Shower      06/13/2019

Homemade ficus: types and care. Ficus collection - video. Natural shedding of leaves

Domestic species of ficus. Care, illness, transplantation.

Ficus is very beautiful forever green plant. Easy to care for. It has a very beneficial effect on the microclimate of the room.

Ficus varieties

According to various sources, there are from 800 to 2000 varieties of ficus
Of these, about 20 species are grown at home.
Let's look at some types of home cultivation of this tree.

Mountain Montana

Small-leaved ficus of Indo-Chinese origin, requiring constant soil and air humidity. Look beautiful in a hanging pot. If in pots, then in combination with taller plants, like ornamental grass
Native to California and Mexico. They got their name from the bottle-shaped trunk. Which is necessary for the accumulation of moisture, which is rare in hot climates.


Sacred ficus at home

It got its name due to the ability of the leaves to release liquid when atmospheric pressure changes. And according to the ancient legend of Buddhists, it is believed that it was under this tree that Prince Gauda was transformed into Buddha.

It has heart-shaped, large bluish-green leaves, with a white vein in the middle. 10-20 cm long. It clings tightly to the ground with numerous roots extending outward in the form of supports. Originally from India, Thailand, China, Taiwan. The height at home is 30 meters

Triangular (triangularis)

Triangular ficus at home The name fully corresponds to the shape of the leaf. The length of which is 6-10 cm. The leaf is symmetrically divided in half by a vein. Africa is considered the homeland.

Length in nature is 30 m. Fruits in abundant yellow or green syconia. Which have a spherical shape


Benjamin - ficus at home
  • The most common type among amateur gardeners. The leaves are small. It grows like a tree up to 2.5 m high. Depending on the variety, the leaf has the shape of an egg with sharp ends or a spiral shape
  • The color is either one color or two shades. It has support roots, which, when skillfully decorated, take on a beautiful wicker trunk
  • The plant is easy to care for. Good for pruning. This makes it very suitable for many interiors.

Banyan (Bengali)

Banyan (Bengal) ficus at home
  • Ideal for small spaces. Source: Southeast Asian countries
  • It has a peculiar crown, formed as if from many trunks. As the trunk grows, roots form on it. Some dry out without receiving moisture. The survivors form a new trunk, which eventually also sprouts
  • Gradually the ficus grows in breadth. The leaf has an ovoid or oval shape. During flowering, syconia are formed. Round balls orange color. The diameter of which is no more than 3 cm


Binnendijka ficus at home The roots in the form of tubercles are located along the rough trunk of the plant. The leaf has a triangular tip. Color ranges from light green to dark. The edges are white; there may be spots on the surface. As they grow, the foxes fall off, exposing the crown. Leaves are from 2 cm wide, up to 30 cm long

Ginseng (ginseng)

Ficus at home Ginseng (ginseng) When grown at home, most often this plant is made in the form of a bonsai
Belongs to the banyan tree. A beautiful voluminous crown is formed by numerous lateral roots. The leaves are slightly pointed. Foliage renewal occurs every three years.

Rubber-bearing (elastic)

Ficus at home rubber-bearing The rubber contained in the sap of the plant gave the tree its name. The length of the trunk reaches 2 meters. The trunk does not have much branching. With sufficient moisture, aerial roots form.

The crown has a glossy gray-green surface. The leaf is elliptical in shape with a slight point. Yellowish-green, spherical synconias form when there is sufficient moisture.


Rooting (dwarf) ficus at home Nodes on the stems help strengthen the shoots, due to which the plant branches and climbs well. Leathery, smooth lanceolate leaves densely populate the shoots. White streaks lightly border the dark green leaves.

Rustifolia (Rubiginosa)

Rustifolia (Rubiginosa) ficus at home

The leathery green leaves of this plant with reverse side have orange fluff. This is where its name comes from. The leaves are large, up to 25 cm. The young plant has red shoots. The root system is formed in the lower part of the crown.


Retuza-ficus at home

The thick, fancy shape of the trunk is used for growing bansai. Other names: Cuban ficus or bay tree. The leaf is oval in shape with a pointed tip. The leathery structure is dark green. Reddish spots on the crown help the air exchange of the plant.


Variegated ficus at home It has leaves of various shapes, which is why it got its name. No more than a meter high. Green leaves have brown spots. The leaf shape is rounded. The fruits are olive in color and size.

Pumila White

Pumila White ficus at home Long vine-like stems are strewn with small leaves. The thickness of an adult stem reaches up to 5 cm. Adventitious roots are formed throughout the stem. The leaves are wrinkled and rough, covered with a mesh pattern. Arranged asymmetrically in two rows.


Ficus at home - Creeping On the climbing, creeping stem of the plant, additional roots are formed, which are attached to cracks, other flowers or support with their suction cups. The leaf is hard, ovoid in shape. On top of the green is a yellow mesh pattern.


A funny plant that needs to float on any surface. The leaves of the plant are yellowish in color and have a three-lobed shape. They are located along the entire length of the thin trunk.


Parcella ficus at home Unusual view plant significantly distinguishes it from all types of ficus. Thick drooping leaves are arranged in a bush on the trunk. Crown Brown. The leaves are oval-shaped with a tapered tip and are light green in color with yellow-white patterns.


Melanie - ficus at home

Another sacred tree. Originally from Indonesia. young tree has an unbranched crown. Over time, aerial roots grow, which, when in contact with the ground, form a banyan tree. They do not have flowers, they form syconiums that secrete poisonous juice. The leaves are dark green, epileptic in shape, with a pointed end.


It got its name due to its similarity to the instrument. Originally from tropical Africa. There are no aerial roots. The leaves are glossy, slightly wrinkled. The edges are wavy. In the center there are clear veins with branches. It has green syconia with white speckles.

