Shower      06/13/2019

Laurel: care at home. Growing and caring for bay leaves at home

The use of bay leaves in cooking has become a tradition; not a single hot dish is complete without it. But not many people know that you can grow bay leaves at home. He will revive perfectly home interior and fit into landscape design garden plot.

Laurus nobilis adapts to any location. Some tricks and rules for plant care make it possible to grow beautiful green shrubs even in open ground.

How to care for a plant at home

If you decide to grow laurel at home, you need to find a suitable place for it.

  1. You need to place the plant on a windowsill or on a flower stand, where there is a lot of light and sun. In the shade the plant develops more slowly. Do not expose the foliage to direct sunlight.
  2. Ventilate the room more often to prevent color loss and leaf tips from drying out.
  3. Water as the soil dries. The tree requires good drainage so that the root system does not rot from excess moisture. A refreshing shower and spraying will moisturize the crown and avoid pest damage.
  4. It is worth maintaining the average temperature in the room, no higher than 25 degrees; in the cold season, the laurel should be winterized at home, when the temperature is 10–14 degrees, and watering is reduced and carried out once every 2 weeks.

How to plant correctly?

From correct landing depends on the growth and development of the plant. Before you start, you need to prepare all the components of the process: layering, pot, soil, mineral fertilizer, drainage, scapula.

  1. Take a small pot because the plant develops slowly, and a large container will slow down growth.
  2. Place drainage on the bottom (2–3 cm). You can take expanded clay or regular foam, which you need to first break into small pieces.
  3. Prepare an earthen mixture: sand (1 part), peat soil (1 part), leaf soil (2 parts), turf soil (4 parts) - and fill the pot halfway.
  4. Place the bay leaf in the middle, cover with the mixture and press lightly.
  5. Water the plant with a diluted mineral complex.

Transplanting a plant at home into a new pot is done once every 2.5–3 years due to the slow development of the root system and upper part.

An adult tree is replanted once every 4 years or renewed upper layer 1 time every 2 years. In the warm season, the plant can be placed in open ground.

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to propagate noble laurel at home:

  • cuttings;
  • planting seeds;
  • offspring department.

Reproduction requires not only experience and skill, but also patience.

Cuttings are one of the most labor-intensive methods, for which a large, strong tree is used. To do this, you need to follow the following algorithm.

  1. Carefully separate the branches with 4 internodes using a utility knife or blade.
  2. Dip each of them in the substance to active growth root system (it can be found in any specialty store). Place in a container of water until roots form. Cuttings can be placed in damp perlite, covered glass jar above. The plant must be ventilated periodically to prevent rotting.
  3. After the roots appear, transplant into a ceramic or plastic pot.

Propagation by seeds is the longest process; seedlings can appear 60–65 days after planting.

Sowing should be done in early spring, you can use a universal planting mixture as soil. The seeds are placed at a depth of 1.5–2 cm, lightly moistened on top and covered glass containers, which needs to be removed periodically to ventilate and moisten the soil.

Opt for fresh seeds that have been recently packaged, because bay leaves tend to quickly lose their germination quality.

Growing a leaf by separating suckers is easy and quick way reproduction. When transplanting an adult plant, it is necessary to separate the “babies” with roots from it and plant them in a separate small container.

Proper garden care

Average frost resistance allows you to grow the shrub in open ground or in a greenhouse. Bay leaves can freeze at temperatures below 13–15 degrees.

If you nevertheless take the risk of purchasing a plant in a region where the winter temperature drops below this norm, plant it in wooden tub or garden pot. This will allow the laurel to be transported to a warmer place.

Conditions that must be observed when growing in the garden:

  • choose a sunny place for planting;
  • neutralize soil acidity;
  • provide moderate watering;
  • Feed the plant in a timely manner.

This plant tolerates pruning easily, so it is a favorite shrub experienced gardeners. In the southern regions, laurel hedges are common, which are given various interesting shapes and adjusted to the design concept.

Bay leaf is an unpretentious plant; you can happily grow it at home, with a little experience in floriculture.

By planting a shrub in open ground, you will get a universal decorative element on personal plot. Simple rules Planting and caring for the plant will allow you to grow an environmentally friendly seasoning for culinary masterpieces at home.

