Toilet      06/17/2019

Deytsia: “Hydrangea mayor” - planting and care in the Moscow region and the middle zone. Deutzia shrub: varieties, planting and care Deutzia rough planting and care

This is a low, about 1.5 m, deciduous shrub from the Hydrangeaceae family. Feature action characteristic of many hydrangeas - peeling of the bark. If you look closely, under the white lace of flowers you can see gray-brown shoots with thin plates of bark hanging in “rags.” This is a normal property of mature shoots, and not traces of a disease or pest.

In the garden, deutzia looks good, for example, in a prominent place with evergreen and terry. They all bloom at the same time, and the action creates a neutral white transition between lilac and yellow flowers. In landscape design, they often use a combination of deutzia with decorative conifers, and from tall varieties they form. Deytsia is not afraid of exhaust gases, so it can be planted as a hedge in areas adjacent to the road.

Deytsia: planting and care

Planting action

The plant is very light-loving; for planting you need to choose the sunniest place, protected from cold winds. The soil should be loose, fertile, well-drained, with a neutral reaction. If, when planting deutzia, add 300 g of slaked lime or a glass of ash into the hole. The best soil for action - earth and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Places with waterlogged soil and high level groundwater.

Deutia is planted in the spring; it is best to buy seedlings immediately before planting. Depth landing pit- about 50 cm, for drainage, sand or broken kripich can be poured into a layer of 10-15 cm at the bottom of the hole. It is recommended to add 100-120 g of nitrophoska to the soil mixture to fill the hole. Under no circumstances should the root collar of a seedling be buried; it should be at ground level. The distance between the bushes is at least 1.5 m. After planting, the plant is watered abundantly, the soil is compacted and mulched with a layer 5-7 cm thick.

Caring for action

Watering. Adult plants are drought-resistant and do not tolerate waterlogging well, so 1 bucket of water per bush once a week or less is enough for them. After watering, the soil is loosened to a depth of 20 cm. In hot, dry weather and during flowering, watering is increased, and in the first ten days of August it is stopped to give the plant the opportunity to prepare for winter. Young plants during the period of active growth require more abundant watering.

Feeding. Fertilize the deutzia with compost with a glass of ash or fermented liquid (1 liter per 10 liters of water). Twice a season, complex mineral fertilizers are applied (120-150 g for each bush). It is advisable to fertilize during the flowering period and in the first half of summer; fertilizing in the fall has a bad effect on winter hardiness.

Trimming. Deutzia is pruned in spring and early summer. At the end of April, all branches growing inside the crown, broken or damaged, as well as shoot tips that did not ripen last year and frozen tips are removed. After flowering, each faded branch is pruned to a strong young shoot. It is also shortened by a third or a quarter, and it begins to bush and lay future flower buds.

If the plant is more than five years old, once every 3 years you need to remove 1-2 of the oldest shoots to ground level and thus rejuvenate the bush.

Preparing the action for winter. Deytsia winters not as problem-free as. In a harsh winter, the shrub can freeze to the snow level and then grow back, but there will be practically no flowering this year, because the deutzia blooms on the shoots of the previous year.

Young plants can be bent to the ground for the winter, fixing the branches with two sticks crosswise or in small arcs, throw foliage on top and build a “hut” from sticks. Cover the entire structure with lutrasil and polyethylene. This shelter design will not allow the snow that settles in the spring to bend and break the branches of the deutzia.

It will not be possible to bend an adult bush - its thick branches will break immediately, they are very fragile. Adult plants are prepared for winter even before the leaves completely fall off, so that they can serve additional protection in the cold. The branches of the deutia are carefully tied together with a rope and a bag or any bag with a density of 60 is put on the bush. It is fixed on top with clothespins. Such a shelter protects not so much from frost as from drying out the shoots: without a bag, flower buds will most likely dry out.

Propagation of action

The plant reproduces well in early summer from green and woody cuttings, but bushes obtained by layering grow fastest. It is also possible to sow seeds. Preliminary preparation no seeds are needed, they are simply sown in the spring, pressed tightly to the ground without embedding into the soil. It usually takes about 3 weeks before germination appears.

Annual seedlings are easily damaged by frost, so they are covered for the winter. Flowering of seedlings begins in the third year.

Pests and diseases

The plant is very resistant to pests and diseases. Sometimes its leaves are damaged by the bumblebee-like proboscis, which can be eliminated by treating the bushes with phthalophos or karbofos (15% solution).

Types and varieties of action

IN middle lane The following species are grown in Russia:

Deutzia small-flowered, or Amur (Deutzia parviflora, Deutzia amurensis). Spreading shrub up to 2 m high (in the Moscow region - up to 1.5 m). It blooms with small (up to 1.2 cm) white, odorless, five-petaled flowers. Flowering time is June, lasts up to 20 days.

