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How to quickly learn how to plaster walls at home in a new building or an old house: options for rough and high-quality plaster with your own hands. Decorative plaster

The surface must first be cleaned of dirt, dust, old wallpaper, oil stains and other deposits that can affect the adhesion (adhesion) between the plaster and the treated area.
  • The wallpaper is abundantly moistened with a wide paint brush and peeled off with a spatula.
  • Remove old paint with a scraper or burn it out using blowtorch. A steel brush and abrasive paper can also be used to clean the base.
  • Heavily soiled areas are washed using an alkaline detergent. Then the surface is washed cold water.
  • Grease stains are treated with a solvent or removed mechanically.
  • Metal parts are cleaned of rust and treated with special compounds to protect against corrosion.
  • The beads are cut down using a chisel or a double-pointed hammer.
  • On final stage the surface is either dusted with compressed air or treated sandpaper and then wipe with a rag.

Before you start plastering, make sure that the surface is sufficiently smooth, stable (does not crumble if scraped with a sharp object) and does not wobble anywhere. Examine the base, make sure there are no chips or cracks on it, tap the surface with a mallet. Seal the seams so that they do not stand out, then clean the sealed areas, smooth them with finishing putty and treat them with an alkaline solution.


Before plastering, the surface must be primed. Applying a primer improves the adhesion of the coating to the base, promotes uniform distribution of the solution, ensures high-quality dust removal, and helps prevent the development of fungus and mold.

The primer is applied to the surface with a roller or brush in 1-2 layers. When treating intensely absorbent surfaces (foam concrete, aerated concrete, gas silicate), the number of layers should be increased.

Reinforcing mesh and shingles

The plaster mesh ensures retention of the coating on the wall, increases its mechanical strength, and prevents the formation of cracks. Its use is especially important when plastering ceilings, block and brick walls, as well as when the plaster layer is thick.

When the thickness of the plaster layer is less than 3 cm, a mesh of synthetic or glass fibers is used, which is aimed at the base using a construction stapler. If the thickness of the plaster layer exceeds 3 cm, it is recommended to install a metal mesh with an anti-corrosion coating, fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws.

The shingles are used for plastering wooden walls. It consists of narrow thin strips made of wood coniferous species, which are stuffed crosswise onto the base at an angle of 45 degrees so that they form cells of the same size (40*40 cm for the ceiling and 45*45 cm for the walls). To increase the strength of the plaster layer, insulate and improve sound insulation, fibreboards, matting, felt and other materials are placed under the shingles.

Alignment by beacons

Beacon plaster allows you to create a smooth and even surface that looks like a solid slab. Strips of hardened plaster applied to the wall can be used as beacons, aluminum structures, thin wooden blocks and even drywall scraps. The simplest and convenient option– use of metal (aluminum) beacons.

Beacon installation technology

Drill a hole in the corner of the wall, 10 cm away from the other wall and from the ceiling. Insert a self-tapping screw into the hole. Using a plumb line, draw a vertical line from this point. Repeat the operation, stepping back from the first line (the distance between the lines should be 20-30 cm less than the length of the rule). Mark the entire wall this way.

Throw plaster along the outermost marking line. Attach the beacon to the plaster, level its position using a level, make sure that it is level vertically and horizontally. Repeat the operation, installing the outermost beacon on the other side.

At the top and bottom of the wall, stretch the cords between the beacons, placing them horizontally parallel to each other.

Throw plaster at the locations of the intermediate beacons. Install the beacons and align their position with the cords.

At the end plastering works(after the solution has completely dried), the beacons can be removed, and the remaining holes can be sealed with plaster mortar. Some craftsmen prefer to leave beacons in the wall.

To work you will need a falcon, a spatula or trowel, a grater, a grater and a rule.

Choose a composition taking into account the characteristics of the surface. For curved walls with broken geometry, coarse-grained plaster is suitable, allowing you to smooth out unevenness and large defects.

A reinforcing mesh is pre-pasted on a block or brick base to prevent cracking of the plaster. The thickness of the plaster must be at least 5 mm, otherwise the masonry seams will be visible through it.

A smooth concrete wall can be plastered in one layer using fine-grained (finish) plaster. Layer thickness is about 5 mm. For better adhesion, the surface is pre-primed with concrete contact.

In order for the coating to be of high quality and durable, several rules must be observed:

  • Plastering must be performed at temperatures from +5 to +30 ºС. In the cold season like this temperature regime indoors should be installed in advance (so that the base has time to warm up) and stored for 3 days after plastering. Relative humidity air should be no more than 60%. Study the information on the package of the mixture in advance - some formulations may require special conditions.
  • Perform work from top to bottom. Start with the ceiling and then move to the walls.
  • Clean and rinse tools thoroughly after each stage of work.
  • Apply the next layer of plaster only after the previous one has completely dried.


This layer of plaster ensures adhesion of the coating to the wall. To create it, a not too thick solution is used, resembling sour cream in consistency. The thickness of the layer is about 0.5 cm.

Scoop out the solution and place it on the center of the falcon. Do not take too much material so that it does not fall off the surface of the tool. Bring the falcon to the base, tilting it slightly towards the wall. Take a small amount of mortar with a trowel and throw it on the surface, making a sharp movement away from you.

