Mixer      04/13/2019

What to plant onions with in one bed. Which plants are compatible with each other and which are not?

Onions are a tolerant crop that is friendly to many vegetables. If, of course, the neighbors are at an acceptable distance. However, he also has “enemies”. The right combination of vegetables will improve your harvest and help you get the most out of your garden. What to plant onions with in the same bed? This question often arises among gardeners.

Features of growing onions

People have known this culture for more than 5 thousand years. The importance of this vegetable in human life can hardly be overestimated. It is not only a fragrant “zest” of many dishes, but also a medicinal remedy. Its substances are capable of destroying harmful microbes and bacteria, which is very important during the cold season.

Onions are a regular in vegetable gardens. Among all the varieties of culture: leek, batun, shallot, the set is the most popular. This variety is distinguished by its hardy character. It tolerates cool temperatures well and can grow at temperatures of 16-18°C. While seeds need only 5°C. The crop tolerates frost well in the fall.

The plant is resistant to many diseases and pests; when grown, the only serious danger to it is onion fly. The crop does not require much care and ripens very quickly. What really matters? This is the place where the vegetable is planted. He loves sunlight and nutritious loose soil.

Features of growing onions

He has complaints about the composition of the soil only if it is calcareous. Wood ash will help you cope with this problem. In addition, it should be taken into account that with increased acidity of the soil, onions do not absorb nutrients well. Under such conditions, the plant may become infected with downy mildew.

The onion responds well to an abundance of water only in the first stages of growth. To ripen faster, it needs dry soil, so the level groundwater should not be high on the site. Ideally, it is 1.5-2 meters. The vegetable does not like weeds very much. They prevent it from growing, taking away the sun's rays. Regular high-quality weeding of the beds will rid the onions of unpleasant neighbors.

The best predecessors for onions are those crops that fertilize the soil. These include zucchini, radishes, potatoes, eggplants and legumes. The vegetable feels good after salad, dill, cilantro, and squash.

Important! Doesn't like onions perennial planting to the same place. It will grow well there only after 3-4 years.

The vegetable will be grateful to the gardener if he fertilizes the soil with humus and nitrogen before planting. After 3-4 weeks, you can add potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Ash and a little salt are added to the furrows, and the bulbs themselves are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before planting in open ground.

Important! Onions need nitrogen fertilizers to grow well.

When to plant onions, carrots, beets? These crops are the first to be grown in the garden. They do well in cool air. They need a temperature of 5-7°C for planting.

Compatibility of onions with other vegetables

Crop rotation in the garden is the alternation of different crops on plots. The main goal is maximum productivity of the site.

The planting plan is based on the following factors:

  • Definition of leading culture. Here they determine which vegetable is a priority and how many bushes the gardener expects;
  • Relief of the vegetable garden. For example, there is an abundance of water on the lower slopes. Strawberries and cucumbers love this soil;
  • Predecessors. Different plants need different nutrients. In addition, some vegetables have a weak root system and take everything they need from upper layers soil;
  • Climate features;
  • The degree of soil erosion on the site.

What can you plant next to onions? To answer this question, you need to know about some of the features of this vegetable. Its roots are very weak and thin, similar to cobwebs. They dry out quickly in the sun. Most of The root system is located in the upper layers of the soil. It grows into the ground no more than 50 cm.

In addition, the plant is very fond of nitrogen substances. Zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and different kinds cabbage These vegetables completely select the substances beneficial to onions, so onions should not be planted after them.

Important! By following the rules of crop rotation, you can increase the yield of most crops several times. vegetable crops.

The best neighbors for a vegetable

Compatibility of onions with other vegetables

Is it possible to plant onions next to carrots? These vegetables are good example mutual assistance that different cultures can provide to each other. Carrot rows can often be seen near onion rows in many gardens. Together with carrots, they are ways to ward off harmful insects. The onion gets along well with garlic. They can be safely planted nearby.

Garlic is a unique crop, after which you can plant any vegetable. But he himself cannot be planted on last year’s bulbous places. Moreover, these vegetables feel comfortable next to each other, having a beneficial effect on growth conditions. But onions and garlic will not get along in the same bed, as they need the same nutrients and water. The result of living together may be depletion of the land, which will negatively affect the level of harvest.