Laurel is the most famous evergreen tree or bush that came to us from the Mediterranean. IN Ancient Greece this beautiful plant was called daphne, in honor of the nymph Daphne. Captivated by love for her, Apollo wove a wreath from the laurel, which became his integral accessory, and from here came the glory of the laurel as a symbol of triumph and victory.

In our country, this same plant is the best and favorite kitchen spice. After all, without laurel it will not be possible to prepare delicious homemade soup, fish soup or borscht and, of course, aromatic main courses. It has become a common ingredient in preparing vegetables for the winter and pickles.

This irreplaceable plant Can be grown quite easily at home. Laurel is very easy to grow and will require very little effort to grow normally. If we can grow laurel at home from seeds or in another way, then it will not only become useful as a spice, but will be a spectacular home ornamental plant.

Laurel: description of a spicy plant

In nature, laurel can be either a tree or a very tall shrub, 9-11 m high. The thickness of its trunk can reach 40-45 cm. When growing laurel at home, it grows only up to 2 m. Its bark and shoots are smooth, mostly brown in color .

The leaves of the laurel are whole, straight, bare, short-petioled and entire, reaching up to 20 cm in length and up to 5 cm in width. They are dark green above and lighter below. They have a very pleasant spicy aroma. Laurel flowers are small, yellowish and unisexual, appearing in inflorescences at the ends of branches, 6-12 staminate and 2-3 pistillate.

Did you know? If you grow laurel at home, it may not bloom at all, and if it does, it will bloom in late spring.

Under natural conditions, laurel grows for more than 100 years; when grown at home, the lifespan of a laurel tree can be up to 15 years.

Is it possible to grow laurel indoors?

When grown at home, laurel is a noble plant; it is very hardy and easy to care for. Therefore, absolutely anyone can grow it at home.

But still, you should not start development; caring for indoor laurel, although minimal, is extremely necessary. At proper cultivation you will get a great plant that will thank you for the efforts spent on its development with lush, healthy foliage.

Necessary conditions for a bay tree

IN room conditions Noble Laurel is best suited for planting. For the healthy development of a laurel tree, in addition to standard care, you will need timely pruning of the crown and spraying so that the laurel feels comfortable. Laurel, like any indoor plant, requires attention to disease and pest control.

Location and light

The bay tree needs a well-lit place with diffused light. Since this plant is shade-tolerant, it can be kept in a shaded place, but when grown in diffused light, the laurel may bloom, and the bush itself will be denser than when grown in a shaded place.

During the hot season, you should avoid constant exposure to direct sunlight. In summer, the laurel can be safely taken out into the garden or onto the balcony. In an apartment, pots can be placed on the floor near the windows, in the hallway or hall. The plant should be regularly ventilated, but do not create constant drafts.

Air temperature and humidity

In summer, the plant will feel great outdoors; it is unpretentious, but it will benefit from fresh air. The most comfortable temperature for laurel is 15-20 °C. In summer, the bush needs to spray the leaves twice a week to maintain a subtropical climate.

Starting in autumn, the plant needs rest. The dormant period for laurel at home is created artificially from October to March. The laurel should be placed in a place with low light and humidity. The temperature should not be higher than +10 °C and not lower than -5 °C.

Did you know? The dormant period is created to prevent the growth of weak, unwanted shoots that weaken the bay tree.

In the spring, if the frosts have stopped, then from April the plant can already be taken out into the garden. If it is still cold at this time, then it is better to keep it in the house until the warm period and do not forget to spray it at least once a week.

Soil requirements for successful growth

Bay leaf seedlings, after we can grow them from seeds, will need to be transplanted. When transplanting a seedling into a pot, be sure to fill it with a good drainage layer of expanded clay. Laurel loves moist soil, but stagnation of water should not be allowed, as this can lead to the death of the plant.

The soil should be light; any version of the universal soil found on sale is suitable for laurel. Your own soil for planting laurel can be prepared from two parts of turf soil, one part of leaf soil, and half a part of fine, well-washed river sand. Before planting the seedling, the soil can be heated in the oven at a sufficient temperature for disinfection. Too much high temperature When warming up, it should be avoided so as not to destroy all beneficial microflora.