Carica (indoor fig)

Carica (indoor fig) - ficus at home. Originally from Asia Minor. Not a big thick trunk. The serrated leaves are covered with hairs on the bottom. Have bad smell. Produces milky juice. Causes irritation upon contact with skin.


Dracaena-ficus at home

A tall tree-like plant reaching 3 meters in height. At the top of the tree, a voluminous crown is formed, consisting of thin, elongated leaves. After dropping them, notches form on the trunk.

There are many varieties of this ficus. They differ from each other in various shades of the crown

Deltoid (variegated)

Deltoid (variegated) ficus at home The deltoid shape of the leaf was the reason for the name of this plant.
The leaf has a varied appearance and size. The leaves are leathery and slightly convex. The surface of the bark is brownish-gray in color. The crown curls well.

Home care

Home care for ficus
  • The flower is very resilient and unpretentious
  • Tolerates partial shade well
  • The most comfortable temperature is 20-22 degrees
  • During the period of increased growth in the spring-autumn seasons, we moisten the soil well
  • In this case, excess water remaining in the pan can lead to rotting of the roots.
  • In winter, we reduce watering to once every 7-10 days.
  • We feed during active growth once in two weeks. We use any natural fertilizers containing nettle infusion, wood ash, humus. Or we purchase ready-made ones in specialized stores
  • Sometimes the plant grows slightly in winter, in this case you can feed it a little

Ficus propagation

Ficus propagation at home

  • Ficus propagates by cuttings
  • Which is preferably produced in spring or summer
  • Cut off the crown of the stem with three pairs of leaves, 7-10 cm long
  • Remove the lower leaves
  • Plant in a small pot with soil mixed with sand
  • Watering
  • Cover with polyethylene. Optimal temperature root formation 25 degrees
  • After the appearance of the first roots in one to two weeks
  • Plant in a small pot, no more than 15 cm in diameter.
  • The first two or three days we cover with polyethylene.
  • You can propagate by cuttings in water in the same way

Video: Ficus propagation

How to transplant a ficus correctly?

How to transplant a ficus at home correctly?
  • We replant the ficus at the end of February, beginning of March
  • Young-annually
  • Adults - once every two, three years
  • Old ones every five, six years
  • When replanting, increase the pot no more than 3-5 cm. Ficus prefers cramped pots
  • It is difficult to replant trees that are too large, so we change 3 centimeters of soil every year. Fertilizing with minerals


  • The day before transplanting, water the tree.
  • Lay the newspaper on the table
  • Putting a pot of ficus
  • Tapping on the sides
  • Carefully pull out the ficus with soil
  • At the bottom of the pot larger than the previous one, lay out a drainage layer of 1-2 cm
  • Lay out the soil with the addition of sand or perlite
  • We place an earthen ball with a ficus without bending the roots
  • Fill with earth mixture
  • In the new pot the plant should be at the same height as in the previous one
  • If the tree is large, when the roots have outgrown the pot or for other emergency reasons, we do a direct, ordinary transplant, but only when force majeure

Video: Replanting ficus

How to water a ficus correctly?

How to properly water a ficus at home?
  • Ficus loves convenient watering
  • Underwatering and overwatering equally destroy this plant.
  • We water it when the soil dries to a depth of 3.5-7 cm.
  • Do not allow any remaining water in the pan. If available, drain
  • Watering is carried out with soft water, standing for 24 hours.
  • We spray leaves with water, which is necessary for anyone tropical plant, connoisseur of humid air

Video: Ficus benjamina care, watering

Why does ficus shed its leaves?

Why does ficus shed its leaves at home?

Most common reasons

  1. Excessive watering. As a result of waterlogging of the soil, rotting of the roots occurs. Leaves droop and fall
  2. Change of place. Ficus trees do not tolerate rearrangements. Any movement causes them discomfort. For this reason, leaf fall begins
  3. Lack of lighting. For this reason, growth slows down and leaves fall off.
  4. Low temperature, draft and excessive feeding can also cause leaf shedding

In tree-like ficuses, the shedding of foliage from the lower branches is natural over time.

Video: Why do ficus leaves fall?

Cercospora. Appears as small dark spots, With wrong side leaf. Leads to crown baldness. Risks the death of the plant.
Anthracnose. The trunk and leaves are affected by weeping rusty spots. The result may be the death of the crown of the trunk followed by the death of the tree

If care is not taken conscientiously, the following may appear on the ficus:

  • Spider mites. Formed in the form of a white web between the leaves
  • Scale insects. They are black insects with a hard shell
  • Mealybug. Appears on old plants in the form of cottony white lumps on the leaves or on the ground after watering
  • Aphids, nimble centipedes they can also settle next to a tree

Ficus pests at home

Video: Pests of indoor plants mealybug

Despite the unpretentiousness of the ficus, it requires some attention.

Before acquiring such a plant, let’s get acquainted with information about each type of flower. We choose the most suitable for the interior and living conditions.

Video: Ficus - selection, cultivation, care.

Ficus has always been a symbol of comfort. How home flower it has been grown for a very long time. When breeding it, few people know that the well-known biblical fig tree, or fig, is also a ficus. The famous fig leaf is depicted in numerous paintings and engravings by the Old Masters. Figs, which are also loved by many, belong to the ficus family.

Ficus flower description

Among the ficus trees there are both deciduous and evergreen species. Ficus trees contain milky juice in all parts. They have different forms: trees, bushes, vines. In decorative floriculture there are ampelous forms with very small leaves. Ficuses can be dwarfs with leaves smaller than the size of the little fingernail and giants, their leaves grow up to half a meter.

