also, if your brush is too dry, it will leave streaks on the surface of the countertop that can only be removed with sandpaper.

Allow the varnish to dry properly4 this will take 4-8 hours. Even when dry, it will create a shiny finish on the surface of the countertop.

Use very fine grit sandpaper to lightly sand each coat of Safecoat Clear. Whether to sand the final coat is entirely your choice.

Step 10: Let the countertop dry and soak completely. We recommend leaving it alone for at least a day, but best of all - for 72 hours.


Your tabletop is ready. Isn't she great? And so smooth!

We wish you good luck with your own kitchen worktop and we hope you enjoy the result.