How to plant laurel, methods of propagation of laurel tree

Bay leaf is an indispensable ingredient in the kitchen of any housewife. It is an inexpensive spice, but it is much more pleasant when the leaves of this plant are grown and dried in a dish. Let's look at how you can grow laurel from seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush at home.

Sowing seeds

In order to grow a laurel tree as best and as efficiently as possible, it should be planted from seeds brought from the south. Best time to start sowing - this is mid-February, early March. Laurel seeds should be planted 1 cm deep in the prepared soil. The soil temperature should be approximately 20 °C. In this case, the seeds will sprout in 3-4 months.

Before planting laurel from seeds into the ground, the seeds can be kept in a solution of potassium permanganate for 3-5 days, this will speed up the germination process. After planting the seeds in the soil, the pot should be placed in a warm place, well moistened and covered with polyethylene or glass.

Before the sprouts appear, you will need to remove the polyethylene from the pot to ventilate it for at least half an hour a day. It is also necessary to monitor soil moisture, it should be moderate, and do not allow water to stagnate. In dry soil the seeds will die, and in too wet soil they will rot.

Important! Watering laurel seeds and sprouts should be done with settled and warm water. The water temperature should be 4-5 °C above room temperature.

When the first green shoots appear, the cover from the pot must be removed, but still continue to monitor the soil moisture. When the first pair of leaves is formed on the sprouts, the seedlings need to be transplanted into a larger container; 1 part of humus and ½ part of peat can be added to the previously prepared soil.

After transplanting the seedling, the plant must be placed in a dark place for 2-3 weeks, remembering to maintain soil moisture. After 2-3 weeks, the seedling is moved to the light to begin its active growth.

How to plant a laurel by dividing the bush

You need to divide the bay bush very carefully; on each branch separated from the main plant, some viable roots should remain. Division should be carried out only at a time when the laurel is in a dormant period, and this is from October to March. The laurel is divided after 3-5 years of its growth. It is worth dividing the bush into a small number of parts for the first time. Separating 2-3 branches from a three-year-old laurel will be quite enough.

Important! It is categorically not recommended to divide the laurel bush during its development; a weak, not strengthened plant may die.

Laurel cuttings

You can propagate laurel either by seeds or by cuttings, but this is much more difficult to do than growing laurel from seeds. Laurel cuttings are carried out in late spring and early summer. Annual and mature laurel shoots are used as cuttings.

Cuttings 7-9 cm long are cut from the middle or lower part of the bush at an oblique angle. The lower leaves from the cuttings must be removed and the upper ones cut in half. Then the cuttings are planted in the substrate. The substrate is prepared from equal parts of leaf soil and bog moss; it is also recommended to add half a part of sand.

Place expanded clay drainage at the bottom of the pot, cover it with substrate and thoroughly moisten it. The cuttings are planted 2 cm deep and covered with polyethylene or a regular glass jar.

The seedling must be sprayed and ventilated every day. You should also ensure that the soil is constantly moist. At proper care The cutting will take root in 1-2 months.

How to properly care for a bay tree

After planting the laurel, the work does not end, because when growing, you need to regularly take care of its condition, water and fertilize the soil. And for the formation decorative look it needs to be trimmed.

Watering and fertilizing the plant

Watering the laurel is important at any stage of its development. When planting seeds and for the development of roots in cuttings, you need to use warm, soft and settled water. Watering an adult plant should also be done with settled water, but the seasonal intensity of watering the tree should be distinguished.

In spring and summer, laurel needs constant watering to avoid drying out of the soil. In autumn, watering is reduced. In winter, it must be strictly limited, and if the laurel is in a room with a temperature below 6 °C, then watering should be stopped altogether.

Young plants need to spray their leaves for better growth; adult plants are sprayed to eliminate dust on the leaves and crown of the tree. The laurel needs feeding not only at the time of transplantation, but throughout its entire life period. An adult laurel is a slow growing tree, so in order to avoid depletion of the plant, you need to change the top 3-4 cm of the soil in which it grows.

Laurel is a plant known to everyone. Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a dish prepared without adding a specific taste and aroma to the food. Also in Ancient Rome We grew homemade laurel. Caring for the unpretentious plant is simple, and it takes root well on loggias and balconies.