Deytsia is magnificent, or lush (Deutzia magnifica). A shrub up to 1.5 m high with a wide crown that grows quickly. It blooms with large, up to 3 cm, bright white flowers, collected in umbrellas. Flowering time in the Moscow region is late June - early July. Grown in culture decorative forms magnificent action with double flowers ( Formoza), with bell-shaped flowers ( Superba), with particularly dense inflorescences ( Erecta).

Deutzia Lemoine, or hybrid (Deutzia x lemoinei). Taller, up to 1.6 m, with a wide rounded crown. White flowers up to 2 cm in diameter are collected in pyramidal inflorescences-panicles, standing upright. Blooms early, in May; in the Moscow region flowering may be later. Decorative varieties of Deutia Lemoine have been developed, which are popular among gardeners:

Boule de Neige- with white flowers in panicle inflorescences.

Mount Rose- the flowers are large, up to 3 cm, bright pink, unusually wide open.

Pink Pom Pom- double flowers, rich pink color, hemispherical inflorescences.

Strawberry Fields- with flowers of unusual color: crimson on the outside and pale pink on the inside.

Deytsia rough, or star (Deutzia scabra) has rough, hairy leaves. The crown becomes spreading with age; in the middle zone the bush grows up to 1.5 m. It blooms with white or pink flowers small size(up to 1.5 cm) with characteristic oblong-pointed petals. The inflorescence is an elongated, narrow panicle.

In gardens there are forms of Deutzia rough:

Plena- with double flowers of pale pink color;

Roseo-plena- very frost-resistant, with pink double flowers.

It is thermophilic, grows and blooms well in sunny places, sheltered from the wind.

Requires loose, well-drained, fertile soil. Does not like acidic soils.

Drought-resistant, watering is very moderate except for young plants and the flowering period.

Pruning is required.

Shelter is required for the winter.

Deutzia today is particularly popular among plants that are used in landscape design. This evergreen shrub, belonging to the hydrangea family, has a very attractive appearance and will become a real decoration for anyone summer cottage. Let's take a closer look at the description of the action, as well as some recommendations for caring for this crop.

In the wild, these shrubs are found in Southeast and East Asia, and also sometimes in North America. Today there are quite a few varieties of this plant. Moreover, among them there are both erect and spreading species. There are some wild specimens that reach a height of 35 m. The stems of this shrub cover entire simple leaves green tint. If the plant is not rejuvenated or replanted, it can live for about 20 years.

Of all the advantages of this culture, it is worth noting the long and rich flowering. Buds begin to form in late spring or the first months of summer. This parameter largely depends on the climate of the particular growing region. Typically, such shrubs begin to bloom approximately 2-3 weeks after the snow has completely cleared from the soil. The flowers have White color, but can also be pink or purple. Moreover, they are most often odorless. When the bush fades, boxes are tied in which the seeds ripen. In general, this plant can be propagated by cuttings or seeds. Sometimes layering or root suckers are also used to germinate this crop.

Deytsia: landing

These plants, as mentioned above, can be propagated using small cuttings 80-90 mm long. It is best to plant in May or June. To do this, seedlings or soft shoots are first placed in a mixture of sand or sandy peat. After some time, they are transferred to the greenhouse.

Young plants, before being planted, are placed in a container with soil in a greenhouse. In this case, the roots need to be pinched a little to make the bush more luxuriant. After about two years, the deutzia shrub is transplanted to its own permanent place. To achieve the best results, you can place the plant in slightly moist loamy soil. The soil needs to be fertilized. To do this, rotted manure is placed over the roots. Next, you need to periodically apply fertilizer. When this is done, the planting can be considered complete. All that remains is to organize proper care of the bush. Without it the bush will not produce beautiful flowers, which are so important for the decoration of the site. As you can see, growing deutia is not a very difficult task.

Plant varieties

Today there is a large number of Deutzia varieties. Let's look at just a few of them below:

