Shower      06/17/2019

What varieties of cucumbers can be grown. What are the best cucumber seeds for open ground? ​F1 Chistye Prudy​

To get a high yield, fertilized soil and ongoing care not enough. It is also necessary to select quality seeds. What variety of cucumbers to plant in open ground? What should a summer resident know about preparation and planting and how to choose the right cucumber seeds for open ground?

Among the hybrids that are excellent for open ground, it is worth noting the following varieties:

  • "Eliseevsky";
  • "Arkhangelsk";
  • "Novgorodets";
  • "Leader";
  • "Well done";
  • "Paratunka";
  • "Staff";
  • "Go for a walk";
  • "Boyfriend";
  • "Twixie";
  • "Mikhalych";
  • "Gypsy";
  • "Passat";
  • "DF Svyatoslav."

The cucumber variety "Advance" (pollinated by bees) also produces good yields, but it is not suitable for pickling. The hybrid “Svyatoslav” can be planted especially for this purpose.

How to choose the right cucumber seeds for open ground?

In order not to make a mistake with the variety, it is worth paying attention to whether it is intended for cultivation in greenhouse conditions, on covered soils or in open soil. After all, for example, greenhouse varieties of cucumbers sown will not be productive in open soil.

How to choose the right cucumber seeds for open ground? – It is worth determining the goal - to grow gherkins, cucumbers for pickling and pickling or salads.

Salad cucumbers will be perfectly stored in the refrigerator, they may darken a little, but when pickled they will simply become limp. Pickling varieties are strong and remain crisp and green in brine. Gherkins are a good choice for both salad and canning.

Breeders bred universal varieties, which have all of the following properties:

  • Santana F1;
  • Regina F1;
  • Dachny;
  • Crane F1;
  • Gracious;
  • Farmer.

If you want to enjoy canned cucumbers, you should opt for:

  • Nezhinsky variety;
  • Muromsky (early ripening old variety);
  • fontanel;
  • Magnificent;
  • Salting;
  • Swag F1;
  • Atlantis F1.

Among the gherkins you should give preference:

  • "Nunhems"
  • Sparta F1.
  • Hector F1.
  • Delpine F1.

Which cucumber seeds to choose for open ground (self-pollinating) and what are the advantages of such varieties?

  • The fruits set without pollination by bees.
  • They produce high yields.
  • Characterized by high-quality greens.
  • Cucumbers have no bitterness.
  • They bear fruit constantly.
  • They are characterized by high resistance to weather changes, as well as to diseases.

Popular self-pollinating cucumber seeds include:

  • F1 Zador - gherkins grow in a dark green shade with whitish pubescence, have cylindrical shape, length - up to 10 cm. The variety is early and suitable for canning because it has a thin skin. There are no seeds, which prevents the formation of voids during salting. It can be grown by sowing in open ground or planting.
  • F1 Picas - such seeds give high yield. It is a mid-season variety (55 days). If planted in open ground, cover it with film for the first time. Fruit length – up to 20 cm, weight – 200 grams.
    Characterized by resistance to rot and powdery mildew.
    Not suitable for pickling, but for salad - great option.
  • Rafael F1 is a high-yielding mid-season variety (50 days) with a shoot length of up to 3 m. Seeds are sown in May, and seedlings are planted in June. One node can contain 2 ovaries. The cucumber reaches a length of 20 cm. Not suitable for pickling.
  • White angel F1 is a mid-season variety characterized by high level self-pollination. The axil of each leaf may contain 2 ovaries. The fruit is up to 8 cm, has infrequent tubercles. Suitable for salad and pickling. You can harvest up to 4 kg of cucumbers from one bush. Fruits well at a temperature of 18 - 24 degrees.

How to prepare cucumber seeds for planting in open ground?

Before preparing cucumber seeds for sowing in open ground, it is worth understanding how to select them.

  • To achieve an abundant set of cucumbers, you need to plant seeds that are at least and no more than two to three years old. The seeds can sprout after 10 years, but the yield will be minimal, just like when planting annual seeds.
  • If you only have one planting material, which is no more than a year old, proper preparation seeds for planting in open groundnecessary condition to guarantee a high yield. A prerequisite for storage is to provide access to heat (for example, near the battery). 30 degrees will be enough. The day before summer season the seeds are heated at a temperature of 50 degrees for 3 hours.
  • Seeds 2-3 years old should be stored in fabric or paper bags in a warm place with minimal humidity.
  • To plant, seeds need to be prepared. To do this, they are soaked in water for 2 hours, calibrated (mix 40 g of salt per 1 liter of water), where they are kept for about 20 minutes. Next, healthy seeds are selected and weak ones are thrown away.
    Then they are warmed up: the seeds are placed in a fabric bag for a couple of hours in a thermos, the water in which should reach 50 degrees.