Ficus leaves are mostly dark green and glossy. But there are variegated species and species with pubescent leaves. They come in various shapes, they can be long, quite wide, narrow, oval and almost round. There are curled leaves, for example, ficus baroque.

Rubber trees and some others have strong, lignified trunks. Many species have thin, almost filamentous branches growing from the root.

Features of growing ficus

Even a novice gardener can handle caring for this plant. It is this indoor plant that can start a collection of flowers and become a green pet at home. Benjamins with green leaves are the easiest to grow. Once you have mastered caring for them, you can purchase variegated ficus trees. And then move on. The store often sells varieties: translated as “variety of ficuses”; usually written on the label or pot, it could be anyone, even rare view ficus. It is very interesting to get to know him and grow such a ficus.


The ficus pot is slightly larger than the roots of the flower.

Ficus plants do not grow well in loose pots. Their roots rot easily from excess moisture: Good drainage is required in containers. For this they use broken brick, vermiculite, small pebbles. To prevent rotting during planting, it is worth adding birch coals to the soil, which prevent such processes.

Planting methods

The ficus plant is quite large, so you need to place it in the middle of the pot, this way the flower is more decorative, and this arrangement makes the pot with it stable.

Optimal time for planting

Ficus trees are best planted in spring. But after purchase, this is done at any time of the year.

Soil for the plant

For any ficus, the following composition would be ideal: leaf soil, peat, humus in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Or leaf, turf, peat, sand in equal parts.

Features of caring for ficus at home

Ficus trees grow well at home. For complete success in growing them, you need to follow some simple rules.

Location and lighting

This flower loves bright light, but not hot sun. If it is grown on a windowsill, then it is better to choose the eastern or western direction. It is also installed near the window, then the south one will be preferable. In the back of the room, ficus grows well under artificial light, if it is turned on at least 10 hours a day. Due to lack of lighting, the branches become longer and the number of new leaves decreases significantly.

But when placing a ficus, you must remember that it does not tolerate drafts and prefers to “keep your feet warm.” Therefore, if it is cold on the window in winter, then the container with the flower must be insulated by wrapping it in warm cloth or placing it in another thick-walled container. It is better if the ficus stands not on the windowsill itself, but on a stand. The upper part of the flower can withstand temperatures up to 12 degrees without consequences.

Air humidity

Ficus grows in normal humidity, but it needs to be sprayed a little every day. warm water and constantly wipe, and if there are conditions, then wash the leaves in the shower.


Most comfortable temperature for these flowers it will be 20-22 degrees. But ficuses can grow in winter at 18 - 12 degrees.

How to water correctly

Ficus is watered the same throughout the year. It is recommended to slightly increase watering in hot weather and during the period of active growth, which usually occurs in March-August. And in the fall, reduce it a little. The water must be well settled, it should be slightly warm.

The best fertilizer for ficus is well-rotted cow manure. In spring and summer, ficus needs to be fed mineral fertilizers once in two weeks.

Ficus pruning

Most types of ficus require pruning. Small-leaved ficus trees form a crown by pruning. Pruning is also carried out to increase branching in the lower and middle parts of the plant. Pruning awakens the buds, which begin to actively produce leaves.

Trimming methods

Pruning to form a bush is carried out annually. The top is trimmed once during the entire life of the flower. Side shoots for the purpose of shortening, they are cut once every 2-3 years. 10 days after pruning, water with mineral fertilizer.

The top is cut obliquely, the branches are straight. The work is done with a knife or pruning shears. Milky juice is removed by blotting soft cloth. After circumcision, two weeks later they are fed with mineral fertilizers.

Ficus transplant

Flowers in the first years of life are replanted only after the pot is filled with roots. This usually happens within a year or two if the pot size was chosen correctly. Old large flowers do not require so much frequent transplantation and they do this only once every 5-6 years. Replace annually between transplants upper layer land. This is done more often if a white coating salt.

Transplant methods

For replanting, take a pot 2-3 cm wider than the previous one.

When transplanting, you should do the following:

  • water the plant generously;
  • remove the root layer of soil from the pot;
  • Carefully remove the plant and shake it off old land from the roots;
  • place the plant in a new container with drainage, sprinkled with a layer of soil;
  • evenly distribute fresh soil around the plant;
  • the plant can only be buried to its previous level.

Growing ficus is not difficult. The propagation procedure is best carried out in the spring. At home, a cutting method is available for propagating rubber ficus. Ficus benjamina can be propagated by air layering.

Reproduction methods

To grow a new tree from cuttings, follow the following algorithm:

  • cut off the apical stalk 10-15 cm long; do this diagonally with a sharp knife;
  • the lower leaves are cut off, and the upper ones (if it is a ficus with large leaves) are twisted into a tube;
  • the milky juice is washed off with warm water;
  • the cutting is placed in water poured into an opaque container, 1-2 tablets of activated carbon are first dissolved in water;
  • place the container in a warm place with high air humidity;
  • After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in a small pot prepared in advance.

Rubber-bearing ficus can be propagated by leaves. The principle of propagation will be the same as with a full-fledged cutting. The leaf with the heel is wrapped in a tube, tied with a soft cloth and placed in water. But in this case, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result: the leaf cutting may not give roots. This method is best used in summer or autumn, during this period there are a lot of nutrients in the leaves, and therefore there will be more chances for the leaf to take root.

Layering method: On a strong shoot, remove the leaves and make a circular cut, which is wrapped in damp moss, wrapped in a plastic bag and, constantly moistening the moss, wait until the roots begin to tear the bag.

Ficus flowering. Does ficus bloom?

Ficus blooms only in the wild or in greenhouses. The flower is completely hidden in the inflorescence, syconium, shaped like a head or a pear.