Cover the base with the solution gradually, in strips, moving from bottom to top. Try to throw the material from the same distance all the time. When finished, remove protruding areas if necessary. There is no need to level the coating.

Wait until the plaster layer hardens. After making sure that the material does not crumble and does not burst when pressed, proceed to the next step.


This layer makes it possible to align walls with broken geometry, ensures the strength of the coating and gives it heat-shielding properties. To create it, use a thicker solution. The layer thickness should not exceed 1.5-2 cm, otherwise the material will begin to slide. If it is necessary to create a soil of great thickness, the solution should be applied in several layers.

Apply the solution to the base between the two beacons. Set the rule on the protruding parts of the lighthouses, and then move it with a sharp movement from top to bottom. Repeat the operation until formation flat surface, located flush with the edges of the lighthouses. Do not try to eliminate small holes and minor roughness - their leveling will be done in the next step.

Level each layer of soil. Particular care should be taken when leveling the top layer. Allow the soil to harden.


Covering is upper layer plaster, which will subsequently be rubbed down to create a flat and smooth surface. To create it, a liquid solution with a creamy consistency is used. The layer thickness should not exceed 2 mm.

Before preparing the solution, sift the components of the mixture through a sieve with cells no larger than 1.5 mm.

Moisten the soil with water using paint brush. Apply the solution with a trowel, and then smooth the surface with a trowel, making circular or wave-like movements.

Grouting (grouting)

This operation is performed immediately after the end of the previous stage, when the solution is still processable, but no longer sticks to the grater. Mashing can be done in a circular or accelerating manner.

When grouting in a circular manner, use a float to make circular movements counterclockwise, pressing the tool tightly against the surface.

Competitive grouting allows you to create a more even and smooth coating. It is usually performed after grouting in a circular manner, pressing the float to the surface and making straight, sharp strokes.

If some areas of the coating have already hardened and are difficult to machine, they should be moistened with water using a paint brush.

To make the surface even smoother, it can finally be treated with a float, upholstered soft cloth(felt or felt).

You're probably already at own experience We have been convinced, more than once, that almost any construction and repair work is quite easy to do on your own. Decorating a room, in particular decorating walls with decorative plaster, is no exception. The technique of such work is now very common, and therefore accessible to everyone.

Preparing a solution for decorative plaster no longer requires either skill or time from you: the modern market offers a huge range of ready-to-use mixtures. Therefore, in today’s article we will discuss the types and methods of application.

In addition, it is very important to properly prepare surfaces for application and stock up on time. necessary materials and tools.

The first step to work: select the necessary materials and prepare the surface

The main thing to consider is that the surface you will be on must be absolutely flat. Any defects and deformations are excluded, so first assess the condition of the structure and, if necessary, restore them. Clean the wall from dirt, dust, greasy stains, and make sure it is dry.

IN preparatory work A primer will help you. Apply it before starting plastering, and thus protect the decorative layer from the effects of temperature changes and moisture.

Please note: to prime the wall for decorative plaster, use a special compound. It will serve as a layer between the coating and the base, providing additional protection from deforming stresses.

Plaster happens different types, and the types of primer for it are also different. If the base is weak and prone to crumbling, treat it with strengthening compounds. Gypsum plaster or needs to be treated with deep penetration primer.

Now let’s decide on the tools needed for the job. You will need:

  • spatula, preferably size 80;
  • paint tray - cuvette;
  • two-inch brush;
  • malkovy size 40 X 140;
  • thread roller size 150;
  • 2 sponges, bath or coral, rags.

Remember that to carry out work on priming and applying plaster, you need to ensure a room temperature of +5 to +30 degrees and minimal humidity.

Technology of applying decorative plaster

Now that the surface is prepared, we proceed to the actual application of the material. There are several application methods, and they depend on the types of plaster and its consistency. Therefore, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • liquid plaster is not very convenient to work with, since it is completely ready for use and cannot be diluted;
  • if the plaster has a large filler, for example, crumbs, then it can only be applied by hand;
  • multi-fraction crumbs in the composition further complicate manual application;
  • plaster mixtures that dissolve with water have less toxicity, but are more susceptible to external influences.

There are a few more important points that should be remembered. These include the following:

    1. On porous concrete or plaster, the applied decorative composition will dry much faster than on oil paint, plastic or polyurethane foam;
    2. Decorative coating on water based may deform the surface of wood, plywood, chipboard and OSB during operation;
    3. To cover the base surface with defects, more plaster will be needed, since the layer must be thicker than usual;
    4. If you are applying a water-based coating to ferrous metal, be aware that rust marks may appear after curing.

Almost all types of decorative art plasters take the same amount of time to harden. Setting occurs in 3-5 hours, drying in 1.5 days, final hardening of the layer in about 9 days.

Let's start applying the plaster. First, cover all adjacent surfaces with masking tape: baseboards, wallpaper, paint. Decorative plaster should be applied from one corner towards the other. If the wall surface has significant deviations, then you will need to make plaster along the beacons.

How to apply decorative plaster: sequence of actions

To make it easier to understand the process and implement it, we will divide the work performed into several stages and consider each of them in detail.