Beets love to have a neighbor like an onion nearby. It allows it to bear larger fruits and their ripening will occur faster. When planted, onions produce tall green leaves that cast good shade over the beet rows. This way the plant can protect itself from scorching direct sunlight. Such conditions are very pleasant for beets. In just a couple of days, its fruits gain strength and begin to grow actively.

Important! Onions are an excellent precursor for beets. During the growth of the crop, the soil will be saturated with the necessary substances and will be loose, which will have a good effect on the growth of the root crop.

Some varieties of cabbage can make a good company for vegetables: broccoli and kohlrabi. These crops need regular watering, and water won’t hurt onions either. But it is advisable not to plant this trinity in the same bed. These crops block each other's sun rays, which ultimately greatly affects the harvest.

In addition to carrots, onions also provide a good protective function to turnips, radishes and tomatoes. Many pests, especially aphids and flea beetles, do not like the smell of this crop. Having sensed it, they quickly change these habitats to other, less odorous ones.

Dill and onions have a lot in common. You can open a packet of seeds for planting at the first appearance of heat, at a temperature of 5-7°C. These crops complement each other well, improving the characteristics of the fruit. Between these two vegetables, a tomato will feel great.

What to plant dill with in the same bed? This question comes up often. What is the compatibility of dill with other plants? In addition to onions, it gets along well with cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, and cilantro. He saturates himself at the same time useful substances, helping other crops grow.

Dill with onions are good neighbors

Cucumbers and onions cannot grow in the same bed. The green fruits of the former love water very much, but such moisture saturation has a bad effect on other crops. The roots of the plants begin to rot, and the fruits themselves become watery. This environment is favorable for the development of fungus.

Strawberries and onions work well together. The latter helps to avoid the development of rot in the berries. Cultures are able to exchange necessary substances with each other. Strawberries feel protected next to onions, but their beds cannot be oversaturated with moisture, otherwise the good neighborliness will come to an end.

Neutral neighbors for culture

Some combinations of crops in garden beds do not harm each other, but there is no particular benefit either.

These crops include the following:

Important! Onions need moderate watering. At high humidity The roots of culture are rotting. This should be kept in mind when planning to place vegetables next to onions.

Worst neighbors for onions

The combination of some cultures not only does not bring benefits, but, on the contrary, is harmful.

These include the following types of vegetables:

  • Classic cabbage. Like onions, she is a fan of “feasting” on nitrogen fertilizers. Thus, the soil for the vegetable becomes very poor. In addition, cabbage loves to spread its leaves over neighboring beds, taking all the sunlight for itself. Although onions bring a lot of benefits to this crop, repelling insects from it, they themselves do not receive anything in return;
  • Beans, peas and beans. These plants do not compete for nutrients, but legumes love to weave a large carpet of young shoots. Thus, they are able to “strangle” onion plantings, taking all the light for themselves.

Other vegetable or fruit combinations do not harm the crop. Onions are unpretentious by nature and get along well with other vegetables. They can not only be planted side by side, but also in the same bed.

What can you plant beets with in the same bed?

Surely, like all gardeners, you have encountered an incredible phenomenon. Regularly growing beets on your personal plot, you can see that it grows completely differently every year. It would seem that there are no weeds, and watering is regular, and fertilizing is applied on time - the care is the same, but the amount of harvest varies. The explanation for this is the most banal, most vegetable crops cannot stand being next to each other, they simply oppress each other. The question involuntarily arises, what should you plant beets next to in the garden bed, so that in the end summer season Did she please you with a bountiful harvest?

Staged maturation method

When planning planting, many gardeners are faced with the problem of a shortage of beds. After all, very often the area of ​​a plot is limited to 6 acres, and you really want to create a flower garden and fruit trees plant shrubs too. So there is not much space left for vegetables.

To accommodate all the vegetables, it is quite possible to use the method of different ripening. To do this, rows of beets alternate with:

  • dill;
  • salad;
  • onion on feather;

Plant crops nearby for different periods maturation

These crops reach technical ripeness much earlier, which means that after harvesting the beets will receive extra bed for tuber growth. Thanks to the early harvest of greens, it will be possible to regularly loosen the row spacing, which will have a positive effect on the amount of harvest.

Beets grow no less comfortably next to garlic. The garlic harvest falls in mid-July, so the root crops have enough time and space for active growth.

Attention! In case of planting with alternating rows of different crops, it is better to give preference to beet varieties cylindrical. Oval root vegetables require much less space than round vegetables of the same mass.