  • Deytsia pink. The deciduous bushes of this variety bear pink or white oblong-shaped flowers. The main flowering occurs in late spring or summer. It is worth noting that this variety does well in partial shade. It is not very demanding when it comes to water - an average level of watering is enough for it. This variety tolerates drought well. Most best view it has spring and summer. For normal growth of this variety, soil with an acidity of pH 5 to PH 8 is required. The crop grows best in fertile soil. The bush has a round shape and can grow up to 1 m. Maximum growth is achieved only after 6-9 years. The main method of propagation of this variety is cuttings. It is noteworthy that the leaves, which have a pointed shape, do not lose color even in winter.
  • Deytsia is the whitest. The snow-white inflorescences of this variety can reach 3 cm in diameter. They actively bloom in mid-summer - from June to July. If all care conditions are met, the beautiful appearance of the plant will remain for quite a long time, namely from 20 to 25 years. The height of bushes of this variety can reach up to 2 meters.
  • Deytsia is elegant. Bushes of this variety have slender curved stems and simple leaves. The bush usually blooms with white flowers in spring and summer. Flowering begins in April or May. At the same time, snow-white flowers appear on the bush. Japan is considered the birthplace of this plant, where it blooms in April-May. Bushes with oval leaves of a greenish-brown hue can grow up to 1.8 m. The lower surface of the leaves is almost snow-white. It is worth noting that this variety is not picky about soil acidity. In addition, the plant is resistant to many diseases and pests. However, sometimes it is still affected by aphids, causing the leaves to become spotted. There is a possibility that some branches of the plant will dry out, this will spoil the appearance of the bush.
  • Deutzia magnificent (or deutzia hybrid). This variety is hybrid plant from deutzia shershava and deutzia vilmorena. These bushes can grow up to 2.4 m. The weight of many pinkish-white inflorescences is quite large, so the branches of the bush often descend to the ground. It is also worth noting that this variety prefers to grow in the shade. For example, this crop will feel good under the canopy of a tree. In order for the beautiful appearance to fully develop, the plant needs a sufficient level of humidity and good lighting. Remember that when planting this bush, it is necessary to prepare high-quality drainage. After all, the plant does not like excess salt and moisture in the soil.
  • Deytsia turbilon rouge The bushes of this variety, reaching a height of up to 1.6 m, have pale red and white flowers with yellow stems and five petals forming a beautiful bowl or star shape. During flowering, which occurs most often in the middle and until the end of summer, they have a pleasant and persistent aroma. It should be noted that peeling of the bark is possible on the most mature plants. The crop usually blooms in early June. Like other varieties, the bush is pruned after flowering. In this case, the shoots are cut off from 1/4 of the soil level.
  • Deutzia mont rose. The bushes of this variety are medium in size. Oval-shaped leaves and cone-shaped inflorescences grow on the stems. The culture tolerates dry periods well. Flowers of this variety are valued for their unpretentiousness and durability.
  • Deytsia terry. This plant received its name due to its double flowers. The bush can grow up to 1.6-2 m. Abundant flowering mainly occurs during May-June. When a large number of flowers bloom, the stems of the plant bend. It should be noted that the beautiful star-shaped inflorescences are the most attractive part of the bush.

Action: care

Care for action is very important. So, with the right approach you can get decorative material to realize the ideas of landscape designers. In particular, shrubs are used for planting hedges. In addition, they are often used to create garden compositions and sculptures.

Step-by-step procedure for planting and caring for the crop:

  1. Before planting the action, it is important to select a place for planting and perform the necessary marking of the selected area. There should be at least 250 mm between adjacent bushes. This space is enough for the plant shoots to develop properly and grow leaves.
  2. It is best to plant the plant in an open area that is illuminated by sufficient sun. For planting, a hole about 450 mm deep is dug, after which it is filled with humus (2 parts), peat (1 part) and sand (2 parts). In this case, at least 2.4 m must be maintained between adjacent shoots. It is important that the neck of the root, after filling with soil, is at the same level with it.
  3. In order for the flowering to be lush, the soil needs to be fertilized periodically (once a week). To feed the roots, you can take any organic fertilizers. It is important that they are diluted in water (9 parts water, 1 part fertilizer). In this case, 5-6 liters of diluted fertilizers should be applied to each bush. In general, all activities that stimulate the growth of this crop should be carried out only during the flowering period.
  4. Regularly after regular pruning, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers to the soil.
  5. As for caring for the flowers of this plant, the most important thing is to properly organize watering. So, during growth, you should water no more than a couple of times a month. Moreover, about 9 liters of water should be poured onto one bush each time.
  6. If the summer turns out to be quite dry and hot, then watering should be done twice as often. Moreover, the amount of water per bush also doubles - up to 18 liters will be required. After watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil thoroughly.
  7. It is recommended to stop watering from mid-August. At the beginning of autumn, when heavy rains are common, it is recommended to cover each bush with suitable waterproof material. When the plant has finished blooming, it should be trimmed and wrapped to prepare it for winter.

Shrub does not require special care. Therefore, it is able to withstand any climate conditions, even the presence of smoke and gas in the air. This plant is quite resistant to the vagaries of the weather, but, nevertheless, the best conditions for it will be warm and sunny weather. Sometimes, at low temperatures in winter, the branches of a bush can partially freeze out. However, this is not so scary for them, because even after freezing, the shoots are able to grow again. Moreover, the plant will again delight with flowers the same year.

Pruning must be carried out twice a year, namely in spring and autumn. When the plant fades, the branches need to be pruned. This must be done before the first strong bud. Although sometimes they cut right to the ground. Old shoots of shrubs are sometimes cut out. It is also possible to cut off branches that make the bush too thick. Near the bushes it is necessary to weed out the weeds and loosen the soil. Moreover, it is advisable to do this at a depth of up to 250 mm.

Flowering of shrubs occurs on last year's shoots. Therefore, they must be preserved throughout the winter period. Otherwise, the bush will not delight you with beautiful flowers. If there is a lot of snow in your area in winter, you can bend the branches to the ground, which increases the chances of the shoots surviving during the cold winter period. In some regions, frost often occurs even when there is no snow. In such conditions, bushes of young deutia plants can only be covered with a frame, which is then filled with dry branches of spruce or pine. Next, the top part needs to be wrapped in film.