1. Primer of the surface ensures the reliability of all subsequent coatings, so it is mandatory. Apply the primer mixture using a brush (make sure the hairs are strong enough), and as carefully as possible. Fingerprints should not be allowed on the surface of the wall, otherwise they will be visible. After the primer has dried (at least 24 hours), proceed to the next step.

2. Now the main layer is applied, this is when the texture of the pattern will be formed. The solution is applied to the wall with a polished metal trowel, paying attention to the fact that the layer should be thin. To achieve a structural abstract drawing, apply strokes in different directions so that each new one overlaps the previous one.

It is important to know! Be sure to keep the tools you use clean. To prevent the working composition from hardening before you start applying it to the wall, stir it in small portions.

3. After the base has completely hardened, proceed to applying the finishing layer, or ironing. This will give the resulting pattern richness and depth. Apply the working composition in small strokes to a limited area. Once the plaster has set, place the trowel flat against the base of the wall and buff the surface with force until it has a glossy sheen. Its quality will depend on the type of solution. Treat the entire surface of the wall in this manner.

4. After 24 hours your wall is completely finished. If desired, you can add the finishing touch: rub the surface wax composition, which can not only give additional gloss, but also improve the quality characteristics of the texture. The wax is applied to the wall with a trowel, in a thin layer, with light movements.

Now the walls of your apartment are covered with an original pattern, and it is especially pleasing that you are the author of this magnificent work.

Various plaster application technologies

There are several various types decorative plaster, and the technology of their application, as well as tools, allow you to achieve different textures. For this, a brush, a relief roller, a spatula, a trowel or a spatula will be useful. Limestone and will allow you to achieve a wide variety of fancy textures.

Several more ways to apply decorative plaster

There are several more fairly simple ways to turn a layer of plaster into an original textured coating. For example, apply a solution with the consistency of sour cream to the primer, level it and apply it with a regular sponge at certain intervals. Wet the sponge in soapy water - this will prevent it from sticking to the surface.

Give terrazite plaster the texture of strokes. It must be done using a fine-grained, set mortar. A simple comb will help you with this, with which you will make notches. Treatment can begin 1-5 hours after applying a layer of plaster.

You will achieve the effect of a split stone by driving a tongue into an already hardened one. The recesses at the chipped areas will give the necessary graininess to the surface.

Another way to perform plaster is spraying. In this case, the composition is applied to geometrically complex surfaces, slopes and decoration elements. This method allows you to increase the aesthetic effect using plasters of different fractions. For example, the composition thickness of 3 mm is taken as the basis, and for slopes and additional elements– 1 mm. To do this, you will need to stock up on a special spraying apparatus.

The spraying process on each wall is carried out continuously, from top to bottom, covering the previous one with a new layer. If you need to stop working for a while, apply masking tape along the end line of the layer. The adhesive tape is removed only after the plaster has been applied and its structure has been formed.

Where else can you use decorative plaster?

Did you know that if you approach the process, decorative plaster will help transform your home? In this part of the article, you will read recommendations and see photos of finishing furniture and interior items with decorative plaster. Using imitation wood carving, you can radically change the look of, for example, an old shoe cabinet.

Here's what you'll need for this:

  • plastic napkin 1.5 mm thick;
  • rubber spatula, medium size;
  • decorative plaster (domestic plaster will cost less, but the quality is in no way inferior to imported);
  • acrylic paint;
  • double sided tape.

First of all, you will need to prepare a stencil. To do this on back side napkins and cut along the contour with nail scissors, a blade or a knife.

Important to remember! A stencil design is not just a pattern, it has a certain specificity. Do not forget to leave jumpers, otherwise the pattern on the napkin will crumble into fragments.

Prepare the surface of the cabinet: degrease it and sand it down. Attach the stencil with double-sided tape and carefully apply the plaster with a spatula. Before the mixture sets, remove the stencil. Don’t worry about “tails” remaining on the plaster: they will be removed later.

After the mixture has completely dried, sand it, but not too thoroughly: slight unevenness better imitates carving. Wipe the surface with a clean cloth and paint it to match the color of the wood. You can apply grooves on wet plaster, or when painting - lines characteristic of oak bark, in a darker color.

Upon completion of these works, the product can be polished with a piece of woolen cloth.

We told you about the most simple ways applying decorative plaster. We hope that our master class will help you in your work, and in your comments you will tell about your practical experience. We look forward to your questions and suggestions, and will be happy to discuss your options for using decorative plaster. Easy work and good luck in your creativity!

Decorative plaster compositions are the most popular material for unusual finishing walls They allow you to truly create original interiors. The cost of such plasters is quite high. But we can easily save our repair budget if we apply them ourselves. It is not so difficult.

The main thing about decorative mixtures - what do you need to know?

Decorative plaster(DS) is a composition for finishing wall surfaces, consisting of a binder and special fillers. The first can be mineral (lime or cement) and synthetic (various resins - acrylic, polyvinyl acetate and others) components. The function of fillers is usually performed by marble or granite chips, quartz, white sand, as well as combinations of these materials. DSh with a mineral binder and coarse-grained additives are recommended for treating walls outside. But compositions based on a synthetic base and fine fillers are more suitable for interior finishing activities.