How to prepare cucumber seeds for planting in open ground to prevent the development of diseases and fungi?

  • It is worth disinfecting with potassium permanganate for half an hour, after which the seeds are washed. Processing can be dry or wet. If you choose the second method, then after the procedure you should dry the planting material.
  • The next stage is to enrich the seeds useful substances. To do this, they are dipped into a solution wood ash(2 tablespoons of ash per 1 liter of water room temperature) for 3 hours. Then rinse again.
  • To speed up seed germination and protect against rot, they are soaked in a solution of 1 tsp. copper sulfate and nitrophoska for 12 hours. To improve the immunity of the fruit, the seeds are soaked in a solution of aloe juice and water (1:1). Another hardening option is to place the germinated seeds in the cold for a couple of days.
  • Treated seeds wrapped in a damp cloth or bag will sprout after 2 days. Do not wait for a large root to grow, otherwise it may break off when planting.

How to plant seeds?

First, the seeds are checked for germination. To do this, they are immersed in cool water for 12 hours, which is changed periodically. Then the seeds are taken out onto a damp cloth. It is necessary to provide conditions for germination - light, temperature and humidity must be optimal.

When the seeds begin to germinate, it will become clear which are suitable for sowing and which are not.

Before planting cucumber seeds in open ground, prepare the bed. If you plan to plant seeds without further replanting, then row sowing is used. Then you should do the following:

  • Deepen the bed with a hoe (5 cm).
  • Seeds are sown in the grooves, leaving approximately the same distance between them (which will depend on the selected variety).
  • The soil is compacted and watered.

Cucumbers do not like the cold, so it is worth planting the seeds in warm soil on the sunny side of the site, where there is no wind. To protect the soil from drying out (and therefore to ensure favorable conditions for seed germination), it is worth covering the soil with film.

If you plant seedlings, you will get the harvest a couple of weeks earlier. For propagation of seedlings, substrates that contain are used.

Feeding is carried out at the root of the sprout. Use non-concentrated water-soluble ones every 7 days. You can water it with water at room temperature.

Such a review best seeds cucumbers for open ground will help you get high yields even from a small planted area, since you can’t go wrong with the choice of variety.

Video about choosing seeds for open ground

What are the best cucumber seeds - opinions of gardeners

If there is a need to increase pollination, it is recommended to purchase colored seeds from which a pollinating plant grows. Which cucumber seeds are best for greenhouses? For these conditions, varieties that form fruits without pollination (parthenocarpic) are better suited. Among these seed varieties are: “Marathon”, “Relay”, “Manual”, “Northern Lights”, “Olympiad” and “Ladoga”.

Parthenocarpic seeds especially need favorable conditions for cultivation, since any stress on the plant reduces the formation of ovaries.

Cold-resistant varieties include cucumbers that are adapted to sudden temperature changes and low air humidity. These are especially suitable for the climate of Siberia. The best varieties of cucumbers in this category are: “Buyan”, “Boy with Thumb”, “Balalaika”, “Three Tankmen”, “Trump Card”, “Saltan”.

Cucumber seeds - purpose of varieties

Cucumber varieties, in addition to the type of cultivation, are also distinguished by purpose. They are divided into pickling, salad, universal and canning. Pickling varieties are characterized by thick skin. The fruits are rich in sugars and pectin substances. What are the best pickling cucumber seeds? These are “Anyuta”, “True Friends”, “Saltan” and “Buyan”. They have a fairly high yield.

Cucumber is an important vegetable on our table. Cucumber contains a lot of potassium, and potassium, in turn, strengthens the walls of the heart and all blood vessels, and also removes excess water from the body. This is why, after eating a cucumber, we run to the toilet, and not because the cucumber contains only water.

Now, having understood beneficial properties, let's try to choose best seeds cucumbers. The choice of cucumber seeds should also be based on your preferences and requirements. So, it’s time to talk about how I choose cucumber seeds and which ones turned out to be the best for me.