Problems, diseases, pests

The main problems with growing ficus are related to its leaves. Novice gardeners are concerned about questions like: why does the ficus shed its leaves?

For successful growth of ficus, you need to carefully monitor watering:

  • leaves fall one by one- the earthen lump is overdried;
  • leaves turn yellow(the lower ones of large-leaved species, evenly throughout the entire crown of small-leaved species) - the earthworm is also overdried;
  • leaves fall off quickly and in large numbers- the earthen lump is waterlogged;
  • leaves become covered with yellow spots-the earthen ball is also waterlogged;

In addition to problems with watering, others may arise:

  • ampelous ficus leaves are wrinkled- the air in the room is too dry, or the plant is exposed to direct rays of the sun;
  • the leaves suddenly began to fall- there is not enough light for the flower, or there has been a sudden change in the climate in the room;
  • leaves appear small– the plant lacks nutrients.

Ficus trees suffer from two types of fungal infections:

  • with anthracnose, the leaves become covered with brown spots that turn into ulcers;
  • with cercospora blight, the undersides of the leaves become covered with black dots.

Both infections are treated with the same fungicide.

  • Benjamin: a bush with medium-sized green leaves, variegated varieties have also been bred, their crown is easily formed, therefore it is grown both as a bush of any shape and as a tree;
  • Natasha: a popular variety of small-petaled ficus benjamina;
  • rubber: a fast growing tree, its leaves grow up to 30 cm in length, they are dark green, now there are varieties with yellow and white spots;
  • microcarpa: has numerous aerial roots, which in nature can tightly entwine neighboring plants; at home it is cultivated as a bonsai;
  • lyre-shaped: a very large plant with wavy green leaves, somewhat rough, bushes poorly, and often has one trunk, densely covered with leaves;
  • Bengali (banyan): a tree with aerial roots that support the branches, this is the form called banyan, and long oval leaves up to 25 cm, room conditions can reach 3 meters; in Eastern culture it is considered a symbol of immortality of repeated rebirth;
  • Abidjan (elastic): rubber-bearing ficus with dark leathery glossy leaves;
  • robusta: rubber-bearing ficus with wide, elongated, thick green leaves; easy to care for, followers of Eastern teachings advise purchasing this plant for people prone to various excesses (for example, in food, spending, etc.);
  • Belize: variegated variety of rubber-bearing ficus, has white edges and white spots on the leaves;
  • melanie: compact, low-growing rubber-bearing ficus, bred as a result of mutations of rubber-bearing species;
  • black Prince: a popular type of rubber-bearing ficus with very dark leaves, the color changes depending on the light: from dark green to almost black and cherry;
  • Tineke: rubber ficus with leaves with white and green spots.
  • Ficus is called an alcoholic plant. Experienced flower growers water it with vodka. Or diluting it halfway with water, or undiluted, but from the edge of the pot to avoid getting on the roots. A standard glass of vodka is poured onto a small pot. Such unusual feeding causes active growth.
  • If the rubber-bearing ficus has lost all its leaves, then you need to carefully bend its crown in the shape of a loop and secure it in this position. After some time, the ficus will begin to produce new leaves along the entire length of the trunk.
  • Do not use scissors to cut cuttings; they pinch the stem, and this further inhibits rooting.
  • It is better not to buy a ficus in winter. It may die due to temperature changes.
  • The flower should not be moved frequently from place to place. Ficus trees love consistency.

Answers to readers' questions

It grows in rooms for 10-15 years. After this period, as a rule, it loses its decorative effect.

Is it possible to keep ficus at home?

This is a tree with positive energy. It is a symbol of well-being and harmony in family relationships. It is believed that it promotes childbirth, and it is customary to give it to childless spouses who dream of a child. An ideal plant for the home.

Is this flower poisonous?

Ficus is not poisonous. In the forests of the tropics and subtropics, animals and birds feed on the fruits and leaves of ficus trees. Many of it is used for medicinal purposes. The only thing you need to be careful of is that the juice does not get into your eyes.

Why doesn't ficus bloom?

Ficus trees don't bloom at home.

Why does the ficus turn yellow and drop its leaves?

This is usually due to a lack of nutrients.

How does the plant overwinter?

Ficuses winter safely under normal conditions. They do not require the organization of a special temperature regime.

Today, ficus benjamina occupies one of the leading places among amateur gardeners among other indoor plants for its noble appearance, the ability to give it any shape to your taste and depending on personal preferences. With it you can even show your imagination and create unique plant, which will not only be useful in the house, thanks to air purification, but will also add zest to any interior.

How ficus benjamina blooms

Many newbies as well experienced flower growers people often ask: does ficus benjamina bloom. The answer is: in nature - yes, but at home it is very rare, but it happens. However, it should be immediately noted that there is no decorative effect You shouldn't expect anything from this.

– this is not what we are usually used to seeing and representing under this concept. In fact, ficus inflorescences are small spherical peas similar to berries, but hollow from the inside, from light yellow-green to orange in color with a small hole. These modified inflorescences are called syconia. The hole in them serves precisely for pollinating the plant with tropical pollinating insects that do not live in our latitudes.

Ficus syconia will not change its size or shape without pollination, which is so important for it. In addition, flowering requires a lot of energy from the plant. If your ficus benjamina is not healthy, if you are worried about its further condition, then it is better to remove these peas, even if you are very curious to see what will happen in the future.

In addition, it is worth noting that it will not be possible to obtain seeds from the inflorescences due to the impossibility of pollination, so flowering in ficus benjamina does not give any result.