The described decorative compositions also contain pigment. It gives the mixture the required color. The pigment can also be synthetic and mineral (natural). Natural additives - indigo, ocher, cochineal, yellow lead, azurite, ground malachite, vivianite, charcoal and others, are prone to rapid burnout of the flame. In addition, compositions with natural pigments are expensive. For this reason, plasters with synthetic coloring additives have become more widespread.

The texture of the described coating is formed using all kinds of granules, fibers, flakes, and small gold balls. The most popular types of diaphragm among home craftsmen are considered to be:

  • Venetian compositions;
  • flock mixtures (silk effect coating);
  • bark beetle (walls after applying plaster become like tree bark);
  • coatings with rain and rock textures;
  • compositions with marble chips;
  • textured compositions to imitate stone.

DS is available in the form of dry mixtures (they are diluted with water before use) or ready-to-use without any additional steps. The effect of using both types of plaster is the same. At the same time, ready-to-use compositions are more convenient for home craftsmen who decide to decorate the walls with their own hands.

Rules for treating walls with plaster - we prepare thoroughly

Before using DS for its intended purpose, you need to understand the peculiarities of working with such compositions. First of all, let's find out what tools we need. Everything is simple here. We buy a scraper, a trowel, a drill with a mixing attachment, a grater, brushes, trays, rollers, combs, and spatulas of different sizes. You may also need other tools used for finishing work.

Then we begin preparing the walls for plastering. Their surfaces must be absolutely clean, dust-free and dry. If the walls are riddled with cracks, you will have to repair all existing defects. If necessary, knock down the protrusions on the surface to be decorated and fill suitable composition depressions. After that, we prime the cleaned base. This operation will protect the coating from moisture, deforming stresses, temperature changes, and strengthen the load-bearing layer.

We choose a primer taking into account what kind of decorative composition we use. Carefully read the instructions for the plaster! It indicates the recommended type of soil. A few more important points. The primer layer should have a thickness of no more than 20 mm. It should be very well compacted. If this is not done, the uniformity of the texture of the applied LH will be violated. In some cases, the layer of soil must be kept on the wall for several days, periodically spraying it with water.

If the plaster will be applied to drywall, wood, plywood sheets, wood boards (chipboard, OSB), they must be treated with deep penetration primers. Such bases are prone to deformation when decorative mixtures are applied to them. Also note that most modern DLs set within a few hours. However, they take 24-36 hours to dry. A complete hardening of the decorative composition is observed after 7-8 days.

How can a decorative composition be applied?

There are several options for processing the walls of the LH. The most popular ways of applying the composition are given below:

  • spray technique;
  • spraying;
  • pulling (creating a relief with a trowel).

The easiest way for craftsmen to create the required coating is by spraying. This technology is simple and clear. Let's take it suitable tool(for example, a brush or even a regular broom) in one hand. We dip it in the decorative composition. We take a stick in the second hand. We bring a broom (brush) to the surface to be treated. We hit the instrument with a stick. As a result of the impact, splashes of the decorative mixture fly onto the wall. We get a coating with sprinkles and flakes different sizes. We are waiting for this layer to dry. Then we repeat the procedure described above. We apply as many layers as we need, smoothing each of them with a roller or other device.

A variation of the classic spraying technique is the so-called Italian plastering. The procedure for performing the work will be similar to that described above. But when decorating in Italian, we don’t need to wait for the previous layers to dry. The next portion of the solution is applied to a damp surface. Note! This method of decoration involves applying layers different shades. That is, if we first use blue plaster, a mixture of a different color is applied on top of it. The result is original decor, capable of becoming a decoration for any home.

Spray technology – fast and effective method finishing the walls with a decorative mixture. But to sell it you need to rent or purchase special installation. DSh is poured into such equipment, and it applies plaster to the surface.

Spraying is carried out continuously. Work always starts from the top of the wall.

The spraying technique is indispensable when we use DP of different fractions and want to achieve a unique aesthetic effect. With its help, you can finish the walls in one tone, and the slopes on the windows and other architectural details in another. Nuance. Apply the composition to the main surfaces in a layer of about 3 mm, to the auxiliary surfaces - no more than 1 mm in thickness.

Plaster mortar is often applied by stretching. This is an easy way to decorate walls. It is performed using a steel grater or a regular trowel. Finishing is done strictly from bottom to top. We hold the tool in relation to the surface being processed at a 60-degree angle. After applying the composition, we form the required pattern and texture using a plastic grater.

In the next section we will look at common techniques for treating walls with decorative mixtures. With their help, we can easily make the interior of our home individual and very attractive.

Rocks and rain on the walls of the home - we’ll do it ourselves

Now let's see what techniques are used to create decorative relief surfaces using DS. There are many of them. A common option is to form the texture of the rock. This technique is ideal for beginners. The procedure is as follows:

  1. 1. We prepare the wall according to the algorithm already known to us.
  2. 2. Treat the surface with a decorative composition. Apply it in a layer of up to 3 mm using a trowel.
  3. 3. Distribute the broadband along the wall (as evenly as possible). We create the pattern we need using the same smoothing iron.

Movements with the tool can be very different - horizontal, crosswise, herringbone, vertical, and so on. We ourselves choose the appropriate relief and shape it. In the event that the planned drawing does not work out, we quickly smooth out our artwork and try to create the original rock again. Note! The smoother should be washed after processing each individual area. Otherwise, it will simply stick to the plaster.