As for older plants, a different method is usually used for them. So, in order to preserve the bush, you need to tie it with any airtight material.

Application in garden design

Since there are several varieties of deutzia, you can make the design of the site very bright and varied. This will require minimal cash outlay. Due to their variety of shapes and beautiful appearance, deutia bushes are widely used in landscaping. For example, low-growing varieties are successfully used as border plants. Taller species are well suited not only for single plantings, but also for creating small compositions. In addition, they have proven themselves to be excellent as a basis for garden sculptures.

This crop is often used to decorate a site because it is quite resistant to urban conditions, where not everyone can take root. ornamental plants. In order for deutia bushes not to lose their attractiveness, it is important to correct pruning after flowering. The decorative value of these plants is also associated with the fact that they bloom profusely for a long period. In addition, the flowers themselves differ from others in their elegance, which gives the plantings amazing beauty.

This plant is in Lately is becoming increasingly popular with many gardeners. IN decorative purposes it is used very often, like hydrangeas and lilacs. Low-growing varieties are actively used in creating decorative compositions. These plants are planted against the background of ornamental coniferous crops to make the composition more exotic. Tall varieties of deutia in areas with mild climates are successfully used to create hedges. It is worth noting that this plant is practically immune to smoke. Therefore, it is often planted in front of multi-story buildings in cities, even if the plots are located next to the road.

Deutzia bush: photo

1478 03/10/2019 7 min.

Deutzia is a real decoration of the garden: the plant is distinguished by its wonderful decorative white and soft pink flowers. It is precisely for the decorative nature of the flowers, which create white foam on the deutia bush, that gardeners value it so much.

The plant is not the easiest to care for, however, the troubles are fully compensated by the magnificent flowering, which can make any garden look elegant. garden plot. In this article we will consider the question of how to grow deutia in open ground, and how to care for it. We will also get acquainted with the most popular and decorative varieties and types of action.

Description and types

Deytsia - evergreen, but at the same time deciduous. It is a rather tall bush with spreading branches. During the flowering period, all branches of deutia are strewn with beautiful white-pink flowers of a delicate shade. In the wild, the plant is found in Mexico, East Asia, and the Himalayas.

Let us note that this plant is still new to our gardeners, but in a short period many have already fallen in love with it. Modern selection works wonders, and has already been bred artificially Deutzia varieties with increased decorative properties, different colors petals, low and tall species.

In the video - Deutzia bush:

The bush can be from 40 cm to 4 m in height. But the latter option is found only in the wild, under natural conditions. In our gardens climate zone Mostly low or medium-sized varieties are grown. The life span of the action is at least a quarter of a century.


There are about 50 in total various types and varieties of deutzia. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them.


This is a hybrid variety. It has average frost resistance, but even if the roots freeze in winter, the plant easily revives in the spring. The flowers of this action are soft pink, very decorative and graceful.

Deytsia Pink


This plant is found in the wild even on our Far East, as well as in China and Korea. Its other name is small-flowered. It has small white flowers, devoid of aroma. The flowering period is three weeks, beginning at the end of June. It grows quite quickly.



This type of plant has double white flowers delicate flowers, reaching 3 cm in diameter. Very decorative. Blooms in June-July. At favorable conditions can live up to 50 years. And the minimum lifespan is 20 years. It grows up to two meters and is very spreading.

Rough (star-shaped)

The plant is found in its natural habitat in China and Japan. In height rough action can reach 2.5 m. The name is due to the fact that its leaves have an edge of short, star-shaped hairs. Because of this edge, the foliage is rough to the touch. This variety of action blooms late: not earlier than July, and this period lasts from two to three weeks.


Its flowers are white or slightly pinkish. This type of action formed the basis for many artificially bred hybrid varieties with increased decorative properties. Among the plant hybrids, you can see two-color petal color options, speckled, and double.

Hybrid Strawberry Fields

This artificially bred plant variety has incredibly beautiful flowers: bright pink, lush. Strawberry Fields blooms in June-July, and very profusely. Suitable for decorating hedges, and also excellent in single and group plantings.

Hybrid Strawberry Fields


This plant has a compact bush size (up to 1.5 m) and very elegant flowers of a soft pink hue. Belongs to the purple species of Deutia. The plant is frost-resistant and easy to care for. Even if there is a frost of -28 degrees, the action of calmiflora will successfully endure it, unless, of course, the frosty period does not last long. Blooms early: May-June. But what they look like and in what part of the cabin they should be planted. indicated in this article.


Let us note that deutzia is unpretentious, so any gardener can grow it, even not the most experienced one. The main thing is to find the most suitable place in the garden for planting (and do not forget that the deutzia will remain in one place for at least a quarter of a century), and also do not forget to cover the plant before each winter. With this kind of care: basic and uncomplicated, the deutzia will delight you with its wonderful flowers every summer.