My requirements when choosing cucumber seeds:

— Firstly, as you already understood from previous articles, I prefer to choose hybrids that give their maximum yield, regardless of weather conditions.

— Secondly, I make sure to choose cucumber seeds, where it says: seeds genetically without bitterness I want to enjoy the sweet taste of cucumber at any time and in different situations: small cucumber, or outgrown; the garden bed was watered abundantly, or not very much.

— Thirdly, I choose cucumber seeds intended for pickling, not salad ones. This is an old tradition: when pickled, salad cucumbers form voids inside, and when you eat this cucumber, it splashes water in different directions. Cucumbers intended for pickling are almost all without bitterness, which is why they are bred so that they do not become bitter when pickled.

— Fourthly, I choose parthenocarpic cucumbers. These cucumbers have female flowers and do not require pollination. Why exactly like this? Because cucumbers bloom still under the film, when it is cold, and it is too early to open the cucumbers, and also subsequently the weather may not always be favorable for the flight of bees. And I want to have guaranteed harvest cucumbers

Another reason why I don’t like salad cucumbers: at the end of July or August, when you no longer run to the cucumber patch every day, if you only hesitate for a few days, the salad gherkins turn into round yellow “balls.”

The problem with water is also very acute in summer: last years in summer the air temperature rises above +36 0 C, sometimes reaching +40+42 0 C, and there is no water at all. There can be no talk of any watering. In such a situation, pests quickly develop; for example, last year, after prolonged June rains, heat set in. Some cucumber bushes were badly damaged by spider mites: should I spray them with chemicals and eat them? Was under the attack of a spider mite Bush cucumber. But some hybrids turned out to be great. Especially the hybrid Well doneF1. He turned out to be a real good guy! The very first of all the hybrids began to bear fruit, the harvest was stable throughout the season. He bravely endured the drought and was least affected spider mite, after the drought, the vines quickly recovered and continued to bear fruit, as if nothing had happened. The cucumbers are all aligned, and even when they outgrow, they do not turn yellow. And even in September we picked fresh cucumbers.

I do the same with cucumber seeds as with tomato seeds: after buying several bags, I plant only half of the seeds. If I like the cucumbers, I plant the remaining seeds. I simply discard the seeds of cucumbers I don’t like and throw them away. And, naturally, I buy several bags of new products.

Don't plant cucumber seeds too close in the garden. Previously, I planted cucumbers at a distance of 30 cm. Now I have come to the conclusion that the larger the feeding area of ​​a cucumber bush, the higher the yield per plant. Now I try to leave about half a meter between two plants. At the beginning of summer, when the cucumber seedlings are still small, the bed with them seems half empty. A neighbor, looking over the fence, laments: “Fathers, are the cucumbers missing? And mine came up like a brush!” However, when it comes to the harvest, I harvest it in buckets, and she just asks: “Do you have cucumbers? But I don’t have it yet.” Now, with fewer bushes planted, I get a guaranteed stable and high yield of cucumbers. Enough for food, salting, and the neighbors!

Want to have cucumbers all season long? Plant cucumbers in two stages: the main sowing in early May, and 2-3 seeds in early June. Late cucumbers will begin to bear fruit in August-September. In September, when it gets colder, feed the cucumber bed and cover it with agrospan and polyethylene film. (This option is suitable for those who do not have greenhouses.) Until the end of October, you will be able to enjoy fresh cucumbers from your garden.

Description of some cucumber seeds

Cucumber HomerF1: parthenocarpic, with a bouquet type of fruiting, early ripening, for greenhouses, greenhouses and open ground. Cucumbers have a high taste and are recommended for pickling. Resistance to diseases such as peronosporosis, bacteriosis, root rot. The cucumbers are all aligned, 10-12 cm long.

Well done cucumberF1: early ripening, high-yielding parthenocarpic hybrid. During the test, it showed its resistance to sudden temperature changes and to major diseases of cucumbers. Fruiting lasts until late autumn, and as the temperature drops, the cucumbers become denser and crispier. (And they weren’t fooled!) And the taste of the cucumbers remained sweet throughout the season!

Ginga cucumberF1: parthenocarpic, early, high-yielding hybrid for greenhouses and open ground. Cucumbers are genetically without bitterness, there is no hollowness, the seed chamber is small. The cucumbers are small, with tubercles, up to 11 cm in length. Also a great hybrid! I recommend.