Main characteristics

Laurel is a houseplant that even novice gardeners can care for. Under natural growing conditions, this tree can reach a height of 18 meters. By the way, in the Sochi area you can find specimens that are 15 meters high.

Despite the fact that the laurel special care does not require, it is still desirable to create the most favorable environment for the plant. Indoor culture prefers to be in a sunny place, however, it will grow well in the shade. Also, a plant such as laurel is not afraid of drafts and drought. Care at home should be carried out so that it does not experience stress due to lack of water, or, conversely, does not suffer from waterlogging of the soil. Laurel is resistant to diseases and pests, it can be trimmed to give various shapes. Many gardeners manage to grow big trees, having an openwork intertwined trunk.

Varieties of indoor laurel

This plant has only two types:

  • Noble laurel;
  • Canarian laurel.

Unlike its compatriot, the Canarian species has large, broad leaves, slightly wrinkled at the edges. But its aroma is somewhat weaker than that of its noble brother.

Several varieties of trees are known Indoor plant, the care of which is quite simple, is in high demand among gardeners. The main botanical species has three varieties: narrow-leaved, golden and wrinkled. All of them differ from each other only in the shape and color of the foliage.

Healing properties

In addition to the fact that it is a fragrant, well-known seasoning, laurel also has a number of healing properties. This applies not only to leaves, but also to fruits. They contain aromatic essential oils and tannins. Thus, inhaling the vapors of tinctures prepared from plant components helps fight cancer.

Experts also say that laurel, if cared for correctly at home, can prevent the development of diseases such as ischemic disease hearts.

Features of care

Despite the fact that there is no special hassle when growing laurel, it still needs to be looked after. Otherwise even this unpretentious plant may die. Possessing a lot of useful advantages, it can look very beautiful and decorative, but this requires care. Noble laurel loves to trim the crown and spray the foliage. It is advisable to constantly wipe the dark green fragrant leaves from the dust that collects on them.


For good growth, it is advisable for each plant to create the conditions to which it is accustomed in its native places. This also applies to such a flower as indoor laurel. Care in winter time- this is first of all optimal temperature air (not higher than 18 degrees). And in January, experts generally recommend lowering it to 10 degrees. Therefore, especially in apartments with central heating, it is better to keep the plant away from heat sources.


A plant such as laurel, which is properly cared for at home, is quite easily propagated by cuttings. It can also be grown from seeds, but shoots and root cuttings take a very long time to take root.

If you decide to grow a plant from seeds, be sure to check the expiration date. seed material. Take care of special soil and keep in mind that to obtain good seedlings, slightly different conditions are required.

For greater efficiency experienced flower growers It is recommended to soak the material for sowing in warm water for a few hours. The seeds should not be placed deep into the soil; it is advisable to sprinkle them with a layer of soil and cover them with film.

If you propagate laurel by cuttings, then they should be cut from this year’s shoots, which have not yet had time to completely lignify. The preparation of future seedlings is carried out in the spring - in March or April. The cut shoots are planted in moist soil. It is advisable to remove most of the leaves, leaving two or three, which are best shortened. Length planting material should be 6-8 cm. For better and faster rooting, it is advisable to use very wet sand. It will take about a month for young seedlings to take root.


Replanting should not be done frequently. You should not choose a large container for a small tree. The plant feels best in a small pot. When it becomes crowded, the new container should be 4 centimeters larger. Replanting should be done by transferring the earthen clod, adding the necessary soil into a new pot. After planting, the laurel must be watered. Transplantation can be done in spring and summer.

Top dressing

All plants need periodic feeding, even laurel. Care at home does not require feeding the tree often; it is enough to do it twice a month, during the active growth period, that is, from June to September. For fertilizing, saltpeter, potassium salt, and liquid superphosphate are used. All fertilizers are diluted in water.


In order to preserve the decorativeness and beauty of the laurel foliage, it is advisable to place it on a light, warm, well-lit side. Despite the fact that the flower feels normal in the shade, its color may change slightly, the leaves will no longer have such a bright color, and the tree itself may stretch out and the foliage may thin out.

In indoor conditions it is very difficult to achieve flowering of a plant such as laurel. Care at home, consistent with natural factors, can help the tree bloom. True, his flowers are not very beautiful. Basically, these are small inflorescences of yellow flowers that have a pleasant aroma.