Selecting a location

Actions are better to grow on open areas garden, but at the same time protected from too aggressive direct sunlight. The ideal place would be an area next to a tall tree: its crown will protect the delicate deutia flowers from exposure to the sun, but will not create too much shade.

Make sure that the area is protected from drafts and strong gusts: the deytsia does not really like such “whims” of the weather.

Before placing a seedling in the ground, first decide on the general garden composition. It is necessary to clearly understand whether the deutzia will be a single plant or will be part of some landscape group. The bush can also be used for hedges.

Soil preparation

Deytsia needs fertile soil, and at the same time light soil. Lightly clayey soils that are moderately moist are well suited for it. If the site is located in a lowland, or the soil is swampy, it is better not to plant deutsia in that place: the presence of stagnant water is unacceptable for it.

It is recommended to carefully dig up the soil before placing the seedling in the soil. This will saturate the soil with oxygen and make it lighter and looser. It is also advisable to add humus, river sand and compost to the soil: this will make the substrate more nutritious and fertile.

Landing in the ground

Deutia seedlings are placed in open ground in early to mid-spring. The exact date depends on the individual climate of the area. In order for the plant to take root well and take root, enrich the soil with fertilizer consisting of 100 grams of nitrophoska.

First inspect the roots of the seedling: if they are dry, place them in a clay mash. And if they seem too long, trim them, but only slightly.

The hole for planting the action should be half a meter deep. If you plant several seedlings at once, maintain a distance of at least one and a half meters between them: the bush grows spreading. This distance can be made small only if you form hedge.

At the bottom of each dug hole, it is necessary to place a drainage layer of 10-15 cm. Expanded clay, brick chips, gravel, and small pebbles can be considered as drainage. After this, the seedling is placed in a hole and sprinkled with soil on top.

Please note that the root collar of a young plant should be level with the ground, but a slight depth of 1.-2 cm is acceptable. Once the seedling is in the ground, water it and pat down the soil.

It is recommended to mulch the soil located within the root circle of the action. To do this, use sawdust or dried peat. Mulching will help retain moisture, preventing it from sinking into the ground too quickly. And so that young seedlings grow faster, experienced gardeners trim their tops.

At this point, the process of planting action in open ground is considered complete. Now you just need to take good care of this beauty, following simple rules. We'll talk about them further.

The plant has remarkable drought resistance, so it does not need frequent watering. However, a deutzia completely deprived of watering will not be able to please with its decorative flowering. The optimal frequency of watering is once a week if there has been no precipitation. When it rains, it is recommended to reduce the frequency of watering. In addition, during heavy rains, experienced gardeners cover a plot of land in the root circle of the deutia with a dense film to avoid subsequent stagnation of water.

It is important that when watering there is enough water to saturate the soil by half a meter: it is at this depth that its roots lie. And in mid-August, watering stops, since at this time the plant must begin to be prepared for winter.

Loosening, mulching

To make your life easier and loosen less often, you can mulch the soil with bark, peat or sawdust. But this article will help you understand how this happens.

Top dressing

In this case, fertilizers are applied only during flowering. And in addition, every month of the plant’s active life in warm weather, you can add water with liquid manure dissolved in it. But this information will help you understand how to set it up correctly on your site.

In the video - growing Deytsia:


The plant needs pruning, as this procedure helps the plant take on a neat and beautiful shape. In addition, the bush tolerates the procedure quite easily, only becoming even more magnificent.

It is recommended to prune the plant after winter and before winter, but not during the period of flowering and active growth. In the spring, it is also necessary to inspect the bush that has survived the winter, and remove all broken and deformed branches with pruning shears.

After the flowering period has ended, the branches on which there were inflorescences need to be shortened to a young shoot. This is about a quarter of the length of the branch. But how pruning occurs in the spring will help you understand the information from this

Pests and diseases

The plant has good resistance to diseases and harmful insects. Only in rare cases can the deutia be affected by the proboscis, focusing on the foliage and branches of the plant. To cope with this scourge, karbofos or other suitable insecticides are usually used.

Video shows how to care for bushes:


When growing deutia, it is very important to properly cover it for the winter. Because of our frosts, shoots of the plant often freeze, which leads to a subsequent lack of flowering.

You can cover the soil in the area of ​​the root circle with leaves or straw: this will protect the roots of the plant. Special attention for young animals - they can generally be covered for the first few winters cardboard boxes completely on top, plus add protection with coniferous spruce branches.

If the deutzia variety is not particularly frost-resistant, then even mature plant It is recommended to cover it with spunbond or burlap for the winter, securing the protection around the trunk. But this article will help you understand how to apply it in this case.

Attention: with the arrival of warmer weather in spring, hurry up and remove the cover to prevent the plant’s roots from overheating: this problem can even lead to its death.

We looked at the features of growing deutia in open ground. The plant is extremely unpretentious, so caring for it will not cause much trouble. But every year you can enjoy the magnificent view of blooming deutsia. The tips from our article will help you correctly plant and grow this beauty in your garden.