If your ficus benjamina blooms, consider yourself lucky! It’s up to you to remove the inflorescences or watch the process. In any case, these are not diseases, as it may seem at first glance, but a natural phenomenon that the plant certainly will not destroy. Good luck with your floriculture!

Ficus is one of the most common indoor flowers that people pay attention to. Therefore, there are more and more people wanting to buy such a plant. Considering that this flower can have various bizarre shapes that the gardener himself chooses, attention to the ficus is drawn even more. If you want to create a standard, that’s not a problem. If you want to create a cascade - please. Or maybe you should think about making an unusual sculpture from a flower - this can also be easily done. However, it is not only beauty and originality that seduces flower growers. Many people hope to see ficus bloom at home.

Do ficus trees bloom?

If you go to the “homeland” of plants, to countries where ficus trees grow, and walk through deserts, you can enjoy bright colors and the extraordinary beauty that the presented flowers give. Banyan trees, spreading palm trees, small shrubs, intertwined with each other - this is just a little of what will be revealed to the eye. The main thing that a curious gardener will surely pay attention to is the flowering of the ficus.

Some types of plants boast small flowers that have a variety of colors (mostly light shades): white-blue, light pink, beige, white and the like. Ficus blooms regardless of the season, so you can admire its beauty at any time of the year. Sometimes there are so many flowers that they resemble a bouquet created by nature. It's really worth a look.

As for home conditions, it is extremely rare for a plant to please a gardener with the beauty of its flowers. The exception is some huge greenhouses or botanical gardens, where special climatic conditions are created.

Despite the fact that ficus is not a whimsical specimen, only a few manage to achieve inflorescences. This is due to temperature changes, humidity levels and other factors. Even if experienced breeders cannot do this in special greenhouses, let alone standard apartments with problematic heating in winter time of the year. However, you can try. After all, as they say: “an attempt is not torture,” anything can happen.

Important! If you want to achieve flowering of a plant, you need to create ideal conditions, providing impeccable care for the flower.

How ficus blooms

Having figured out whether ficus trees bloom, you can move on to what resembles their inflorescence. Most varieties do not produce buds even during flowering. The inflorescence resembles tiny peas, which appearance very similar to berries. Syconia (that’s what ficus inflorescences are called) have shades of yellow, green and orange. There is a small hole on top of the syconium, and it is hollow inside. As for the hole, it is necessary so that in warm regions the plant is pollinated by special pollinating insects that are not found in our latitudes.

In the case when there is no pollination, there will be no change in the size or shape of the inflorescence. In addition, syconia takes away enough strength from the plant. Therefore, even if it happened that there was a chance to see how the ficus blooms at home, it is better not to do this, since such a procedure, although natural, can be destructive for the plant, and it will simply die after a while.

It will also not be possible to collect seeds from syconia, if someone wanted to do this, because without pollination they cannot be obtained.

Ficus care and its effect on flowering

As for whether ficus blooms at home, it was said above. Another thing is the desire to carry out your plans. In case you want to admire at least the syconia, you can try to create special conditions care

They are as follows:

  • Maintaining sufficient humidity. Throughout the year, this figure should be the same (for example, 50 or 60%). In this case, it is best to buy a special humidifier.
  • IN proper lighting. The flower does not like too bright light; at the same time, hiding it in the shadows is also not an option. It is better to place a special lamp nearby, which will act as the “morning sun” - gentle and warm.
  • IN proper watering. The manipulation should be carried out only when it is clear that the soil has dried out a little. Rare irrigation, reminiscent of a tropical “shower,” will also not hurt.
  • At a “permanent place of residence.” Tropical trees Just as they grew on one heel, they continue to grow there both in the heat and during the rains. This hardens the flower, it makes it stronger. At the same time, ficus adapts well to its living conditions. Therefore, at home, the plant must be allocated one place from which it cannot be moved.

These are the basic rules that a florist must adhere to. In addition, do not forget about adding fertilizers and preventive work aimed at preventing the appearance of pests.

Perhaps, if you do everything right, the flower will still please you with its bloom, but if not, you shouldn’t be upset, because the ficus itself is an extraordinary plant.

Ficus is a member of the mulberry family, which are evergreen plants with a tree or shrub appearance. It can also grow as a vine. There are over 900 species of ficus in the genus to which the plant belongs, some of which are grown at home.

General information

Ficus can be found not only in houses or apartments, it has long become an integral part of the interiors of offices and large companies. In addition to his decorative look, it helps purify the air and enrich it with oxygen.

Its demand as a pot crop is due to its unpretentiousness and ease of cultivation. If you follow all the rules for caring for the plant, the flower will delight its owner with beauty and elegance for many years, bringing a special flavor to the interior.

Ficus varieties with photos and names

It is a popular indoor variety of ficus, having oblong leaves with different colors and up to 12 centimeters in length. The plant has a voluminous crown covered with gray bark with horizontal brown stripes.

Ficus of this species does not like waterlogged soil, straight Sun rays and shade, as this causes its leaf blades to fade and get burned.

This variety of ficus has massive leathery leaves of a dark green hue. When growing it indoors, it branches poorly. However, with proper care, this flower will have a luxurious crown, reaching a height of up to two meters. The juice of this plant is used to produce rubber.

It is a tree-like plant, which in natural conditions reaches 25 meters in height and has a dense crown. It has long, shiny elliptical leaves of a dark green color.

Ficus initially develops as an epiphyte, eventually crushing the trunk of the plant on which it grows. When grown in a pot, the plant resembles an exotic, miniature bonsai with unusual roots and a beautiful, lush crown.

In nature it grows up to 10 meters in height. When kept at home, it is very miniature and has a height of 40 to 50 centimeters. This variety was brought from Ceylon.