Laurel is a plant that even children will enjoy caring for, since it is basically proper watering and location. If you do not know how to properly water an ornamental tree, then do it when the top layer of soil dries slightly. Do not overwater the flower, because even an unpretentious laurel can rot its roots from the abundance of water.

Before planting or transplanting, do not forget to do drainage. Try to refrain from transplanting a one-year-old laurel. The only thing this tree doesn't really like is frequent transfers, its roots are very sensitive.

If you propagate a flower with cuttings, then when cutting, try not to completely cut the shoot from big tree, try to carefully tear it. The resulting “heel” will contribute to faster development of the root system of the young seedling.

Do not forget about humidity and spray the plant daily in hot weather. Try to do this in the evening hours, since drops of moisture on the sheets, when exposed to sunlight, turn into very strong lenses that can leave severe burns on the foliage, which will not only lead to unsightly appearance, but also to their death.

Do not feed the plant in winter during the dormant period, otherwise, during the natural time for active growth, the laurel will not be able to develop normally, since it will not have time to gain strength. In winter, it is also advisable to reduce watering.

Laurel is a subtropical tree or bush. There are several types of this plant. Under natural conditions, they grow in the Mediterranean and in the south of the Krasnodar Territory.

Bay tree: description, types

Laurel belongs to the Laurel family of the same name. Types of laurel:

  • Azores is distinguished by large decorative leaves of an ovoid shape. It blooms in May with light yellow flowers.
  • Camphor, so named because high content camphor in leaves and stems. The crown of the plant is wide and branched. The leaves emit a spicy smell. The leaves are lanceolate, with small dots throughout. The flowers are yellow-green.
  • Noble, the leaves of which are used for food. This is perennial evergreen tree or shrub. Under natural conditions, it lives up to 100 years. During this time, its height reaches 10 m. In an apartment it grows up to 3 m. Its stems are covered with leathery leaves about 8 cm long. In spring, the noble laurel blooms small yellow flowers. When grown at home, flowering is rarely observed after reaching 5 years of age. Laurel fruits are small.

Laurel can be propagated by layering, cuttings and:

  • The easiest way to get a new plant is from cuttings. They may appear on their own. If this does not happen, in the spring they dig in a laurel branch and water the place where rooting takes place. Next spring, a new plant is planted in a separate pot, after cutting off the cuttings from the main tree.
  • Laurel should be propagated by seeds in the fall. To do this, take a pot, put drainage on the bottom, then sprinkle it with soil. Watered. Cover the pot with plastic wrap. They are waiting for the shoots to appear.
  • It is faster to get a young plant from a cutting of a young plant. To do this, take non-lignified cuttings with 2-3 buds or leaves. Prepare the soil in the same way as for growing from seeds, but cover the soil with a layer of sand on top. The length of the cutting is up to 8 cm. The cuttings are immersed so that the lower edge is 1 cm immersed in sand. The soil for the laurel is prepared by mixing humus, turf, and old foliage. Add peat and sand. If there are no such components, you can plant the laurel in universal primer, purchased in flower shop.

Good neighbors for the laurel in the room will be,. They will create a beautiful corner, and will also have a positive effect on the well-being of the owners. After all, the phytoncides that laurel leaves secrete contribute to this.

Although laurel is a subtropical plant, it can withstand even temperatures down to 5 degrees below zero. But this only applies to old sheets. Young, spring ones can freeze even with slight frosts. Therefore, you should not rush to take the tree out into the fresh air. It overwinters best at a temperature of 12-15°C. In summer he needs warmth. The optimal temperature will be 25-28 degrees. Laurel does not like sudden changes in temperature.

When choosing a place for a laurel, take into account that it feels best in a well-lit place. But direct sunlight on the leaves should be avoided. It also grows in the shade, but in this case the branches will stretch out and lose their decorative effect.

In an apartment or office, under no circumstances should you place a laurel near a radiator or other heating devices.

Laurus nobilis loves fresh air. Therefore, the room where it grows must be regularly ventilated. In summer, it is better to take the plant out onto the balcony or into the garden, placing it in partial shade. Laurel is not afraid of drafts. It tolerates heat well, but grows worse.