Cucumber Little Humpbacked HorseF1: early, parthenocarpic with bunched ovaries. The cucumbers are tuberculate, up to 10 cm in length, without bitterness, the taste of both fresh and canned cucumbers is excellent. I have had these seeds for three years now. I also really liked it, so I’m not throwing it away!

Cucumber BeeF1: parthenocarpic high-yielding hybrid, bouquet fruiting. Cucumbers are small, up to 10 cm in length, with high taste and pickling qualities. Resistant to cucumber diseases and pests.

Cucumber MashaF1: the earliest of all existing parthenocarpic hybrids. Extremely productive hybrid! Fruiting is bouquet. Cucumbers with good density, consistency, without bitterness, are intended for both salads and pickling. The hybrid's resistance to major cucumber diseases is also very high. I bought these seeds this year. Even if last year’s seeds don’t sprout, I hope that this one bag of cucumbers will be enough for me.

I wish you good luck choosing cucumber seeds!

If you are an avid gardener, then you are probably familiar with the spring excitement in anticipation of the future harvest and the autumn disappointment when something did not work out. If the reason for the failure is not due to errors in agricultural technology, you should replace the seeds with the best varieties of cucumbers for open ground.

In our time varietal diversity The number of cucumbers is so large that it allows you to make just the perfect choice that matches even the most difficult conditions of your site and limited care options. But it’s impossible to get to the point without careful preliminary preparation. Store shelves are full of packages with the names of the most famous fruitful varieties and new products, the vast majority of which are hybrids. So, what should you choose?

The variety is distinguished by its stable ability to pass on its characteristic characteristics and properties by inheritance. That is, varietal cucumbers make it possible to independently harvest seeds and grow the plants you like for many years. With hybrids things are different. A plant with the wonderful characteristics indicated on the package can be grown once. Seeds collected from grown fruits and further cultivated will produce plants with completely different qualities. They may be low yielding, sterile or outstanding, which is unlikely. The result is difficult to predict. Seeds of F1 hybrids do not retain the properties of the mother plant.

The designation F1 (short for Italian Filli - children) indicates that this is a hybrid formed by artificial cross-pollination of two different varieties. Seeds obtained in this way, in the first generation, produce plants characterized by extraordinary vitality, accelerated growth and high productivity.

The ability of hybrids to significantly surpass the original varieties (often not the most outstanding) in all respects is called heterosis, which means change in Greek. F1 hybrids have increased immunity to diseases and pests, they bear fruit successfully in the most unfavorable conditions, and the fruits from the lower clusters to the very top have an identical size.

The only opportunity to grow the F1 hybrid you like is to annually purchase seeds, the price of which is significantly higher than the seeds of varietal cucumbers.

Selecting parent pairs for a hybrid is a very painstaking work that takes many years. Therefore, breeders keep the original varieties secret, maintaining the uniqueness of the resulting hybrid and protecting themselves from copying. Pollination of the parent forms is done almost manually, which, of course, affects the cost of the seeds. The F1 group has several hundred titles and is constantly being updated with new ones.

Let's look at the most popular and productive hybrid varieties:

Domestic and foreign breeding farms are constantly working on developing new hybrid forms, trying to anticipate the growing demands of buyers. This year we are offering the following new items:

First generation F1 hybrids with minimal care produce consistently high yields, are immune to diseases, withstand difficult climatic conditions, forgive shortcomings of agricultural technology, and have excellent taste and pickling characteristics. It is not surprising that the choice of modern gardeners stops at them. Hybrids can disappoint only if instead original seeds you purchased a fake. Therefore, you need to buy seeds in specialized stores, packaged in branded bags from well-known manufacturers with a proven reputation.

Video “The best varieties”

From the video you will learn about the best cucumber seeds.

Varieties of varieties

The descriptions of varieties often contain unfamiliar words and incomprehensible characteristics. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to understand what benefits certain features can bring.

According to the timing of fruit ripening, varieties and hybrids of cucumbers for open ground are divided into three groups:

  • early ripening varieties, ripen 32-40 days after germination;
  • mid-season varieties bear fruit in 40-50 days;
  • late varieties reach commercial maturity in more than 50 days.