The flower has a flexible, branching trunk of medium thickness with a dense crown, making the ficus easy to shape. The leaf plates are up to 3 centimeters in size. They have a glossy surface with a tip bent down. The color can be either light or dark green. This ficus is used to create miniature bonsai.

The plant got its name due to the appearance of its leaf blades, which look like musical instrument lyre They are quite large, slightly compressed, reaching a length of 50 centimeters, with pronounced veins.

At home growing the flower should be created with a microclimate similar to the one in which it grows in the wild, only in this way will it be possible to grow a beautiful and healthy plant.

The variety of this plant is distinguished by large, dark green leathery leaf plates. Ficus has weak branching, but at the same time it has a dense crown, reaching a height of up to 2 meters. The milky sap of the flower is used in the production of various rubber products.

Represents quite unpretentious plant, having thick leaf plates that have a characteristic color for the species. The flower can reach up to 2 meters in length, due to which it has excellent decorative properties and also acts as a natural air filter for premises.

The plant has branching shoots that eventually form an aerial root system. It has leathery, dark green leaf blades arranged alternately. Young foliage has a reddish-brown tint, which is not typical for ficus trees. When growing ficus, you should not allow the soil to dry out, as this will negatively affect its growth.

In nature, it begins to develop on large trees. It has an aerial root system, which eventually descends to the soil, and when rooted, it becomes the trunk of the plant. It has oval leaves of dark green color with light veins, a trunk of medium thickness and a luxurious, lush crown.

This variety differs from all other varieties of ficus by its miniature size and variegated, light green leaf blades with a beige edge.

This ficus variety is considered sacred by Buddhists. In nature, it grows on the trunks of large trees, and after some time, when its root system reaches the ground, the ficus becomes an independent deciduous plant.

At home it is grown as a bonsai with unusual shape. The plant has heart-shaped leaf blades of a dark green hue. It loves heat very much, so when growing it, temperatures should not be allowed to drop below 12 degrees.

It grows naturally in the Philippines, China and Japan. Ficus is also grown as a houseplant. It looks like a tall, compact bush with dense, bright green leaf blades. The plant has decorative qualities, so it can often be found in modern interiors.

A plant of this variety can reach a height of up to 1 meter, but it grows extremely slowly. Its peculiarity lies in its lanceolate, variegated, elongated leaf blades with a pointed end. The edges of the leaves are slightly wavy. Ficus is easy to shape, so you can grow a bonsai from it.

Thanks to its bizarre trunk, it is grown indoors as a bonsai. This variety of ficus branches well, which allows the formation of a dense crown. It has shiny, green, egg-shaped leaves. It is unpretentious to living conditions.

It grows naturally in China, Australia and Thailand. It is very similar to a tree with small leaf blades. At the tip of each leaf blade there is a groove for draining moisture, thus the plant adapts to frequent rains in natural conditions. It is quite easy to grow, so even beginners can handle this ficus.

This ficus variety is distinguished by its variegated leaf plates, which was obtained by crossing various types for composing original greenhouse compositions.

This plant differs from other varieties of ficus by the presence of purple and pinkish hues on the leaf blades. The leaves of this flower are large, elongated and pointed at the ends. Ficus can reach up to 1 meter in height.

The plant has medium-sized, long leaf blades that are boat-shaped with a slightly bent end and wavy edges. They have a bright green tint and a white border around the edge. The plant can reach up to 1 meter in height. This variety grows very quickly and is easy to care for.

The plant is native to India, Indonesia and Nepal. It mainly grows in tropical forests, growing up to 40 meters in height. Household ficuses can reach the very ceiling, and if they are not allowed to grow upward, they begin to branch.

They have glossy, large, dark green leaf blades with a burgundy tint, in the center of which there is a red vein. The plant is very light-loving, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

This variety differs from other types of ficus in the color of its leaf blades. They have a milky white tint with small green streaks. The plant is native to the tropics, where it reaches a height of up to 10 meters. At home, it branches well and has a luxurious lush crown and extraordinary decorative properties.

It grows naturally in Indonesia on the island of Java, growing up to 20 meters in length. The leaf blades have an elongated shape with wavy edges. They are shiny, drooping and curved along the main vein. When grown at home, the plant can grow up to 2 meters and proper care has lush foliage. However, this variety does not bloom when grown in pots.

A very beautiful, but very demanding variety of ficus to care for. The plant can reach a height of up to two meters, but it grows very slowly. Ficus branches well and has a lush and dense crown with white and white-green small leaf plates. With a lack of light, it loses its decorative effect and its foliage acquires a standard dark green hue.

The plant has long, wide, medium-sized leaf blades. They have a light green color with dark green, yellow, light green and gray stripes. The plant can reach a height of up to 2 meters. It grows 5–7 centimeters per year.

Ficus care at home

Only proper care of the plant will help ensure its healthy appearance and decorative qualities. This exotic representative of indoor plants is quite light-loving, so it should be provided a large number of light, which should not be direct, but diffuse.

If the gardener cannot place the plant on a windowsill on the south or east side, then he should place it in partial shade so that direct rays of the sun do not harm the flower. It should also be noted that ficus plants do not like drafts and strong temperature changes. During the growing season, the plant needs to be provided with a temperature of 20 to 24 degrees. In winter, it should not be below 15 degrees.

Crassula or Money Tree belongs to the Crassulaceae family. It can be grown with care at home without much hassle if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. All necessary recommendations You can find it in this article.

Watering ficus

For irrigation, filtered or settled water should be used. In summer, the plant should be watered once a week. Spraying should be carried out several times a month. With the onset of winter, watering should be carried out only when the top soil layer dries out.