If you plan to grow cucumbers without tying them to trellises and netting, it makes sense to plant beets between them. Beet tops will partially protect cucumber vines from the burning rays of the sun.

Planting along the edge of the bed

Beets are extremely rarely sown as a separate plantation; most often they are grown along the perimeter of the beds:

  • potatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • parsnip;
  • beans.

This method allows for regular loosening and thinning. Cabbage does not have to be only white cabbage. Beets get along well with kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, cauliflower and even Savoy and Beijing beets.

Cabbage and beets in one bed

Attention! If you prefer to combine it with zucchini, zucchini or squash, opt for bush ones rather than climbing varieties so that the powerful stems do not cover the beet rows with their leaves as they grow.

Strawberry compatibility

Often, in order to save beds, gardeners sow vegetable crops between the rows of strawberries or garden strawberries. Some gardeners even speak positively about this neighborhood. However, you should be wary of such advice. Notice how strawberries grow in the wild. It displaces almost all vegetation near it and grows into dense clearings. This is how its root system works; in order to survive, it synthesizes toxic secretions that depress nearby growing crops. Therefore, one can hardly expect a rich harvest with such plantings.

Marigolds repel beet pests

For pest control

Beetroot does not very often become a favorite target for pests, however, if a mole cricket (cabbage moth) is present on the site, it can greatly damage young, juicy sprouts.
To scare away harmful insects, plant marigolds next to the beet planting. These fragrant flowers will become a real decoration of the site and fill it with a pleasant aroma. They will also help get rid of wireworms, aphids, and bacteria that cause root rot.

When planning the location of plants, it should be taken into account that in order to obtain good harvest For root crops, it is important not only the correct proximity of vegetable crops, but also compliance with crop rotation.

How to grow beets: video

You can understand what to plant tomatoes next to by studying in detail the needs of the plants.

The best neighbors in the garden bed will be other nightshades that have similar agrotechnical requirements.

But it is better to move moisture-loving cucumbers to the other end of the greenhouse; these plants have difficulty getting along together.

You can understand what to plant tomatoes next to by studying in detail the needs of the plants

Joint cultivation: pros and cons

  • saving space, it is especially relevant for greenhouses;
  • the plantings look very beautiful, resembling not boring beds, but a thoughtful still life;
  • spices, onions or garlic can protect against pests;
  • some plants can speed up the ripening of tomatoes and give the fruit a pleasant taste;
  • crops mutually enrich the soil, reducing the need for fertilizers;
  • after tomatoes there is no need to sow the plantation with green manure;
  • simplifies the care of beds;
  • With mixed sowing, there is no need to change plants every year.

Despite its many advantages, joint planting also has disadvantages:

  • when placed next to tall bushes (raspberries, currants), tomatoes may not have enough sun;
  • some plants have excellent requirements for watering, fertilizers, and loosening;
  • there is a danger of cross-pollination.

Correct plant compatibility will help avoid possible troubles. It is important to understand what to plant tomatoes next to and which crops to avoid. A thoughtful selection of predecessors, successors and neighbors will help increase productivity and simplify the care of the garden.

Is it possible to grow cucumbers and tomatoes in the same greenhouse (video)

Greenhouse neighbors

Selecting good neighbors is especially important when filling greenhouses or greenhouses. In a limited space, it is difficult for plants to provide diametrically opposed conditions. The best neighbors for tomatoes are other nightshades, especially peppers and eggplants. They have similar requirements for soil composition. All these crops prefer light and nutritious soil. Perfect option- black soil or sandy loam. On loams, yields can be significantly reduced. When watering, you need to take into account that tomatoes are less moisture-loving than peppers. Will help solve the issue automatic system, precisely dosing the water supply.

Compatibility also depends on the variety. Modern first generation hybrids are more tolerant and grow well next to other plants.

You can sow greens in the rows: dill, parsley, herbs. Onions and garlic protect the bushes from pests, purple basil gives the fruits a pleasant flavor. A good neighbor for tomatoes are early vegetables: radishes, cabbage. The heads of cabbage are cut before the tomatoes begin to bear fruit, so that the crops do not interfere with each other. Nothing prevents you from planting the next batch of cabbage or lettuce after harvesting the first harvest.

From time to time, the soil in the greenhouse should rest and recover. The safest and most inexpensive option is green manure plants. They enrich the soil with valuable microelements and saturate it with nitrogen. After the tomatoes, phacelia or alfalfa are planted; at the end of the season, these herbs become a natural fertilizer.