It is a little more difficult to apply DS with rain. But this technique guarantees a more effective drawing. The technology for creating rain is as follows. We mark the walls. We draw lines on them at a certain slope. They must have the same angle of inclination. And we take the distance between them within the size of three smoothers. Apply masking tape to the lines. We begin to apply the plaster from the upper corner of the surface to be decorated in inclined strips. We fill the space limited by two masking tapes. The working tool needs to be pressed slightly against the wall.

As a result, we will get a decor that looks like a hedgehog. But we want rain. Everything here is elementary. We wash the instrument. Apply it to the plastered surface and smooth the mixture in one direction. Then, by analogy, we cover the remaining strips with the solution. When the wall has dried, we remove the remaining minor defects and irregularities from the wall using sandpaper or an abrasive mesh. Upon completion of the work, we admire the rain that decorated our room.

5 other techniques for creating relief images

Application of decorative plaster of different types can be carried out using other methods. Let us briefly describe the most common types of wall treatment with the compounds in question:

  1. 1. Boulders. To create such a picture, we need to apply DF to the primed surface with a trowel. And then trim it with a brush. We hold the latter in relation to the wall at an angle of 90°. If you want to get sharply defined boulders, use a hard brush. A tool with soft bristles allows you to create blurrier designs.
  2. 2. Wave. We make cuts on the wall and spray it with water. Apply the plaster in zigzag stripes. Then we smooth out the resulting waves with a spatula or grater. This technique is often used when using Venetian plaster.
  3. 3. Travertine. We collect portions of the finishing mixture tinted in a certain color onto a spatula. We throw them on the wall. After this, smooth the surface.
  4. 4. Broken stones. We treat the walls with plaster. We are waiting for it to harden. We drive the tongues into the coating, breaking off small pieces of it. We get stones with crevices.
  5. 5. Furrows. The technique involves the use of fry with semicircular teeth. The distance between the latter should be 1.5 cm. Be sure to sharpen the teeth before applying the DS. Apply the plaster composition to the wall. We smooth it out right away. We apply the rule to the mixture and at an angle of 45° the grinder (sharpened part). We create furrows. The type of the latter will depend on what kind of fry (with what shape of cloves we use).

You can try more complex methods of applying DS. For example, shading-combing.

This technique is performed only on a fresh coating, which is processed with a metal brush. After using it, wait a day and remove loose pieces of plaster from the wall. Remove excess parts with a rag, spatula or ordinary sponge.

Apply the decorative mixture with a roller - features of the operation

Wall finishing can be done with paint roller. Although this tool is used for decoration quite rarely. It is not used when working with Venetian plaster. But for other decorative compositions (structural, textured) it is quite suitable. The finishing algorithm using a roller is as follows:

  1. 1. We repair and clean the walls. We prime them twice.
  2. 2. Prepare the solution. Pour it into a wide container.
  3. 3. Dip the roller into a bath of solution.
  4. 4. Using sliding, smooth movements, apply the composition to the wall. Be sure to leave small indentations from the ceiling, adjacent walls and floor.

We apply the plaster in strips at a time. The movement of the roller is from top to bottom. If the paint does not adhere well to the surface to be finished, moisten the painting tool with water. By pressing the roller with different forces, we obtain one or another coating structure. Its final appearance, in addition, depends on the speed of movement of the tool along the surface.

Choose suitable way and the technique of applying decorative compositions and feel free to get to work. You will succeed!

Applying plaster to the wall is the most important part of the renovation. Properly plastered walls will have a high degree of sound insulation, insulate the room, and level the surface. It is customary to distinguish between 3 main types of plaster for walls. It is decorative, special and ordinary plaster. They all have their own characteristics.

Properly plastered walls will have good sound insulation.

Preparation for work

But whatever plaster you use, you need to stick to important rules, which will help make the process as easy and high-quality as possible. To do this, you need to immediately stock up on the necessary materials, tools and prepare the wall properly. To work you will need:

  • primer;
  • putty;
  • spatula and large brush;
  • plaster mixture;
  • lighthouses;
  • building level;
  • rule;
  • pencil for marking;
  • small ladle;
  • Master OK;
  • grout board;
  • clean cold water.

Particular attention is paid to the choice of mortar for plastering. If you are finishing the walls indoors, it is best to use a gypsum mixture or lime-sand mortar. Cement-sand mortar used both for finishing indoors and outside the house. However, it is still preferable to use it for exterior finishing. But it is advisable to use special magnesium mixtures when finishing hospital premises and chemical laboratories, where the walls may be exposed to various types of radiation.

Before plastering, the wall must be prepared. To do this, the surface is covered with a primer, and then all visible cracks are covered with putty. After it dries, the wall is primed again, and then you can start plastering.

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Plastering a wall in several stages

Before applying plaster to the surface, you need to install beacons. They are special metal strips that can adjust the thickness of the plaster layer, thereby almost perfectly leveling the wall.

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Installation of orientation beacons

The leveling of the plaster layer is carried out according to the rule.

First you need to mark. Measure all visible irregularities with a building level to roughly guide the degree of deviation. After this, take a long rule and, applying it to the wall, draw a horizontal line with a pencil where the defects are most significant and visible. There may be several such places on the wall, which should not be alarmed.