Deytsia is a genus perennial shrubs from the Hydrangeaceae family, with a height of 50 cm to 4 m, among 72 species there are both deciduous and evergreen. It is valued by gardeners for its long (up to 35 days) and very abundant flowering in late spring - early summer, as well as for the shape of the bush - in most species it looks like a dome, slightly smaller in width than in height.

This plant lives for about 25 years. The flowers are white, pink, sometimes red, single or double, mostly odorless. It is often used as a hedge, because it easily tolerates smoke, or as free-standing bushes. Even fragrant types are absolutely safe for people with allergies. In its green form, not during the flowering period, deutia is easily confused with honeysuckle.

The most common types and varieties

  1. (aka slender) - a low bush, 0.5 - 1.2 m in height, has a bulk form - up to 1.5 m in diameter. It blooms for up to 35 days, starting in mid-June, the flowers are white and fragrant. Loves good lighting. The hybrid of this species of the same name, growing in Japan, blooms in April.

  2. – grows up to 2.5 m in height, got its name from the flower petals that are rough to the touch. It blooms 14–20 days from July, with pink or white, single or double flowers. Features: reddish-brown bark; does not tolerate drafts.

  3. (aka Small-flowered) - deciduous bush up to 2 m in height and 1.5 m in diameter. It blooms for about 3 weeks, starting in late June, with small white flowers. Demanding on air humidity and lighting.

  4. - a large bush up to 3m in height and up to 2m in diameter, blooms in May - June with white or pink, sometimes double flowers. Does not require a mandatory haircut.

  5. – one of the most beautiful hybrids, blooms in the first half of summer. The flowers are snow-white, large (3cm in diameter), double, collected in inflorescences up to 12cm. Grows quickly, up to a maximum of 2m; with proper care and good location, it can live 20 – 50 years.

  6. Deytsia Pink - a hybrid of Purple and Graceful. Blooms in May–June with pink or white flowers. The bush is round in shape, after 6 - 10 years it reaches only 1 m in height and the same in diameter. Frost-resistant, able to winter with shelter only for roots and green foliage.
  7. Pink Pom Pom – bush 2 – 2.5 m in height with erect shoots, double flowers and dark green rough leaves. Blooms in June - July, flowers are pink on the outside and white on the inside. Requires good lighting and complete shelter for the winter.

  8. Mont Rose – a hybrid with vertical shoots up to 2.5 m, blooms in June – July, purple-pink. It is drought resistant.

  9. – grows to 1.5 – 2 m, shoots are erect, but during abundant flowering can bend under the weight of the inflorescences. It blooms in May - June, the star-shaped flowers are white on the inside and pink on the outside.

  10. Deytsia the Magnificent (aka Lush) is a hybrid of Deytsia Vilmoren and Shershava. The shoots are erect, up to 2 - 2.5 m in height, but can droop under the weight of the inflorescences. It blooms for 2–3 weeks, starting in July, with white or pink double flowers. Prefers abundant but diffused lighting and high air humidity.
  11. Strawberry - a fluffy bush with peeling bark. The flowers appear in June and are crimson on the outside and pale pink on the inside. One of many aromatic varieties actions.

Growing conditions and care

Deutia is a very demanding plant, and in order for it to live long and be beautiful, provide it with the following conditions:

  • Lighting and humidity Ideal for use in partial shade from tall trees with an openwork crown. Such neighbors will protect the bushes from direct sunlight, but will leave a sufficient level of lighting and retain moisture in the air. If such proximity is not possible, it is better to choose the sun rather than dense shade.
  • North cold wind and draft are also undesirable for action, so it’s better to look for a place for it in the south of a house or other building.
  • Groundwater , located very close to the surface of the earth will also not allow the action to develop for a long time and fully.
  • When choosing a place for an action, also take into account its possible dimensions after 5-7 years: it is better that nothing grows within a radius of 1-2.5 m (depending on the variety and how you cut it).
  • soil prefer fertile, maybe loamy, but drained, because This plant does not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the ground. The ideal mixture for mature plants is a combination of humus, river sand and peat (or compost) in a ratio of 2:2:1. The acidity is preferably neutral (pH 5 – 8).
  • Watering Produced regularly from April-May to mid-August, on average 10 liters per plant once a week, and in dry, hot weather - 20 liters. Large bushes and hedges are watered at the rate of 30 - 40 liters per 1 m. sq.
  • Loosening carried out after watering to a depth of 20–25 cm, simultaneously removing weeds. Mulching the root circle will help to avoid this procedure.
  • Pruning carried out twice a year: in spring and summer, after flowering. In the spring, only sanitary pruning is carried out - frozen and dry branches, as well as broken and crushed ones, are removed. The main pruning is carried out immediately after flowering, so that the plant has time to recover. To do this, all shoots are shortened by 1/3, simultaneously adjusting the shape of the bush. If you are categorically not satisfied with the shape of your action, feel free to cut it to the ground, leaving only the stump. It stimulates active growth basal shoots, and next year you will get a new lush bush.
  • They feed The action is abundant when planting, and then only during the flowering period, 3-4 liters of liquid manure per plant once a month. Additionally, it is advisable to feed with complex food 2 times a season. mineral fertilizer 100 – 150g per 1 bush.
  • Shelter for the winter different things are required for different varieties and regions.
  • For frost-resistant varieties, it is enough to mulch the root circle with fallen leaves, straw or spruce branches.
  • If the plant is mature, with erect shoots, tie its branches with twine or twine, and wrap the top with covering material - burlap, spandbond or lutrasil.
  • Juveniles and bushes with a round crown can be bent to the ground, a frame can be built over them, covered with spruce branches or fallen leaves, covered with lutrasil, and the last layer is film.