It is important to understand what to plant tomatoes next to and which crops to avoid

What to plant in an open garden

The best neighbors of tomatoes in open ground- carrots, radishes, garlic, beets, celery, radishes, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts or White cabbage, broccoli. Spicy herbs are often planted between the rows: basil, mint, lemon balm, borage. In the south, watermelons, melons, and corn can be sown next to tomatoes. All nightshades get along well with these plants; proximity to melons reduces the number of insect pests and prevents some unpleasant diseases.

In a small garden, you can plant strawberries next to the tomatoes. It is not difficult to understand what to plant after tomatoes. Legumes, various flowers, herbs that are undemanding in terms of soil nutrition are placed on depleted soil. A good option is to sow a former tomato plantation with phacelia, alfalfa, mustard greens or soybeans. After tomatoes, you can plant potatoes, but you will need to add humus and mineral fertilizers to the soil.

What to plant with what so as not to interfere (video)

Predecessors and successors: rules of choice

The question of when to plant tomatoes worries all gardeners interested in a bountiful harvest. The best predecessors of tomatoes are various types of cabbage, legumes, cabbage or leaf lettuce. These plants enrich the soil with nitrogen and other valuable microelements. You should not plant tomatoes in beds that were occupied by eggplants, potatoes, and peppers.

Green manure plants are necessary for extensive plantings. They must be sown in industrial greenhouses or in beds a year before tomato seedlings are placed on them.

Various cruciferous vegetables act as precursors that feed the soil with useful elements: mustard, soybeans, alfalfa, white or red cabbage, and pumpkin. Good green manure - cucumbers, beets, turnips, green onions, squash or zucchini.

Green manure plants are necessary for extensive plantings

Next year after tomatoes it is better to plant different varieties cabbage or occupy a plantation with legumes. They are unpretentious to the composition of the soil, and typical diseases nightshades are not harmful to peas and beans. You cannot plant tomatoes after strawberries, eggplants, potatoes, and peppers. If the area is small, it is better to divide it into 3 parts in advance. Herbs will act as an intermediate crop between incompatible plants. Within a year of sowing alfalfa or vetch, the land will be completely restored.

Questions about what to plant tomatoes after and what can be placed in the beds occupied by nightshades concern many gardeners. There are few strict contraindications; most cultures will easily tolerate the neighborhood. Don't be afraid of experiments; sometimes the most unexpected combinations bring success.

Each plant has its own developmental characteristics. Excretion from leaves and roots can either inhibit the development of a neighboring crop, or, on the contrary, protect it from pests and diseases, promote growth, improve taste qualities. When deciding what to plant next to potatoes, you need to consider the positive and Negative influence plants on top of each other.

Compatibility of potatoes with nightshades

You cannot plant potatoes next to other plants from the nightshade family: they have the same diseases and pests. Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers growing next to potatoes are automatically at risk of being eaten by Colorado potato beetles or dying from late blight. The problem is that if other nightshades are sprayed with pesticides in the same concentration as potato tops, their fruits will accumulate too large doses of toxic substances.

If the plot is very small and you cannot find a separate place for tomatoes or eggplants, it is recommended to separate them from the potato plantation with a strip of calendula or marigolds (they repel the Colorado potato beetle) and a “curtain” of 2-3 rows of tall plants: green beans, beans, corn.

Potatoes and legumes

The best neighbors of potatoes in the garden are plants of the legume family, the root system of which is inhabited by bacteria that enrich the soil with nitrogen. The smell of legume roots repels the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm (the larva of the click beetle).

But each plant from this family has its own “relationship” with potatoes:

  • Of all the legumes, bush beans go best with potatoes. It can be planted not only next to the potato plantation, but also between the rows;
  • beans require large quantity nutrients and in the struggle for them they turn out to be stronger than potatoes, which affects both the size and taste of the tubers. Therefore, it is useful to sow beans only along the edge of the potato plantation, but not between the rows;
  • Some agronomists generally do not recommend sowing peas next to potato beds. The problem lies exclusively in agricultural technologies: the ripening of peas coincides in timing with the treatment of potatoes with pesticides against the Colorado potato beetle. If only organic methods are used when growing root crops and pests are controlled without the use of chemicals, then the proximity of two cultures is quite acceptable. The rows of peas should be placed from north to south, so that they do not shade the potato tops;
  • green beans - allowed to be sown along the edge of a potato plantation.