The ideal option is to use special laser devices, which optically make a perfectly straight line. But using a rule is a cheaper option. Remember that the distance between individual beacon profiles should be approximately 35 cm less than the length of the rule. This will make it possible to optimally adjust the lines.

This was the process of installing horizontal beacons. But they also need to be positioned vertically, for which a special cord will come to the rescue. To do this, holes are drilled at the top of the wall every meter into which dowels are driven in, and small screws are driven into them. In this case, the screws need to be deepened into the dowels only slightly.

Now a thread with a small weight clings to each such screw. The length of the thread should be equal to the approximate height of the wall. After this, stand on the side and look where the most convex place is located along the level of the thread. Now you need to screw the screw into the wall so that the bulge and the thread are as close to each other as possible. Do the same manipulations with other beacons. This will give you guidelines that will help you align the wall optimally. In this case, you can even secure the thread at the bottom of the wall in the same way so that it does not twitch.

Before plastering the walls, you need to install beacons.

So, the preparation of the wall for the process of applying plaster is completed. Now you need to dilute the solution, which is best done by strictly following the instructions on the packaging of the dry mixture to get the highest quality consistency. When the solution is ready, you can begin the actual plastering.

First you need to attach horizontal beacon strips to the wall surface. To do this, a solution is used, on which they are planted. In this case, special attention is paid to the convex parts where the solution should be minimal amount, but he must hold on tighter than anything else. After work, you need to wait about 6-7 hours until the beacons are fixed.

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Spraying and applying a primer coat

As a rule, professional application of plaster is carried out in several layers. But if you are doing this for the first time, then you should use this method, since in any case it will be better than all others and will provide a good, durable coating.

Apply only 3 layers of plaster mixture.

These are spray, prime and topcoat. Each of these layers has its own application characteristics, which are important to consider when working. Otherwise good quality you won't achieve it.

First, the surface is sprayed. As a rule, for this purpose it is necessary to use a small ladle and a plaster mixture, which in its consistency resembles thick sour cream. The solution is filled into a ladle and thrown directly onto the wall. At the same time, try to ensure that the thickness of such “spraying” does not exceed about 8.5 mm for a wooden surface, and for a brick, cinder block or concrete wall- about 5 mm. At the same time, make sure that the solution under no circumstances goes beyond the limits of the beacons, both horizontal and vertical.

To ensure better quality of work with the first layer, experts recommend adding a little alabaster or gypsum to the solution. This will increase the degree of adhesion to the initial base surface and to subsequent layers of plaster.

So, work with the first layer of plaster can be considered complete. Now we move on to the next layer - the primer. It is basic in its functionality, so when working with it it is very important to ensure maximum filling of all cracks and holes. This layer is best applied by regular spreading using a trowel. But if the thickness of the layer in some places on the wall exceeds 1.5 cm, then it is better to apply it in several stages, while waiting until the previous layer has completely dried. Otherwise, the plaster simply will not stick to the wall. Don't forget to keep an eye out for beacons

Plastering walls is one of the stages of renovation of premises. Application of the mixture may be necessary in a new building with bare supporting structures or in older houses with uneven or dilapidated walls.

Non-professionals often have questions about which mixture to choose and how to apply it correctly; for this you need to know the characteristics of different types of materials and their scope of application. If a beginner takes on the job, then you should start with the basics, with what plaster is, what compositions there are, whether you can apply them yourself or entrust the work to professionals.

When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account a number of features: the properties of the mixture itself, the characteristics of the base, and the method of application. The combination of these factors depends appearance, service life and alignment quality.

Plastering walls poses a big task - to level out the unevenness of the base wall by applying a concrete or gypsum mixture. And sometimes give the surface decorative look. Depending on the composition and size of the differences, different ways.

The main principle of choosing plaster is its purpose. It is necessary to consider where the work will take place: indoors or on the facade. What properties should the mixture have, and what is the base for finishing made of.

All plasters are divided into three large groups:

  1. simple (for leveling the surface);
  2. special (compositions with additives to improve individual characteristics);
  3. decorative (finishing coatings that do not require additional processing).

Interior plastering of house walls requires that the composition be safe and smooth out perfectly. For outdoor work, a mixture that is resistant to adverse environmental factors is required.


Dry mix of cement and sand. The ratio of components in the composition is on average 1 to 2-5, respectively. Before application, mix with water to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Cement plasters are used for internal works and external. To improve plasticity and adhesion, plasticizers and PVA glue are added to the composition. When working in rooms with high humidity and outdoors, add slaked lime to the solution.

Apply 3-5 layers. The maximum thickness of one is no more than 20 mm, optimally 10 mm. The total thickness of the coating can reach 100 mm, but reinforcement will be required.

The task of this composition is to level out unevenness for further finishing. Suitable for brick, concrete and wooden bases. Before application, prime the surface, then plaster the walls in three stages (spray, primer, cover).

It is applied manually and by machine, leveled with spatulas and a rule.


The mixture is based on gypsum powder, fine filler and polymer additives. It does not tolerate moisture and temperature changes well, so it is used only for interior work. Sold as a dry mixture for preparing a solution with water.