To improve the color and shine of leaves, experienced gardeners advise wiping them with a solution of water and mayonnaise. To prepare it, take a glass of filtered water and 3 teaspoons of mayonnaise. Wiping the leaf plates with this composition should be done once every two months. It is only suitable for varieties with rich green leaf blades.

Soil for ficus

In order for the ficus to grow and develop normally, it is necessary to prepare a slightly acidic or neutral soil, which includes deciduous and turf soil, sand and humus. All ingredients must be used in equal proportions. You can add some compost flour to the soil.

If you cannot prepare the soil yourself, you can purchase it from flower shop, ordering a special soil for ficus from the seller.

Ficus pot

For ficus, you should choose a pot made of ceramic, clay or plastic. Large wooden pots are ideal for adult plants. Bonsais should be grown in small flat clay pots.

The container for growing the plant should be changed as it grows. The most an important condition The key to choosing a pot is to have drainage holes in it that will prevent water from stagnating in the soil.

Ficus transplant at home

An adult ficus must be replanted every three years to avoid compaction and souring of the soil mixture. Young trees require annual replanting, since during active growth young trees greatly deplete the soil and build up the root system, which needs extra space. The pot for replanting is selected depending on the size of the plant. The larger the ficus, the larger the pot you should choose.

When replanting a ficus, you need to pay attention to the drainage layer, which will prevent water from stagnating at the bottom of the pot. Expanded clay or small broken shards are used to form it.

Fertilizer for ficus

In summer, the plant must be fed three times a month, that is, once every ten days, with mineral or organic fertilizers designed specifically for ficus plants. These fertilizers should be applied alternately.

In winter, the plant should not be fed at all or light fertilizer should be used as tea leaves. For this purpose, you need to make a hole in a pot with a plant, put a few black tea leaves in it, after which they need to be sprinkled with earth. This feeding will be enough to provide adequate nutrition for the wintering period of the ficus.

Ficus flowering

Some varieties of ficus also bloom at home, but you should immediately warn that you won’t be able to see luxurious inflorescences like those on their wild counterparts. The flowers of the plant are called syconia, resembling small peas in a lemon, green or orange hue. There is a hole on top of the inflorescence, and there is emptiness inside the bud.

In nature, this hole is necessary for pollination by special insects, but since we do not have such insects, the inflorescences do not change either shape or color, gradually withering and crumbling.

However, it should be taken into account that syconia negatively affects the ficus, as they take a lot from it. vitality, therefore, if they suddenly appear, they should be cut off so that the plant does not die over time.

Ficus pruning

Ficus pruning is carried out only when the plant is in the vegetative period. Pruning can be done for the following purposes:

  • Sanitation - it is performed to remove diseased and damaged shoots.
  • Formations - carried out to form the crown.
  • Rejuvenation - performed for rejuvenation after the plant has suffered a stressful situation such as overdrying or hypothermia.
  • Tweezers - is based on pinching the tops for the growth of second-order branches.

Sanitation It is mainly carried out if the plant is sick and needs to remove diseased branches in order to protect the ficus from spreading infection to healthy branches. Can be done at any time. It is also necessary to remove old leaves that have lost their appearance, as they greatly spoil the decorative appearance of the plant.

Anti-aging pruning — it is considered to be cardinal. It is used for frostbite or drying out of the ficus by cutting the plant at the root, leaving only a small stump.

Thanks to this haircut, you can awaken dormant buds, which will give new shoots. You can grow a renewed plant either with one trunk or leave all the grown branches to create a lush bush.

Pincing - carried out only with young plants for the development of lateral branches. To obtain a fork, gardeners develop side branches. For this purpose, they cut off the top of the selected branch, having previously examined the stem.

This is necessary in order not to miss the growth of new branches under the cut, which is why it is important to track how the buds are located.

Ficus crown formation

The formation of the crown is carried out using formative pruning, which is performed during the growing season, that is, until mid-summer. The branches are cut with disinfected pruning shears. You can remove no more than ¼ branches at a time. However, this rule does not apply to anti-aging pruning.

The cuts are made horizontally above the bud so that the resulting tall stump does not spoil the decorative qualities. The milky juice is carefully wiped off the cut site and treated with ground charcoal to avoid infections.

In addition to pruning, gardeners also change the location of branches using spacers. Spacers are inserted between the trunk and side shoots or between two branches. The ends of the spacer are wrapped with cloth to prevent damage to the bark. When the branch takes the required position, the spacer should be removed.

An alternative to a spacer can be a thin wire with a rigid structure. They braid the necessary branches with it and bend them in the desired direction. When the branch takes the desired position, the wire should be removed so that it does not grow in.

Ficus trees with flexible branches lend themselves well to intertwining trunks. This procedure is necessary to give the plant a decorative appearance. To intertwine the stems, you should plant several young ficus plants in one pot close to each other and carefully intertwine them. As they grow they will form fancy patterns, which look simply extraordinary.

Ficus care in winter

In winter, the plant enters a dormant period, so it will require more careful care. Since during the cold season the plant may not have enough sun, additional lighting can be created using a phytolamp.

Watering should be reduced by about half, watering the ficus only when the top layer of soil dries out. There is no need to fertilize the ficus, but if the gardener so desires, tea leaves can be used instead of fertilizers, as described above.

Spraying can be replaced by wiping the leaves, which should be done twice a month. The temperature should also be reduced to 15 degrees, but care must be taken that it does not fall below this figure.

Ficus propagation by cuttings

The plant is propagated by cuttings, layering and seeds. Propagation by cuttings and seeds is most often used, so these two methods will be discussed below.

The most common method of propagation is cuttings. It is carried out as follows. In the spring, take young branches with leaves and cut them off under the lower node with an oblique cut. The lower leaf blades will be removed.