Like all subtropical plants, laurel grows well when high humidity air. To provide the tree comfortable conditions, regularly spray the leaves with water. It should be soft and not cold. Once a month, you can arrange a shower by covering the soil in the pot with plastic wrap.

How to water a plant:

  • In summer, you can ensure suitable humidity by placing a pot with a tree in large pallet, at the bottom of which pebbles and moss are laid. A little water is poured into it. If possible, you can spray the plant with a spray bottle several times a day.
  • In the warm season, water generously, but do not overwater, so as not to cause stagnation of water in the pot. In hot weather it is better to water in the morning and evening. Do not water during the day so as not to get water on the leaves. This can cause sunburn on them.
  • You can take tap water for irrigation only after it has settled well. Its temperature should be higher than in the room.
  • In winter, the number of waterings should be reduced and the interval between them increased. But you can’t overdry the soil either, as the plant may die. At this time, the laurel is not watered. You can periodically wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

In order for the laurel to be strong and beautiful, it needs to be fed. During the period of active growth, this is done once a month. Easier to use complex fertilizers. You can alternate organics and.

The laurel root system does not like to be disturbed. But the tree is growing and needs to be replanted. Therefore, it is better to do this by transshipment. This way the root system moves from one flowerpot to another along with a lump of earth, practically without being damaged.

Young laurel trees are replanted approximately every 2 years.

If it is not growing very actively, and there is enough space in the pot for the roots, you can do this even less often. Plants five years old and older are replanted after 4 years. The new pot is taken 3 cm wider than the previous one. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom. It will ensure timely drainage of water and protect the root system from stagnation of water.

You can use almost any soil, even ordinary garden soil. Add a little humus. If the soil is clayey, add sand to increase moisture permeability. If it is sandy, add a little clay. It will help you hold required amount moisture. Water the laurel generously, wait until the water is absorbed and the soil pulls away from the walls of the pot. Carefully remove the tree, laying it on its side on matting or oilcloth. Inspect the root system. If there are damaged roots, carefully cut them off and sprinkle the cut area with crushed charcoal. If possible, remove drainage pebbles entwined with roots.

The laurel crown lends itself well to shaping and pruning:

  • It is carried out in early spring so that the young shoots have time to grow. Lignified branches are shortened by 20 cm. New shoots will appear from the buds located below the cut point, and the bush will become curly and voluminous.
  • By pruning you can give the laurel the required form: ball, cone, pyramid or other, figured.
  • To form the crown unusual shape you need to start at a young age, trim more often, but little by little.
  • Some gardeners advise pruning laurel at the end of summer. They leave young shoots that will grow in the spring.

To remove scale insects manually, remove them using a damp cotton swab. This is a longer process. The treatment must be carried out until the scale insects disappear. But then you need to control it for some time, because young individuals may appear. At home, laurel is susceptible to some diseases, fungal or viral. A sign of damage can be a black sooty coating on the underside of the leaves. To combat them they use biological drugs, for example, "Gamair".

If the conditions for growing laurel are violated, it reacts by changing its appearance:

  • If the indoor air is too dry, the leaves will begin to curl.
  • If they dry out, you need to lower the room temperature.

These same symptoms may indicate high air density. Lower the temperature or move the plant to a cool place. Cover with a plastic bag. This will help increase the humidity. Soon the young leaves will begin to grow.

If the indoor temperature is too high in winter, the laurel may completely lose its leaves.

In this case, you need to move it to a cooler room. If you put it on plastic bag, then the leaves will recover very quickly. Laurel leaves are almost the same as those sold in the store. But experts do not recommend using it for food. It may happen that when grown in a greenhouse or in a flower shop, it was susceptible to treatment with chemicals harmful to the human body. And in modern apartments and offices it can absorb hazardous substances. In addition, as a result of drying at home, the leaves may lose their aroma.

More information can be found in the video:

Rooting cuttings is a very interesting activity. Special costs is not required, but in the end you can get joy by finding white roots through the walls of the glass.

I have always wanted to have laurel in my collection. Cool! A plant was growing in the kitchen on the windowsill, I tore off a leaf and threw it into the soup.

But seriously, laurel is a noble plant. It has long been believed that Laurel wreath and a laurel branch are symbols of glory, victory, greatness.