Don’t forget to remove the shelter in early April so that the action blooms on time.

Planting and propagation

Young deutias are planted only in early spring when the buds on the trees have not yet blossomed. To do this, prepare holes 35-60 cm deep (the poorer the soil, the deeper) at a distance of 1.5 m from each other. If the plant is 1–3 years old, pinch the roots to make it more bushy. I drain the bottom of the pit with sand or broken brick, a seedling is placed on it, the roots are straightened horizontally and covered suitable soil(see growing conditions and care). Fertilizers are mixed into the soil: about 10 liters of compost and 100 g of nitrophoska per plant. The root collar can be buried no more than 2 cm. The root circle is mulched with peat, a layer of about 5 cm.

Deutia propagates most easily by cuttings (about 90% take root) or root sprays, but propagation by seeds, dividing the bush and layering is also possible.

  1. Green cuttings are cut in May-June. To do this, cut off 8–10 cm from large, mature shoots. It would be a good idea to treat the cut with a root formation stimulator. For the soil mixture, combine equal parts nutritious soil (for example, sandy peat) with river sand. The cuttings are deepened by 0.5 cm with a slight slope and sprinkled with a 2-3 cm layer of sand. The seedlings are ready for planting in a permanent place only after 2 years.
  2. Lignified cuttings are harvested late autumn, during the plant's dormant period. Cut cuttings of 15–25 cm, 3–5 buds on each, tie 10–15 pieces into a bunch and vertically, almost completely cover them with wet sand. They are stored in the basement until spring, and then grown in the same way as green cuttings.
  3. The bush is also divided only in spring. To do this, it is completely dug up, old branches are removed, thinned out and divided into 2 - 3 parts. Replant as quickly as possible so that the roots do not dry out.
  4. Root shoots can be separated without digging up the entire bush, and just as quickly transplanted into a prepared hole.
  5. Deutia seeds ripen in October in fruit boxes, they are destroyed and stored until spring. Sow the seeds in light fertile soil (peat, humus and river sand in equal proportions), superficially, and sprinkle on top with a thin layer of clean sand. The crops are well moistened and covered with glass or transparent film. Shoots should be expected in 1 - 1.5 months. With well-developed leaves, young plants are dived immediately into open ground.

Diseases and pests

Deutzia is a very disease-resistant plant, but occasionally it can be affected by aphids and leaf spot. And if suddenly the leaves of your bush are eaten by a bumblebee-like proboscis, treat it with a 15% solution of phthalofos or karbofos.

Recently, with the development of landscape design and the prevalence of trends towards arranging personal gardens, we are increasingly seeing them in gardens. exotic plants and shrubs. Among them it is impossible to ignore the graceful action.

This shrub got its name in the 19th century. It was given by the botanist Carl Thunberg and symbolized the memory of the mayor of Amsterdam, Johann van Deitz.

The Deutzia shrub belongs to the hydrangea family. In nature, in the wild, it can be found in East and Southeast Asia and some areas of North America.

Description of the action and its photo

According to its botanical properties, deutia is an evergreen shrub. Depending on the variety, it can be either spreading or erect. The following is short description actions as botanical culture.

Numerous photos of the action, which illustrate the possibilities of its use in landscape design, will help you get a general impression of the shrub.

The height of individual shrubs, depending on the type, reaches from 50 centimeters to 4 meters. The lifespan of a flower without transplantation and rejuvenation procedures is approximately 25 years.

The leaves, which densely cover the stems, are entire, simple, located opposite each other, of an emerald green hue.

The main and exclusive advantage of the deutzia flower is its long and rich flowering. The beginning of budding occurs in late spring and early summer. This parameter largely depends on the climatic conditions of the growing region.

As a rule, the deutia bush blooms 2 - 3 weeks after the snow cover has completely melted.

The flowers on the bush are white and can be pink or lilac-purple. Without smell. After flowering, a box is tied in which the seeds ripen.

It can be propagated by seeds and by cuttings, as well as vegetatively by layering or root suckers.

Planting and care

Properly organized care for the action allows you to create beautiful landscape plantings. Shrubs are widely used in planting hedges and creating garden living sculptures.