Potatoes and pumpkins

A common problem with potatoes and plants from the pumpkin family is late blight. Cucumbers are especially susceptible to it. Therefore, in the literature there are categorical prohibitions on planting cucumbers and pumpkins near potatoes.

In practice, cucumbers can be planted near potatoes, but only in a mini-greenhouse. Wooden or metal arches are installed on the bed, and a film is stretched on top. In dry weather, the film is removed, giving the cucumbers access to air and sunlight. But at night the plants must be covered, protecting the leaves from dew. Also, you should not allow pesticides to come into contact with cucumbers when spraying potatoes.

Zucchini and squash are less vulnerable; they do not require a greenhouse. As for the pumpkin, you need to constantly adjust its vines, preventing them from getting close to the potato tops. When the pumpkins begin to fill, it is better to prevent their contact with the ground by placing planks under them.

Potatoes and cruciferous vegetables

Potatoes go well with all types of cabbage. Beds with these crops can be placed nearby, but it is not recommended to follow the advice of planting cabbage in potato rows: cabbage needs a lot of light, and potato tops shade it. In dense plantings, cabbage and potatoes become infected with blackleg.

It is also allowed to plant potatoes with other cruciferous vegetables: radishes, radishes. To save space, radishes are sown in early spring in the middle of double potato beds. In May, potatoes are planted along the edges, and radishes are soon dug up. If the row spacing is wide (1 m or more), sowing radishes in them is allowed.

Mustard is one of the best green manures; the secretions from its roots disinfect the soil. The plant is sown between rows, but is completely cut off when the shoots are equal in height to the potato tops. Mustard roots remain in the ground, decompose and serve as additional fertilizer.

Potatoes and other root vegetables

Carrots and potatoes do not interfere with each other’s growth, so they can coexist (but carrots cannot be sown in potato rows). Potatoes have a “neutral” relationship with beets.

The obvious enemies of potatoes are celery (root and petiole) and parsley. If you place the beds with them close to the potato ones, you won’t get a good harvest.

Compatibility of potatoes with onions and garlic

Onions and garlic release phytoncides that repel pests. Plants are planted both next to potatoes and between rows.

Potatoes and green vegetables

Potatoes go well with dill, lettuce, and spinach. They are allowed to be sown both nearby and between rows.

Potatoes and strawberries

Planting strawberries next to a potato plantation is tantamount to inviting all the surrounding wireworms to dinner. Besides, in rainy weather berries are susceptible to sulfur and black rot. The infection inevitably affects potato tubers.

Another common enemy of strawberries and potatoes is the nematode. To prevent its spread, marigolds are planted on the border of the potato field. Potato and strawberry beds must be separated by a strip of carrots, beets, radishes or spinach.

Potatoes and corn

It is useful to sow corn along the edge of the potato field, but so that it does not shade the tops. When planting corn between rows, the following conditions must be observed:

  • the direction of the beds is strictly from north to south (otherwise the potato tops, shaded by the corn, will begin to stretch);
  • row spacing – at least 1 m;
  • the distance between corn plants is at least 1 m.

Potatoes and sunflowers

Sunflowers growing along the border of a potato field - an ordinary village landscape. However, many gardeners consider these crops incompatible. The fact is that sunflowers need a lot of useful substances. To prevent potato tubers from growing to the size of a pea, the soil must be well fertilized with organic matter. Sunflower cannot be sown between rows. The bed with sunflowers is placed from north to south, so that they do not shade the potato tops (the distance between the sunflowers is at least 1 m).

Compatibility of potatoes with trees and shrubs

If potatoes grow under an apple tree, the apple harvest will be smaller and the taste will be worse. When laying out beds for potatoes, it is better to avoid cherries, chokeberry, raspberries, sea buckthorn and grapes.

Cultures growing nearby influence each other, helping or hindering development. Compatible plants protect neighbors from pests and enrich the soil with mutually beneficial substances. Joint planting of friendly crops allows rational use of garden space, grow more different vegetables in one area and improve their quality.

What are the consequences?

Incompatible cultures suppress and inhibit each other's development. They compete for water, food and sunlight, and contribute to the emergence of diseases and pests. This leads to soil depletion, a decrease in the quality and taste of vegetables, and their yield.

Features of the plant

Parsley is a biennial plant. In the first year, foliage and roots develop. In the second year, all the energy goes into the development of shoots with peduncles and the ripening of seeds.