Moreover, the laurel evergreen and loves haircuts! When growing laurel at home, you can experiment, giving it any shape, whether you want it pyramidal, whether you want it spherical, whether you want it to grow as a bole, or whether you want it as a bush.

Laurel can easily tolerate straight Sun rays. Considering that every year the summer gets hotter and hotter and shading all the plants is a labor-intensive task, growing laurels is a real pleasure.

So, I will describe my experience of rooting laurel cuttings.

I acquired laurel cuttings completely by accident. Maybe not entirely by accident, since while walking around the market in the fall, I kept looking out to see if they were selling laurel branches. Usually they are sold already slightly dried or dried, and it is immediately clear that there will be no benefit from rooting such cuttings. And then, lo and behold, I met a Georgian woman who had the last two bunches of laurel branches.

If you purchase cuttings using my method, look carefully at the cuttings!

Laurel is often damaged by scale insects, so scale insects can be seen on cuttings. One bunch seemed suspicious to me, since I saw some growths on some branches of the laurel. I didn’t see anything dangerous or unfamiliar to me on the branches from the other bunch. However, just in case, during the rooting period of the laurel, I spilled the soil with aktara a couple of times. It’s better to play it safe so you don’t get “unpleasant surprises” in the form of some insects later.

It is also advisable that the twigs are not very dry, since if you plant a herbarium, it is unlikely that anything green will hatch.

So here is my bunch of laurel branches

And this is the branch itself with the eyes

To take root, I tore off all this beauty. I left 3-4 leaves on each cutting. I cut the leaves in half. I renewed the cut at the tip of the cutting and dipped it in root.

The cuttings were planted in peat with perlite and placed in a greenhouse in a bright place. This happened at the end of November. Periodically, the cuttings were examined and ventilated (for a short time, literally for half a minute). The greenhouse was opened and future laurels were sprayed with water. As I already wrote, I treated the laurels with actara a couple of times.

Sometimes this was found

The black leg has done its disastrous job. There is no point in re-rooting the plant. Perhaps the laurel stalk is still too young and green, which is why it rotted.

A month later, closer to the New Year, swollen buds were discovered on some laurel cuttings. I would like to note that this does not mean that the plant has taken root. However, we are already sure that it is green and viable to produce anything)

And on one laurel root this was found:

The roots are not yet visible through the glass, but there is hope that they will take root.

A month and a week have passed since rooting. The experiment continues...

Didenko Victoria



I wonder if the laurels have taken root or not?



To root, laurel must be “caught” during the growth period, and laurel has several periods (cut from mature but not lignified shoots and rooted in April and June-July).



I am now rooting laurel in boiled water, also around mid-November. In boiled water, the cuttings rot less, the beginnings of roots have now appeared, and a transparent bag is placed on the glass with the laurel to prevent drying out and create a microclimate.



I bought a bay broom with seeds at the market and buried these seeds in a flower pot. I add tea leaves to the top of the pot. I dug it up and forgot, and a few months later a laurel shoot started growing, all that was left was to replant it. In this way I grew lemon, tangerine, pomegranate and laurel.



Elena, cool!
I also planted pomegranates from seeds, they grew well, but did not bear fruit :-)



My laurel cuttings took root in water, it took a month or more. The roots are small, so I’m thinking, should I plant them in the ground or wait?



Lyudmila, I would wait for the roots to grow more, or if I can’t wait, I would stick it in the ground, but I would place the plant under a cover.



I have a laurel tree growing in a flowerpot at home, I think your advice will be useful to me in propagating laurel by cuttings



thanks a lot of interesting things



My laurel leaves are sticky, but not everything I can do, I don’t know how to contact you, I’m writing, but will it get there? I ask a question, but they don’t give me the same answer.



Valya, this is a scale insect, such a “beast”. How to deal with it can be found on the Internet.



Girls, my leaves have started to turn black and dry out, what should I do?



Hopefully it's due to excessive waterlogging. There's a fungus in the ground! need to change the soil!



I learned a lot of useful things from your notes, thank you everyone, I want to grow laurel at home, thank you everyone



in Sochi, laurel grows like grass and now tons of laurel trees and bushes were cut out at the cleanup day



Thanks for the information. I will root the laurel. I bought a bunch of laurel from Sukhumi at the market. but it's the end of January. I hope it works out. Katerina Cherkassy.