The maximum layer thickness without reinforcement is 5 cm. Can be applied to any substrate. Suitable for creating a smooth surface for painting or wallpaper. It dries in just a few hours; the finished solution must be used within 40 minutes.

The technology for plastering walls with gypsum composition differs from cement. The mixture is applied in one layer, leveled with a rule, minor irregularities are corrected with a spatula.


Mixtures of decorative plaster perform two functions at once: they hide minor defects and give an aesthetic appearance. No additional finishing is needed. Pigments and insoluble granules from stone, sand, and plastic are added to such compositions.

Depending on what mixture and technique of plastering the walls is chosen, a different pattern, relief, pattern or texture is obtained.

Produced on acrylic, silicone, silicate and mineral bases. If you follow all the rules for plastering walls, it adheres well to any substrate. There are compositions for external and internal work.


Silicone-based compounds are used for external and interior plaster walls The mixture remains flexible even after drying, thanks to which the surface is not afraid of sudden temperature changes and mechanical damage. It tolerates moisture well, so it is suitable for finishing bathrooms and kitchens.

The finished surface can have a “Bark beetle”, “Lamb” relief or imitate marble (Venetian). It all depends on how to plaster the walls, what tools to use and what size and shape of the solid particles in the composition.


Sgraffito is not a separate type of plaster, but a method of applying it. Using this technique, you can create carved color designs. As a result, the plastered walls look like real paintings.

To create a beautiful effect, pigments are added to compositions based on different bases and the plaster is applied in several layers that differ in shade. Further, patterns, ornament, figures are cut out on the dried finish.

Decorating walls with sgraffito plaster requires skills and experience. A person who knows how to draw and work with a mixture will cope with such a task.


These mixtures imitate a smooth or embossed marble surface. It contains a polymer binder or lime, pigments and mineral dust. Since it is necessary to apply plaster in 5-6 layers, the work takes a lot of time. To obtain a marble pattern, the mixture is applied unevenly, gradually creating a play of shades.

Depending on how the plaster is applied to the wall, the intensity and depth of color, contrasts and texture of natural stone vary.


Textured plaster creates an imitation of stone, wood and leather. It can contain any binder and solid fillers of various fractions and shapes. The larger they are, the more pronounced and relief the pattern will be.

This plaster is used for interior and exterior finish walls For the former, the fillers are thinner, so the texture is elegant; for the latter, the fillers are large, creating a rough relief.

The best way to plaster walls

Which plaster is better for leveling walls depends on a number of factors: the size of the differences base surface, moisture resistance, type finishing coating, operating conditions.

Criterion Cement Gypsum Decorative
Amount of irregularities Up to 100 mm Up to 50 mm 8 to 17 mm
Moisture resistance Yes No Yes
Finish coating Suitable for tiles, wallpaper and painting (subject to puttying) For wallpaper and painting (no puttying required) No additional finishing needed
Operating conditions (temperature, humidity) from -50 to +80 degrees, at any humidity From +5 to +30 degrees Celsius, only for dry, heated rooms From -50 to +75 degrees, tolerates humid environments well
Recommended application Facade of the building, rooms with high humidity (kitchen, bathroom, industrial buildings) Bedroom, children's room, corridor Depending on the type of binder, you can choose a composition for external and internal work

Important! Plastering walls in an apartment requires a mixture environmental safety, therefore, it is prohibited to use the composition for outdoor work indoors.

Applying plaster to a wall can be done different instruments: wide and narrow spatulas, special machine. For decorative compositions, rollers with embossed attachments, a trowel, an applicator, and brushes are used.

Ways to level walls

It is already clear which plaster is best to choose for leveling the walls; all that remains is to determine the method of applying it to the surface.

Plaster can be applied to walls in two main ways: without beacons (by eye) and using beacons. The first method involves applying and leveling the mixture with spatulas, a rule or a trowel; it is suitable if the surface has slight differences of up to 2-3 cm. The second method is more reliable and accurate. For it, a plane of metal profiles is pre-set on the walls.

You can determine the size of the differences using a plumb line or building level, and then choose which wall plastering technology is most suitable.

Plaster interior walls apartments are often performed without beacons, since the differences are usually insignificant. In industrial buildings with high ceilings, it is better to use beacons.

Required tools and materials

To plaster walls you will need a large set of tools and materials:

  • A hatchet or hammer with a pick (for removing old coating or protruding parts);
  • Brush (for applying primer);
  • Primer composition suitable for the type of base;
  • Plumb line or building level (to control the plane during work);
  • Square (for drawing out corners);
  • Large capacity (for mixing the solution);
  • Construction mixer;
  • Plaster spatula and trowel (for adding mortar to areas where there is not enough of it);
  • Wide and narrow spatulas;
  • Guiding beacons;
  • Rule and grater (to level the layer);
  • Plaster corners (for reinforcing external corners).

In order for plastering walls with your own hands to be of high quality, you need to study the technology of applying the mixture. If you are a beginner and not confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust the work to professionals than to plaster the walls again. They have all the materials for plastering walls, and they know exactly what is best for plastering walls.