Early varieties of cucumbers impress with their short fruiting period, but are more susceptible to disease. Due to the poorly developed root system, they bear fruit amicably, but for a short time. Among the early varieties there are many salad varieties that are unsuitable for pickling. Medium and late varieties are characterized by high immunity to various infections and high yield.

Early varieties of cucumbers:

Mid-season varieties:

  • Gunnar F1 – Dutch, parthenocarpic, hybrid variety, tall, indeterminate type. Tasting taste score – 4.9 points out of 5 possible;
  • Stork is a bee-pollinated variety, vigorous (the length of the main shoot is 170-220 cm). It takes 49-52 days from sowing seeds to fruiting. Fruits with large tubercles and solid black pubescence weigh from 70 to 105 g. Good fresh, for pickling and preservation.

Late varieties:

According to the method of pollination, varieties can be:

Bee-pollinated varieties are distinguished by enviable germination and resistance to adverse factors environment. They are not inferior to, and sometimes even surpass, self-pollinating varieties in terms of productivity. However, if we take into account the fact that the population of these beneficial insects decreases, pollination by bees extends the period of formation of ovaries and does not always stand during flowering good weather, then the advantages of self-pollinating varieties, as they say, are obvious. A disadvantage of self-pollinating varieties is the poor formation of ovaries in hot, dry weather. They need at least a drop of dew to self-pollinate.

Parthenocarpic forms were originally intended for cultivation in greenhouses, but today they are successfully grown in open ground. These varieties are genetically provided with a double set of chromosomes and form fruits due to the proliferation of fruit and pericarp cells. The fruits of such varieties do not turn yellow, since they do not require seed ripening and retain an attractive appearance for a long time. green color, density and freshness.

According to the method of formation of lashes, cucumbers are divided into determinate and indeterminate. In a determinate plant, the growth of the central shoot is limited to the formation of the upper flower cluster, after which fruiting occurs on numerous lateral shoots. Indeterminates are characterized by unlimited growth of the main stem and a small number of weak lateral shoots.

According to their intended use, cucumbers are divided into salad, pickling and universal.

Salad varieties:

  • Forward F1 is a parthenocarpic, disease-resistant, late-ripening variety. Forward cucumbers are smooth, long, with an excellent sweet and delicate taste;
  • White angel F1 – parthenocarpic medium grade, the ovaries grow in bunches. Ripe fruits are pale green in color. Used fresh.

Pickling varieties delicious cucumbers for open ground:

How to choose seeds

When you start making your choice, know that some of the work has already been done for you. All varieties are zoned, that is, selected taking into account climatic conditions. Cucumber varieties intended for open ground in Ukraine will not reveal their best qualities in Siberia.

  1. First, the choice is between a variety and a hybrid. If you prefer to harvest your own seed material and not depend on the store, then choose the variety (Nezhinsky, Competitor, Dzherelo, Lyaluk, Phoenix 640). It should be taken into account that different varieties must be grown away from each other so that cross-pollination does not occur. If low maintenance requirements and productivity are more important to you than the money spent on purchasing seeds, choose a hybrid.
  2. The next choice depends on the conditions in which you plan to grow cucumbers - in a greenhouse, on a loggia or in outdoor beds. In the first two cases, it is worth taking a closer look at parthenocarpic hybrids (Claudia F1, Gunnar F1, Masha F1, Kolibri F1, Amur F1). For open ground, the choice is not so simple. You can choose bee-pollinated hybrids (Carom F1, Athlete F1, Magnet F1, Cartel F1). In this case, it is necessary to check the presence in the package of seeds of pollinating plants (they are distinguished by contrasting colors), which make up for the lack of male flowers, for better pollination of hybrids. Self-pollinating hybrids are also a good choice (Matilda F1, Zyatek F1, Alliance F1, Orpheus F1, Envy of Everyone F1, Dynamite F1), especially if the forecast promises a rainy summer. Or you can not make a choice but plant both. It is better to have your own experience than to use other people's advice. And don’t forget to experiment with parthenocarpics in open ground.
  3. For winter growing in protected ground, you need to choose shade-tolerant hybrid varieties (Relay F1, Berendey F1, Sarovsky F1, Everyone is Envy F1). They are late-ripening with wide leaves, which contributes to better light absorption.
  4. We determine the timing of the harvest. To get a lot of cucumbers in a short time, pay attention to sprinter hybrids (Mels F1, Anzor F1, All in a bunch F1, Meringue F1). The wait will take a little over a month. Medium and late varieties will ripen just in time for the harvesting season.
  5. It's time to figure out for what purposes it will be used future harvest. If you are a raw foodist or just love... fresh cucumbers, plant salad varieties (White Angel F1, Blagovest F1, April F1, Bazar F1, Bukhara F1, Makar F1, Forward F1). If the lion's share is intended for winter preparations, choose pickling varieties (Nezhinsky, Competitor, RMT F1, Gypsy F1, Perfection F1, Farmer F1, Satina F1, Forsazh F1). Usually the purpose of the variety is indicated on the packaging, but still make sure that the spines of the fruit are black. Fruits of the gherkin type are good for preservation (Siberian Garland F1, General F1, Tufted Splendor F1, Hummingbird F1), equally small. Gherkin varieties will also be of interest to those who are at the dacha infrequently and are engaged in harvesting herbs from time to time. The fruits of such varieties do not outgrow.