Before planting the action, it is important to determine the location and mark the area. The distance between individual plantings in group plantings should be at least 250 cm. This space is necessary for the proper development of vegetative shoots and the growth of leaf mass.

It is advisable to plant deutia in an open area, but which does not receive direct sun during the day.

To plant deutia, dig a hole up to 40 cm deep and fill it with humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:2. The distance between the sprouts should be at least 2.5 meters. The planting depth is about 50 centimeters; after filling with soil, the root collar should be located at the same level with the ground.

To obtain the result of a lush flowering period, the deutia plant should be fertilized with organic matter from time to time. For root feeding, you can take any organic matter that is diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1:10. The application rate when feeding once every 7 days is about 5 - 6 liters for each deutzia bush.

Mineral complex fertilizers According to the agricultural technology of cultivating deutzia shrubs, it should be applied regularly immediately after spring pruning.

Action care includes proper organization glaze. It is advisable to water once or twice a month, spending approximately 10 liters of water for each bush. In hot and dry summers, the number of waterings should be increased to 4-6 times a month, while the amount of water also increases to 20 liters.

When it comes to care, the deutia bush is not capricious and hardy: it can withstand any city conditions, including smoke and gas resistance.

Deytsia is resistant to dry weather, prefers a lighted place and warmth. In cold winters, the above-ground parts of the branches may partially freeze out. However, even after severe frostbite, its shoots quickly grow again, and the plant is able to bloom in the same year.

Pruning deutzia bushes is mandatory; it is advisable to carry out this procedure every year in spring and autumn. Branches that have flowered are pruned to the level of the first strong bud or to the base. From time to time, old shoots of the bush are cut out, and you can also remove the excess ones, which thicken the bush.

Near the bushes, weeds should be weeded and the soil should be loosened to a depth of 25 centimeters.

Deutsias bloom on last year's shoots, so important point- this is to preserve them throughout the winter, otherwise the bush will lose its attractiveness.

If your area has snowy winters, you can bend the branches of the plant to the ground. This will be enough to preserve the plant during the winter.

If you have frequent frosts without snow in your area, then you can simply cover the bush with a frame, fill it with dry branches of spruce or pine, and cover the top part with film.

This method is suitable for young plants, but for older and taller ones you can resort to the following method: tie and wrap with any breathable material, such as a sugar bag.

Common varieties of deutzia shrubs

Cultivated in culture various varieties Deutzia bush. The variety of varieties of this plant allows for maximum variety. landscape design personal plot at minimal financial costs. Indeed, among the common varieties of deutzia shrubs, there are species that are capable of forming full-fledged hedges and garden sculptures over the course of 1-2 growing seasons.

Deutzia gracilis

Grows naturally in Northern China and in the mountainous areas of Japan. Accordingly, Deutia graceana has increased resistance to unfavorable climatic conditions. Deytsia slender is able to withstand long droughts and periods of sudden cold weather.

The Deutia graceful bush has a rounded shape, which is ideal for forming garden sculpture. When correct managed care Deutzia gracilis grows up to one and a half meters long.

The leaves reach six centimeters in length, oblong, pointed, hairy above and smooth below. In summer the leaves are light green, and in autumn they acquire a yellowish tint.

The flowers are snow-white. Budding begins at the end of May, the flowering period lasts one month.

Deutzia scabra

In natural landscapes, Deutia roughens can be seen in various parts of Japan and China. This unique plant, which has a rough surface of the leaf blade.

The bush Deutzia scabra is low - up to 2.5 meters. the period of rapid flowering occurs in mid-summer. In the Moscow region this is usually the end of June or the beginning of July.

The leaves are oval-shaped, 4-9 centimeters long, pale green in color. IN autumn period they become yellow-brown. The flowers are star-shaped, snow-white, slightly pinkish or light crimson, up to 1.5 centimeters in diameter.

The shrub is relatively heat-loving and does not tolerate harsh winters Urals and Siberia. In these regions it is better to grow zoned varieties of Deutia shershava.

Deytsia rough is subdivided into species that are more adapted to unfavorable growing conditions:

Deytsia Pink Pom Pom

Deytsia Pink Pom Pom - ezhto unique variety of this shrub, which was bred through selective breeding at the beginning of this century. The flowers are double, white with a pinkish tint on the outer part of the petals. The leaves are dark green, rough.

Has a long flowering period, which begins in early June and can continue at proper care valid until the end of August.

Look at the photo of the Pink Pom Pom action, which fits well into any landscape design:

Deytsia hybrid

Obtained from crossing Deutia graceica and Deutia Amur. The hybrid deutia bush reaches a height of up to two meters. The flowers are snow-white. Gives color in the month of July. The leaves are dark green, rough to the touch, and turn yellow-red in autumn. Cold resistant.

Hybrid action has the following subspecies:

Deutzia rosea

It is a hybrid between Deutia purpurea and Deutia gracilis.

The bush grows up to one meter in length, no higher. The flowers are shaped open bell. The petals are pink at the bottom, and a little lighter at the top.