Preparatory stage

Preparatory work consists of surface treatment before applying the first layer of plaster. The nature of the work is determined by the type of foundation:

  1. Preparing the brick surface. For better adhesion, you need to fix the reinforcing mesh or make indentations in the mortar between the bricks. Next comes cleaning of dust and debris and priming.
  2. Preparing concrete walls. If the material is not very dense, shallow cuts are made with an ax, then treated with concrete contact.
  3. Foam block surfaces are coated with a deep penetration primer.
  4. Preparing wooden walls for plaster. It is necessary to fill the diagonal slats in increments of 5 cm so that the solution is better retained on the surface.

There should be no large protrusions, loose old coating, metal elements, dust or debris on the surface of the walls. Once the base has been prepared and the primer has dried, you can begin the process of applying plaster.

Application technology

Plastering walls begins with preparing the solution. To do this, the dry mixture is diluted with water in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer. Concrete and brick walls moisten with water so that the plaster sets longer and does not lag behind the surface.

The plastering technology includes three stages. This is the sequential application of three layers of a mixture of different thicknesses and thicknesses.

Instructions for plastering walls with your own hands:

  1. Spray. This layer is the most liquid in consistency. It is thrown onto the surface using a trowel with little effort. Then they are slightly leveled with a falcon. The thickness of the plaster layer is 5-10 mm.
  2. Priming. When the first layer has set, but has not yet dried, apply the second layer. It is thicker and thinner. It is placed on the falcon and applied to the wall, then leveled with a wide spatula using sweeping movements. One portion of plaster should be enough for approximately 1 square meter. area.
  3. Covering. Layer thickness 2 mm. The solution should be thick. Apply to hardened soil. Its task is to level out all minor irregularities. The mixture is no longer thrown on, but spread with a spatula, pressing the sharp edge to the surface. Apply using bottom-up movements. You can move in an arc. After the mixture has set, the surface is rubbed with a trowel.

Other methods of applying plaster are also practiced. For example, in one layer, without splashing. This method is suitable for those who do not have professional skills, since only a person with experience can properly plaster walls.

Grouting plaster

The last stage of plastering is grouting. Its task is to bring the surface to perfect smoothness. Grouting of the surface must begin when the last layer of plaster has hardened. The work is carried out in stages using different tools:

  1. Grouting with a trowel wooden surface set layer of coating. It is necessary to smooth out the traces of the spatula and tubercles. It is performed without pressure in a circular motion.
  2. Smoothing with a grater with felt in sharp, straight movements.
  3. Smoothing with a float with a rubber or metal strip. These tools prepare the surface for painting. Move first vertically, then horizontally.

After grouting, the wall is cleaned of dust and coated with a primer. You can proceed to further finishing when the surface dries well.

What is plaster on lighthouses

The process of leveling walls with beacons begins with installing profiles that will set the desired level.

Installation of beacons is carried out as follows:

  • A self-tapping screw is screwed into the wall near the ceiling and floor, and their position is leveled using a plumb line. Their hats should be in the same plane.
  • Measure the distance between the screws, subtract 5 cm and cut off a profile fragment equal to the obtained value.
  • Draw a line between the screws with a pencil.
  • Throw the plaster solution onto the line in 3-4 places with tubercles, press the profile into them so that its plane meets the heads of the screws. Remove the fasteners.
  • Repeat the procedure at a distance of no more than 1 meter from the first beacon. Thus, a plane is created along all the walls of the room.

At this point, the installation of the beacons is completed, and you can begin to apply the first layer of the mixture. After the plaster has been completely applied, the beacons are removed and the areas where they were located are leveled.

DIY wall plaster

You can apply plaster yourself if the differences are not very large and the layer of the mixture does not exceed 2-5 cm. Only mixtures for rough leveling and easy-to-work decorative ones should be applied. For example, decorating a wall with Venetian plaster with your own hands without experience is too reckless. Compositions that are difficult to work with are best left to professionals.

Some formulations can be prepared independently. Cement plaster consists only of cement and sand; knowing the required ratio of components, you can prepare a mixture.

How to make plaster:

  • Pour cement of at least M200 grade and 3-4 times more sand (depending on the fat content of the composition needed) into a large container or concrete mixer and mix dry;
  • Pour in water in small portions until the desired consistency is obtained, stirring the mixture periodically;
  • To improve plasticity, you can add a little detergent(at the rate of 30-50 ml per 5 liters of water).

The finished mixture must be used within an hour. Since plastering with your own hands can take a long time, you should not prepare a lot of solution at once.

If we plaster ourselves, then we need to take care to protect the skin from the composition, as well as cover the furniture and floor in the room where the work is taking place.

Since plastering walls with your own hands without any experience is not easy, you can first watch a video of how the craftsmen do it.

You can save significantly on plastering walls in an apartment only if you prepare the solution yourself and apply it yourself.

You can reduce costs a little more by using materials sparingly:

  • Dilute the composition with water in small portions so that you have time to use it;
  • Carefully monitor the differences in the wall; perhaps in some places it is enough to cut off the bumps and the mixture consumption will be reduced;
  • Apply only two layers without covering, but this is acceptable if the differences do not exceed 1-2 cm.

Plastered walls improve the heat and sound insulation of the room, acquire a flat and smooth surface, ready for further finishing with thin coatings - wallpaper and paint. Some types of compositions also have decorative functions. You can apply the mixture in different ways, but it is important to do everything correctly, otherwise the coating will not last long.