It is necessary to wash off the juice from the cutting site and place the cuttings in water or damp sand. Then the cuttings should be sprayed and covered with caps made of plastic bottles. After that planting material move to a shaded, warm place for rooting. From time to time, the caps need to be removed and the plants ventilated.

Once your ficus plants begin to grow, they can be transplanted into pots containing ficus soil for further growth, caring for them as you would regular plants.

Cuttings can be obtained not only from branches, but also from leaf plates, cutting them off along with the “heel”. To root the leaves, they should be rolled up and buried in damp sand, placing sticks nearby for support.

Then they are sprayed and put on caps made from plastic bottles. From time to time they should be removed for watering, ventilation and spraying. Once the cuttings have taken root, they can be transplanted into pots to continue growing as young plants.

Ficus from seeds at home

Seed propagation is carried out differently. To obtain young plants, the seeds should be placed in flat bowls and covered with a mixture of sand and deciduous turf. Then the crops need to be watered and covered with glass so that they constantly grow in a moist environment. The seedlings are ventilated twice a day for thirty minutes.

When the first leaves appear, the young plants are picked up and transplanted into pots with the same soil mixture, and when they grow enough, they are transferred to permanent pots, planted in the ground for ficus.

Ficus diseases

The plant is susceptible to fungal diseases, and it can also be attacked by some pests. Diseases affecting ficus are presented:

  • Leaf fungus - affects leaf blades and leads to the appearance of dark spots on them and death.
  • gray rot - looks like gray mold appearing on the trunk and leaves. If you shake the plant, a gray cloud will rise into the air. The disease occurs due to excessive watering and excess heat. To get rid of it, you should remove the affected leaves and branches, and also reduce watering to a minimum.
  • Sooty fungus - This disease is characterized by the appearance of a gray coating on the leaf blades. To remove it, you need to wipe them with a soapy sponge or, in case of severe damage, simply remove the leaves.
  • Root rot - with this disease, the ficus acquires grey colour and fades. In this case, the plant will not be able to be helped and will simply have to be thrown away.

Ficus pests

Thrips - thrips infestation leads to the appearance of brown spots on the leaves. To eliminate these pests, the ficus should be sprayed with the Actellik insecticide.

Shchitovka - when a ficus is infected with scale insects, brown spots appear on the leaf blades. They also become sticky. Wiping will help get rid of the pest soap solution and treatment with the Aktara insecticide.

Mealybug — leaf plates, when attacked by a mealybug, are covered with small pseudo cocoons, similar to cotton balls, and it is in them that the pests live. Spraying with Aktara will help destroy them.

Spider mite - this pest feeds on the sap of the plant, leading to the appearance of gray spots on the leaf blades. To destroy it, the ficus should be sprayed with garlic solution.

Improper care and ficus problems

In addition to diseases and pests, the plant can suffer from improper care.

If the ficus leaves began to curl up, dry out and fall off , then this indicates that it lacks moisture, which means the plant needs to be watered more abundantly.

The appearance of brown spots on ficus may indicate hypothermia; if its signs appear, then the plant needs to be moved to a warmer place and given careful restorative care.

Ficus withers , this can occur from a lack of moisture, fertilizer, and also as a result of rotting of the root system. In the first two cases, the plant can be helped by changing the rules for caring for it, but in the latter, most often not, since the affected root system of ficus is very difficult to treat.

If ficus doesn't grow , then most likely the grower is not caring for it correctly. By changing the watering, temperature regime By choosing the right soil and pot, you can restore the plant to its former beauty and power.

Ficus signs and superstitions

IN magical properties plants are believed by many gardeners. However, ficus can not only have a positive impact on the life of its owner, but also, as some believe, harm him under certain circumstances.

The benefits of ficus in the apartment

Abroad, ficus is considered a flower that strengthens family well-being, protects against divorce and creates harmony in the family. In Thailand, it is found in almost every home, as there it is considered a sacred flower that brings good luck. The Chinese believe that ficus gives comfort and tranquility, solves financial problems and makes wishes come true.

It is planted in offices to improve the microclimate in the team and the performance of company personnel. In addition, the plant is a natural filter that cleanses the air well from compounds harmful to health.

Ficus growing in the kitchen can reduce your appetite and lose weight. A pot of ficus in the bedroom helps childless couples to conceive children faster. It is useful to grow ficus for people prone to depression and stress, since the plant is able to absorb negativity, turning it into creative energy, giving peace, well-being and a positive attitude.

Ficus is harmful to humans

The only disadvantage of this plant is that it supposedly does not allow single women and men to create a family, and also attracts envy and gossip towards its owner. In practice, the effect is the opposite.

It does not affect the finding of the other half, and especially does not attract negativity into life. Therefore, you can safely replenish your flower kingdom with another exotic representative of the flora, the beauty and decorativeness of which is impossible to resist.

Ficus in a dream

Why do you dream about ficus? This question is asked by those people who have seen this magnificent plant in a dream. In general, it promises peace and well-being.

  • Ficus in a dream growing in a pot portends changes in life for the better.
  • Receive a plant as a gift for a quick home renovation.
  • If you dream that a plant is losing leaves , this is an omen of mental anxieties and the approach of a dark streak in life.
  • And planting ficus in the ground , on the contrary, portends a change in life for the better, an improvement in financial situation and perhaps even new love.

Regardless of signs and superstitions, dreams and magical properties of the plant, you should definitely have it in your apartment, not only because it brings good luck and cleanses the air of harmful radicals, but also because it is decorative, beautiful and easy to care for , something that many domestic crops do not have. Therefore, if you want to get unusual plant, which does not require spending a lot of time to care for - ficus is an ideal option for you.