The variety of cucumber varieties causes confusion and indecision: which variety to choose when all manufacturers promise easy care and a bountiful harvest? It’s hard not to get lost in the achievements of breeders. To make a choice without much hesitation, you should rely on the characteristics of cultivation: greenhouse or open ground, climatic conditions, desired taste characteristics and purpose of the fruit. Experienced gardeners based many years of experience We have already drawn conclusions and selected a number of varieties for planting in 2019.

For open ground

Which varieties are better than others for open ground? Properties should include resistance to low temperatures, humidity, drought and other weather conditions. The choice of variety for open ground directly depends on the characteristics of the region. Not all cucumbers are for the south and middle zone will take root and bear fruit in Siberia and the Urals and vice versa.

For growing in the garden, bush specimens are preferred, which do not need to be tied to trellises and form a lush bush. Typically, seeds of bush species are planted directly into the ground.

Which cucumbers adapt best to harsh open ground conditions:

  1. Farmer is a late-ripening variety, and the harvest will have to wait up to 50-60 days. A very strong cucumber with high yield - up to 14 kg per 1 m2. The purpose of the fruit is universal.
  2. Alligator is a plant with a telling name, a variety with elongated dark green fruits (up to 35-40 cm). High-yielding hybrid - up to 16 kg per 1 m 2.
  3. - mid-season bush with a stable harvest. It can also be grown in a greenhouse; in this case, fruiting increases - up to 25 kg per 1 m2.
  4. Raznosol is a late-ripening, medium-sized cucumber. Purpose: for canning.
  5. Altai is the optimal variety of cucumber for Siberia. An early ripening bush, which is very necessary for regions with the early arrival of autumn frosts. The bush is cold-resistant, with stable yield. The fruits are pickling type and grow up to 12 cm in length.


Bee-pollinated varieties have the best taste characteristics. No parthenocarpic can compare in juiciness of the pulp with those fruits that have ripened as a result of pollination by insects. And the most suitable conditions for bees to work are open beds.

  1. Darling F1 is an early ripening hybrid. Perhaps the best sample for pickling. Thin skin and dense pulp, high yield allow you to make the most delicious pickles in barrels.
  2. Hybrid Kumanek F1- option for beginners. Ideal for open ground, withstands rainy conditions. There is partial parthenocarpicity, which compensates for the lack of pollination. Universal fruits up to 12 cm.
  3. Brownie F1 is a mid-season bee-pollinated cucumber. From 1 m2 of land, up to 11 kg of fruits are harvested - this is a good indicator. It is distinguished by active and long-term fruiting. Juicy, crispy salad cucumbers up to 9-10 cm.

Greenhouse varieties

Greenhouse - suitable option for cultivating cucumbers in harsh climatic conditions. The design influences the choice of variety. Most varieties are suitable for polycarbonate greenhouses; for film varieties it is better to choose cold-resistant ones.

  1. Phoenix is ​​an insect-pollinated bush, the fruits are standard - up to 12-14 cm, universal. The yield is average - up to 6 kg per bush.
  2. Liliput cucumbers are extremely drought tolerant. One of the most popular gherkins.
  3. - late-ripening, high-yielding. From 1 m2 they harvest up to 30 or more kilograms of fruit - these are record figures.
  4. Zozulya is an excellent option for a beginning gardener. The bush grows unthickened, formation is practically not required. At the same time, the productivity of Zozuli is one of the highest - up to 30 kg per 1 m 2.