The spice grows best with sufficient light, in loose, fertilized soil, and loves good, but not excessive, watering. Leaf and root parsley have their own characteristics. U leaf parsley the root is thin and highly branched. What is the difference between root parsley? With a fleshy cone-shaped root, it is more demanding of soil moisture and nutrition.

What can I plant next to in open ground?

  1. Garlic, onion. These plants saturate the soil with useful substances, after which they kill pathogenic microflora.
  2. Beans, peas. Legumes leave behind well-fertilized, nitrogen-rich soil.
  3. Tomatoes, potatoes. Parsley loves phosphorus, which is often used to fertilize nightshade plants. It takes root well in beds where tomatoes and potatoes grew.
  4. Pumpkin, zucchini. The roots of pumpkin and zucchini leave behind loose soil without pathogenic microbes, in which there is no risk of developing green infections.
  5. Early white cabbage and cauliflower. After the cabbage leaves enough organic matter in the ground to feed the parsley.
  6. Cucumbers, peppers. These vegetables belong to plants with a different root system from parsley, and will be good predecessors.
  7. Mustard. Mustard renews and normalizes depleted soil. After mustard, the soil is suitable for any greenery, including parsley.
  • Umbelliferae (dill, celery, cumin, cilantro, fennel, coriander). The Apiaceae family has the same needs for minerals. After plants of its type, parsley experiences a nutritional deficiency and deteriorates appearance and taste qualities of the seasoning. In the place where umbrella plants grew, it is permissible to plant parsley only after four years.
  • Carrot. In addition to the fact that carrots belong to the Umbelliferae family, their diseases are dangerous for parsley. Spicy plant is affected by carrot pests, which include carrot psyllid, celery fly, umbrella moth, and carrot fly.
  • Other greens (sorrel, lettuce, basil). The root systems of different greens consume microelements from the same soil level. Therefore, these plants will not be suitable predecessors for parsley.

For root parsley, in addition to the listed crops, it is not advisable to select other root crops with a similar type of structure and root nutrition as predecessors: beets, radishes, turnips.

What can you grow after greens for next year?

What's not allowed?

What is not permissible to plant after this plant next year?

  • Carrot. After parsley, conditions are created in the soil for the proliferation of carrot pests, and parsley as a precursor can spoil its taste.
  • Greens, sorrel. It is not recommended to plant other greens after parsley, especially umbelliferous ones, because they belong to the same species and have a similar root system.

After root parsley, in addition to the listed crops, you should not plant other root crops - beets, radishes, turnips.

Is it permissible to grow in one place for several years?

Leaf parsley for greens can be grown in one place for several years. In small areas for home use it reproduces by self-seeding. But with constant cultivation of a crop in one place, the land gradually becomes poorer, and the quality of the greenery deteriorates. Under such conditions, parsley diseases become more active - rust, powdery mildew, white rot, cercospora. If the spice is damaged by diseases and pests, the location should be changed in accordance with the recommendations of crop rotation.

When growing root parsley for root crops, it is not recommended to plant it in the same place next year. Root crops consume more minerals and deplete the soil more. A change of location is also necessary for prevention against pests and possible diseases.

It will be possible to return parsley back to the same place after four years.

Planting in one bed

Is it possible to plant greens next to cilantro, carrots, garlic, strawberries, onions, sorrel, and cucumbers?

What is possible?

Important! At joint plantings Root parsley with other root and bulbous vegetables should be maintained with sufficient distance between rows of plants to leave room for the development of root vegetables.

What's not allowed?

  • Umbrella Parsley does not get along with plants of its own type - cilantro, celery, cumin, dill.
  • Cabbage. Parsley can protect cabbage from slugs if planted at a sufficient distance along the edge of the bed. But cabbage itself does not like parsley, so it should not be planted between rows.
  • Sorrel. Parsley and other herbs have a bad effect on the growth and development of sorrel.
  • Head lettuce. Salad is not friendly with parsley; it is better to avoid this neighborhood.

Parsley grows well along the edges of beds. So she gets enough sunlight, and its smell protects the main crop from diseases, slugs and ants.

Parsley is friendly to most plants and does not require much trouble to grow. Its spicy aroma repels pests, making it a useful companion for neighbors in the garden. By following simple rules for the compatibility of parsley with other crops, you can avoid soil depletion, reduce the incidence of plant diseases, and improve the taste and yield of this famous spice.