The best option for a greenhouse is hybrid cucumbers of the parthenocarpic type. Their advantages: insect pollination is not required, or rather, pollination is not required at all. Female flowers form on such bushes, and the ovaries form by themselves. The vines of hybrid cucumbers are poorly developed and do not require frequent pinching. But dense plantings are contraindicated greenhouse cucumbers: Plants must receive enough light for the fruits to ripen in large quantities.

Other advantages of hybrids include disease resistance. Such fruits do not taste bitter due to the absence of male flowers on the bush. Hybrids are designated F1 and are easy to identify among a large selection of seeds.

The best hybrid varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses:

  1. Herman F1. Early, high-yielding gherkin-type cucumbers. One plant in a greenhouse produces up to 9 kg of fruit. Bunch type, up to 7-8 fruits are formed in one bunch. Cucumbers are universal, without bitterness. The hybrid is resistant to viral and fungal diseases. A small number of small seeds does not affect the taste in any way.
  2. Masha F1. Super early variety, fruiting begins on the 37th day. A very productive parthenocarpic, 10 or more kilograms of cucumbers are taken from one bush. The length of the fruit is no more than 11 cm. Purpose - salad and for pickling.
  3. Courage F1. Popular greenhouse cucumbers. The yield is good - up to 8 kg per bush. Mid-season - 45-50 days. The fruits are large, up to 15 cm, with thin skin and crispy pulp. Good for pickling when harvested early. Ideal for salads.
  4. Director F1. Another contender for growing in greenhouse conditions. An early-ripening species with a long fruiting period, gherkin-type cucumbers, size up to 9-10 cm. Taste qualities excellent, the flesh is juicy, sweetish, without bitterness. The variety has additional advantages - shade tolerance and resistance to powdery mildew.
  5. Goosebumps F1. One of the most successful experiments of the Gavrish company. A medium-sized bush is optimal for small greenhouses. Early ripening, high-yielding. Like most hybrids, there is no bitterness. The fruits are universal and retain their presentation for a long time.

Advice! The most productive varieties are most often characterized by late ripening. To grow a crop on an industrial scale, it is better to wait an extra two weeks for the harvest, but then collect the greens and delight your family and customers with their quantity.

Universal varieties

Self-pollinating cucumbers are plants with bisexual flowers. Insects are not required for pollination to occur, but external intervention is still necessary. This may be by wind or hand pollination. Self-pollinating cucumbers bear fruit equally well both in the greenhouse and in the garden.

The best self-pollinating varieties with a description:

  1. Balagan- a strong bush with an average but stable yield of 3.5 kg per bush. Early ripening - the fruits ripen in 40 days.
  2. Connie is the leader among self-pollinating cucumbers in terms of yield - from 9 kg per bush. Late-ripening variety - the harvest ripens by the 50th day. The cucumbers are small, 10 cm in length.
  3. Berendey - medium cucumbers up to 15 cm, store well, a tasty option for pickling.
  4. Gerda is a variety with high resistance to fungal diseases. The yield is average - up to 3.5 kg per bush.
  5. Pinocchio is a mid-season bush with a stable yield of 3.5 kg per bush. Fruits up to 8-9 cm.

Advice! The advantage of varieties over hybrids is the possibility of using grown cucumbers for annual planting. Hybrids do not produce seeds for planting.

From sowing seeds to fruits, all care and attention must be put into planting. It will be easier to grow a decent harvest of any cucumbers if you start with the right choice planting material:

  1. First advice: it is better to buy young varieties. Older samples are more susceptible to disease. Selection is moving towards complete resistance of cucumbers to powdery mildew, anthracnose and other scourges.
  2. Second rule: if you buy a hybrid, give preference to the official manufacturer. Such cucumber seeds are more expensive, but their processing increases the likelihood of germination to 100%. Fake seeds may be contaminated, or it may be a different variety than the declared one.
  3. Third, but no less important note: at joint plantings different varieties You cannot choose parthenocarpics and pollinated varieties as neighbors. In the former, the quality of the fruit may deteriorate due to pollen.

Choosing a cucumber for a plot is a simple matter. Finding a high-yielding, strong variety with excellent taste characteristics is a more difficult task. If you make a mistake, don't be too upset. Cucumber is an annual crop, so it allows you to experiment with planting every year.